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This study examined foliar nutrient dynamics and nutrient resorption (retranslocation) in three species of Chilean Nothofagus (Fagaceae) that differed in leaf lifespan and elevational distribution. In our central Chile study area the elevations at which these three species are most abundant increase from N. obliqua (deciduous) at low elevations to N. dombeyi at intermediate elevation and N. pumilio (deciduous) at higher elevations up to treeline. We sampled a single stand at 1680 m in which all three species co-occurred. Nothofagus dombeyi leaves were structurally heavier, with specific leaf mass approximately twice that of the two deciduous species. On a concentration basis, foliar N increased in the order N. dombeyi < N. pumilio < N. obliqua and foliar P increased in the order N. dombeyi < N. obliqua < N. pumilio. However, when the differences in specific leaf mass among species were taken into account by calculating N and P content on a leaf area basis, N. dombeyi had the greatest N and P content. N and P remained relatively constant throughout most of the 4-yr N. dombeyi leaf lifespan, then decreased prior to abscission. Nothofagus dombeyi resorbed significantly less N (44-50%) than did the two deciduous species (63-78%), both on proportional and absolute bases. In contrast, N. pumilio and N. dombeyi resorbed similar amounts of P prior to abscission (40-50%), whereas no significant resorption of P from leaves of N. obliqua was noted. We use these results to clarify the relative importance of environmental gradients associated with elevation vs. genetically fixed leaf lifespans in controlling the nutrient dynamics of these congeneric tree species.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers are being used widely for evaluating genetic relationships of crop germplasm. Differences in the properties of these two markers could result in different estimates of genetic relationships among some accessions. Nuclear RFLP markers detected by genomic DNA and cDNA clones and RAPD markers were compared for evaluating genetic relationships among 18 accessions from six cultivated Brassica species and one accession from Raphanus sativus. Based on comparisons of genetic-similarity matrices and cophenetic values, RAPD markers were very similar to RFLP markers for estimating intraspecific genetic relationships; however, the two marker types gave different results for interspecific genetic relationships. The presence of amplified mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA fragments in the RAPD data set did not appear to account for differences in RAPD- and RFLP-based dendrograms. However, hybridization tests of RAPD fragments with similar molecular weights demonstrated that some fragments, scored as identical, were not homologous. In all these cases, the differences occurred at the interspecific level. Our results suggest that RAPD data may be less reliable than RFLP data when estimating genetic relationships of accessions from more than one species.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and phylogenetic analyses of 24 species, representing nine sections of the genus Galium (Rubiaceae), have been made using the Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR), Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and combined ISSR and RAPD markers. Four ISSR primers and three RAPD primers generated 250 polymorphic amplified fragments. The results of this study showed that the level of genetic variation in Galium is relatively high. RAPD markers revealed a higher level of polymorphism (158 bands) than ISSR (92 bands). Clustering of genotypes within groups was not similar when RAPD and ISSR derived dendrograms were compared. Six clades can be recognized within Galium, which mostly corroborate, but also partly contradict, traditional groupings. UPGMA-based dendrogram showed a close relationship between members of section Leiogalium with G. verum and G. humifusum (sect. Galium), and G. angustifolium (sect. Lophogalium). Principal coordinated analysis, however, showed some minor differences with UPGMA-based dendrograms. The more apomorphic groups of Galium form the section Leiogalium clade including the perennial sections Galium, Lophogalium, Jubogalium, Hylaea and Leptogalium as well as the annual section Kolgyda. The remaining taxa of Galium are monophyletic.  相似文献   

 The potential of PCR-based markers for construction of a genetic linkage map in Einkorn wheat was investigated. From a comparison of polymorphisms between two Einkorn wheats, Triticum monococcum (Mn) and T. boeoticum (Bt), we obtained 49 polymorphic bands produced by 33 primers for inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and 36 polymorphic bands shown by 25 combinations of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers for mapping in 66 individuals in the F2 population. Although 44 ISSR fragments and 29 RAPD fragments statistically showed a 3 : 1 segregation ratio in the F2 population, only 9 markers each of the ISSR and RAPD bands were able to be mapped on the RFLP linkage map of Einkorn wheat. ISSR markers were distributed throughout the chromosomes. The mapped positions of the ISSR markers seemed to be similar to those obtained by the RFLP markers. On the other hand, 4 of the 9 RAPD markers could map the RFLP marker-poor region on the short arm of 3Am, suggesting a potential to map novel regions containing repetitive sequences. Comparisons of the genetic linkage map of Einkorn wheat to the linkage map and cytological map of common wheat revealed that the marker orders between the two maps of Einkorn wheat and common wheat coincided except for 4A, which harbors chromosome rearrangements specific for polyploid wheats, indicating a conservatism between the two genomes. Recombinations in Einkorn wheat chromosomes took place more frequently around the centromere and less at the distal part of chromosomes in comparison to those in common wheat. Nevertheless, recombinations even in Einkorn wheat chromosomes were strongly suppressed around the centromere. In fact, the markers located within 1 cM of the centromere were located almost in the central part of the chromosome arm. Received: 7 June 1997 / Accepted: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers were used to analyse the genetic diversity of Portuguese Prunus dulcis cultivars and their relationship to important foreign cultivars. Of the primers tested, 6 (out of 60) RAPD and 5 (out of 18) ISSR primers were selected for their reproducibility and high polymorphism. Out of 124 polymerase chain reaction fragments that were scored, 120 (96.8%) were polymorphic. All the plants could be discriminated and constitute a very heterogeneous group. Five unidentified almond plants found in the region of Foz Côa (north Portugal) and wild almond (P. webbii) from Italy and Spain were also included. Four main groups of plants could be distinguished: P. dulcis cultivars; one Foz Côa plant; P. webbii; and P. persica (outgroup). The segregating Foz Côa plant may represent a feral individual or a hybrid between P. dulcis and P. webbii.Abbreviations dNTP Deoxynucleotide triphosphate - CTAB Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide - ISSR Inter-simple sequence repeats - PCR Polymerase chain reaction - RAPD Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA - RASTM Regional Agricultural Services of Trás-os-Montes - TE Tris-EDTA buffer - UPGMA Unweighted pair group method with arithmetical averagesCommunicated by P. Puigdoménech  相似文献   

Various species of genus Saccharina are economically important brown macroalgae cultivated in China. The genetic background of the conserved Saccharina germplasm was not clear. In this report, DNA-based molecular markers such as inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) were used to assess the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships among 48 Saccharina germplasms. A total of 50 ISSR and 50 RAPD primers were tested, of which only 33 polymorphic primers (17 ISSR and 16 RAPD) had an amplified clear and reproducible profile, and could be used. Seventeen ISSR primers yielded a total of 262 bands, of which 256 were polymorphic, and 15.06 polymorphic bands per primer were amplified from 48 kelp gametophytes. Sixteen RAPD primers produced 355 bands, of which 352 were polymorphic, and 22 polymorphic bands per primer were observed across 48 individuals. The simple matching coefficient of ISSR, RAPD and pooled ISSR and RAPD dendrograms ranged from 0.568 to 0.885, 0.670 to 0.873, and 0.667 to 0.862, revealing high genetic diversity. Based on the unweighted pair group method with the arithmetic averaging algorithm (UPGMA) cluster analysis and the principal components analysis (PCA) of ISSR data, the 48 gametophytes were divided into three main groups. The Mantel test revealed a similar polymorphism distribution pattern between ISSR and RAPD markers, the correlation coefficient r was 0.62, and the results indicated that both ISSR and RAPD markers were effective to assess the selected gametophytes, while matrix correlation of the ISSR marker system (r = 0.78) was better than that of the RAPD marker system (r = 0.64). Genetic analysis data from this study were helpful in understanding the genetic relationships among the selected 17 kelp varieties (or lines) and provided guidance for molecular-assisted selection for parental gametophytes of hybrid kelp breeding.  相似文献   

Zeuxine gracilis, Zeuxine strateumatica, and Eulophia sinensis are wild orchids with different breeding systems and colonizing abilities. Zeuxine gracilis is an outcrosser with restricted distribution, whereas S. strateumatica is an apomictic colonizer found only in newly available open habitats. Eulophia sinensis is an outcrossing colonizer. This study investigates the levels of genetic variation and patterns of population structure in these wild orchids to provide genetic information for the development of suitable conservation strategies. Lack of allozyme variation was characteristic of all three species, especially in populations of the two colonizing orchids, Z. strateumatica and E. sinensis. More variable markers, randomly amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs), were further employed to characterize population structure of these species. Substantial genetic variation was found at the RAPD loci within populations of Z. gracilis (p = 21.65 ± 15.88%, A = 1.217 ± 0.159, and H = 0.076 ± 0.054) and E. sinensis (p = 17.82 ± 20.97%, A = 1.179 ± 0.209, and H = 0.070 ± 0.084), but little variation existed within populations of Z. strateumatica (p = 2.84 ± 2.58%, A = 1.029 ± 0.026, and H = 0.011 ± 0.011). Regardless of the breeding system, the total gene diversity at the species level was partitioned primarily between populations, as shown by high G(ST) values, in all three species. An extremely high level of population differentiation (G(ST) = 0.924) was found in the apomictic colonizer Z. strateumatica. The patterns of genetic variation in these wild orchids are apparently related to their differences in breeding system and colonizing ability. Different conservation strategies are needed for the long-term survival of these species.  相似文献   

Genetic linkage maps have been increasingly developed for a wide variety of plants, using segregating populations such as F2s or backcrosses between inbred lines. These pedigrees are rarely available in outbred species like forest trees which have long generation times. Thus genetic mapping studies have to use peculiar pedigrees and markers in appropriate configurations. We constructed single-tree genetic linkage maps of European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) and Japanese larch [Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carr.] using segregation data from 112 progeny individuals of an hybrid family. A total of 266 markers (114 AFLP, 149 RAPD and 3 ISSR loci) showing a testcross configuration, i.e.heterozygous in one parent and null in the other parent, were grouped at LOD 4.0, θ=0.3. The maternal parent map (L. decidua)consisted of 117 markers partitioned within 17 linkage groups (1152 cM) and the paternal parent map (L. kaempferi) had 125 markers assembled into 21 linkage groups (1206 cM). The map distance covered by markers was determined by adding a 34.7-cM independence distance at the end of each group and unlinked marker. It reached 2537 cM and 2997 cM respectively for European larch and Japanese larch, and represented respectively a 79.6% and 80.8% coverage of the overall genome. A few 3:1 segregating markers were used to identify homologous linkage groups between the European larch and the Japanese larch genetic maps. The PCR-based molecular markers allowed the construction of genetic maps, thus ensuring a good coverage of the larch genome for further QTL detection and mapping studies. Received: 15 March 1999 / Accepted: 29 March 1999  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of the genome was performed for 14 species of the genus Stachys. RAPD and ISSR analyses of the Stachys genome revealed 574 polymorphic fragments, including genus- and species-specific markers. Based on the patterns, UPGMA and the Jacquard coefficient were used to estimate the genetic distances between Stachys species and populations and to construct dendrograms reflecting the phylogenetic relationships among the Stachys species. Molecular analysis of the Stachys genome refined the phylogenetic positions of some species and revealed synonymous species.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of the genome was performed for 14 species of the genus Stachys. RAPD and ISSR analyses of the Stachys genome revealed 574 polymorphic fragments, including genus-and species-specific markers. Based on the patterns, UPGMA and the Jacquard coefficient were used to estimate the genetic distances between Stachys species and populations and to construct dendrograms reflecting the phylogenetic relationships among the Stachys species. Molecular analysis of the Stachys genome refined the phylogenetic positions of some species and revealed synonymous species.  相似文献   

Drimys winteri and Nothofagus dombeyi, two native Chilean wood species with high potential for pulp production, were biodegraded by Ganoderma australe. This fungus is known to provoke extensive and selective biodelignification of these wood species in the field. Under laboratory conditions, N. dombeyi underwent higher weight and component losses than D. winteri. In neither case was the lignin removal selective, because glucan loss was almost simultaneous with lignin degradation. The decayed wood chips became progressively discoloured throughout the biodegradation time. The brightness increase was only partly reversed in thermal reversion assays. Nothofagus dombey solubility in 1% NaOH increased by 13.7% after 9 weeks of biodegradation, while D. winteri solubility increased by 14.2% in a shorter period (6 weeks). In both cases, the solubility increase was proportional to the liquor absorbance increase at 272 nm, which indicates that the wood solubility in 1% NaOH was dependent of lignin solubilization.  相似文献   


Isoprenoid emissions have key roles in plant biology and plant interactions with the environment. Global emission inventories of isoprenoid emissions still lack information from a large number species, especially from South American vegetation other than the rainforest ecosystem. A study was conducted to identify the basal emission of isoprenoid under field conditions from three Nothofagus species. The three Nothofagus species were characterized as strong monoterpene emitters while the emission of isoprene was undetectable. The two deciduous species, N. pumilio and N. antarctica, had similar photosynthetic parameters, but monoterpene emission rate and, consequently, the fraction of photosynthetic carbon re-emitted in the atmosphere as monoterpenes, were more than three-fold higher in N. pumilio than in N. Antarctica. The evergreen species N. dombeyi showed intermediate values of both monoterpene emission rate and fraction of photosynthetic carbon re-emitted. The monoterpene emission spectrum was very similar among the three Nothofagus species screened, but clearly different from the spectrum reported in other monoterpene-emitting species of the Fagaceae family. The importance of these findings for atmospheric chemistry and phylogenic evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

Gogoi  Barbi  Wann  S. B.  Saikia  S. P. 《Molecular biology reports》2020,47(10):7365-7377
Molecular Biology Reports - Clerodendrum belonging to the family of Lamiaceae is used in indigenous systems of medicine to treat various life-threatening diseases. The genus has complex...  相似文献   

Matos M  Pinto-Carnide O  Benito C 《Hereditas》2001,134(3):229-236
The phylogenetic relationships of 10 rye landraces and cultivars from the north of Portugal and from Brazil were analysed using 20 isozyme loci, and a total of 511 PCR markers (342 ISSRs and 169 RAPDs). The isozymes were analysed in at least 100 plants of each population/cultivar and, therefore, we have data about intra and inter population/cultivar genetic variability. However, the analyses with ISSRs and RAPDs were obtained using a mix of 25 plants of each population. Therefore, each population/cultivar was reduced to one tube and we have no data about intra genetic variability. As expected in a cross pollinated crop we found genetic diversity and a larger variation within than among the populations using isozymes. Somewhat unexpectedly, however, we found that the breeding cultivars have the same level of heterozygosity as the landraces. The phylogenetic relationships obtained using isozymes among the landraces, synthetic cultivar and the cultivars from breeding programs do not reflect their origin. Moreover, the cultivar from Brazil is not separated from the remaining populations/cultivars studied. However, the data observed using RAPDs and ISSRs are in agreement with their known origin. The populations maintained by the farmers in the north of Portugal are grouped in a cluster in the phenogram and the C902591 (from Brazil), the Alv?o (synthetic variety) and Larouco (a hybrid between Montalegre and Brazil) are in a different cluster. The ISSRs and RAPDs provide a rapid method for the production of polymorphic markers, which appear to correspond to known pedigree information.  相似文献   

Rossi  I.  Bartolacci  B.  Potenza  L.  Bertini  L.  Barbieri  E.  Stocchi  V. 《Plant and Soil》2000,219(1-2):127-133
Morphologically very similar species of white truffle were analyzed by the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Species-specific RAPD fragments were selected and pairs of primers were designed on their sequences. Sequence-characterized amplified regions were developed and applied to identify these species throughout their entire life cycle: fruit body, mycelium, ectomycorrhiza. This procedure provides an unambiguous and rapid tool for typing species whose morphology is very similar.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers were used to study the DNA polymorphism in elite blackgram genotypes. A total of 25 random and 16 ISSR primers were used. Amplification of genomic DNA of the 18 genotypes, using RAPD analysis, yielded 104 fragments that could be scored, of which 44 were polymorphic, with an average of 1.8 polymorphic fragments per primer. Number of amplified fragments with random primers ranged from two (OPA-13) to nine (OPK-4) and varied in size from 200 bp to 2,500 bp. Percentage polymorphism ranged from 16.6% (OPK-7) to a maximum of 66.6% (OPE-5, OPH-2, and OPK-8), with an average of 42.7%. The 16 ISSR primers used in the study produced 101 bands across 18 genotypes, of which 55 were polymorphic. The number of amplified bands varied from two (ISSR 858) to ten (ISSR 810), with a size range of 200–2,200 bp. The average numbers of bands per primer and polymorphic bands per primer were 6.3 and 3.4, respectively. Percentage polymorphism ranged from 25% (ISSR 885) to 100% (ISSR 858), with an average percentage polymorphism of 57.5% across all the genotypes. The 3-anchored primers based on poly(GA) and poly(AG) motifs produced high average polymorphisms of 54.98% and 58.32%, respectively. ISSR markers were more efficient than the RAPD assay, as they detected 57.4% polymorphic DNA markers in Vigna mungo as compared to 42.7% for RAPD markers. The Mantel test between the two Jaccards similarity matrices gave r =0.32, showing low correlation between RAPD- and ISSR-based similarities. Clustering of genotypes within groups was not similar when RAPD and ISSR derived dendrogram were compared, whereas the pattern of clustering of the genotypes remained more or less the same in ISSR and combined data of RAPD and ISSR.  相似文献   

Seventy five accessions belonging to 14 species of the genus Cicer were analysed with PCR-based molecular markers to determine their phylogenetic relationships. Eight of the species were annuals and included the Section Monocicer which contains cultivated chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). The remaining six species were perennials (five from Section Polycicer and one from Section Acanthocicer). More than one accession per species was analysed in most of the wild species; within C. arietinum, 26 accessions including Kabuli and Desi types, were studied. RAPD analyses using 12 primers gave 234 polymorphic fragments. Variability within species was detected. A dendrogram based on the Jaccard similarity index showed that the distribution pattern of variability between species was related to both growth habit and geographical origin. An accession of Cicer reticulatum was closer to accessions of Cicer echinospermum than to the four remaining of C. reticulatum, suggesting the possibility of gene flow between species. Cluster analysis for cultivated chickpea differentiated Kabuli and Desi types but we did not detect a clear relationship between groups and the geographical origin of the accessions. Received: 5 April 2001 / Accepted: 13 July 2001  相似文献   

Almond shoots produced by axillary branching from clone VII derived from a seedling of cultivar Boa Casta were evaluated for somaclonal variation using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) analysis. To verify genetic stability we compared RAPD and ISSR patterns of plantlets obtained after 4 and 6 years of in vitro multiplication. A total of 64 RAPD and 10 ISSR primers gave 326 distinct and reproducible band classes, monomorphic across all 22 plantlets analysed. Thus, a total of 7,172 bands were generated, exhibiting homogeneous RAPD and ISSR patterns for the plantlets tested. These results suggest that the culture conditions used for axillary branching proliferation are appropriate for clonal propagation of almond clone VII, as they do not seem to interfere with the integrity of the regenerated plantlets. These results allowed us to establish the use of axillary branching plantlets (mother-plants) as internal controls for the analysis of somaclonal variation of shoots regenerated from other in vitro culture processes performed with clone VII (adventitious regeneration, regeneration from meristem culture, virus sanitation programs and genetic engineering).M. Martins and D. Sarmento contributed equally to this paper  相似文献   

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