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We have correlated the membrane properties and synaptic inputs of interplexiform cells (IPCs) with their morphology using whole-cell patch-clamp and Lucifer yellow staining in retinal slices. Three morphological types were identified: (a) a bistratified IPC with descending processes ramifying in both sublaminas a and b of the inner plexiform layer (IPL), and an ascending process that branched in the outer plexiform layer (OPL) and originated from the soma, (b) another bistratified IPC with descending processes ramifying in both sublaminas a and b, and an ascending process that branched in the OPL and originated directly from IPC processes in the IPL, and (c) a monostratified IPC with a descending process ramifying over large lateral extents within the most distal stratum of the IPL, and sending an ascending process to the OPL with little branching. Similar voltage- gated currents were measured in all three types including: (a) a transient inward sodium current, (b) an outward potassium current, and (c) an L-type calcium current. All cells generated multiple spikes with frequency increasing monotonically with the magnitude of injected current. The IPCs that send their descending processes into both sublaminas of the IPL (bistratified) receive excitatory synaptic inputs at both light ON and OFF that decay with a time constant of approximately 1.3 s. Slowly decaying excitation at both ON and OFF suggests that bistratified IPCs may spike continuously in the presence of a dynamic visual environment.  相似文献   

Photoreceptors of the larval tiger salamander retina   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Six morphological types of photoreceptor were identified with electron microscopy in radial sections of the retina of the larval tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum. In order of predominance these six types are: red rods, large single cones, double cones composed of principal and accessory members, small single cones, and green rods. The different types of photoreceptor can be distinguished by a number of morphological and cytological characteristics. The identification of the small single cone type now provides evidence for more than one type of single cone in an amphibian retina. The interconnections of the different types of photoreceptor by gap junctions were studied in tangential sections. Rod-rod and rod-cone gap junctions occurred in all possible combinations, but no cone-cone junctions were found even between members of double cones.  相似文献   

When mapped with a small spot of light, the central receptive fields of bipolar cells in the salamander retina are much larger than the extent of bipolar cell dendrites. Furthermore responses of bipolar cells to distant spots of light are considerably delayed relative to proximal spots. Using quantitative modelling, electrical coupling between bipolar cells is examined and rejected as a sufficient explanation of the data. An active process appears to shape signal waveform as signals spread laterally in the bipolar cell layer. Chemical synaptic coupling between bipolar cells is considered and shown to be inconsistent with the data. It is suggested that local, transient negative feedback from amacrine cells is involved in shaping bipolar cell signals.  相似文献   

Gustatory receptor cells, isolated from the lingual epitheliumof larval tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum), possess avariety of voltage- and ion-dependent conductances, includinga transient Na+ -current (INa), a voltage-gated Ca2+ -current(IA). a transient K+ -current (IA), a delayed rectifier K+ -current(IK), and a Ca2+ -activated K+ -current (IK(Ca))- By use ofwhole-cell and excised-patch tight-seal recording techniques,we examined the effects of taste stimuli on the conductancesof taste cells from the tiger salamander. Depolarizing receptorpotentials elicited by NaCl were associated with slow, gradedinward currents which were composed of amiloride-sensitive andtetrodoxin-(TTX)-sensitive components. Potassium chloride producedmaintained inward currents, which usually showed both phasicand tonic components and were only partially blocked by tetraethylammoniumchloride (TEA). Citric and acetic acids elicited slow depolarizationsin taste cells. Under voltage-clamp, acids produced graded inwardcurrents which were composed of two components: one attributableto a transient block of voltage-dependent K+ -channels and asmaller component which may have resulted from an increasedconductance to cations. Quinine hydrochloride elicited slowdepolarization of taste cells which was associated with a slowlydeveloping maintained inward current under voltage-clamp. Quininesuppressed both voltage-dependent inward and outward currents.In some taste cells, L-arginine elicited small outward currentswhich were attributable to an increase in K+ conductance. Inother cells, L-arginine produced a decrease in voltage-dependentoutward currents and generated depolarizations associated withinward currents. These results indicate that several independentmechanisms, including amiloride-sensitive Na+ -channels, andstimulus modulation of voltage-dependent K+ -channels, are involvedin taste cell responses to chemical stimuli. More than one mechanismis typically present in a single cell. 3Present address: Department of Physiology, Tokyo Medical andDental University, 5-45 Yushima 1-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113,Japan  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent membrane currents of cells dissociated from tongues of larval tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) were studied using whole-cell and single-channel patch-clamp techniques. Nongustatory epithelial cells displayed only passive membrane properties. Cells dissociated from taste buds, presumed to be gustatory receptor cells, generated both inward and outward currents in response to depolarizing voltage steps from a holding potential of -60 or -80 mV. Almost all taste cells displayed a transient inward current that activated at -30 mV, reached a peak between 0 and +10 mV and rapidly inactivated. This inward current was blocked by tetrodotoxin (TTX) or by substitution of choline for Na+ in the bath solution, indicating that it was a Na+ current. Approximately 60% of the taste cells also displayed a sustained inward current which activated slowly at about -30 mV and reached a peak at 0 to +10 mV. The amplitude of the slow inward current was larger when Ca2+ was replaced by Ba2+ and it was blocked by bath applied CO2+, indicating it was a Ca2+ current. Delayed outward K+ currents were observed in all taste cells although in about 10% of the cells, they were small and activated only at voltages more depolarized than +10 mV. Normally, K+ currents activated at -40 mV and usually showed some inactivation during a 25-ms voltage step. The inactivating component of outward current was not observed at holding potentials more depolarized -40 mV. The outward currents were blocked by tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA) and BaCl2 in the bath or by substitution of Cs+ for K+ in the pipette solution. Both transient and noninactivating components of outward current were partially suppressed by CO2+, suggesting the presence of a Ca2(+)-activated K+ current component. Single-channel currents were recorded in cell-attached and outside-out patches of taste cell membranes. Two types of K+ channels were partially characterized, one having a mean unitary conductance of 21 pS, and the other, a conductance of 148 pS. These experiments demonstrate that tiger salamander taste cells have a variety of voltage- and ion-dependent currents including Na+ currents, Ca2+ currents and three types of K+ currents. One or more of these conductances may be modulated either directly by taste stimuli or indirectly by stimulus-regulated second messenger systems to give rise to stimulus-activated receptor potentials. Others may play a role in modulation of neurotransmitter release at synapses with taste nerve fibers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

An unidentified brown-pigmented fungus was the cause of a granuloma in the left lumbar musculature of a captive female tiger salamander. Histologically, the fungus appeared in the granulomatous tissue both as round yeastlike budding cells and as long septate hyphae.  相似文献   

In the turtle retina, colour-dependent photoresponses could be recorded intracellularly from ganglion cells receiving only bipolar cell input. Thus, the mechanism for colour discrimination by these ganglion cells (type A) is contained in the outer plexiform layer of the retina and depends on interaction between horizontal and cone cells. Ganglion cells receiving an additional amacrine input (type B) are not influenced by colour, and have about 0.7 logarithmic unit lower absolute sensitivity to peak wavelength than have type A ganglion cells.  相似文献   

To elucidate the synaptic transmission between bipolar cells and amacrine cells, the effect of polarization of a bipolar cell on an amacrine cell was examined by simultaneous intracellular recordings from both cells in the isolated carp retina. When either an ON or OFF bipolar cell was depolarized by an extrinsic current step, an ON-OFF amacrine cell was transiently depolarized at the onset of the current but no sustained polarization during the current was detected. The current hyperpolarizing the OFF bipolar cell also produced the transient depolarization of the amacrine cell at the termination of the current. These responses had a latency of approximately 10 ms. The amplitude of the current-evoked responses changed gradually with current intensity within the range used in these experiments. They were affected by polarization of the amacrine cell membrane; the amplitude of the current-evoked responses as well as the light-evoked responses was increased when the amacrine cell membrane was hyperpolarized, while the amplitude was decreased when the cell was depolarized. These results confirm directly that ON-OFF amacrine cells receive excitatory inputs from both ON and OFF bipolar cells: the ON transient is due to inputs from ON bipolar cells, and the OFF transient to inputs from OFF bipolar cells. The steady polarization of bipolar cells is converted into transient signals during the synaptic process.  相似文献   

We have used the effects of self- and cross-adaptation on the unitary responses of olfactory receptors of the tiger salamander to odor stimulation to investigate the stimulus-specific components of these responses and to provide information about the cross-cell variations in the numbers and numbers of types of constitutent receptive sites. An olfactometer delivered sequential odorous pulses, either juxtaposed or separated by a variable time delay. We used four pairs of odorants judged to be similar within a given pair. The unitary response to the test stimulation relative to that of the conditioning stimulation varied from being unchanged to being completely eliminated. We sometimes observed substantial poststimulus increases in the firing rate following stimulation with juxtaposed odorous pulse. Except in the case of one odorant pair, cross-adaptation occurred both with juxtaposed pulses and with pulses separated in time. With the methyl butyrate/ethyl butyrate odorant pair, however, statistically significant cross-adaptation appeared only with juxtaposed pulses. We propose a simple model to aid in explaining these phenomena. The experimental observations in conjunction with this model are used to obtain estimates of the maximal and minimal number of receptive site types available for interaction with the chosen odorants.  相似文献   

A recent highlight in the study of the retina has been the publication of evidence that the response of the ON bipolar cells is generated by a cGMP-mediated second messenger system. This GTP-binding protein mechanism is activated by the binding of glutamate, the photoreceptor neurotransmitter, to the 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate (APB) class of receptor.  相似文献   

On the basis of anatomical and physiological results of the vertebrate retina, a method is proposed for analysing the respective fields of ganglion cells in the cat retina. In the model, we assume the following: (a) Ganglion cells receive their input from bipolar and/or amacrine cells. (b) The nonlinearity of ganglion cell responses is due to the activities of transient type amacrine cells. The method has been proved to be effective. According to the results of this investigation, the receptive field properties of X type and Y type ganglion cells are heterogeneous. Thus, it may be considered that their receptive fields consist of center and surround mechanisms. The receptive field properties of X-cells are almost linear and the X-cells seem to receive most of their input from bipolar cells. On the other hand, the ones of Y-cells are highly nonlinear. Consequently, it is conceivable that the Y-cells receive their input mainly from transient type amacrine cells.  相似文献   

After an estimated five million years of independent evolution, the barred tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum mavortium) was introduced by bait dealers into the native range of the California tiger salamander (A. californiense). Hybridization and backcrossing have been occurring in central California for 50-60 years, or an estimated 15-30 generations. We studied genetic and ecological factors influencing admixture of these two divergent gene pools by analyzing frequencies of hybrid genotypes in three kinds of breeding habitats: natural vernal pools, ephemeral man-made cattle ponds, and perennial man-made ponds. Perennial ponds tended to have higher frequencies of nonnative alleles than either type of seasonal pond, even in cases where perennial and seasonal ponds are within a few hundred meters. Thus, the hybrid zone has a mosaic structure that depends on pond hydrology or ecology. The presence of some broadly acting constraints on admixture is suggested by linkage disequilibria between physically unlinked molecular markers within ponds. In addition, we found several marker-specific deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. One marker showed a consistent deficit of heterozygotes across pond types. Another showed heterozygote deficits only in vernal pools. A third was more likely to have heterozygote excess in ephemeral cattle ponds. These patterns indicate that admixture is influenced by complex genotype-by-environment interactions.  相似文献   

The enzyme, xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH), has been examined in Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum with respect to its role in pigmentation. It now seems probable that the melanoid gene (m) either codes directly for XDH or is somehow intimately connected with the normal function of this enzyme. Inhibition of XDH using the drug, allopurinol, results in animals which appear to be phenocopies of melanoid mutants as described for the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum). The effects of allopurinol in terms of specific pigmentary alterations were examined, and a new method for analyzing heterogeneous extracts of skin pigments (e.g., purines and pteridines) is presented. The significance of the link between XDH and melanism is discussed with emphasis on possible mechanisms of pigment induction and general applicability to biological systems.  相似文献   

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