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自然保护区在保护生物多样性中的作用和意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龚洵  武全安  张启泰   《广西植物》1993,13(4):359-366
本文从理论上论述了自然保护区在生物多样性保护中的重要作用,并指出建立自然保护区是保护生物多样性的最有效措施。1.在自然保护区里,基本的生态过程和生命系统得以维持;2.自然保护区提供了物种生存和进化的场所;3.在自然保护区里,不仅能保护生存其中的已知物种;而且能保护所有的未知物种;4.在自然保护区里?能够保护足够大的种群和完整的种群结构;5.自然保护区的试验区是进行生态、遗传和进化等学科研究的理想基地。 基于野外调查的资料,本文分析了云南所建立的自然保护区在保护国家重点保护植物中的作用。云南分布有154种国家第一批重点保护植物。130余种分布于在各自然保护区中而得到了保护;第二批国家重点保护植物中的192种分布于云南,其中104种分布于各自然保护区中而得到了保护。 本文还对云南自然保护区的现状和管理状况进行了分析,指出了加强对自然保护区管理的迫切性。  相似文献   

生物多样性保护与自然保护区   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 自然保护区是生物多样性保护的重要基地 生物多样性是人类社会赖以生存和发展的基础。生物多样性保护已是当今人们最为关注的热点问题,越来越多的人认识到,生物资源是有限度的,发展依赖于保护生物多样性。破坏生物多样性的因素错综复杂,保护生物多样性需要社会有关方面采取广泛对策。实践表明,为保护物  相似文献   

生物多样性是地球上生命经过几十亿年发展进化的结果,是人类赖以生存的物质基础。人类从生物多样性中得到了所需要的全部食品、许多药物和工业原料,同时,生物多样性在娱乐和旅游业中也起着重要的作用。这是我们大家熟知的生物多样性的直接价值。它的间接价值主要与生态系统的功能有关,通常它并不表现在国家核算体制上,但如果计算出来,它的价值大大超过其消费和生产性的直接价值。生  相似文献   

生态遗传学在生物多样性保护中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文就生态遗传学在生物多样性保护中的作用问题谈了几点看法。首先陈述了生态遗传学的性质,它是种群生态学和种群遗传学的结合,研究种群层次上正在进行着的进化;其次列举了生态遗传学的基本内容,说明生态遗传学是生物多样性研究和保护不可缺少的基本知识。最后举两个实例阐明生态遗传学在生物多样性保护中的具体应用。  相似文献   

景观生态学与生物多样性保护   总被引:121,自引:11,他引:121  
景观生态学的发展为生物多样性保护提供了新理论,方法和技术手段,从景观多样性与遗传多样性,物种多样性,生态系统多样性各层次生物多样性之间的相互关系及生物多样性保护的景观规划等方面评述近年来景观生态学应用于生物多样性保护的主要内容及研究进展,阐述了生物多样性动态及反馈,生物多样性保护的地理途径(GAP分析),景观生态安全格局,区域和大陆尺度的生态网络等一些新的概念和方法。  相似文献   

苔藓植物的生物多样性及其保护   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
曹同  高谦 《生态学杂志》1997,16(2):47-52
苔藓植物的生物多样性及其保护曹同高谦付星路勇(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,110015)DiversityofBryophytesandTheirConservation.CaoTong,GaoQian,FuXing,LuYong(Institut...  相似文献   

国际瞩目的生物多样性的保护   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
科学进步、工农业发展,促进了人类文明,也带来环境污染问题。人口的膨胀,需要更多的耕田和生活资料,消耗更多的资源。人们开始发现,人类正在不知不觉地破坏赖以生存的环境。生物多样性以前所未有的速度在减少,这已引起生物学家、生态学家及社会各界的震惊。生物多样性是指地球上所有有生命的资源,是40亿年来自然进化的结果,它包括几百万甚至上千万的植物、动物和微生物以及它们所拥有的基因,和由这些生物所组成的生态系统。因此生物多样性包括三个方面内容,即物种多样性、遗传多样性和生态系统多样性。在自然界有多种多样的物种。在物种下的品种或小种  相似文献   

论生物防治在生物多样性保护中的重要意义   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
陆庆光 《生物多样性》1997,5(3):224-230
外来种有害生物传入新区之后,在适宜条件下,往往严重干扰本地的生物多样性,破坏生态平衡,给人类带来巨大损失。传统生物防治学,采用国外天敌引种的策略和技术防治有害生物,常可获得持续控制的效果。文章概述国内外天敌引种研究情况,并根据我国现状提出了尽快健全法规,提高技术水平等若干建议。  相似文献   

城市生态园林与生物多样性保护   总被引:65,自引:1,他引:65  
城市生态园林与生物多样性保护袁兴中,刘红(曲阜师范大学,273165)UrbanEcologicalgardeningandBiodiversityConservation.¥YuanXingzhong;LiuHong(De-partmentofBi...  相似文献   

从火山锥中的单花郁金香说起 1992年5月末,内蒙古锡林河畔的一个火山口周围,缓缓走动着几个人。这是中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站的科研人员在寻找一种珍稀濒危植物——单花郁金香(Tulipa uniflora)。十几年前的这个季节,他们曾在这里、且仅在这里见到了这种生命的群体。这已是他们的第三次登山拜访了,但仍不见这娇花的影子。单花郁金香属于短命旱中生植物。早春开花,花大而艳丽,具有观赏价值。它在内蒙古草原东部的出现,是古地中海植物区系的残遗分布,证明了蒙古草原地区与中亚地区和地中海地区植物区系在起源上的密切联系。数十年的草原考察,只在这个火山口周围的碎石隙中采集到这种植物。编辑《中国植物志》和《中国高等植物图鉴》时,鉴于其标本数量的不足,均未  相似文献   

The losses that are being incurred of the Earth''s biological diversity, at all levels, are now staggering. The trend lines for future loss are steeply upward as new adverse drivers of change come into play. The political processes for matching this crisis are now inadequate and the science needs to address this issue are huge and slow to fulfil, even though strong advances have been made. A more integrated approach to evaluating biodiversity in terms that are meaningful to the larger community is needed that can provide understandable metrics of the consequences to society of the losses that are occurring. Greater attention is also needed in forecasting likely diversity-loss scenarios in the near term and strategies for alleviating detrimental consequences. At the international level, the Convention on Biological Diversity must be revisited to make it more powerful to meet the needs that originally motivated its creation. Similarly, at local and regional levels, an ecosystem-service approach to conservation can bring new understanding to the value, and hence the need for protection, of the existing natural capital.  相似文献   

The paper presents a case study analysing the effects of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity as an intergovernmental organisation. Within the study, the effects of organisations are measured by their outcome, i.e. the influence on the behaviour of other actors such as national governments. Three forms of outcomes are being distinguished, namely knowledge brokerage and diffusion, capacity building, and negotiation facilitation. In addition, the paper tries to explain the observed effects on the basis of internal and external variables. The CBD Secretariat has been established in 1992 and is now located in Montreal with about 70 employees. As most other secretariats of international conventions, it is the main organiser and facilitator of the convention process. The empirical material shows that the Secretariat has a measurable influence on the intergovernmental cooperative process which can be attributed to the effective internal management processes and the qualities of its leaders. Lacking capacity building functions and highly selective effects with regard to the provision of knowledge are explained by the limited formal autonomy and the structure of the global biodiversity problem.  相似文献   

菌根共生双方多样性影响着生态系统的过程与功能。菌根真菌-寄主植物之间的共生组合存在偏好性或特异性,这导致菌根真菌对寄主植物的效益差异和寄主植物对菌根真菌的利益差别:两者在互利共生过程中不仅相互选择,还存在相互促进与制约的关系(如互补与选择效应、竞争),从而在一定程度上决定生态系统的演化与发展。本文概述了植物多样性与菌根真菌多样性的相互影响,探讨了两者互作可能存在的调控因素与机制,对存在的问题和争议进行了总结,并提出了进一步研究的方向。深入阐明植物多样性与菌根真菌多样性之间的互作关系,将丰富生物共生学理论,增强菌根应用潜力及生物多样性的维持。  相似文献   

Study sites from various tree savannas and miombo woodland with adjacentareas with different herbivore species (game and cattle) and stocking rates wereselected from around Zimbabwe. Using the fence-lines separating the adjacentareas, 60 m2 plots were placed on both sides of thefence at 18 randomly chosen positions. The identity and number of plants of eachwoody species were recorded in paired 60 m2 plots. Therewere no significant differences in the woody species richness between pairedplots for any of the fence-line contrasts. For only two of the fence-linecontrasts were there significant differences (P < 0.05)in the relative abundance of woody species. For the first fence-line contrast,the stocking rates were the same, but the herbivore species present weredifferent, while for the second fence-line contrast, the numbers of herbivorespecies present were the same, but the stocking rates differed. Even thoughthere were no differences in the numbers of woody plant species present, therewere differences in the woody plant species and the numbers of plants of eachspecies: the second most common species was different for three fence-linecontrasts and the third most common species was different for four fence-linecontrasts.  相似文献   

The peroxisome is a metabolic compartment serving for the rapid oxidation of substrates, a process that is not coupled to energy conservation. In plants and algae, peroxisomes connect biosynthetic and oxidative metabolic routes and compartmentalize potentially lethal steps of metabolism such as the formation of reactive oxygen species and glyoxylate, thus preventing poisoning of the cell and futile recycling. Peroxisomes exhibit properties resembling inside-out vesicles and possess special systems for the import of specific proteins, which form multi-enzyme complexes (metabolons) linking numerous reactions to flavin-dependent oxidation, coupled to the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by catalase. Hydrogen peroxide and superoxide originating in peroxisomes are important mediators in signal transduction pathways, particularly those involving salicylic acid. By contributing to the synthesis of oxalate, formate and other organic acids, peroxisomes regulate major fluxes of primary and secondary metabolism. The evolutionary diversity of algae has led to the presence of a wide range of enzymes in the peroxisomes that are only similar to higher plants in their direct predecessors, the Charophyceae. The appearance of seed plants was connected to the acquirement by storage tissues, of a peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation function linked to the glyoxylate cycle, which is induced during seed germination and maturation. Rearrangement of the peroxisomal photorespiratory function between different tissues of higher plants led to the appearance of different types of photosynthetic metabolism. The peroxisome may therefore have played a key role in the evolutionary formation of metabolic networks, via establishing interconnections between different metabolic compartments.  相似文献   

The role of roadsides in conserving Cerrado plant diversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structure of Cerrado vegetation (sensu stricto) along roadsides was compared with that of protected areas (reserves). The superior stratum of reserves had 2.7 times more individuals and 1.4 times more species than on roadsides, while in the intermediate stratum there were 1.7 times more individuals and 25 % more species in reserves. Additionally, roadsides had a lower prevalence of tree species with thin bark and from forest physiognomies. In the intermediate stratum of roadsides there was a lower proportion of forest species, and also fewer species dispersed by animals. These differences occur, possibly because the vegetation of their edges is cleared during the construction of the roads and part of the soil is taken as landfill. Later, they suffer from a higher fire frequency and high coverage of exotic grasses (80 % average). Moreover, it is likely that the absence of some dispersers on roadsides may affect the recruitment of young plants. Despite these differences, the roadsides are able to maintain at least 70 % of tree species and 72 % of shrub species found in reserves. These results show that roadside vegetation can contribute to the conservation of the flora of Cerrado. This is particularly important considering that over 60 % of the original area of this ecosystem has been destroyed and that less than 4 % is protected. With 32,012 km of roads in the Cerrado alone, the roadside vegetation may represent a cumulative area of 96,000 of hectares, an area larger than many of the Cerrado’s national parks.  相似文献   

Thresholds, equilibria, and their stability are found for SIQS and SIQR epidemiology models with three forms of the incidence. For most of these models, the endemic equilibrium is asymptotically stable, but for the SIQR model with the quarantine-adjusted incidence, the endemic equilibrium is an unstable spiral for some parameter values and periodic solutions arise by Hopf bifurcation. The Hopf bifurcation surface and stable periodic solutions are found numerically.  相似文献   

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