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Mitochondrial phylogeny of hedgehogs and monophyly of Eulipotyphla   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We sequenced the complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes of three insectivores: the long-eared hedgehog Hemiechinus auritus, the Japanese mole Mogera wogura, and the greater Japanese shrew-mole Urotrichus talpoides. These mtDNA data together with other previously sequenced mtDNAs were analyzed using a maximum likelihood method to infer their phylogenetic relationships among eutherians. Previous mitochondrial protein analyses used a simple model that did not consider site-heterogeneity, and Erinaceoidea (hedgehogs and moonrats) was placed at the basal eutherian position that is separated from Soricoidea (shrews) and Talpoidea (moles), suggesting the exclusion of the Erinaceoidea-Eulipotyphla tree. By including the new mtDNA sequences and introducing site-heterogeneity into the model, the Erinaceoidea-Eulipotyphla tree emerges as the best tree or as a tree with a log-likelihood score indistinguishable from that of the best tree. However, this conclusion depends on species sampling in Erinaceoidea, demonstrating the importance of both species sampling and use of an appropriate substitution model when inferring phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

The marine order Arthrotardigrada (class Heterotardigrada, phylum Tardigrada) is known for its conspicuously high morphological diversity and has been traditionally recognized as the most ancestral group within the phylum. Despite its potential importance in understanding the evolution of the phylum, the phylogenetic relationships of Arthrotardigrada have not been clarified. This study conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses of the order encompassing all families except Neoarctidae using nuclear 18S and 28S rRNA fragments. Data from two rare families, Coronarctidae and Renaudarctidae, were included for the first time. The analyses confirmed the monophyly of Heterotardigrada and inferred Coronarctidae as the sister group to all other heterotardigrade taxa. Furthermore, the results support a monophyletic Renaudarctidae + Stygarctidae clade, which has been previously suggested on morphology. Our data indicated that two subfamilies currently placed in Halechiniscidae are only distantly related to this family. We propose that these taxa are each elevated to family level (Styraconyxidae (new rank) and Tanarctidae (new rank)). The morphology of tardigrades is discussed in the context of the inferred phylogeny.  相似文献   

Extant vertebrates are divided into three major groups: hagfishes (Hyperotreti, myxinoids), lampreys (Hyperoartia, petromyzontids), and jawed vertebrates (Gnathostomata). The phylogenetic relationships among the groups and within the jawed vertebrates are controversial, for both morphological and molecular studies have rendered themselves to conflicting interpretations. Here, we use the sequences of 35 nuclear protein-encoding genes to provide definitive evidence for the monophyly of the Agnatha (jawless vertebrates, a group encompassing the hagfishes and lampreys). Our analyses also give a strong support for the separation of Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes) before the divergence of Osteichthyes (bony fishes) from the other gnathostomes.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeny   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The avalanche of molecular sequence data from a wide variety of organisms and genes makes the construction and testing of evolutionary trees a widespread and demanding activity. We present the most recent advances in the interpretation of molecular data, as well as recent phylogenetic results affecting both molecular evolutionary biology and other areas of biological research.  相似文献   



The phylogeny of shorebirds (Aves: Charadriiformes) and their putative sister groups was reconstructed using approximately 5 kilobases of data from three nuclear loci and two mitochondrial genes, and compared to that based on two other nuclear loci.  相似文献   

The Naticidae is a species-rich family of predatory marine gastropods with substantial interspecific morphological diversity. The classification of the Naticidae has been traditionally based on morphology data, but the phylogenetic relationships within the family are debated due to conflicting molecular results, especially regarding the monophyly of subfamilies Polinicinae and Naticinae. To further resolve the phylogenetic controversies within the Naticidae, we undertake a phylogenetic approach using 14 newly sequenced complete or nearly complete (only lacking a control region) mitochondrial genomes. Both the maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses supported monophyly of the Polinicinae, but paraphyly of the Naticinae due to the placement of the enigmatic genus Notocochlis. The ancestral character reconstruction suggests that the operculum, a character that currently defines the two subfamilies, evolved from an ancestor with a calcareous operculum in the evolutionary history of naticids. In addition, the chronogram estimates that naticids was originated in late Triassic (about 227 million years ago), consistent with previous hypotheses. Our study highlights the importance of using complete mitochondrial genomes while reconstructing phylogenetic relationships within the Naticidae. The evolution scenario of the naticid operculum contributes new insights into the classification of Naticidae.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of the New World genus Cuphea was conducted employing sequences from the nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and chloroplast trnL-trnF spacer and rpl16 intron. The analysis expands the number of Cuphea species from 53 in an earlier ITS study to 70 and adds two chloroplast data sets in order to generate a more complete and robust phylogeny and to test a previous result that suggested the presence of a large North American clade. Results reaffirm the monophyly of Cuphea with Pleurophora as the sister genus and recover a basal divergence event that mirrors the two subgenera of the current classification. Phylogenies of the two chloroplast regions are largely unresolved beyond the initial dichotomy and some resolution at the terminal and subterminal nodes. Based on the ITS phylogeny, five major clades are recognized. Subgenus Cuphea (Clade 1), defined morphologically by the synapomorphic loss of bracteoles, is sister to the much larger subg. Bracteolatae (Clades 2–5). Clades 2–4, comprising the South American and Caribbean species, grade successively to Clade 5, an exclusively North American lineage of 29 species. Among the 12 sections included in the study, only section Trispermum, a subclade of Clade 4, is monophyletic. Section Pseudocircaea is nested within Clade 3, which is largely equivalent to section Euandra. The North American endemic clade includes four sections, of which none are recovered as monophyletic in this study.  相似文献   

Bayes factors comparing two or more competing hypotheses are often estimated by constructing a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler to explore the joint space of the hypotheses. To obtain efficient Bayes factor estimates, Carlin and Chib (1995, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B57, 473-484) suggest adjusting the prior odds of the competing hypotheses so that the posterior odds are approximately one, then estimating the Bayes factor by simple division. A byproduct is that one often produces several independent MCMC chains, only one of which is actually used for estimation. We extend this approach to incorporate output from multiple chains by proposing three statistical models. The first assumes independent sampler draws and models the hypothesis indicator function using logistic regression for various choices of the prior odds. The two more complex models relax the independence assumption by allowing for higher-lag dependence within the MCMC output. These models allow us to estimate the uncertainty in our Bayes factor calculation and to fully use several different MCMC chains even when the prior odds of the hypotheses vary from chain to chain. We apply these methods to calculate Bayes factors for tests of monophyly in two phylogenetic examples. The first example explores the relationship of an unknown pathogen to a set of known pathogens. Identification of the unknown's monophyletic relationship may affect antibiotic choice in a clinical setting. The second example focuses on HIV recombination detection. For potential clinical application, these types of analyses must be completed as efficiently as possible.  相似文献   

The Entomophthoromycota is a ubiquitous group of fungi best known as pathogens of a wide variety of economically important insect pests, and other soil invertebrates. This group of fungi also includes a small number of parasites of reptiles, vertebrates (including humans), macromycetes, fern gametophytes, and desmid algae, as well as some saprobic species. Here we report on recent studies to resolve the phylogenetic relationships within the Entomophthoromycota and to reliably place this group among other basal fungal lineages. Bayesian Interference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) analyses of three genes (nuclear 18S and 28S rDNA, mitochondrial 16S, and the protein-coding RPB2) as well as non-molecular data consistently and unambiguously identify 31 taxa of Entomophthoromycota as a monophyletic group distinct from other Zygomycota and flagellated fungi. Using the constraints of our multi-gene dataset we constructed the most comprehensive rDNA phylogeny yet available for Entomophthoromycota. The taxa studied here belong to five distinct, well-supported lineages. The Basidiobolus clade is the earliest diverging lineage, comprised of saprobe species of Basidiobolus and the undescribed snake parasite Schizangiella serpentis nom. prov. The Conidiobolus lineage is represented by a paraphyletic grade of trophically diverse species that include saprobes, insect pathogens, and facultative human pathogens. Three well supported and exclusively entomopathogenic lineages in the Entomophthoraceae center around the genera Batkoa, Entomophthora and Zoophthora, although several genera within this crown clade are resolved as non-monophyletic. Ancestral state reconstruction suggests that the ancestor of all Entomophthoromycota was morphologically similar to species of Conidiobolus. Analyses using strict, relaxed, and local molecular clock models documented highly variable DNA substitution rates among lineages of Entomophthoromycota. Despite the complications caused by different rates of molecular evolution among lineages, our dating analysis indicates that the Entomophthoromycota originated 405±90million years ago. We suggest that entomopathogenic lineages in Entomophthoraceae probably evolved from saprobic or facultatively pathogenic ancestors during or shortly after the evolutionary radiation of the arthropods.  相似文献   

Summary. Relationships among genera in the termite family Rhinotermitidae and their relationship to the families Termitidae and Serritermitidae were investigated based on analysis of three mitochondrial genes: COI, COII and 16S rDNA. Maximum Parsimony (MP) bootstrap analysis of each of these genes indicated a low level of phylogenetic incongruence between them, and thus they were combined and analysed by MP and Bayesian analysis. Six main lineages were clearly identified, however relationships among these were not well defined. Tentative support was found for the Rhinotermitid genera Coptotermes, Heterotermes and Reticulitermes being the sister group to the Termitidae, rendering the Rhinotermitidae paraphyletic. The species Serritermes serrifer and Glossotermes oculatus were found to group with strong support, in agreement with the recent transfer of the latter species to the family Serritermitidae based on morphological characteristics. No support was found for the Rhinotermitidae being paraphyletic with respect to the Serritermitidae. A number of disagreements were found between the molecular tree and traditional classifications of genera within subfamilies.Received 20 February 2004; revised 2 April 2004; accepted 19 April 2004.  相似文献   

Although morphological characters distinguishing echiniscid genera and species are well understood, the phylogenetic relationships of these taxa are not well established. We thus investigated the phylogeny of Echiniscidae, assessed the monophyly of Echiniscus, and explored the value of cuticular ornamentation as a phylogenetic character within Echiniscus. To do this, DNA was extracted from single individuals for multiple Echiniscus species, and 18S and 28S rRNA gene fragments were sequenced. Each specimen was photographed, and published in an open database prior to DNA extraction, to make morphological evidence available for future inquiries. An updated phylogeny of the class Heterotardigrada is provided, and conflict between the obtained molecular trees and the distribution of dorsal plates among echiniscid genera is highlighted. The monophyly of Echiniscus was corroborated by the data, with the recent genus Diploechiniscus inferred as its sister group, and Testechiniscus as the sister group of this assemblage. Three groups that closely correspond to specific types of cuticular design in Echiniscus have been found with a parsimony network constructed with 18S rRNA data. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeny in the Lardizabalaceae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eleven species belonging to seven genera in the Lardizabalaceae were analyzed in terms of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of chloroplast DNA and the sequence of the chloroplast gene,rbcL, of Lardizabalaceae and its related families. Phylogenetic trees inferred from parsimony, neighbor joining and maximum likelihood methods based on RFLP data showed that two South American genera,Boquila andLardizabala, and three East Asian genera,Akebia, Holboellia andStauntonia are closely related to each other, respectively. On the other hand, the parsimony, neighbor joining and maximum likelihood trees constructed using sequence data of therbcL gene showed thatAkebia, Stauntonia, Boquila andLardizabala clustered as(((Akebia, Stauntonia), Boquila), Lardizabala). This difference may be attributable to fewer informative sites inrbcL genes than in RFLP in this family.Decaisnea diverges at the very base of the Lardizabalaceae.  相似文献   

Comparisons of ribosomal RNAs and various protein coding genes have contributed to a new view of eukaryote phylogeny. Analyses of paralogous protein coding genes suggest that archaebacteria and eukaryotes are sistergroups. Sequence diversity of small subunit rRNAs in protists by far exceeds that of any multicellular or prokaryote taxon. Remarkably, a group of taxa that lack mitochondria first branches off in the small subunit rRNA tree. The later radiations are formed by a series of clades that were once thought to be more ancestral. Furthermore, tracing of the evolutionary origin of secondary endobiontic events is now possible with sequence comparisons.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeny: reconstructing the forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phylogeny, be it morphological or molecular, has long tried to explain the extant biodiversity by the Tree of Species, which is a logical consequence of strict Darwinian evolutionary principles. Through constant improvement of both methods and data sets, some parts of this diversity have actually been demonstrated to be the result of a tree-like process. For some other parts, and especially for prokaryotes, different molecular markers have, however, produced different evolutionary trees, preventing the reconstruction of such a Tree. While technical artifacts could be blamed for these discrepancies, Lateral Gene Transfers are now largely held for responsible, and their existence requires an extension of the Darwinian framework, since genetic material is not always vertically inherited from parents to offspring. Through a variety of biological processes, sometimes large parts of DNA are exchanged between phylogenetically distant contemporary organisms, especially between those sharing the same environment. While mainly concerning prokaryotes, Lateral Gene Transfers have been also demonstrated to affect eukaryotes, and even multicellular ones, like plants or animals. Most of the time, these transfers allow important adaptations and the colonisation of new niches. The quantitative and qualitative importance of genetic transfers has thus severely challenged the very existence of a universal Tree of Species, since genetic connections, at least for microbes, seem more reticulated than tree-like. Even traditional biological concepts, like the concept of species, need to be re-evaluated in the light of recent discoveries. In short, instead of focusing on a elusive universal tree, biologists are now considering the whole forest corresponding to the multiple processes of inheritance, both vertical and horizontal. This constitutes the major challenge of evolutionary biology for the years to come. To cite this article: P. Lopez, E. Bapteste, C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   

A new hypothesis on arthropod evolution published by Ballard et al. (1992), based on partial 12SrRNA sequences, is re-analysed using the same data, but using different alignments. It is argued that there is no reason to reject monophyly of the Euarthropoda, Mandibulata and Tracheata.  相似文献   

A new hypothesis on arthropod evolution published by Ballard et al. (1992), based on partial 12SrRNA sequences, is re-analysed using the same data, but using different alignments. It is argued that there is no reason to reject monophyly of the Euarthropoda, Mandibulata and Tracheata.


Die Phylogenie der Arthropoden, abgeleitet von Abschnitten der 12SrRNA, nochmals überdacht: Die Monophylie der Tracheaten hängt vom Sequenz-Alignment ab
Eine von Ballard et al. (1992) publizierte, auf partiellen 12SrRNA-Sequenzen beruhende Hypothese zur Stellung der Onychophora und Myriapoda innerhalb der Arthropoda, wird aufgegriffen und mit anderer Alinierung neu berechnet. Es wird gezeigt, da β es keinen Anlaß gibt, die Monophylie der Euarthropoda, Mandibulata und Tracheata zu bezweifeln.  相似文献   

The evolution of perissodactyls (rhinoceroses, tapirs, and horses) has been well studied primarily because of their extensive fossil record. Nevertheless, controversy persists regarding relationships of some of the extant taxa, reflecting inconsistencies between molecular and morphological studies. Here we examine the phylogenetic relationships of 16 living perissodactyl species by concatenating two mitochondrial and nine nuclear genes, and we estimate their divergence times using a relaxed Bayesian molecular clock approach. Our analyses recovered the monophyly of the suborders Ceratomorpha and Hippomorpha, and the families Rhinoceratidae, Tapiridae, and Equidae. We supported the early divergence of the Indian rhinoceros in the late Oligocene (26 Mya) relative to the Sumatran and African rhinoceroses, and the split of caballine (domestic horse and Przewalski's wild horse) and noncaballine equids (zebras and African and Asiatic asses) in the Pliocene (4 Mya). An important implication of this study is that Equus asinus, the African wild ass was found to be the sister taxon of Asiatic asses and zebras, diverging from the common ancestor with caballine horses 2 Mya. Rates of chromosome rearrangements were also evaluated in perissodactyls, placing a notably high rate of variation amongst equids, particularly within the zebra clade. The robust phylogenetic results presented here are relevant in terms of understanding the evolutionary history of this highly threatened group of mammals. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 1289–1303.  相似文献   

Chrysomya Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae) is a genus of blowfly commonly observed in tropical and subtropical countries of the Old World. Species in this genus are vectors of bacteria, protozoans and helminths, cause myiasis, are predators of other carrion insects, and are important forensic indicators. Hypotheses concerning the evolution of sex determination, larval anatomy and genome size in Chrysomya have been difficult to evaluate because a robust phylogeny of the genus was lacking. Similarly, the monophyly of subgenera was uncertain. The phylogeny of Chrysomya spp. was reconstructed based on 2386 bp of combined mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and nuclear carbamoylphosphate synthetase (CPS) genes. Maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian analysis (BA) differed only slightly in the resulting tree topology. Chrysomya was monophyletic. Monogenic reproduction is almost certainly derived rather than, as has been suggested, primitive within the genus, and tuberculate larvae probably evolved twice. Genome size is more likely to have decreased over evolutionary time rather than, as has been suggested, increased within the genus, but its correlation with developmental time was not observed. The subgenera Microcalliphora, Eucompsomyia and Achoetandrus were recovered as monophyletic.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeny of the major hylobatid divisions   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We describe DNA sequences for the mitochondrial control region and phenylalanine-tRNA from the four extant gibbon subgenera. In contrast to earlier studies on gibbon phylogeny that used other parts of the mtDNA, the control region depicts the crested gibbons (Nomascus) as the most basal group of the Hylobatidae, followed by Symphalangus, with Bunopithecus and Hylobates as the last to diverge. Our data show that the molecular distances among the four gibbon subgenera are in the same range as those between Homo and Pan, or even higher. As a consequence of these findings, we propose to raise all four gibbon subgenera to genus rank.  相似文献   

The genus Triticum L. includes the major cereal crop, common or bread wheat (hexaploid Triticum aestivum L.), and other important cultivated species. Here, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of all known wheat species and the closely related Aegilops species. This analysis was based on chloroplast matK gene comparison along with trnL intron sequences of some species. Polyploid wheat species are successfully divided only into two groups – Emmer (sections Dicoccoides and Triticum) and Timopheevii (section Timopheevii). Results reveal strictly maternal plastid inheritance of synthetic wheat amphiploids included in the study. A concordance of chloroplast origin with the definite nuclear genomes of polyploid species that were inherited at the last hybridization events was found. Our analysis suggests that there were two ancestral representatives of Aegilops speltoides Tausch that participated in the speciation of polyploid wheats with B and G genome in their genome composition. However, G genome species are younger in evolution than ones with B genome. B genome-specific PCR primers were developed for amplification of Acc-1 gene.  相似文献   

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