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A scale of selectivity for the binding of calcium and some heavy metal ions by citrus and sugar-beet pectins was set up by pH-measurements. The same order of selectivity was found for the two pectins, decreasing as follows: Cu2+ Pb2+ Zn2+ > Cd2+ Ni2+ ≥ Ca2+. Binding isotherms for Ca2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ ions have shown a greater binding level when the ionic strength decreased and when the pectin concentration increased in the presence of 0.1 M NaNO3. By comparing binding isotherms, the same order of selectivity was found as by pH-studies. Scatchard plots and Hill index evaluation showed for all ions and all pectins anticooperative interactions in water. In the presence of 0.1 M NaNO3, citrus pectins displayed cooperative interactions for all metal ions. In contrast, for sugar-beet pectins, cooperative interactions only occured with Cu2+ and Pb2+. With Ca2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ sugar-beet pectins displayed Scatchard plots which could not be distinguished from an anticooperative binding. This difference of behaviour could be related to the presence of acetyl groups decreasing the affinity of Me2+ for sugar-beet pectins.  相似文献   

The interaction between Cu2+ and a few uracil derivatives has been investigated by means of electron spin resonance and optical absorption studies. It could be shown that a charge transfer interaction occurs. Its strength depends upon the electron attracting or releasing properties of the substituents of the nucleobase.  相似文献   

The interaction between Cu2+ and a few uracil derivatives has been investigated by means of electron spin resonance and optical absorption studies. It could be shown that a charge transfer interaction occurs. Its strength depends upon the electron attracting or releasing properties of the substitutents of the nucleobase.  相似文献   

Immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) of proteins containing poly-histidine fusion tags is an efficient research tool for purifying recombinant proteins from crude cellular feedstocks at laboratory scale. Nevertheless, to achieve successful purification of large amounts of the target protein for critical therapeutic applications that demand the precise removal of fusion tags, it is important to also take into consideration issues such as protein quality, efficiency, cost effectiveness, and optimal affinity tag choice and design. Despite the many considerations described in this article, it is expected that enhanced selectivity, the primary consideration in the field of protein separation, will continue to see the use of IMAC in solving new purification challenges. In addition, the platform nature of this technology makes it an ideal choice in purifying proteins with unknown properties. Finally, the unique interaction between immobilized metal ions and poly-histidine fusion tag has enabled new developments in the areas of biosensor, immunoassay, and other analytical technologies.  相似文献   

Influence of metal ions (Fe2+, Fe3+, Cu2+, Zn2+) on the protective effect of rutin, dihydroquercetin, and green tea epicatechins against in vitro asbestos-induced cell injury was studied. Metals have been found to increase the capacity of rutin and dihydroquercetin to protect peritoneal macrophages against chrysotile asbestos-induced injury. The data presented here show that this effect is due to the formation of flavonoid metal complexes, which turned out to be more effective radical scavengers than uncomplexed flavonoids. At the same time epicatechins and their metal complexes have similar antiradical properties and protective capacities against the asbestos induced injury of macrophages. Metal complexes of all flavonoids were found to be considerably more potent than parent flavonoids in protecting red blood cells against asbestos-induced injury. It was also found that the metal complexes of all flavonoids were absorbed by chrysotile asbestos fibers considerably better than uncomplexed compounds and probably for this reason flavonoid metal complexes have better protective properties against asbestos induced hemolysis. Thus, the results of the present study show that flavonoid metal complexes may be effective therapy for the inflammatory response associated with the inhalation of asbestos fiber. The advantage of their application could be the strong increase in ROS scavenging by flavonoids and finally a better cell protection under the conditions of cellular oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The interaction of proteins with immobilized transition-metal ions proceeds via mechanisms influenced by metal type and degree of coordination, variations in mobile phase constituents, and protein surface architecture at or near the metal binding site(s). The contributions each of these variables make toward the affinity of protein surfaces for immobilized metal ions remain empirical. We have used equilibrium binding analyses to evaluate the influence of pH and competitive binding reagents on the apparent equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) and binding capacity of immobilized Cu(II) and Ni(II) ions for several model proteins of known three-dimensional structure. Linear Scatchard plots suggested that 8/13 of the proteins evaluated interacted with immobilized metal ions via a single class of operational (Kd = 10-700 microM) binding sites. Those proteins with the highest affinities for the immobilized Cu(II) ions (5/13) showed evidence of multiple, non-identical or nonindependent binding sites. The effects of altered metal type, pH, and concentration of competitive affinity reagents (e.g., imidazole, free metal ions) on the apparent Kd and binding capacity varied in magnitude for individual proteins. The presence of free Cu(II) ions did not detectably alter either the affinity or binding capacity of the proteins for immobilized Cu(II) ions. The expected relationship between the relative chromatographic elution sequence and calculated affinity constants was not entirely evident by evaluation under only one set of conditions. Our results demonstrate the utility of nonchromatographic equilibrium binding analyses for the quantitative evaluation of experimental variables affecting the relative affinity and capacity of immobilized metal ions for proteins. This approach affords the opportunity to improve understanding and to vary the contribution of interaction mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Surveys of X-ray structures of Ca2+-containing and lanthanide ion-containing proteins and coordination complexes have been performed and structural features of the metal binding sites compared. A total of 515 structures of Ca2+-containing proteins were considered, although the final data set contained only 44 structures and 60 Ca2+ binding sites with a total of 323 ligands. Eighteen protein structures containing lanthanide ions were considered with a final data set containing eight structures and 11 metal binding sites. Structural features analysed include coordination numbers of the metal ions, the identity of their ligands, the denticity of carboxylate ligands, and the type of secondary structure from which the ligands are derived. Three general types of calcium binding site were identified in the final data set: class I sites supply the Ca2+ ligands from a continuous short sequence of amino acids; class II sites have one ligand supplied by a part of the amino acid sequence far removed from the main binding sequence; and class III sites are created by amino acids remote from one another in the sequence. The abundant EF-hand type of Ca2+ binding site was under-represented in the data set of structures analysed as far as its biological distribution is concerned, but was adequately represented for the chemical survey undertaken. A turn or loop structure was found to provide the bulk of the ligands to Ca2+, but helix and sheet secondary structures are slightly better providers of bidentate carboxylate ligation than turn or loop structures. The average coordination number for Ca2+ was 6.0, though for EF-hand sites it is 7. The average coordination number of a lanthanide ion in an intrinsic protein Ca2+ site was 7.2, but for the adventitious sites was only 4.4. A survey of the Cambridge Structural Database showed there are small-molecule lanthanide complexes with low coordination numbers but it is likely that water molecules, which do not appear in the electron density maps, are present for some lanthanide sites in proteins. A detailed comparison of the well-defined Ca2+ and lanthanide ion binding sites suggests that a reduction of hydrogen bonding associated with the ligating residues of the binding sites containing lanthanide ions may be a response to the additional positive charge of the lanthanide ion. Major structural differences between Ca2+ binding sites with weak and strong binding affinities were not obvious, a consequence of long-range electrostatic interactions and metal ion-induced protein conformational changes modulating affinities.  相似文献   

The prion protein (PrP) has been identified as a metalloprotein capable of binding multiple copper ions and possibly zinc. Recent studies now indicate that prion self-recognition may be an important factor in both the normal function and misfunction of this protein. We have developed fluorescently labeled models of the prion protein that allow prion-prion interactions and metal binding to be investigated on the molecular level. Peptides encompassing the full metal binding region were anchored to the surface of small unilamellar vesicles, and PrP-PrP interactions were monitored by fluorescence spectroscopy as a function of added metal. Both Cu2+ and Zn2+ were found to cause an increase in the level of PrP-PrP interactions, by 117 and 300%, respectively, whereas other metals such as Ni2+, Co2+, and Ca2+ had no effect. The binding of either of these cofactors appears to act as a switch that induces PrP-PrP interactions in a reversible manner. Both glutamine and tryptophan residues, which occur frequently in the metal binding region of PrP, were found to be important in mediating PrP-PrP interactions. Experiments demonstrate that tryptophan residues are also responsible for the low level of PrP-PrP interactions observed in the absence of Cu2+ and Zn2+, and this is further supported by molecular modeling. Overall, our results indicate that PrP may be a bifunctional molecule capable of responding to fluctuations in both neuronal Cu2+ and Zn2+ levels.  相似文献   

Transferrins are two-domain proteins with a very strong site for iron binding located in each domain. Using ultrasensitive titration calorimetry, the binding of ferric ion (chelated with a 2-fold molar excess of nitrilotriacetate) to the two sites of ovotransferrin was studied in detail as well as the binding to the single site in the N- and C-terminal half-molecules. In the presence of excess bicarbonate ion, the binding occurs in two kinetic steps. The fast process of contact binding is instantaneous with respect to instrument response time, is strongly exothermic for the N site and less so for the C site, and corresponds to binding of the chelated ferric ion. The slower process of bicarbonate insertion with concomitant release of nitrilotriacetate occurs on a time scale of 2-20 min over the temperature range 7-37 degrees C and is endothermic for the N site and exothermic for the C site, with rates being significantly slower for insertion at the C site. The delta H of binding is strongly temperature-dependent for both sites, arising from a large negative delta Cp of binding which probably indicates removal of hydrophobic groups from contact with water. When bicarbonate ion is absent, only the fast process of contact binding is seen. Each site within a half-molecule is qualitatively similar to the same site in intact ovotransferrin, although quantitative differences were detected. It was shown that contact binding to ovotransferrin occurs reversibly with free exchange of Fe+3 between N and C sites, while the attachment to either site becomes essentially irreversible after bicarbonate insertion. The strong preference for the first ferric ion to bind to the N site is shown to be due to its larger contact binding constant and the faster rate of bicarbonate insertion, relative to the C site, and is not due to stronger thermodynamic binding after bicarbonate insertion. True equilibrium is achieved only over much longer periods of time. In another series of experiments, direct binding studies were carried out between the two half-molecules under different states of ligation with Fe+3 in the presence of bicarbonate. The results indicate that the two binding sites in ovotransferrin, separated by ca. 40 A, are not independent of one another but communicate as a result of ligand-dependent changes in the heats and free energies of domain-domain interactions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Calsequestrin is a Ca2+-binding protein located intraluminally in the junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of striated muscle. In this study, Ca2+ binding to cardiac calsequestrin was assessed directly by equilibrium dialysis and correlated with effects on protein conformation and calsequestrin's ability to interact with other SR proteins. Cardiac calsequestrin bound 800-900 nmol of Ca2+/mg of protein (35-40 mol of Ca2+/mol of calsequestrin). Associated with Ca2+ binding to cardiac calsequestrin was a loss in protein hydrophobicity, as revealed with use of absorbance difference spectroscopy, fluorescence emission spectroscopy, and photoaffinity labeling with the hydrophobic probe 3-(trifluoromethyl)-3-(m-[125]iodophenyl)diazirine. Ca2+ binding to cardiac calsequestrin also caused a large change in its hydrodynamic character, almost doubling the sedimentation coefficient. We observed that cardiac calsequestrin was very resistant to several proteases after binding Ca2+, consistent with a global effect of Ca2+ on protein conformation. Moreover, Ca2+ binding to cardiac calsequestrin completely prevented its interaction with several calsequestrin-binding proteins, which we identified in cardiac junctional SR vesicles for the first time. The principal calsequestrin-binding protein identified in junctional SR vesicles exhibited an apparent Mr of 26,000 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. This 26-kDa calsequestrin-binding protein was greatly reduced in free SR vesicles and absent from sarcolemmal vesicles and was different from phospholamban, an SR regulatory protein exhibiting a similar molecular weight. Our results suggest that the specific interaction of calsequestrin with this 26-kDa protein may be regulated by Ca2+ concentration in intact cardiac muscle, when the Ca2+ concentration inside the junctional SR falls to submillimolar levels during coupling of excitation to contraction.  相似文献   

We have used equilibrium binding analyses to evaluate the influence of temperature and urea on the affinity of hen egg white lysozyme and bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A for surface-immobilized Cu(II) ions. Linear Scatchard plots suggested that these model proteins were interacting with immobilized metal ions via a single class of intermediate-affinity (Kd = 10-40 microM) binding sites. Alterations in temperature had little or no effect on the immobilized Cu(II) binding capacity of either protein. Temperature effects on the interaction affinity, however, were protein-dependent and varied considerably. The affinity of lysozyme for immobilized Cu(II) ions was significantly decreased with increased temperature (0 degree C-37 degrees C), yet the affinity of ribonuclease did not vary measurably over the same temperature range. The van 't Hoff plot (1n K vs 1/T) for lysozyme suggests a straight line relationship (single mechanism) with a delta H of approximately -5.5 kcal/mol. Urea effects also varied in a protein-dependent manner. A 10-fold reduction in the affinity of lysozyme for the immobilized Cu(II) was observed with the urea concentrations up to 3 M; yet urea had no effect on the affinity of ribonuclease for the immobilized metal ions. Although the interaction capacity of lysozyme with the immobilized Cu(II) ions was decreased by 50% in 3 M urea, ribonuclease interaction capacity was not diminished in urea. Thus, temperature- and urea-dependent alterations in protein-metal ion interactions were observed for lysozyme but not ribonuclease A. The complete, yet reversible, inhibition of lysozyme- and ribonuclease-metal ion interactions by carboxyethylation with low concentrations of diethylpyrocarbonate provided direct evidence of histidyl involvement. The differential response of these proteins to the effects of temperature and urea was, therefore, interpreted based on calculated solvent-accessibilities and surface distributions of His residues, individual His residue pKa values, and specific features of the protein surface structure in the immediate environment of the surface-exposed histidyl residues. Possible interaction mechanisms involved in protein recognition of macromolecular surface-immobilized metal ions are presented.  相似文献   

Lee DW  Hong YH  Choe EA  Lee SJ  Kim SB  Lee HS  Oh JW  Shin HH  Pyun YR 《FEBS letters》2005,579(5):1261-1266
To gain insight into the structural stability of homologous homo-tetrameric l-arabinose isomerases (AI), we have examined the isothermal guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl)-induced unfolding of AIs from mesophilic Bacillus halodurans (BHAI), thermophilic Geobacillus stearothermophilus (GSAI), and hyperthermophilic Thermotoga maritima (TMAI) using circular dichroism spectroscopy. The GdnHCl-induced unfolding of the AIs can be well described by a two-state reaction between native tetramers and unfolded monomers, which directly confirms the validity of the linear extrapolation method to obtain the intrinsic stabilities of these proteins. The resulting unfolding free energy (DeltaGU) values of the AIs as a function of temperature were fit to the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation to determine their thermodynamic parameters based on a two-state mechanism. Compared with the stability curves of BHAI in the presence and absence of Mn2+, those of holo GSAI and TMAI were more broadened than those of the apo enzymes at all temperatures, indicating increased melting temperatures (Tm) due to decreased heat capacity (DeltaGp). Moreover, the extent of difference in DeltaCp between the apo and holo thermophilic AIs is larger than that of BHAI. From these studies, we suggest that the metal dependence of the thermophilic AIs, resulting in the reduced DeltaCp, may play a significant role in structural stability compared to their mesophilic analogues, and that the extent of metal dependence of AI stability seems to be highly correlated to oligomerization.  相似文献   

Chemical and thermal denaturation of calmodulin has been monitored spectroscopically to determine the stability for the intact protein and its two isolated domains as a function of binding of Ca2+ or Mg2+. The reversible urea unfolding of either isolated apo-domain follows a two-state mechanism with relatively low deltaG(o)20 values of approximately 2.7 (N-domain) and approximately 1.9 kcal/mol (C-domain). The apo-C-domain is significantly unfolded at normal temperatures (20-25 degrees C). The greater affinity of the C-domain for Ca2+ causes it to be more stable than the N-domain at [Ca2+] > or = 0.3 mM. By contrast, Mg2+ causes a greater stabilization of the N- rather than the C-domain, consistent with measured Mg2+ affinities. For the intact protein (+/-Ca2+), the bimodal denaturation profiles can be analyzed to give two deltaG(o)20 values, which differ significantly from those of the isolated domains, with one domain being less stable and one domain more stable. The observed stability of the domains is strongly dependent on solution conditions such as ionic strength, as well as specific effects due to metal ion binding. In the intact protein, different folding intermediates are observed, depending on the ionic composition. The results illustrate that a protein of low intrinsic stability is liable to major perturbation of its unfolding properties by environmental conditions and liganding processes and, by extension, mutation. Hence, the observed stability of an isolated domain may differ significantly from the stability of the same structure in a multidomain protein. These results address questions involved in manipulating the stability of a protein or its domains by site directed mutagenesis and protein engineering.  相似文献   

Kahn JD 《Biochemistry》2000,39(13):3520-3524
DNA ring closure experiments on short restriction fragments ( approximately 160 bp) bound by the TATA box binding protein (TBP) have demonstrated the formation of negative topoisomers, consistent with crystallographically observed TBP-induced DNA untwisting but in contrast to most previous results on topological effects in plasmid DNA. The difference may be due to the high free energy cost of substantial writhe in minicircles. A speculative mechanism for the loss of TBP-induced writhe suggests that TBP is capable of inducing DeltaTw between 0 and -0.3 in minicircles, via loss of out-of-plane bending upon retraction of intercalating Phe stirrups, and that TBP can thus act as a "supercoil shock absorber". The proposed biological relevance of these observations is that they may model the behavior of DNA in constrained chromatin environments. Irrespective of the detailed mechanism of TBP-induced supercoiling, its existence suggests that chromatin remodeling and enhanced TBP binding are thermodynamically linked. Remodeling ATPases or histone acetylases release some of the negative supercoiling previously restrained by the nucleosome. When TBP takes up the supercoiling, its binding should be enhanced transiently until the unrestrained supercoiling is removed by diffusion or topoisomerases. The effect is predicted to be independent of local remodeling-induced changes in TATA box accessibility.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive mutants of TFIIB that are defective for essential interactions were isolated. One mutation (G204D) results in disruption of a protein-protein contact between TFIIB and TATA binding protein (TBP), while the other (K272I) disrupts an interaction between TFIIB and DNA. The TBP gene was mutagenized, and alleles that suppress the slow-growth phenotypes of the TFIIB mutants were isolated. TFIIB with the G204D mutation [TFIIB(G204D)] was suppressed by hydrophobic substitutions at lysine 239 of TBP. These changes led to increased affinity between TBP and TFIIB. TFIIB(K272I) was weakly suppressed by TBP mutants in which K239 was changed to hydrophobic residues. However, this mutant TFIIB was strongly suppressed by conservative substitutions in the DNA binding surface of TBP. Biochemical characterization showed that these TBP mutants had increased affinity for a TATA element. The TBPs with increased affinity could not suppress TFIIB(G204D), leading us to propose a two-step model for the interaction between TFIIB and the TBP-DNA complex.  相似文献   

An anthracene-based novel ligand (L), 9,10-bis((4,6-dimethylpyrimidin-2-ylthio)methyl)anthracene, was synthesised and fully characterised. Interactions of the ligand with selected metal ions, Hg(II), Cu(II), Ag(I), Pb(II), Zn(II), Ni(II), Co(II), and Cr(III), were spectroscopically investigated. Of the examined metal ions, both Hg(II) and Cu(II) showed responses in both UV-Vis and fluorescent spectroscopy towards the ligand in acetonitrile solution. Spectroscopic titration indicated that the ligand forms complexes with the two metal ions in 1:1 and 1:2 ratios, respectively. DFT calculations revealed that Hg(II) binds possibly with two pairs of donor-set {SN} of the ligand to form a mononuclear complex in a distorted planar geometry whereas Cu(II) forms likely a binuclear complex in a tetrahedral geometry in which each Cu(II) is further coordinated with possibly two acetonitrile molecules.  相似文献   

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