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Competitive abilities of introduced and native grasses   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bakker  Jonathan  Wilson  Scott 《Plant Ecology》2001,157(2):119-127
Differencesin competitive ability may explain the maintenance of existing plantpopulationsand the invasion of new areas by plant species. We used field experiments toexamine the competitive responses of Agropyron cristatum(L.) Gaertn., an introduced C3 grass, and Boutelouagracilis (HBK.) Lag., a native C4 grass, and thecompetitive effects of Agropyron-dominated vegetation andsuccessional prairie. We also tested whether the outcome of competitiveinteractions varied with water availability. In each vegetation type,transplants of each species were grown under two levels of competition(presenceor absence of neighboring vegetation) and three levels of water availability(high, medium, or low). Transplant survival, growth, and biomass allocationpatterns were measured. Water availability had no effect on the measuredvariables, suggesting that both species were limited by another resource.Growthrates were affected more by competition, while survival and root: shoot ratiowere affected more by transplant species identity. In the successional prairie,neighboring vegetation suppressed the growth of Agropyrontransplants less than that of Bouteloua transplants,suggesting that Agropyron has a stronger ability to resistcompetitive suppression in that vegetation type. The spread ofAgropyron into surrounding vegetation may relate to itsability to resist competitive suppression. In theAgropyron-dominated vegetation, neighboring vegetationsuppressed the growth of both species by the same extent. However, competitionaccounted for more variation in transplant growth inAgropyron-dominated vegetation than in successionalprairie, suggesting that Agropyron has strong competitiveeffects which hinder plant growth and prevent other species from establishinginAgropyron fields.  相似文献   

Old World Bluestems (OWB), introduced from Europe and Asia in the 1920s, recently have begun to raise concerns in the Great Plains. Despite suggestion in the late 1950s that OWB were weedy and negatively impacted biological diversity, they were widely introduced throughout the Great Plains for agricultural purposes. Anecdotal evidence suggests that OWB exhibit invasive characteristics that promote competitive exclusion of native species. The objective of our study was to quantify the competitive abilities of two OWB species (Caucasian bluestem; Bothriochloa bladhii (Retz.) S.T. Blake (= Bothriochloa caucasica (Trin.) C.E. Hubb.) and yellow bluestem; Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng) with three native grass species (big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash), and sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr.)). A greenhouse target-neighbor study was conducted to assess both interspecific and intraspecific competition. A total of 480 pots (4.4 l) filled with native soil was used with all pair-wise combinations of species and four density treatments (six replications). Vegetative tiller height, above- and belowground biomass were measured at the end of 16 weeks. Both of the OWB significantly inhibited at least one growth parameter of the three native grass species, while most of the native species did not inhibit growth of either OWB species. Growth of B. ischaemum was enhanced when grown in association with S. scoparium. Based upon the results of our study of OWB competitive superiority and previous research, many of the characteristics possessed by OWB are found to be in common with known invasive species. Hence, we propose that two OWB are competitively superior to three common native prairie species providing them with the ability to invade and threaten the native grasslands of the Central and Southern Great Plains.  相似文献   

Competitive effects of shrubs and grasses in prairie   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We investigated the relative contributions of size and growth form (biomass allocation) to competitive effects between grasses and shrubs in western Canada for two years. We measured the effects of grasses and shrubs on each other at the population level using removal experiments in natural vegetation. In prairie where shrub abundance was low, shrubs suppressed grasses as much as grasses suppressed shrubs, even though shrubs had six times more standing crop. In adjacent brush clumps, however, where shrub standing crop was 37 times grass standing crop, shrubs suppressed grasses strongly, whereas grasses did not suppress shrubs. Shrubs reduced available soil nitrogen more strongly than grasses did, but shrubs and grasses did not differ in their effects on light or soil water. On a per-gram basis, however, shrubs had smaller effects on light, nitrogen, and water consumption than grasses did. In spite of their smaller per-gram effects on resources, the secondary growth of shrubs allowed them to accumulate more mass and height, and to eventually displace grasses. During this process, competition between the woody and the herbaceous growth form changed from symmetric to asymmetric.  相似文献   

Moretto  A. S.  Distel  R. A. 《Plant Ecology》1997,130(2):155-161
The argument that selective grazing leads to competitive replacement of palatable grasses by unpalatable grasses is based upon the assumption that the competitive ability of the palatable species is higher than the one of unpalatable species in the absence of grazing. In order to test this hypothesis we have compared the competitive ability of Stipa clarazii (palatable) and S. trichotoma (unpalatable) under field conditions, and S. clarazii and S. gynerioides (unpalatable) under greenhouse conditions. The three species are native to a temperate semi-arid grassland of central Argentina. In the field experiment, plants of both species were grown either independently or in pairs (palatable + unpalatable), protected from grazing. Shoot and seed production were measured at the end of the growing seasons of 1993, 1994 and 1995. In the greenhouse experiment, plants of both species were grown in pots, either in monoculture or in mixture, under conditions of high and low water and mineral nutrient availability. Total biomass and seed production were measured at the end of the experimental period. In both experiments the presence of the unpalatable species did not affect (P < 0.05) the productive responses of the palatable species. On the contrary, the presence of the palatable species significantly reduced (P < 0.05) the productive responses of the unpalatable species. Our results support the assumption, on which most interpretations of floristic changes induced by grazing are based, that the competitive ability of palatable grasses is higher than the one of unpalatable grasses in the absence of grazing.  相似文献   

Soil organisms play important roles in regulating ecosystem-level processes and the association of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi with a plant species can be a central force shaping plant species' ecology. Understanding how mycorrhizal associations are affected by plant invasions may be a critical aspect of the conservation and restoration of native ecosystems. We examined the competitive ability of old world bluestem, a non-native grass (Caucasian bluestem [Bothriochloa bladhii]), and the influence of B. bladhii competition on AM root colonization of native warm-season prairie grasses (Andropogon gerardii or Schizachyrium scoparium), using a substitutive design greenhouse competition experiment. Competition by the non-native resulted in significantly reduced biomass production and AM colonization of the native grasses. To assess plant-soil feedbacks of B. bladhii and Bothriochloa ischaemum, we conducted a second greenhouse study which examined soil alterations indirectly by assessing biomass production and AM colonization of native warm-season grasses planted into soil collected beneath Bothriochloa spp. This study was conducted using soil from four replicate prairie sites throughout Kansas and Oklahoma, USA. Our results indicate that a major mechanism in plant growth suppression following invasion by Bothriochloa spp. is the alteration in soil microbial communities. Plant growth was tightly correlated with AM root colonization demonstrating that mycorrhizae play an important role in the invasion of these systems by Bothriochloa spp. and indicating that the restoration of native AM fungal communities may be a fundamental consideration for the successful establishment of native grasses into invaded sites.  相似文献   

Hager  Heather A.  Ryan  Geraldine D.  Newman  Jonathan A. 《Oecologia》2020,192(4):1099-1110
Oecologia - Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration increases the performance of invasive plants relative to natives when grown in monoculture, but it is unclear how that will affect the relative...  相似文献   

Anthropogenic disturbances frequently modify natural disturbance regimes and foster the invasion and spread of nonindigenous species. However, there is some dispute about whether disturbance events or invasive plants themselves are the major factors promoting the local extinction of native plant species. Here, we used a set of savanna remnants comprising a gradient of invasive grass cover to evaluate whether the species richness of Asteraceae, a major component of the Brazilian Cerrado, is affected by invasive grass cover, or alternatively, whether variation in richness can be directly ascribed to disturbance-related variables. Furthermore, we evaluate whether habitat-specialist Asteraceae differ from habitat generalist species in their responses to grass invasion. Abundance and species richness showed unimodal variation along the invasive grass gradient for both total Asteraceae and habitat-generalists. The cerrado-specialist species, however, showed no clear variation from low-to-intermediate levels of grass cover, but declined monotonically from intermediate-to-higher levels. Through a structural equation model, we found that only invasive grass cover had significant effects on both abundance and species density of Asteraceae. The effect of invasive grass cover was especially high on the cerrado-specialist species, whose proportion declined consistently with increasing invasive dominance. Our results support the prediction that invasive grasses reduce the floristic uniqueness of pristine vegetation physiognomies.  相似文献   

Endophytic fungi in wild and cultivated grasses in Finland   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We examined the occurrence of vertically via host seeds transmitted endophyte infections of 14 grass species in natural populations in Finland and totally 97 agricultural cultivars of 13 grass species. Although endophyte infections were widespread in native grass species, overall endophyte occurrence and frequencies were lower than published reports have suggested. In natural populations, 10 out of 14 grass species examined harbor fungal endophytes in their seeds. The highest species-specific mean incidences of endophyte infected plants in infected populations were found in Agrostis capillaris. Festuca arundinacea. F. ovina. F. Pratensis. F. rubra and Phleum pratense (67%, 98%, 29%., 42%. 32% and 33%, respectively). Mean incidences were < 20% in Dactylis glomerata. Deschampsia flexuosa. D. cespitosa and Elymus repens. and no infections were detected in Calamagrostis lapponica. C. epigejos. Alopecurus pratensis and Phalaris arundinacea. However, we detected a very high variation in infection incidences among natural populations and a large proportion of populations was, indeed, endophyte-free. This supports the ideas that 1) endophytic fungi provide selective advantage of infected grasses to their uninfected eonspecifics in some habitats, and/or 2) fungi are occasionally transmitted horizontally by spores. In grass cultivars, endophyte infected seeds were detected only in F. Pratensis and Lolium perenne. and endophyte frequencies were either very high or very low. Cultivars of 11 other grass species were endophyte-free.  相似文献   

To help assess the potential for damage by armyworms [Mythimna (Pseudaletia) unipuncta (Haworth) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)] to switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) and surrounding crops, survival and development were evaluated for larvae reared on leaves of switchgrass, corn (Zea mays L.), and miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus Greef and Deuter ex Hodkinson and Renvoize). Additional tests assessed the relationship between leaf position and the concentration of saponins (plant compounds which can provide protection from insect herbivores) and examined the effect of defoliation on switchgrass dry mass. Survival to adulthood was similar when larvae were reared on field-grown leaves of switchgrass and corn. However, lower larval mass (10 d) and delayed development of M. unipuncta (to pupation, adult emergence) suggest switchgrass is an inferior host relative to corn. When fed field-grown miscanthus, no larvae survived 10 d. Few differences were noted between switchgrass and corn grown under controlled (laboratory) conditions, but M. unipuncta survival seemed to decline rapidly when larvae were fed the fourth and fifth leaves of switchgrass. Switchgrass leaf samples collected from different leaf positions and stages of tiller maturity showed up to 10-fold differences in the concentration of the saponin protodioscin, with the greatest concentrations in the fourth and fifth leaves. However, other saponins showed an opposite pattern, indicating the role of protodioscin on insect development should be tested in isolation (e.g., by addition of the purified compound to an artificial diet). Defoliation trials indicated that extremely high M. unipuncta populations may be necessary to cause any significant reduction in switchgrass biomass. Collectively, results suggest M. unipuncta may not present a significant risk to biomass production in switchgrass, but that the spring emergence of switchgrass provides an alternate host for M. unipuncta before colonizing annual food and feed crops.  相似文献   

Li  Aoxin  Zheng  Ruilun  Tian  Li  Wei  Yun  Wu  Juying  Hou  Xincun 《Plant Ecology》2021,222(1):1-12

Non-native invasive plant species influence plant community composition and competitively eradicate native species. However, there is doubt regarding how global invasive species increase and explosively interfere with native plants. Invasive plants always have strong allelopathic potential. In this study, allelopathic effects of switchgrass on redroot pigweed and crabgrass growth were investigated by field and laboratory experiments. Within a 0.4-m distance of switchgrass, density and shoot biomass of native species were significantly suppressed in the field, with 95.1% and 93.0% inhibition on density of redroot pigweed and crabgrass and with 99.0% and 97.7% inhibition on shoot biomass, respectively, during the third growing season. Significant inhibitory effects on shoot and root biomass were observed at the 5:5 (switchgrass–native species) proportion in glass bottles, by 41.57% and 51.21% for shoot and root biomass of redroot pigweed and by 33.42% and 56.95% for shoot and root biomass of crabgrass, respectively. Results of a glass bottle experiment showed that shoot and root biomass of redroot pigweed and crabgrass could be significantly inhibited by contact with switchgrass root. Results of a Petri dish experiment showed that aqueous extracts of switchgrass significantly inhibited germination process of both species at high concentrations, with 90.74% and 18.62% inhibition on germination rate and plumule length of redroot pigweed and with 63.59%, 16.38%, and 19.92% inhibition on germination rate, plumule, and radicle lengths of crabgrass, respectively, at the concentration of 0.1 g·mL?1. This report demonstrated that switchgrass had allelopathic effects on redroot pigweed and crabgrass growth.


Public informatics resources for rice and other grasses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As an emerging model system, rice will benefit from an informatics infrastructure which organizes genome data and makes it available worldwide. RiceGenes and other Internet-accessible resources are evolving to meet these goals. Grass crops such as rice, maize, millet, sorghum and wheat are closely related but are represented by independent database projects; interlinking these resources would create a broad view of grass genetics and make it easier to compare data across genomes. The future success of grass informatics depends on the development of new comparative mapping displays as well as the participation of the research community in assembling and curating comparative map data.  相似文献   

Endophytic fungal symbionts of grasses are well known for their protective benefit of herbivory reduction. However, the majority of studies on endophyte–grass symbioses have been conducted on economically important, agricultural species—particularly tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)—raising the hypothesis that strong benefits are the product of artificial selection. We examined whether fungal endophytes found in natural populations of native grass species deterred insect herbivores. By testing several native grass–endophyte symbiota, we examined phylogenetic signals in the effects of endophytes on insects and compared the relative importance of herbivore and symbiotum identity in the outcome of the interactions. Preference was assessed using three herbivore species [Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera), Schistocerca americana (Orthoptera), Rhopalosiphum padi (Hemiptera)] and ten native symbiota, which spanned seven grass genera. We also assessed herbivore performance in a no choice experiment for five native symbiota against S. frugiperda. We compared greenhouse and laboratory trials with natural levels of herbivory measured in experimental field populations. In all cases, we included the agronomic grass species, L. arundinaceum, to compare with results from the native grasses. Both in the field and in experimental trials, herbivores showed a significant preference for endophyte-free plant material for the majority of native grasses, with up to three times lower herbivory for endophyte-symbiotic plants; however, the degree of response depended on the identity of the herbivore species. Endophyte presence also significantly reduced performance of S. frugiperda for the majority of grass species. In contrast, the endophyte in L. arundinaceum had few significant anti-herbivore effects, except for a reduction in herbivory at one of two field sites. Our results demonstrate that the mechanisms by which native symbionts deter herbivores are at least as potent as those in model agricultural systems, despite the absence of artificial selection.  相似文献   

Eric W. Seabloom 《Oikos》2011,120(2):291-301
Community composition and diversity arise from limitations in propagule supply (i.e. propagule or seed limitation) and propagule establishment after arriving at a site (i.e. establishment or microsite limitation). Recent meta‐analyses suggest that the degree of propagule limitation depends on local abiotic and biotic conditions, which in turn are likely to vary spatially and temporally. Nevertheless, seed addition studies testing propagule limitation are rarely replicated in multiple locations and years and often lack experimental manipulations of critical determinants of propagule limitation, such as the density and species richness of the propagule pool and disturbance and resource supply of recipient site. The invasion of California (USA) grasslands by exotic annual species from the Mediterranean region is unique in its scope (over 9 million ha) and persistence (more than 150 years). This invasion provides an exciting context in which to test the role of spatial and temporal variability in mediating propagule limitation and ultimately the potential for restoration. Here I present the results of native‐grass, seed‐addition trials conducted along a 500 km gradient in California in three consecutive years spanning a wide range of environmental conditions and initial conditions (e.g. rainfall, seeding density and disturbance). While native grasses were able to establish at many locations, per capita seed survival was low suggesting that the fate of these species is governed by interplay between propagule and establishment limitation. Establishment primarily varied spatially, with the most successful establishment occurring at fertile locations with low resident species richness. While recruitment was highly variable among years initially, there was no difference among seedling trials after three years.  相似文献   

We review and present preliminary results of studies on cool-season grass endophytes native to South America. These fungi have been studied only in Argentina, where they have been detected in 36 native grass species. The hybrid Neotyphodium tembladerae is present in an extremely wide host range found in diverse environmental conditions, but some other endophytes seem to be strictly associated with one host species in a particular environment. In host species that inhabit different environments, the incidence of endophytes is highly variable among populations and in most of the cases is clearly associated with environmental conditions. In these native grasses, Neotyphodium presents a mutualistic behaviour, conferring enhanced growth, promoting the symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and inhibiting growth of pathogenic fungi. In native forage grasses, preliminary analyses indicate that some Argentinian endophytes can produce lolines but are unlikely to produce lolitrem B or ergot alkaloids.  相似文献   

Abstract. Control of invasive plants is a key element of conservation and restoration efforts. We report results from a five‐year field experiment in western Oregon, USA that evaluates the effects of different mowing regimes on the non‐native and invasive perennial grass Arrhenatherum elatius, the native perennial prairie grasses Danthonia californica and Festuca roemeri, and groups of other native and non‐native grasses and forbs. Eight treatments were designed to test hypotheses about the role of mowing height and time of application on the plant community. Differences among treatments emerged only after two or three years of treatment. This delay in response reinforces the need for long‐term studies. Annual mowing was most effective at reducing Arrhenatherum cover and flowering when applied in late spring or early summer, the time of Arrhenatherum flowering and expected maximum above‐ground allocation. Double mowing and mowing at 15 cm were more effective in reducing Arrhenatherum cover than were single mowing and mowing at 50 cm. All treatments increased the cover and flowering of Danthonia. Statistical model analysis showed that increases in cover and flowering of the native grass Danthonia were caused by its release from suppression by Arrhenatherum. Fouryears of the most effective treatment, mowing at 15 cm in late spring, converted an Arrhenatherum‐dominated site to a prairie dominated by native grasses. This is one of the few documented cases of pest plant control causing an increase in native plant abundance. These results show that mowing, properly applied, can be an effective tool for restoring degraded, Arrhenatherum‐dormnated prairies.  相似文献   

Summary   The purpose of this comment paper is to highlight the need for more research that aims to develop strategies and methods for establishing and maintaining native grasses in degraded pastures. Clues to finding the best strategies are linked to the vigorous debate concerning the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function, which has resonated in ecological research for more than 20 years. Studies aimed at investigating the operational validity of the 'sampling effect' hypothesis vs. the 'niche complementarity' hypothesis could provide valuable direction on how to successfully re-establish healthy and stable native pasture communities, including the number of species and functional groups needed. Once strategies have been developed, then practical methods on grazing management and sowing are also needed. In the long run, research initiatives in this direction could act to benefit the conservation of native grass diversity, while at the same time, sustain important ecological (and economic) functions such as production, nutrient cycling and resistance to invasion.  相似文献   

Abstract Seven grass species were grown in monocultures and in multispecies mixtures along a gradient of total nutrient levels that ranged from 1/64 to 16× the normal level of nutrient solution. The seven grasses represented three ecological groups: (i) three perennial species native to Australia (Themeda triandra, Poa labillardieri and Danthonia carphoides); (ii) two introduced annuals (Vulpia bromoides and Hordeum leporinum); and (iii) two introduced perennials (Lolium perenne and Dactylis glomerata). We hypothesized that the native grasses would prove less competitive when grown at increased nutrient levels than those introduced from Europe. Results supported the hypothesis. The native species were unable to compete in mixtures even at the lowest nutrient level, where T. triandra was the most productive species in monoculture. Lolium perenne and Dactylis glomerata dominated mixtures at intermediate nutrient levels. The responses of the annual introduced grasses differed in that Vulpia bromoides showed an optimum at intermediate nutrient levels in both monoculture and in mixtures, whereas Hordeum leporinum dominated at the highest nutrient levels in mixture but was suppressed by V. bromoides, L. perenne and D. glomerata at intermediate levels. The results are discussed in terms of predicting species responses in mixtures from their performance in monocultures as well as in terms of previous observations on the sequential changes in botanical composition of south‐eastern Australian grasslands after 150 years of continuous grazing by sheep.  相似文献   

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