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The simultaneous recovery of cell division and chlorophyll synthesisin "giant", "bleached" cells of the Emerson strain of Chlorellavulgaris which occurs upon exposure to light has been investigatedusing the two inhibitors of protein synthesis, chloramphenicoland cycloheximide. With both antibiotics, it has been foundpossible, under suitable conditions, to separate cell divisionand chlorophyll synthesis. The best separation is obtained withthose chloramphenicol treatments which severely inhibit chlorophyllsynthesis and the development of a photosynthetic capacity butwithout affecting cell division. The separation achieved withcycloheximide is less clear-cut. The significance of these resultsis discussed with particular reference to the relationship betweenchloroplast development and other events occurring in the cytoplasm. (Received October 12, 1970; )  相似文献   

  1. Based on the microscopic observations, two stages, "giant cellstage" and the subsequent "palmelloid body stage", were distinguishedin the process of formation of giant Chlorella induced by theaddition of sugars. The "giant cell" is much larger in sizethan the control cell, but the other morphological featuresare the same as those of the latter. The "palmelloid body" isa form composed of many conjoined autospores.
  2. When a highconcentration of glucose was maintained in the medium,gigantismwas also maintained. Under this condition, the algashows acyclic transformation between "giant cell" and "palmelloidbody"without returning to the small single cells.
  3. Large amountsof carbohydrate composed of hexose were foundto be accumulatedin the giant algal cells, and it was inferredthat this carbohydrateaccumulation causes greater enlargementof cell volume as comparedwith control cells.
  4. Uronic acids, which were found to be absentin the control cells,were formed and lost in the cells culturedin the glucose mediumin parallel with the appearance and disappearanceof gigantism.
  5. Pectic substances, from which uronic acids areconsidered tobe derived during the extraction procedure, werefound to bepresent only in giant Chlorella.
  6. The conjoinedautospores in giant Chlorella (at the palmelloidbody stage)were separated to some extent by the addition ofEDTA, and theresulting cells were similar to control Chlorellacells.
  7. Basedon these results it was inferred that inductive formationofthe pectic substances is causally related with the appearanceof "palmelloid body".
1 Present address: Department of Chemistry, College of GeneralEducation, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka.  相似文献   

The light-induced recovery of cell division and chloroplastdevelopment in "giant", "bleached" cells of the Emerson strainof Chlorella is unaffected by treatments (atrazine. CMU, incubationin a CO2-free atmosphere) which interfere with photosynthesis.Anaerobic conditions or the presence of respiratory inhibitors(DNP, KCN, NaN3) markedly suppress recovery. Recovery is accompaniedby a mobilization of the reserve starch which follows a linearcourse over the first 9 hr. Chloramphenicol (50 µg/ml),which inhibits chlorophyll synthesis and the development ofa photosynthetic capacity, is without effect on the early rateof starch mobilization. Evidence is presented that the contributionof photosynthesis towards recovery is only significant whenthe reserve starch has been depleted. Recovery does not requirecontinuous light; the critical light-stimulated processes apparentlytaking place during the first 9 hr. The possible nature of thelight stimulation of recovery is discussed. (Received June 18, 1973; )  相似文献   

The light-induced recovery of cell division and chloroplastdevelopment in "giant", "bleached", cells of the Emerson strainof Chlorella takes place without any increase in DNA and isrelatively insensitive to mitomycin C and 5-bromouracil. 5-Fluorouracilinhibits cell division only when it is supplied during the earlystages of recovery, perhaps by interfering with that phase ofRNA synthesis which occurs during the first 6 hr of recovery.This early burst of RNA synthesis is more sensitive to chloramphenicolthan is the second phase of RNA synthesis, suggesting that asignificant proportion of it may originate in the chloroplast.Evidence is presented which suggests that 5-fluorouracil interfereswith chloroplast development primarily through an effect onchlorophyll synthesis. The possible significance of these observationsin relation to nuclearchloroplastic interractions is discussed. (Received December 15, 1972; )  相似文献   

  1. The "glucose-bleached" cells of Chlorella protothecoides, whichwere obtained by the method described previously, were transferredto a glucose-free medium containing basal mineral nutrientsalone in the dark, and after a certain period of time, the cellsuspension was supplied with urea and light to induce the greeningof cells. At different times before and after the provisionof urea and light, the inhibitors were applied to the cultureto test their effects upon the process of greening.
  2. Markedgreening of the glucose-bleached cells occurred aftera lagperiod in the control culture. 5-Fluorouracil inhibitedthecell greening strongly when it was applied at differenttimesbefore the provision of urea and light. When applied aftertheprovision of urea and light, the suppressive effect of 5-fluorouracilgradually decreased with the delay of its application. No inhibitiveeffect was observed when the uracil analogue was added laterthan the 12th hr after the provision of urea and light, thetime around which the chlorophyll formation started in the controlculture. On the other hand, the cell division was much morestrongly affected by 5-fluorouracil. Even when it was appliedat the 18th hr after the provision of urea and light, the celldivision was completely halted, indicating that the greeningand division of the glucose-bleached cells are separate processes.Different mechanisms of action of the uracil analogue towardsthese two processes were suggested.
  3. Dihydrostreptomycin showedits strongest suppressive effectwhen added at the beginningof the dark incubation of algalcells in the glucose-free medium,and with the delay of application,its effect was progressivelyreduced, even during the periodof the dark incubation. Thesuppression, however, was stillmarked when it was applied atthe 15th hr.
  4. Chloramphenicol was found to inhibit stronglythe chlorophyllformation and protein synthesis, but, to a muchlesser extent,RNA synthesis. Acridine orange suppressed thecell greeningand division at such a low concentration as 1.5µg/ml.
  5. Based on these observations it was concludedthat synthesesof nucleic acid and protein are essential processesfor thegreening of the glucose-bleached algal cells. Successiveeventsoccurring in the greening process were discussed.
(Received March 9, 1965; )  相似文献   

  1. The sugars which induced gigantism of Chlorella cells wereglucose,fructose, galactose, mannose, xylose and arabinose.These sugarswere utilized as respiratory substrates by thealgal cells.
  2. The cellular division of Chlorella was stimulatedby glucoseand galactose, but suppressed by fructose, mannose,xylose andarabinose, while all these sugars evoked gigantism.No correlationwas found between cellular division and gigantism,
  3. The photosynthetic activity of giant Chlorella varied withthesorts of sugars added. It was decreased by glucose, fructoseand mannose, but was unaffected by other sugars such as galactose,xylose and arabinose.
  4. The respiratory activity of giant Chlorellacells as much higherthan that of control cells.
  5. The amountsof protein-N and dry weight per unit volume of giantChlorellawere much less than those of control cells.
1 Present address: Department of Chemistry, College of GeneralEducation, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka.  相似文献   

  1. As previously demonstrated, normal cells of Chlorella protothecoidesare bleached with degeneration of chloroplasts when they areincubated, under aerobic conditions—either in the lightor in darkness—, in a glucose-containing medium withoutadded nitrogen source ("glucose-bleaching"). It was found inthe present study that under the atmosphere of N2, neither bleachingnor growth of algal cells occurs in the dark, while in the lighta significant growth of cells takes place with formation ofa certain amount of chlorophyll.
  2. Studies on the effects ofvarious inhibitors (ammonium ion,DNP, CMU, -hydroxysulphonates,arsenate, cyanide, azide, andantimycin A) under different conditionsshowed that oxidativephosphorylation is a necessary processfor the occurrence ofthe glucosebleaching as well as the assimilationof glucose(cellular growth). Under light-anaerobic conditionsin the presenceof glucose, assimilation of glucose (cellulargrowth) takesplace being supported by photophosphorylation,but no bleachingoccurs.
  3. When the algal cells in the courseof bleaching were transferredto the glucose-free mineral medium,the cell growth ceased immediatelybut the cell bleaching proceededfor several hours before itscessation. The respiratory activity,which was high in the glucose-containingmedium, became loweron transferring the algal cells into theglucose-free medium.The lowered level of respiration was maintained,for more than8 hr after the transfer of cells to the glucose-freemedium.
  4. When the cells in the course of bleaching were placed underthe atmosphere of N2, the cell bleaching ceased almost instantaneously.
  5. Based on these observations and other inhibition experiments,it was inferred that a certain intermediate(s) produced by theaerobic respiration of glucose is closely associated with theoccurrence of cell bleaching, and that an O2-requiring stepmay be involved in the process of chlorophyll degradation.
(Received September 9, 1965; )  相似文献   

In a Chlorella culture growing synchronously at pH 6.3 undera 12 hr light/12 hr dark regime, DNA replication occurs betweenthe 8th and the 12th hour of the cycle, the main period of proteinand chlorophyll synthesis occurring between the 4th and 12thhour of the cycle. When the culture is transferred to alkalinepH at any time up to the 8 hr of the cycle, autospore releaseis prevented, and the pattern of synthesis of DNA, protein andchlorophyll is altered. However, when the culture is transferredto alkaline conditions after the 8th hour of the cycle, thepattern follows that of a culture growing at pH 6.3 with respectto cell number and volume, as well as protein, chlorophyll andDNA contents. Thus, a transition point seems to occur afterthe 8 hr of the cycle. The existence of such a point was alsodemonstrated by reciprocal experiments in which Chlorella wascultured at an alkaline pH and transferred to pH 6.3 at varioustimes in the cell cycle. 1 Present address: Applied Research Institute, Ben-Gurion Universityof the Negev, P.O. Box 1025, Beer-Sheva 84110, Israel. (Received October 2, 1981; Accepted January 20, 1982)  相似文献   

Changes in photosynthetic carbon metabolism during the glucosebleaching of Chlorella protothecoides cells were investigatedusing NaH14CO3 as tracer. Several hours after incubating thegreen algal cells in the glucose medium in the dark, the ratesof 14C-incorporation into glucose polymers and sucrose decreasedand the incorporation into the lipid fraction (fatty acids)greatly increased. At this stage, the rate of photosynthetic14CO2 fixation and the chlorophyll content were practicallythe same as in the starting green cells. Afterwards, the photosyntheticcapacity and chlorophyll content continued to decrease throughoutthe experimental period. In contrast, when photosynthetic 14CO2fixation of green cells was carried out in the medium containingglucose, the rate of 14C-incorporation into glucose polymersincreased, though there was no change in the incorporationsinto sucrose and the lipid fraction. 1Part of this investigation was reported at the Conference "ComparativeBiochemistry and Biophysics of Photosynthesis" (Japan-U.S. CooperativeScience Program) held at Hakone, Japan in 1967. 2Present address: Faculty of Agriculture, Tamagawa University,Machida-shi, Tokyo, Japan. (Received June 10, 1974; )  相似文献   

Cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardi Dangeard were grown synchronouslyunder a 12 hr light-12 hr dark regime. Time courses of nucleardivision, chloroplast division, "apparent cytokinesis" and zoosporeliberation were followed during the vegetative cell cycle inthe synchronous culture. Liberation of zoospores occurred atabout 23–24 hr after the beginning of the light periodat 25°C. Four zoospores were produced per mother cell underthe conditions used. At lower temperatures, the process of zoosporeliberation as well as length of the cell cycle was markedlyprolonged, but the number of zoospores produced per mother cellwas approximately the same. At different light intensities,lengths of the cell cycle were virtually the same, while thenumber of zoospores liberated was larger at higher rather thanat lower light intensities. During the dark period, nuclear division, chloroplast divisionand apparent cytokinesis took place, in diis order, and proceededless synchronously than did the process of zoospore liberation.When the 12 hr dark period was replaced with a 12 hr light periodduring one cycle, the time of initiation as well as the durationof zoospore liberation was litde affected in most cases, whereasnuclear division, chloroplast division and apparent cytokinesiswere considerably accelerated by extended illumination. Whenalgal cells which had been exposed to light for 24 hr were furtherincubated in the light, zoospore liberation started much earlierand proceeded far less synchronously, compared with that under12 hr light-12 hr dark alternation. (Received October 12, 1970; )  相似文献   

Hypocotyls, cotyledons and etiolated half-expanded leaves ofCucumismelo‘Green Delica’ were used as explants for protoplastisolation and culture. Protoplasts isolated from cotyledonsand etiolated half-expanded leaves cultured in Durand, Potrykusand Donn (DPD) medium supplemented with 0.9 µMbenzylaminopurine(BAP), 3.6 µM2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and1% sucrose, using the agarose bead culture method, were ableto form cell walls and subsequently go through cell division.Pretreatment of half-expanded leaf explants in the dark for14 d provided the best material for protoplast isolation andcell division. Approximately one third of protoplasts from etiolatedhalf-expanded leaves formed microcolonies. For hypocotyl protoplasts,none of the treatments used were suitable to induce cell division.There was no significant difference between sucrose, glucose,and sucrose plus glucose, in culture media on the plating efficiencyof leaf protoplasts ofC. melo‘Green Delica’; however,bigger colonies were formed in media supplemented with 1% sucrose.No shoot or whole plant regeneration was achieved. However,the methods reported here provide further information onC. meloprotoplastculture.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Cucumis melo,protoplast culture, 2,4-D, BAP, yeast extract, casein hydrolysate.  相似文献   

1. As previously demonstrated, entirely chlorophyll-less cellsof Chlorella protothecoides are obtained when the alga is grownin a medium rich in glucose and poor in nitrogen source (urea).These cells, which are referred to as "glucose-bleached" cells,have neither discernible chloroplast structures nor photosyntheticactivity. When the "glucose-bleached" cells are incubated, inthe light, in a nitrogen-enriched mineral medium without addedglucose, they turn green, after an induction period, with regenerationof chloroplasts and development of the capacity for performingnormal photosynthesis. In the present study, changes in respiratoryactivity of algal cells during the process of greening (chloroplastregeneration) were followed, and the effects of various inhibitorsof respiration and photosynthesis on the greening process wereexamined. 2. The glucose-bleached cells showed a very low activity ofrespiration, and the activity increased markedly during an earlyphase of chloroplast regeneration, showing, however, a decreaseduring the subsequent phase of greening. 3. Some antimetabolites which inhibited the cell respiration,were found to suppress also the greening of cells. 2,4-Dinitrophenoland azide, potent inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation, acceleratedconsiderably both the respiration and greening of algal cells.CMU inhibited completely photosynthesis of the greening cells,but suppressed only slightly the greening process. 4. Based on these results it was concluded that the primaryrole of respiration in the chloroplast regeneration in the glucose-bleachedcells is to produce oxidized carbon compounds (and perhaps reducedforms of NAD and NADP) for various biosynthetic reactions. Itwas further suggested that ATP may be supplied for the chloroplastregeneration by a certain means different from the oxidativephosphorylation or photophosphorylation. The activities of photosyntheticphosphorylation and CO2-fixation developing in the greeningcells do not appear to play any essential role in the chloroplastregeneration. (Received December 27, 1965; )  相似文献   

A mature sporophyte of Bryopsis plumosa (Hudson) C. Agardh forms a huge number of zoospores in its cell continuum. Zoospore formation starts with the division of a single giant nucleus and subsequent repeated mitosis. We found that an elevation of photosynthetic activity triggered the division of a mature giant nucleus. Transfer to short-day conditions was not necessary. Giant nuclei did not divide in darkness or in the presence of 1 μM DCMU. Giant nuclei of as many as 90% of sporophtyes started to divide following the addition of 5 mM NaHCO3 to the growth medium under continuous white light (6–12 W m−2). Frequency of nuclear division increased with increased light intensity. By combining those parameters that promoted the division of giant nuclei, we developed the "two-step culture method" which is composed of preliminary and main cultures. This new method guarantees that giant nuclei of more than 90% of all sporophytes synchronously divide between 72 and 96 h after the transfer to the main culture (continuous white light of 12 W m−2 in PES medium supplemented with 5 mM NaHCO3).  相似文献   

The process of bleaching of Chlorella protothecoides inducedby the addition of glucose was strongly inhibited by cycloheximide,an inhibitor of protein synthesis, whereas it was suppressedonly weakly by chloramphenicol, puromycin and ethionine. Whencycloheximide was added simultaneously with glucose at the beginningof die bleaching experiment, no bleaching of algal cells occurredduring the subsequent incubation. When it was added after glucose,the bleaching of algal cells proceeded for a period of timeas actively as in the control, then gradually ceased. Cycloheximidewas found to suppress the uptake of glucose by algal cells,and to severely inhibit the assimilation of glucose into lipidswhen added at the beginning of the bleaching experiment. Theseinhibitory effects of cycloheximide are discussed in relationto the induction of "glucose-bleaching" in algal cells. (Received December 16, 1968; )  相似文献   

Summary Maximal liquid-holding recovery (LHR) of the DEB-treated rad3 mutant occurs at 30° C in buffer supplemented with glucose. Addition of cycloheximide (CHX) to the buffer, the increase in cell density above 2 × 107/ml as well as lowering of temperature during liquid holding (LH) below 27° C decrease considerably the cell capacity for recovery. LHR does not take place at 5° C. No measurable DNA synthesis or degradation occurs in cells held in buffer alone, while addition of 0.02% glucose results in incorporation of radioactivity into DNA both of DEB-treated and control cells. Similarly, protein synthesis was observed only in cultures held in buffer supplemented with glucose. Cells transfered to growth medium directly after treatment complete one round of DNA replication and at least one division cycle, but further DNA replication and cell division are inhibited. Cells placed in growth medium after 5 days LH show an increased rate of DNA replication and cell division. Completion of the first posttreatment round of DNA replication in growth medium abolishes ishes the cell capacity for LHR. DEB treatment results in abnormal cell division of the rad3 mutant, giving colonies consisting of several cells, usually abnormal in shape, held together by common cell walls.  相似文献   

  1. Previous studies have shown that when Chlorella protothecoidesis grown in a medium rich in glucose and poor in nitrogen source(urea), apparently chlorophyll-less cells with profoundly degeneratedplastids—referred to as "glucose-bleached cells—areproduced either in the light or in darkness. When the glucose-bleachedcells are incubated in a medium enriched with the nitrogen sourcebut without added glucose, an active formation of chlorophylloccurs after a certain lag period under illumination, whilein darkness a very small amount of chlorophyll is formed atabout the same time as in the light. The stimulating effectof light on the chlorophyll formation is not appreciably affectedwhen the photosynthetic CO2-fixation of greening algal cellsis blocked by the addition of CMU. In the present study, itwas further found that the light-enhanced chlorophyll formationproceeds, although at a somewhat lower rate, under aerationof CO2-free air. All the experiments in this work were doneunder these non-photosynthetic conditions to exclude any influenceof photosynthates.
  2. The effect of light (from daylight fluorescentlamps) on thechlorophyll formation in the glucose-bleachedalgal cells wassaturating at about 1,000 lux. Blue light wasfound to be mosteffective; yellow, green and red light followingin the orderof decreasing effectiveness.
  3. When the bleachedalgal cells were illuminated for a short periodin the lag phaseof chlorophyll formation and subsequently incubatedin darkness,there occurred an appreciable enhancement of chlorophyllformationin the dark. When the short illumination was appliedat differenttimes of the lag phase, the enhancement was inducedto almostthe same extent. But the longer the duration of theilluminationduring the lag phase, the greater was the enhancementof chlorophyllformation in the subsequent dark incubation.In such experimentsblue light was most effective and red lightleast, as it wasthe case in the experiments of continuous illumination.An intervenientillumination of the bleached cells at lowertemperatures orunder the atmosphere of N2 produced little orno enhancementof the chlorophyll formation in the subsequentdark incubation.
  4. Based on these results, it was concluded that the light enhancementof chlorophyll formation in the glucose-bleached algal cellsis mediated by a non-chlorophyllous photoreceptor(s), absorbingmaximally blue and yellow light, and that a light-induced changeof the photoreceptor is immediately followed by a certain dark(temperaturedependent and aerobic) process(es) which is connected,directly or indirectly, to the chlorophyll synthesis.
(Received August 10, 1967; )  相似文献   

The plasmid hik31 operon (P3, slr6039‐slr6041) is located on the pSYSX plasmid in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. A P3 mutant (ΔP3) had a growth defect in the dark and a pigment defect that was worsened by the addition of glucose. The glucose defect was from incomplete metabolism of the substrate, was pH dependent, and completely overcome by the addition of bicarbonate. Addition of organic carbon and nitrogen sources partly alleviated the defects of the mutant in the dark. Electron micrographs of the mutant revealed larger cells with division defects, glycogen limitation, lack of carboxysomes, deteriorated thylakoids and accumulation of polyhydroxybutyrate and cyanophycin. A microarray experiment over two days of growth in light‐dark plus glucose revealed downregulation of several photosynthesis, amino acid biosynthesis, energy metabolism genes; and an upregulation of cell envelope and transport and binding genes in the mutant. ΔP3 had an imbalance in carbon and nitrogen levels and many sugar catabolic and cell division genes were negatively affected after the first dark period. The mutant suffered from oxidative and osmotic stress, macronutrient limitation, and an energy deficit. Therefore, the P3 operon is an important regulator of central metabolism and cell division in the dark.  相似文献   

Fellner  Martin 《Annals of botany》1995,76(3):219-223
A major problem of in vitro plant culture techniques is chroniccontamination by microorganisms. Calli derived from basal partsof leaves of Allium longicuspis Regel (Alliaceae) and culturedin a medium without antibiotic contain most probably latentcontaminating microorganisms. These calli were used as the sourcematerial for isolation and culture of protoplasts. Isolatedprotoplasts were cultured in the presence of the antibioticciprofloxacin, and the protoplast viability, cell wall regenerationand cell division were studied as a function of the antibioticconcentration. Whatever the antibiotic concentration, protoplast-derivedcells kept significantly higher viability for at least 3 weekscompared with those cultured without antibiotic. As to cellwall regeneration after 2 d, it was not affected by the antibioticexcept at the highest concentration tested (100 mg l-1). Sporadicfirst cell division was observed after 2-6 d of culture in thepresence of ciprofloxacin while, in its absence, cell divisionwas never apparent before 10 d of culture.Copyright 1995, 1999Academic Press Allium, bacteria, cell division, cell wall regeneration, ciprofloxacin, contamination, garlic, mycoplasma, protoplast culture, viability  相似文献   

GRIFFITHS  D. J. 《Annals of botany》1963,27(3):493-504
Cell division in cultures of the Emerson strain of Chlorellavulgaris is markedly inhibited following inoculation into aglucose medium under conditions which are sub-optimal for autotrophicgrowth. Dry-weight accumulation is not inhibited and the resultis the production of cells considerably larger than those occurringin a glucose-free medium. The more closely the conditions ofculture approach those which are saturating for autotrophicgrowth, the less pronounced is the glucose effect. Evidenceis presented which suggests that the heterotrophic utilizationof glucose may be the dominant form of nutrition during theglucose-induced inhibition of cell division. It is suggestedthat the difference in response to glucose recorded under variousconditions of culture may be a reflection of the extent of glucosesuppression of photosynthesis under the various conditions.The possibility is discussed that the light requirement forcell division shown by this strain may be linked with photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The cell division of a red tide flagellate, Chattonella antiqua,was synchronously induced under light and dark regimes of 10L14D(a light period, L, for 10 h followed by a dark period, D, for14 h), 12L12D and l4L10D. In all regimes cell number began toincrease ca. 14 h after the onset of L and almost doubled duringone LD cycle. When the light-off timing of the last L was changedor the whole L was shifted, cells that had been synchronizedunder 12L12D invariably began to divide ca. 14 h after the onsetof L. This shows that the timing of cell division was determinedby the time of the onset of L. When cells were continuously exposed to light after a cell division,the subsequent cell division was inhibited. This effect waslimited to cells that had been synchronized under short-dayconditions. Thus it can be concluded that light has both inductive and inhibitoryeffects on cell division in this alga, the latter effect dependingupon the previously given light and dark regimes. (Received December 21, 1984; Accepted February 28, 1985)  相似文献   

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