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The ability of prisms to effectively dissipate contact stress at the surface will influence wear rates in teeth. The aim of this investigation was to begin to quantify the effect of prism orientation on surface stresses. Seven finite element models of enamel microstructure were created, each model differing in the angulation of prism orientation with regard to the wear surface. For validation purposes, the mechanical behavior of the model was compared with published experimental data. In order to test the enamel under lateral loads, a compressed food particle was dragged across the surface from the dentino-enamel junction (DEJ) towards the outer enamel surface (OES). Under these conditions, tensile stresses in the enamel model increased with increases in the coefficient of friction. More importantly, stresses were found to be lowest in models in which the prisms approach the surface at lower angles (i.e., more obliquely cut prisms), and highest when the prisms approached the surface at 60 degrees (i.e., less obliquely cut). Finally, the direction of travel of the simulated food particle was reversed, allowing comparison of the difference in behavior between trailing and leading edge enamels (i.e., when the food particle was dragged either towards or away from the DEJ). Stresses at the trailing edge were usually lower than stresses at the leading edge. Taken together with what is known about prism orientation in primate teeth, such findings imply greater wear resistance at the intercuspal region and less wear resistance at the lateral enamel at midcrown. Such findings appear to be supported by archeological evidence.  相似文献   

Rat molar enamel has been studied by sectioning the enamel along various planes, and observing the etched surfaces in the SEM. It was found that the prism pattern was much more variable than in rat incisor enamel. Regions without prism decussation seemed to dominate in the occlusal half of the molars. Where present, prism decussation was of the uniserial lamellar type, but it varied considerably in distribution, extent, and distinctness. Prism decussation seemed to have a predilection for the cervical enamel, and was almost absent in the enamel on the occlusal surface. The interprismatic substance showed a characteristic configuration: In the inner enamel it appeared in the form of radially oriented sheets, which tended to delimit radially directed, single lines of prisms. In regions with prism decussation these single lines of prisms encompassed prisms belonging to different prism lamellae. In the outer part of the enamel the interprismatic substance exhibited a honeycomb appearance. The similarities and differences between the prism patterns of rat incisor and molar enamel may be of importance for understanding the mechanisms of amelogenesis, especially for the recognition of factors controlling the movement of ameloblasts.  相似文献   

Otavipithecus namibiensis is currently the sole representative of a Miocene hominoid radiation in subequatorial Africa. Several nondestructive techniques, such as computed tomography (CT) and confocal microscopy (CFM), can provide useful information about dental characteristics in this southern African Miocene hominoid. Our studies suggest that the molars of Otavipithecus are characterized by (1) thin enamel and (2) a predominance of pattern 1 enamel prism. Together, these findings provide little support for the recent suggestion of an Afropithecini clade consisting of Otavipithecus, Heliopithecus, and Afropithecus. Instead, they lend some (though not conclusive) support to the suggestion of an Otavipithecus/African ape clade distinct from Afropithecus. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract. Enamel formation in the developing tooth organ is the product of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions which result in the differentiation of ameloblasts, the secretion of enamel proteins, and the production of a highly organized extracellular matrix. The three-dimensional organization of enamel prisms is species-specific: irregular polygonshaped in rabbit and rectangular-shaped in mouse. We designed experiments to test the hypothesis that three-dimensional organization of enamel prism formation is genetically determined by epithelium; the prediction being that speciesspecific enamel prism pattern formation is expressed independent of mesenchymal instructions. Our strategy employs scanning electron microscopy to examine enamel prism patterns formed during rabbit and mouse tooth morphogenesis in situ and in vitro, and to then determine the specific tissue type required for regulating these patterns using heterotypic tissue recombinations. Morphometric analyses demonstrated that cap stage tooth organs cultured on the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) formed enamel prisms equivalent to prism patterns observed for in situ controls. Heterotypic tissue recombinations, using cap stage molar organs, formed rabbit-like prisms with rabbit epithelium/mouse mesenchyme, and mouse-like prisms with mouse epithelium/rabbit mesenchyme. These results indicate that dental papilla mesenchyme has no apparent influence on enamel prism pattern formation. Enamel prism pattern appears to be genetically regulated by the inner enamel epithelium.  相似文献   

The angle at which enamel prisms approach the wear surface holds information with regard to the stiffness of the tissue, as well as its wear resistance. Hence, analyses of prism orientation may shed light on questions of whether the thick enamel in hominins has evolved to confer stiffness or wear resistance to the teeth and may thus inform about the diet and behavioural ecology of these species. This was explored for Paranthropus robustus and Australopithecus africanus, whereby a distinction was made between prisms at the Phase I and Phase II facets. The results were compared with those obtained for Theropithecus, Macaca, and Potamochoerus for whom behavioural and/or experimental data are available, and were interpreted against simple mechanical principles. The South African hominins differ significantly in their relationships between wear facets and prism angulations. Teeth of P. robustus are better adapted to more vertical loads during mastication (Phase I), whereas those of A. africanus are better adapted to cope with more laterally-directed loads (Phase II) commonly associated with roll-crush and mastication. Overall, teeth of P. robustus appear stiffer, while those of A. africanus seem more wear resistant.  相似文献   

The prism pattern in the inner enamel of adult rat incisors was studied with the SEM in unfixed tissues that had been sectioned, ground, polished, and etched. Six different types of aberrations in the prism pattern were encountered: 1. Prism lamellae may be shorter than the mesio-lateral width of enamel. 2. Prism lamellae may deviate from a transverse orientation. 3. Prism lamellae may "fuse" or "bifurcate." 4. Prisms of two adjacent lamellae may pursue a common course. 5. Prisms may change direction. 6. Variations exist in the outline of transversely cut prism profiles. Aberrations were observed at any distance from the dentino-enamel junction. These observations were used as a basis for an analysis of the movement of ameloblasts during rat incisor amelogenesis. It was concluded that it is physically possible for the ameloblasts to create the observed aberrations as they move along the path of the prisms. However, the aberrations seem to make it more difficult to understand the factors controlling ameloblast movement. Occasionally crystallite bridges connecting adjacent prisms were observed. A configuration resembling a bifurcating prism is pesented.  相似文献   

We have developed a simple correlative photooxidation method that allows for the direct ultrastructural visualization of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) upon illumination. The method, termed GRAB for GFP recognition after bleaching, uses oxygen radicals generated during the GFP bleaching process to photooxidize 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) into an electron-dense precipitate that can be visualized by routine electron microscopy and electron tomography. The amount of DAB product produced by the GRAB method appears to be linear with the initial fluorescence, and the resulting images are of sufficient quality to reveal detailed spatial information. This is exemplified by the observed intra-Golgi stack and intracisternal distribution of a human Golgi resident glycosylation enzyme, N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-2 fused either to enhanced GFP or CFP.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron tomography of frozen-hydrated biological samples offers a means of studying large and complex cellular structures in three-dimensions and with nanometer-scale resolution. The low contrast of unstained biological material embedded in amorphous ice and the need to minimise the exposure of these radiation-sensitive samples to the electron beam result in a poor signal-to-noise ratio. This poses problems not only in the visualisation and interpretation of such tomograms, it is also a problem in surveying the sample and in finding regions which contain the features of interest and which are suitable for recording tomograms. To address this problem, we have developed a correlative fluorescence light microscopy-electron microscopy approach, which guides the search for the structures of interest and allows electron microscopy to zoom in on them. With our approach, the total dose spent on locating regions of interest is negligible. A newly designed cryo-holder allows imaging of fluorescently labelled samples after vitrification. The absolute coordinates of structures identified and located by cryo-light microscopy are transferred to the electron microscope via a Matlab-based user interface. We have successfully tested the experimental setup and the whole procedure with two types of adherent fluorescently labelled cells, a neuronal cell line and keratinocytes, both grown directly on EM grids.  相似文献   

Microscopy has become increasingly important for analysis of cells and cell function in recent years. This is due in large part to advances in light microscopy that facilitate quantitative studies and improve imaging of living cells. Analysis of fluorescence signals has often been a key feature in these advances. Such studies involve a number of techniques, including imaging of fluorescently labeled proteins in living cells, single-cell physiological experiments using fluorescent indicator probes, and immunofluorescence localization. The importance of fluorescence microscopy notwithstanding, there are instances in which electron microscopy provides unique information about cell structure and function. Correlative microscopy in which a fluorescence signal is reconciled with a signal from the electron microscope is an additional tool that can provide powerful information for cellular analysis. Here we review two different methodologies for correlative fluorescence and electron microscopy using ultrathin cryosections and the advantages attendant on this approach. (J Histochem Cytochem 49:803-808, 2001)  相似文献   

Interference microscopy of human dental enamel at various age periods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Investigation of the human tooth enamel by means of interference contrast makes it possible to reveal certain peculiarities of the prismatic structure in various age groups. For example, in children the enamel has specific porosity of the superficial layers, that is peculiar for teeth with a delayed eruption. With age the enamel becomes more "homogeneous", amount and size of the pores decrease, aprismatic areas in the superficial layer are found more often. Erased teeth are characterized with formation of microdefects, destruction of prisms on the enamel surface and at the same time with increased mineralization of the subsuperficial layer. Thus, age changes of the enamel are of adaptive character--consolidation of structural elements promotes increasing resistivity of the teeth to influence of pathological factors.  相似文献   

Summary Thin sections of rat incisor enamel were studied with the electron microscope. Fringe patterns having repeat periods in the range 3.1–8.2 Å were seen in individual enamel crystals. These images were interpreted as representing the resolution of corresponding planes in the hydroxyapatite crystal lattice. The lattice spacings and interplanar angles were identified by comparing the observations with available data derived from X-ray diffraction analysis.  相似文献   

Semithick (0.25-0.50 micron) sections, cut from cells stained with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated antibodies prior to embedding in Epon, show high resolution patterns of immunofluorescence against a background void of autofluorescence. These same sections can then be viewed, after uranyl and lead staining, in the electron microscope. We clearly establish the specificity of this same-section correlative immunofluorescence-electron microscopy approach by showing that the immunofluorescent patterns observed in such sections of cells, stained prior to embedding for the indirect immunofluorescent localization of tubulin, follows the distribution of microtubules within the same sections as determined by electron microscopy. We then use this method to demonstrate for the first time that the 57 kD core protein of wound tumor virus is associated, at the ultrastructural level, with two distinct cellular inclusions in virally infected AC-20 cells. In some instances the fidelity in the correlation between the distribution of immunofluorescently labeled antigens and the ultrastructure in the same section eliminates the need to employ more complex procedures for labeling antigens for ultrastructural detection. This technique, therefore, provides a rapid and simple first approach to many problems that require the ultrastructural localization of specific antigens.  相似文献   

Messenger RNA orients on the small ribosomal subunit by base pairing with a complementary sequence in ribosomal RNA. We have positioned this ribosomal RNA segment and thus oriented the mRNA using a new technique--localization of an antibody-recognizable modified complementary oligodeoxynucleotide by electron microscopy. A synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide complementary to the message-positioning ribosomal RNA sequence was modified at either or both ends with different antigenic markers. Electron microscopy of subunit-oligodeoxynucleotide-antibody complexes allowed separate placement of each terminal marker of the oligodeoxynucleotide probe. The 5'-end of the complementary sequence contacts the subunit at the platform tip (rRNA nucleotide 1542). The message then extends along the interior side of the platform to the level of the fork of the cleft separating the platform from the subunit body, and displaced slightly to the convex side of the platform (rRNA nucleotide 1531). Based on our results and data from other laboratories, we propose a model for the positioning of messenger RNA on the 30 S subunit.  相似文献   

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