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Carbon finance offers the potential to change land management and conservation planning priorities. We develop a novel approach to planning for improved land management to conserve biodiversity while utilizing potential revenue from carbon biosequestration. We apply our approach in northern Australia's tropical savanna, a region of global significance for biodiversity and carbon storage, both of which are threatened by current fire and grazing regimes. Our approach aims to identify priority locations for protecting species and vegetation communities by retaining existing vegetation and managing fire and grazing regimes at a minimum cost. We explore the impact of accounting for potential carbon revenue (using a carbon price of US$14 per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent) on priority areas for conservation and the impact of explicitly protecting carbon stocks in addition to biodiversity. Our results show that improved management can potentially raise approximately US$5 per hectare per year in carbon revenue and prevent the release of 1-2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent over approximately 90 years. This revenue could be used to reduce the costs of improved land management by three quarters or double the number of biodiversity targets achieved and meet carbon storage targets for the same cost. These results are based on generalised cost and carbon data; more comprehensive applications will rely on fine scale, site-specific data and a supportive policy environment. Our research illustrates that the duel objective of conserving biodiversity and reducing the release of greenhouse gases offers important opportunities for cost-effective land management investments.  相似文献   

Mexico has a megadiverse avifauna that includes many endemic elements, as well as rich sets of species ranging farther north or farther south in the Americas. This avifauna, nonetheless, has suffered considerable losses as a consequence of long‐term, intensive human activity across the landscape. We review what is known about the Mexican avifauna, specifically its diversity and endemism, and how that knowledge has and has not turned into effective conservation measures to assure the long‐term integrity of the avifauna.  相似文献   

Data from 3991 records of museum collections representing 421 species of plants, arthropods, amphibians, fish, and primates were analyzed with GIS to identify areas of high species diversity and endemism in Amazonia. Of the 472 1 × 1° grid cells in Amazonia, only nine cells are included in the highest species diversity category (43–67 total species) and nine in the highest endemic species diversity category (4–13 endemic species). Over one quarter of the grid cells have no museum records of any of the organisms in our study. Little correspondence exists between the centers of species diversity identified by our collections-based data and those areas recommended for conservation in an earlier qualitative study of Amazonian biodiversity. Museum collections can play a vital role in identifying species-rich areas for potential conservation in Amazonia, but a concerted and structured effort to increase the number and distribution of collections is needed to take maximum advantage of the information they contain.  相似文献   

1.  Ecosystems support biodiversity and also provide goods and services that are beneficial to humans. The extent to which the locations that are most valuable for ecosystem services coincide with those that support the most biodiversity is of critical importance when designing conservation and land management strategies. There are, however, few studies on which to base any kind of conclusion about possible spatial patterns of association between ecosystem services and biodiversity. Moreover, little is known about the sensitivity of the conclusions to the quality of the data available, or to the choice and size of the region used for analysis.
2.  Here, we first present national-scale estimates of the spatial covariance in areas important for ecosystem services and biodiversity (richness of species of conservation concern), using Britain as a case study. We then explore how these associations are sensitive to the spatial resolution of the available data, the spatial extent of our study region and to regional variation across the study area.
3.  Our analyses reveal a mixture of negative and positive associations. In particular, the regionalization analysis shows that one can arrive at diametrically opposing conclusions about relationships between ecosystem services and biodiversity by studying the same question within different areas, even within a moderately small island.
4.   Synthesis and applications. In a policy context, the location-specific nature of relationships between ecosystem services and biodiversity underscores the importance of multi-scale environmental decision-making, so as to reflect both local conditions and broader-scale priorities. The results also suggest that efforts to establish general patterns of congruence in ecosystem services and biodiversity may offer a less constructive way forward than do more regional approaches.  相似文献   

Epizootics (nonhuman animal disease epidemics) can have detrimental impacts on livelihoods through a complex interaction of demographic trends, food production, and animal disease. Differences in the rate of demographic shifts, including rates of population growth, economic growth, urbanization, environmental sustainability, and role of women in society, are strong driving forces that will determine to what extent food demand will be matched by food production capacity. Epizootics can negatively affect commerce and trade in all countries, and in low-income countries limited infrastructure and resources as well as competing priorities provide additional disincentive to controlling or eradicating animal diseases. Economic growth is critical to overcoming disparities among countries and is best supported by integrated animal health, public health, labor, and foreign policies. The adverse impacts of epizootics can be largely overcome through programs that support job growth along the value-added chain of food production and will require significant investments in science- (risk-) based education.  相似文献   

全球200:确定大尺度生物多样性优先保护的一种方法   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
生物多样性保护的优先性研究成为保护生物学研究的焦点之一,“全球200”是世界自然基金会确立的旨在拯救地球上急剧损失的生物多样性优先保护区域的清单,是确定大尺度生物多样性优先保护的一种方法。本文介绍了“全球200”的研究方法,分析了在应用中存在中存在的问题,着重讨论了“全球200”中涉及到中国的部分以及它们与中国目前的生物多样性保护关键地区的异同。  相似文献   

Kilimanjaro, a world heritage site and an icon of global change, not only suffers from climatic alterations but also is undergoing a drastic socio-economic upheaval. A strong increase of tourism enhances the risk of introducing alien plant species in particular in the upper zones of Kilimanjaro. One such species is Poa annua L., a cosmopolitan weed of European origin on roadsides and pastures. The aim of this study is to document its distribution, the speed of its propagation and risks for the indigenous vegetation of Kilimanjaro, and to compare the findings with other introduced species on this mountain. Based on a complete survey of the vegetation of Kilimanjaro with about 1,500 vegetation plots, plant communities invaded by Poa annua are determined. As with most of the other neophytes on Kilimanjaro, Poa annua invades only anthropogenic vegetation but not undisturbed natural vegetation. Similar to the situation in middle Europe, this neophyte is on Kilimanjaro a constituent of the vegetation of trampled ground, occurring between about 1,600 and 4,000 m asl along climbing routes or their vicinity. On a newly opened climbing route a rapid invasion (5.6 km in 3 months) was observed, which makes it likely that Poa annua spread on Kilimanjaro during the last 30 years in parallel to the increase of the climbing tourism. Although Poa annua is still in the stage of propagation, an invasion of natural vegetation types seems to be unlikely.  相似文献   

A recent threat to European fish diversity was attributed to the association between an intracellular parasite, Sphaerothecum destruens, and a healthy freshwater fish carrier, the invasive Pseudorasbora parva originating from China. The pathogen was found to be responsible for the decline and local extinction of the European endangered cyprinid Leucaspius delineatus and high mortalities in stocks of Chinook and Atlantic salmon in the USA. Here, we show that the emerging S. destruens is also a threat to a wider range of freshwater fish than originally suspected such as bream, common carp, and roach. This is a true generalist as an analysis of susceptible hosts shows that S. destruens is not limited to a phylogenetically narrow host spectrum. This disease agent is a threat to fish biodiversity as it can amplify within multiple hosts and cause high mortalities.  相似文献   

Costa Rica is recognized as one of the most diverse countries in species and ecosystems, in their terrestrial realm as well as in the marine. Besides this relevance, the country presents a delay on conservation and management of marine and coastal biodiversity, with respect to terrestrial. For 2006, the marine protected surface was 5,208.8 km2, with 331.5 km of coastline, in 20 protected areas. The country has made progress on the conservation priority sites identification for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity, with few efforts on marine planning. This research presents the analysis and results of the gap identification process, for marine and coastal biodiversity conservation in the protected areas system of Costa Rica. The analysis was built with the spatial information available on the presence and distribution of coastal and marine biodiversity, the establishment of the conservation goals and a threat analysis over the ecological integrity of this biodiversity. The selection of high-priority sites was carried out using spatial optimization techniques and the superposition over the current shape of marine protected areas, in order to identify representation gaps. A total of 19,076 km2 of conservation gaps were indentified, with 1,323 km2 in the Caribbean and 17,753 km2 in the Pacific. Recommendations are aimed at planning and strengthening the marine protected areas system, using the gaps identified as a framework. It is expected that the results of this study would be the scientific base needed for planning and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in the country.  相似文献   

Conflicts between the conservation of biodiversity and other human activities occur in all habitats and can impact severely upon socio-economic and biological parameters. In a changing environment, with increasing pressure on ecosystem goods and services and increasing urgency for biodiversity conservation, these conflicts are likely to increase in importance and magnitude and negatively affect biodiversity and human well-being. It is essential, however, to better understand what is meant by ‘biodiversity conflicts’ in order to develop ways to manage these effectively. In view of the complexity of the social and ecological contexts of conflicts, this paper explores ‘biodiversity impacts’ linked to agricultural, forestry and other sectoral activities in the UK. The paper then describes the transition from ‘biodiversity impacts’ to ‘biodiversity conflicts’, illustrating this concept with specific examples. While generalisations relating to conflict management are made difficult by their unique contextual settings, this paper suggests approaches for their management, based on the experiences of scientists who have been involved in managing conflicts. We consider the role of science and scientists; trust and dialogue; and temporal and spatial scales in biodiversity conflicts and highlight the combined role they play in successful biodiversity conflict management. Recommendations are also made for future research on biodiversity conflicts in a changing environment.  相似文献   

生态影响评价与生物多样性保护   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提供了生态影响评价理论与实践的背景知识;介绍了生态影响评价的程序与技术;并探讨了在生态影响评价实践中考虑生物多样性保护问题的必要性,以及如何实现生物多样性保护与可持续利用的目标。  相似文献   

  1. Land management is known to have consequences for biodiversity; however, our synthetic understanding of its effects is limited due to highly variable results across studies, which vary in the focal taxa and spatial grain considered, as well as the response variables reported. Such synthetic knowledge is necessary for management of agroecosystems for high diversity and function.
  2. To fill this knowledge gap, we investigated the importance of scale‐dependent effects of land management (LM) (pastures vs. meadows), on plant and soil microbe diversity (fungi and bacteria) across 5 study sites in Central Germany. Analyses included diversity partitioning of species richness and related biodiversity components (i.e., density of individuals, species‐abundance distribution, and spatial aggregation) at two spatial grains (α‐ and γ‐scale, 1 m2 and 16 km2, respectively).
  3. Our results show scale‐dependent patterns in response to LM to be the norm rather than the exception and highlight the importance of measuring species richness and its underlying components at multiple spatial grains.
  4. Our outcomes provide new insight to the complexity of scale‐dependent responses within and across taxonomic groups. They suggest that, despite close associations between taxa, LM responses are not easily extrapolated across multiple spatial grains and taxa. Responses of biodiversity to LM are often driven by changes to evenness and spatial aggregation, rather than by changes in individual density. High‐site specificity of LM effects might be due to a variety of context‐specific factors, such as historic land management, identity of grazers, and grazing regime.
  5. Synthesis and applications: Our results suggest that links between taxa are not necessarily strong enough to allow for generalization of biodiversity patterns. These findings highlight the importance of considering multiple taxa and spatial grains when investigating LM responses, while promoting management practices that do the same and are tailored to local and regional conditions.

蕨类植物的化感作用及其对生物多样性的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
植物化感作用是植物通过向环境中释放化学物质从而对同种植株和繁殖体或与其他植物之间产生的直接或间接、有益或有害的作用,它影响植物分布、群落形成与演化、作物间作等,与生物多样性保护以及农林和园艺生产实践关系密切,在国际上受到越来越多的关注。但国内这方面的研究起步相对较晚,研究范围有限,对蕨类植物化感作用的报道更少。本文系统介绍了蕨类植物化感作用的研究进展,包括蕨类植物种内的化感作用(即自毒效应)、常见的蕨类植物种间的化感作用(即孢子体对配子体的化感作用和配子体对配子体的化感作用)及蕨类植物对种子植物的化感作用(蕨类植物可通过化感作用与种子植物争夺更多的资源和生长空间)。还介绍了种子植物对蕨类植物的化感作用(主要表现为抑制作用)以及蕨类植物化感作用与动物侵食、微生物侵染的关系,研究发现昆虫侵食能增强或减弱蕨类植物的化感作用,微生物的活动可能增强某些蕨类植物的化感作用。本文从上述不同角度说明蕨类植物化感作用对生物多样性的影响,希望有助于促进我国学者对该领域的深入研究。  相似文献   

The taxonomic composition and the abundance of two communities of snakes were studied in two different areas of southern Nigeria. One community was studied in a derived savanna area (environs of Ejule, 06°54N, 07°23E), and one community was studied in a moist rainforest area (environs of Eket, 04°50N, 07°59E). Both the specific diversity and the mean frequency of observation of snakes were significantly higher in the forest area than in the savanna area, and the dominance index was higher in the savanna than in the forest site. However, most of the species were found in only one of the two areas, depending on their habitat requirements (e.g. Gastropyxis smaragdina, Dispholidus typus, Thelotornis kirtlandii, Dendroaspis jamesoni, Bitis nasicornis, Causus maculatus, etc). The forest community housed a significant number of arboreal and semiaquatic taxa, but in both sites most of the species were terrestrial. The commonest species in the forest area was an oviparous, semiaquatic, batracophagous natricine snake (Afronatrix anoscopus), whereas the commonest species in the savanna area was an oviparous terrestrial lacertophagous psammophine snake (Psammophis phillipsi). Some conservation implications of our biodiversity analyses are presented. It is suggested that the moist rainforest represents a critically endangered habitat, and should deserve special attention by the international scientific community. Oil industry activity is especially dangerous for snake communities, especially in the southernmost regions of Nigeria.  相似文献   

申宇  程浩  刘国华  邓红兵  苏旭坤 《生态学报》2024,44(11):4507-4516
协同生物多样性保护和生态系统服务功能维持对制定系统性保护规划具有重要意义。研究以青藏高原为研究区,应用Maxent模型模拟了重点植物的空间分布,结合世界保护联盟(IUCN)重点动物空间分布数据和生态系统服务空间分布,利用Zonation模型依次识别了基于单一因素的保护优先区以及集成生物多样性和生态系统服务的保护优先区,评估了青藏高原现有自然保护地对保护优先区、重要物种及生态系统服务的保护状况和保护空缺。结果表明:(1)青藏高原保护优先区保护价值呈现由东南向西北递减趋势,优先区主要分布在青藏高原东南缘喜马拉雅山地、雅鲁藏布江中游河谷及横断山区等区域,生物多样性保护优先区和生态系统服务保护优先区分布略有差异,存在43.2%的空间重叠;(2)在重要物种保护上,自然保护地对两栖动物的保护率最高,平均保护了38.2%,哺乳动物次之(24%),爬行动物的保护率较低,仅为10.2%。对生态系统服务功能覆盖率分别是44.1%(防风固沙)、27.1%(水源涵养)、22.3%(土壤保持)、17.1%(碳固定)和16.6%(洪水调蓄);(3)自然保护地对研究识别的保护优先区存在保护空缺,仅覆盖了26.8%的集成保护优先区,Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级和Ⅲ级优先区保护空缺面积占青藏高原面积的7.2%、6.9%和7.7%。研究结果可为青藏高原以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系优化提供科学依据与理论支撑。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, various organizations have promoted cacao agroforestry systems as a tool for biodiversity conservation in the Bribri-Cabécar indigenous territories of Talamanca, Costa Rica. Despite these efforts, cacao production is declining and is being replaced by less diverse systems that have lower biodiversity value. Understanding the factors that influence household land use is essential in order to promote cacao agroforestry systems as a viable livelihood strategy. We incorporate elements of livelihoods analyses and socioeconomic data to examine cacao agroforestry systems as a livelihood strategy compared with other crops in Talamanca. Several factors help to explain the abandonment of cacao agroforestry systems and their conversion to other land uses. These factors include shocks and trends beyond the control of households such as crop disease and population growth and concentration, as well as structures and processes such as the shift from a subsistence to a cash-based economy, relative prices of cacao and other cash crops, and the availability of market and government support for agriculture. We argue that a livelihoods approach provides a useful framework to examine the decline of cacao agroforestry systems and generates insights on how to stem the rate of their conversion to less diverse land uses.  相似文献   

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