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Stimulation of resting WI38 cells, prelabeled with [3H]leucine, with fibroblastic growth factor (FGF) or serum, caused increased nuclear translocation of [3H]non-histone proteins [( 3H]NHP) and DNA synthesis, and a parallel decrease of proteolysis. [3H]NHP migration was independent of protein synthesis. Fractionation of the nuclear proteins in a pH gradient of 2.5-6.5 showed that [3H]NHP fractions with high degradation rates in resting cells corresponded to the [3H]NHP fractions with high migration rates in stimulated cells, suggesting that degradation and migration of [3H]NHP are linked. FGF inhibited cellular uptake of [3H]chloroquine, suggesting that FGF inhibits NHP degradation via lysosomes. The lysosomotropic amine eserine had similar effects as FGF. It is proposed that FGF induces NHP migration to the nucleus by inhibiting their lysosomal degradation. FGF also caused migration of [3H]histones, however, the mechanism is not clear.  相似文献   

Various lysosomotropic amines have two parallel effects in human lymphocytes: they inhibit the degradation of cellular proteins and increase the migration of nonhistone proteins (NHP) from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. The increased nuclear level of NHP is associated with increased cellular binding of [3H] actinomycin D, indicating an altered structure of chromatin. The agents inhibit the degradation of short- and long-lived proteins equally. Fractionation of the [3H] NHP of the nucleus according to pH 2.5-6.5 shows that [3H] NHP with a high rate of degradation in untreated cells correspond to [3H] NHP with a high rate of migration in cells treated with the agents. Eserine, amantadine, nicotine, atropine, benzylamine, and propranolol inhibit cathepsin D in concentrations causing proteolytic inhibition in cell cultures or in concentrations believed to be attained in lysosomes. The agents strongly inhibit the cellular accumulation of [3H] chloroquine. The data support the proposal that the migration of NHP from the cytoplasm to the nucleus is the direct consequence of inhibited degradation of these proteins in lysosomes by the amines.  相似文献   

Stimulation of resting normal rat kidney fibroblasts, prelabeled with [3H]leucine, by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) caused inhibition of cellular protein degradation and a parallel increased nuclear translocation of 3H-labeled nonhistone proteins (3H-NHP) and DNA synthesis. Nuclear translocation of these proteins was independent of protein synthesis. Fractionation of the nuclear 3H-NHP in a pH gradient of 2.5-6.5 showed that the protein fractions with a high degree of proteolysis in resting cells corresponded to the protein fractions with a high extent of translocation in stimulated cells, suggesting that degradation and translocation of these proteins may be related. PDGF inhibited cellular uptake of [3H]chloroquine, suggesting that PDGF inhibits NHP degradation via the lysosomal pathway. These observations support the hypothesis that PDGF induces NHP translocation to the nucleus by inhibiting lysosomal degradation of these proteins.  相似文献   

In WI-38, a normal human fibroblast, the rates of degradation of short lived and long lived proteins are identical whether the cultures are growing exponentially or are density-inhibited. Replacement of the growth medium with fresh medium does not alter these rates. In VA-13, an SV-40 transformed derivative of WI-38, the rates of protein degradation are also independent of growth rate and fresh medium. However, in both WI-38 and VA-13 the rate of long lived protein degradation increases as the serum concentration is reduced below 5%. After complete serum withdrawal, the rate increases by 60 to 100% in both cell types. Withdrawal of arginine and phenylalanine triples the rate of long lived protein degradation, while addition of 10% dialyzed serum to this amino acid-deficient medium reduces the effect to twice that of the controls. Incubation of both types of cells in phosphate-buffered saline also increases protein degradation. This effect is reduced by glucose, albumin, and dialyzed serum. Therefore, the rate of protein degradation is independent of growth rate in normal and transformed human cells. However, the rate of degradation is closely coupled to certain medium alterations.  相似文献   

Con A, NaF, and eserine (lysosomotropic agents) induced marked translocation of acidic [3H] nonhistone proteins (NHP) from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in lymphocytes prelabeled with [3H]-2-mannose. The nuclear [3H] NHP contents were 38-120% higher in cells treated with these agents than in control cells. Tunicamycin, a strong inhibitor of N-glycosylation via the dolichol pathway, caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of [3H]-2-mannose incorporation into the nuclear [3H] NHP. Considerable amounts of nuclear [3H] NHP from lymphocytes labeled with either [3H]-2-mannose or [3H] leucine, bound specifically to Con A-Sepharose and could be eluted by alpha-methyl mannoside. Con A and NaF caused also nuclear translocation of acidic [3H] NHP in cells labeled with [3H] glucosamine, [3H] galactose, or [3H] fucose. Fractionation of the nuclear proteins by isoelectric focusing in a pH gradient of 2.5-6.5 showed that multiple species of acidic NHP were labeled with each of the four 3H-sugars. These results indicate that a fraction of the acidic nuclear NHP are N-glycosylated proteins and that gene activation and mitogenesis are associated with the translocation of these glycoproteins to the nucleus. Considering the known intracellular traffic of nascent glycoproteins our results suggest that at least some of the acidic NHP are synthesized and glycosylated in the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi (secretory pathway). It is likely that these proteins, after completion of synthesis and glycosylation, emerge from the trans-stack of the Golgi packaged in vesicles and accumulate in the cytoplasm. Induction of nuclear translocation of such NHP by various agents may be mediated by a vesicular transport mechanism.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A (conA) inhibits the degradation of [3H]leucine-labeled cellular proteins of human lymphocytes. The lectin also stimulates the migration of non-histone proteins (NHP) from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. The increased nuclear level of NHP is associated with increased cellular binding of [3H]actinomycin D [(3H]AD). Decreased protein breakdown and increased migration of NHP are parallel events, i.e. both changes occur as a function of the lectin concentration and display a similar time course, suggesting that these events could be related. Similar effects are observed with fluoride, chloroquine and iodoacetate: these agents simultaneously decrease proteolysis and increase the nuclear level of NHP, associated with increased cellular [3H]AD binding. Fractionation of the acidic NHP according to pH 2.5-6.5 shows that proteins with a high degree of degradation in unstimulated cells correspond to proteins with a high degree of migration in conA-stimulated cells. A similar correlation was observed in fluoride-treated lymphocytes. conA, fluoride and iodoacetate decrease cellular [3H]chloroquine [(3H]CQ) accumulation, indicating a lysosomotropic effect. These and previously reported data suggest, but do not prove that conA inhibits degradation of cellular proteins via the lysosomal pathway. Ammonium chloride, methylamine and sodium azide also inhibit proteolysis and increase cellular [3H]AD binding; however, their effects are weak. On the basis of these observations it appears that lysosomal degradation and migration of NHP to the nucleus are linked; however, the mechanism of the linkage is unknown.  相似文献   

Conditioned medium from neoplastic thyroid cell cultures, extracts of tumors developed by identical cells in isogeneic Fisher 344 rats and serum from those tumor-bearing animals, were tested in pulse thymidine labelled experiments on a transformed and two non transformed cell lines. Tumor extract and conditioned medium inhibited DNA synthesis. Tumor-bearing rat serum increased DNA synthesis in a cerebellar transformed cell line, but no in chick embryo fibroblasts or in aorta non transformed cells.  相似文献   

Cell cycle variations in the phosphorylation of chromatin-associated nonhistones were determined. Cells were radiolabeled with [32P]orthophosphate and chromatin was obtained by mild digestion of nuclei with micrococcal nuclease. The experiments were performed in the presence of a substrate inhibitor of alkaline phosphatase, beta-glycerophosphate. The results show that, while similar molecular weight species of phosphorylated nonhistones are associated with interphase chromatin through the HeLa cell cycle, the incorporation (32P cpm/micrograms of protein) profiles of selected major phosphononhistones show substantial changes. The most prominent peaks of specific radioactivity occur in the DNA synthesis phase (S phase). The phosphorylation states of the proteins of isolated metaphase chromosomes were also determined. Nonhistone proteins of isolated metaphase chromosomes are strikingly dephosphorylated, especially in comparison to histone H1. The phosphorylation of the major phosphononhistone of chromatin, which has a molecular weight of 55,000, was further characterized by techniques that included one-dimensional peptide mapping in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels and nonequilibrium pH gradient slab gel electrophoresis. Phosphoproteins are also components of the nuclear scaffold, and cell cycle variations in these proteins were investigated. The primary phosphorylated species has a molecular weight of 119,000. As with chromatin-associated nonhistones, this nuclear scaffold protein shows substantial incorporation of 32P in S phase, and a high level of incorporation also occurs close to mitosis.  相似文献   

Zhang T  Jiang CL 《生理学报》2011,63(3):256-260
本文旨在研究肿瘤条件培养基(tumor conditioned medium,TCM)对人脐静脉内皮细胞(human umbilical vein endothelial cell,HUVEC)增殖、黏附和迁移能力的影响.采用MTT法测定TCM作用24 h后内皮细胞的增殖水平,实验设对照组、TCM原液(TCM stoc...  相似文献   

The relationship between DNA synthesis and protein accumulation in cell nucleus and cytoplasm has been investigated by the use of a combination of ultramicrointerferometric and ultramicrospectrophotometric methods. 5-Fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FUdR) inhibited DNA synthesis, resulting in inhibition of cell proliferation in G-1 and early S-phase. However, synthesis and accumulation of protein continued in the presence of FUdR, as indicated by a 54% increase in the average dry mass value per individual cell during 18-hour exposure to FUdR; due primarily to protein accumulation in the cytoplasm, the average cytoplasmic dry mass increased by as much as 85%, while the dry mass of the nucleus increased by only 21%. The dry mass values of individual nuclei were well-correlated to the nuclear DNA content throughout the period of exposure to FUdR. In contrast to the continued accumulation of protein in the cytoplasm during inhibition of DNA synthesis, protein accumulation in the nucleus was inhibited. When cells were released from inhibition of DNA synthesis by the addition of 2'-deoxythymidine, the nuclear DNA content and nuclear dry mass increased in near-synchrony, there being some evidence that DNA synthesis was initiated somewhat prior to initiation of increase in nuclear dry mass. Thus, it appears that DNA synthesis (or an increase in nuclear DNA content) is intimately related to the regulation of protein accumulation in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that human cancer cell lines can be adapted to grow in serum-free, unsupplemented RPMI-1640 (RO) medium. We have developed similar techniques to rapidly identify proteins of interest in serum-free conditioned medium (CM) of human lung cancer cell lines. Classic and variant small cell lung cancer (SCLC) lines were adapted to growth in RO medium. CM from each line was concentrated and fractionated on an anion-exchange column of a fast protein liquid chromatography system. Concentrates of each fraction were loaded onto lanes of minigels of an automated electrophoresis system. Analysis of the chromatograms reveals peaks seen only in CM of the classic SCLC lines. Electrophoretic analysis of the fractions containing these peaks reveal protein bands distinguishing between the subtypes of human SCLC. One protein was purified to homogeneity with subsequent reversed-phase chromatography and identified by protein microsequencing as histone H2B. These automated techniques have general use in the rapid identification of CM proteins associated with the differentiation or progression of the many types of neoplastic cells which can be adapted to growth in RO medium.  相似文献   

In the absence of serum and amino acids, cultured Chinese Hamster Ovary cells released to the medium two thirds of the leucine produced by protein degradation. Because protein synthesis requires all the amino acids, the loss of leucine implies incomplete reincorporation of the other amino acids as well. Leupeptin (0.45 mg/ml) and chloroquine (up to 40 microM) inhibited protein breakdown by 21 and up to 41%, respectively, and resulted in proportional decreases in protein synthesis. Chloroquine abolished the stimulation of protein breakdown by amino acid deprivation. From the values of protein synthesis and leucine output with and without chloroquine, it is estimated that the stimulation of protein degradation not only permitted continuing protein synthesis but also increased amino acid output. In the presence of serum or amino acids protein breakdown was slower than in their absence and less sensitive to inhibition by chloroquine, but proportional effects on synthesis and degradation were still observed. It is suggested that protein degradation may be necessary for the maintenance of optimum intracellular concentrations of amino acids even in the presence of extracellular amino acids.  相似文献   

Tryptophan, phenylalanine and leucine have two parallel effects in cultured lymphocytes, they inhibit cellular proteolysis and increase the translocation of non-histone proteins to the nucleus. The latter is associated with an increased cellular binding of [3H]actinomycin D, indicating an altered structure of chromatin. The amino acids also inhibit the cellular uptake of [3H]chloroquine, suggesting that inhibited protein degradation is lysosomal. Several amine catabolites of tryptophan and phenylalanine, some of which are known to play a role as biogenic amines, have similar actions, and can explain, at least in part, the effects of their parent amino acids. Fractionation of the nuclear 3H-labeled non-histone proteins according to pH 2.5-6.5 shows that such proteins with a high rate of degradation in untreated cells correspond to the 3H-labeled non-histone proteins with a high rate of translocation in tryptophan treated cells. These data suggest that the degradation and the translocation of the non-histone proteins are linked and that the increased translocation of the non-histone proteins to the nucleus may be the consequence of inhibited lysosomal degradation of these proteins by the amino acids.  相似文献   

The conditioned medium of Simian sarcoma virus (SSV)-transformed NRK cells contains at least two activities that down regulate the epidermal growth factor receptor. To identify these activities, we analyzed the medium for the presence of factors both related to and distinct from the v-sis oncogene product. Fractionation of the conditioned medium from SSV-transformed NRK cells by chromatography on heparin-Sepharose yielded two active fractions capable of inhibiting EGF binding. The first component, which eluted at 0.8 M NaCl, is able to induce autophosphorylation of the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor, is a mitogen for Swiss 3T3 cells and corresponds to the PDGF B chain product of the v-sis oncogene. The second component requires 2 M NaCl for elution, is mitogenic for Swiss 3T3 cells and inhibits high affinity EGF binding through a protein kinase C-independent pathway, all properties of basic FGF. These results suggest that the conditioned medium of v-sis-transformed cells contains at least two factors that can act in an autocrine capacity, one derived from v-sis and one corresponding to basic FGF.  相似文献   

Virally transformed fibroblasts do not have on their surface a major protein (large external transformation-sensitive, LETS) which is present in normal cells. Cocultivation of the transformation cells with normal cells whose surface proteins have been prelabelled induces an accelerated release of the LETS protein from the normal cells. We have investigated various conditions which affect this phenomenon. Our results show that alteration of cell surface proteins by cocultivation with the transformed cells is time and dose-dependent and requires cell contact. Serum was depleted at least 99% of plasminogen by affinity chromatography and used in the cocultivation experiments. It was found that activation of plasminogen was not required for the accelerated turnover of the LETS protein. Other diffusible proteases are also unlikely to be involved. The possibility that transformed cells have a membrane bound activity is discussed. The role of plasminogen activation was also tested for its relevance in transformation related proteolysis, growth and morphology of cells.  相似文献   

Pervasive migration of organellar DNA to the nucleus in plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A surprisingly large number of plant nuclear DNA sequences inferred to be remnants of chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA migration events were detected through computer-assisted database searches. Nineteen independent organellar DNA insertions, with a median size of 117 by (range of 38 to >785 bp), occur in the proximity of 15 nuclear genes. One fragment appears to have been passed through a RNA intermediate, based on the presence of an edited version of the mitochondrial gene in the nucleus. Tandemly arranged fragments from disparate regions of organellar genomes and from different organellar genomes indicate that the fragments joined together from an intracellular pool of RNA and/or DNA before they integrated into the nuclear genome. Comparisons of integrated sequences to genes lacking the insertions, as well as the occurrence of coligated fragments, support a model of random integration by end joining. All transferred sequences were found in noncoding regions, but the positioning of organellar-derived DNA in introns, as well as regions 5 and 3 to nuclear genes, suggests that the random integration of organellar DNA has the potential to influence gene expression patterns. A semiquantitative estimate was performed on the amount of organellar DNA being transferred and assimilated into the nucleus. Based on this database survey, we estimate that 3–7% of the plant nuclear genomic sequence files contain organellar-derived DNA. The timing and the magnitude of genetic flux to the nuclear genome suggest that random integration is a substantial and ongoing process for creating sequence variation.Correspondence to: J.L. Blanchard  相似文献   

Virally transformed fibroblasts do not have on their surface a major protein (large external transformation-sensitive, LETS) which is present in normal cells. Cocultivation of the transformed cells with normal cells whose surface proteins have been prelabelled induces an accelerated release of the LETS protein from the normal cells. We have investigated various conditions which affect this phenomenon. Our results show that alteration of cell surface proteins by cocultivation with the transformed cells is time and dose-dependent and requires cell contact. Serum was depleted at least 99% of plasminogen by affinity chromatography and used in the cocultivation experiments. It was found that activation of plasminogen was not required for the accelerated turnover of the LETS protein. Other diffusible proteases are also unlikely to be involved. The possibility that transformed cells have a membrane bound activity is discussed. The role of plasminogen activation was also tested for its relevance in transformation related proteolysis, growth and morphology of cells.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of inhibiting protein synthesis on the overall rate of DNA synthesis and on the rate of replication fork movement in mammalian cells. In order to test the validity of using [3H]thymidine incorporation as a measure of the overall rate of DNA synthesis during inhibition of protein synthesis, we have directly measured the size and specific radioactivity of the cells' [3H]dTTP pool. In three different mammalian cell lines (mouse L, Chinese hamster ovary, and HeLa) nearly complete inhibition of protein synthesis has little effect on pool size (±26%) and even less effect on its specific radioactivity (±11%). Thus [3H]thymidine incorporation can be used to measure accurately changes in rate of DNA synthesis resulting from inhibition of protein synthesis.Using the assay of [3H]thymidine incorporation to measure rate of DNA synthesis, and the assay of [14C]leucine or [14C]valine incorporation to measure rate of protein synthesis, we have found that eight different methods of inhibiting protein synthesis (cycloheximide, puromycin, emetine, pactamycin, 2,4-dinitrophenol, the amino acid analogs canavanine and 5-methyl tryptophan, and a temperature-sensitive leucyl-transfer tRNA synthetase) all cause reduction in rate of DNA synthesis in mouse L, Chinese hamster ovary, or HeLa cells within two hours to a fairly constant plateau level which is approximately the same as the inhibited rate of protein synthesis.We have used DNA fiber autoradiography to measure accurately the rate of replication fork movement. The rate of movement is reduced at every replication fork within 15 minutes after inhibiting protein synthesis. For the first 30 to 60 minutes after inhibiting protein synthesis, the decline in rate of fork movement (measured by fiber autoradiography) satisfactorily accounts for the decline in rate of DNA synthesis (measured by [3H]thymidine incorporation). At longer times after inhibiting protein synthesis, inhibition of fork movement rate does not entirely account for inhibition of overall DNA synthesis. Indirect measurements by us and direct measurements suggest that the additional inhibition is the result of decline in the frequency of initiation of new replicons.  相似文献   

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