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A hallmark pattern of activity in developing nervous systems is spontaneous, synchronized network activity. Synchronized activity has been observed in intact spinal cord, brainstem, retina, cortex and dissociated neuronal culture preparations. During periods of spontaneous activity, neurons depolarize to fire single or bursts of action potentials, activating many ion channels. Depolarization activates voltage-gated calcium channels on dendrites and spines that mediate calcium influx. Highly synchronized electrical activity has been measured from local neuronal networks using field electrodes. This technique enables high temporal sampling rates but lower spatial resolution due to integrated read-out of multiple neurons at one electrode. Single cell resolution of neuronal activity is possible using patch-clamp electrophysiology on single neurons to measure firing activity. However, the ability to measure from a network is limited to the number of neurons patched simultaneously, and typically is only one or two neurons. The use of calcium-dependent fluorescent indicator dyes has enabled the measurement of synchronized activity across a network of cells. This technique gives both high spatial resolution and sufficient temporal sampling to record spontaneous activity of the developing network.A key feature of newly-forming cortical and hippocampal networks during pre- and early postnatal development is spontaneous, synchronized neuronal activity (Katz & Shatz, 1996; Khaziphov & Luhmann, 2006). This correlated network activity is believed to be essential for the generation of functional circuits in the developing nervous system (Spitzer, 2006). In both primate and rodent brain, early electrical and calcium network waves are observed pre- and postnatally in vivo and in vitro (Adelsberger et al., 2005; Garaschuk et al., 2000; Lamblin et al., 1999). These early activity patterns, which are known to control several developmental processes including neuronal differentiation, synaptogenesis and plasticity (Rakic & Komuro, 1995; Spitzer et al., 2004) are of critical importance for the correct development and maturation of the cortical circuitry.In this JoVE video, we demonstrate the methods used to image spontaneous activity in developing cortical networks. Calcium-sensitive indicators, such as Fura 2-AM ester diffuse across the cell membrane where intracellular esterase activity cleaves the AM esters to leave the cell-impermeant form of indicator dye. The impermeant form of indicator has carboxylic acid groups which are able to then detect and bind calcium ions intracellularly.. The fluorescence of the calcium-sensitive dye is transiently altered upon binding to calcium. Single or multi-photon imaging techniques are used to measure the change in photons being emitted from the dye, and thus indicate an alteration in intracellular calcium. Furthermore, these calcium-dependent indicators can be combined with other fluorescent markers to investigate cell types within the active network.  相似文献   

Magnocellular neurons of the supraoptic nucleus (SON) and paraventricular nucleus (PVN) display bursting activity that is synchronized under certain conditions. They receive excitatory synaptic inputs from intrahypothalamic glutamate circuits, some of which are activated by norepinephrine. Ascending noradrenergic afferents and intrahypothalamic glutamate circuits may be responsible for the generation of synchronous bursting among oxytocin neurons and/or asynchronous bursting among vasopressin neurons located in the bilateral supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei. Here, we tested whether magnocellular neurons of the PVN receive excitatory synaptic input from the contralateral PVN and the region of the retrochiasmatic SON (SONrx) via norepinephrine-sensitive internuclear glutamate circuits. Whole cell patch-clamp recordings were performed in PVN magnocellular neurons in coronal hypothalamic slices from male rats, and the ipsilateral SONrx region and contralateral PVN were stimulated using electrical and chemical stimulation. Electrical and glutamate microdrop stimulation of the ipsilateral SONrx region or contralateral PVN elicited excitatory postsynaptic potentials/currents (EPSP/Cs) in PVN magnocellular neurons mediated by glutamate release, revealing internuclear glutamatergic circuits. Microdrop application of norepinephrine also elicited EPSP/Cs, suggesting that these circuits could be activated by activation of noradrenergic receptors. Repetitive electrical stimulation and drop application of norepinephrine, in some cases, elicited bursts of action potentials. Our data reveal glutamatergic synaptic circuits that interconnect the magnocellular nuclei and that can be activated by norepinephrine. These internuclear glutamatergic circuits may provide the functional architecture to support burst generation and/or burst synchronization in hypothalamic magnocellular neurons under conditions of activation.  相似文献   

To determine why elements of central pattern generators phase lock in a particular pattern under some conditions but not others, we tested a theoretical pattern prediction method. The method is based on the tabulated open loop pulsatile interactions of bursting neurons on a cycle-by-cycle basis and was tested in closed loop hybrid circuits composed of one bursting biological neuron and one bursting model neuron coupled using the dynamic clamp. A total of 164 hybrid networks were formed by varying the synaptic conductances. The prediction of 1:1 phase locking agreed qualitatively with the experimental observations, except in three hybrid circuits in which 1:1 locking was predicted but not observed. Correct predictions sometimes required consideration of the second order phase resetting, which measures the change in the timing of the second burst after the perturbation. The method was robust to offsets between the initiation of bursting in the presynaptic neuron and the activation of the synaptic coupling with the postsynaptic neuron. The quantitative accuracy of the predictions fell within the variability (10%) in the experimentally observed intrinsic period and phase resetting curve (PRC), despite changes in the burst duration of the neurons between open and closed loop conditions.  相似文献   

Phase response curves (PRCs) have been widely used to study synchronization in neural circuits comprised of pacemaking neurons. They describe how the timing of the next spike in a given spontaneously firing neuron is affected by the phase at which an input from another neuron is received. Here we study two reciprocally coupled clusters of pulse coupled oscillatory neurons. The neurons within each cluster are presumed to be identical and identically pulse coupled, but not necessarily identical to those in the other cluster. We investigate a two cluster solution in which all oscillators are synchronized within each cluster, but in which the two clusters are phase locked at nonzero phase with each other. Intuitively, one might expect this solution to be stable only when synchrony within each isolated cluster is stable, but this is not the case. We prove rigorously the stability of the two cluster solution and show how reciprocal coupling can stabilize synchrony within clusters that cannot synchronize in isolation. These stability results for the two cluster solution suggest a mechanism by which reciprocal coupling between brain regions can induce local synchronization via the network feedback loop.  相似文献   

Experimental results suggest that neurons in the cortex synchronize their action potentials on the millisecond time scale. More importantly this binding expresses functional relationships between the neurons. A model of neuronal interactions is proposed in which simultaneous discharges of neurons develop through specialized synaptic circuits. As an important prerequisite for this synchronization it is demonstrated that SynFire chains, generating different levels of excitation, propagate their activity waves at distinct velocities. Two chains were coupled by excitatory synapses and their activity was initiated at different times. Due to synaptic interactions, activity in the earlier-initiated chain accelerates propagation in the other chain until the two activity waves are synchronized. Compared with several neural network models with oscillatory units, physiologically more plausible neurons are simulated. It is still under debate whether neurons in the cortex show oscillatory dischargesper se. In particular, a high rate of noise relative to very weak synaptic gains cannot impair our results in the neural network simulations.  相似文献   

Vocalization is a common means of communication across vertebrates, but the evolutionary origins of the neural circuits controlling these behaviors are not clear. Peripheral mechanisms of sound production vary widely: fish produce sounds with a swimbladder or pectoral fins; amphibians, reptiles, and mammalians vocalize using a larynx; birds vocalize with a syrinx. Despite the diversity of vocal effectors across taxa, there are many similarities in the neural circuits underlying the control of these organs. Do similarities in vocal circuit structure and function indicate that vocal behaviors first arose in a single common ancestor, or have similar neural circuits arisen independently multiple times during evolution? In this review, we describe the hindbrain circuits that are involved in vocal production across vertebrates. Given that vocalization depends on respiration in most tetrapods, it is not surprising that vocal and respiratory hindbrain circuits across distantly related species are anatomically intermingled and functionally linked. Such vocal‐respiratory circuit integration supports the hypothesis that vocal evolution involved the expansion and functional diversification of breathing circuits. Recent phylogenetic analyses, however, suggest vocal behaviors arose independently in all major tetrapod clades, indicating that similarities in vocal control circuits are the result of repeated co‐options of respiratory circuits in each lineage. It is currently unknown whether vocal circuits across taxa are made up of homologous neurons, or whether vocal neurons in each lineage arose from developmentally and evolutionarily distinct progenitors. Integrative comparative studies of vocal neurons across brain regions and taxa will be required to distinguish between these two scenarios.  相似文献   

Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter involved in spinal cord circuits in vertebrates, but in most groups the distribution of glutamatergic spinal neurons is still unknown. Lampreys have been extensively used as a model to investigate the neuronal circuits underlying locomotion. Glutamatergic circuits have been characterized on the basis of the excitatory responses elicited in postsynaptic neurons. However, the presence of glutamatergic neurochemical markers in spinal neurons has not been investigated. In this study, we report for the first time the expression of a vesicular glutamate transporter (VGLUT) in the spinal cord of the sea lamprey. We also study the distribution of glutamate in perikarya and fibers. The largest glutamatergic neurons found were the dorsal cells and caudal giant cells. Two additional VGLUT-positive gray matter populations, one dorsomedial consisting of small cells and another one lateral consisting of small and large cells were observed. Some cerebrospinal fluid-contacting cells also expressed VGLUT. In the white matter, some edge cells and some cells associated with giant axons (Müller and Mauthner axons) and the dorsolateral funiculus expressed VGLUT. Large lateral cells and the cells associated with reticulospinal axons are in a key position to receive descending inputs involved in the control of locomotion. We also compared the distribution of glutamate immunoreactivity with that of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine. Colocalization of glutamate and GABA or glycine was observed in some small spinal cells. These results confirm the glutamatergic nature of various neuronal populations, and reveal new small-celled glutamatergic populations, predicting that some glutamatergic neurons would exert complex actions on postsynaptic neurons.  相似文献   

Gap junctions provide the basis for electrical synapses between neurons. Early studies in well-defined circuits in lower vertebrates laid the foundation for understanding various properties conferred by electrical synaptic transmission. Knowledge surrounding electrical synapses in mammalian systems unfolded first with evidence indicating the presence of gap junctions between neurons in various brain regions, but with little appreciation of their functional roles. Beginning at about the turn of this century, new approaches were applied to scrutinize electrical synapses, revealing the prevalence of neuronal gap junctions, the connexin protein composition of many of those junctions, and the myriad diverse neural systems in which they occur in the mammalian CNS. Subsequent progress indicated that electrical synapses constitute key elements in synaptic circuitry, govern the collective activity of ensembles of electrically coupled neurons, and in part orchestrate the synchronized neuronal network activity and rhythmic oscillations that underlie fundamental integrative processes. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Gap Junction Proteins edited by Jean Claude Herve.  相似文献   

Neuronal circuits are formed according to a genetically predetermined program and then reconstructed in an experience-dependent manner. While the existence of experience-dependent plasticity has been demonstrated for the visual and other sensory systems, it remains unknown whether this is also the case for motor systems. Here we examined the effects of eliminating sensory inputs on the development of peristaltic movements in Drosophila embryos and larvae. The peristalsis is initially slow and uncoordinated, but gradually develops into a mature pattern during late embryonic stages. We tested whether inhibiting the transmission of specific sensory neurons during this period would have lasting effects on the properties of the sensorimotor circuits. We applied Shibire-mediated inhibition for six hours during embryonic development (15–21 h after egg laying [AEL]) and studied its effects on peristalsis in the mature second- and third-instar larvae. We found that inhibition of chordotonal organs, but not multidendritic neurons, led to a lasting decrease in the speed of larval locomotion. To narrow down the sensitive period, we applied shorter inhibition at various embryonic and larval stages and found that two-hour inhibition during 16–20 h AEL, but not at earlier or later stages, was sufficient to cause the effect. These results suggest that neural activity mediated by specific sensory neurons is involved in the maturation of sensorimotor circuits in Drosophila and that there is a critical period for this plastic change. Consistent with a role of chordotonal neurons in sensory feedback, these neurons were activated during larval peristalsis and acute inhibition of their activity decreased the speed of larval locomotion.  相似文献   

Spontaneous firing of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) was recently shown to be required for the survival of ORNs and the maintenance of their appropriate synaptic connections with mitral cells in the olfactory bulb. ORN spontaneous activity has never been described or characterized quantitatively in mammals. To do so we have made extracellular single unit recordings from ORNs of freely breathing (FB) and tracheotomized (TT) rats. We show that the firing behavior of TT neurons was relatively simple: they tended to fire spikes at the same average frequency according to purely random (Poisson) or simple (Gamma or Weibull) statistical laws. A minority of them were bursting with relatively infrequent and short bursts. The activity of FB neurons was less simple: their firing rates were more diverse, some of them showed trends or were driven by breathing. Although more of them were regular, only a minority could be described by simple laws; the majority displayed random bursts with more spikes than the bursts of TT neurons. In both categories bursts and isolated spikes (outside bursts) occurred completely at random. The spontaneous activity of ORNs in rats resembles that of frogs, but is higher, which may be due to a difference in body temperature. These results suggest that, in addition to the intrinsic thermal noise, spontaneous activity is provoked in part by mechanical, thermal, or chemical (odorant molecules) effects of air movements due to respiration, this extrinsic part being naturally larger in FB neurons. It is suggested that spontaneous activity may be modulated by respiration. Because natural sampling of odors is synchronized with breathing, such modulation may prepare and keep olfactory bulb circuits tuned to process odor stimuli.  相似文献   

The medial septum-diagonal band (MSDB) complex is considered as a pacemaker for the hippocampal theta rhythm. Identification of the different cell types, their electro-physiological properties and their possible function in the generation of a synchronized activity in the MSDB is a hot topic. A recent electro-physiological study showed the presence of two antiphasically firing populations of parvalbumin containing GABAergic neurons in the MSDB. Other papers described a network of cluster-firing glutamatergic neurons, which is able to generate synchronized activity in the MSDB. We propose two different computer models for the generation of synchronized population theta oscillation in the MSDB and compare their properties. In the first model GABAergic neurons are intrinsically theta periodic cluster-firing cells; while in the second model GABAergic cells are fast-firing cells and receive periodic input from local glutamatergic neurons simulated as cluster-firing cells. Using computer simulations we show that the GABAergic neurons in both models are capable of generating antiphasic theta periodic population oscillation relying on local, septal mechanisms. In the first model antiphasic theta synchrony could emerge if GABAergic neurons form two populations preferentially innervate each other. In the second model in-phase synchronization of glutamatergic neurons does not require specific network structure, and the network of these cells are able to act as a theta pacemaker for the local fast-firing GABAergic circuit. Our simulations also suggest that neurons being non-cluster-firing in vitro might exhibit clustering properties when connected into a network in vivo. Action Editor: David Golomb  相似文献   

癫痫是大脑神经元高度同步化异常放电所导致的短暂的大脑功能障碍的一种慢性疾病。癫痫的发病原因十分复杂,目前主要治疗方式是药物治疗,但仍然有30%左右的难治性癫痫患者依靠药物治疗未能控制癫痫发作,因此从分子角度研究癫痫的发病机制及治疗是近年来癫痫研究的热点。微小RNA(miRNA)在癫痫患者及癫痫动物模型海马组织中存在差异性表达,通过抑制miRNA的差异表达在一定程度上可以缓解癫痫的症状,这为癫痫的治疗开辟了新的途径和方向。因此随着miRNA与癫痫相关性研究深度的不断加深,有望能够为癫痫的诊断及治疗提供一个全新的思路。  相似文献   

1. Synchronized spontaneous intracellular Ca2+ spikes in networked neurons are believed to play a major role in the development and plasticity of neural circuits. Glutamate-induced signals through the ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) are profoundly involved in the generation of synchronized Ca2+ spikes.1 2. In this study, we examined the involvement of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) in cultured mouse cortical neurons. We pharmacologically revealed that glutamate-induced signals through inclusive mGluRs decreased the frequency of Ca2+ spikes. Further experiments indicated that this suppressive effect on the spike frequency was mainly due to the signal through group II mGluR, inactivation of adenylate cyclase-cAMP-PKA signaling pathway. Group I mGluR had little involvement in the spike frequency.3. Taken together, glutamate generates the synchronized Ca2+ spikes through iGluRs and modulates simultaneously their frequency through group II mGluR–adenylate cyclase–cAMP–PKA signaling pathway in the present in vitro neural network. These results provide the evidence of the profound role of group II mGluR in the spontaneous and synchronous neural activities.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks play vital roles in the control of daily rhythms in physiology and behavior of animals. In Drosophila, analysis of the molecular and behavioral rhythm has shown that the master clock neurons are entrained by sensory inputs and are synchronized with other clock neurons. However, little is known about the neuronal circuits of the Drosophila circadian system and the neurotransmitters that act on the clock neurons. Here, we provide evidence for a new neuronal input pathway to the master clock neurons, s-LN(v)s, in Drosophila that utilizes GABA as a slow inhibitory neurotransmitter. We monitored intracellular calcium levels in dissociated larval s-LN(v)s with the calcium-sensitive dye Fura-2. GABA decreased intracellular calcium in the s-LN(v)s and blocked spontaneous oscillations in calcium levels. The duration of this response was dose-dependent between 1 nM and 100 microM. The response to GABA was blocked by a metabotropic GABA(B) receptor (GABA(B)-R) antagonist, CGP54626, but not by an ionotropic receptor antagonist, picrotoxin. The GABA(B)-R agonist, 3-APMPA, produced a response similar to GABA. An antiserum against one of the Drosophila GABA(B)-Rs (GABA(B)-R2) labeled the dendritic regions of the s-LN(v)s in both adults and larvae, as well as the dissociated s-LN(v)s. We found that some GABAergic processes terminate at the dendrites of the LN(v)s, as revealed by GABA immunostaining and a GABA-specific GAL4 line (GAD1-gal4). Our results suggest that the s-LN(v)s receive slow inhibitory GABAergic inputs that decrease intracellular calcium of these clock neurons and block their calcium cycling. This response is mediated by postsynaptic GABA(B) receptors.  相似文献   

Fino E  Yuste R 《Neuron》2011,69(6):1188-1203
The connectivity diagram of neocortical circuits is still unknown, and there are conflicting data as to whether cortical neurons are wired specifically or not. To investigate the basic structure of cortical microcircuits, we use a two-photon photostimulation technique that enables the systematic mapping of synaptic connections with single-cell resolution. We map the inhibitory connectivity between upper layers somatostatin-positive GABAergic interneurons and pyramidal cells in mouse frontal cortex. Most, and sometimes all, inhibitory neurons are locally connected to every sampled pyramidal cell. This dense inhibitory connectivity is found at both young and mature developmental ages. Inhibitory innervation of neighboring pyramidal cells is similar, regardless of whether they are connected among themselves or not. We conclude that local inhibitory connectivity is promiscuous, does not form subnetworks, and can approach the theoretical limit of a completely connected synaptic matrix.  相似文献   

Physiological studies of the rodent somatosensory cortex have consistently described considerable heterogeneity in receptive field properties of neurons outside of layer IV, particularly those in layers V and VI. One such approach for distinguishing among different local circuits in these layers may be to identify the projection target of neurons whose axon collaterals contribute to the local network. In vivo, this can be accomplished using antidromic stimulation methods. Using this approach, the axonal conduction properties of cortical efferent neurons are described. Four projection sites were activated using electrical stimulation: (1) vibrissal motor cortex, (2) ventrobasal thalamus (VB), (3) posteromedial thalamic nucleus (POm), and (4) cerebral peduncle. Extracellular recordings were obtained from a total of 169 units in 21 animals. Results demonstrate a close correspondence between the laminar location of the antidromically identified neurons and their anatomically known layer of origin. Axonal properties were most distinct for corticofugal axons projecting through the crus cerebri. Corticothalamic axons projecting to either VB or POm were more similar to each other in terms of laminar location and conduction properties, but could be distinguished using focal electrical stimulation. It is concluded that, once stimulation parameters are adjusted for the small volume of the rat brain, the use of antidromic techniques may be an effective strategy to differentiate among projection neurons comprising different local circuits in supra- and infragranular circuits.  相似文献   

We have used identified neurons from the abdominal ganglion of the mollusc Aplysia to construct and analyze two circuits in vitro. Each of these circuits was capable of producing two patterns of persistent activity; that is, they had bistable output states. The output could be switched between the stable states by a brief, external input. One circuit consisted of cocultured L10 and left upper quadrant (LUQ) neurons that formed reciprocal, inhibitory connections. In one stable state L10 was active and the LUQ was quiescent, whereas in the other stable state L10 was quiescent and the LUQ was active. A second circuit consisted of co-cultured L7 and L12 neurons that formed reciprocal, excitatory connections. In this circuit, both cells were quiescent in one stable state and both cells fired continuously in the other state. Bistable output in both circuits resulted from the nonlinear firing characteristics of each neuron and the feedback between the two neurons. We explored how the stability of the neuronal output could be controlled by the background currents injected into each neuron. We observed a relatively well-defined range of currents for which bistability occurred, consistent with the values expected from the measured strengths of the connections and a simple model. Outside of the range, the output was stable in only a single state. These results suggest how stable patterns of output are produced by some in vivo circuits and how command neurons from higher neural centers may control the activity of these circuits. The criteria that guided us in forming our circuits in culture were derived from theoretical studies on the properties of certain neuronal network models (e.g., Hopfield, J. J. 1984. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 81:3088-3092). Our results show that circuits consisting of only two co-cultured neurons can exhibit bistable output states of the form hypothesized to occur in populations of neurons.  相似文献   

The functional logic of cortico-pulvinar connections   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The pulvinar is an 'associative' thalamic nucleus, meaning that most of its input and output relationships are formed with the cerebral cortex. The function of this circuitry is little understood and its anatomy, though much investigated, is notably recondite. This is because pulvinar connection patterns disrespect the architectural subunits (anterior, medial, lateral and inferior pulvinar nuclei) that have been the traditional reference system. This article presents a simplified, global model of the organization of cortico-pulvinar connections so as to pursue their structure-function relationships. Connections between the cortex and pulvinar are topographically organized, and as a result the pulvinar contains a 'map' of the cortical sheet. However, the topography is very blurred. Hence the pulvinar connection zones of nearby cortical areas overlap, allowing indirect transcortical communication via the pulvinar. A general observation is that indirect cortico-pulvino-cortical circuits tend to mimic direct cortico-cortical pathways: this is termed 'the replication principle'. It is equally apt for certain pairs (or groups) of nearby cortical areas that happen not to connect with each other. The 'replication' of this non-connection is achieved by discontinuities and dislocations of the cortical topography within the pulvinar, such that the associated pair of connection zones do not overlap. Certain of these deformations can be used to divide the global cortical topography into specific sub-domains, which form the natural units of a connectional subdivision of the pulvinar. A substantial part of the pulvinar also expresses visual topography, reflecting visual maps in occipital cortex. There are just two well-ordered visual maps in the pulvinar, that both receive projections from area V1, and several other occipital areas; the resulting duplication of cortical topography means that each visual map also acts as a separate connection domain. In summary, the model identifies four topographically ordered connection domains, and reconciles the coexistence of visual and cortical maps in two of them. The replication principle operates at and below the level of domain structure. It is argued that cortico-pulvinar circuitry replicates the pattern of cortical circuitry but not its function, playing a more regulatory role instead. Thalamic neurons differ from cortical neurons in their inherent rhythmicity, and the pattern of cortico-thalamic connections must govern the formation of specific resonant circuits. The broad implication is that the pulvinar acts to coordinate cortical information processing by facilitating and sustaining the formation of synchronized trans-areal assemblies; a more pointed suggestion is that, owing to the considerable blurring of cortical topography in the pulvinar, rival cortical assemblies may be in competition to recruit thalamic elements in order to outlast each other in activity.  相似文献   

Somatostatin-expressing, low threshold-spiking (LTS) cells and fast-spiking (FS) cells are two common subtypes of inhibitory neocortical interneuron. Excitatory synapses from regular-spiking (RS) pyramidal neurons to LTS cells strongly facilitate when activated repetitively, whereas RS-to-FS synapses depress. This suggests that LTS neurons may be especially relevant at high rate regimes and protect cortical circuits against over-excitation and seizures. However, the inhibitory synapses from LTS cells usually depress, which may reduce their effectiveness at high rates. We ask: by which mechanisms and at what firing rates do LTS neurons control the activity of cortical circuits responding to thalamic input, and how is control by LTS neurons different from that of FS neurons? We study rate models of circuits that include RS cells and LTS and FS inhibitory cells with short-term synaptic plasticity. LTS neurons shift the RS firing-rate vs. current curve to the right at high rates and reduce its slope at low rates; the LTS effect is delayed and prolonged. FS neurons always shift the curve to the right and affect RS firing transiently. In an RS-LTS-FS network, FS neurons reach a quiescent state if they receive weak input, LTS neurons are quiescent if RS neurons receive weak input, and both FS and RS populations are active if they both receive large inputs. In general, FS neurons tend to follow the spiking of RS neurons much more closely than LTS neurons. A novel type of facilitation-induced slow oscillations is observed above the LTS firing threshold with a frequency determined by the time scale of recovery from facilitation. To conclude, contrary to earlier proposals, LTS neurons affect the transient and steady state responses of cortical circuits over a range of firing rates, not only during the high rate regime; LTS neurons protect against over-activation about as well as FS neurons.  相似文献   

The study of experience-dependent plasticity has been dominated by questions of how Hebbian plasticity mechanisms act during learning and development. This is unsurprising as Hebbian plasticity constitutes the most fully developed and influential model of how information is stored in neural circuits and how neural circuitry can develop without extensive genetic instructions. Yet Hebbian plasticity may not be sufficient for understanding either learning or development: the dramatic changes in synapse number and strength that can be produced by this kind of plasticity tend to threaten the stability of neural circuits. Recent work has suggested that, in addition to Hebbian plasticity, homeostatic regulatory mechanisms are active in a variety of preparations. These mechanisms alter both the synaptic connections between neurons and the intrinsic electrical properties of individual neurons, in such a way as to maintain some constancy in neuronal properties despite the changes wrought by Hebbian mechanisms. Here we review the evidence for homeostatic plasticity in the central nervous system, with special emphasis on results from cortical preparations.  相似文献   

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