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A rapid loss of accumulated Ca2+ is produced by addition of H+ to isolated heart mitochondria. The H+-dependent Ca+ efflux requires that either (a) the NAD(P)H pool of the mitochondrion be oxidized, or (b) the endogenous adenine nucleotides be depleted. The loss of Ca2+ is accompanied by swelling and loss of endogenous Mg2–. The rate of H+-dependent Ca2+ efflux depends on the amount of Ca2+ and Pi taken up and the extent of the pH drop imposed. In the absence of ruthenium red the H+-induced Ca2+-efflux is partially offset by a spontaneous re-accumulation of released Ca2+. The H+-induced Ca2+ efflux is inhibited when the Pi transporter is blocked withN-ethylmaleimide, is strongly opposed by oligomycin and exogenous adenine nucleotides (particularly ADP), and inhibited by nupercaine. The H+-dependent Ca2+ efflux is decreased markedly when Na+ replaces the K+ of the suspending medium or when the exogenous K+/H+ exchanger nigericin is present. These results suggest that the H+-dependent loss of accumulated Ca2+ results from relatively nonspecific changes in membrane permeability and is not a reflection of a Ca2+/H+ exchange reaction.  相似文献   

A high affinity Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase has been identified and localized in synaptic membrane subfractions. This enzyme is stimulated by low concentrations of Ca2+ (1 M) believed to approximate the range of Ca2+ in the synaptosomal cytosol (0.1 to 5.0 M). The opiate agonist levorphanol, in a concentration-dependent fashion, inhibited Ca2+-stimulated ATP hydrolysis in lysed synaptic membranes. This inhibition was reversed by naloxone, while dextrorphan, the inactive opiate isomer, was without effect. Inhibition by levorphanol was most pronounced in a subfraction of synaptic membranes (SPM-1). The inhibition of Ca2+-stimulated ATP hydrolysis was characterized by a reduction inV max for Ca2+. Levorphanol pretreatment reduced the Hill coefficient (HN) of 1.5 to 0.7, suggesting cooperative interaction between the opiate receptor and the enzyme protein. Levorphanol, but not dextrorphan, also inhibited (28%) ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake by synaptic membranes. Opiate ligand stereoisomers were tested for their effects on calmodulin stimulating of high affinity Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase in synaptic membranes. Levorphanol (10 M), but not the inactive stereoisomer (+)dextrorphan, significantly inhibited (35%) the calmodulin-activated Ca2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis activity in a preparation of lysed synaptic membranes. Both Ca2+-dependent and calmodulin-dependent stimulation of the enzyme in the presence of optimal concentrations of the other co-substrate were inhibited by levorphanol (35–40%) but not dextrorphan. Inhibition of ATP hydrolysis was characterized by a reduction inV max for both Ca2+ and calmodulin stimulation of the enzyme. Calmodulin stimulation of enzyme activity was most pronounced in SPM-1, the membrane fraction which also exhibits the maximal opiate inhibition (40%) of the Ca2+-ATPase. The results demonstrate that opiate receptor activation inhibits a high affinity Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase in synaptic plasma membranes in a stereospecific fashion. The inhibition of the enzyme may occur by a mechanism involving both Ca2+ and calmodulin. Inhibition of calmodulin activation may contribute to the mechanism by which opiate ligands disrupt synaptosomal Ca2+ buffering mechanisms. Changes in the cytosolic distribution of synaptosomal Ca2+ following inhibition of Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase may underlie some of the pharmacological effects of opiate drugs.  相似文献   

The association of an endogenous, Ca2+-dependent cysteine-protease with the junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is demonstrated. The activity of this protease is strongly stimulated by dithiothreitol (DTT), cysteine and β-mercaptoethanol, and is inhibited by iodoacetamide, mercuric chloride and leupeptin, but not by PMSF. The activity of this thiol-protease is dependent on Ca2+ with half-maximal activity obtained at 0.1 μm and maximal activity at 10 μm. Mg2+ is also an activator of this enzyme (CI50=22 μm). These observations, together with the neutral pH optima and inhibition by the calpain I inhibitor, suggest that this enzyme is of calpain I type. This protease specifically cleaves the ryanodine receptor monomer (510 kD) at one site to produce two fragments with apparent molecular masses of 375 and 150 kD. The proteolytic fragments remain associated as shown by purification of the cleaved ryanodine receptor. The calpain binding site is identified as a PEST (proline, glutamic acid, serine, threonine-rich) region in the amino acid sequence GTPGGTPQPGVE, at positions 1356–1367 of the RyR and the cleavage site, the calmodulin binding site, at residues 1383–1400. The RyR cleavage by the Ca2+-dependent thiol-protease is prevented in the presence of ATP (1–5 mm) and by high NaCl concentrations. This cleavage of the RyR has no effect on ryanodine binding activity but stimulates Ca2+ efflux. A possible involvement of this specific cleavage of the RyR/Ca2+ release channel in the control of calpain activity is discussed.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ transport ATPase (SERCA) of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) plays an important role in muscle cytosolic signaling, as it stores Ca2+ in intracellular membrane bound compartments, thereby lowering cytosolic Ca2+ to induce relaxation. The stored Ca2+ is in turn released upon membrane excitation to trigger muscle contraction. SERCA is activated by high affinity binding of cytosolic Ca2+, whereupon ATP is utilized by formation of a phosphoenzyme intermediate, which undergoes protein conformational transitions yielding reduced affinity and vectorial translocation of bound Ca2+. We review here biochemical and biophysical evidence demonstrating that release of bound Ca2+ into the lumen of SR requires Ca2+/H+ exchange at the low affinity Ca2+ sites. Rise of lumenal Ca2+ above its dissociation constant from low affinity sites, or reduction of the H+ concentration by high pH, prevent Ca2+/H+ exchange. Under these conditions Ca2+ release into the lumen of SR is bypassed, and hydrolytic cleavage of phosphoenzyme may yield uncoupled ATPase cycles. We clarify how such Ca2+pump slippage does not occur within the time length of muscle twitches, but under special conditions and in special cells may contribute to thermogenesis.  相似文献   

In order to identify defects in Na+-Ca2+ exchange and Ca2+-pump systems in cardiomyopathic hearts, the activities of sarcolemmal Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake, Na+-induced Ca2+ release, ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase were examined by employing cardiomyopathic hamsters (UM-X7.1) and catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathy produced by injecting isoproterenol into rats. The rates of Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake, ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activities of sarcolemmal vesicles from genetically-linked cardiomyopathic as well as catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathic hearts were decreased without any changes in Na+-induced Ca2+-release. Similar results were obtained in Ca2+-paradox when isolated rat hearts were perfused for 5 min with a medium containing 1.25 mM Ca2+ following a 5 min perfusion with Ca2+-free medium. Although a 2 min reperfusion of the Ca2+-free perfused hearts depressed sarcolemmal Ca2+-pump activities without any changes in Na+-induced Ca2+-release, Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake was increased. These results indicate that alterations in the sarcolemmal Ca2+-efflux mechanisms may play an important role in cardiomyopathies associated with the development of intracellular Ca2+ overload.  相似文献   

Ca2+ transport in kidney has gained considerable attention in the recent past. Our laboratory has been involved in understanding the regulatory mechanisms underlying Ca2+ transport in the kidney across the renal basolateral membrane. We have shown that ANP, a cardiac hormone, mediates its biological functions by acting on its receptors in the kidney basolateral membrane. Furthermore, it has been established that ANP receptors are coupled with Ca2+ ATPase, the enzyme that participates in the vectorial translocation of Ca2+ from the tubular lumen to the plasma. It is possible that a defect in the ANP-receptor-effector system in diabetes (under certain conditions such as hypertension) may be associated with abnormal Ca2+ homeostasis and the development of nephropathy. Accordingly, future studies are needed to establish this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Respiring rat liver mitochondria are known to spontaneously release the Ca2+ taken up when they have accumulated Ca2+ over a certain threshold, while Sr2+ and Mn2+ are well tolerated and retained. We have studied the interaction of Sr2+ with Ca2+ release. When Sr2+ was added to respiring mitochondria simultaneously with or soon after the addition of Ca2+, the release was potently inhibited or reversed. On the other hand, when Sr2+ was added before Ca2+, the release was stimulated. Ca2+-induced mitochondrial damage and release of accumulated Ca2+ is generally believed to be due to activation of mitochondrial phospholipase A (EC by Ca2+. However, isolated mitochondrial phospholipase A activity was little if at all inhibited by Sr2+. The Ca2+ -release may thus be triggered by some Ca2+ -dependent function other than phospholipase.  相似文献   

Summary The relative contributions of the Na+/Ca2+ exchange and the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump to active Ca2+ efflux from stimulated rat pancreatic acini were studied. Na+ gradients across the plasma membrane were manipulated by loading the cells with Na+ or suspending the cells in Na+-free media. The rates of Ca2+ efflux were estimated from measurements of [Ca2+] i using the Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent dye Fura 2 and45Ca efflux. During the first 3 min of cell stimulation, the pattern of Ca2+ efflux is described by a single exponential function under control, Na+-loaded, and Na+-depleted conditions. Manipulation of Na+ gradients had no effect on the hormone-induced increase in [Ca2+] i . The results indicate that Ca2+ efflux from stimulated pancreatic acinar cells is mediated by the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump. The effects of several cations, which were used to substitute for Na+, on cellular activity were also studied. Choline+ and tetramethylammonium+ (TMA+) released Ca2+ from intracellular stores of pancreatic acinar, gastric parietal and peptic cells. These cations also stimulated enzyme and acid secretion from the cells. All effects of these cations were blocked by atropine. Measurements of cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-OP)-stimulated amylase release from pancreatic acini, suspended in Na+, TMA+, choline+, or N-methyl-d-glucamine+ (NMG+) media containing atropine, were used to evaluate the effect of the cations on cellular function. NMG+, choline+, and TMA+ inhibited amylase release by 55, 40 and 14%, respectively. NMG+ also increased the Ca2+ permeability of the plasma membrane. Thus, to study Na+ dependency of cellular function, TMA+ is the preferred cation to substitute for Na+. The stimulatory effect of TMA+ can be blocked by atropine.  相似文献   

Isolated hepatocytes release 2–3 nmol Mg2+/mg protein or ~10% of the total cellular Mg2+ content within 2 minutes from the addition of agonists that increase cellular cAMP, for example, isoproterenol (ISO). During Mg2+ release, a quantitatively similar amount of Ca2+ enters the hepatocyte, thus suggesting a stoichiometric exchange ratio of 1 Mg2+:1Ca2+. Calcium induced Mg2+ extrusion is also observed in apical liver plasma membranes (aLPM), in which the process presents the same 1 Mg2+:1Ca2+ exchange ratio. The uptake of Ca2+ for the release of Mg2+ occurs in the absence of significant changes in Δψ as evidenced by electroneutral exchange measurements with a tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) electrode or 3H-TPP+. Collapsing the Δψ by high concentrations of TPP+ or protonophore carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) does not inhibit the Ca2+-induced Mg2+ extrusion in cells or aLPM. Further, the process is strictly unidirectional, serving only in Ca2+ uptake and Mg2+ release. These data demonstrate the operation of an electroneutral Ca2+/Mg2+ exchanger which represents a novel pathway for Ca2+ accumulation in liver cells following adrenergic receptor stimulation. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant HL 18708.  相似文献   

Ca2+,Mg2+- and Ca2+,Mn2+-dependent and acid DNases were isolated from spermatozoa of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius. The enzymes have been purified by successive chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, phenyl-Sepharose, Source 15Q, and by gel filtration, and the principal physicochemical and enzymatic properties of the purified enzymes were determined. Ca2+,Mg2+-dependent DNase (Ca,Mg-DNase) is a nuclear protein with molecular mass of 63 kD as the native form and its activity optimum is at pH 7.5. The enzyme activity in the presence of bivalent metal ions decreases in the series (Ca2+ + Mg2+) > Mn2+ = (Ca2+ + Mn2+) > (Mg2+ + EGTA) > Ca2+. Ca,Mg-DNase retains its maximal activity in sea water and is not inhibited by G-actin and N-ethylmaleimide, whereas Zn2+ inhibits the enzyme. The endogenous Ca,Mg-DNase is responsible for the internucleosomal cleavage of chromosomal DNA of spermatozoa. Ca2+,Mn2+-dependent DNase (Ca,Mn-DNase) has molecular mass of 25 kD as the native form and the activity optimum at pH 8.5. The enzyme activity in the presence of bivalent metal ions decreases in the series (Ca2+ + Mn2+) > (Ca2+ + Mg2+) > Mn2+ > (Mg2+ + EGTA). In seawater the enzyme is inactive. Zinc ions inhibit Ca,Mn-DNase. Acid DNase of spermatozoa (A-DNase) is not a nuclear protein, it has molecular mass of 37 kD as a native form and the activity optimum at pH 5.5, it is not activated by bivalent metal ions, and it is inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide and iodoacetic acid. Mechanisms of the endonuclease cleavage of double-stranded DNA have been established for the three enzymes. The possible involvement of DNases from sea urchin spermatozoa in programmed cell death is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether polymorphic forms of the Ca2+ + Mg2+-dependent ATPase exist, we have examined the cross-reactivity of five monoclonal antibodies prepared against the rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum enzyme with proteins from microsomal fractions isolated from a variety of muscle and nonmuscle tissues. All of the monoclonal antibodies cross-reacted in immunoblots against rat skeletal muscle Ca2+ + Mg2+-dependent ATPase but they cross-reacted differentially with the enzyme from chicken skeletal muscle. No cross-reactivity was observed with the Ca2+ + Mg2+-dependent ATPase of lobster skeletal muscle. The pattern of antibody cross-reactivity with a 100,000 dalton protein from sarcoplasmic reticulum and microsomes isolated from various muscle and nonmuscle tissues of rabbit demonstrated the presence of common epitopes in multiple polymorphic forms of the Ca2+ + Mg2+-dependent ATPase. One of the monoclonal antibodies prepared against the purified Ca2+ + Mg2+-dependent ATPase of rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum was found to cross-react with calsequestrin and with a series of other Ca2+-binding proteins and their proteolytic fragments. Its cross-reactivity was enhanced in the presence of EGTA and diminished in the presence of Ca2+. Its lack of cross-reactivity with proteins that do not bind Ca2+ suggests that it has specificity for antigenic determinants that make up the Ca2+-binding sites in several Ca2+-binding proteins including the Ca2+ + Mg2+-dependent ATPase.This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr. David E. Green.  相似文献   

Ligand binding to transport sites constitutes the initial step in the catalytic cycle of transport ATPases. Here, we consider the well characterized Ca2+ ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SERCA) and describe a series of Ca2+ binding isotherms obtained by equilibrium measurements in the presence of various H+ and Mg2+ concentrations. We subject the isotherms to statistical mechanics analysis, using a model based on a minimal number of mechanistic steps. The analysis allows satisfactory fits and yields information on occupancy of the specific Ca2+ sites under various conditions. It also provides a fundamental method for analysis of binding specificity to transport sites under equilibrium conditions that lead to tightly coupled catalytic activation.  相似文献   

Regulatory role of prolactin (PRL) on Ca2+ mobilization in human mammary gland cell line MCF-7 was examined. Direct addition of PRL did not affect cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i); however, treatment with PRL for 24h significantly decreased the peak level and duration time of [Ca2+]i elevation evoked by ATP or thapsigargin (TG). Intracellular Ca2+ release by IP3 or TG in permeablized cells was not decreased after PRL-treatment, indicating that the Ca2+ release was not impaired by PRL treatment. Extracellular Ca2+ entry evoked by ATP or TG was likely to be intact, because entry of extracellular Ba2+ was not affected by PRL treatment. Among Ca2+-ATPases expressed in MCF-7 cells, we found significant increase of secretory pathway Ca2+-ATPase type 2 (SPCA2) mRNA in PRL-treated cells by RT-PCR experiments including quantitative RT-PCR. Knockdown of SPCA2 by siRNA in PRL-treated cells showed similar Ca2+ mobilization to that in PRL-untreated cells. The present results suggest that PRL facilitates Ca2+ transport into Golgi apparatus and may contribute the supply of Ca2+ to milk.  相似文献   

Support from the National Institutes of Health and the American Heart Association is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary Calpain I purified from human erythrocyte cytosol activates both the ATP hydrolytic activity and the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport function of the Ca2+-translocating ATPase solubilized and purified from the plasma membrane of human erythrocytes and reconstituted into phosphatidylcholine vesicles. Following partial proteolysis of the enzyme by calpain I, both the initial rates of calcium ion uptake and ATP hydrolysis were increased to near maximal levels similar to those obtained upon addition of calmodulin. The proteolytic activation resulted in the loss of further stimulation of the rates of Ca2+ translocation or ATP hydrolysis by calmodulin as well as an increase of the affinity of the enzyme for calcium ion. However, the mechanistic Ca2+/ATP stoichiometric ratio was not affected by the proteolytic treatment of the reconstituted Ca2+-translocating ATPase. The proteolytic activation of the ATP hydrolytic activity of the reconstituted enzyme could be largely prevented by calmodulin. Different patterns of proteolysis were obtained in the absence or in the presence of calmodulin during calpain treatment: the 136-kDa enzyme was transformed mainly into a 124-kDa active ATPase fragment in the absence of calmodulin, whereas a 127-kDa active ATPase fragment was formed in the presence of calmodulin. This study shows that calpain I irreversibly activates the Ca2+ translocation function of the Ca2+-ATPase in reconstituted proteoliposomes by producing a calmodulin-independent active enzyme fragment, while calmodulin antagonizes this activating effect by protecting the calmodulin-binding domain against proteolytic cleavage by calpain.  相似文献   

Effects of endotoxin administration on the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport in canine cardiac sarcolemma were investigated. The results show that the sidedness of the sarcolemmal vesicles was not affected but the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport in cardiac sarcolemma was decreased by 22 to 46% (p < 0.05) at 4 h following endotoxin administration. The kinetic analysis indicates that the Vmax for ATP and for Ca2+ were decreased by 50% (p < 0.01) and 32% (p < 0.01), respectively, while the Km values for ATP and Ca2+ were not significantly affected after endotoxin administration. Magnesium (1–5 mM) stimulated while vanadate (0.25–3.0 M) inhibited the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport, but the Mg2+-stimulated and the vanadate-inhibitable activities remained significantly lower in the endotoxin-treated animals. These data demonstrate that endotoxin administration impairs the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport in canine cardiac sarcolemma and that the impairment is associated with a mechanism not affecting the affinity towards ATP and Ca2+. Additional experiments show that the Ca2+ sensitivity of the Ca2+-ATPase activity was indifferent between the control and endotoxic groups suggesting that endotoxic injury impairs Ca2+ pumping without affecting Ca2+-ATPase activity. Since sarcolemmal ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport plays an important role in the regulation of cytosolic Ca2+ homeostasis, an impairment in the sarcolemmal ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport induced by endotoxin administration may have a pathophysiological significance in contributing to the development of myocardial dysfunction in endotoxin shock.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence to suggest that Ca2+-calmodulin dependent protein kinase (CaMK) regulates the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) function and thus plays an important role in modulating the cardiac performance. Because intracellular Ca2+-overload is an important factor underlying cardiac dysfunction in a heart disease, its effect on SR CaMK was examined in the isolated rat heart preparations. Ca2+-depletion for 5 min followed by Ca2+-repletion for 30 min, which is known to produce intracellular Ca2+-overload, was observed to attenuate cardiac function as well as SR Ca2+-uptake and Ca2+-release activities. Attenuated SR function in the heart was associated with reduced CaMK phosphorylation of the SR Ca2+-cycling proteins such as Ca2+-release channel, Ca2+-pump ATPase, and phospholamban, decreased CaMK activity, and depressed levels of SR Ca2+-cycling proteins. These results indicate that alterations in cardiac performance and SR function following the occurrence of intracellular Ca2+-overload may partly be due to changes in the SR CaMK activity.  相似文献   

Summary This communication reports the kinetics of the Na+/ Ca2+ exchanger and of the plasma membrane (PM) Ca2+ pump of the intact human platelet. The kinetic properties of these two systems were deduced by studying the rate of Ca2+ extrusion and its Na+ dependence for concentrations of cytoplasmic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]cyt) in the 1–10-m range. The PM Ca2+ATPase was previously characterized (Johansson, J.S. Haynes, D.H. 1988. J. Membrane Biol. 104:147–163) for [Ca2+]cyt] 1.5 m with the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator quin2 (K d= 115 nm). That study determined that the PM Ca2+ pump in the basal state has a V max = 0.098 mm/min, a K m= 80 nm and a Hill coefficient = 1.7. The present study extends the measurable range of [Ca2+]cyt with the intracellular Ca2+ probe, rhod2 (K d= 500 nm), which has almost a fivefold lower affinity for Ca2+. An Appendix also describes the Mg2+ and pH dependence of the K dand fluorescence characteristics of the commercially available dye, which is a mixture of two molecules. Rates of active Ca2+ extrusion were determined by two independent methods which gave good agreement: (i) by measuring Ca2+ extrusion into a Ca2+-free medium (above citation) or (ii) by the newly developed ionomycin short-circuit method, which determines the ionomycin concentration necessary to short circuit the PM Ca2+ extrusion systems. Absolute rates of extrusion were determined by knowledge of how many Ca2+ ions are moved by ionomycin per minute. The major findings are as follows: (i) The exchanger is saturable with respect to Ca2+ with a K m= 0.97 ± 0.31 m and Vmax = 1.0 ± 0.6 mm/ min. (ii) At high [Ca2+]cyt, the exchanger works at a rate 10 times as large as the basal V max of the PM Ca2+ extrusion pump. (iii) The exchanger can work in reverse after Na+ loading of the cytoplasm by monensin. (iv) The PM Ca2+ extrusion pump is activated by exposure to [Ca2+]cyt 1.5 m for 20–50 sec. Activation raises the pump V max to 1.6 ± 0.6 mm/min and the K mto 0.55 ± 0.24 m. (v) The Ca2+ buffering capacity of the cytoplasm is 3.6 mm in the 0.1 to 3 m range of [Ca2+]cyt. In summary, the results show that the human platelet can extrude Ca2+ very rapidly at high [Ca2+]cyt. Both the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and Ca2+ pump activation may prevent inappropriate platelet activation by marginal stimuli.Abbreviations cAMP cyclic adenosine 3,5-monophosphate - cGMP cyclic guanosine 3,5,-monophosphate - Ca-CAM calcium calmodulin; - DT dense tubules - B intrinsic cytoplasmic Ca2+ binding sites - R rhod2 or 5-(3,6-bis(dimethylamino)xanth-9-yl)-1-(2-amino-4-hy droxy lphenoxy)-2-(2-amino-5-methylphen- oxy)ethane-N,N,NN-tetraacetic acid - [Ca2+]cyt cytoplasmic Ca2+ activity - quin2 2-[[2-bis[(carboxymethyl)amino]-5-methyl-phenoxy]methyl]-6-methoxy-8-[bis(carboxymethyl)amino]quinoline - V or Vextrusion true rate of Ca2+ extrusion - fura-2 1-[2-(5-carboxyoxazol-2-yl)-6-aminobenzofuran-5-oxy]-2-(2-amino-5-methylphenoxy)-ethane-N,N,NN-tetraacetic acid - AM acetoxymethyl ester - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - CTC chlortetracycline - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether) N,N,N,N- tetraacetic acid - HEPES 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine ethanesulfonic acid - NMDG N-methyl-d-glucamine - PIPES 1,4-piperazine-bis-(ethanesulfonic acid) - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - I fraction of high-affinity rhod2 complexed with Ca2+ - F the observed fluorescence - Fmin the minimal fluorescence observed in the absence of Ca2+ - Fmax the maximal fluorescence observed when the dye is saturated with Ca2+ - X1 the fraction of high-affinity dye - K d,1 dissociation constant of high-affinity dye - K d,2 dissociation constant of the low-affinity dye - -d1/dt rate of Ca2+ removal from the rhod2-Ca complex; - -dF/dt the slope representing the absolute rate of fluorescence decrease in a progress curve - Fmax (Fmax — Fmin)cyt difference between maximal and minimal fluorescence for cytoplasmic high affinity form of rhod2 - F50 fluorescence of the high-affinity form ofrhod2for[Ca2+]cyt=50 nM - [Ca2+]0 external Ca2+concentration - K p proportionality constant between the total number of Ca2+ ions moved and the change in high-affinity rhod2 complexation to Ca2 - (d[Ca2+]cyt, T)/dt rate of Ca2+ influx obtained with maximal levels of ionomycin - kleak rate constant for passive inward Ca2+ leakage - kinno rate constant for ionomycin-mediated Ca2+ influx - T total - [rhod2]cyt,T total intracellular rhod2 concentration - [quin2]cyt,T total intracellular quin2 concentration - [B]T total cytoplasmic buffering capacity - A[Ca2+]cyt,T total number of Ca2+ ions moved into the cytoplasm - [rhod2-Ca]cyt, T change in concentration of total intracellular high-affinity rhod2 complexed to Ca2+ - [B-Ca]T change in concentration of total cytoplasmic binding sites complexed to Ca2+ - [quin2]cyt, T change in concentration of total intracellular quinl complexed to Ca2+ - change in the degree of intracellular quin2 saturation - 1 change in degree of saturation of cytoplasmic high-affinity rhod2 - 1-/t rate of change in degree of saturation of cytoplasmic high affinityrhod2 - Vobs observed rate of Ca2+ removal from the rhod2-Ca complex - V8.3 m the rate of Ca2+ removal from the high affinity rhod2-Ca complex at [Ca2+]cyt = 8.3 m - /t rate of change in of the degree of quin2 saturation - [Ca2+]cytT/t initial linear rate of ionomycin-mediated Ca2+ influx - EC50 effective concentration giving a half-maximal effect - [Na+]cyt cytoplasmic Na+ activity - CAM calmodulin - ACN acetonitrile - TFA trifuloroacetic acid  相似文献   

Single channel properties of cardiac and fast-twitch skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) release channels were compared in a planar bilayer by fusing SR membranes in a Cs+-conducting medium. We found that the pharmacology, Cs+ conductance and selectivity to monovalent and divalent cations of the two channels were similar. The cardiac SR channel exhibited multiple kinetic states. The open and closed lifetimes were not altered from a range of 10–7 to 10–3 M Ca2+, but the proportion of closed and open states shifted to shorter closings and openings, respectively.However, while the single channel activity of the skeletal SR channel was activated and inactivated by micromolar and millimolar Ca2+, respectively, the cardiac SR channel remained activated in the presence of high [Ca2+]. In correlation to these studies, [3H]ryanodine binding by the receptors of the two channel receptors was inhibited by high [Ca2+] in skeletal but not in cardiac membranes in the presence of adenine nucleotides. There is, however, a minor inhibition of [3H]ryanodine binding of cardiac SR at millimolar Ca2+ in the absence of adenine nucleotides.When Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release was examined from preloaded native SR vesicles, the release rates followed a normal biphasic curve, with Ca2+-induced inactivation at high [Ca2+] for both cardiac and skeletal SR. Our data suggest that the molecular basis of regulation of the SR Ca2+ release channel in cardiac and skeletal muscle is different, and that the cardiac SR channel isoform lacks a Ca2+-inactivated site.This work was supported by research grants from the National Institutes of Health HL13870 and AR38970, and the Texas Affiliate of the American Heart Association, 91A-188. M. Fill was the recipient of an NIH fellowship AR01834.  相似文献   

With the help of a standard voltage-clamp technique, we investigated transmembrane ion currents in isolated smooth muscle cells of the guinea pigtaenia coli. In Ca2+-dependent K+ current, we identified and studied the properties of an apamin-sensitive voltage-independent component carried through the channels of low conductance (in many publications called small conductance,I SK(Ca)). This component did not show the temporal inactivation;I SK(Ca) was insensitive to the action of 4 mM tetraethylammonium, but was completely blocked by 500 nM of apamin. It was shown thatI SK(Ca) is very sensitive to changes in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+] i ): a decrease in [Ca2+] i up to 50 nM resulted in the almost complete blockade of the current. The entry of Ca ions into a cell from the external solution through the voltage-operated Ca2+ channels of L-type was not an obligatory condition for activation ofI SK(Ca). The current-voltage relationship forI SK(Ca) had a maximum within the voltage range of +20 to +50 mV. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 87–94, March–April, 2000.  相似文献   

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