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【目的】明确两种食心虫性诱芯复合配置的诱蛾效果,提高其监测或防治效率及其绿色环保化水平,为果树生产中食心虫的高效监测和绿色防控提供科学依据。【方法】田间系统调查研究了梨小食心虫(以下简称"梨小")、桃小食心虫(以下简称"桃小")单一性诱芯及其复合配置3种处理的诱蛾效率,并利用"Y"型嗅觉仪比较研究了其间梨小雄蛾趋向性的差异。【结果】(1)梨小和桃小性单一诱芯及其复合配置对梨小均具有引诱作用,其诱蛾总量依次为8 238.33、1 451.67、8 321.67头/诱捕器,其中第1、2、3代时复合配置诱蛾量最大,越冬代和第4代时梨小单一性诱芯诱蛾量最大,而各世代桃小单一性诱芯诱蛾量均最低。梨小单一性诱芯及其复合配置均监测到5个梨小发生高峰,且峰期基本一致,但复合配置的峰日诱蛾量均较高;桃小单一性诱芯仅监测到3个梨小发生高峰,且峰日诱蛾量亦较低。(2)桃小单一性诱芯及其复合配置对桃小均具有引诱作用,其诱蛾总量依次为4.00、2.33头/诱捕器,而梨小单一性诱芯对桃小无引诱作用。(3)"Y"型嗅觉仪研究发现,梨小食心虫对梨小和桃小各单一性诱芯及其复合配置均具有趋向作用,其趋向率依次为50.67%、8.67%、53.33%。【结论】梨小和桃小单一性诱芯复合配置对梨小诱捕量有微增效作用,而对桃小诱捕量有一定干扰作用,但影响均不显著。据此,该复合配置可用于桃园中梨小和桃小的监测与防控。  相似文献   

梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)是我国重要的果树害虫,本文利用室内饲养观察、室外田间模拟、果园采集饲养等方法系统研究了梨小食心虫成虫的性比及日羽化节律;并利用性诱剂、糖醋液、黑光灯等诱集梨小食心虫成虫,研究了梨小食心虫成虫的活动规律。结果表明:1、田间采集调查表明,梨小食心虫成虫雌雄比例为1∶1.143,室内饲养雌雄比例为1∶1.708。2、梨小食心虫成虫羽化时间主要集中在4:00—10:00,其中以6:00—8:00羽化率最高;梨小食心虫在室外羽化时间比室内推迟2 h左右,室外梨小食心虫比室内普遍晚4 d羽化,这可能与室外温度和光照条件有关;雌虫羽化较雄虫早12 d;3、性诱剂和糖醋液诱集成虫高峰时间均为晚上20:00—22:00,说明梨小食心虫无论雄虫还是雌虫都在此期间活动;夜间各个时间段利用黑光灯都能诱到梨小食心虫成虫,说明梨小食心虫具有趋光性。结论:梨小食心虫雌雄比例为1∶1.12 d;3、性诱剂和糖醋液诱集成虫高峰时间均为晚上20:00—22:00,说明梨小食心虫无论雄虫还是雌虫都在此期间活动;夜间各个时间段利用黑光灯都能诱到梨小食心虫成虫,说明梨小食心虫具有趋光性。结论:梨小食心虫雌雄比例为1∶1.11.7,主要在早晨及上午羽化,雌虫较雄虫先羽化;在果园活动时间主要为晚上20:00—22:00。本结果可为梨小食心虫的田间性诱剂监测和诱捕、迷向防治提供指导。  相似文献   

不同单管双光灯诱虫实验及其田间应用效果   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
<正> 1973—1974年,应用200瓦白炽灯与20瓦黑光灯井联的双光源,及20瓦日光灯与20瓦黑光灯并联的双光源做诱虫实验,诱虫数量多,蜂次明显,为害虫测报提供了新的诱虫装置。为节约用电,1976—1977年进行20瓦黑白单管  相似文献   

双光源诱杀农林害虫的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
点灯诱虫既是测报工具,又是综合防治措施之一。但目前所用的多为黑光灯。为了搞好棉铃虫的测报和防治,1972年我地区开始较大面积地使用黑光灯。普遍反映,灯下蛾量少,高峰不明显,未能起到预期效果。为了提高诱蛾量,我所从1973年起,进行了双光源诱虫试验,两年试验证明,双光源不仅能诱杀较多的棉铃虫,还能诱杀大量其他害虫,有的害虫比黑光灯或200瓦电灯诱集量多几倍甚至几十倍,而且高峰较明显。  相似文献   

黑光萤光灯诱集棉红铃虫及其他棉虫的效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
棉红铃虫的成虫趋光性问题在文献中有不同意见。巴劳(Ballou,1918)在埃及曾用电灯光从仓库内诱到了大量红铃虫蛾。布司克(Busck,1917)则认为该虫无趋光性。却普曼(Chapman)认为红铃虫蛾趋向蓝色光线。朝鲜的报告认为该蛾趋向紫光。1953年富洛斯忒(Frost)曾用紫外线灯与白色灯光作诱虫比较,就诱虫总数而  相似文献   

不同光源和暗适应时间对棉铃虫蛾趋光行为的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 引  言诱虫灯是监测昆虫迁飞、扩散、发生期和发生量的重要工具 ,也是害虫综合治理的重要措施之一 .一般认为 ,昆虫飞向光源是一种趋光行为 ,但国内外很多学者认为这种行为是光源对昆虫正常活动的干扰 ,并非是昆虫的趋性[4 ].昆虫对不同波长的光源反应不同 .丁岩钦[6 ]对棉铃虫蛾 (Helicover paarmigera)进行了 1 3种单色光的行为选择实验 ,最高峰在333nm ;侯无危等[9]对桃小食心虫 (Carposinaniponensis)的趋光性研究发现 ,其对 333nm以上的单色光均有趋光反应 .魏国树等[12~ 14 ]在 340~ 6 0 5nm波谱范围内测定了棉铃虫蛾的行为反…  相似文献   

斜纹夜蛾性诱剂三种诱芯田间诱蛾效果   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
2006年7~9月在安徽省庐江县进行3种性诱芯诱捕斜纹夜蛾的田间试验,并与常用的黑光灯进行比较。3种诱芯处理各4次重复。经连续64天诱蛾,2号、1号和0号诱芯平均每盆分别诱蛾169.5,65.5,1.5头,3种型号之间的差异均达显著水平(P<0.05)。同时,2号诱芯诱蛾量显著高于20W黑光灯,与棉田斜纹夜蛾卵量峰期的吻合程度也高于20W黑光灯。  相似文献   

斜纹夜蛾性诱剂的诱蛾效果   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对斜纹夜蛾Spodoptern litura(Fabricius)性引诱剂诱芯的型状、盛虫器的颜色以及夜间不同时间段的诱蛾效果进行试验。结果表明,线状诱芯比杯状诱芯有效期长;不同颜色的盛虫器对诱虫效果没有影响;上半夜诱蛾百分率显著比午夜和下半夜的少,午夜与下半夜的之间没有显著性差异。筒型性诱捕器比水盆(用杯状诱芯)诱集斜纹夜蛾成虫效果好。  相似文献   

昆虫性信息素的应用为有害昆虫的防治开辟了一条新的途径。它具有专一性强、灵敏度高、无毒、无公害、安全高效、使用方便等优点,在生产中显示出广泛的应用前景。一方面它可直接消灭害虫(诱杀雄虫、阻断交配、降低繁殖率等);另一方面还可用来观测害虫的发生动态及数量消长规律,为化学防治提供科学依据。但是,目前发现某些文献上将诱蛾高峰视为羽化高峰,如在桃小食心虫成虫发生期预测时,有些将田间性诱剂诱蛾数量消长变化规律作为桃小食心虫雄成虫发生期的观测结果(见《北方园艺》1990年第5、6期“桃小性诱剂在枣树上测报与应用”一…  相似文献   

梨小食心虫对LED光的趋性及影响因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta Busck对LED光的趋性及果园利用LED光诱捕梨小食心虫的效果,为开发基于梨小食心虫趋光行为的新防治手段提供依据。本研究通过室内观察梨小食心虫成虫对不同波长的4种LED光及白光的趋性及暗适应时间、性别、日龄和光照强度对趋光性的影响,进一步调查了LED光对田间梨小食心虫成虫的诱捕效果。结果表明:在室内条件下,梨小食心虫成虫对520 nm的绿光趋性最强。15日龄成虫中,以3日龄成虫趋光性最强,且雌虫趋光性显著高于雄虫。在暗适应0.55日龄成虫中,以3日龄成虫趋光性最强,且雌虫趋光性显著高于雄虫。在暗适应0.53.0 h范围内,梨小食心虫成虫的趋光性表现为"抛物线形",以暗适应2.0 h时趋光性最强,并显著高于其它暗适应处理时间。在550、650、750、850 lx光照强度下,以650 lx光强时的趋光性最强。田间诱捕结果表明,不同颜色的LED灯对梨小食心虫的诱捕效果均不理想,不适于梨小食心虫的防治。  相似文献   

The Indian meal moth (IMM), Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), engages in long-distance or foraging flights in the twilight hours of the scotophase when blue light dominates the irradiance spectrum of the sky. We tested the hypothesis that IMM uses wavelengths of visible blue/violet light as orientation cues that trigger phototactic responses. In four-choice laboratory experiments, blue light (400–475 nm) was significantly more effective than green (475–600 nm), orange (575–700 nm), or red (590–800 nm) light in attracting males and mated females. In subsequent experiments that tested light emitting diodes (LEDs) emitting peak wavelengths in the blue/violet-light range, the 405-nm 'violet' LED was significantly more effective than the 435-, 450-, or 470-nm 'blue' LED in attracting males as well as virgin and mated females. In electroretinogram recordings, the 405-nm wavelength elicited significantly stronger receptor potentials from female and male eyes than the 350-nm (UV) wavelength, and in a behavioral experiment it significantly enhanced the known attractiveness of UV light. Equal attraction of IMMs to 405-nm LEDs at 600–700 µW/cm2 with or without UV light, and significantly stronger attraction to a 405-nm LED than to a 350-nm LED at maximum light intensities, suggest that the deployment of violet instead of UV light could become one of several management tactics for control of IMMs.  相似文献   

The wing colors of eight lycaenid species of the genera Favonius and Quercusia were examined with a spectrophotometer. Four (F. orientalis, F. taxila, F. jezoensis and F. ultramarinus) of five green to blue‐green Favonius species had a double‐peaked pattern, reflecting UV light (345–355 nm) and green light (515–525 nm), whereas F. cognatus reflected only visible green light (539 nm). Thus, the species considered most closely related, F. ultramarinus and F. cognatus, had quite different wing colors in terms of insect vision. Two bluish species had utterly different reflection patterns: F. saphrinus had a single peak in the UV range and Q. fujisana had two peaks, one each in the UV and visible light ranges. The black F. yuasai did not have any peak in the examined range of wavelengths (300–700 nm).  相似文献   

Novel bichromophoric fluorescent photolabile protecting group, (5-dansyloxy-3-hydroxynaphthalen-2-yl)methyl (DNS-NQMP), allows for the independent photochemical release and fluorescent imaging of caged substrates. Irradiation of DNS-NQMP-caged alcohols and carboxylic acids with 300 or 350 nm light results in fast (k(release) ~ 10(5) s(-1)), efficient (Φ = 0.2), and quantitative release of the substrates. This uncaging chemistry is compatible with aqueous media and DNS-NQMP-protected hydroxy compounds are hydrolytically stable at neutral pH. Upon excitation with 400 nm light, caged compounds show intense green emission (λ(max) = 559 nm) with 21% fluorescence quantum yield. Fluorescent readout conducted using 400 nm or longer wavelengths does not cause substrate release. The DNS-NQMP chromophore retains its fluorescent properties after photo-uncaging reaction.  相似文献   

Different wavelengths of light were compared for melatonin suppression and phase shifting of the salivary melatonin rhythm. The wavelengths compared were 660 nm (red), 595 nm (amber), 525 nm (green), 497 nm (blue/green), and 470 nm (blue). They were administered with light-emitting diodes equated for irradiance of 130 μW/cm2. Fifteen volunteers participated in all five wavelength conditions and a no light control condition, with each condition conducted over two consecutive evenings. Half-hourly saliva samples were collected from 19:00 to 02:00 on night 1 and until 01:00 on night 2. Light was administered for the experimental conditions on the first night only from midnight to 02:00. Percentage melatonin suppression on night 1 and dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) for each night were calculated. The shorter wavelengths of 470, 497, and 525 nm showed the greatest melatonin suppression, 65% to 81%. The shorter wavelengths also showed the greatest DLMO delay on night 2, ranging from 27 to 36 min. The results were consistent with the involvement of a scotopic mechanism in the regulation of circadian phase. (Chronobiology International, 18(5), 801-808, 2001)  相似文献   

The responses of male and female Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva) to different wavelengths of light was tested by presenting the sandflies with two light sources simultaneously, a series of test wavelengths between 350-670 nm and a 400 nm control. To test whether L. longipalpis could discriminate between the test and control, three sets of experiments were carried out in which the test wavelengths were presented at higher, equivalent or lower intensity than the control. In all three experiments, ultra-violet (350 nm) and blue-green-yellow (490-546 nm) light was more attractive to L. longipalpis than the control wavelength. However, at low intensity, UV was less attractive, than equivalent or higher intensity UV light. At intensities equivalent to or higher than the control wavelength, ultra-violet light was more attractive than blue-green. Furthermore, at low intensity, green-yellow (546 nm) light was more attractive to males whereas blue-green (490 nm) was more attractive to females. Blue-violet (400 nm) and orange-red (600-670 nm) light were least attractive in all three sets of experiments. Response function experiments indicated that the responses were dependent on both intensity and wavelength and that therefore more than one photoreceptor must be involved in the response. The results indicated that L. longipalpis can discriminate between different wavelengths at different intensities and thus have true colour vision. It also suggests that L. longipalpis may be able to navigate at dusk or under moonlight or starlight conditions using light in the blue-green-yellow part of the spectrum. The difference in response of males and females to light in this region is interesting and may indicate the different ecology of the sexes at night. Overall, these results may have important implications for sandfly trap design.  相似文献   

The kinetics for the quantitatively important reaction: (Formula: see text) that is, the photochemical interconversion between bilirubin and its geometric and structural photoisomers bound to human serum albumin in aqueous solution when various wavelengths of monochromatic light were used, were assayed by h.p.l.c. In order to clarify the wavelength-dependence of the relative rate constants in the individual steps, a light-source with a half-bandwidth of 10 nm was used at increments of 20 nm, in the range from 410 nm to 550 nm. We describe for the first time studies on the wavelength-dependence of rate constants in geometric and structural photoisomerization reactions in vitro of (ZZ)-bilirubin or (EZ)-bilirubin bound to human serum albumin, especially the relative rate constants of cyclization of (EZ)-bilirubin into (EZ)-cyclobilirubin. Because studies in vitro have demonstrated that the wavelengths from 350 to 450 nm are mutagenic, the results obtained indicated that the safest and ideal light-source for phototherapy is green light of 510 nm, which keeps (ZE)-bilirubin concentrations as low as possible, as shown by a maximal value of k2 at 510 nm and a relatively low value of k1 at 510 nm. This light-source still ensures the substantial absorption of (ZZ)-bilirubin, which is the precursor of (EZ)-bilirubin, the intermediate in (EZ)-cyclobilirubin formation and, furthermore, as shown by the maximal value of k5 and a considerable value of k4 at 510 nm, promotes the cyclization of (EZ)-bilirubin derived from (ZZ)-bilirubin even though k3 at 510 nm also shows a peak value.  相似文献   

Adult male Syrian hamsters were exposed daily for 12 weeks to 11 h/day of cool white fluorescent light (350 +/- 50 microW/cm2) followed by an additional 3 h of near ultraviolet (339-317 nm), blue (435-500 nm), green (515-550 nm), yellow (558-636 nm) or red (653-668 nm) light at an irradiance of 0.2 microW/cm2 or to total darkness. Animals exposed to the wavelengths between 558-668 nm (yellow or red half peak bandwidths) or those receiving a total of 13 h of darkness/day had suppressed circulating levels of thyroxine (T4), a depressed free T4 index (FT4I) and a higher T3/T4 ratio compared to animals receiving a total of 14 h of white light (350 +/- 50 microW/cm2). These results suggest that specific wavelengths of light can affect the neuroendocrine-thyroid axis.  相似文献   

Fungus gnats occur worldwide with more than 1 700 described species. They can cause serious damages on ornamentals, crop plants, and edible mushrooms, and are considered to be a serious pest in the last years. Bradysia difformisFrey (Diptera: Sciaridae) represents a common species in Europe. Usually, yellow sticky traps are used for monitoring and control in greenhouses and fluorescent tube‐based light traps are additionally applied for control in mushroom cultivation. The importance of such visual trapping measures for efficient monitoring or alternative control increases in biological and integrated plant protection. However, detailed color preferences of fungus gnats are mostly unknown. We studied the visual orientation of B. difformis with light‐emitting diodes (LEDs) in a broad range of peak wavelengths from 371 nm (ultraviolet, UV) to 619 nm (amber). We determined attractive wavelengths in consecutive choice experiments in daylight and darkness. Highest numbers of adult B. difformis were attracted to UV radiation (382 nm) followed by green‐yellow light (532–592 nm). The responses to UV and the green‐yellow range were relatively unspecific and mostly independent from intensity. Combination of UV and yellow LEDs improved trapping efficacy compared to a single UV or yellow LED trap, as well as compared to a common yellow sticky trap. When both wavelengths were compared to a black surface to increase contrasts, the black surface was preferred over yellow, but was less attractive than UV. Thus, B. difformis displays two, probably wavelength‐specific, behaviors to UV radiation and green‐yellow light, with UV being the most attractive stimulus. These behaviors might be directly related to underlying photoreceptors, suggesting dichromatic vision in B. difformis.  相似文献   

柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama是柑橘黄龙病(huanglongbing,HLB)的重要传播媒介。为了利用灯光诱控技术防治柑橘木虱,本实验于室内条件下研究柑橘木虱对波长为360 nm、400 nm、440 nm、480 nm、520 nm、560 nm和600 nm的LED光源和不同光照强度趋光行为反应。结果表明:柑橘木虱对7种单色光都有正趋向性。其中雌雄混合存在时对400 nm的紫光趋向性最强,其次是560 nm的绿光;单独处理时,雌成虫对400 nm的紫光趋性最强,其次是520 nm的绿光,雄成虫则是对520 nm的绿光趋性最强,其次是400 nm的紫光。在200μw/cm 2到1000μw/cm 2的光照强度范围内,随着光照强度的增大,柑橘木虱雄成虫趋光行为逐渐增强,在光照强度为1000μw/cm 2时趋光行为最强,但雌成虫趋光行为变化不明显。该研究表明:柑橘木虱雌雄成虫具有明显的正趋光性,且对光谱和光强的反应存在差异。这一结果可为柑橘木虱田间的灯光诱控提供实验依据。  相似文献   

A class of N-substituted quinoline compounds has been introduced recently for the fluorescence measurement of Cl concentration in biological preparations. The most Cl-sensitive compound was 6-methoxy-N-[3-sulfopropyl] quinolinium with peak excitation and emission wavelengths of 350 and 442 nm and a Stern-Volmer constant for quenching by Cl of 118 M-1. Six water-soluble quinoline derivatives were synthesized and characterized for the purposes of increasing Cl sensitivity, adding ester functions for cell trapping, and red-shifting the fluorescence peak wavelengths. Acetic acid ester functions were added at the N-, 2-, and 6-positions of the quinoline ring. The best ester compound, N-(6-methoxyquinolyl)acetoethyl ester (MQAE), was water soluble (270 g/liter at 23 degrees C; octanol:H2O partition coefficient of 0.009), had a high Cl sensitivity (Stern-Volmer constant 200 M-1), peak excitation and emission wavelengths of 355 and 460 nm, a fluorescence lifetime of 21.6 ns, and a molar absorbance of 4850 M-1 cm-1 (320 nm). MQAE fluorescence was not altered by the physiological anions HCO3, SO4, and PO4, by cations, or by pH. MQAE was used to measure chloride transport in liposome membranes and in cultured LLC-PK1 cells in monolayer; MQAE leaked out of cells less than 20% in 60 min at 37 degrees C. The physical, optical, and anion quenching properties for the series of ester compounds were determined to establish a set of structure-activity correlates.  相似文献   

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