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Splice site recognition and catalysis of the transesterification reactions in the spliceosome are accompanied by a dynamic series of interactions involving conserved or invariant sequences in the spliceosomal snRNAs. We have used site-specific photoactivated crosslinking in yeast spliceosomes to monitor interactions between snRNAs and exon sequences near the 5' and 3' splice sites. The last nucleotide of the 5' exon can be crosslinked to an invariant loop sequence in U5 SnRNA before and after 5' splice site cleavage. The first nucleotide of the 3' exon can also be crosslinked to the same U5 loop sequence, but this contact is only detectable after the first transesterification. These results are in close agreement with earlier data from mammalian splicing extracts, and they are consistent with a model in which U5 snRNA aligns the 5' and 3' exons for the second transesterification. After the first catalytic step of splicing, the first nucleotide of the 3' exon can also crosslink to nt U23 in U2 snRNA. This is one of a cluster of residues in U2-U6 helix I implicated by mutational analysis in the second catalytic step of splicing. The crosslinking data suggest that these residues in U2-U6 helix I are in close proximity to the scissile phosphodiester bond at the 3' splice site prior to the second transesterification. These results constitute the first biochemical evidence for a direct interaction between the 3' splice site and U2 snRNA.  相似文献   

A notable feature of the newly described U12 snRNA-dependent class of eukaryotic nuclear pre-mRNA introns is the highly conserved 8-nt 5'' splice site sequence. This sequence is virtually invariant in all known members of this class from plants to mammals. Based on sequence complementarity between this sequence and the 5'' end of the U11 snRNA, we proposed that U11 snRNP may play a role in identifying and/or activating the 5'' splice site for splicing. Here we show that mutations of the conserved 5'' splice site sequence of a U12-dependent intron severely reduce correct splicing in vivo and that compensatory mutations in U11 snRNA can suppress the effects of the 5'' splice site mutations to varying extents. This provides evidence for a required interaction between U11 snRNA and the 5'' splice site sequence involving Watson-Crick base pairing. This data, in addition to a report that U11 snRNP is bound transiently to the U12-dependent spliceosome, suggests that U11 snRNP is the analogue of U1 snRNP in splicing this rare class of introns.  相似文献   

R K Alvi  M Lund    R T Okeefe 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》2001,7(7):1013-1023
Pre-messenger RNA splicing is a two-step process by which introns are removed and exons joined together. In yeast, the U5 snRNA loop 1 interacts with the 5' exon before the first step of splicing and with the 5' and 3' exons before the second step. In vitro studies revealed that yeast U5 loop 1 is not required for the first step of splicing but is essential for holding the 5' and 3' exons for ligation during the second step. It is critical, therefore, that loop 1 contacts the 5' exon before the first step of splicing to hold this exon following cleavage from the pre-mRNA. At present it is not known how U5 loop 1 is positioned on the 5' exon prior to the first step of splicing. To address this question, we have used site-specific photoactivated crosslinking in yeast spliceosomes to investigate the interaction of U5 loop 1 with the pre-mRNA prior to the first step of splicing. We have found that the highly conserved uridines in loop 1 make ATP-dependent contacts with an approximately 8-nt region at the 5' splice site that includes the invariant GU. These interactions are dependent on functional U2 and U6 snRNAs. Our results support a model where U5 snRNA loop 1 interacts with the 5' exon in two steps during its targeting to the 5' splice site.  相似文献   

Activation of a cryptic 5' splice site by U1 snRNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In the course of analyzing 5' splice site mutations in the second intron of Schizosaccharomyces pombe cdc2, we identified a cryptic 5' junction containing a nonconsensus nucleotide at position +2. An even more unusual feature of this cryptic 5' junction was its pattern of activation. By analyzing the profile of splicing products for an extensive series of cdc2 mutants in the presence and absence of compensatory U1 alleles, we have obtained evidence that the natural 5' splice site participates in activation of the cryptic 5' splice site, and that it does so via base pairing to U1 snRNA. Furthermore, the results of follow-up experiments strongly suggest that base pairing between U1 snRNA and the cryptic 5' junction itself plays a dominant role in its activation. Most remarkably, a mutant U1 can activate the cryptic 5' splice site even in the presence of a wild-type sequence at the natural 5' junction, providing unambiguous evidence that this snRNA redirects splicing via base pairing. Although previous work has demonstrated that U5 and U6 snRNAs can activate cryptic 5' splice sites through base pairing interactions, this is the first example in which U1 snRNA has been implicated in the final selection of a cryptic 5' junction.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the calcitonin (CT)-encoding exon 4 of the human calcitonin/calcitonin gene-related peptide I (CGRP-I) gene (CALC-I gene) is surrounded by suboptimal processing sites. At the 5' end of exon 4 a weak 3' splice site is present because of an unusual branch acceptor nucleotide (U) and a weak poly(A) site is present at the 3' end of exon 4. For CT-specific RNA processing two different exon enhancer elements, A and B, located within exon 4 are required. In this study we have investigated the cooperation of these elements in CT exon recognition and inclusion by transient transfection into 293 cells of CALC-I minigene constructs. Improvement of the strength of the 3' splice site in front of exon 4 by the branchpoint mutation U-->A reduces the requirement for the presence of exon enhancer elements within exon 4 for CT-specific RNA processing, irrespective of the length of exon 4. Replacement of the exon 4 poly(A) site with a 5' splice site does not result in CT exon recognition, unless also one or more exon enhancer elements and/or the branchpoint mutation U-->A in front of exon 4 are present. This indicates that terminal and internal exons are recognised in a similar fashion. The number of additional enhancing elements that are required for CT exon recognition depends on the strength of the 5' splice site. Deletion of a large part of intron 4 also leads to partial exon 4 skipping. All these different elements contribute to CT exon recognition and inclusion. The CT exon is recognised as a whole entity and the sum of the strengths of the different elements determines recognition as an exon. Curiously, in one of our constructs a 5' splice site at the end of exon 4 is either ignored by the splicing machinery of the cell or recognised as a splice donor or as a splice acceptor site.  相似文献   

Exon mutations uncouple 5' splice site selection from U1 snRNA pairing   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
B Séraphin  M Rosbash 《Cell》1990,63(3):619-629
It has previously been shown that a mutation of yeast 5' splice junctions at position 5 (GUAUGU) causes aberrant pre-mRNA cleavages near the correct 5' splice site. We show here that the addition of exon mutations to an aberrant cleavage site region transforms it into a functional 5' splice site both in vivo and in vitro. The aberrant mRNAs are translated in vivo. The results suggest that the highly conserved G at the 5' end of introns is necessary for the second step of splicing. Further analyses indicate that the location of the U1 snRNA-pre-mRNA pairing is not affected by the exon mutations and that the precise 5' splice site is selected independent of this pairing.  相似文献   

Pre-mRNA splicing is carried out by the spliceosome, which identifies exons and removes intervening introns. In vertebrates, most splice sites are initially recognized by the spliceosome across the exon, because most exons are small and surrounded by large introns. This gene architecture predicts that efficient exon recognition depends largely on the strength of the flanking 3' and 5' splice sites. However, it is unknown if the 3' or the 5' splice site dominates the exon recognition process. Here, we test the 3' and 5' splice site contributions towards efficient exon recognition by systematically replacing the splice sites of an internal exon with sequences of different splice site strengths. We show that the presence of an optimal splice site does not guarantee exon inclusion and that the best predictor for exon recognition is the sum of both splice site scores. Using a genome-wide approach, we demonstrate that the combined 3' and 5' splice site strengths of internal exons provide a much more significant separator between constitutive and alternative exons than either the 3' or the 5' splice site strength alone.  相似文献   

The U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (U1 snRNP) binds to the pre-mRNA 5' splice site (ss) at early stages of spliceosome assembly. Recruitment of U1 to a class of weak 5' ss is promoted by binding of the protein TIA-1 to uridine-rich sequences immediately downstream from the 5' ss. Here we describe a molecular dissection of the activities of TIA-1. RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) 2 and 3 are necessary and sufficient for binding to the pre-mRNA. The non- consensus RRM1 and the C-terminal glutamine-rich (Q) domain are required for association with U1 snRNP and to facilitate its recruitment to 5' ss. Co-precipitation experiments revealed a specific and direct interaction involving the N-terminal region of the U1 protein U1-C and the Q-rich domain of TIA-1, an interaction enhanced by RRM1. The results argue that binding of TIA-1 in the vicinity of a 5' ss helps to stabilize U1 snRNP recruitment, at least in part, via a direct interaction with U1-C, thus providing one molecular mechanism for the function of this splicing regulator.  相似文献   

S Teigelkamp  A J Newman    J D Beggs 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(11):2602-2612
Precursor RNAs containing 4-thiouridine at specific sites were used with UV-crosslinking to map the binding sites of the yeast protein splicing factor PRP8. PRP8 protein interacts with a region of at least eight exon nucleotides at the 5' splice site and a minimum of 13 exon nucleotides and part of the polypyrimidine tract in the 3' splice site region. Crosslinking of PRP8 to mutant and duplicated 3' splice sites indicated that the interaction is not sequence specific, nor does it depend on the splice site being functional. Binding of PRP8 to the 5' exon was established before step 1 and to the 3' splice site region after step 1 of splicing. These interactions place PRP8 close to the proposed catalytic core of the spliceosome during both transesterification reactions. To date, this represents the most extensive mapping of the binding site(s) of a splicing factor on the substrate RNA. We propose that the large binding sites of PRP8 stabilize the intrinsically weaker interactions of U5 snRNA with both exons at the splice sites for exon alignment by the U5 snRNP.  相似文献   

We have introduced a single photochemical crosslinking reagent into specific sites in the central domain of U6 to identify the sites that are in close proximity to the pre-mRNA substrate. Four distinct U6 snRNAs were synthesized with a single 4-thiouridine (4-thioU) at positions 46, 51, 54, and 57, respectively. Synthetic U6 RNA containing the 4-thioU modifications can functionally reconstitute splicing activity in cell-free yeast splicing extracts depleted of endogenous U6 snRNA. Upon photoactivation with UV (>300 nm), 4-thioU at position 46 forms crosslinks to pre-mRNA near the 5' splice site at nt +4, +5, +6, and +7 in the intron, whereas 4-thioU at position 51 crosslinks to the pre-mRNA at positions -2, -1, +1, +2, +3, and at the invariant G in the lariat intermediate. All crosslinks are dependent on the presence of ATP and the splicing substrate. The two crosslinks to the pre-mRNA from position 46 and 51 of U6 can also occur in prp2 heat-inactivated yeast splicing extracts blocked immediately prior to the first chemical step. Significantly, the crosslink from position 51 can undergo subsequent splicing when the mutant extract is complemented with functional Prp2 protein in a chase experiment, indicating that the crosslink reflects a functional interaction that is maintained during the first step. The crosslink to lariat intermediate appears when the mutant spliceosomes are complemented with functional Prp2 protein added exogenously. This experiment is a paradigm for future studies in which different mutant extracts are used to establish the stage in assembly at which particular RNA-RNA interactions defined by unique crosslinks occur.  相似文献   

Inclusion of fibronectin alternative exon B in mRNA is developmentally regulated. Here we demonstrate that exon B contains two unique purine-rich sequence tracts, PRE1 and PRE2, that are important for proper 5' splice site selection both in vivo and in vitro. Targeted mutations of both PREs decreased the inclusion of exon B in the mRNA by 50% in vivo. Deletion or mutation of the PREs reduced removal of the downstream intron, but not the upstream intron, and induced the activation of cryptic 5' splice sites in vitro. PRE-mediated 5' splice selection activity appears sensitive to position and sequence context. A well characterized exon sequence enhancer that normally acts on the upstream 3' splice site can partially rescue proper exon B 5' splice site selection. In addition, we found that PRE 5' splice selection activity was preserved when exon B was inserted into a heterologous pre-mRNA substrate. Possible roles of these unique activities in modulating exon B splicing are considered.  相似文献   

Pre-mRNA splicing in metazoans is mainly specified by sequences at the termini of introns. We have selected functional 5' splice sites from randomized intron sequences through repetitive rounds of in vitro splicing in HeLa cell nuclear extract. The consensus sequence obtained after one round of selection in normal extract closely resembled the consensus of natural occurring 5' splice sites, suggesting that the selection pressures in vitro and in vivo are similar. After three rounds of selection under competitive splicing conditions, the base pairing potential to the U1 snRNA increased, yielding a G100%U100%R94%A67%G89%U76%R83% intronic consensus sequence. Surprisingly, a nearly identical consensus sequence was obtained when the selection was performed in nuclear extract containing U1 snRNA with a deleted 5' end, suggesting that other factors than the U1 snRNA are involved in 5' splice site recognition. The importance of a consecutive complementarity between the 5' splice site and the U1 snRNA was analyzed systematically in the natural range for in vitro splicing efficiency and complex formation. Extended complementarity was inhibitory to splicing at a late step in spliceosome assembly when pre-mRNA substrates were incubated in normal extract, but favorable for splicing under competitive splicing conditions or in the presence of truncated U1 snRNA where transition from complex A to complex B occurred more rapidly. This suggests that stable U1 snRNA binding is advantageous for assembly of commitment complexes, but inhibitory for the entry of the U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP, probably due to a delayed release of the U1 snRNP.  相似文献   

J Ct  M J Simard    B Chabot 《Nucleic acids research》1999,27(12):2529-2537
The neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) gene contains an 801 nt exon that is included preferentially in neuronal cells. We have set up an in vitro splicing system that mimics the neuro-specific alternative splicing profile of NCAM exon 18. Splicing regulation is observed using model pre-mRNAs that contain competing 5' or 3' splice sites, suggesting that distinct pathways regulate NCAM 5' and 3' splice site selection. While inclusion of exon 18 is the predom-inant choice in neuronal cells, an element in the 5' common exon 17 improves exon 17/exon 19 splicing in a neuronal cell line. A similar behavior is observed in vitro as the element can stimulate the 5' splice site of exon 17 or a heterologous 5' splice site. The minimal 32 nt sequence of the exon 17 enhancer consists of purine stretches and A/C motifs. Mutations in the purine stretches compromise the binding of SR proteins and decreases splicing stimulation in vitro. Mutations in the A/C motifs do not affect SR protein binding but reduce enhancing activity. Our results suggest that the assembly of an enhancer complex containing SR proteins in a 5' common exon ensures that NCAM mRNAs lacking exon 18 are made in neuronal cells.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing (AS) constitutes a major mechanism creating protein diversity in humans. Previous bioinformatics studies based on expressed sequence tag and mRNA data have identified many AS events that are conserved between humans and mice. Of these events, ~25% are related to alternative choices of 3′ and 5′ splice sites. Surprisingly, half of all these events involve 3′ splice sites that are exactly 3 nt apart. These tandem 3′ splice sites result from the presence of the NAGNAG motif at the acceptor splice site, recently reported to be widely spread in the human genome. Although the NAGNAG motif is common in human genes, only a small subset of sites with this motif is confirmed to be involved in AS. We examined the NAGNAG motifs and observed specific features such as high sequence conservation of the motif, high conservation of ~30 bp at the intronic regions flanking the 3′ splice site and overabundance of cis-regulatory elements, which are characteristic of alternatively spliced tandem acceptor sites and can distinguish them from the constitutive sites in which the proximal NAG splice site is selected. Our findings imply that AS at tandem splice sites and constitutive splicing of the distal NAG are highly regulated.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of the skipping of constitutive exons in many messenger RNAs is not fully understood. A well-studied example is exon 9 of the human cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene (CFTR), in which an abbreviated polypyrimidine tract between the branch point A and the 3' splice site is associated with increased exon skipping and disease. However, many exons, both in CFTR and in other genes and have short polypyrimidine tracts in their 3' splice sites, yet they are not skipped. Inspection of the 5' splice sites immediately up- and downstream of exon 9 revealed deviations from consensus sequence, so we hypothesized that this exon may be inherently vulnerable to skipping. To test this idea, we constructed a CFTR minigene and replicated exon 9 skipping associated with the length of the polypyrimidine tract upstream of exon 9. We then mutated the flanking 5' splice sites and determined the effect on exon skipping. Conversion of the upstream 5' splice site to consensus by replacing a pyrimidine at position +3 with a purine resulted in increased exon skipping. In contrast, conversion of the downstream 5' splice site to consensus by insertion of an adenine at position +4 resulted in a substantial reduction in exon 9 skipping, regardless of whether the upstream 5' splice site was consensus or not. These results suggested that the native downstream 5' splice site plays an important role in CFTR exon 9 skipping, a hypothesis that was supported by data from sheep and mouse genomes. Although CFTR exon 9 in sheep is preceded by a long polypyrimidine tract (Y(14)), it skips exon 9 in vivo and has a nonconsensus downstream 5' splice site identical to that in humans. On the other hand, CFTR exon 9 in mice is preceded by a short polypyrimidine tract (Y(5)) but is not skipped in vivo. Its downstream 5' splice site differs from that in humans by a 2-nt insertion, which, when introduced into the human CFTR minigene, abolished exon 9 skipping. Taken together, these observations place renewed emphasis on deviations at 5' splice sites in nucleotides other than the invariant GT, particularly when such changes are found in conjunction with other altered splicing sequences, such as a shortened polypyrimidine tract. Thus, careful inspection of entire 5' splice sites may identify constitutive exons that are vulnerable to skipping.  相似文献   

We compiled sequences of previously published aberrant 3′ splice sites (3′ss) that were generated by mutations in human disease genes. Cryptic 3′ss, defined here as those resulting from a mutation of the 3′YAG consensus, were more frequent in exons than in introns. They clustered in ~20 nt region adjacent to authentic 3′ss, suggesting that their under-representation in introns is due to a depletion of AG dinucleotides in the polypyrimidine tract (PPT). In contrast, most aberrant 3′ss that were induced by mutations outside the 3′YAG consensus (designated ‘de novo’) were in introns. The activation of intronic de novo 3′ss was largely due to AG-creating mutations in the PPT. In contrast, exonic de novo 3′ss were more often induced by mutations improving the PPT, branchpoint sequence (BPS) or distant auxiliary signals, rather than by direct AG creation. The Shapiro–Senapathy matrix scores had a good prognostic value for cryptic, but not de novo 3′ss. Finally, AG-creating mutations in the PPT that produced aberrant 3′ss upstream of the predicted BPS in vivo shared a similar ‘BPS-new AG’ distance. Reduction of this distance and/or the strength of the new AG PPT in splicing reporter pre-mRNAs improved utilization of authentic 3′ss, suggesting that AG-creating mutations that are located closer to the BPS and are preceded by weaker PPT may result in less severe splicing defects.  相似文献   

We have detected a surprising heterogeneity among human spliceosomal U1 small nuclear RNA (snRNA). Most interestingly, we have identified three U1 snRNA variants that lack complementarity to the canonical 5' splice site (5'SS) GU dinucleotide. Furthermore, we have observed heterogeneity among the identified variant U1 snRNA genes caused by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). The identified snRNAs were ubiquitously expressed in a variety of human tissues representing different stages of development and displayed features of functional spliceosomal snRNAs, i.e., trimethylated cap structures, association with Sm proteins and presence in nuclear RNA-protein complexes. The unanticipated heterogeneity among spliceosomal snRNAs could contribute to the complexity of vertebrates by expanding the coding capacity of their genomes.  相似文献   

The minor U12-dependent class of eukaryotic nuclear pre-mRNA introns is spliced by a distinct spliceosomal mechanism that requires the function of U11, U12, U5, U4atac, and U6atac snRNAs. Previous work has shown that U11 snRNA plays a role similar to U1 snRNA in the major class spliceosome by base pairing to the conserved 5'' splice site sequence. Here we show that U6atac snRNA also base pairs to the 5'' splice site in a manner analogous to that of U6 snRNA in the major class spliceosome. We show that splicing defective mutants of the 5'' splice site can be activated for splicing in vivo by the coexpression of compensatory U6atac snRNA mutants. In some cases, maximal restoration of splicing required the coexpression of compensatory U11 snRNA mutants. The allelic specificity of mutant phenotype suppression is consistent with Watson-Crick base pairing between the pre-mRNA and the snRNAs. These results provide support for a model of the RNA-RNA interactions at the core of the U12-dependent spliceosome that is strikingly similar to that of the major class U2-dependent spliceosome.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide changes to the sequence between two alternative 5' splice sites, separated by 25 nucleotides in a beta-globin gene derivative, caused substantial shifts in pre-mRNA splicing preferences, both in vivo and in vitro. An activating sequence for splicing was located. Models for the recognition by U1 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) of competing 5' splice sites were tested by altering the distance separating the two sites. Use of the upstream splice site declined sharply when it was separated from the downstream (natural) site by distances of 40 nucleotides or more. This effect was reversed in vivo, but not in vitro, by altering the upstream sequence to that of a consensus 5' splice site sequence. Dilution of an extract used for splicing in vitro shifted preferences when the sites were close towards the downstream site. We conclude that the mechanism of selection depends on the distance apart of the potential splice sites and that with close sites steric interference between factors bound to both sites may impede splicing and affect splicing preferences.  相似文献   

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