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Chinese indigenous pigs in Zhejiang Province are well known for their high fecundity. In order to verify breed subdivision at the genomic level, we investigated genetic diversity and population structure of seven breeds and made comparisons with three Western pig breeds using next‐generation sequencing data. Parameters obtained from allelic richness and proportion of polymorphic markers indicated that the genetic diversity of the Chinese indigenous pigs was higher than that of the Western pigs, with the highest and lowest values found in the Chaluand and the Landrace pigs respectively. Both neighbor‐joining tree and principal components analysis could distinguish breeds from one another and structure analysis showed less differentiation among Western pigs than among the Chinese pigs. The average linkage disequilibrium decay over distance was significantly less in the Chinese pigs compared with the Western pigs, ranging from 188.2 to 280.6 kb for the Chinese pigs and 680.3 to 752.8 kb for the Western breeds and showing an average r2 threshold value of 0.3. Results obtained from high‐density SNP comparison over the whole genome on genetic diversity and population structure were in agreement with the current breed classification of the pigs in Zhejiang Province. More importantly, the results presented here advances our current understanding of the genomic biology of Chinese indigenous pigs in Zhejiang Province and allows for implementation of conservation strategies in additional breeds.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the genetic variants, including SNPs and indels (short insertions or deletions, less than 50 bp in length), in the genomes and genetic structures of five pig populations (in the northern Taihu Lake region, Jiangsu Province) using the genotyping by genome reducing and sequencing (GGRS) approach. A total of 581 million good reads with an average depth of 11× and an average coverage of 2.16% were used to call variants. In general, 202 106 SNPs and 34 415 indels were obtained, of which 2690 SNPs and 224 indels were capable of inducing protein‐coding changes. The genes containing these variants were extracted for functional annotation. The results of gene enrichment analysis revealed that the SNPs under investigation may be associated with reproduction, disease resistance, meat quality and adipose tissue traits, whereas the indels were associated mainly with adipose tissue and disease. Analysis of the genetic structure showed that each population displayed comparable, large differentiations from the others, indicating their uniqueness. In conclusion, the results of our study provide the first genomic overview of the genetic variants and population structures of five Chinese indigenous pig populations.  相似文献   

Chinese indigenous pig breeds are recognized as an invaluable component of the world''s pig genetic resources and are divided traditionally into six types. Twenty-six microsatellite markers recommended by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) and ISAG (International Society of Animal Genetics) were employed to analyze the genetic diversity of 18 Chinese indigenous pig breeds with 1001 individuals representing five types, and three commercial breeds with 184 individuals. The observed heterozygosity, unbiased expected heterozygosity and the observed and effective number of alleles were used to estimate the genetic variation of each indigenous breed. The unbiased expected heterozygosity ranged between 0.700 (Mashen) and 0.876 (Guanling), which implies that there is an abundant genetic variation stored in Chinese indigenous pig breeds. Breed differentiation was shown by fixation indices (FIT, FIS, and FST). The FST per locus varied from 0.019 (S0090) to 0.170 (SW951), and the average FST of all loci was 0.077, which means that most of the genetic variation was kept within breeds and only a little of the genetic variation exists between populations. The Neighbor-Joining tree was constructed based on the Nei DA (1978) distances and one large cluster with all local breeds but the Mashen breed, was obtained. Four smaller sub-clusters were also found, which included two to four breeds each. These results, however, did not completely agree with the traditional type of classification. A Neighbor-Joining dendrogram of individuals was established from the distance of – ln(proportions of shared alleles); 92.14% of the individuals were clustered with their own breeds, which implies that this method is useful for breed demarcation. This extensive research on pig genetic diversity in China indicates that these 18 Chinese indigenous breeds may have one common ancestor, helps us to better understand the relative distinctiveness of pig genetic resources, and will assist in developing a national plan for the conservation and utilization of Chinese indigenous pig breeds.  相似文献   

Fang M  Hu X  Jiang T  Braunschweig M  Hu L  Du Z  Feng J  Zhang Q  Wu C  Li N 《Animal genetics》2005,36(1):7-13
A genetic study of 32 local Chinese, three foreign pig breeds [Duroc (DU), Landrace and Yorkshire], and two types of wild boar (Hainan and Dongbei wild boar) based on 34 microsatellite loci was carried out to clarify the phylogeny of Chinese indigenous pig breeds. The allele frequencies, effective numbers of alleles, and the average heterozygosity within populations were calculated. The results showed that the genetic variability of the Lingao pig was the largest, while the Jiaxing pig was the lowest. The greatest distance between domestic pigs was found between Shanggao and DU pig and the shortest was found between Wuzhishan and Lingao pig, respectively. A neighbour-joining tree constructed from Modified Cavalli-Sforza genetic distances divided Chinese pigs into two clusters; four subclusters were also identified. Our results only partly agree with the traditional types of classification and also provide a new relationship among Chinese local pig breeds. Our data also confirmed that Chinese pig breeds have a different origin from European/American breeds and can be utilized in programmes that aim to maintain Chinese indigenous pig breeds.  相似文献   

中国7个地方绵羊品遗传多样性的微卫星分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
利用26个微卫星标记分析了中国7个地方绵羊(Ovis aries)品种的遗传多样性。通过计算基因频率,平均杂合度(H)、多态信息含量(PIC)及有效等位基因数(Ne),并根据Nei氏标准遗传距离,利用UPGMA法进行了聚类分析,评估其种内遗传变异和品种间遗传关系。结果表明:26个微卫星位点共检测到278个等位基因,Ne在2.1288-13.3924之间;26个位点均为高度多态位点,PIC在0.6628-0.8712之间,聚类分析表明哈萨克羊、阿勒泰羊和巴音布鲁克羊遗传关系最近;然后与白藏羊,黑藏羊聚为一类,湖羊和晋中羊聚为一类,各绵羊各种的聚类关系与其来源,育成史及地理分布基本一致。  相似文献   

The Chinese Taihu pig breeds are an invaluable component of the world's pig genetic resources, and they are the most prolific breeds of swine in the world. In this study, the genomes of 252 pigs of the six indigenous breeds in the Taihu Lake region were sequenced using the genotyping by genome reducing and sequencing approach. A total of 950 million good reads were obtained using an Illumina Hiseq2000 at an average depth of 13× (for SNP calling) and an average coverage of 2.3%. In total, 122 632 indels, 31 444 insertions, 44 056 deletions and 455 CNVs (copy number variants) were identified in the genomes of the pigs. Approximately 2.3% of these genetic markers were mapped to gene exon regions, and 25% were in QTL regions related to economically important traits. The KEGG pathway or GO enrichment analyses revealed that genetic variants assumed to be large‐effect mutations were significantly overrepresented in 22 SNP, 56 indel, 26 insertion, 28 deletion and three CNV gene sets. A total of 343 breed‐specific SNPs were also identified in the six Chinese indigenous pigs. The findings from this study can contribute to future investigations of the genetic diversity, population structure, positive selection signals and molecular evolutionary history of these pigs at the genome level and can serve as a valuable reference for improving the breeding and cultivation of these pigs.  相似文献   

Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure among Quercus fabri populations is essential for the conservation and utilization of Q. fabri resources. Here, the genetic diversity and structure of 158 individuals from 13 natural populations of Quercus fabri in China were analyzed using genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS). A total of 459,564 high‐quality single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were obtained after filtration for subsequent analysis. Genetic structure analysis revealed that these individuals can be clustered into two groups and the structure can be explained mainly by the geographic barrier, showed gene introgression from coastal to inland areas and high mountains could significantly hinder the mutual introgression of genes. Genetic diversity analysis indicated that the individual differences within groups are greater than the differences between the two groups. These results will help us better understand the genetic backgrounds of Q. fabri.  相似文献   

湖北省三品种猪27个微卫星座位的遗传变异   总被引:41,自引:2,他引:41  
采用国际动物遗传学会(ISAG)和联合国粮农组织(FAO)共同推荐的27个微卫星标记,对湖北省3个主要地方猪种(通城猪、清平猪和阳新猪)的遗传变异进行了检测。计算出各个品种的基因杂合度、各个座位的多态信息含量及品种间的遗传距离。结果表明,3个地方猪种的平均基因杂合度分别为0.7489、0.6987和0.6273,遗传多样性比较丰富;通城猪和清平猪亲缘关系较近,而两者与阳新猪亲缘关系略远。  相似文献   

全面了解中国乌骨鸡的遗传背景有利于保护和开发利用其种质资源。本研究测定了中国12个乌骨鸡品种线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶亚基I (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, COI)基因, 比较分析其遗传多样性和群体遗传结构。255份乌骨鸡样品共检测到22个变异位点, 占分析位点的3.17%; 核苷酸多样性为0.00142-0.00339, 单倍型多样性为0.380-0.757, 其中略阳乌鸡核苷酸多样性最高, 德化黑鸡最低。检测到7个氨基酸变异位点, 来自6个品种共11个个体。定义了24种单倍型, 其中单倍型H1和H3为12个乌骨鸡品种共享, 出现频率分别为115次和64次; 盐津乌骨鸡单倍型数最多, 广西乌鸡最少。中性检验与错配分析显示实验种群未经历显著的群体扩张事件。分子变异分析显示81.06%的变异来自群体内; 品种间遗传距离为0.002-0.004, 品种间遗传分化系数Fst值为-0.035至0.594, 雪峰乌骨鸡与其他种群间的遗传分化程度最高。邻接树显示, 乌骨鸡未能独立形成分支, 不能从家鸡和红原鸡中有效区分开来。中国乌骨鸡中介网络图将24个单倍型分为3条进化主支, 呈现出一定的品种特异性, 由无量山乌骨鸡、云南盐津乌骨鸡和雪峰乌骨鸡组成单倍型H8、H9、H11、H12游离于这3条进化主支之外。增加其他家鸡和红原鸡COI基因的中介网络图主体结构与中国乌骨鸡的相同。结果表明中国乌骨鸡品种遗传多样性较低, 但品种间遗传分化显著, 可能是从当地家鸡中选育而来, 需要加强种质资源的保护。  相似文献   

We determined the genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships among 26 Chinese indigenous horse breeds and two introduced horse breeds by genotyping these animals for 27 microsatellite loci. The 26 Chinese horse breeds come from 12 different provinces. Two introduced horse breeds were the Mongolia B Horse from Mongolia and the Thoroughbred Horse from the UK. A total of 330 alleles were detected, and the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.719 (Elenchuns) to 0.780 (Dali). The mean number of alleles among the horse breeds ranged from 6.74 (Hequ) to 8.81 (Debao). Although there were abundant genetic variations found, the genetic differentiation was low between the Chinese horses, which displayed only 2.4% of the total genetic variance among the different breeds. However, genetic differentiation (pairwise FST) among Chinese horses, although moderate, was still apparent and varied from 0.001 for the Guizou–Luoping pair to 0.064 for the Jingjiang–Elenchuns pair. The genetic differentiation patterns and genetic relationships among Chinese horse breeds were also consistent with their geographical distribution. The Thoroughbred and Mongolia B breeds could be discerned as two distinct breeds, but the Mongolia B horse in particular suffered genetic admixture with Chinese horses. The Chinese breeds could be divided into five major groups, i.e. the south or along the Yangtze river group (Bose, Debao, Wenshan, Lichuan, Jianchang, Guizhou, Luoping, Jinjiang and Dali), the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau group (Chaidamu, Hequ, Datong, Yushu, Tibet Grassland and Tibet Valley), the Northeast of China group (Elenchuns, Jilin and Heihe), the Northwest of China group (Kazakh, Yili and Yanqi) and the Inner Mongolia group (Mongolia A, Sanhe, Xinihe,Wuzhumuqin and Sengeng). This grouping pattern was further supported by principal component analysis and structure analysis.  相似文献   

The genetic structure and diversity of 10 Chinese indigenous egg-type duck breeds were investigated using 29 microsatellite markers. The total number of animals examined were 569, on average 57 animals per breed were selected. The microsatellite marker set analysed provided 177 alleles (mean 6.1 alleles per locus, ranging from 3 to 10). All populations showed high levels of heterozygosity with the lowest estimate of 0.539 for the Jinding ducks, and the highest 0.609 observed for Jingjiang partridge ducks. The global heterozygote deficit across all populations (F IT) amounted to −0.363. About 10% of the total genetic variability originated from differences among breeds, with all loci contributing significantly. An unrooted consensus tree was constructed using the NeighborNet tree based on the Reynold’s genetic distance. The structure software was used to assess genetic clustering of these egg-type duck breeds. Clustering analysis provided an accurate representation of the current genetic relations among the breeds. An integrated analysis was undertaken to obtain information on the population dynamics in Chinese indigenous egg-type duck breeds, and to better determine the conservation priorities.  相似文献   

Four missense substitutions (T30N, G52S, V199I and R200Q) in the porcine PRKAG3 gene were considered as the likely candidate loci affecting meat quality. In this study, the R200Q substitution was investigated in a sample of 62 individuals from Hampshire, Chinese Min and Erhualian pigs, and the genetic variations of T30N, G52S and V199I substitutions were detected in 1505 individuals from 21 Chinese indigenous breeds, 5 Western commercial pig breeds, and the wild pig. Allele 200R was fixed in Chinese Min and Erhualian pigs. Haplotypes II-QQ and IV-QQ were not observed in the Hampshire population, supporting the hypothesis that allele 200Q is tightly linked with allele 199V. Significant differences in allele frequencies of the three substitutions (T30N, G52S and V199I) between Chinese indigenous pigs and Western commercial pigs were observed. Obvious high frequencies of the "favorable" alleles 30T and 52G in terms of meat quality were detected in Chinese indigenous pigs, which are well known for high meat quality. However, the frequency of the "favorable" allele 199I, which was reported to have a greater effect on meat quality in comparison with 30T and 52G, was very low in all of the Chinese indigenous pigs except for the Min pig. The reasons accounting for this discrepancy remain to be addressed. The presence of the three substitutions in purebred Chinese Tibetan pigs indicates that the three substitutions were ancestral mutations. A novel A/G substitution at position 51 in exon 1 was identified. The results suggest that further studies are required to investigate the associations of these substitutions in the PRKAG3 gene with meat quality of Chinese indigenous pigs, and to uncover other polymorphisms in the PRKAG3 gene with potential effects on meat quality in Chinese indigenous pigs.  相似文献   

海南五指山猪遗传多样性的微卫星分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
海南五指山猪(Wuzhishan pig)是我国珍稀的小型猪品种。它的解剖学、生理学、疾病发生机理等都与人类极其相似,具有重要的应用价值,可用于心血管病、皮肤烧伤和新药评价等许多方面的研究。作者利用多重PCR和基因扫描技术对五指山猪32个微卫星基因座进行了遗传检测。统计了全群、核心群和近交群的等位基因组成,并计算了它们的平均纯合率、多态信息含量(PIC)和平均杂合度。结果显示,全群、核心群和近交群32个基因座的平均等位基因数分别为14.590个、9.410个、13.660个,平均基因纯合率分别为44%、44.3%、44%,平均PIC分别为0.742、0.708、0.731,平均杂合度分别为0.560、0.558、0.559。这表明海南五指山猪虽然遗传基础比较稳定,但仍具有较大的遗传变异。上述结果对于海南五指山猪的保种、定向选育、开发利用都具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Zhang GX  Wang ZG  Chen WS  Wu CX  Han X  Chang H  Zan LS  Li RL  Wang JH  Song WT  Xu GF  Yang HJ  Luo YF 《Animal genetics》2007,38(6):550-559
Twenty-seven domesticated yellow cattle breeds of China and three introduced cattle breeds were analysed by means of 30 microsatellite markers to determine the level of genetic variation within and among populations as well as the population structure. In all, 480 microsatellite alleles were observed across the 30 breeds with the mean number of alleles per locus of 9.093 for native breeds and 6.885 for the three introduced breeds. Mean F -statistics (0.08) for Chinese native cattle breeds implied that 92% of the total genetic variation was from genetic differentiation within each breed and 8% of the genetic variation existed among breeds. A phylogenetic tree was constructed based on Nei's genetic distances, and three clusters were obtained. According to the tree, the three introduced breeds were distinct from the 27 native breeds. The indigenous cattle breeds were divided into two clusters, one cluster including five humpless breeds and the other cluster containing 22 humped breeds. This study identifies multiple origins of yellow cattle of China from Bos taurus and Bos indicus . Furthermore, population structure analysis implies that there are possibly five independent original domestications for yellow cattle in China. Four of five origins were four different Bos indicus types, mainly in areas of the Chang Jiang, the Zhu Jiang River basin, the Yellow River and the Huai River basin. The other origin was for Bos taurus type of Mongolian descent, mainly located in Northwestern China, the Mongolian plateau and Northeastern China or north of the Great Wall.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to develop breed-specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in five pig breeds sequenced with Illumina's Genome Analyzer and to investigate their usefulness for breed assignment purposes. DNA pools were prepared for Duroc, Landrace, Large White, Pietrain and Wild Boar. The total number of animals used for sequencing was 153. SNP discovery was performed by aligning the filtered reads against Build 7 of the pig genome. A total of 313,964 high confidence SNPs were identified and analysed for the presence of breed-specific SNPs (defined in this context as SNPs for which one of the alleles was detected in only one breed). There were 29,146 putative breed-specific SNPs identified, of which 4441 were included in the PorcineSNP60 beadchip. Upon re-examining the genotypes obtained using the beadchip, 193 SNPs were confirmed as being breed specific. These 193 SNPs were subsequently used to assign an additional 490 individuals from the same breeds, using the sequenced individuals as reference populations. In total, four breed assignment tests were performed. Results showed that for all methods tested 99% of the animals were correctly assigned, with an average probability of assignment of at least 99.2%, indicating the high utility of breed-specific markers for breed assignment and traceability. This study provides a blueprint for the way next-generation sequencing technologies can be used for the identification of breed-specific SNPs, as well as evidence that these SNPs may be a powerful tool for breed assignment and traceability of animal products to their breeds of origin.  相似文献   

X. Wang  C. Wang  M. Huang  J. Tang  Y. Fan  Y. Li  X. Li  H. Ji  J. Ren  N. Ding 《Animal genetics》2018,49(4):275-283
Dongxiang Spotted, Pingxiang Two‐End‐Black and Yushan Black pigs are three indigenous breeds in Jiangxi Province, China, that have been listed in the national conservation program for Chinese indigenous livestock germplasm. Here, we investigated the genetic diversity and population structure of the nucleus populations of these three breeds in a worldwide context of European and Chinese pigs using Illumina Porcine 60K chips. Our data indicate that Dongxiang Spotted and Yushan Black pigs have recently experienced severe inbreeding. The two breeds show large runs‐of‐homozygosity values, long‐range extents of linkage disequilibrium and reduced observed heterozygosity. In contrast, Pingxiang Two‐End‐Black pigs are rich in genetic diversity and have few inbred individuals. Both phylogenetic and admixture analyses illustrate that Dongxiang Spotted and Yushan Black pigs are genetically close to their geographical neighbors in East China and that Pingxiang Two‐End‐Black pigs have a close relationship with three other Two‐End‐Black breeds in central China. Finally, we reconstructed the family structures of the three breeds and propose a reliable breeding strategy to better conserve these breeds.  相似文献   

Information about genetic diversity and population structure among goat breeds is essential for genetic improvement, understanding of environmental adaptation as well as utilization and conservation of goat breeds. Here, we measured genetic diversity and population structure in multiple Chinese goat populations, namely, Nanjiang, Qinggeda, Arbas Cashmere, Jining Grey, Luoping Yellow and Guangfeng goats. A total of 193 individuals were genotyped for about 47 401 autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We found a high proportion of informative SNPs, ranging from 69.5% in the Luoping Yellow to 93.9% in the Jining Grey goat breeds with an average mean of 84.7%. Diversity, as measured by expected heterozygosity, ranged from 0.371 in Luoping Yellow to 0.405 in Jining Grey goat populations. The average estimated pair‐wise genetic differentiation (FST) among the populations was 8.6%, ranging from 0.2% to 16% and indicating low to moderate genetic differentiation. Principal component analysis, genetic structure and phylogenetic tree analysis revealed a clustering of six Chinese goat populations according to geographic distribution. The results from this study can contribute valuable genetic information and can properly assist with within‐breed diversity, which provides a good opportunity for sustainable utilization of and maintenance of genetic resource improvements in the Chinese goat populations.  相似文献   

  • 1 Despite the vast literature on genetic variation in the domestic pig Sus scrofa, little is known about genetic differentiation in wild boar populations.
  • 2 Here we present an up‐to‐date review of published data on the past and recent history of the European wild boar, its genetic diversity and the spatial distribution of genetic variation throughout the continent.
  • 3 The phylogeography of the species seems to be shaped mostly by past large‐scale events (like postglacial recolonization) rather than by more recent human manipulation. Genetic differentiation is observed both on a continental and a regional scale, and non‐intuitive barriers to gene flow occur.
  • 4 From an indirect estimate, hybridization between wild boar and domestic pigs is seemingly a minor source of genetic variation for wild boar populations, yet risks are still linked to the release of captive hybrids in some areas.
  • 5 Finally, we present future perspectives concerning the development of powerful molecular tools and their possible application to the study and management of this species.

Li K  Chen Y  Moran C  Fan B  Zhao S  Peng Z 《Animal genetics》2000,31(5):322-325
The genetic diversities and relationships of four Chinese indigenous pig breeds and one Australian commercial pig breed have been evaluated using 27 microsatellites recommended by the International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The allele frequencies, effective numbers of alleles and the polymorphic information content have been calculated. Nei's standard genetic distances have been used to construct a UPGMA dendrogram, which has been evaluated by the Bootstrap test. The utility of microsatellites for evaluating genetic diversity of pigs is discussed.  相似文献   

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