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Primary monolayer cultures were obtained in 60-mm petri dishes by incubating 3 X 10(6) isolated hepatocytes at 37 degrees C in Dulbecco's medium supplemented with 17% fetal calf serum. The ultrastructure of monolayer cells was examined after various incubation periods. Within 4 h of plating, the isolated spherical cells adhere to the plastic surface, establish their first contacts by numerous intertwined microvilli, and form new hemidesmosomes. After 12 h of culture, wide branched trabeculae of flattened polyhedral cells extend in all directions. Finally, after 24 h of culture, bile canaliculi are reconstituted, and a biliary polarity is recovered: the Golgi elements, which are scattered throughout the cytoplasm in the isolated cells, are reassembled in front of the newly formed bile canalculi, symmetrically in the adjacent cells; lysosomes are concentrated in that region, and microtubules reappear. Concomitantly, plasma membrane differentiations, namely desmosomes and tight junctions, develop. Tight junctions sealing the bile ducts constitute a barrier to the passage of ruthenium red and horseradish peroxidase. De novo formation of these junctions was studied by the freeze-etching technique: 10-nm particles compose a network of anastomosed linear arrays in the vicinity of the bile canaliculi; in the next step of differentiation, the particles fuse, form short ridge segments and finally continuous branched smooth strands, characteristic of the mature tight junction.  相似文献   

Adult rat hepatocytes were cultured for 15 days on type I collagen-coated permeable membranes in a hormonally defined Waxman's modified medium supplemented with very low concentrations of insulin, glucagon and dexamethasone. Phase contrast examination showed that 15-day-old cultures still formed a regular monolayer of polygonal cells. In similarly aged cultures, intracellular glycogen was abundant and evenly distributed, while steatosis remained very limited. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy showed that well developed bile canaliculi could be observed on the lateral side of the hepatocyte membrane after 4 days of incubation and persisted for 2 weeks. These canalicular structures probably originated from coalescence of membrane invaginations observed in 1-day-old cultures. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the ultrastructure of the cells was very close to that of normal rat hepatocytes in the intact liver. These results suggest that rat hepatocytes cultured under these experimental conditions are able to develop and maintain tissue-specific cytochemical and morphological properties for at least 15 days.  相似文献   

Hepatocytes are polarized and fulfill a variety of liver‐specific functions in vivo; but the polarized tissue structure and many of these functions are lost when the cells are cultured on plastic. To recapitulate the polarized structure and tissue‐specific function of liver cells in culture, we established a three‐dimensional (3D) culture assay with the human hepatocyte line QSG‐7701. In 3D Matrigel culture, QSG‐7701 cells formed polarized spheroids with a center lumen, which is reminiscent of bile canaliculi in the liver. Immunofluoresence analysis showed that F‐actin bundles and radixin were mainly located at the apical membrane and that α6 and β1 integrins were localized basally in 3D culture. Lumen formation was associated with the selective apoptosis of centrally located cells and was accompanied by proliferative suppression during acinar development. Compared to QSG‐7701 cells in 2D or agarose gel cultures, the cells in 3D Matrigel culture maintained a given direction of biliary excretion and acquired higher levels of cytochrome P450 and albumin expression. Our study shows that the immortal human hepatocytes, QSG‐7701, in 3D Matrigel culture reacquire cardinal features of glandular epithelium in vivo, providing an ex vivo model to study liver‐specific function and tumorigenesis. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 1175–1186, 2010. Published 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The conversion of cholesterol to bile acids is a key pathway for elimination of cholesterol from the body, thereby reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis. Moderate consumption of ethanol has been shown to have preventive effects on cardiovascular disease and decrease the risk of gallstone formation. In the present study primary human hepatocytes were used to investigate if ethanol affected bile acid synthesis. Hepatocytes were prepared from donor liver (n = 11) and treated with ethanol, 7.7 or 50 mM, for 24 h. mRNA levels for enzymes in bile acid synthesis pathways were studied and bile acid synthesis was analyzed. Treatment with 7.7 mM ethanol increased cholic acid synthesis by 20% and treatment with 50 mM ethanol up-regulated cholic acid formation by 60%. The synthesis of cholic acid increased more than that of chenodeoxycholic acid, indicating that the classical pathway for bile acid synthesis was up-regulated. Increased bile acid levels in the cells treated with ethanol were seen after approximately 20 h. mRNA expression of CYP7A1, CYP27A1, and CYP8B1 in the hepatocytes was not affected by alcohol exposure.  相似文献   

Characteristics of taurine transport in rat hepatocytes maintained in primary culture for 24 h (cultured hepatocytes) have been investigated. The uptake of [3H] taurine by cultured hepatocytes at 2 degrees C was unsaturable, whereas that at 37 degrees C consisted of unsaturable and saturable processes. The saturable transport system was sodium-dependent and consisted of two processes with low and with high affinities. The latter process (Km, 76.9 microM; Vmax, 0.256 nmole/mg protein/min; activation energy (EA), 37.8 kcal mol-1) was competitively inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenol and ouabain, as well as by taurine analogues such as hypotaurine and guanidinoethyl sulphonate. The Vmax and EA values found in cultured hepatocytes at 37 degrees C were 6.0 and 6.8 times higher than those found in freshly isolated hepatocytes. These results indicate that taurine transport in hepatocytes in primary culture consisted of unsaturable, and saturable, sodium and energy-dependent carrier-mediated transport processes, respectively. The facilitation of the latter transport system by primary culture of hepatocytes is also suggested.  相似文献   

In the last few years it has become possible in the liver to isolate lymphocytes from inflammatory infiltrates and to culture them in vitro. Most of the lymphocyte clones obtained are CD 8 + cytotoxic cells, but interactions between these lymphocytes and hepatocytes in primary culture have not been analysed previously. In this study, cloned human T lymphocytes from liver biopsies and from the peripheral blood of patients with chronic hepatitis B or primary biliary cirrhosis, after phenotypical and functional characterization into CD 8+ or CD 4+ cytotoxic lymphocytes, were activated in an antigen-independent fashion by adding either anti CD 3 or anti CD 2/R-3 monoclonal antibodies to the cell suspension. The activated cells were then coincubated with rat hepatocytes in primary culture. The killing capacity of the activated lymphocytes was monitored by light and electron microscopy and by measurement of lactic dehydrogenase (LDH)-release into the culture medium. It was found that cytotoxic CD 8 +, but not CD 4 + helper lymphocytes very effectively killed hepatocytes. The killing effect was dependent on the time of cocultivation and on effector-target (E/T) ratio. Total breakdown of the hepatocyte monolayer was achieved after 10–20 h coculture and at an E/T ratio of 10 to 1. As LDH-release in the culture medium reached about 80% of the total LDH-content, most of the hepatocytes were lysed by activated lymphocytes. Cytotoxic activity of clones obtained from different biopsies was comparable with that of clones from peripheral blood. Hepatocytes in primary culture seem to be very sensitive to the killing capacity of activated cytotoxic lymphocytes. Supported by DFG grants Ra 362/5-2 and SFB 311 A7 (G.R.) and A5 (H.P.D.)  相似文献   

Treatment of cultured hepatocytes with vinblastine resulted in the inhibition of the reformation of biliary spaces (at times earlier than 16 h) or in the disappearance of preformed bile canaliculi (at times later than 24 h) detectable on both the light and electron microscopical level. Concomitantly the preferential localization of leucine aminopeptidase around the lucid biliary spaces was lost without any change in the specific activity of this enzyme. Despite these alterations the performance of the cultured cells (e.g., urea synthesis) was not impaired by the exposure to the drug. The effect of vinblastine was mimicked by colchicine, but not by lumicolchicine, indicating that microtubules might play a role in the structural organization of the biliary pole.  相似文献   

Summary The liver of rodents is sexually differentiated, i.e. the female liver differs from the male liver. This differentiation is largely controlled by the pattern of growth hormone (GH) secretion. We have attempted to maintain GH-dependent differentiation of cultured rat hepatocytes. We examined the level of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity, which responds to GH and is higher in female than in male liver, and the estrogen receptor, which is dependent on GH but is present in equal amounts in males and females. ADH activity was maintained in cells from male rats, but fell by 40% in cells from females in medium supplemented with insulin and dexamethasone. The estrogen receptor content of female cells fell dramatically to undetectable levels within 2 d of culture. Extensive supplementation of the medium failed to prevent the decrease in ADH activity in female cells; similarly, the addition of female sex steroids; rat serum; pituitary extracts; rat, human, or bovine GH; or ovine prolactin failed to maintain the enzyme activity. Insulin, dexamethasone, thyroid hormone plus GH or prolactin, or the combination of all five hormones also failed to prevent the loss of estrogen receptors. Short-term cultures of rat hepatocytes, although retaining the liver-specific expression of ADH at the male level, lose GH-dependent expression of the estrogen receptor and stimulation of ADH activity. Supported by grants AA 00081 and AA 06434 from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Amino acid and energy requirements for rat hepatocytes in primary culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The amino acid and energy requirements of rat hepatocytes in suspension and early culture were investigated. Among a number of potential energy substrates tested, pyruvate (20 mM) was found to be most effective in stimulating hepatocytic protein synthesis. Amino acids stimulated protein synthesis both as energy substrates and as protein precursors. An amino acid mixture was designed to provide maximal inhibition of protein degradation as well as maximal stimulation of protein synthesis. In a defined medium containing amino acids at these concentrations, and supplemented with glucocorticoid hormone and insulin, hepatocytes could be maintained—on a collagen substratum—for at least a week without any significant net loss of cells or cellular protein. The work was supported by grants from The Norwegian Cancer Society and from The Norwegian Council for Science and the Humanities. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

When cultured together in a primary serum-free hormone-free system, hepatocytes and exocrine pancreas cells from the carp, Cyprinus carpio, spontaneously establish unique morphological structures that do not occur in vivo. These structures include intercellular bile canaliculi between neighbouring hepatocytes and hybrid canaliculi between hepatocytes and pancreas cells. In vivo, carp hepatocytes form only unicellular bile canaliculi; hybrid canaliculi between hepatocytes and exocrine pancreas cells do not exist at all in nature. This study shows that, in an artificial environment, cells are able spontaneously to establish novel morphological structures that are absent in the animal from which the cells have been obtained. Received: 3 January 1996 / Accepted: 17 March 1997  相似文献   

In order to gain morphological insights about the cell density dependency, hepatocytes cultured at a low cell density (less than about 0.1 X 10(5) nuclei (cm2)-1) and at a high cell density (greater than about 1 X 10(5) nuclei (cm2)-1) were examined ultrastructurally 24 h after plating (just prior to the beginning of DNA synthesis). The results were as follows: (i) glycogen rosettes disappeared completely in low density culture as compared with sections from an intact liver. In contrast, glycogen rosettes were still present in high density culture. (ii) Polysomes seemed increased in low density culture in comparison with those seen in sections from an intact liver and from the high density culture. (iii) In low density culture, the shape of mitochondria deviated from that of hepatocytes in an intact liver and the mitochondria often lost a characteristic close contact with rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER). (iv) In low density culture, bundles of filamentous structure were detected, which were not found in an intact liver or high density culture. The following features were found only in high density culture; (v) numerous villous cytoplasmic protrusions developed along the area facing adjacent cells, and seemed to intertwine with each other, and (vi) between the hepatocytes, only abortive junctions were found. These results indicate that the hepatocytes cultured at a low density express most of the characteristics of the hepatocytes in a regenerating liver and the features of the cells cultured at a high density are very similar to those of the hepatocytes in sections from an intact liver.  相似文献   

Changes in the expression of cell adhesion molecule and albumin genes were investigated in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes with and without poly- N-p -vinylbenzyl-D-lactonamide (PVLA) coating of the dishes. In PVLA-coated cultures, hepatocytes aggregated into spheroids and expressed liver cadherin and albumin mRNAs at higher levels. In uncoated cultures, hepatocytes revealed low levels of cadherin and albumin mRNAs, but higher levels of integrin alpha-1 mRNA. The changes in mRNA levels of liver cadherin and integrin alpha-1 coordinated well with those in spheroid and monolayer formation of hepatocytes, respectively. These results suggest that, in the PVLA-coated culture, hepatocytes expressed cadherin at higher levels to promote cell-cell adhesion and further maintain the differentiated function, such as albumin secretion, for prolonged times.  相似文献   

Hepatocytes from neonatal rats of 0 to 3 days old grew actively in primary culture without added serum or growth factors. In these culture conditions, growth of hepatocytes decreased progressively with increase in age of the rats from which they were isolated, and hepatocytes from rats of 2 weeks old showed scarcely any growth. Actively growing hepatocytes were found to secrete a growth factor that promoted their growth and that of Swiss 3T3 cells, but not that of adult hepatocytes. This growth factor in conditioned medium of growing hepatocytes was heat- and acid-stable, but sensitive to trypsin, and had a molecular weight of over 10,000. It did not inhibit the binding of [125I]epidermal growth factor to its receptor, and its growth promoting activity was not inhibited by monoclonal antibody against insulin-like growth factor II. Therefore, it seems to be a new growth factor. These results, together with previous findings (Nakamura, T., Nagao, M., & Ichihara, A. (1987) Exp. Cell Res. 169, 1-14) demonstrated a reciprocal relation between growth and maturation of neonatal hepatocytes during development, like that of adult cells, but indicated that unlike growth of the latter, growth of neonatal cells is induced by an autocrine mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary Studies employing [3H]thymidine and radioautography as well as colchicine and Feulgen staining of DNA showed that up to 19-fold increases in the degree of cell crowding in vitro, i.e. from 1.45 to 27.55×104 cells per specimen, did not change the rates of entry into DNA synthesis and mitosis of cultivated primary neonatal rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Primary cultured rat hepatocytes in a membrane-supported collagen sandwich maintained their normal cell morphology and high level of albumin secretion for over 56 days. It was found that the existence of an upper layer of collagen gel is crucial for long-term culture and that the transference of cellular nutrients between the culture media and hepatocytes from both the upper and the lower sides of gel layers promotes albumin secretion. These facts suggest that the membrane-supported collagen sandwich mimics well thein vivo environment of hepatocytes. This method has great potential for the long-term culture of primary cells.  相似文献   

Summary Biopsy tissue of adult human liver was gently dissociated with collagenase followed by Dispase. By repeated low g centrifugation, a large number of almost pure, viable hepatocytes was obtained. This is the first report of a successful procedure for obtaining adult human hepatocytes for study in tissue culture. The isolated cells have the typical morphology of liver parenchyma, and these characteristics persist throughout the period of culturing. Evidence of their function is indicated by albumin synthesis. This procedure is now being used to study human hepatocyte functions in vitro and the effects of a variety of agents including carcinogens and viruses.  相似文献   

Summary Alterations in peroxisomes and catalase activity and their responsiveness to clofibrate in adult rat hepatocytes in primary culture were investigated. The numbers of peroxisomes with and without crystalloid nucleoids per unit cytoplasmic area were preserved in cultured hepatocytes for 2 d after seeding at a level comparable to that of freshly isolated hepatocytes. At Day 3 in culture, the number of anucleoid peroxisomes was reduced in untreated hepatocytes, accompanied by more significant reduction in the number of nucleoid-containing peroxisomes, which decreased until Day 5. Peroxisome diameters were reduced in untreated hepatocytes at Day 2 and this decrease in the diameter was continued until Day 7. Catalase activity in untreated hepatocytes decreased markedly with culture age. The number of anucleoid peroxisomes was significantly greater in hepatocytes treated with 2mM clofibrate in culture than in freshly isolated hepatocytes for 2 d or in untreated hepatocytes of the same culture age through 7 d. The number of nucleoid-containing peroxisomes in the treated cells began to decrease in 3 d, but was greater than that of untreated cells at Days 3 and 5. Peroxisomes with well-developed nucleoids were observed frequently in the treated cells even at Day 7. Peroxisome diameters were greater in the treated cells than in untreated cells at Days 3, 5, and 7. Catalase activity was always higher in the treated cells than in untreated cells. These results suggest that clofibrate is effective in inducing peroxisome proliferation as well as in maintaining the organelles in cultured hepatocytes. This work was supported in part by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan, 448143, 50168, 501069, and 577196, and by a Grant-in-Aid from Hokkaido Geriatrics Research Institute.  相似文献   

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