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DNA from hepatocyte nodules induced in rats with dietary DL-ethionine and from the surrounding non-nodular liver contained less 5-methyldeoxycytidine per deoxycytidine when compared with that from normal adult liver. The degree of apparent hypomethylation, 37% in nodules and 20% in the surrounding liver, decreased somewhat (29% and 16% respectively) at 2 weeks after terminating the exposure to ethionine. Nodules and surrounding liver, like normal liver, responded to partial hepatectomy with a decrease in the 5-methyldeoxycytidine level at 24 hrs and a return to the level at the time of partial hepatectomy by 38 hrs. These findings indicate the need for careful control of cell proliferation in comparing the levels of a post-replicative DNA modification, methylation, in proliferating and non-proliferating cell populations. These findings also suggest that a portion of the hypomethylation in preneoplastic nodules may be due to a bona fide decrease in the level of cytosine methylation in the parental strand of DNA. This hypomethylation could be one basis for the altered gene expression in hepatocyte nodules, possible precursors for liver cancer.  相似文献   

Activities of proteolytic enzymes were detected in rat and human urine by using [125 l] iodo-insulin B chain as a substrate. The pH optimum of human urine activity was in the acidic range (pH 2.0) whereas the rat urine had two pH optima, one at the acidic range similar to human urine and another at pH 7.5. The activities were linear with time and amount of enzyme. Study with various proteinase inhibitors revealed that the acidic pH activities of human and rat urine were apparently of carboxyl endopeptidases since they were totally inhibited by pepstatin 10-8M. The neutral pH proteolysis of rat urine was inhibited by chelating agents and therefore it was considered as a metalloendopeptidase activity. These findings show the difference between the content of urinary proteolytic enzymes in humans and in rats by using a sensitive and simple radioactive assay.  相似文献   

Plasma-membrane glycoproteins from the three different functional domains of the rat hepatocyte were radioactively labelled by oxidation with NaIO4, followed by reduction with NaB3H4. Analysis of the radioactively labelled glycoproteins by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis revealed the presence of at least 12 major sialoglycoproteins in each different region of the hepatocyte surface. The Mr-110 000 component was homogeneously distributed over the plasma membrane, whereas the Mr-90 000 polypeptide was only located at the sinusoidal face. These radiolabelled glycoproteins were solubilized in 1% Triton X-100, and the soluble fraction was subjected to affinity chromatography on Sepharose-conjugated wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA). The labelled glycoproteins were poorly bound to WGA. Membrane glycoproteins were also labelled by the galactose oxidase/NaB3H4 method. The results show that the polypeptides with apparent Mr 170 000 from the sinusoidal, 230 000 from the canalicular and 170 000 from the lateral membranes were specifically labelled. When the membranes were treated with neuraminidase and galactose oxidase/NaB3H4, the electrophoretic patterns showed changes in the apparent Mr values of the glycoproteins, owing to loss of sialic acid, and a clear increase in labelling in the sinusoidal and canalicular membranes compared with the lateral membranes. When these labelled membranes were solubilized in 1% Triton X-100 and subjected to affinity chromatography on Sepharose-conjugated Ricinus communis agglutinin and/or Lens culinaris agglutinin, the results showed that the former columns efficiently bound the radiolabelled glycoproteins, whereas the latter columns bound poorly. The results show that there is a differential distribution of glycoproteins along the hepatocyte's surface.  相似文献   

The hepatocyte plasma membrane consists of three morphologically and functionally distinct domains, the sinusoidal, the lateral and the canalicular. To study the distribution of antigenic determinants among these domains, we prepared monoclonal antibodies by immunizing mice with a crude, plasma membrane-enriched liver fraction. Four monoclonal antibodies were obtained that recognized various parts of the rat hepatocyte plasma membrane when tested by indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase assay performed on formaldehyde-fixed liver tissue. Each antibody gave a different staining pattern when analyzed by light and electron microscopy. A59 exclusively labelled the part of the sinusoidal membrane facing the sinusoids. A39 mainly labelled the sinusoidal membrane. B1 mainly labelled the lateral membrane, while the labelling by B10 was almost completely limited to the canalicular membrane. Immunoblotting showed that the antibody B1 recognized an antigen of approximately 100 kilodaltons and that B10 recognized an antigen of approximately 125 to 130 kilodaltons. These antibodies allow us to distinguish the three domains of the hepatocyte plasma membrane.  相似文献   

A decline in nitrogenase activity (C2H2 reduction) of nodules of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Contander was correlated with a decrease in their soluble protein including leghe-moglobin. Concomitantly, two distinct proteolytic activities against leghemoglobin with acidic and alkaline pH optima were detected. The corresponding proteases were purified about 30-fold by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration and hydroxy-apatite chromatography. Both the acidic (pH optimum 3.5) and the alkaline (pH optimum 8.0) proteases were thiol enzymes. They were characteristic of senescing nodules, whereas only an acidic serine protease was present in functional nodules.  相似文献   

Rhizobium bacteroids in nodule cells are surrounded by the peribacteroid membrane (pbm), which is derived from the host plasma membrane during infection. The pbm was purified from R. japonicum 61A76-induced soybean nodules and analyzed by comparing it with the host cell plasma membrane for the presence of nodulins, nodule-specific plant proteins. Nodulins were found in pbm by reacting Western blots with a nodule-specific antiserum raised against the pbm. Peribacteroid fluid (the fluid enclosed in the pbm) was also found to contain several nodulins. The pbm nodulins were confirmed to be of plant origin by in vitro translation of poly(A)+ nodule mRNA followed by immunoprecipitation by the nodule-specific antiserum. Antibodies raised against a synthetic peptide corresponding to a repeated domain in nodulin-24, a pbm nodulin, and the nodule-specific pbm antiserum reacted exclusively with the pbm. The absence of pbm-nodulins in the plasma membrane suggests that the infected cells direct the intracellular transport of the pbm nodulins exclusively to this de novo synthesized subcellular compartment essential for symbiotic nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Oligodendrocytes (OLs), the myelin-producing cells of the central nervous system, segregate different surface subdomains at the plasma membrane as do other differentiated cells such as polarized epithelia and neurons. To generate the complex membrane system that characterizes myelinating OLs, large amounts of membrane proteins and lipids need to be synthesized and correctly targeted. In polarized epithelia, a considerable fraction of apical proteins are transported by an indirect pathway involving a detour to the basolateral membrane before being internalized and transported across the cell to the apical membrane by a process known as transcytosis. The apical recycling endosome (ARE) or its equivalent, the subapical compartment (SAC), of hepatocytes is an intracellular trafficking station involved in the transcytotic pathway. MAL2, an essential component of the machinery for basolateral-to-apical transcytosis, is an ARE/SAC resident protein. Here, we show that, after differentiation, murine oligodendrocyte precursor and human oligodendroglioma derived cell lines, Oli-neu and HOG, respectively, up-regulate the expression of MAL2 and accumulate it in an intracellular compartment, exhibiting a peri-centrosomal localization. In these oligodendrocytic cell lines, this compartment shares some of the main features of the ARE/SAC, such as colocalization with Rab11a, sensitivity to disruption of the microtubule cytoskeleton with nocodazole, and lack of internalized transferrin. Therefore, we suggest that the MAL2-positive compartment in oligodendrocytic cells could be a structure analogous to the ARE/SAC and might have an important role in the sorting of proteins and lipids for myelin assembly during oligodendrocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

Initial degradation of chromatin into high-molecular mass DNA fragments during apoptosis reflects the periodicity of chromatin organization into nuclear matrix-attached loops. In this article, we put forward the hypothesis that this pattern of DNA cleavage is also a result of the localization of an endonuclease on the nuclear matrix. Namely, we observed an endonucleolytic activity of the isolated rat hepatocyte nuclear matrix. It was Mg2+-dependent, with an optimal activity at pH 7.2 in the absence of either Na+ or K+. It was fully active in the presence of Zn2+ and capable of introducing single-strand breaks into plasmid DNA. It did not display a sequence-specific activity. A 23 kDa DNA nuclease that was principally localized on the rat hepatocyte nuclear matrix was detected. The enzyme shared the biochemical requirements with the nuclear matrix endonucleolytic activity, thus we proposed that p23 could be responsible for the endonucleolytic activity of the nuclear matrix. In view of its properties and preferential localization on the nuclear matrix, the endonuclease described herein could be a possible candidate that brings about initial DNA cleavage during apoptosis.  相似文献   

The increasing effect of regucalcin, isolated from rat liver cytosol, on neutral proteolytic activity in the hepatic cytosol was characterized. The proteolytic activity was markedly elevated by the addition of regucalcin (0.1–0.5 M) in the absence of Ca2+. This increase was not significantly altered by the presence of diisopropylfluorophsophate (DPF;2.5 mM)—although DFP caused a significant decrease in the proteolytic activity. Regucalcin (0.25 M) additively enhanced the dithiothreitol (DTT; 1.0 mM)—increased proteolytic activity, while the regucalcin or DTT effect was completely abolished by NEM (5 mM), indicating that regucalcin may act on the SH group in proteases. Also, regucalcin (0.25 M) enhanced the effect of Ca2+ (10 M) increasing liver proteolytic activity, suggesting that regucalcin does not influence on the active sites for Ca2+ in proteases. Moreover, the proteolytic activity of regucalcin (0.25 M) was significantly decreased by the presence of calpastatin (24 g/ml), an inhibitor of Ca2+-activated neutral protease (calpain). Now, regucalcin (0.25 M) increased about 7-fold the activity ofm-calpain isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle. These observations demonstrate that regucalcin directly activates cysteinyl-proteases. Regucalcin may have a role as a potent proteolytic activator in the cytoplasm of liver cells.  相似文献   

A small to moderate inhibitory effect of iron uptake by isolated rat hepatocytes in short-term studies was seen with oxidative phosphorylation and electron transport inhibitors, and no inhibition by agents affecting pinocytosis. Intracellular transferrin was able to donate iron to the small-molecular weight iron pool, and the latter was able to transfer, by a process not requiring energy or movement of serum transferrin, iron to ferritin. Serum transferrin was not able to lose iron to any cytosol components. Reducing agents were not able to abstract iron from rat serum transferrin to any great extent. It is concluded that iron is taken up by the rat hepatocyte from serum transferrin by a process not requiring energy or movement of serum transferrin into the cell interior; and that intracellular transferrin is involved in acquiring iron from serum transferrin at the cell surface, with iron then being transferred to the small-molecular weight iron pool and hence to ferritin. It is also proposed that intracellular transferrins may have the general function of interacting with serum transferrin at cell surfaces.  相似文献   

Methods for characterization of protease activity were applied to three Bacillus sp. protease preparations of varying purity. Activities differed by several orders of magnitude between the three proteases. Fractionation by HPLC and assay of peak activity against the two substrates elucidated the presence of 1–4 active fractions in each protease preparation.  相似文献   

The volume of the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum (including Golgi complex), mitochondria, and cytoplasmic ground substance was measured in rat hepatocytes by stereological methods. The Na content was also measured by flame photometry. Variations in Na content correlated significantly with variations in volume of nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum. From the correlation parameters, Na concentrations were estimated as follows: nucleus, 108 mM; endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (including Golgie complex) 27 mM; cytoplasm (including and remaining organelles) 16 mM.  相似文献   

Vasconcellea quercifolia (Caricaceae) latex contains several cysteine endopeptidases with high proteolytic activity. Cysteine endopeptidases are the main active compounds used by the plant as a defense mechanism. A proteolytic preparation from V. quercifolia (“oak leaved papaya”) latex was purified by cation exchange chromatography. From SDS-PAGE and blotting of the selected fractions, the N-terminal amino acid sequences of polypeptides were determined by Edman’s degradation. The analysis by peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) of the enzymes allowed their characterization and confirmed the presence of seven different cysteine proteinases in the latex of V. quercifolia. Moreover, the comparison between the tryptic maps with those deposited in databases using the MASCOT tool showed that none of the isolated proteases matched with another plant protease. Notably, a propeptidase was detected in the plant latex, which is being the first report in this sense. Furthermore, the cDNA of one of the cysteine proteases that is expressed in the latex of V. quercifolia was cloned and sequenced. The consensus sequence was aligned using the ClustalX web server, which allowed detecting a high degree of identity with cysteine proteases of the Caricaceae family and establishing the evolutionary relationship between them. We also observed a high conservation degree for those amino acid residues which are essential for the catalytic activity and tridimensional structure of the plant proteases belonging to the subfamily C1A. The PMF analysis strongly suggests that the sequence obtained corresponds to the VQ-III peptidase.  相似文献   

Characterization of proteolytic activity during senescence in daylilies   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
From 12 to 24 h after the opening of daylily flowers ( Hemerocallis hybrid cv. Stella d'Oro), the petals begin to degrade and the protein levels of soluble, microsomal‐ and plastid‐enriched fractions decrease by 50%, on a per petal basis. To help determine some of the components for the cell death program in daylily petals, we studied the mechanisms that regulate this loss of protein. Enzyme activities capable of digesting native daylily protein, gelatin, and azocasein markedly increase after flower opening, and their appearance is inhibited by the translation inhibitor, cycloheximide. Protein hydrolysis in vitro is prevented by inhibitors of cysteine, serine and metalloproteinases. Immunoblots using antibodies to ubiquitin pathway enzymes indicate that the ubiquitin system is not senescence specific. However, ion leakage is delayed by two inhibitors of the 26S proteasome. We propose that programmed cell death in daylily petals may involve the increase in activity of at least three classes of proteinases, and discuss the possibility that these proteinases may operate in concert with the ubiquitin pathway.  相似文献   

Following incubation at 37 degrees C with tritiated glucocorticoids isolated hepatocytes prepared from non-adrenalectomized rats show rapid uptake of label. Uptake is non-saturable, and non-linear over the first 60 sec of exposure to steroids. HPLC separation of aqueous extracts of cells and incubation medium shows that polar metabolites of the natural steroid, corticosterone, appear within 10 sec, whereas the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone, is not altered. Our results suggest that diffusion is the most important process by which glucocorticoids enter liver cells, and that the predominant fate of corticosterone is rapid metabolism.  相似文献   

The effect of a number of hexoses and pentoses on 3-O-methyl-D-glucose transport into isolated hepatocytes is reported. The hexoses tested inhibited transport in a competitive manner, with Ki values ranging from 80 to 190 mM. No significant inhibition was seen with either D-ribose or D-arabinose.  相似文献   

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