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Casey JL 《Journal of virology》2002,76(15):7385-7397
RNA editing at the amber/W site plays a central role in the replication scheme of hepatitis delta virus (HDV), allowing the virus to produce two functionally distinct forms of the sole viral protein, hepatitis delta antigen (HDAg), from the same open reading frame. Editing is carried out by a cellular activity known as ADAR (adenosine deaminase), which acts on RNA substrates that are at least partially double stranded. In HDV genotype I, editing requires a highly conserved base-paired structure that occurs within the context of the unbranched rod structure characteristic of HDV RNA. This base-paired structure is disrupted in the unbranched rod of HDV genotype III, which is the most distantly related of the three known HDV genotypes and is associated with the most severe disease. Here I show that RNA editing in HDV genotype III requires a branched double-hairpin structure that deviates substantially from the unbranched rod structure, involving the rearrangement of nearly 80 bp. The structure includes a UNCG RNA tetraloop, a highly stable structural motif frequently involved in the folding of large RNAs such as rRNA. The double-hairpin structure is required for editing, and hence for virion formation, but not for HDV RNA replication, which requires the unbranched rod structure. HDV genotype III thus relies on a dynamic conformational switch between the two different RNA structures: the unbranched rod characteristic of HDV RNA and a branched double-hairpin structure that is required for RNA editing. The different mechanisms of editing in genotypes I and III underscore their functional differences and may be related to pathogenic differences as well.  相似文献   

IrAl3 coating is a promising advanced functional material. However, the crystal structure and relevant properties of IrAl3 remain controversy. Here, we apply the first-principles calculations to investigate the crystal structure, elastic and thermodynamic properties of IrAl3. The phonon dispersion curves and phonon density of states of IrAl3 are calculated. We find that the reported hexagonal structure (P63/mmc) is dynamically instable. However, three new phases: tetragonal (P4/mbm) and cubic (Pm-3n and Pm-3?m) structures are predicted. In particular, IrTi3-type structure is a derivative cubic structure because Al atom occurs migration from (0, 0.50, 0.50) site to (0, 0.25, 0.50) site. IrTi3-type derivative cubic structure shows high shear deformation resistance and high elastic stiffness in comparison to other three structures. The strong shear deformation resistance and high elastic stiffness are attributed to the symmetrical Ir–Al bond. However, AuCu3-type structure shows the high Debye temperature and low heat capacity in comparison to other structures.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) is one of the most promising new approaches for disease therapy. The design of a dumbbell-shaped nanocircular RNA allows it to act as a short interfering RNA (siRNA) precursor. To optimize the design, we studied the relationship between the nanostructure and RNAi activity by synthesizing various RNA dumbbells. An RNA dumbbell with a 23-bp stem and 9-nt loops was the most potent. Sequence analysis by mass spectrometry showed that Dicer could edit RNA dumbbells to siRNA species. The reaction offered the slow release of siRNA species, which conferred prolonged RNAi activity. Introduction of DNA into the loop position significantly stabilized the dumbbell in biological fluid without any loss of RNAi activity. In-depth pharmacological evaluation was performed by introducing dumbbells into HeLa cells that stably express the target luciferase gene. The dumbbells provided a rapid silencing effect and retained this effect for a longer time even at a lower concentration than that at which standard siRNA completely lost RNAi activity. We conclude that an RNA dumbbell with DNA loops is the most promising design for in vivo applications for RNA medicine.  相似文献   

O G Berg 《Biopolymers》1990,30(11-12):1027-1037
Macromolecules in solution can have large effects on the properties of other solutes through nonideal excluded-volume (crowding) interactions. Minton has calculated such effects by treating the macromolecules as a hard-sphere fluid in a background of an inert structureless solvent. In the present paper these calculations are extended by including the primary solvent as a separate component in a hard-sphere mixture. The results are in good agreement with experimental data. However, some predictions of this model differ drastically from those based on Minton's approach. Thus, much smaller effects from macromolecular crowding, particularly by smaller molecules, are expected. The present results also predict a much larger dependence on the shape of the molecules under study; notably for a dimerization reaction, it is found that the excluded-volume effects actually can destabilize side-by-side binding of two spherical molecules, while a dimerization to a spherical complex is stabilized. Therefore there will exist intermediate shapes of complexes whose stability is insensitive to crowded-volume effects. The consequences for crowding effects inside the living cell are also discussed.  相似文献   

A CD investigation of eleven dehydropeptides is reported. The compounds investigated include tri-, tetra-, hexa-, hepta-, and octapeptides and contain one, two, or three dehydro-phenylalanine (ΔPhe) residues. The peptides showed different CD profiles depending on chain length, position, and number of dehydro residues. The CD data very much complemented that provided by nmr studies, confirming the conformational preference for β-bend structures in small peptides (tripeptides), and 310-helical or α-helical structures in longer peptides. The secondary structures were stable in chloroform solution and were denaturated by addition of trifluoroacetic acid. Solvent titration experiments performed by measuring CD as a function of solvent composition provided evidence that the order →←2 disorder conformational changes occurred as cooperative transitions. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The thermal properties of five globular proteins with known spatial structure, ribonuclease, lysozyme, chymotrypsin, cytochrome c and myoglobin, are investigated by scanning microcalorimetry. It is shown that (a) heat-denaturation of these proteins can be described to a first approximation by the two-state transition model; the deviation from this model does not exceed 5% and seems to be due to the existence of highly unstable intermediates; (b) there is an interdependence between the enthalpy and entropy of transition, and the structural parameters of the protein globule (the hydrogen bond content and saturation by contacts between non-polar groups). The Gibbs energy of stabilization of the native structure is determined as a function of temperature.  相似文献   

Kumar N  Maiti S 《Nucleic acids research》2008,36(17):5610-5622
Loop length and its composition are important for the structural and functional versatility of quadruplexes. To date studies on the loops have mainly concerned model sequences compared with naturally occurring quadruplex sequences which have diverse loop lengths and compositions. Herein, we have characterized 36 quadruplex-forming sequences from the promoter regions of various proto-oncogenes using CD, UV and native gel electrophoresis. We examined folding topologies and determined the thermodynamic profile for quadruplexes varying in total loop length (5–18 bases) and composition. We found that naturally occurring quadruplexes have variable thermodynamic stabilities (ΔG37) ranging from −1.7 to −15.6 kcal/mol. Overall, our results suggest that both loop length and its composition affect quadruplex structure and thermodynamics, thus making it difficult to draw generalized correlations between loop length and thermodynamic stability. Additionally, we compared the thermodynamic stability of quadruplexes and their respective duplexes to understand quadruplex–duplex competition. Our findings invoke a discussion on whether biological function is associated with quadruplexes with lower thermodynamic stability which undergo facile formation and disruption, or by quadruplexes with high thermodynamic stability.  相似文献   

'Stacking hybridization reactions' wherein two or more short DNA oligomers hybridize in a contiguous tandem orientation onto a longer complementary DNA single strand have been employed to enhance a variety of analytical oligonucleotide hybridization schemes. If the short oligomers anneal in perfect head-to-tail register the resulting duplex contains a nick at every boundary between hybridized oligomers. Alternatively, if the short oligomers do not hybridize precisely in register, i.e. single strand regions on the longer strand are left unbound, gaps are formed between regions where short oligomers bind. The resulting gapped DNA duplexes are considerably less stable than their nicked duplex analogs. Formation of base pair stacking interactions between neighboring oligomers at the nicks that do not occur in gapped duplexes has been proposed as the source of the observed added stability. However, quantitative evidence supporting this hypothesis for DNA has not been reported. Until now, a direct comparison of the thermodynamics of DNA nicks versus DNA gaps has not been performed. In this communication we report such a comparison. Analysis of optical melting experiments in a well defined molecular context enabled quantitative evaluations of the relative thermodynamic difference between nicked and gapped DNA duplexes. Results of the analysis reveal that a nick may be energetically favored over a gap by at least 1.4 kcal/mol and perhaps as much as 2.4 kcal/mol. The presence of a 5'phosphate at a nick or gap fails to significantly affect their stabilities.  相似文献   

Barceló F  Portugal J 《FEBS letters》2004,576(1-2):68-72
The antitumor drug elsamicin A contains a coumarin-related chartarin chromophore that intercalates into DNA. It differs from other related molecules in its disaccharide moiety, which bears an amino sugar. Its binding to DNA was analyzed using isothermal titration calorimetry and UV thermal denaturation, and characterized thermodynamically. For the association of elsamicin A with DNA we found DeltaG degrees = -8.6 kcal mol(-1), DeltaH = -10.4 kcal mol(-1), DeltaS = -6.1 cal mol(-1) K(-1), and Kobs = 2.8(+/- 0.2) x 10(6) M(-1) at 20 degrees C in 18 mM Na+. The contributions to the free energy of binding that lead to the DNA-elsamicin complex are compared with the binding to DNA of chartreusin, another chartarin-containing drug. The results are discussed in terms of the contributions of the disaccharide moieties into the strength of binding.  相似文献   

P M Cullis  A Maxwell  D P Weiner 《Biochemistry》1992,31(40):9642-9646
ATP alpha S (Rp) has been shown to support the supercoiling of plasmid pBR322 catalyzed by Escherichia coli DNA gyrase at comparable rates to the natural substrate ATP and is able to promote the introduction of one more superhelical turn than ATP. The difference in free energy change between consecutive rounds of supercoiling in gyrase-mediated reactions is calculated to be 2.6 kJ mol-1. The difference in free energy of hydrolysis of ATP and ATP alpha S (Rp) has been determined from the difference in the equilibrium constants for the phosphorylation of arginine established by arginine kinase. This equilibrium constant has been found to be displaced by a factor of about 1.5, corresponding to a greater free energy of hydrolysis of ATP alpha S (Rp) compared to ATP of approximately 1 kJ mol-1. This difference in free energy can be tentatively ascribed to a relative destabilization of the MgATP alpha S (Rp) complex with respect to MgATP. Assuming that the stoichiometry of the coupled reactions requires two ATPs hydrolyzed per round of supercoiling, ATP alpha S (Rp) should be capable of providing an additional ca. 2 kJ mol-1 of free energy for DNA supercoiling, which is in good agreement with estimates for the additional free energy required to achieve a further round of supercoiling. These results provide direct evidence to support the proposal that the extent of DNA supercoiling by DNA gyrase is limited by the free energy of hydrolysis of the nucleotide.  相似文献   

The structure and thermodynamic properties of the 2, 4-dinitroimidazole complex with methanol were investigated using the B3LYP and MP2(full) methods with the 6-31++G(2d,p) and 6-311++G(3df,2p) basis sets. Four types of hydrogen bonds [N–H?O, C–H?O, O–H?O (nitro oxygen) and O–H?π] were found. The hydrogen-bonded complex having the highest binding energy had a N–H?O hydrogen bond. Analyses of natural bond orbital (NBO) and atoms-in-molecules (AIM) revealed the nature of the intermolecular hydrogen-binding interaction. The changes in thermodynamic properties from monomers to complexes with temperatures ranging from 200.0 to 800.0 K were investigated using the statistical thermodynamic method. Hydrogen-bonded complexes of 2,4-dinitroimidazole with methanol are fostered by low temperatures.
Molecular structures and bond critical points of 2,4-dinitroimidazole complexes at MP2(full)/6-311++G(3df,2p) level. Structure and thermodynamic property of the 2,4-dinitroimidazole complex with methanol are investigated using the B3LYP and MP2(full) methods with the 6-31++G(2d,p) and 6-311++G(3df,2p) basis sets. Four types of hydrogen bonds (N–H…O, C–H…O, O–H…O (nitro oxygen) and O–H…π) are found. For the hydrogen-bonded complex having the highest binding energy, there is a N–H…O hydrogen bond. The complex formed by the N–H…O hydrogen bond can be produced spontaneously at room temperature and the equilibrium constant is predicted to be 6.354 and 1.219 at 1 atm with the temperature of 268.0 and 298.15 K, respectively.  相似文献   

A major question in chromatin biology is to what extent the sequence of DNA directly determines the genetic and chromatin organization of a eukaryotic genome? We consider two aspects to this question: the DNA sequence-specified positioning of nucleosomes and the determination of NDRs (nucleosome-depleted regions) or barriers. We argue that, in budding yeast, while DNA sequence-specified nucleosome positioning may contribute to positions flanking the regions lacking nucleosomes, DNA thermodynamic stability is a major component determinant of the genetic organization of this organism.  相似文献   

As part of an effort to develop a better understanding of the structural and thermodynamic principles of DNA minor groove recognition, we have investigated complexes of three diphenylfuran dications with the d(CGCGAATTCGCG)(2) duplex. The parent compound, furamidine (DB75), has two amidine substituents while DB244 has cyclopentyl amidine substituents and DB226 has 3-pentyl amidines. The structure for the DB244-DNA complex is reported here and is compared to the structure of the DB75 complex. Crystals were not obtained with DB226 but information from the DB75 and DB244 structures as well as previous NMR results on DB226 indicate that all three compounds bind in the minor groove at the AATT site of the duplex. DB244 and DB75 penetrate to the floor of the groove and form hydrogen bonds with T8 on one strand and T20 on the opposite strand while DB226 forms a complex with fewer interactions. Binding studies by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) yield -delta G degrees values in the order DB244>DB75>DB226 that are relatively constant with temperature. The equilibrium binding constants for DB244 are 10-20 times greater than that for DB226. Isothermal titration calorimetric (ITC) experiments indicate that, in contrast to delta G degrees, delta H degrees varies considerably with temperature to yield large negative delta Cp degrees values. The thermodynamic results, analyzed in terms of structures of the DNA complexes, provide an explanation of why DB244 binds more strongly to DNA than DB75, while DB266 binds more weakly. All three compounds have a major contribution to binding from hydrophobic interactions but the hydrophobic term is most favorable for DB244. DB244 also has strong contributions from molecular interactions in its DNA complex and all of these factors combine to give it the largest-delta G degrees for binding. Although the factors that influence the energetics of minor groove interactions are varied and complex, results from the literature coupled with those on the furan derivatives indicate that there are some common characteristics for minor groove recognition by unfused heterocyclic cations that can be used in molecular design.  相似文献   

Genetic therapy holds great promise for the treatment of inherited or acquired genetic diseases; however, its breakthrough is hampered by the lack of suitable gene delivery systems. Dumbbell-shaped DNA minimal vectors represent an attractive, safe alternative to the commonly used viral vectors which are fraught with risk, but dumbbell generation appears to be costly and time-consuming. We developed a new PCR-based method for dumbbell production which comprises only two steps. First, PCR amplification of the therapeutic expression cassette using chemically modified primers to form a ready-to-ligate DNA structure; and second, a highly efficient intramolecular ligation reaction. Compared with conventional strategies, the new method produces dumbbell vectors more rapidly, with higher yields and purity, and at lower costs. In addition, such produced small hairpin RNA expressing dumbbells triggered superior target gene knockdown compared with conventionally produced dumbbells or plasmids. Our novel method is suitable for large-scale dumbbell production and can facilitate clinical applications of this vector system.  相似文献   

R Lück  S Grf    G Steger 《Nucleic acids research》1999,27(21):4208-4217
A tool for prediction of conserved secondary structure of a set of homologous single-stranded RNAs is presented. For each RNA of the set the structure distribution is calculated and stored in a base pair probability matrix. Gaps, resulting from a multiple sequence alignment of the RNA set, are introduced into the individual probability matrices. These 'aligned' probability matrices are summed up to give a consensus probability matrix emphasizing the conserved structural elements of the RNA set. Because the multiple sequence alignment is independent of any structural constraints, such an alignment may result in introduction of gaps into the homologous probability matrices that disrupt a common consensus structure. By use of its graphical user interface the presented tool allows the removal of such misalignments, which are easily recognized, from the individual probability matrices by optimizing the sequence alignment with respect to a structural alignment. From the consensus probability matrix a consensus structure is extracted, which is viewable in three different graphical representations. The functionality of the tool is demonstrated using a small set of U7 RNAs, which are involved in 3'-end processing of histone mRNA precursors. Supplementary Material lists further results obtained. Advantages and drawbacks of the tool are discussed in comparison to several other algorithms.  相似文献   

A simple thermodynamic theory is developed, which predicts (in agreement with a wide variety of other theoretical approaches and experimental results) that for simple polymers the most probable Schulz distribution of fragments will be obtained in a polymer degradation process that is allowed to proceed to a dynamic equilibrium. When the same method is applied to a double-stranded polymer like DNA, however, it predicts that some narrowing of this distribution may occur in conjunction with a limited amount of base unpairing at the fragment termini. The compatibility of this prediction with the experimental results of long-time sonication of DNA is considered.  相似文献   

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