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Effective dose (E) has been developed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) as a dose quantity with a link to risks of health detriment, mainly cancer. It is based on reference phantoms representing average individuals, but this is often forgotten in its application to medical exposures, for which its use sometimes goes beyond the intended purpose. There has been much debate about issues involved in the use of E in medicine and ICRP is preparing a publication with more information on this application. This article aims to describe the development of E and explain how it should be used in medicine. It discusses some of the issues that arise when E is applied to medical exposures and provides information on how its use might evolve in the future. The article concludes with responses to some frequently asked questions about uses of E that are in line with the forthcoming ICRP publication. The main use of E in medicine is in meaningful comparison of doses from different types of procedure not possible with measurable dose quantities. However, it can be used, with appropriate care, as a measure of possible cancer risks. When considering E to individual patients, it is important to note that the dose received will differ from that assessed for reference phantoms, and the risk per Sv is likely to be greater on average in children and less in older adults. Newer techniques allow the calculation of patient-specific E which should be distinguished from the reference quantity.  相似文献   

The seeming increase in the incidence of peptic ulcer after 1900 quickly occupied the attention of physicians. Their understanding and treatment of peptic ulcer was shaped not only by new diagnostic tools, but by differences between contesting medical specialties, broad concepts or paradigms current in the larger medical and scientific community, and prevailing social and ideological beliefs. Surgeons and internists, for example, were often at odds over appropriate therapies; each maintained that personal experiences demonstrated the efficacy of their therapies. Nor were etiological theories derived from empirical data. The claim that peptic ulcer resulted from focal infections was simply a reflection of the popularity of germ theory. Other explanations included the role of stress, race, constitutional makeup, psychosomatic factors, and the pressures of modern industrial society. Virtually all were derivative and reflected social and intellectual currents that were common in the larger society of which medicine was but a part. Thus, the history of peptic ulcer during the first half of the 20th century provides an instructive and in many ways a typical case study in the complexities posed by the emergence of modern medicine.  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence (AI) has recently become a very popular buzzword, as a consequence of disruptive technical advances and impressive experimental results, notably in the field of image analysis and processing. In medicine, specialties where images are central, like radiology, pathology or oncology, have seized the opportunity and considerable efforts in research and development have been deployed to transfer the potential of AI to clinical applications. With AI becoming a more mainstream tool for typical medical imaging analysis tasks, such as diagnosis, segmentation, or classification, the key for a safe and efficient use of clinical AI applications relies, in part, on informed practitioners. The aim of this review is to present the basic technological pillars of AI, together with the state-of-the-art machine learning methods and their application to medical imaging. In addition, we discuss the new trends and future research directions. This will help the reader to understand how AI methods are now becoming an ubiquitous tool in any medical image analysis workflow and pave the way for the clinical implementation of AI-based solutions.  相似文献   

癌症具有较高的发病率和致死率,对人类健康具有重大威胁。癌症预后分析可以有效避免过度治疗及医疗资源的浪费,为医务人员及家属进行医疗决策提供科学依据,已成为癌症研究的必要条件。随着近年来人工智能技术的迅速发展,对癌症患者的预后情况进行自动化分析成为可能。此外,随着医疗信息化的发展,智慧医疗的理念受到广泛关注。癌症患者作为智慧医疗的重要组成部分,对其进行有效的智能预后分析十分必要。本文综述现有基于机器学习的癌症预后方法。首先,对机器学习与癌症预后进行概述,介绍癌症预后及相关的机器学习方法,分析机器学习在癌症预后中的应用;然后,对基于机器学习的癌症预后方法进行归纳,包括癌症易感性预测、癌症复发性预测、癌症生存期预测,梳理了它们的研究现状、涉及到的癌症类型与数据集、用到的机器学习方法及预后性能、特点、优势与不足;最后,对癌症预后方法进行总结与展望。  相似文献   

Most early evolutionary thinkers came from medicine, yet evolution has had a checkered history in medical education. It is only in the last few decades that serious efforts have begun to be made to integrate evolutionary biology into the medical curriculum. However, it is not clear when, where (independently or as part of preclinical or clinical teaching courses) and, most importantly, how should medical students learn the basic principles of evolutionary biology applied to medicine, known today as evolutionary or Darwinian medicine. Most clinicians are ill-prepared to teach evolutionary biology and most evolutionary biologists ill-equipped to formulate clinical examples. Yet, if evolutionary science is to have impact on clinical thought, then teaching material that embeds evolution within the clinical framework must be developed. In this paper, we use two clinical case studies to demonstrate how such may be used to teach evolutionary medicine to medical students in a way that is approachable as well as informative and relevant.  相似文献   

Semmelweis's investigations of puerperal fever are some of the most interesting in the history of medicine. This paper considers analysis of the Semmelweis case. It argues that this analysis is inadequate and needs to be supplemented by some Kuhnian ideas. Kuhn's notion of paradigm needs to be modified to apply to medicine in order to take account of the classification schemes involved in medical theorising. However with a suitable modification it provides an explanation of Semmelweis's failure which is argued to be superior to some of the external reasons often given. Despite this success in applying Kuhn's ideas to medicine, it is argued that these ideas must be further modified to take account of the fact that medicine is not a natural science but primarily a practice designed to prevent and cure diseases.  相似文献   

面对区域医疗资源布局失衡、城乡医疗卫生资源配置不均衡的现状,我国部分地区开始落实推行三级医院医疗资源下沉,通过举例分析浙江、河南、福建医疗资源下沉的不同实践模式,从供给侧视角分析优质医疗资源下沉中存在的困境。建议大力推进供给侧结构改革,增加医疗资源的供给,加大政府财政对医疗资源的投入,并坚持市场机制在资源配置中的决定性作用;鼓励社会资本办医,增加供给的主体;鼓励执业医师多点执业缓解医疗人才供给的不足,促进医疗供给结构调整,促使医疗资源下沉。  相似文献   

Over time, contemporary writing becomes part of the historical record. In medicine, it is an important learning tool, particularly for understanding the experience and context of disease and illness. Although a century has elapsed since the fictional events on a single day described in James Joyce's Ulysses, the work is still fresh with references and allusions to doctors, illnesses, and the human experience. Ulysses provides perspective on medical and social history and offers a biting commentary of continuing relevance to the doctor-patient relationship.  相似文献   

Since 1980, as part of the Ituri Project, researchers have been studying numerous aspects of the biology, health, economy, and social relations of Efe (Pygmies) and Lese villagers living in the Ituri Forest region of north-eastern Zaire. The Efe are seminomadic people who hunt and gather forest resources for their own consumption and for exchange with sedentary subsistence farmers. The Lese are Sudanic-speaking subsistence farmers who practice shifting slash-and-burn horticulture and live in semipermanent villages. Relations between the Efe and Lese have been close for many generations and extend beyond economic exchange to include most aspects of ritual and social life. This paper serves as an introduction to five subsequent papers that report findings from research on these two forest-living populations. It provides background information concerning the ecology and history of human occupation of the Ituri region of central Africa; it describes the study area and the study populations; it discusses how the annual subsistence cycles of the Efe and Lese relate to rainfall and food availability; and it provides further information concerning Ituri Project research during the last 7 years.  相似文献   

This paper examines adaptation as a transactive process involving the skills and capacities of individuals and their supporting groups on the one hand, and the types of challenges they face on the other. Many difficulties in understanding stress processes in illness result from the confusion between illness and illness behavior. It is argued that the medical record is as much a history of the individual's behavior and social selection processes as it is a reflection of levels of physical health. Various examples are discussed, illustrating how medical records can be misleading in research examining the relationship between stress and illness, and how influences attributed to stress may be the result of illness behavior. The paper concludes by examining alternative conceptual models for studying the relationships between life challenges, illness behavior and illness.  相似文献   

General practitioners are often asked for medical certificates (housing "lines") by applicants for council housing who claim to have medical problems requiring housing priority. The results of a survey by questionnaire showed that general practitioners in Edinburgh do not know how the housing system works and that they seem to overestimate their patients'' chances of obtaining suitable council housing. General practitioners need to know how the housing system works, and communication between general practitioners and housing departments should be improved. A comparison was also made between the number of medical points awarded by a community medicine specialist and a group of general practitioners who had written housing "lines" for their patients. The general practitioners tended to award more points than the specialist. Social priority for housing should be recognised as an independent factor and a new category of top social priority added.  相似文献   

Since 1839, Yale medical students have been writing theses as part of their professional training. It is an introduction to the practice of original research, a demanding and sometimes exhausting pursuit. The thesis project promotes a tenacity well suited for the practice of medicine. The thesis advisor has a challenging role as well — one that can only be filled by an individual whose dedication to research is matched with a patience for mentoring students.  相似文献   

S.B. Akben 《IRBM》2018,39(5):353-358


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a disorder associated with breakdown of kidney structure and function. CKD can be diagnosed in its early stage only by experienced nephrologists and urologists (medical experts) using the disease history, symptoms and laboratory tests. There are few studies related to the automatic diagnosis of CKD in the literature. However, these methods are not adequate to help the medical experts.


In this study, a new method was proposed to automatically diagnose the chronic kidney disease in its early stage. The method aims to help the medical diagnosis utilizing the results of urine test, blood test and disease history. Classification algorithms were used as the data mining methods. In the method section of the study, analysis data were first subjected to pre-processing. In the first phase of the method section of the study, pre-processing was applied to CKD data. K-Means clustering method was used as the pre-processing method. Then, the classification methods (KNN, SVM, and Naïve Bayes) were applied to pre-processed data to diagnose the CKD.


Highest success rate obtained by classification methods is 97.8% (98.2% for ages 35 and older). This result showed that the data mining methods are useful for automatic diagnosis of CKD in its early stage.


A new automatic early stage CKD diagnosis method was proposed to help the medical doctors. Attributes that would provide the highest diagnosis success rate were the use of specific gravity, albumin, sugar and red blood cells together. Also, the relation between the success rate of automatic diagnosis method and age was identified.  相似文献   

胡晋红  黄瑾 《生命科学》2012,(11):1250-1257
创新技术的开展和转化医学的注重给医学的发展注入了新的活力,但同时,也带来了一系列社会伦理问题和法律问题。生命医学伦理学的兴起和发展催生了医学研究伦理学分支学科形成,目的在于推进解决涉及人体的医学研究的伦理问题。当前,面临的最突出的伦理问题在于,对医学研究合法性、先进性及伦理性的把握,对医学研究伦理审查必要性的认知,对医学研究方案设计与伦理道德的匹配,对医学研究知情同意的告知,对医学研究风险与受益的平衡。逐步与国际接轨,加强伦理委员会制度建设;提高伦理审查能力建设,形成高水平的伦理审查队伍;学术组织和团体共同努力,推进医学研究伦理学的发展,这将助推医学研究伦理学的发展。  相似文献   

Both medicine and the history of medicine have seen many changes in the last four decades. The way we tell the story of medical developments no longer concentrates on the important doctors and their ideas. The influences of social history in the 1960s and 1970s and cultural history in the 1980s and 1990s have broadened and enriched the interpretations of our medical past. The social historians have helped us to include politics, economics, and the leading ideas of any period we wanted to study; the cultural approach has added ethnography as well as an emphasis on language or discourse.Today there is a new history of medicine, one far more willing to cross disciplinary boundaries to ask questions about how we know what we know and why we do what we do.This article highlights some of the work in the adjoining fields of medical anthropology and of literature and medicine to demonstrate new interests, new questions, and new methods of inquiry. However, although we have cast our nets far more widely in the process of professionalizing the history of medicine, there is a question about whether we have lost the appeal to one of our core constituencies: medical students and physicians. We need to welcome some of the new changes in medical history as in medicine itself; the common goal is to achieve a better understanding of what we have done and what we are doing.  相似文献   


This study aims to shed a light on women belonging to the Greek Orthodox Christian (Rum Polites) community in Istanbul, Turkey and their perception of their identity with the help of satellite broadcasting (ERT World). This research is the first attempt to analyse Rum women's viewing attitudes and their correlations with a number of variables such as education, age, family structure, religion, occupation, and their perceptions of themselves as part of a distinctive religious and cultural entity. Since the female members of the community are heavy television viewers, television is a powerful tool to construct a social reality and a sense of self. By conducting in-depth interviews and interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), this study aims to reveal how this unique community makes sense of their identities and social worlds through television.  相似文献   

The concept of medicalization has given rise to considerable discussion in the social sciences, focusing especially on the extension of medicine’s jurisdiction and its hold over our bodies through the reduction of social phenomena to individual biological pathologies. However, the process leading to medical treatment may start when individuals engage in self-medication and thus practice “self-medicalization.” But, can we apply to this concept the same type of analysis as the first and see merely the individual’s replication of the social control mechanisms to which he/she usually falls victim? This article aims to demonstrate that the medicalization individuals practice on themselves takes on a completely different meaning to that practiced by the medical profession. Empirical data collected in France show that self-medicalization, which may involve treating a problem medically when doctors believe it to be of a non-medical nature, can be an attempt by individuals to furnish a social explanation for their somatic problems and experiences. In this article, I examine the social and political significance of this phenomenon.  相似文献   


While there are a number of sleep medicine and sleep research publications in Asia, and their quality is increasing each year, the actual situation of sleep disorders in the general population still remains an issue of major concern. Scientists and medical doctors believe that, for the first time in history, the general lack of sleep could lead to a diminution of life expectancy. It is also known that, as people are working more and more and are more tired, they are more likely to become victims of accidents. Most of the time these incidents have little gravity, but sometimes they can cost thousands of innocent lives or contribute to disasters such as the Chernobyl nuclear plant explosion or the Bhopal gas tragedy. Based on the Asian Sleep Research Society Summit and Symposium Round Table held during the fall of 2009 on Okinawa, this review aims to give an accurate view of the actual situation of sleep research and medicine in Asia. The particular example of the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome will illustrate the importance of sleep medicine in this part of the world. Finally, the actual situation will be discussed to elaborate some possible strategies to improve the sleep situation for Asian populations.


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