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A preliminary account of Entolomataceae from Costa Rica is presented. Three new taxa are described, two inClitopilus, one inRhodocybe, and three new combinations are proposed inInocephalus. Five taxa ofClitopilus are reported for the first time from Costa Rica and a key to species is provided. Four species ofRhodocybe are discussed and a key to the six species known from Costa Rica is also provided.Alboleptonia earlei, Inocephalus murraii, Inocephalus quadratum, Rhodocybe incarnata andRhodocybe pseudonitellina are now known to occur in Costa Rica.  相似文献   

The qualitative and quantitative compositions of leaf cuticular waxes from potato (Solanum tuberosum) varieties were studied. The principal components of the waxes were very long chain n-alkanes, 2-methylalkanes and 3-methylalkanes (3.1-4.6 microg cm(-2)), primary alcohols (0.3-0.7 microg cm(-2)), fatty acids (0.3-0.6 microg cm(-2)), and wax esters (0.1-0.4 microg cm(-2)). Methyl ketones, sterols, beta-amyrin, benzoic acid esters and fatty acid methyl, ethyl, isopropyl and phenylethyl esters were found for the first time in potato waxes. The qualitative composition of the waxes was quite similar but there were quantitative differences between the varieties studied. A new group of cuticular wax constituents consisting of free 2-alkanols with odd and even numbers of carbon atoms ranging from C25 to C30 was identified.  相似文献   

Three phases of cohesion were observable during the development of compatible autografts in Solanum pennellii. Phase I cohesion 1) lasted 4–5 d after grafting, 2) was characterized by an average increase in tensile strength of 4 g breaking weight (BW) mm–2 graft area (GA) d–1, and 3) correlated positively with cellular interdigitation at the graft interface. The fresh weight of the scion increased by approximately 5% d–1 during the first 2 d after grafting. Phase II cohesion occurred 5–15 d after grafting, during which time 1) the tensile strength of the graft union increased by 14 g BW mm–2 GA d–1, 2) vascular differentiation across the graft interface was completed, and 3) the fresh weight of the scion increased by 9% d–1. Phase III cohesion occurred subsequent to 15 d after grafting, during which time 1) the tensile strength of the graft union leveled off at a value similar to that of an ungrafted internode, and 2) the fresh weight of the scion increased by 14% d–1. These results are discussed relative to mechanisms underlying the formation of compatible grafts.  相似文献   

John F. Utley 《Brittonia》1981,33(4):581-586
Two new species ofVriesea with pendent inflorescences,V. uxoris andV. vietoris, are described from the mountains of Costa Rica, and their relationships in the genus are discussed.  相似文献   

Paullinia fournieri, a new species from Costa Rica is described, illustrated, and its relationships to other species are discussed.  相似文献   

Lamproderma magniretisporum, a new species of myxomycete from Costa Rica, is described and illustrated. This new species is characterized by its lignicolous habitat, long stalk, dark radial capillitium, large spores, and reticulate spore ornamentation. The stability of the taxonomic characters of L. magniretisporum is supported by two well-developed collections. The morphology of the sporocarp was subjected to detailed study with both the light microscope and the scanning electron microscope. Micrographs of all relevant features are presented. Taxonomic novelty Lamproderma magniretisporum G. Moreno, C. Rojas, S.L. Stephenson & H. Singer  相似文献   

Maxillaria suaveolens Barringer from the Gulfo Dolce region of Costa Rica is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

As a result of a review of the Costaceae for theManual de las Plantas de Costa Rica, two new species ofCostus (C. ricus andC. osae) are here described and illustrated. The assignment of the new species ofCostus subgen.Costus is discussed.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at examining the relationships between the African material of Solanum americanum (also designated as S. nodiflorum), accessions of this taxon from other geographical areas, and American S. americanum using AFLP markers. 96 individuals representing 39 accessions of S. americanum sensu lato and related diploid species from the widest possible geographical range, and one accession of S. dulcamara (as outgroup) were used. The AFLP results suggested that American S. americanum differs from S. nodiflorum and that the material investigated in this study can be assigned to three different species: S. americanum sensu stricto, S. nodiflorum and a Solanum species from Brazil. These species can be differentiated based on a combination of floral and fruit characteristics.  相似文献   

The composition of the essential oil isolated by steam distillation from aerial parts of the Costa Rican herb Lepechinia schiedeana (Schlecht) Vatke (Lamiaceae) collected in El Empalme, Costa Rica, was determined by capillary gas chromatography (GC) and coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses. Fifty-one components were identified corresponding ca. 93% of the oil. The major components were beta-pinene (26.6%), cis-pinocamphone (25.1%), delta-3-carene (6.1%), trans-pinocamphone (4.0%), camphor (3.8%) and beta-caryophyllene (3.7%).  相似文献   

Noel H. Holmgren 《Brittonia》1978,30(2):182-194
The mountains of Costa Rica and western Panama constitute a natural floristic region that is inhabited by six species ofCastilleja.Castilleja talamancensis, C. lentii andC. tayloriorum are described as new. The remaining three areC. arvensis,C. irasuensis andC. quirosii. All butC. arvensis are endemic to the area. The six species are keyed, described, illustrated, mapped and documented with literature and specimen citations.  相似文献   

Mitotic chromosomes of 13 species included in Solanum sect. Lasiocarpa were studied. All species have 2n = 24. The chromosome numbers of S. stagnale, S. felinum, and S. repandum are reported for the first time. Statistical analyses of chromosomes, genome length, and centromere position yielded estimates of karyotype composition and asymmetry. A generalized karyotype of the section shows that most of the chromosomes are metacentric (73%) or submetacentric (25.6%). Two pairs of subtelocentric chromosomes are present only in S. sessiliflorum. Satellites are quite common, characterizing chromosomes for ten species and are attached to the short arms of either m or sm chromosomes. They could be seen in 10% to 70% of the cells. Only S. pseudolulo bears two satellited chromosomes, one of them attached to a long chromosome arm. Although the section is chromosomally quite homogeneous, species can be distinguished by karyotype formula, presence of satellites in a particular chromosome pair, and total chromosome length. There are no indications of major chromosomal rearrangements within the section. Using cytological data exclusively, cluster analysis indicates S. sessiliflorum is isolated in the section. Solanum candidum and S. vestissimum are somewhat isolated as well and have unique karyological traits. Solanum pectinatum has a peculiar karyotype, but in the phenogram it is not particularly separated. Karyotype features suggest that morphological differentiation was not always followed by chromosomal divergence. The origin of the domesticated S. quitoense is no further elucidated by our data.  相似文献   

Lynn Bohs 《Biotropica》2000,32(1):70-79
The Witheringia solanacea complex consists of three species, W. asterotricha, W. meiantha, and W, solanacea, native to Central and South America. The three taxa are morphologically similar, and their distinctions and relationships have been the subject of taxonomic controversy. To investigate breeding systems and potential for hybridization among the taxa of the complex, two Costa Rican accessions per species were used in a crossing program. All plants were self‐incompatible except for one accession of W. solanacea. Hybrid plants resulted from all crosses among accessions of W. asterotricha and W. solanacea. Most crosses were unsuccessful using W. meiantha in combination with either of the other two taxa. It is suggested that W. meiantha and W. solanacea be recognized as separate taxa, but that W. asterotricha be considered a synonym of W. solanacea.  相似文献   

Sandra Knapp 《Brittonia》1986,38(3):273-301
Fourteen new species ofSolanum sectionGeminata are described and illustrated. Eight of these,S. erosomarginatum, S. foetens, S. lasiocladum, S. lucens, S. ombrophilum, S. tanysepalum, S. tenuiflagellatum, andS. turgidum are from Venezuela.Solanum cucullatum andS. bellum are from Ecuador,S. abitaguense from Ecuador and northeastern Peru,S. amnicola andS. yanamonense from eastern Peru, andS. mapiricum from eastern Bolivia. Relationships of each of the species to others in its geographical area are discussed. Chromosome numbers are reported for ten of these new species.  相似文献   

Potatoes are a cheap and easily available source for the preparation of beta 1,2-xylosidase. The soluble enzyme was purified from potato tubers by ammonium sulfate precipitation, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, affinity gel blue chromatography, ion exchange and size exclusion chromatography yielding a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 39-40 kDa, an isoelectric point of 5.1 and a typical plant N-glycosylation pattern. The enzyme releases xylose residues beta1,2-linked to the beta-mannose of an N-glycan core, if the 3-position of this mannose is not occupied. It showed an optimal enzymatic activity at pH 4.0-4.5 and at a temperature of 50 degrees C. The activity was reduced in the presence of Ni(2+) and Cu (2+) and slightly increased by the addition of Mn(2+) or Ca(2+). At 37 degrees C the cleavage of xylose from p-nitrophenyl-beta-xylopyranoside or appropriate pyridylaminated N-glycans was proportional to the time of incubation over a period of 8 h and increased with time for at least 24 h. N-Methoxycarbonylpentyl-1,5-dideoxy-1,5-iminoxylitol inhibits the enzyme effectively. Sequencing of the N-terminus showed a high homology to a number of isoforms of patatin, the main protein of potato tubers. This enzyme will be an important tool for the analysis of N-glycans and in the modification of N-glycans for immunological studies.  相似文献   

Cytokinin free bases, ribosides and 9-glucosides were measured in stem node cultures of potato ( Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Ulster Sceptre) in the presence or absence of 1 μ M jasmonic acid (JA) to examine whether or not their changed levels were part of the JA-induced growth response. The enhanced growth response in JA-treated plantlets included: expanded root systems, extended leaf areas, increased number of nodes, and enlarged stem diameters. The protein analysis revealed a substantial decrease in a 62-kDa polypeptide. On a dry weight basis, the levels of ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBP carboxylase, EC and chlorophylls a and b were constant. The total concentration of endogenous cytokinins remained virtually the same in control and treated plantlets; but in JA-treated plantlets the amount of cytokinin free bases and cytokinin 9-glucosides decreased. In addition, the level of cytokinin ribosides was elevated. The ratio between active and inactive cytokinins increased from 1.2 to 2.1, which correlates with the enhanced growth of potato plantlets grown on 1 μ M JA. Thus the observed growth and developmental changes may be a consequence of the measured altered cytokinin level. However, significant morphological alterations of the potato plantlets treated with JA may also be a result of the changed critical cytokinin concentration or critical ratios of cytokinins to auxins and JA, rather than their absolute concentrations.  相似文献   

Seed coat structure in Solanum L. section Solanum (Solanaceae). Seed coat structure in Solanum L. section Solanum was examined using SEM. The seed coat patterns observed were fairly uniform throughout the section, and thus of little diagnostic use. Moreover, all species are characterized by their seeds being covered by hairlike structures, which are bands of lignified thickening in the lateral (and basal) walls of the outer epidermal cells of the testa, and which only become obvious when the seeds are wetted. The development of the seed coat and its characteristic thickening was followed from the unfertilized ovule to the mature seed in vouchered material of Solanum nigrum L. since this species is the generic type, using sections of freshly fixed material.  相似文献   

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