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Chlorella virus PBCV-1 DNA ligase seals nicked duplex DNA substrates consisting of a 5'-phosphate-terminated strand and a 3'-hydroxyl-terminated strand annealed to a bridging template strand, but cannot ligate a nicked duplex composed of two DNAs annealed on an RNA template. Whereas PBCV-1 ligase efficiently joins a 3'-OH RNA to a 5'-phosphate DNA, it is unable to join a 3'-OH DNA to a 5'-phosphate RNA. The ligase discriminates at the substrate binding step between nicked duplexes containing 5'-phosphate DNA versus 5'-phosphate RNA strands. PBCV-1 ligase readily seals a nicked duplex DNA containing a single ribonucleotide substitution at the reactive 5'-phosphate end. These results suggest a requirement for a B-form helical conformation of the polynucleotide on the 5'-phosphate side of the nick. Single base mismatches at the nick exert disparate effects on DNA ligation efficiency. PBCV-1 ligase tolerates mismatches involving the 5'-phosphate nucleotide, with the exception of 5'-A:G and 5'-G:A mispairs, which reduce ligase activity by two orders of magnitude. Inhibitory configurations at the 3'-OH nucleotide include 3'-G:A, 3'-G:T, 3'-T:T, 3'-A:G, 3'-G:G, 3'-A:C and 3'-C:C. Our findings indicate that Chlorella virus DNA ligase has the potential to affect genome integrity by embedding ribonucleotides in viral DNA and by sealing nicked molecules with mispaired ends, thereby generating missense mutations.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent DNA ligases, NAD(+)-dependent DNA ligases, and GTP-dependent RNA capping enzymes are members of a covalent nucleotidyl transferase superfamily defined by a common fold and a set of conserved peptide motifs. Here we examined the role of nucleotidyl transferase motif V ((184)LLKMKQFKDAEAT(196)) in the nick joining reaction of Chlorella virus DNA ligase, an exemplary ATP-dependent enzyme. We found that alanine substitutions at Lys(186), Lys(188), Asp(192), and Glu(194) reduced ligase specific activity by at least an order of magnitude, whereas substitutions at Lys(191) and Thr(196) were benign. The K186A, D192A, and E194A changes had no effect on the rate of single-turnover nick joining by preformed ligase-adenylate but affected subsequent rounds of nick joining at the ligase adenylation step. Conservative substitutions K186R, D192E, and E194D partially restored activity, whereas K186Q, D192N, and E194Q substitutions did not. Alanine mutation of Lys(188) elicited distinctive catalytic defects, whereby single-turnover nick joining by K188A-adenylate was slowed by an order of magnitude, and high levels of the DNA-adenylate intermediate accumulated. The rate of phosphodiester bond formation at a pre-adenylated nick (step 3 of the ligation pathway) was slowed by the K188A change. Replacement of Lys(188) by arginine reversed the step 3 arrest, whereas glutamine substitution was ineffective. Gel-shift analysis showed that the Lys(188) mutants bound stably to DNA-adenylate. We infer that Lys(188) is involved in the chemical step of phosphodiester bond formation.  相似文献   

Impact of DNA ligase IV on the fidelity of end joining in human cells   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
A DNA ligase IV (LIG4)-null human pre-B cell line and human cell lines with hypomorphic mutations in LIG4 are significantly impaired in the frequency and fidelity of end joining using an in vivo plasmid assay. Analysis of the null line demonstrates the existence of an error-prone DNA ligase IV-independent rejoining mechanism in mammalian cells. Analysis of lines with hypomorphic mutations demonstrates that residual DNA ligase IV activity, which is sufficient to promote efficient end joining, nevertheless can result in decreased fidelity of rejoining. Thus, DNA ligase IV is an important factor influencing the fidelity of end joining in vivo. The LIG4-defective cell lines also showed impaired end joining in an in vitro assay using cell-free extracts. Elevated degradation of the terminal nucleotide was observed in a LIG4-defective line, and addition of the DNA ligase IV–XRCC4 complex restored end protection. End protection by DNA ligase IV was not dependent upon ligation. Finally, using purified proteins, we demonstrate that DNA ligase IV–XRCC4 is able to protect DNA ends from degradation by T7 exonuclease. Thus, the ability of DNA ligase IV–XRCC4 to protect DNA ends may contribute to the ability of DNA ligase IV to promote accurate rejoining in vivo.  相似文献   

A novel DNA joining activity catalyzed by T4 DNA ligase.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The use of T4 and E. coli DNA ligases in genetic engineering technology is usually associated with nick-closing activity in double stranded DNA or ligation of 'sticky-ends' to produce recombinant DNA molecules. We describe in this communication the ability of T4 DNA ligase to catalyze intramolecular loop formation between annealed oligodeoxyribonucleotides wherein Watson-Crick base pairing is absent on one side of the ligation site. Enzyme concentration, loop size, substrate specificity, and base composition were explored in an effort to maximize yield. Amounts of T4 DNA ligase in large molar excess to DNA template and ligated product are necessary to achieve high yields.  相似文献   

Improving the fidelity of Thermus thermophilus DNA ligase.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
J Luo  D E Bergstrom    F Barany 《Nucleic acids research》1996,24(15):3071-3078
The DNA ligase from Thermus thermophilus (Tth DNA ligase) seals single-strand breaks (nicks) in DNA duplex substrates. The specificity and thermostability of this enzyme are exploited in the ligase chain reaction (LCR) and ligase detection reaction (LDR) to distinguish single base mutations associated with genetic diseases. Herein, we describe a quantitative assay using fluorescently labeled substrates to study the fidelity of Tth DNA ligase. The enzyme exhibits significantly greater discrimination against all single base mismatches on the 3'-side of the nick in comparison with those on the 5'-side of the nick. Among all 12 possible single base pair mismatches on the 3'-side of the nick, only T-G and G-T mismatches generated a quantifiable level of ligation products after 23 h incubation. The high fidelity of Tth DNA ligase can be improved further by introducing a mismatched base or a universal nucleoside analog at the third position of the discriminating oligonucleotide. Finally, two mutant Tth DNA ligases, K294R and K294P, were found to have increased fidelity using this assay.  相似文献   

DNA ligases join single-strand breaks in double-stranded DNA, and are essential to maintain genome integrity in DNA metabolism. Here, we report the 1.8 A resolution structure of Pyrococcus furiosus DNA ligase (PfuLig), which represents the first full-length atomic view of an ATP-dependent eukaryotic-type DNA ligase. The enzyme comprises the N-terminal DNA-binding domain, the middle adenylation domain, and the C-terminal OB-fold domain. The architecture of each domain resembles those of human DNA ligase I, but the domain arrangements differ strikingly between the two enzymes. The closed conformation of the two "catalytic core" domains at the carboxyl terminus in PfuLig creates a small compartment, which holds a non-covalently bound AMP molecule. This domain rearrangement results from the "domain-connecting" role of the helical extension conserved at the C termini in archaeal and eukaryotic DNA ligases. The DNA substrate in the human open-ligase is replaced by motif VI in the Pfu closed-ligase. Both the shapes and electrostatic distributions are similar between motif VI and the DNA substrate, suggesting that motif VI in the closed state mimics the incoming substrate DNA. Two basic residues (R531 and K534) in motif VI reside within the active site pocket and interact with the phosphate group of the bound AMP. The crystallographic and functional analyses of mutant enzymes revealed that these two residues within the RxDK sequence play essential and complementary roles in ATP processing. This sequence is also conserved exclusively among the covalent nucleotidyltransferases, even including mRNA-capping enzymes with similar helical extensions at the C termini.  相似文献   

DNA ligases are the enzymes responsible for the repair of single-stranded and double-stranded nicks in dsDNA. DNA ligases are structurally similar, possibly sharing a common molecular mechanism of nick recognition and ligation catalysis. This mechanism remains unclear, in part because the structure of ligase in complex with dsDNA has yet to be solved. DNA ligases share common structural elements with DNA polymerases, which have been cocrystallized with dsDNA. Based on the observed DNA polymerase-dsDNA interactions, we propose a mechanism for recognition of a single-stranded nick by DNA ligase. According to this mechanism, ligase induces a B-to-A DNA helix transition of the enzyme-bound dsDNA motif, which results in DNA contraction, bending and unwinding. For non-nicked dsDNA, this transition is reversible, leading to dissociation of the enzyme. For a nicked dsDNA substrate, the contraction of the enzyme-bound DNA motif (a) triggers an opened-closed conformational change of the enzyme, and (b) forces the motif to accommodate the strained A/B-form hybrid conformation, in which the nicked strand tends to retain a B-type helix, while the non-nicked strand tends to form a shortened A-type helix. We propose that this conformation is the catalytically competent transition state, which leads to the formation of the DNA-AMP intermediate and to the subsequent sealing of the nick.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA double strand breaks by non-homologous end joining   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Lees-Miller SP  Meek K 《Biochimie》2003,85(11):1161-1173
DNA double strand breaks (DSB) are the most serious form of DNA damage. If not repaired they can lead to cell death. If misrepaired DSBs contribute to chromosomal aberrations and genomic instability. Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) is one of two major pathways for the repair of DSBs in human cells. Proteins known to be required for NHEJ include the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), XRCC4, DNA ligase IV, and Artemis. This review discusses how these and other accessory proteins may function in the repair of DSBs produced by ionizing radiation (IR) and by V(D)J recombination.  相似文献   

Duplex strand joining reactions catalyzed by vaccinia virus DNA polymerase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vaccinia virus DNA polymerase catalyzes duplex-by-duplex DNA joining reactions in vitro and many features of these recombination reactions are reprised in vivo. This can explain the intimate linkage between virus replication and genetic recombination. However, it is unclear why these apparently ordinary polymerases exhibit this unusual catalytic capacity. In this study, we have used different substrates to perform a detailed investigation of the mechanism of duplex-by-duplex recombination catalyzed by vaccinia DNA polymerase. When homologous, blunt-ended linear duplex substrates are incubated with vaccinia polymerase, in the presence of Mg2+ and dNTPs, the appearance of joint molecules is preceded by the exposure of complementary single-stranded sequences by the proofreading exonuclease. These intermediates anneal to form a population of joint molecules containing hybrid regions flanked by nicks, 1–5 nt gaps, and/or short overhangs. The products are relatively resistant to exonuclease (and polymerase) activity and thus accumulate in joining reactions. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) measurements showed the enzyme has a relative binding affinity favoring blunt-ended duplexes over molecules bearing 3′-recessed gaps. Recombinant duplexes are the least favored ligands. These data suggest that a particular combination of otherwise ordinary enzymatic and DNA-binding properties, enable poxvirus DNA polymerases to promote duplex joining reactions.  相似文献   

Rad54 protein is a key member of the RAD52 epistasis group required for homologous recombination in eukaryotes. Rad54 is a duplex DNA translocase that remodels both DNA and protein–DNA complexes, and functions at multiple steps in the recombination process. Here we use biochemical criteria to demonstrate the existence of this important protein in a prokaryotic organism. The Sulfolobus solfataricus Rad54 (SsoRad54) protein is a double-strand DNA-dependent ATPase that can alter the topology of duplex DNA. Like its eukaryotic homolog, it interacts directly with the S. solfataricus Rad51 homologue, SsoRadA, to stimulate DNA strand exchange. Confirmation of this protein as an authentic Rad54 homolog establishes an essential phylogenetic bridge for identifying Rad54 homologs in the archaeal and bacterial domains.  相似文献   

DNA strand specificity in promoter recognition by RNA polymerase.   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
C S Park  Z Hillel    C W Wu 《Nucleic acids research》1980,8(23):5895-5912
DNA strand and enzyme subunit specificities involved in the interaction between E. coli RNA polymerase and T7 DNA were studied by photo-crosslinking techniques. In non-specific enzyme-DNA complexes, subunits, sigma, beta, and beta' were crosslinked to both strands of the DNA. Under conditions leading to specific enzyme-promoter complexes, however, only sigma and beta subunits were crosslinked. The sigma subunit was crosslinked preferentially to the non-sense strand at promoter sites. No such strand specificity was observed for the beta subunit. These results provide insight into the molecular mechanism of promoter recognition and indicate that the interaction between RNA polymerase and DNA template is different at promoters and at non-specific sites.  相似文献   

We have tested the ability of T4 DNA ligase to rejoin radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in living hamster cells (CHO-K1, EM9, xrs-5). T4 DNA ligase was introduced into cells by electroporation prior to x-irradiation. Single- and double-strand breaks were measured by the alkaline comet assay technique, and double-strand breaks (DSBs) were evaluated by the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis method. In the comet assay, the three cell lines showed reduced tail moments following pretreatment with T4 DNA ligase, both directly after irradiation and after repair incubation for 4 h. Similarly, the results obtained from pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed reduced DSB frequencies after pretreatment with T4 DNA ligase. We conclude that exogeneous T4 ligase contributes to rejoining of radiation-induced strand breaks.  相似文献   

We examined the molecular basis of ddNTP selectivity in archaeal family B DNA polymerases by randomly mutagenizing the gene encoding Thermococcus sp. JDF-3 DNA polymerase and screening mutant libraries for improved ddNTP incorporation. We identified two mutations, P410L and A485T, that improved ddNTP uptake, suggesting the contribution of P410 and A485 to ddNTP/dNTP selectivity in archaeal DNA polymerases. The importance of A485 was identified previously in mutagenesis studies employing Pfu (A486) and Vent (A488) DNA polymerases, while the contribution of P410 to ddNTP/dNTP selectivity has not been reported. We demonstrate that a combination of mutations (P410L/A485T) has an additive effect in improving ddNTP incorporation by a total of 250-fold. To assess the usefulness of the JDF-3 P410L/A485T in fluorescent-sequencing applications, we compared the archaeal mutant to Taq F667Y with respect to fidelity and kinetic parameters for DNA and dye-ddNTPs. Although the Taq F667Y and JDF-3 P410L/A485T mutants exhibit similar K(m) and V(max) values for dye-ddNTPs in single-base extension assays, the archaeal mutant exhibits higher fidelity due to a reduced tendency to form certain (ddG:dT, ddT:dC) mispairs. DNA polymerases exhibiting higher insertion fidelity are expected to provide greater accuracy in SNP frequency determinations by single-base extension and in multiplex minisequencing assays.  相似文献   

We have examined the substrate requirements for efficient and accurate splicing of tRNA precursors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The effects of Schizosaccharomyces pombe tRNASer gene mutations on the two steps in splicing, intron excision and joining of tRNA halves, were determined independently by using partially purified splicing endonuclease and tRNA ligase from S. cerevisiae. Two mutations (G14 and A46) reduced the efficiency of excision and joining in parallel, whereas two others (U47:7 and C33) produced differential effects on these two steps; U47:7 affected primarily the excision reaction, and C33 had a greater impact on ligation. These data indicate that endonuclease and ligase recognize both common and unique features of their substrates. Another two mutations (Ai26 and A37:13) induced miscutting, although with converse effects on the two splice sites. Thus, the two cutting events appear to be independent. Finally, we suggest that splice sites may be determined largely through their position relative to sites within the tRNA-like domain of the precursors. Several of these important sites were identified, and others are proposed based on the data described here.  相似文献   

Archaeal family B DNA polymerases bind tightly to template-strand uracil and stall replication on encountering the pro-mutagenic base. This article describes an X-ray crystal structure, at 2.8 Å resolution, of Thermococcus gorgonarius polymerase in complex with a DNA primer-template containing uracil in the single-stranded region. The DNA backbone is distorted to position the uracil deeply within a pocket, located in the amino-terminal domain of the polymerase. Specificity arises from a combination of hydrogen bonds between the protein backbone and uracil, with the pocket shaped to prevent the stable binding of the four standard DNA bases. Strong interactions are seen with the two phosphates that flank the uracil and the structure gives clues concerning the coupling of uracil binding to the halting of replication. The importance of key amino acids, identified by the analysis of the structure and their conservation between archaeal polymerases, was confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis. The crystal structure of V93Q, a polymerase variant that no longer recognises uracil, is also reported, explaining the V93Q phenotype by the steric exclusion of uracil from the pocket.  相似文献   

T4 DNA ligase catalyzes phosphodiester bond formation between juxtaposed 5'-phosphate and 3'-hydroxyl termini in duplex DNA in three steps: 1) enzyme-adenylylate formation by reaction with ATP; 2) adenylyl transfer to a 5'-phosphorylated polynucleotide to generate adenylylated DNA; and 3) phosphodiester bond formation with release of AMP. This investigation used synthetic, nicked DNA substrates possessing either a 5'-phosphate or a 5'-adenylyl phosphate. Steady state experiments with a nicked substrate containing juxtaposed dC and 5'-phosphorylated dT deoxynucleotides (substrate 1) yielded kcat and kcat/Km values of 0.4±0.1 s(-1) and 150±50 μm(-1) s(-1), respectively. Under identical reaction conditions, turnover of an adenylylated version of this substrate (substrate 1A) yielded kcat and kcat/Km values of 0.64±0.08 s(-1) and 240±40 μm(-1) s(-1). Single turnover experiments utilizing substrate 1 gave fits for the forward rates of Step 2 (k2) and Step 3 (k3) of 5.3 and 38 s(-1), respectively, with the slowest step ~10-fold faster than the rate of turnover seen under steady state conditions. Single turnover experiments with substrate 1A produced a Step 3 forward rate constant of 4.3 s(-1), also faster than the turnover rate of 1A. Enzyme self-adenylylation was confirmed to also occur on a fast time scale (~6 s(-1)), indicating that the rate-limiting step for T4 DNA ligase nick sealing is not a chemical step but rather is most likely product release. Pre-steady state reactions displayed a clear burst phase, consistent with this conclusion.  相似文献   

Ku-dependent C-NHEJ (classic non-homologous end joining) is the primary DNA EJing (end joining) repair pathway in mammals. Recently, an additional EJing repair pathway (A-NHEJ; alternative-NHEJ) has been described. Currently, the mechanism of A-NHEJ is obscure although a dependency on LIGIII (DNA ligase III) is often implicated. To test the requirement for LIGIII in A-NHEJ we constructed a LIGIII conditionally-null human cell line using gene targeting. Nuclear EJing activity appeared unaffected by a deficiency in LIGIII as, surprisingly, so were random gene targeting integration events. In contrast, LIGIII was required for mitochondrial function and this defined the gene's essential activity. Human Ku:LIGIII and Ku:LIGIV (DNA ligase IV) double knockout cell lines, however, demonstrated that LIGIII is required for the enhanced A-NHEJ activity that is observed in Ku-deficient cells. Most unexpectedly, however, the majority of EJing events remained LIGIV-dependent. In conclusion, although human LIGIII has an essential function in mitochondrial maintenance, it is dispensable for most types of nuclear DSB repair, except for the A-NHEJ events that are normally suppressed by Ku. Moreover, we describe that a robust Ku-independent, LIGIV-dependent repair pathway exists in human somatic cells.  相似文献   

In the current model of DNA SSBR, PARP1 is regarded as the sensor of single-strand breaks (SSBs). However, biochemical studies have implicated LIG3 as another possible SSB sensor. Using a laser micro-irradiation protocol that predominantly generates SSBs, we were able to demonstrate that PARP1 is dispensable for the accumulation of different single-strand break repair (SSBR) proteins at sites of DNA damage in live cells. Furthermore, we show in live cells for the first time that LIG3 plays a role in mediating the accumulation of the SSBR proteins XRCC1 and PNKP at sites of DNA damage. Importantly, the accumulation of LIG3 at sites of DNA damage did not require the BRCT domain-mediated interaction with XRCC1. We were able to show that the N-terminal ZnF domain of LIG3 plays a key role in the enzyme''s SSB sensing function. Finally, we provide cellular evidence that LIG3 and not PARP1 acts as the sensor for DNA damage caused by the topoisomerase I inhibitor, irinotecan. Our results support the existence of a second damage-sensing mechanism in SSBR involving the detection of nicks in the genome by LIG3.  相似文献   

Branched nucleic acid strands exist as intermediates in certain biological reactions, and bifurcating DNA also presents interesting opportunities in biotechnological applications. We describe here how T4 DNA ligase can be used for efficient construction of DNA molecules having one 5′ end but two distinct 3′ ends that extend from the 2′ and 3′ carbons, respectively, of an internal nucleotide. The nature of the reaction products is investigated, and optimal reaction conditions are reported for the construction of branched oligonucleotides. We discuss the utility of these branched DNA nanostructures for gene detection.  相似文献   

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