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Pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) located in the antennae of male moth species play an important role in olfaction. They are carrier proteins, believed to transport volatile hydrophobic pheromone molecules across the aqueous sensillar lymph to the membrane-bound G protein-coupled olfactory receptor proteins. The roles of PBPs in molecular recognition and the mechanisms of pheromone binding and release are poorly understood. Here, we report the NMR structure of a PBP from the giant silk moth Antheraea polyphemus. This is the first structure of a PBP with specific acetate-binding function in vivo. The protein consists of nine alpha-helices: alpha1a (residues 2-5), alpha1b (8-12), alpha1c (16-23), alpha2 (27-34), alpha3a (46-52), alpha3b (54-59), alpha4 (70-79), alpha5 (84-100) and alpha6 (107-125), held together by three disulfide bridges: 19-54, 50-108 and 97-117. A large hydrophobic cavity is located inside the protein, lined with side-chains from all nine helices. The acetate-binding site is located at the narrow end of the cavity formed by the helices alpha3b and alpha4. The pheromone can enter this cavity through an opening between the helix alpha1a, the C-terminal end of the helix alpha6, and the loop between alpha2 and alpha3a. We suggest that Trp37 may play an important role in the initial interaction with the ligand. Our analysis also shows that Asn53 plays the key role in recognition of acetate pheromones specifically, while Phe12, Phe36, Trp37, Phe76, and Phe118 are responsible for non-specific binding, and Leu8 and Ser9 may play a role in ligand chain length recognition.  相似文献   

The nuclear magnetic resonance structure of the unliganded pheromone-binding protein (PBP) from Bombyx mori at pH above 6.5, BmPBP(B), consists of seven helices with residues 3-8, 16-22, 29-32, 46-59, 70-79, 84-100, and 107-124, and contains the three disulfide bridges 19-54, 50-108, and 97-117. This polypeptide fold encloses a large hydrophobic cavity, with a sufficient volume to accommodate the natural ligand bombykol. The polypeptide folds in free BmPBP(B) and in crystals of a BmPBP-bombykol complex are nearly identical, indicating that the B-form of BmPBP in solution represents the active conformation for ligand binding.  相似文献   

The Bombyx mori pheromone-binding protein (BmorPBP) undergoes a pH-dependent conformational transition from a form at basic pH, which contains an open cavity suitable for ligand binding (BmorPBPB), to a form at pH 4.5, where this cavity is occupied by an additional helix (BmorPBPA). This helix α7 is formed by the C-terminal dodecapeptide 131-142, which is flexibly disordered on the protein surface in BmorPBPB and in its complex with the pheromone bombykol. Previous work showed that the ligand-binding cavity cannot accommodate both bombykol and helix α7. Here we further investigated mechanistic aspects of the physiologically crucial ejection of the ligand at lower pH values by solution NMR studies of the variant protein BmorPBP(1-128), where the C-terminal helix-forming tetradecapeptide is removed. The NMR structure of the truncated protein at pH 6.5 corresponds closely to BmorPBPB. At pH 4.5, BmorPBP(1-128) maintains a B-type structure that is in a slow equilibrium, on the NMR chemical shift timescale, with a low-pH conformation for which a discrete set of 15N-1H correlation peaks is NMR unobservable. The full NMR spectrum was recovered upon readjusting the pH of the protein solution to 6.5. These data reveal dual roles for the C-terminal tetradecapeptide of BmorPBP in the mechanism of reversible pheromone binding and transport, where it governs dynamic equilibria between two locally different protein conformations at acidic pH and competes with the ligand for binding to the interior cavity.  相似文献   

The navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella (Walker), is an agricultural insect pest that can be controlled by disrupting male–female communication with sex pheromones, a technique known as mating disruption. Insect pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) provide fast transport of hydrophobic pheromones through aqueous sensillar lymph and promote sensitive delivery of pheromones to receptors. Here we present a mutational analysis on a PBP from A. transitella (AtraPBP1) to evaluate how the C-terminal helix in this protein controls pheromone binding as a function of pH. Pheromone binds tightly to AtraPBP1 at neutral pH, but the binding is much weaker at pH below 5. Deletion of the entire C-terminal helix (residues 129–142) causes more than 100-fold increase in pheromone-binding affinity at pH 5 and only a 1.5-fold increase at pH 7. A similar pH-dependent increase in pheromone binding is also seen for the H80A/H95A double mutant that promotes extrusion of the C-terminal helix by disabling salt bridges at each end of the helix. The single mutants (H80A and H95A) also exhibit pheromone binding at pH below 5, but with ∼2-fold weaker affinity. NMR and circular dichroism data demonstrate a large overall structural change in each of these mutants at pH 4.5, indicating an extrusion of the C-terminal helix that profoundly affects the overall structure of the low pH form. Our results confirm that sequestration of the C-terminal helix at low pH as seen in the recent NMR structure may serve to block pheromone binding. We propose that extrusion of these C-terminal residues at neutral pH (or by the mutations in this study) exposes a hydrophobic cleft that promotes high affinity pheromone binding.  相似文献   

Ciliates of Euplotes species constitutively secrete pleiotropic protein pheromones, which are capable to function as prototypic autocrine growth factors as well as paracrine inducers of mating processes. This paper reports the amino acid sequence and the NMR structure of the pheromone En-6 isolated from the antarctic species Euplotes nobilii. The 63-residue En-6 polypeptide chain forms three alpha-helices in positions 18-25, 36-40 and 46-56, which are arranged in an up-down-up three-helix bundle forming the edges of a distorted trigonal pyramid. The base of the pyramid is covered by the N-terminal heptadecapeptide segment, which includes a 3(10)-turn of residues 3-6. This topology is covalently anchored by four long-range disulfide bonds. Comparison with the smaller pheromones of E. raikovi, a closely related species living in temperate waters, shows that the two-pheromone families have the same three-helix bundle architecture. It then appears that cold-adaptation of the En proteins is primarily related to increased lengths of the chain-terminal peptide segments and the surface-exposed loops connecting the regular secondary structures, and to the presence of solvent-exposed clusters of negatively charged side-chains.  相似文献   

The MPT64 protein and its homologs form a highly conserved family of secreted proteins with unknown function that are found within the pathogenic Mycobacteria genus. The founding member of this family from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MPT64 or protein Rv1980c) is expressed only when Mycobacteria cells are actively dividing. By virtue of this relatively unique expression profile, Rv1980c is currently under phase III clinical trials to evaluate its potential to replace tuberculin, or purified protein derivative, as the rapid diagnostic of choice for detection of active tuberculosis infection. We describe here the NMR solution structure of Rv1980c. This structure reveals a previously undescribed fold that is based upon a variation of a beta-grasp motif most commonly found in protein-protein interaction domains. Examination of this structure in conjunction with multiple sequence alignments of MPT64 homologs identifies a candidate ligand-binding site, which may help guide future studies of Rv1980c function. The work presented here also suggests structure-based approaches for increasing the antigenic potency of a Rv1980c-based diagnostic.  相似文献   

GABAB receptor is a G protein-coupled receptor for GABA and drug target for neurological and psychiatric disorders. From the analysis of GTPγS binding assay, we found that a synthesized peptide (GABAb: ETKSVSTEKINDHR) corresponding to the intracellular third loop region of metabotropic GABAB receptor could activate Gi protein α subunit directly. The three dimensional molecular structure of the peptide in SDS-d25 micelles was determined by 2D 1H-NMR spectroscopy. GABAb peptide formed an α helical structure and a positive charge cluster at the C-terminal site. These structural features were also found in several other G protein activating peptides. From the comparison among these peptides, we found that peptides with high helical content show the high activity.  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette superfamily of periplasmic metal transporters are known to be vital for maintaining ion homeostasis in several pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria. We have determined crystal structure of the high-affinity zinc transporter ZnuA from Escherichia coli at 1.8 A resolution. This structure represents the first native (non-recombinant) protein structure of a periplasmic metal binding protein. ZnuA reveals numerous conformational features, which occur either in Zn(2+) or in Mn(2+) transporters, and presents a unique conformational state. A comprehensive comparison of ZnuA with other periplasmic ligand binding protein structures suggests vital mechanistic differences between bound and release states of metal transporters. The key new attributes in ZnuA include a C-domain disulfide bond, an extra alpha-helix proximal to the highly charged metal chelating mobile loop region, alternate conformations of secondary shell stabilizing residues at the metal binding site, and domain movements potentially controlled by salt bridges. Based on in-depth structural analyses of five metal binding transporters, we present here a mechanistic model termed as "partial domain slippage" for binding and release of Zn(2+).  相似文献   

NMR techniques have been used to characterise the effects of a lipid-like post-translational modification on barley lipid transfer protein (LTP1b). NMR chemical shift data indicate that the lipid-like molecule lies in the hydrophobic cavity of LTP1b, with Tyr 79 being displaced to accommodate the ligand in the cavity. The modified protein has a reduced level of backbone amide hydrogen exchange protection, presumably reflecting increased dynamics in the protein. This may result from a loosening of the protein structure and may explain the enhanced surface properties observed for LTP1b.  相似文献   

Chi LM  Lam SL 《FEBS letters》2006,580(27):6496-6500
Slipped frameshift intermediates can occur when DNA polymerase slows or stalls at sites of DNA lesions. However, this phenomenon is much less common when unmodified DNA is replicated. In order to study the effect of templating bases on the alignment of primer-templates, NMR structural investigation has been performed on primer-template oligonucleotide models which mimic the situation that dNTP has just been incorporated opposite template. NMR evidence reveals the occurrence of misalignment when dGTP is incorporated opposite template T with a downstream nucleotide C. Depending on the template sequence, further extension of the primer can lead to realignment.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a periplasmic l-aspartate/l-glutamate binding protein (DEBP) from Shigella flexneri complexed with an l-glutamate molecule has been determined and refined to an atomic resolution of 1.0 Å. There are two DEBP molecules in the asymmetric unit. The refined model contains 4462 non-hydrogen protein atoms, 730 water molecules, 2 bound glutamate molecules, and 2 Tris molecules from the buffer used in crystallization. The final Rcryst and Rfree factors are 13.61% and 16.89%, respectively. The structure has root-mean-square deviations of 0.016 Å from standard bond lengths and 2.35° from standard bond angles.The DEBP molecule is composed of two similarly folded domains separated by the ligand binding region. Both domains contain a central five-stranded β-sheet that is surrounded by several α-helices. The two domains are linked by two antiparallel β-strands. The overall shape of DEBP is that of an ellipsoid approximately 55 Å × 45 Å × 40 Å in size.The binding of ligand to DEBP is achieved mostly through hydrogen bonds between the glutamate and side-chain and main-chain groups of DEBP. Side chains of residues Arg24, Ser72, Arg75, Ser90, and His164 anchor the deprotonated γ-carboxylate group of the glutamate with six hydrogen bonds. Side chains of Arg75 and Arg90 form salt bridges with the deprotonated α-carboxylate group, while the main-chain amide groups of Thr92 and Thr140 form hydrogen bonds with the same group. The positively charged α-amino group of the l-glutamate forms salt bridge interaction with the side-chain carboxylate group of Asp182 and hydrogen bond interaction with main-chain carbonyl oxygen of Ser90. In addition to these hydrogen bond and electrostatic interactions, other interactions may also play important roles. For example, the two methylene groups from the glutamate form van der Waals interactions with hydrophobic side chains of DEBP.Comparisons with several other periplasmic amino acid binding proteins indicate that DEBP residues involved in the binding of α-amino and α-carboxylate groups of the ligand and the pattern of hydrogen bond formation between these groups are very well conserved, but the binding pocket around the ligand side chain is not, leading to the specificity of DEBP. We have identified structural features of DEBP that determine its ability of binding glutamate and aspartate, two molecules with different sizes, but discriminating against very similar glutamine and asparagine molecules.  相似文献   

Numerous biological functions are attributed to the peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor (PBR) recently renamed translocator protein (TSPO). The best characterized function is the translocation of cholesterol from the outer to inner mitochondrial membrane, which is a rate-determining step in steroid biosynthesis. TSPO drug ligands have been shown to stimulate pregnenolone formation by inducing TSPO-mediated translocation of cholesterol. Until recently, no direct structural data on this membrane protein was available. In a previous paper, we showed that a part of the mouse TSPO (mTSPO) C-terminal region adopts a helical conformation, the side-chain distribution of which provides a groove able to fit a cholesterol molecule. We report here on the overall structural properties of mTSPO. This study was first undertaken by dissecting the protein sequence and studying the conformation of five peptides encompassing the five putative transmembrane domains from 1H-NMR data. The secondary structure of the recombinant protein in micelles was then studied using CD spectroscopy. In parallel, the stability of its tertiary fold was probed using 1H-15N NMR. This study provides the first experimental evidence for a five-helix fold of mTSPO and shows that the helical conformation of each transmembrane domain is mainly formed through local short-range interactions. Our data show that, in micelles, mTSPO exhibits helix content close to what is expected but an unstable tertiary fold. They reveal that the binding of a drug ligand that stimulates cholesterol translocation is able to stabilize the mTSPO tertiary structure.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the outer membrane protein A from Klebsiella pneumoniae transmembrane domain was determined by NMR. This protein induces specific humoral and cytotoxic responses, and is a potent carrier protein. This is one of the largest integral membrane proteins (210 residues) for which nearly complete resonance assignment, including side chains, has been achieved so far. The methodology rested on the use of 900 MHz 3D and 4D TROSY experiments recorded on a uniformly 15N,13C,2H-labeled sample and on a perdeuterated methyl protonated sample. The structure was refined from 920 experimental constraints, giving an ensemble of 20 best structures with an r.m.s. deviation of 0.54 Å for the main chain atoms in the core eight-stranded β-barrel. The protein dynamics was assessed, in a residue-specific manner, by 1H-15N NOEs (pico- to nanosecond timescale), exchange broadening (millisecond to second) and 1H-2H chemical exchange (hour-weeks).  相似文献   

The single nucleotide polymorphism interleukin-13 (IL-13) R110Q is associated with severe bronchial asthma because its lower affinity leads to the augmentation of local IL-13 concentration, resulting in an increase in the signal transduction via IL-13R. Since the mutation site does not directly bind to IL-13Ralpha2, we carried out NMR relaxation analyses of the wild-type IL-13 and IL-13-R110Q in order to examine whether the R110Q mutation affects the internal motions in IL-13 molecules. The results showed that the internal motion in the micro- to millisecond time scale on helix D, which is suggested to be important for the interaction between IL-13 and IL-13Ralpha2, is increased in IL-13-R110Q compared with that in the wild-type IL-13. It therefore appears that the difference in the internal motions on helix D between the wild-type IL-13 and IL-13-R110Q may be involved in their affinity differences with IL-13Ralpha2.  相似文献   

PrsA is a peptidyl-prolyl isomerase (PPIase) from Bacillus subtilis belonging to the parvulin family of PPIases. It is a membrane bound lipoprotein at the membrane-wall interface, involved in folding of exported proteins. We present the NMR solution structure of the PPIase domain of PrsA, the first from a Gram-positive bacterium. In addition we mapped out the active site with NMR titration experiments. A high degree of conservation with other members of the parvulin family was revealed in the structure and binding site. Interactions with substrate peptides were also characterized by mutated domains revealing that H122 is indispensable for overall correct folding.  相似文献   

Bombyx mori silk fibroin is a fibrous protein whose fiber is extremely strong and tough, although it is produced by the silkworm at room temperature and from an aqueous solution. The primary structure is mainly Ala-Gly alternative copolypeptide, but Gly-Ala-Ala-Ser units appear frequently and periodically. Thus, this study aims at elucidating the role of such Gly-Ala-Ala-Ser units on the secondary structure. The sequential model peptides containing Gly-Ala-Ala-Ser units selected from the primary structure of B. mori silk fibroin were synthesized, and their secondary structure was studied with (13)C CP/MAS NMR and wide-angle X-ray scattering. The (13)C isotope labeling of the peptides and the (13)C conformation-dependent chemical shifts were used for the purpose. The Ala-Ala units take antiparallel beta-sheet structure locally, and the introduction of one Ala-Ala unit in (Ala-Gly)(15) chain promotes dramatical structural changes from silk I (repeated beta-turn type II structure) to silk II (antiparallel beta-sheet structure). Thus, the presence of Ala-Ala units in B. mori silk fibroin chain will be one of the inducing factors of the structural transition for silk fiber formation. The role of Tyr residue in the peptide chain was also studied and clarified to induce "locally nonordered structure."  相似文献   

The structure of the capsular polysaccharide from Streptococcus pneumoniae Type 33F was originally determined by a combination of chemical methods and limited use of NMR spectroscopy [Can. J. Biochem. Cell Biol.1984, 62, 666-677]. We report full 1H and 13C assignments and confirm the structure of the saccharide repeat unit, but find that the site of O-acetylation is O-2 of the -->5)-beta-D-Galf, rather than the -->3)-beta-D-Galf residue. We find that a slightly higher percentage of the repeat units are O-acetylated: [carbohydrate: see text].  相似文献   

We place 15N nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation analysis and functional mutagenesis studies in the context of our previous structural and mutagenesis work to correlate structure, dynamics and function for the seventh transmembrane segment of the human Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1. Although G261-S263 was previously identified as an interruption point in the helical structure of this isolated transmembrane peptide in dodecylphosphocholine micelles, and rapid conformational exchange was implicated in the NOE measurements, the six 15N labelled residues examined in this study all have similar dynamics on the ps-ns time scale. A mathematical model incorporating chemical exchange is the best fit for residues G261, L264, and A268. This implies that a segment of residues from G261 to A268 samples different conformations on the μs-ms time scale. Chemical exchange on an intermediate time scale is consistent with an alternating-access cycle where E262 is bent away from the cytosol during proton translocation by the exchanger. The functional importance of chemical exchange at G261-A268 is corroborated by the abrogated activity of the full-length exchanger with the bulky and restricting Ile substitutions F260I, G261I, E262I, S263I, and A268I.  相似文献   

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