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A climate model with time varying parameters was fit to longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) tree rings collected from the proposed Harrison Research Natural Area of the De Soto National Forest in southern Mississippi. The purpose of the analysis was to determine if any unexpected disturbances had influenced the growth of the trees. Current September temperature, August rainfall and February Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) were found jointly to be the best variables in the model to predict growth. August rain had a constant significant effect on growth and February PDSI was not significant except between the years 1968–1983. It was concluded that the Harrison area has been in equilibrium for the past 50 years since no apparent outside influences have caused the trees to become less sensitive to climate. Thus, the forest is a good candidate for a Research Natural Area.Abbreviations (RNA) Research Natural Area  相似文献   

Summary cDNAs encoding three different LHC I polypeptides (Type I, Type II and Type III) from the gymnosperm Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were isolated and sequenced. Comparisons of the deduced amino acid sequences with the corresponding tomato sequences showed that all three proteins were highly conserved although less so than the LHC II proteins. The similarities between mature Scots pine and tomato Types I, II and III LHC I proteins were 80%, 87% and 85%, respectively. Two of the five His residues that are found in AXXXH sequences, which have been identified as putative chlorophyll ligands in the Type I and Type II proteins, were not conserved. The same two regions of high homology between the different LHC proteins, which have been identified in tomato, were also found in the Scots pine proteins. Within the conserved regions, the Type I and Type II proteins had the highest similarity; however, the Type II and Type III proteins also showed a similarity in the central region. The results suggest that all flowering plants (gymnosperms and angiosperms) probably have the same set of LHC polypeptides. A new nomenclature for the genes encoding LHC polypeptides (formerly cab genes) is proposed. The names lha and lhb are suggested for genes encoding LHC I and LHC II proteins, respectively, analogous to the nomenclature for the genes encoding other photosynthetic proteins.  相似文献   

Seedlings of gymnosperms, unlike angiosperms, synthesize chlorophyll(ide) (Chl) in darkness (D). In Scots pine cotyledons ( Pinus sylvestris L.) Chl accumulation ceases in D at a low level but Chl accumulation is strongly increased by light, red light (R) being more effective than blue light (B), whereas in Pinus maritima Chi synthesis is almost light-independent. In Scots pine the capacity to form Chl can be increased by R pulses, fully reversible by far-red light, demonstrating the involvement of phytochrome. However, when B- or R–grown seedlings were transferred to D, Chl accumulation stopped immediately irrespective of the level of Pfr (far-red light absorbing form of phytochrome), indicating that the conversion of protochlorophyllide (PChl) is light-dependent. Dose response curves in R and B and simultaneous irradiation with R and B show that R and B are perceived by separate photoreceptors. The immunodetected NADPH-dependent protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR, EC, assumed to regulate light-dependent Chl synthesis in angiosperms, is not correlated with the capacity of gymnosperm Chi accumulation in darkness. While two FOR bands could be separated in extracts from dark grown material (38 and 36 kDa) of Pinus sylvestris and P. maritima , only the 38 kDa band disappeared consistently in the light. However. the significance of the more light resistant 36 kDa band for chlorophyll synthesis remains unclear as well.  相似文献   

Nitrogenase activity in Rhodopseudomonas palustris is subject to a rapid switch-off in response to exogenous ammonia. When cells were grown on limiting nitrogen and eventually became nitrogen deficient, nitrogenase synthesis was fully derepressed but the enzyme was insensitive to ammonia. The transformation of ammonia-sensitive to ammonia-insensitive cells was a slow, but fully reversible process. The switch-off effect in ammonia-sensitive cells paralleled changes in the adenylylation state of glutamine synthetase. Ammonia-insensitive cells, however, showed similar changes in glutamine synthetase activity although nitrogenase activity was unaffected. We conclude that nitrogenase regulation and adenylylation of glutamine synthetase are independent processes, at least under conditions of nitrogen deficiency.  相似文献   

Antibody against the light-dependent NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase of oat was used to detect a protein of the same molecular weight in cotyledons of 40-day-old dark-grown seedlings of Pinus pinea L. Exposure of the seedlings to light resulted in a rapid decrease in protochlorophyllide content without the concomitant decrease in 38 kDa protein which is observed on transfer of dark-grown angiosperm seedlings to light. The stability of the light-dependent NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase in pine in the absence of accumulated substrate is consistent with either (1) a different mechanism of regulation of chlorophyll synthesis in gymnosperms or (2) a higher proportion of stable extra-plastidic protein reacting with the antibody to the light-dependent NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase than is the case in angiosperms.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - Chlide chlorophyllide - NADPH-Pchlide oxidoreductase NADPH protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase - NC nitrocellulose - PBS phosphate buffered saline - Pchlide protochlorophyllide - SDS sodum dodecyl sulphate - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

The apoproteins of the light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complexes LHCI and CP29 (apparent molecular weights of 27 kDa and 29 kDa, respectively) of Euglena gracilis were identified immunologically. Both complexes are present in the thylakoids of autotrophically cultured Euglena cells during the whole cell cycle. The relative amount of each apoprotein tends to increase towards the end of the cell cycle. The light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex of photosystem II, LHCII, of E. gracilis contains chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, neoxanthin, diadinoxanthin and beta-carotene. Its chlorophyll a/b ratio is about 1.7 during the whole cell cycle. About 9 h after cell division the ratio of diadinoxanthin to chlorophyll a is doubled for a time of 3–4 h. The relevance of this increase during one developmental stage is discussed in relation to the insertion and-or assembly of newly synthesized LHCII.Abbreviations LHCP light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex - PS photosystem This research was partly supported by the Deutsche Forschungsge meinschaft.  相似文献   

Solubilization of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) thylakoid membranes with sodium dodecylsulphate plus sodium deoxycholate with or without Triton X-100 and subsequent fractionation in the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system described in this paper resulted: (1) in the resolution of the chlorophyll-proteins and chlorophyll-protein complexes commonly known as CP1a, CP1, LHCP1, LHCP2, CPa and LHCP3; (2) in the highly increased stability of CP1 and CP1a, as judged by their chlorophyll content, (3) at the expense of the free pigment concentration (4) which could be reduced to a negligible amount. Some 40% of the total chlorophyll contained in the mature higher plant thylakoid membrane is associated with CP1 and CP1 a and as already suggested before [19] no significant amount of free chlorophyll occurs in vivo.Abbreviations chl chlorophyll - CP1 P700-chla-protein - CPa P680-chla-protein - DOC sodium deoxychlolate - FC free chlorophyll - LHCP light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-protein - PAGE(S) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (system) - SDS sodium dodecylsulphate - TX-100 Triton X-100  相似文献   

The light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b proteins associated with PS II (LHC II) are often considered to have a regulatory role in photosynthesis. The photosynthetic responses of four chlorina mutants of barley, which are deficient in LHC II to varying degrees, are examined to evaluate whether LHC II plays a regulatory role in photosynthesis. The efficiencies of light use for PS I and PS II photochemistry and for CO2 assimilation in leaves of the mutants were monitored simultaneously over a wide range of photon flux densities of white light in the presence and absence of supplementary red light. It is demonstrated that the depletions of LHC II in these mutants results in a severe imbalance in the relative rates of excitation of PS I and PS II in favour of PS I, which cannot be alleviated by preferential excitation of PS II. Analyses of xanthophyll cycle pigments and fluorescence quenching in leaves of the mutants indicated that the major LHC II components are not required to facilitate the light-induced quenching associated with zeaxanthin formation. It is concluded that LHC II is important to balance the distribution of excitation energy between PS I and PS II populations over a wide range of photon flux densities. It appears that LHC II may also be important in determining the quantum efficiency of PS II photochemistry by reducing the rate of quenching of excitation energy in the PS II primary antennae.Abbreviations Fm, Fv maximal and variable fluorescence yields in a light adapted state - LHC II light harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex associated with PS II - qp photochemical quenching - A820 light-induced absorbance change at 820 nm - øPSI, øPSII relative quantum efficiencies of PS I and PS II photochemistry - øCO2 quantum yield of CO2 assimilation  相似文献   

InPinus ponderosa Dougl., application of the cytokinins, benzyladenine and 2-isopentenyl adenine, to excised cotyledons, promoted thein vitro formation of meristematic centers which led to bud and shoot production. Meristematic cells showed plastids with poorly developed thylakoid membranes and rudimentary grana, whereas cells in non-meristematic tissues and in growth regulator free medium, had chloroplasts with well developed inner membranes, and more thylakoid membranes and grana than plastids of meristematic cells. Chlorophyll and six polypeptides associated with photosynthesis were present in lower concentrations in cytokinin-treated cotyledons than in those cultured in growth regulator free medium. Both benzyladenine and 2-isopentenyl adenine are effective in inhibiting the accumulation of at least two photosynthetic polypeptides in the first 24 h in culture. The ability of cotyledons to respond in this way to cytokinins is lost after three days in culture in growth regulator free medium prior to treatment with cytokinin.  相似文献   

A cytochrome b 6 f deficient mutant of Lemna perpusilla maintains a constant and lower level of the light-harvesting chl a/b-binding protein complex II (LHC II) as compared to the wild type plants at low-light intensities. Inhibition of the plastoquinone pool reduction increases the LHC II content of the mutant at both low- and high-light intensities but only at high-light intensity in the wild type plants. Proteolytic activity against LHC II appears during high-light photoacclimation of wild type plants. However, the acclimative protease is present in the mutant at both light intensities. These and additional results suggest that the plastoquinone redox state serves as the major signal-transducing component in the photoacclimation process affecting both, synthesis and degradation of LHC II and appearance of acclimative LHC II proteolysis. The plastoquinol pool cannot be oxidized by linear electron flow in the mutant plants which are locked in a ‘high light’ acclimation state. The cytochrome b 6 f complex may be involved indirectly in the regulation of photoacclimation via 1) regulation of the plastoquinone redox state; 2) regulation of the redox-controlled thylakoid protein kinase allowing exposure of the dephosphorylated LHC II to acclimative proteolysis. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

After seed germination, hydrolysis of storage proteins provides a nitrogen source for the developing seedling. In conifers the majority of these reserves are located in the living haploid megagametophyte tissue. In the developing loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedling an influx of free amino acids from the megagametophyte accompanies germination and early seedling growth. The major component of this amino acid pool is arginine, which is transported rapidly and efficiently to the seedling without prior conversion. This arginine accounts for nearly half of the total nitrogen entering the cotyledons and is likely a defining factor in early seedling nitrogen metabolism. In the seedling, the enzyme arginase is responsible for liberating nitrogen, in the form of ornithine and urea, from free arginine supplied by the megagametophyte. In this report we investigate how the seedling uses arginase to cope with the large arginine influx. As part of this work we have cloned an arginase cDNA from a loblolly pine expression library. Analysis of enzyme activity data, accumulation of arginase protein and mRNA abundance indicates that increased arginase activity after seed germination is due to de novo synthesis of the enzyme. Our results suggest that arginase is primarily regulated at the RNA level during loblolly pine seed germination and post-germinative growth.  相似文献   

The Porphyridium cruentum light harvesting complex (LHC) binds Chl a, zeaxanthin and -carotene and comprises at least 6 polypeptides of a multigene family. We describe the first in vitro reconstitution of a red algal light-harvesting protein (LHCaR1) with Chl a/carotenoid extracts from P. cruentum. The reconstituted pigment complex (rLHCaR1) is spectrally similar to the native LHC I, with an absorption maximum at 670 nm, a 77 K fluorescence emission peak at 677 nm (ex. 440 nm), and similar circular dichroism spectra. Molar ratios of 4.0 zeaxanthin, 0.3 -carotene and 8.2 Chl a per polypeptide for rLHCaR1 are similar to those of the native LHC I complex (3.1 zeaxanthin, 0.5 -carotene, 8.5 Chl a). The binding of 8 Chl a molecules per apoprotein is consistent with 8 putative Chl-binding sites in the predicted transmembrane helices of LHCaR1. Two of the putative Chl a binding sites (helix 2) in LHCaR1 were assigned to Chl b in Chl a/b-binding (CAB) LHC II [Kühlbrandt et al. (1994) Nature 367: 614–21]. This suggests either that discrimination for binding of Chl a or Chl b is not very specific at these sites or that specificity of binding sites evolved separately in CAB proteins. LHCaR1 can be reconstituted with varying ratios of carotenoids, consistent with our previous observation that the carotenoid to Chl ratio is substantially higher in P. cruentum grown under high irradiance. Also notable is that zeaxanthin does not act as an accessory light-harvesting pigment, even though it is highly likely that it occupies the position assigned to lutein in the CAB LHCs.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Lebedeva  N. V.  Malinina  N. V.  Ivanovsky  R. N. 《Microbiology》2002,71(6):657-662
The carboxylation of 2-oxoglutarate in the reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle in the obligate photolithotroph Chlorobium limicola forma thiosulfatophilum and the oxidation of isocitrate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle in the photoheterotroph Rhodopseudomonas palustris are catalyzed by isocitrate dehydrogenases. A comparative study of these enzymes isolated from the two bacteria showed that they virtually do not differ in enzymatic and kinetic properties.  相似文献   

The comparison of primary structures is extended to 22 cytochromesb orb 6, 12 cytochromesc 1 orf, and 8 Rieske FeS proteins. Conclusions are drawn as to their phylogenetic relationship as well as on conserved, functionally important amino acids and secondary structures. The results are in favor of two independent quinone binding sites at opposite surfaces of the membrane, topping one of the two hemes of cytochromeb each.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic apparatus of Rhodopseudomonas palustris contains, in addition to reaction center bacteriochlorophyll (Bchl) two spectral forms of light harvesting (LH) Bchl, i.e. LH Bchl I, characterized by an infrared absorption maximum at 880 nm (890 nm at 77°K) and LH Bchl II absorbing at 805 and 855 nm (805 and 870 nm at 77°K). LH Bchl I seems to be associated with a single protein species of an apparent mol. wt. of 13000 whereas LH Bchl II is apparently associated with two proteins of mol. wts. of 9000 and 11000.Cells in anaerobic cultures adapt to changes of light intensity 1. by variation of the size of the photosynthetic unit, i.e. the molar ratio of LH Bchl II to reaction center Bchl, 2. by variation of the number of photosynthetic units per unit of membrane area, 3. by regulation of the size of the intracytoplasmic membrane system.During adaptation of changes of oxygen partial pressure cells are able to synthesize reaction center Bchl, LH Bchl and intracytoplasmic membranes at different rates. The synthesis of reaction center Bchl and LH Bchl I are, however, coordinated with each other, while the syntheses of LH Bchl II and reaction center Bchl proceed independently.List of Non-Standard Abbreviations Bchl bacteriochlorophyll - ICM mitracytoplasmic membrane - LDAO lauryldimethyl aminoxide - R Rhodopseudomonas - RC reaction center - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate  相似文献   

The initial stages of colonization of wheat roots by cells ofAzospirillum brasilense strains 75 and 80 isolated from soils of the Saratov oblast were studied. The adsorption of azospirilla on root hairs of soft spring wheats rapidly increased in the first hours of incubation, going then to a plateau phase. Within the first 15 h of incubation, exponential-phase cells were adsorbed more intensively than stationary-phase cells. Conversely, stationary-phase cells were adsorbed more intensively than exponential-phase cells, if the period of azospirilla incubation with the wheat roots was extended. As the time of incubation increased, the attachment of azospirilla to the wheat roots became stronger. The effect of cell attachment to root hairs was strain-dependent; the number of adsorbed cells of a given strain of azospirilla was greater in the case of host wheat cultivars. The deformation of wheat root hairs was affected by the polysaccharide-containing complexes isolated from the capsular material of azospirilla. The suggestion is made that common receptor systems are involved in the adsorption of azospirilla on roots and in root hair deformation  相似文献   

The behavior and role of the microtubule (MT) and actin-myosin components of the cytoskeleton during pollen tube growth in two species of Pinus were studied using anti--tubulin, rhodamine-phalloidin, anti-myosin, and the appropriate inhibitors. Within germinated pollen tubes MTs were arranged obliquely or transversely, but in elongated tubes they were arranged along the tube's long axis. MTs were localized in the tube tip region, excluding the basal part. Altered growth was found in pollen tubes treated with colchicine; the tips of many pollen tubes incubated in the liquid medium were branched and/or rounded, and those in the agar medium were divided into many branches. Both the branching and the rounding were considered to be caused by the disturbance of polarizing growth of the tube due to MT disorganization with colchicine treatment. Actin filaments (F-actin) were found in the major parts of many pollen tubes along their long axis, excluding the tip region. In a few tubes, however, F-actin was distributed throughout the tube. The areas in the pollen tube containing F-actin were filled with abundant cytoplasmic granules, but the areas without F-actin had very few granules. The tube nucleus, which migrated from the grain area into the tube, was closely associated with F-actin. Germination of pollen grains treated with cytochalasin B was little affected, but further tube elongation was inhibited. Myosin was identified on cytoplasmic granules and to a lesser extent on the tube nucleus in the pollen tubes. Several granules were attached to the nuclear envelope. Tube growth was completely inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide treatment. In generative cells that were retained in the pollen grain, both MT and F-actin networks were observed. Myosin was localized on the cytoplasmic granules but not on the cell surface. In conclusion, it was shown that actin-myosin and MTs were present in gymnospermous Pinus pollen tubes and it is suggested that the former contributed to outgrowth of the tubes and the latter contributed to polarized growth. Several differences in the behavior of cytoskeletal elements in generative cells compared to angiosperms were revealed and are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Ultraviolet-B light (UV-B) and ultraviolet-A light (UV-A) at higher doses exert a strong inhibitory (toxic) effect on axis growth in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings. This effect is unrelated to control of growth rate by phytochrome. Rather, after a toxic UV dose growth of the pine seedling no longer responded to phytochrome. Both, the effect of UV-B as well as the inhibiting effect of UV-A could be photoreactivated by blue light (B). The action of UV-A was 2 fold: (i) it exerted a toxic effect which could be photoreactivated by B, and (ii) applied after UV-B it photoreactivated to some extent the toxic UV-B effect. Obviously, the UV-A range causes a toxic effect, and at the same time is capable of photoreactivating the toxic UV effect. At higher doses the toxic effect prevails.  相似文献   

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