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The appearance of ion channels was induced in phospholipid bilayers by acidification of the bulk solution on one side of the bilayer. by addition of HCl. acetic acid or by hydrolytic production of protons using purified acetylcholinesierase. Further acidification below an apparent critical pH range led to restoration of a low conductance state similar to that seen at neutral pH. Such experiments were performed with a heterogeneous soybean lecithin extract, with homogeneous synthetic di-phytanoylphosphatidylcholine, and with a mixture of cholesterol and synthetic dioleoylphosphatdylcholine. It is proposed that the physical mechanism for this phenomenon involves fluctuations of lipid order induced by fluctuations in protnation of phospholipid head groups within a critical pH range; these, in turn, create conductive defect in the two-dimensional lattice of the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

Summary Charge-pulse relaxation studies with the positively charged PV-K+ complex (cyclo-(d-Val-l-Pro-l-Val-d-Pro)3) and the negatively charged lipophilic ion dipicrylamine (DPA) have been performed in order to study the influence of structural properties on ion transport through lipid bilayer membranes. First, the thickness of monoolein membranes was varied over a wide range using differentn-alkanes and slovent-free membranes. The thickness (d) of the hydrocarbon core of these membranes varied between 4.9 and 2.5 nm. For both transport systems the partition coefficient was found to be rather insensitive to variations ind. The same was valid for the translocation rate constantk MS of PV-K+, whereas a strong increase of the translocation rate constantk i of DPA-with decreasingd was observed. In a further set of experimental conditions the structure of the lipids, such as number and position of the double bonds in the hydrocarbon chain and its chain length as well as the nature of the polar head group, was varied. The translocation constantk MS of PV-K+ transport was found to be much more sensitive to these variations thank i of DPA-.Much larger variations ink i andk MS were observed in membranes made from lipids with ether instead of ester linkages between glycerol backbone and hydrocarbon chain. The results are in qualitative agreement with the surface potentials of monolayers made from corresponding lipids. Increasing amounts of cholesterol in membranes of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine caused a strong decrease ofk MS (PV-K+), whereask i was found to be rather insensitive to this variation.In monoolein membranes cholesterol causes a decrease ofk MS up to sixfold and a increase ofk i up to eightfold. The partition coefficient of DPA was insensitive to cholesterol, whereas of PV-K+ was found to decrease about eightfold in these membranes. The influence of cholesterol onk MS is discussed on the basis of viscosity changes in the membrane and the change ink i of DPA and of PV-K+ on the basis of a possible change of the dipole potential of the membranes. The other sterols, epicholesterol and ergosterol cause no change in the kinetics of the two probes.The different influence of membrane properties like thickness, viscosity, and dipole potential on the two transport systems is discussed under the assumption that the adsorption planes of the two probes have different positions in a membrane. Possibly because of a larger hydrophobic interaction, the adsorption plane of PV-K+ is located more towards the hydrocarbon side and that of DPA more towards the aqueous side of the dipole layer.  相似文献   

The opening and closing of the ompF porin from Escherichia coli JF 701 was investigated by reconstituting the purified protein into planar bilayer membranes. The electrical conductance changes across the membranes at constant potential were used to analyze the size and aggregate nature of the porin channel complexes and the relative number of opening and closing events. We found that, when measured at pH 5.5, the channel conductance diminished and the number of closing events increased when the voltage was greater than 100 mV. The results suggest that the number of smaller sized conductance channels increases above this potential. There was also an increase in the smaller subunits and in the closing events when the pH was lowered to 3.5, and these changes were further enhanced by increasing the voltage. We propose that both lowering the pH and elevating the potential across the membrane stabilize the porin in a conformation in which the subunits are less tightly associated and the subunits open in a non-cooperative manner. These same conditions also appear to stabilize the closed state of the pore.  相似文献   

Role of porins in outer membrane permeability.   总被引:41,自引:15,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文

The dynamic conductivity of bilayer lipid membranes unmodified by ionophores in current ranges of 10(-12)-10(-10) A was studied. On the current voltage characteristics the jumps of dynamic conductivity in the voltage ranges near zero and disruption value were observed. The lifetime of these jumps was 1-5 s. It was shown that these effects were due to electrostriction phenomena and defects in the bilayer lipid structure correspondingly. Apparently, lipid peroxidation products participate in the building of defects in lipid bilayers.  相似文献   

The oxygen permeability coefficient across the membrane made of the total lipid extract from the plasma membrane of calf lens was estimated from the profile of the oxygen transport parameter (local oxygen diffusion-concentration product) and compared with those estimated for membranes made of an equimolar 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine/cholesterol (POPC/Chol) mixture and of pure POPC. Profiles of the oxygen transport parameter were obtained by observing the collision of molecular oxygen with nitroxide radical spin labels placed at different depths in the membrane using the saturation-recovery EPR technique and were published by us earlier (J. Widomska, M. Raguz, J. Dillon, E. R. Gaillard, W. K. Subczynski, Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1768 (2007) 1454-1465). At 35 °C, the estimated oxygen permeability coefficients were 51.3, 49.7, and 157.4 cm/s for lens lipid, POPC/Chol, and POPC membranes, respectively (compared with 53.3 cm/s for a water layer with the same thickness as a membrane). Membrane permeability significantly decreases at lower temperatures. In the lens lipid membrane, resistance to the oxygen transport is located in and near the polar headgroup region of the membrane to the depth of the ninth carbon, which is approximately where the steroid-ring structure of cholesterol reaches into the membrane. In the central region of the membrane, oxygen transport is enhanced, significantly exceeding that in bulk water. It is concluded that the high level of cholesterol in lens lipids is responsible for these unique membrane properties.  相似文献   

Oxygen permeability of the lipid bilayer membrane made of calf lens lipids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The oxygen permeability coefficient across the membrane made of the total lipid extract from the plasma membrane of calf lens was estimated from the profile of the oxygen transport parameter (local oxygen diffusion-concentration product) and compared with those estimated for membranes made of an equimolar 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine/cholesterol (POPC/Chol) mixture and of pure POPC. Profiles of the oxygen transport parameter were obtained by observing the collision of molecular oxygen with nitroxide radical spin labels placed at different depths in the membrane using the saturation-recovery EPR technique and were published by us earlier (J. Widomska, M. Raguz, J. Dillon, E. R. Gaillard, W. K. Subczynski, Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1768 (2007) 1454-1465). At 35 degrees C, the estimated oxygen permeability coefficients were 51.3, 49.7, and 157.4 cm/s for lens lipid, POPC/Chol, and POPC membranes, respectively (compared with 53.3 cm/s for a water layer with the same thickness as a membrane). Membrane permeability significantly decreases at lower temperatures. In the lens lipid membrane, resistance to the oxygen transport is located in and near the polar headgroup region of the membrane to the depth of the ninth carbon, which is approximately where the steroid-ring structure of cholesterol reaches into the membrane. In the central region of the membrane, oxygen transport is enhanced, significantly exceeding that in bulk water. It is concluded that the high level of cholesterol in lens lipids is responsible for these unique membrane properties.  相似文献   

The major outer membrane protein of molecular weight 40,000 (the 40K protein) of a virulent isolate of Bordetella pertussis was purified to apparent homogeneity. The purified protein formed an oligomer band (of apparent molecular weight 90,000) on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels after solubilization at low temperatures. The porin function of this protein was characterized by the black lipid bilayer method. The 40K protein formed channels smaller than all other constitutive major outer membrane porins studied to date. The average single-channel conductance in 1 M KCl was 0.56 nS. This was less than a third of the conductance previously observed for Escherichia coli porins. Zero-current potential measurements made of the porin to determine its ion selectivity revealed the porin to be more than 100-fold selective for anions over cations. The single-channel conductance was measured as a function of salt concentration. The data could be fitted to a Lineweaver-Burk plot suggesting an anion binding site with a Kd of 1.17 M Cl- and a maximum possible conductance through the channel of 1.28 nS.  相似文献   

Cadmium and thallous ion permeabilities through lipid bilayer membranes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cadmium (Cd2+) and thallous ion (Tl+) permeabilities were measured in planar (Mueller-Rudin) lipid bilayer membranes made from diphytanoylphosphatidylcholine in decane. Permeabilities of the electroneutral Cl- complexes, measured with tracers (109Cd and 204Tl), were about 10(-8) cm X s-1 for CdCl2 and 10(-6) cm X s-1 for TlCl. Electrical conductance measurements showed that permeabilities to Cd2+ and Tl+ were approx. 10(-11) cm X s-1, similar to the Na+ permeability. The low permeabilities to both Cd2+ and CdCl2 are consistent with biological studies which suggest that Cd transport and toxicity are protein mediated and correlated with Cd2+, not CdCl2, concentration. However, the low bilayer permeability to Tl+ raises questions about recent reports that Tl+ is a lipid permeable cation in biological membranes and liposomes. An alternative explanation for the lipid permeable behavior of Tl+ is presented, based on the diffusion of TlCl and other complexes of Tl+ with inorganic and organic anions.  相似文献   

Glucose permeability of lipid bilayer membranes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Aggregates of the "major" outer membrane proteins, "porins," of Salmonella typhimurium form diffusion channels in reconstituted vesicle membranes. The aggregate consists of three species of porins with apparent molecular weights of 34,000, 35,000, and 36,000 when active aggregates are subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gel electrophoresis after heating in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (Nakae, J. Biol. Chem. 251:2176-2178, 1976). Single species of porins were isolated by solubilization of membranes and subsequent gel filtration in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate from the mutant strains of Salmonella typhimurium that produced only single species of porin. The single species of porins of either 34,000, 35,000, or 36,000 daltons formed diffusion channels when assayed for sucrose permeability in the vesicle membranes reconstituted from porins, phospholipids, and lipopolysaccharides. The exclusion limits of the pores made of single species of porins were not distinguishable from each other and from the exclusion limits of the pores made of the porin aggregates from the wild-type strain, when the permeability of vesicle membranes to radioactive di-, tri-, and tetrasaccharides and to various sizes of radioactive polyethylene glycol was determined. Porin-deficient mutants produced residual amounts of porin amounting to 1 to 5% that produced by the parent strain. This residual porin made diffusion channels when the isolated porins were incorporated into the vesicle membrane and assayed for permeability of saccharides.  相似文献   

Charge-pulse relaxation experiments with the negatively charged lipophilic ions, dipicrylamine and tetraphenylborate, (as well as with the positively charged carrier system Rb+-valinomycin) have been carried out in order to study the influence of sterols on the ion transport through the lipid bilayer membrane. The mol fraction of the sterols (cholesterol, epicholesterol, ergosterol, stigmasterol, dihydrocholsterol, epicoprostanol and cholesterololeate) as referred to total lipid was varied in a wide range (mol fractions 0–0.8).The monoolein/sterol or dioleoylphosphatidylcholine/sterol mixtures were dissolved in n-hexadecane in order to minimize effects of the sterol on the membrane thickness.Cholesterol had a strong influence on the transport of the lipophilic ions. Its incorporation into monoolein membranes increased the rate constant i of translocation up to 8-fold, but incorporation into phosphatidylcholine membranes had virtually no influence on ki. The other sterols with one hydroxy group and cholesterololeate had no influence on the rate constant or the partition coefficient β. The results are discussed on the basis of a possible change of dipole potential of the membrane caused by cholesterol and its derivatives.In the case of valinomycin-mediated Rb+ transport only cholesterol had a strong influence on transport properties. The rate constants of association (kR) as well as the rate constants of translocation of the complex (kMS) and of the free carrier (kS) were reduced by incorporation of cholesterol up to eight-fold. The decrease of kS and kMS are possibly caused by a decrease of membrane fluidity, whereas the decrease of kR may be due to an increase of surface potential. The different action of cholesterol on the two transport systems is discussed under the assumption that the adsorption plane of the lipophilic ion is located more towards the aqueous side and that of the ion-carrier complexes more towards the hydrocarbon side of the dipole layer.  相似文献   

Design of simple protein structures represents the essential first step toward novel macromolecules and understanding the basic principles of protein folding. Our work focuses on the ion channel formation and structure of peptides having a repeated pattern of glycine residues. Investigation of the ion channel properties of a glycine repeat peptide, VSLGLSIGFSVGVSIGWSFGRSRG revealed the formation of porin-like high conductance, multimeric, non-selective voltage-gated channels in phospholipid bilayer membranes. ATR-IR and CD spectroscopic studies showed an anti-parallel beta sheet structure in membranes. The formation of porin-like ion channels by a beta sheet peptide suggests spontaneous assembly into a beta barrel structure through oligomerization as in pore forming bacterial toxins. The present work is the first example of a short synthetic peptide mimicking the pore characteristics of a complex beta barrel protein and demonstrates that smaller peptides are capable of mimicking the complex functional properties of natural ion channels. This will have implications in understanding the folding of beta sheet proteins in membranes, the mechanism of two state voltage gating, and the role of glycine residues in beta barrel proteins.  相似文献   

The effect of the antiviral preparation rimantadine on lipid bilayer membranes (BLM) was studied by measuring the modulus of elasticity in the direction normal to the surface (E perpendicular) and by estimating the conductance lambda, the lifetime tau of single gramicidin D channels (GRD), and the coefficient of nonlinearity beta of current voltage characteristics (IVC) of GRD-modified BLM. Rimantadine induced a nonmonotonic change in E perpendicular of BLM prepared from a mixture of egg lecithin with cholesterol: at relatively low rimantadine concentrations (0-40 micrograms/ml) E perpendicular first increased, reached a maximum and started to decrease. The effectivity of rimantadine was dependent on the cholesterol concentration in the BLM. Changes in E perpendicular suggest an increased ordering of the lipid bilayer at low rimantadine concentrations and formation of clusters of the preparation at concentrations exceeding those necessary to obtain maximal values of E perpendicular for the given BLM lipid composition. Rimantadine concentrations lifetime by approximately 20 percent, affected the degree of IVC nonlinearity and superlinearity of GRD-modified membranes, which suggests some effect on the height of the barrier at the ionic channel mouth and in its centre.  相似文献   

Role of lysines in ion selectivity of bacterial outer membrane porins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The epsilon-amino groups of available lysine residues of the OmpC, OmpF and PhoE porin proteins of Escherichia coli and of the protein P porin of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, were modified by the bulky reagent trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid. Approximately 78% of the lysines of the anion-selective protein P and PhoE porins were modified whereas only 40-50% of the lysines of the cation selective OmpF and OmpC porins were altered. After modification, the three E. coli porins had very similar high selectivities for cations over anions, in contrast to the native porins which varied 86-fold in ion selectivity. Despite the large size of the trinitrophenyl group attached to modified lysines (i.e., a disc of approx. 0.86 nm diameter X 0.36 nm high) relative to the reported size of the constrictions of the E. coli porins (1.0-1.2 nm diameter), only the anion-selective PhoE porin was substantially blocked after trinitrophenylation. The protein P porin channel was relatively unaffected by trinitrophenylation, in contrast to previous data showing dramatic effects of acetylation of lysines on protein P conductance and selectivity. This favoured a model in which the critical lysines involved in anion binding by protein P were present in a constriction of the channel that was too small for trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid to enter. Overall, the data suggest that both the number and relative position of charged lysines are major determinants of ion selectivity.  相似文献   

The beta-barrels found in the outer membranes of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms constitute an important functional class of proteins. Here we present solid-state NMR spectra of the bacterial outer membrane protein OmpX in oriented lipid bilayer membranes. We show that OmpX is folded in both glass-supported oriented lipid bilayers and in lipid bicelles that can be magnetically oriented with the membrane plane parallel or perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. The presence of resolved peaks in these spectra demonstrates that OmpX undergoes rotational diffusion around an axis perpendicular to the membrane surface. A tightly hydrogen-bonded domain of OmpX resists exchange with D2O for days and is assigned to the transmembrane beta-barrel, while peaks at isotropic resonance frequencies that disappear rapidly in D2O are assigned to the extracellular and periplasmic loops. The two-dimensional 1H/15N separated local field spectra of OmpX have several resolved peaks, and agree well with the spectra calculated from the crystal structure of OmpX rotated with the barrel axis nearly parallel (5 degrees tilt) to the direction of the magnetic field. The data indicate that it will be possible to obtain site-specific resonance assignments and to determine the structure, tilt, and rotation of OmpX in membranes using the solid-state NMR methods that are currently being applied to alpha-helical membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The β-barrels found in the outer membranes of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms constitute an important functional class of proteins. Here we present solid-state NMR spectra of the bacterial outer membrane protein OmpX in oriented lipid bilayer membranes. We show that OmpX is folded in both glass-supported oriented lipid bilayers and in lipid bicelles that can be magnetically oriented with the membrane plane parallel or perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. The presence of resolved peaks in these spectra demonstrates that OmpX undergoes rotational diffusion around an axis perpendicular to the membrane surface. A tightly hydrogen-bonded domain of OmpX resists exchange with D2O for days and is assigned to the transmembrane β-barrel, while peaks at isotropic resonance frequencies that disappear rapidly in D2O are assigned to the extracellular and periplasmic loops. The two-dimensional 1H/15N separated local field spectra of OmpX have several resolved peaks, and agree well with the spectra calculated from the crystal structure of OmpX rotated with the barrel axis nearly parallel (5° tilt) to the direction of the magnetic field. The data indicate that it will be possible to obtain site-specific resonance assignments and to determine the structure, tilt, and rotation of OmpX in membranes using the solid-state NMR methods that are currently being applied to α-helical membrane proteins.  相似文献   

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