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Two ideas have essentially been used to explain the origin of the genetic code: Crick's frozen accident and Woese's amino acid-codon specific chemical interaction. Whatever the origin and codon-amino acid correlation, it is difficult to imagine the sudden appearance of the genetic code in its present form of 64 codons coding for 20 amino acids without appealing to some evolutionary process. On the contrary, it is more reasonable to assume that it evolved from a much simpler initial state in which a few triplets were coding for each of a small number of amino acids. Analysis of genetic code through information theory and the metabolism of pyrimidine biosynthesis provide evidence that suggests that the genetic code could have begun in an RNA world with the two letters A and U grouped in eight triplets coding for seven amino acids and one stop signal. This code could have progressively evolved by making gradual use of letters G and C to end with 64 triplets coding for 20 amino acids and three stop signals. According to proposed evidence, DNA could have appeared after the four-letter structure was already achieved. In the newborn DNA world, T substituted U to get higher physicochemical and genetic stability.  相似文献   

DNA damage was assessed in smoker lymphocytes by subjecting them to the single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assay. In addition to the appearance of comet tails, smoker cells exhibited enlarged nuclei when analysed by the comet assay. On comparing basal DNA damage among smokers and a non-smoking control group, smoker lymphocytes showed higher basal DNA damage (smokers, 36.25±8.45 μm; non-smokers, 21.6±2.06 μm). A significant difference in DNA migration lengths was observed between the two groups at 10 min after UV exposure (smokers, 65.5±20.34 μm; non-smokers, 79.2±11.59 μm), but no significant differences were seen at 30 min after UV exposure (smokers, 21.13±10.73 μm; non-smokers, (27.2±4.13 μm). The study thus implies that cigarette smoking perhaps interferes with the incision steps of the nucleotide excision repair (NER) process. There appeared be no correlation between the frequency of smoking and DNA damage or the capacity of the cells to repair UV-induced DNA damage that suggests inherited host factors may be responsible for the inter-individual differences in DNA repair capacities. The study also suggests monitoring NER following UV insult using the SCGE assay is a sensitive and simple method to assess DNA damage and integrity of DNA repair in human cells exposed to chemical mutagens.  相似文献   

The study of recent human evolution, or the origin of modern humans, is currently dominated by two theories. The recent African origin hypothesis holds that there was a single origin of modern humans in Africa about 100,000 years ago, after which these humans dispersed throughout the rest of the world, mixing little or not at all with nonmodern populations. The multiregional evolution hypothesis holds that there was no single origin of modern humans but, instead, that the mutations and other traits that led to modern humans were spread in concert throughout the old world by gene flow, leading to genetic continuity among old world populations during the past million years. Although both of these theories are based on observations stemming from the fossil record, much discussion and controversy during the past six years has focused on the application and interpretation of studies of DNA variation, particularly mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The past year, especially, has brought new data, interpretations, and controversies. Indeed, I initially resisted writing this review, on the grounds that new information would be likely to render it obsolete by the time it was published. However, now that the dust is starting to settle, it seems timely to review various investigations and interpretations and where they are likely to lead. While the focus of this review is the mtDNA story, brief mention is made of studies of nuclear DNA variation (both autosomal and Y-chromosome DNA) and the implications of the genetic data with regard to the fossil record and our understanding of recent human evolution.  相似文献   

M A Soto  C J Tohá 《Bio Systems》1985,18(2):209-215
A quantitative rationale for the evolution of the genetic code is developed considering the principle of minimal hardware. This principle defines an optimal code as one that minimizes for a given amount of information encoded, the product of the number of physical devices used by the average complexity of each device. By identifying the number of different amino acids, number of nucleotide positions per codon and number of base types that can occupy each such position with, respectively, the amount of information, number of devices and the complexity, we show that optimal codes occur for 3, 7 and 20 amino acids with codons having a single, two and three base positions per codon, respectively. The advantage of a code of exactly 4 symbols is deduced, as well as a plausible evolutionary pathway from a code of doublets to triplets. The present day code of 20 amino acids encoded by 64 codons is shown to be the most optimal in an absolute sense. Using a tetraplet code further evolution to a code in which there would be 55 amino acids is in principle possible, but such a code would deviate slightly more than the present day code from the minimal hardware configuration. The change from a triplet code to a tetraplet code would occur at about 32 amino acids. Our conclusions are independent of, but consistent with, the observed physico-chemical properties of the amino acids and codon structures. These correlations could have evolved within the constrains imposed by the minimal hardware principle.  相似文献   

In our previous study, we found that colcemid, an inhibitor of mitotic spindle, promotes UVC-induced apoptosis in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO.K1). In this study, a brief treatment of colcemid on cells after but not before UV irradiation could synergistically reduce the cell viability. Although colcemid did not affect the excision of UV-induced DNA damages such as [6–4] photoproducts or cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, colcemid accumulated the DNA breaks when it was added to cells following UV-irradiation. This colcemid effect required nucleotide excision repair (NER) since the same accumulation of DNA breaks was barely or not detected in two NER defective strains of CHO cells, UV5 or UV24. Furthermore, the colcemid effect was not due to semi-conservative DNA replication or mitosis since the colcemid-caused accumulation of DNA breaks was also seen in non-replicating cells. Moreover, colcemid inhibited rejoining of DNA breaks accumulated by hydroxyurea/cytosine arabinoside following UV irradiation. Nevertheless, colcemid did not affect the unscheduled DNA synthesis as assayed by the incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine. Taken together, our results suggest that colcemid might inhibit the step of ligation of NER pathways.  相似文献   

The DNA damage checkpoint is a surveillance mechanism activated by DNA lesions and devoted to the maintenance of genome stability. It is considered as a signal transduction cascade, involving a sensing step, the activation of a set of protein kinases and the transmission and amplification of the damage signal through several phosphorylation events. In budding yeast many players of this pathway have been identified. Recent work showed that G1 and G2 checkpoint activation in response to UV irradiation requires prior recognition and processing of UV lesions by nucleotide excision repair (NER) factors that likely recruit checkpoint proteins near the damage. However, another report suggested that NER was not required for checkpoint function. Since the functional relationship between repair mechanisms and checkpoint activation is a very important issue in the field, we analyzed, under different experimental conditions, whether lesion processing by NER is required for checkpoint activation. We found that DNA damage checkpoint can be triggered in an NER-independent manner only if cells are subjected to liquid holding after UV treatment. This incubation causes a time-dependent breakage of DNA strands in NER-deficient cells and leads to partial activation of the checkpoint kinase. The analysis of the genetic requirements for this alternative activation pathway suggest that it requires Mec1 and the Rad17 complex and that the observed DNA breaks are likely to be due to spontaneous decay of damaged DNA.  相似文献   

Some hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)]-containing compounds are lung carcinogens. Once within cells, Cr(VI) is reduced to trivalent chromium [Cr(III)] which displays an affinity for both DNA bases and the phosphate backbone. A diverse array of genetic lesions is produced by Cr including Cr–DNA monoadducts, DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs), DNA–Cr–protein crosslinks (DPCs), abasic sites, DNA strand breaks and oxidized bases. Despite the large amount of information available on the genotoxicity of Cr, little is known regarding the molecular mechanisms involved in the removal of these lesions from damaged DNA. Recent work indicates that nucleotide excision repair (NER) is involved in the processing of Cr–DNA adducts in human and rodent cells. In order to better understand this process at the molecular level and begin to identify the Cr–DNA adducts processed by NER, the incision of CrCl3 [Cr(III)]-damaged plasmid DNA was studied using a thermal-resistant UvrABC NER endonuclease from Bacillus caldotenax (Bca). Treatment of plasmid DNA with Cr(III) (as CrCl3) increased DNA binding as a function of dose. For example, at a Cr(III) concentration of 1 μM we observed 2 Cr(III)–DNA adducts per plasmid. At this same concentration of Cr(III) we found that 17% of the plasmid DNA contained ICLs (0.2 ICLs/plasmid). When plasmid DNA treated with Cr(III) (1 μM) was incubated with Bca UvrABC we observed 0.8 incisions/plasmid. The formation of endonuclease IV-sensitive abasic lesions or Fpg-sensitive oxidized DNA bases was not detected suggesting that the incision of Cr(III)-damaged plasmid DNA by UvrABC was not related to the generation of oxidized DNA damage. Taken together, our data suggest that a sub-fraction of Cr(III)–DNA adducts is recognized and processed by the prokaryotic NER machinery and that ICLs are not necessarily the sole lesions generated by Cr(III) that are substrates for NER.  相似文献   

A possible circular RNA at the origin of life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The increasing volume of sequenced genomes and the recent techniques for performing in vitro molecular evolution have rekindled the interest for questions on the origin of life. Nevertheless, a gap continues to exist between the research on prebiotic chemistry and molecule generation, on one hand, and the study of molecular fossils preserved in genomes, on the other. Here we attempt to fill this gap by using some assumptions about the prebiotic scenario (including a strong stereochemical basis for the genetic code) to determine the RNA sequences more likely to appear and subsist. A set of minimal RNA rings is exhaustively determined; a subset of them is then selected through stability arguments, and a particular ring ("AL ring") is finally singled out as the most likely winner of this prebiotic game. The rings happen to have several structural and statistical properties of modern genes: a repeated AUG codon appears spontaneously (and is thus made available for becoming a start signal), the form AUG/STOP emerges, and frequency patterns resemble those of present genes. The whole set of rings was also compared to a database of tRNAs, considering the conserved positions (located in the free parts of the molecule, essentially the loops); the ring that most closely matched tRNA sequences-and matched, in fact, the consensus of tRNA at all the aligned positions-was AL, the same ring independently selected before. The unselected emergence of gene-like features through two simple selection steps and the close similarity between the finally selected ring and tRNA (including some remarkable features of the resulting alignment) suggest a possible link between the prebiotic world and the first biological molecules, which is amenable for experimental testing. Even if our scenario is partially wrong, the unlikely coincidences should provide useful hints for other efforts.  相似文献   

Telomeres at chromosome ends are nucleoprotein structures consisting of tandem TTAGGG repeats and a complex of proteins termed shelterin. DNA damage and repair at telomeres is uniquely influenced by the ability of telomeric DNA to form alternate structures including loops and G-quadruplexes, coupled with the ability of shelterin proteins to interact with and regulate enzymes in every known DNA repair pathway. The role of shelterin proteins in preventing telomeric ends from being falsely recognized and processed as DNA double strand breaks is well established. Here we focus instead on recent developments in understanding the roles of shelterin proteins and telomeric DNA sequence and structure in processing genuine damage at telomeres induced by endogenous and exogenous DNA damage agents. We will highlight advances in double strand break repair, base excision repair and nucleotide excision repair at telomeres, and will discuss important questions remaining in the field.  相似文献   

DNA重排及体外分子进化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
DNA重排是目前为止最简便、最有效的体外定向进化技术,可以对单一基因、质粒、代谢途径、部分甚至整个基因组进行改造。本综述了DNA重排的基本原理、特点、与其它体外进化技术的不同,着重介绍了其在体外分子进化上的广泛应用,并对应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Template switching occurs when DNA polymerase juxtaposes two discontinuous DNA molecules with 3'-terminally complementary ends generated through non-template-directed nucleotide addition. We examined whether juxtaposition of homopolymeric single-stranded oligonucleotides affects non-templated addition. We hypothesized that if DNA polymerase first juxtaposed the two substrates, then the non-template-directed nucleotide addition of any deoxynucleotide would decrease in the presence of its non-complementary template. For dATP, product formation was unaffected by non-complementary substrates. In contrast, dCTP and dGTP incorporation decreased to varying degrees while dTTP incorporation increased in the presence of oligodeoxythymidine but decreased for other non-complementary homopolymers. Interestingly, the presence of complementary templates strongly influenced the formation of highly periodic products indicative of reiterative template switching. Transient template synapsis was observed and found to be dependent on the non-templated sequence added: 3-4 A:T or 1-2 G:C base pairs were needed for stable synapsis, suggesting that base pairing plays a more important role in the active site of the enzyme than previously thought.  相似文献   

为从分子水平上探究西藏牦牛类群的遗传多样性、亲缘关系,本研究测定了日多牦牛、类乌齐牦牛、丁青牦牛、错那牦牛、隆子牦牛、仲巴牦牛、聂荣牦牛、申札牦牛等8 个西藏牦牛类群共328 头牦牛mtDNAD-loop区序列,分析其多态性,构建系统进化树。结果表明:本次测定的西藏牦牛mtDNA D-loop 区序列长度为 887 - 895 bp,共检测到135 个变异位点,其中单态突变位点52 个,简约信息位点83 个。在328 个个体中共检测出91 种单倍型,平均单倍型多样性(Hd)、平均核苷酸多样性(π)分别为0. 884、0.010 27,显示西藏牦牛具有丰富的遗传多样性。8 个类群间平均遗传距离为0.011;日多牦牛与错那牦牛间遗传距离最小(0. 006);类乌 齐牦牛与隆子牦牛间遗传距离最大(0.015)。系统进化分析显示西藏牦牛可分为两大类,错那牦牛是较纯的牦牛类群,其它牦牛类群在进化过程中出现相互交流的情况。  相似文献   

Data from the literature and new data presented here suggest that the genetic system (coding and protein synthesis) is based on relationships of character and structure between amino acids and nucleic acids. Character relationships seem to be anticodonic and structurally the greatest preferences are seen between the heteropair, l-amino acids and d-ribose nucleic acids. However, living systems using the other heteropair must have been equally likely. Homopairing (l-l and d-d) in living systems seems unlikely. Awareness of the heterocoupling of steric forms narrows somewhat the problem of understanding the origin of chirality.  相似文献   

Genomic propagation in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes is tightly regulated at the level of initiation, ensuring that the genome is accurately replicated and equally segregated to the daughter cells. Even though replication origins and the proteins that bind onto them (initiator proteins) have diverged throughout the course of evolution, the mechanism of initiation has been conserved, consisting of origin recognition, multi‐protein complex assembly, helicase activation and loading of the replicative machinery. Recruitment of the multiprotein initiation complexes onto the replication origins is constrained by the dense packing of the DNA within the nucleus and unusual structures such as knots and supercoils. In this review, we focus on the DNA topological barriers that the multi‐protein complexes have to overcome in order to access the replication origins and how the topological state of the origins changes during origin firing. Recent advances in the available methodologies to study DNA topology and their clinical significance are also discussed. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 35–43, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Endonuclease III (EndoIII) is a bifunctional DNA glycosylase that removes oxidized pyrimidines from DNA. The genome of Deinococcus radiodurans encodes for an unusually high number of DNA glycosylases, including three EndoIII enzymes (drEndoIII1-3). Here, we compare the properties of these enzymes to those of their well-studied homologues from E. coli and human. Our biochemical and mutational data, reinforced by MD simulations of EndoIII-DNA complexes, reveal that drEndoIII2 exhibits a broad substrate specificity and a catalytic efficiency surpassing that of its counterparts. In contrast, drEndoIII1 has much weaker and uncoupled DNA glycosylase and AP-lyase activities, a characteristic feature of eukaryotic DNA glycosylases, and was found to present a relatively robust activity on single-stranded DNA substrates. To our knowledge, this is the first report of such an activity for an EndoIII. In the case of drEndoIII3, no catalytic activity could be detected, but its ability to specifically recognize lesion-containing DNA using a largely rearranged substrate binding pocket suggests that it may play an alternative role in genome maintenance. Overall, these findings reveal that D. radiodurans possesses a unique set of DNA repair enzymes, including three non-redundant EndoIII variants with distinct properties and complementary activities, which together contribute to genome maintenance in this bacterium.  相似文献   

The genomes that organisms transmit between generations contain information about different kinds of functions. The genome with the "best" mix and number of genes for these functions is the one that natural selection favours. Here I introduce a new way to model simple organisms with genes for external and internal functions, and use it to study the evolution of genome size. The external functions are exemplified by resource use and the internal functions by mutation control (repair). It is shown that even with a suitable proportion of genes for mutation control, the genomes in the organisms do not forever incorporate genes that increase resource use. Instead they evolve towards an optimal genome of limited size. The optimal proportion of genes for mutation control is shown to have an upper limit given by the ease with which transmission accuracy is improved by adding extra genes for this purpose to the genome. The model illustrates how natural selection on genomes integrates systems for the transmission of genetic information with systems relating to the external adaptation of the organism. It also opens up for other, more detailed theoretical investigations of genome functions.  相似文献   

Biology uses essentially 20 amino acids for its coded protein enzymes, representing a very small subset of the structurally possible set. Most models of the origin of life suggest organisms developed from environmentally available organic compounds. A variety of amino acids are easily produced under conditions which were believed to have existed on the primitive Earth or in the early solar nebula. The types of amino acids produced depend on the conditions which prevailed at the time of synthesis, which remain controversial. The selection of the biological set is likely due to chemical and early biological evolution acting on the environmentally available compounds based on their chemical properties. Once life arose, selection would have proceeded based on the functional utility of amino acids coupled with their accessibility by primitive metabolism and their compatibility with other biochemical processes. Some possible mechanisms by which the modern set of 20 amino acids was selected starting from prebiotic chemistry are discussed.  相似文献   

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