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The lectin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA-IIL) is involved in host recognition and biofilm formation. Lectin not only displays an unusually high affinity for fucose but also binds to L-fucose, L-galactose and D-arabinose that differ only by the group at position 5 of the sugar ring. Isothermal calorimetry experiments provided precise determination of affinity for the three methyl-glycosides and revealed a large enthalpy contribution. The crystal structures of the complexes of PA-IIL with L-galactose and Met-beta-D-arabinoside have been determined and compared with the PA-IIL/fucose complex described previously. A combination of the structures and thermodynamics provided clues for the role of the hydrophobic group in affinity.  相似文献   

The transport of l-leucine, l-phenylalanine and l-alanine by the perfused lactating rat mammary gland has been examined using a rapid, paired-tracer dilution technique. The clearances of all three amino acids by the mammary gland consisted of a rising phase followed by a rapid fall-off, respectively, reflecting influx and efflux of the radiotracers. The peak clearance of l-leucine was inhibited by BCH (65%) and d-leucine (58%) but not by l-proline. The inhibition of l-leucine clearance by BCH and d-leucine was not additive. l-leucine inhibited the peak clearance of radiolabelled l-leucine by 78%. BCH also inhibited the peak clearance of l-phenylalanine (66%) and l-alanine (33%) by the perfused mammary gland. Lactating rat mammary tissue was found to express both LAT1 and LAT2 mRNA. The results suggest that system L is situated in the basolateral aspect of the lactating rat mammary epithelium and thus probably plays a central role in neutral amino acid uptake from blood. The finding that l-alanine uptake by the gland was inhibited by BCH suggests that LAT2 may make a significant contribution to neutral amino acid uptake by the mammary epithelium.  相似文献   

Somatic angiotensin I-converting enzyme (s-ACE) plays a central role in blood pressure regulation and has been the target of most antihypertensive drugs. A displacement isothermal titration calorimetry method has been used to accurately determine the binding constant of three strong s-ACE inhibitors. Under the experimental conditions studied in this work, the relative potency of the inhibitors was determined to be enalaprilat>lisinopril>captopril. We analyze the thermodynamic behaviour of the binding process using the new structural information provided by the ACE structures, as well as the conformational changes that occur upon binding.  相似文献   

The interactions between the heme CO ligand in the oxygenase domain of nitric oxide synthase and a set of substrate analogues were determined by measuring the resonance Raman spectra of the Fe-C-O vibrational modes. Substrates were selected that have variations in all the functional units: the guanidino group, the amino acid site and the number of methylene units connecting the two ends. In comparison to the substrate free form of the enzyme, Interactions of the analogues with the CO moiety caused the Fe-CO stretching and the Fe-C-O bending modes to shift in frequency due to the electrostatic environment. An unmodified guanidino group interacted with the CO in a similar fashion despite changes in the amino acid end. However, an unmodified amino acid end is required for catalysis owing to the H-bonding network involving the substrate, the heme and the pterin cofactor.  相似文献   

Base-catalysed isomerisation of aldoses of the arabino and lyxo series in aluminate solution has been investigated. L-Arabinose and D-galactose give L-erythro-2-pentulose (L-ribulose) and D-lyxo-2-hexulose (D-tagatose), respectively, in good yields, whereas lower reactivity is observed for 6-deoxy-D-galactose (D-fucose). From D-lyxose, D-mannose and 6-deoxy-L-mannose (L-rhamnose) are obtained mixtures of ketoses and C-2 epimeric aldoses. Small amounts of the 3-epimers of the ketoses were also formed. 6-Deoxy-L-arabino-2-hexulose (6-deoxy-L-fructose) and 6-deoxy-L-glucose (L-quinovose) were formed in low yields from 6-deoxy-L-mannose and isolated as their O-isopropylidene derivatives. Explanations of the differences in reactivity and course of the reaction have been suggested on the basis of steric effects.  相似文献   

Lim YR  Yeom SJ  Kim YS  Oh DK 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(5):4277-4280
The optimum conditions for the production of l-arabinose from debranched arabinan were determined to be pH 6.5, 75 °C, 20 g l−1 debranched arabinan, 42 U ml−1 endo-1,5-α-l-arabinanase, and 14 U ml−1 α-l-arabinofuranosidase from Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus and the conditions for sugar beet arabinan were pH 6.0, 75 °C, 20 g l−1 sugar beet arabinan, 3 U ml−1 endo-1,5-α-l-arabinanase, and 24 U ml−1 α-l-arabinofuranosidase. Under the optimum conditions, 16 g l−1l-arabinose was obtained from 20 g l−1 debranched arabinan or sugar beet arabinan after 120 min, with a hydrolysis yield of 80% and a productivity of 8 g l−1 h−1. This is the first reported trial for the production of l-arabinose from the hemicellulose arabinan by the combined use of endo- and exo-arabinanases.  相似文献   

Six isomeric disaccharides allyl 2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-alpha-l-arabinofuranosyl-alpha-d-xylopyranosides and beta-d-xylopyranosides were synthetized by the stereoselective glycosylation of pure allyl alpha- or beta-d-xylopyranosides with 1-O-acetyl-2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-l-arabinofuranose as donor, catalyzed with BF(3).Et(2)O in DCM. Regio- and stereoselective glycosylation with excess of donor furnished almost exclusively the trisaccharides allyl 2,3-di-O-(2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-alpha-l-arabinofuranosyl)-alpha- or beta-d-xylopyranosides. Extension of the reaction to the triol beta-d-xylopyranosyl-(1-->4)-1,2,3-tri-O-acetyl-alpha-d-xylopyranose, obtained from the 4-hydroxyl penta-O-acetyl-alpha-xylobiose, gave in the same manner the tetrasaccharide [2,3-di-O-(2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-alpha-l-arabinofuranosyl)-beta-d-xylopyranosyl]-(1-->4)-1,2,3-tri-O-acetyl-alpha-d-xylopyranose. The protocol described herein should offer the possibility to produce branched oligosaccharides with a 2,3-di-O-(alpha-l-Ara(f))-beta-d-Xyl(p) block unit at the terminal non-reducing end.  相似文献   

l-Xylulose was used as a raw material for the production of l-xylose with a recombinantly produced Escherichia colil-fucose isomerase as the catalyst. The enzyme had a very alkaline pH optimum (over 10.5) and displayed Michaelis-Menten kinetics for l-xylulose with a Km of 41 mM and a Vmax of 0.23 μmol/(mg min). The half-lives determined for the enzyme at 35 °C and at 45 °C were 6 h 50 min and 1 h 31 min, respectively. The reaction equilibrium between l-xylulose and l-xylose was 15:85 at 35 °C and thus favored the formation of l-xylose. Contrary to the l-rhamnose isomerase catalyzed reaction described previously [14]l-lyxose was not detected in the reaction mixture with l-fucose isomerase. Although xylitol acted as an inhibitor of the reaction, even at a high ratio of xylitol to l-xylulose the inhibition did not reach 50%.  相似文献   

In this study, interactions of selected monosaccharides with the Pseudomonas aeruginosa Lectin II (PA-IIL) are analyzed in detail. An interesting feature of the PA-IIL binding is that the monosaccharide is interacting via two calcium ions and the binding is unusually strong for protein-saccharide interaction. We have used Molecular Mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann Surface Area (MM/PBSA) and normal mode analysis to calculate the free energy of binding. The impact of intramolecular hydrogen bond network for the lectin/monosaccharide interaction is also analyzed.  相似文献   

The synthesis of a trisaccharide and a hexasaccharide, the monomer and dimer of the repeating unit of O-antigen polysaccharide from Mesorhizobium huakuii IFO15243, has been accomplished through suitable protecting group manipulations and stereoselective glycosylation reactions starting from commercially available l-rhamnose. The target oligosaccharides in the form of their p-methoxyphenyl glycosides are suitable for further glycoconjugate formation via selective cleavage of this group.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of lysine and meso-diaminopimelic acid in bacteria provides essential components for protein synthesis and construction of the bacterial peptidoglycan cell wall. The dapE operon enzymes synthesize both meso-diaminopimelic acid and lysine and, therefore, represent potential targets for novel antibacterials. The dapE-encoded N-succinyl-l,l-diaminopimelic acid desuccinylase functions in a late step of the pathway and converts N-succinyl-l,l-diaminopimelic acid to l,l-diaminopimelic acid and succinate. Deletion of the dapE gene is lethal to Helicobacter pylori and Mycobacterium smegmatis, indicating that DapE's are essential for cell growth and proliferation. Since there are no similar pathways in humans, inhibitors that target DapE may have selective toxicity against only bacteria. A major limitation in developing antimicrobial agents that target DapE has been the lack of structural information. Herein, we report the high-resolution X-ray crystal structures of the DapE from Haemophilus influenzae with one and two zinc ions bound in the active site, respectively. These two forms show different activity. Based on these newly determined structures, we propose a revised catalytic mechanism of peptide bond cleavage by DapE enzymes. These structures provide important insight into catalytic mechanism of DapE enzymes as well as a structural foundation that is critical for the rational design of DapE inhibitors.  相似文献   

Erythroascorbic acid (eAsA) is a five-carbon analog of ascorbic acid, and it is synthesized from D-arabinose by D-arabinose dehydrogenase (ARA) and D-arabinono-gamma-lactone oxidase. We found an NAD+-specific ARA activity which is operative under submillimolar level of d-arabinose in the extracts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The hypothetical protein encoded by YMR041c showed a significant homology to a l-galactose dehydrogenase which plays in plant ascorbic acid biosynthesis, and we named it as Ara2p. Recombinant Ara2p showed NAD+-specific ARA activity with Km=0.78 mM to d-arabinose, which is 200-fold lower than that for the conventional NADP+-specific ARA, Ara1p. Gene disruptant of ARA2 lost entire NAD+-specific ARA activity and the conspicuous increase in intracellular eAsA by exogenous d-arabinose feeding, while the double knockout mutant of ARA1 and ARA2 still retained measurable amount of eAsA. It demonstrates that Ara2p, not Ara1p, mainly contributes to the production of eAsA from d-arabinose in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

We have studied the regulatory function of Dictyostelium discoideum Ax2 phenylalanine hydroxylase (dicPAH) via characterization of domain structures. Including the full-length protein, partial proteins truncated in regulatory, tetramerization, or both, were prepared from Escherichia coli as his-tag proteins and examined for oligomeric status and catalytic parameters for phenylalanine. The proteins were also expressed extrachromosomally in the dicPAH knockout strain to examine their in vivo compatibility. The results suggest that phenylalanine activates dicPAH, which is functional in vivo as a tetramer, although cooperativity was not observed. In addition, the results of kinetic study suggest that the regulatory domain of dicPAH may play a role different from that of the domain in mammalian PAH.

Structured summary of protein interactions

dicPAH and dicPAHbind by molecular sieving (View Interaction: 1, 2, 3, 4)  相似文献   

l-ribose isomerase (L-RI) from Cellulomonas parahominis MB426 can convert l-psicose and d-tagatose to l-allose and d-talose, respectively. Partially purified recombinant L-RI from Escherichia coli JM109 was immobilized on DIAION HPA25L resin and then utilized to produce l-allose and d-talose. Conversion reaction was performed with the reaction mixture containing 10% l-psicose or d-tagatose and immobilized L-RI at 40 °C. At equilibrium state, the yield of l-allose and d-talose was 35.0% and 13.0%, respectively. Immobilized enzyme could convert l-psicose to l-allose without remarkable decrease in the enzyme activity over 7 times use and d-tagatose to d-talose over 37 times use. After separation and concentration, the mixture solution of l-allose and d-talose was concentrated up to 70% and crystallized by keeping at 4 °C. l-Allose and d-talose crystals were collected from the syrup by filtration. The final yield was 23.0% l-allose and 7.30% d-talose that were obtained from l-psicose and d-tagatose, respectively.  相似文献   

In order to ascertain whether and how mitochondria can produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a result of l-lactate addition, we monitored H2O2 generation in rat liver mitochondria and in submitochondrial fractions free of peroxisomal and cytosolic contamination. We found that H2O2 is produced independently on the respiratory chain with 1:1 stoichiometry with pyruvate, due to a putative flavine-dependent l-lactate oxidase restricted to the intermembrane space. The l-lactate oxidase reaction shows a hyperbolic dependence on l-lactate concentration and is inhibited by NAD+ in a competitive manner, being the enzyme different from the l-lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes as shown by their pH profiles.  相似文献   

The reaction of a racemic mixture of (2R,2'S)- and (2S,2'R)-N-(p-tolylsulfonyl)-2-pyrrolidinyl-2-propanol, prepared from (S)-proline, with 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-alpha-L-fucopyranosyl trichloroacetimidate led to both diastereoisomers of the title compound after O-deacetylation.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of combining 1 g of l-citrulline and 1 g of l-arginine as oral supplementation on plasma l-arginine levels in healthy males. Oral l-citrulline plus l-arginine supplementation more efficiently increased plasma l-arginine levels than 2 g of l-citrulline or l-arginine, suggesting that oral l-citrulline and l-arginine increase plasma l-arginine levels more effectively in humans when combined.  相似文献   

An efficient and practical route for the large-scale synthesis of 2-deoxy-L-erythro-pentose (2-deoxy-L-ribose) starting from L-arabinose was developed using Barton-type free-radical deoxygenation reaction as a key step. The radical precursor, a phenoxythiocarbonyl ester, was prepared in situ, and the most efficient deoxygenation was achieved by slow addition of tributyltin hydride to the reaction mixture.  相似文献   

l-Lactate oxidase (LOX) belongs to a family of flavin mononucleotide (FMN)-dependent α-hydroxy acid-oxidizing enzymes. Previously, the crystal structure of LOX (pH 8.0) from Aerococcus viridans was solved, revealing that the active site residues are located around the FMN. Here, we solved the crystal structures of the same enzyme at pH 4.5 and its complex with d-lactate at pH 4.5, in an attempt to analyze the intermediate steps. In the complex structure, the d-lactate resides in the substrate-binding site, but interestingly, an active site base, His265, flips far away from the d-lactate, as compared with its conformation in the unbound state at pH 8.0. This movement probably results from the protonation of His265 during the crystallization at pH 4.5, because the same flip is observed in the structure of the unbound state at pH 4.5. Thus, the present structure appears to mimic an intermediate after His265 abstracts a proton from the substrate. The flip of His265 triggers a large structural rearrangement, creating a new hydrogen bonding network between His265-Asp174-Lys221 and, furthermore, brings molecular oxygen in between d-lactate and His265. This mimic of the ternary complex intermediate enzyme-substrate-O2 could explain the reductive half-reaction mechanism to release pyruvate through hydride transfer. In the mechanism of the subsequent oxidative half-reaction, His265 flips back, pushing molecular oxygen into the substrate-binding site as the second substrate, and the reverse reaction takes place to produce hydrogen peroxide. During the reaction, the flip-flop action of His265 has a dual role as an active base/acid to define the major chemical steps. Our proposed reaction mechanism appears to be a common mechanistic strategy for this family of enzymes.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas cichoriiid-tagatose 3-epimerase (P. cichoriid-TE) can efficiently catalyze the epimerization of not only d-tagatose to d-sorbose, but also d-fructose to d-psicose, and is used for the production of d-psicose from d-fructose. The crystal structures of P. cichoriid-TE alone and in complexes with d-tagatose and d-fructose were determined at resolutions of 1.79, 2.28, and 2.06 Å, respectively. A subunit of P. cichoriid-TE adopts a (β/α)8 barrel structure, and a metal ion (Mn2+) found in the active site is coordinated by Glu152, Asp185, His211, and Glu246 at the end of the β-barrel. P. cichoriid-TE forms a stable dimer to give a favorable accessible surface for substrate binding on the front side of the dimer. The simulated omit map indicates that O2 and O3 of d-tagatose and/or d-fructose coordinate Mn2+, and that C3-O3 is located between carboxyl groups of Glu152 and Glu246, supporting the previously proposed mechanism of deprotonation/protonation at C3 by two Glu residues. Although the electron density is poor at the 4-, 5-, and 6-positions of the substrates, substrate-enzyme interactions can be deduced from the significant electron density at O6. The O6 possibly interacts with Cys66 via hydrogen bonding, whereas O4 and O5 in d-tagatose and O4 in d-fructose do not undergo hydrogen bonding to the enzyme and are in a hydrophobic environment created by Phe7, Trp15, Trp113, and Phe248. Due to the lack of specific interactions between the enzyme and its substrates at the 4- and 5-positions, P. cichoriid-TE loosely recognizes substrates in this region, allowing it to efficiently catalyze the epimerization of d-tagatose and d-fructose (C4 epimer of d-tagatose) as well. Furthermore, a C3-O3 proton-exchange mechanism for P. cichoriid-TE is suggested by X-ray structural analysis, providing a clear explanation for the regulation of the ionization state of Glu152 and Glu246.  相似文献   

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