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To gain additional information about the arrangement of intermediate filaments (IF) in normal smooth muscle, fresh avian gizzard was processed for immunoelectron microscopy. The protein A-gold immunocytochemical technique was applied for the localization of desmin antigenic sites. Desmin-containing IFs were located in an axial bundle that partially surrounds the nucleus and were associated with numerous mitochondria near the poles of the nucleus. The bundle probably extends the length of the cell. Antibody labeling also showed concentrations of IF around and between cytoplasmic dense bodies (CDB) and also between CDB and membrane-associated dense bodies (MADB). The relationship between the axial bundle and the nucleus and associated mitochondria suggests that the bundle may support and define the position of these organelles in the cell. A fraying or branching of the bundle may integrate the bundle into the remaining cytoskeletal network of the cell.  相似文献   

Desmin is a 50,000-mol wt protein that is enriched along with 100-A filaments in chicken gizzard that has been extracted with 1 M KI. Although 1 M KI removes most of the actin from gizzard, a small fraction of this protein remains persistently insoluble, along with desmin. The solubility properties of this actin are the same as for desmin: they are both insoluble in high salt concentrations, but are solubilized at low pH or by agents that dissociate hydrophobic bonds. Desmin may be purified by repeated cycles of solubilization by 1 M acetic acid and subsequent precipitation by neutralization to pH 4. During this process, a constant nonstoichiometric ratio of actin to desmin is attained. Gel filtration on Ultrogel AcA34 in the presence of 0.5% Sarkosyl NL-97 reveals nonmonomeric fractions of actin and desmin that comigrate through the column. Gel filtration on Bio-Gel P300 in the presence of 1 M acetic acid reveals that the majority of desmin is monomeric under these conditions. A small fraction of desmin and all of the actin elute with the excluded volume. When the acetic acid is removed from actin-desmin solutions by dialysis, a gel forms that is composed of filaments with diameters of 120-140 A. These filaments react uniformly with both anti-actin and anti-desmin antiserum. These results suggest that desmin is the major subunit of the muscle 100-A filaments and that it may form nonstoichiometric complexes with actin.  相似文献   

The distribution of filaments was studied in hypertrophied rabbit vascular smooth muscle. Hypertrophy was induced by partial ligation of the portal-anterior mesenteric vein. 14 d after ligation, there was an approximately threefold increase in the number of intermediate filaments per cross-sectional area, as compared to control values. The actin:intermediate:myosin filament ratio was 15:1.1:1 in control and 15:3.5:0.5 in hypertrophied portal-anterior mesentric vein vascular smooth muscle. Comparison of the filament ratios with the increase in volume density of the hypertrophied cells suggests that the number of myosin filaments per cell profile remained approximately the same as in controls, whereas the number of actin filaments increased in proportion to the increase in cell volume.  相似文献   

The presence of intermediate filament proteins in vascular tissue cells has been examined by immunofluorescence microscopy on frozen sections of the aortic wall of diverse vertebrates (rat, cow, human and chicken) and by gel electrophoresis of cytoskeletal proteins from whole aortic tissue or from stripped tunica media of cow and man. Most cells of the aortic wall in these species contain vimentin filaments, including smoooth muscle cells of the tunica media. In addition, we have observed aortic cells that are positively stained by antibodies to desmin. The presence of desmin in aortic tissue has also been demonstrated by gel electrophoresis for rat, cow and chicken. In aortic tissue some smooth muscle cells contain both types of intermediate filament proteins, vimentin and desmin. Bovine aorta contains, besides cells in which vimentin and desmin seem to co-exist, distinct bundles of smooth muscle cells, located in outer regions of the tunica media, which contain only desmin. The results suggest that (i) intermediate-sized filaments of both kinds, desmin and vimentin, can occur in vascular smooth muscle in situ and (ii) smooth muscle cells of the vascular system are heterogeneous and can be distinguished by their intermediate filament proteins. The finding of different vascular smooth muscle cells is discussed in relation to development and differentiation of the vascular system.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein A (SP-A), a member of the collectin family that modulates innate immunity, has recently been involved in the physiology of reproduction. Consistent with the activation of ERK-1/2 and COX-2 induced by SP-A in myometrial cells, we reported previously the presence of two major proteins recognized by SP-A in these cells. Here we identify by mass spectrometry one of these SP-A targets as the intermediate filament (IF) desmin. In myometrial preparations derived from desmin-deficient mice, the absence of binding of SP-A to any 50 kDa protein confirmed the identity of this SP-A-binding site as desmin. Our data based on partial chymotrypsin digestion of pure desmin suggested that SP-A recognizes especially its rod domain, which is known to play an important role during the assembly of desmin into filaments. In line with that, electron microscopy experiments showed that SP-A inhibits in vitro the polymerization of desmin filaments. SP-A also recognized in vitro polymerized filaments in a calcium-dependent manner at a physiological ionic strength but not the C1q receptor gC1qR. Furthermore, Texas Red-labeled SP-A colocalized with desmin filaments in myometrial cells. Interestingly, vimentin, the IF characteristic of leukocytes, is one of the major proteins recognized by SP-A in protein extracts of U937 cells after PMA-induced differentiation of this monocytic cell line. Interaction of SP-A with vimentin was further confirmed using recombinant vimentin in solid-phase binding assays. The ability of SP-A to interact with desmin and vimentin, and to prevent polymerization of desmin monomers, shed light on unexpected and wider biological roles of this collectin.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle myosin copurifies with myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) and calmodulin (CaM) as well as with variable amounts of myosin phosphatase. Therefore, myosin filaments formed in vitro also contain relatively high levels of these enzymes. Thus these filaments may be considered to be native-like because they are similar to those expected to exist in vivo. These endogenous enzymes are present at high concentrations relative to myosin, sufficient for rapid phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of the filaments at rates comparable to those observed for contraction and relaxation in intact muscle strips. The phosphorylation by MLCK/CaM complex appears to exhibit some directionality and is not governed by a random diffusional process. For the mixtures of myosin filaments with and without the endogenous MLCK/CaM complex, the complex preferentially phosphorylates its own parent filament at a higher rate than the neighboring filaments. This selective or vectorial-like activation is lost or absent when myosin filaments are dissolved at high ionic strength. Similar vectorial-like activation is exhibited by the reconstituted filament suspensions, but the soluble systems composed of isolated regulatory light chain or soluble myosin head subfragments exhibit normal diffusional kinetic behavior. At physiological concentrations, kinase related protein (telokin) effectively modulates the activation process by reducing the phosphorylation rate of the filaments without affecting the overall phosphorylation level. This results from telokin-induced liberation of the active MLCK/CaM complex from the filaments, so that the latter can also activate the neighboring filaments via a slower diffusional process. When this complex is bound at insufficient levels, this actually results in acceleration of the initial phosphorylation rates. In short, I suggest that in smooth muscle, telokin plays a chaperone role for myosin and its filaments.  相似文献   

Modulation of smooth muscle calponin by protein kinase C and calmodulin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When smooth muscle calponin was incubated with protein kinase C, 1 mole of phosphate was incorporated per mole of calponin. The apparent Km value for calponin of the protein kinase was about 0.4 microM. The phosphorylation of calponin by protein kinase C was inhibited markedly by calmodulin in a calcium-dependent manner. Kinetic analysis of calmodulin-induced inhibition of calponin phosphorylation by protein kinase C revealed that calmodulin inhibited the phosphorylation in a noncompetitive fashion with calponin and the determined Ki value was 0.4 microM. These results suggest that interaction of calmodulin with calponin may play a regulatory role in the phosphorylation by protein kinase C and smooth muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Four embryonal rhabdomyosarcomas, one tumor diagnosed as an undifferentiated sarcoma, probably a rhabdomyosarcoma, and six different non-muscular sarcomas were investigated with antibodies specific for different intermediate filament types. The tumor cells in the rhabdomyosarcomas and the undifferentiated tumor were stained clearly by antibodies to desmin, the intermediate filament type characteristic of muscle. The staining of tumor cell by antibodies to vimentin, the intermediate filament type characteristic of certain cell types of mesenchymal origin including myoblasts, was different in these 5 cases. In one case of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma nearly all tumor cells were stained, but in the remaining cases few or no tumor cells were positive with the vimentin antibody. In these rhabdomyosarcomas not only the large rhabdomyoblasts, but also the small undifferentiated cells were labeled by antibodies to desmin. In the latter cell type the desmin filaments were arranged typically in coils. In contrast, tumor cells in the non-muscular mesenchymal sarcomas were stained only by antibodies to vimentin but not by antibodies to desmin or prekeratin. The retention of the desmin marker characteristic of normal muscle in cases of rhabdomyosarcoma not only allowed the undifferentiated desmin-positive sarcoma to be classified as rhabdomyosarcoma but also suggests that the use of antibodies to desmin could be very helpful in the future for the diagnosis of undifferentiated rhabdomyosarcomas.  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal intermediate filaments were studied in muscular dysgenesis (mdg) and tetrodotoxin-treated inactive mouse embryo muscle cultures during myofibrillogenesis. Both muscular dysgenesis and tetrodotoxin-treated muscles are characterized in vitro by a total lack of contractile activity and an abnormal development of myofibrils. We studied the organization of the microtubule and intermediate filament networks with immunofluorescence, using anti-tubulin, anti-vimentin, and anti-desmin antibodies during normal and mdg/mdg myogenesis in vitro. Mdg/mdg myotubes present a heterogeneous microtubule network with scattered areas of decreased microtubule density. At the myoblast stage, cells expressed both vimentin and desmin. After fusion only desmin expression is revealed. In mutant myotubes the desmin network remains in a diffuse position and does not reorganize itself transversely, as it does during normal myogenesis. The absence of a mature organization of the desmin network in mdg/mdg myotubes is accompanied by a lack of organization of myofibrils. The role of muscle activity in the organization of myofibrils and desmin filaments was tested in two ways: (i) mdg/mdg myotubes were rendered active by coculturing with normal spinal cord cells, and (ii) normal myotubes were treated with tetrodotoxin (TTX) to suppress contractions. Mdg/mdg innervated myotubes showed cross-striated myofibrils, whereas desmin filaments remained diffuse. TTX-treated myotubes possessed disorganized myofibrils and a very unusual pattern of distribution of desmin: intensively stained desmin aggregates were superimposed upon the diffuse network. We conclude, on the basis of these results, that myofibrillar organization does not directly involve intermediate filaments but does need contractile activity.  相似文献   

We have used three different monoclonal antibodies (LCK16, JLH2 and JLF15) to tropomyosin for the localization of tropomyosin molecules within smooth muscle thin filaments. Thin filaments were incubated with monoclonal antibodies and visualized by negative staining electron microscopy. All three monoclonal antibodies caused the aggregation of thin filaments into ordered bundles, which displayed cross-striations with a periodicity of 37 ± 1 nm. In contrast, conventional rabbit antiserum to tropomyosin distorted and aggregated the thin filaments without generating cross-striations. Therefore, monoclonal antibodies to tropomyosin allow us, for the first time, to observe directly the distribution of tropomyosin molecules along the thin filaments of smooth muscle cells. The binding sites of the antibodies to skeletal muscle tropomyosin were examined by decorating tropomyosin paracrystals with monoclonal antibodies. The LCK16 monoclonal antibody binds the narrow band of tropomyosin paracrystals, whereas the JLF15 antibody binds the wide band of tropomyosin paracrystals.  相似文献   

The calponin homology-associated smooth muscle (CHASM) protein plays an important adaptive role in smooth and skeletal muscle contraction. CHASM is associated with increased muscle contractility and can be localized to the contractile thin filament via its binding interaction with tropomyosin. We sought to define the structural basis for the interaction of CHASM with smooth muscle tropomyosin as a first step to understanding the contribution of CHASM to the contractile capacity of smooth muscle. Herein, we provide a structure-based model for the tropomyosin-binding domain of CHASM using a combination of hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) and NMR analyses. Our studies provide evidence that a portion of the N-terminal intrinsically disordered region forms intramolecular contacts with the globular C-terminal calponin homology (CH) domain. Ultimately, cooperativeness between these structurally dissimilar regions is required for CHASM binding to smooth muscle tropomyosin. Furthermore, it appears that the type-2 CH domain of CHASM is required for tropomyosin binding and presents a novel function for this protein domain.  相似文献   

Muscle atrophy is an inevitable sequel of fasting, denervation, aging, exposure to microgravity, and many human diseases including, cancer, type-2 diabetes, and renal failure. During atrophy the destruction of the muscle's fundamental contractile machinery, the myofibrils, is accelerated leading to a reduction in muscle mass, weakness, frailty, and physical disability. Recent findings indicate that atrophy can be a major cause of death in affected individuals, and inhibition of muscle wasting is likely to prolong survival. Major advances in our understanding of the mechanisms for myofibril breakdown in atrophy include the discovery of biological pathways and key components that play prominent roles. On fasting or denervation, degradation of myofibrillar proteins requires an initial dissociation of the desmin cytoskeleton, whose integrity is critical for myofibril stability. This loss of desmin filaments involves phosphorylation, ubiquitination, and subsequent depolymerization by calpain-1, and appears to reduce myofibrils integrity and facilitate their destruction. Consequently, depolymerization of desmin filament in atrophy seems to be an early key event for overall proteolysis. A focus of this review is to discuss these new insights and the specific role of calpain-1 in promoting desmin filaments loss, and to highlight important key questions that merit further study.  相似文献   

Caldesmon (CaD), a component of microfilaments in all cells and thin filaments in smooth muscle cells, is known to bind to actin, tropomyosin, calmodulin, and myosin and to inhibit actin-activated ATP hydrolysis by smooth muscle myosin. Thus, it is believed to regulate smooth muscle contraction, cell motility and the cytoskeletal structure. Using bladder smooth muscle cell cultures and RNA interference (RNAi) technique, we show that the organization of actin into microfilaments in the cytoskeleton is diminished by siRNA-mediated CaD silencing. CaD silencing significantly decreased the amount of polymerized actin (F-actin), but the expression of actin was not altered. Additionally, we find that CaD is associated with 10 nm intermediate-sized filaments (IF) and in vitro binding assay reveals that it binds to vimentin and desmin proteins. Assembly of vimentin and desmin into IF is also affected by CaD silencing, although their expression is not significantly altered when CaD is silenced. Electronmicroscopic analyses of the siRNA-treated cells showed the presence of myosin filaments and a few surrounding actin filaments, but the distribution of microfilament bundles was sparse. Interestingly, the decrease in CaD expression had no effect on tubulin expression and distribution of microtubules in these cells. These results demonstrate that CaD is necessary for the maintenance of actin microfilaments and intermediate-sized filaments in the cytoskeletal structure. This finding raises the possibility that the cytoskeletal structure in smooth muscle is affected when CaD expression is altered, as in smooth muscle de-differentiation and hypertrophy seen in certain pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Caspase cleavage of key cytoskeletal proteins, including several intermediate filament proteins, triggers the dramatic disassembly of the cytoskeleton that characterizes apoptosis. Here we describe the muscle-specific intermediate filament protein desmin as a novel caspase substrate. Desmin is cleaved selectively at a conserved Asp residue in its L1-L2 linker domain (VEMD downward arrow M(264)) by caspase-6 in vitro and in myogenic cells undergoing apoptosis. We demonstrate that caspase cleavage of desmin at Asp(263) has important functional consequences, including the production of an amino-terminal cleavage product, N-desmin, which is unable to assemble into intermediate filaments, instead forming large intracellular aggregates. Moreover, N-desmin functions as a dominant-negative inhibitor of filament assembly, both for desmin and the structurally related intermediate filament protein vimentin. We also show that stable expression of a caspase cleavage-resistant desmin D263E mutant partially protects cells from tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced apoptosis. Taken together, these results indicate that caspase proteolysis of desmin at Asp(263) produces a dominant-negative inhibitor of intermediate filaments and actively participates in the execution of apoptosis. In addition, these findings provide further evidence that the intermediate filament cytoskeleton has been targeted systematically for degradation during apoptosis.  相似文献   

Summary Polyclonal antibodies to chicken gizzard calponin were used to localize calponin and determine calponin expression in rabbit and human aortic smooth muscle cells in culture. Calponin was localized on the microfilament bundles of cultured smooth muscle cells. Early in primary culture,ccalponin staining was accumulated preferentially in the central part of the cell body. With time in culture, the number of calponin-negative smooth muscle cells increased while the distribution of calponin in calponin-positive cells became more even along the stress fibers. Calponin content and the calponin/actin ratio decreased about 5-fold in rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells during the first week in primary culture and remained low in proliferating cells. The same tendency in calponin expression was observed when human vascular smooth muscle was studied. On cryostat sections of human umbilical cord, calponin antibodies mainly stained vessel walls of both the arteries and veins, although less intensive labelling was also observed in non-vascular tissue. When primary isolates of human aortic intimal and medial smooth muscle cells were compared with corresponding passaged cultures, it was found that calponin content was reduced about 9-fold in these cells in culture and was similar to the amount of calponin in endothelial cells and fibroblasts. Thus, high calponin expression may be used as an additional marker of vascular smooth muscle cell contractile phenotype.  相似文献   

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