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Flagellar motility is generated by the activity of multiple dynein motors, but the specific role of each dynein heavy chain (Dhc) is largely unknown, and the mechanism by which the different Dhcs are targeted to their unique locations is also poorly understood. We report here the complete nucleotide sequence of the Chlamydomonas Dhc1 gene and the corresponding deduced amino acid sequence of the 1alpha Dhc of the I1 inner dynein arm. The 1alpha Dhc is similar to other axonemal Dhcs, but two additional phosphate binding motifs (P-loops) have been identified in the NH(2)- and COOH-terminal regions. Because mutations in Dhc1 result in motility defects and loss of the I1 inner arm, a series of Dhc1 transgenes were used to rescue the mutant phenotypes. Motile cotransformants that express either full-length or truncated 1alpha Dhcs were recovered. The truncated 1alpha Dhc fragments lacked the dynein motor domain, but still assembled with the 1beta Dhc and other I1 subunits into partially functional complexes at the correct axoneme location. Analysis of the transformants has identified the site of the 1alpha motor domain in the I1 structure and further revealed the role of the 1alpha Dhc in flagellar motility and phototactic behavior.  相似文献   

Increased phosphorylation of dynein IC IC138 correlates with decreases in flagellar microtubule sliding and phototaxis defects. To test the hypothesis that regulation of IC138 phosphorylation controls flagellar bending, we cloned the IC138 gene. IC138 encodes a novel protein with a calculated mass of 111 kDa and is predicted to form seven WD-repeats at the C terminus. IC138 maps near the BOP5 locus, and bop5-1 contains a point mutation resulting in a truncated IC138 lacking the C terminus, including the seventh WD-repeat. bop5-1 cells display wild-type flagellar beat frequency but swim slower than wild-type cells, suggesting that bop5-1 is altered in its ability to control flagellar waveform. Swimming speed is rescued in bop5-1 transformants containing the wild-type IC138, confirming that BOP5 encodes IC138. With the exception of the roadblock-related light chain, LC7b, all the other known components of the I1 complex, including the truncated IC138, are assembled in bop5-1 axonemes. Thus, the bop5-1 motility phenotype reveals a role for IC138 and LC7b in the control of flagellar bending. IC138 is hyperphosphorylated in paralyzed flagellar mutants lacking radial spoke and central pair components, further indicating a role for the radial spokes and central pair apparatus in control of IC138 phosphorylation and regulation of flagellar waveform.  相似文献   

Dynein motors of cilia and flagella function in the context of the axoneme, a very large network of microtubules and associated proteins. To understand how dyneins assemble and attach to this network, we characterized two Chlamydomonas outer arm dynein assembly (oda) mutants at a new locus, ODA16. Both oda16 mutants display a reduced beat frequency and altered swimming behavior, similar to previously characterized oda mutants, but only a partial loss of axonemal dyneins as shown by both electron microscopy and immunoblots. Motility studies suggest that the remaining outer arm dyneins on oda16 axonemes are functional. The ODA16 locus encodes a 49-kDa WD-repeat domain protein. Homologues were found in mammalian and fly databases, but not in yeast or nematode databases, implying that this protein is only needed in organisms with motile cilia or flagella. The Chlamydomonas ODA16 protein shares 62% identity with its human homologue. Western blot analysis localizes more than 90% of ODA16p to the flagellar matrix. Because wild-type axonemes retain little ODA16p but can be reactivated to a normal beat in vitro, we hypothesize that ODA16p is not an essential dynein subunit, but a protein necessary for dynein transport into the flagellar compartment or assembly onto the axoneme.  相似文献   

We describe phenotypic characterization of dli-1, the Caenorhabditis elegans homolog of cytoplasmic dynein light intermediate chain (LIC), a subunit of the cytoplasmic dynein motor complex. Animals homozygous for loss-of-function mutations in dli-1 exhibit stochastic failed divisions in late larval cell lineages, resulting in zygotic sterility. dli-1 is required for dynein function during mitosis. Depletion of the dli-1 gene product through RNA-mediated gene interference (RNAi) reveals an early embryonic requirement. One-cell dli-1(RNAi) embryos exhibit failed cell division attempts, resulting from a variety of mitotic defects. Specifically, pronuclear migration, centrosome separation, and centrosome association with the male pronuclear envelope are defective in dli-1(RNAi) embryos. Meiotic spindle formation, however, is not affected in these embryos. DLI-1, like its vertebrate homologs, contains a putative nucleotide-binding domain similar to those found in the ATP-binding cassette transporter family of ATPases as well as other nucleotide-binding and -hydrolyzing proteins. Amino acid substitutions in a conserved lysine residue, known to be required for nucleotide binding, confers complete rescue in a dli-1 mutant background, indicating this is not an essential domain for DLI-1 function.  相似文献   

The assembly and maintenance of eucaryotic flagella and cilia depend on the microtubule motor, kinesin-II. This plus end-directed motor carries intraflagellar transport particles from the base to the tip of the organelle, where structural components of the axoneme are assembled. Here we test the idea that kinesin-II also is essential for signal transduction. When mating-type plus (mt+) and mating-type minus (mt-) gametes of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas are mixed together, binding interactions between mt+ and mt- flagellar adhesion molecules, the agglutinins, initiate a signaling pathway that leads to increases in intracellular cAMP, gamete activation, and zygote formation. A critical question in Chlamydomonas fertilization has been how agglutinin interactions are coupled to increases in intracellular cAMP. Recently, fla10 gametes with a temperature-sensitive defect in FLA10 kinesin-II were found to not form zygotes at the restrictive temperature (32 degrees C). We found that, although the rates and extents of flagellar adhesion in fla10 gametes at 32 degrees C are indistinguishable from wild-type gametes, the cells do not undergo gamete activation. On the other hand, fla10 gametes at 32 degrees C regulated agglutinin location and underwent gamete fusion when the cells were incubated in dibutyryl cAMP, indicating that their capacity to respond to the cAMP signal was intact. We show that the cellular defect in the fla10 gametes at 32 degrees C is a failure to undergo increases in cAMP during flagella adhesion. Thus, in addition to being essential for assembly and maintenance of the structural components of flagella, kinesin-II/intraflagellar transport plays a role in sensory transduction in these organelles.  相似文献   

Ciliary and flagellar axonemes contain multiple inner arm dyneins of which the functional difference is largely unknown. In this study, a Chlamydomonas mutant, ida9, lacking inner arm dynein c was isolated and shown to carry a mutation in the DHC9 dynein heavy chain gene. The cDNA sequence of DHC9 was determined, and its information was used to show that >80% of it is lost in the mutant. Electron microscopy and image analysis showed that the ida9 axoneme lacked electron density near the base of the S2 radial spoke, indicating that dynein c localizes to this site. The mutant ida9 swam only slightly slower than the wild type in normal media. However, swimming velocity was greatly reduced when medium viscosity was modestly increased. Thus, dynein c in wild type axonemes must produce a significant force when flagella are beating in viscous media. Because motility analyses in vitro have shown that dynein c is the fastest among all the inner arm dyneins, we can regard this dynein as a fast yet powerful motor.  相似文献   

A novel Chlamydomonas flagellar mutant (oda-11) missing the alpha heavy chain of outer arm dynein but retaining the beta and gamma heavy chains was isolated. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis with an alpha heavy chain locus genomic probe indicated that the oda-11 mutation was genetically linked with the structural gene of the alpha heavy chain. In cross-section electron micrographs, the oda-11 axoneme lacked the outermost appendage of the outer arm, indicating that the alpha heavy chain should be located in this region in the wild-type outer arm. This mutant swam at 119 microns/s at 25 degrees C, i.e., at an intermediate speed between those of wild type (194 microns/s) and of oda-1 (62 microns/s), a mutant missing the entire outer dynein arm. The flagellar beat frequency (approximately 50 Hz) was also between those of wild type (approximately 60 Hz) and oda-1 (approximately 26 Hz). These results indicate that the outer dynein arm of Chlamydomonas can be assembled without the alpha heavy chain, and that the outer arm missing the alpha heavy chain retains partial function.  相似文献   

We have isolated and sequenced a full-length cDNA clone encoding the 78,000 Mr intermediate chain (IC78) of the Chlamydomonas outer arm dynein. This protein previously was shown to be located at the base of the solubilized dynein particle and to interact with alpha tubulin in situ, suggesting that it may be involved in binding the outer arm to the doublet microtubule. The sequence predicts a polypeptide of 683 amino acids having a mass of 76.5 kD. Sequence comparison indicates that IC78 is homologous to the 69,000 M(r) intermediate chain (IC69) of Chlamydomonas outer arm dynein and to the 74,000 M(r) intermediate chain (IC74) of cytoplasmic dynein. The similarity between the chains is greatest in their COOH-terminal halves; the NH(2)-terminal halves are highly divergent. The COOH-terminal half of IC78 contains six short imperfect repeats, termed WD repeats, that are thought to be involved in protein-protein interactions. Although not previously reported, these repeated elements also are present in IC69 and IC74. Using the IC78 cDNA as a probe, we screened a group of slow-swimming insertional mutants and identified one which has a large insertion in the IC78 gene and seven in which the IC78 gene is completely deleted. Electron microscopy of three of these IC78 mutants revealed that each is missing the outer arm, indicating that IC78 is essential for arm assembly or attachment to the outer doublet. Restriction fragment length polymorphism mapping places the IC78 gene on the left arm of chromosome XII/XIII, at or near the mutation oda9, which also causes loss of the outer arm. Mutants with defects in the IC78 gene do not complement the oda9 mutation in stable diploids, strongly suggesting that ODA9 is the structural gene for IC78.  相似文献   

The movement of chromosomes during mitosis occurs on a bipolar, microtubule-based protein machine, the mitotic spindle. It has long been proposed that poleward chromosome movements that occur during prometaphase and anaphase A are driven by the microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein, which binds to kinetochores and transports them toward the minus ends of spindle microtubules. Here we evaluate this hypothesis using time-lapse confocal microscopy to visualize, in real time, kinetochore and chromatid movements in living Drosophila embryos in the presence and absence of specific inhibitors of cytoplasmic dynein. Our results show that dynein inhibitors disrupt the alignment of kinetochores on the metaphase spindle equator and also interfere with kinetochore- and chromatid-to-pole movements during anaphase A. Thus, dynein is essential for poleward chromosome motility throughout mitosis in Drosophila embryos.  相似文献   

The principal alpha-tubulin within Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagellar axonemes differs from the major alpha-tubulin in the cell body. We show that these two isoelectric variants of alpha-tubulin are related to one another since posttranslational modification of the cell body precursor form converts it to the axonemal form. During flagellar assembly, precursor alpha-tubulin enters the flagella and is posttranslationally modified within the flagellar matrix fraction prior to or at the time of its addition to the growing axonemal microtubules. Experiments designed to identify the nature of this posttranslational modification have also been conducted. When flagella are induced to assemble in the absence of de novo protein synthesis, tritiated acetate can be used to posttranslationally label alpha-tubulin in vivo and, under these conditions, no other flagellar polypeptides exhibit detectable labeling.  相似文献   

The assembly of cilia and flagella depends on the activity of two microtubule motor complexes, kinesin-2 and dynein-2/1b, but the specific functions of the different subunits are poorly defined. Here we analyze Chlamydomonas strains expressing different amounts of the dynein 1b light intermediate chain (D1bLIC). Disruption of D1bLIC alters the stability of the dynein 1b complex and reduces both the frequency and velocity of retrograde intraflagellar transport (IFT), but it does not eliminate retrograde IFT. Flagellar assembly, motility, gliding, and mating are altered in a dose-dependent manner. iTRAQ-based proteomics identifies a small subset of proteins that are significantly reduced or elevated in d1blic flagella. Transformation with D1bLIC-GFP rescues the mutant phenotypes, and D1bLIC-GFP assembles into the dynein 1b complex at wild-type levels. D1bLIC-GFP is transported with anterograde IFT particles to the flagellar tip, dissociates into smaller particles, and begins processive retrograde IFT in <2 s. These studies demonstrate the role of D1bLIC in facilitating the recycling of IFT subunits and other proteins, identify new components potentially involved in the regulation of IFT, flagellar assembly, and flagellar signaling, and provide insight into the role of D1bLIC and retrograde IFT in other organisms.  相似文献   

Mutations in Hydin cause hydrocephalus in mice, and HYDIN is a strong candidate for causing hydrocephalus in humans. The gene is conserved in ciliated species, including Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. An antibody raised against C. reinhardtii hydin was specific for an approximately 540-kD flagellar protein that is missing from axonemes of strains that lack the central pair (CP). The antibody specifically decorated the C2 microtubule of the CP apparatus. An 80% knock down of hydin resulted in short flagella lacking the C2b projection of the C2 microtubule; the flagella were arrested at the switch points between the effective and recovery strokes. Biochemical analyses revealed that hydin interacts with the CP proteins CPC1 and kinesin-like protein 1 (KLP1). In conclusion, C. reinhardtii hydin is a CP protein required for flagellar motility and probably involved in the CP-radial spoke control pathway that regulates dynein arm activity. Hydrocephalus caused by mutations in hydin likely involves the malfunctioning of cilia because of a defect in the CP.  相似文献   

A new allele of the Chlamydomonas oda4 flagellar mutant (oda4-s7) possessing abnormal outer dynein arms was isolated. Unlike the previously described oda4 axoneme lacking all three (alpha, beta, and gamma) outer-arm dynein heavy chains, the oda4-s7 axoneme contains the alpha and gamma heavy chains and a novel peptide with a molecular mass of approximately 160 kD. The peptide reacts with a mAb (18 beta B) that recognizes an epitope on the NH2-terminal part of the beta heavy chain. These observations indicate that this mutant has a truncated beta heavy chain, and that the NH2-terminal part of the beta heavy chain is important for the stable assembly of the outer arms. In averaged electron microscopic images of outer arms from cross sections of axonemes, the mutant outer arm lacks its mid-portion, producing a forked appearance. Together with our previous finding that the mutant oda11 lacks the alpha heavy chain and the outermost portion of the arm (Sakakibara, H., D. R. Mitchell, and R. Kamiya. 1991. J. Cell Biol. 113:615-622), this result defines the approximate locations of the three outer arm heavy chains in the axonemal cross section. The swimming velocity of oda4-s7 is 65 +/- 8 microns/s, close to that of oda4 which lacks the entire outer arm (62 +/- 8 microns/s) but significantly lower than the velocities of wild type (194 +/- 23 microns/s) and oda11 (119 +/- 17 microns/s). Thus, the lack of the beta heavy chain impairs outer-arm function more seriously than does the lack of the alpha heavy chain, suggesting that the alpha and beta chains play different roles in outer arm function.  相似文献   

Polarity of flagellar assembly in Chlamydomonas.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
During mating of the alga Chlamydomonas, two biflagellate cells fuse to form a single quadriflagellate cell that contains two nuclei and a common cytoplasm. We have used this cell fusion during mating to transfer unassembled flagellar components from the cytoplasm of one Chlamydomonas cell into that of another in order to study in vivo the polarity of flagellar assembly. In the first series of experiments, sites of tubulin addition onto elongating flagellar axonemes were determined. Donor cells that had two full-length flagella and were expressing an epitope-tagged alpha-tubulin construct were mated (fused) with recipient cells that had two half-length flagella. Outgrowth of the shorter pair of flagella followed, using a common pool of precursors that now included epitope-tagged tubulin, resulting in quadriflagellates with four full-length flagella. Immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy using an antiepitope antibody showed that both the outer doublet and central pair microtubules of the recipient cells' flagellar axonemes elongate solely by addition of new subunits at their distal ends. In a separate series of experiments, the polarity of assembly of a class of axonemal microtubule-associated structures, the radial spokes, was determined. Wild-type donor cells that had two full-length, motile flagella were mated with paralyzed recipient cells that had two full-length, radial spokeless flagella. Within 90 min after cell fusion, the previously paralyzed flagella became motile. Immunofluorescence microscopy using specific antiradial spoke protein antisera showed that radial spoke proteins appeared first at the tips of spokeless axonemes and gradually assembled toward the bases. Together, these results suggest that both tubulin and radial spoke proteins are transported to the tip of the flagellum before their assembly into flagellar structure.  相似文献   

Among the major challenges in understanding ciliary and flagellar motility is to determine how the dynein motors are assembled and localized and how dynein-driven outer doublet microtubule sliding is controlled. Diverse studies, particularly in Chlamydomonas, have determined that the inner arm dynein I1 is targeted to a unique structural position and is critical for regulating the microtubule sliding required for normal ciliary/flagellar bending. As described in this review, I1 dynein offers additional opportunities to determine the principles of assembly and targeting of dyneins to cellular locations and for studying the mechanisms that regulate dynein activity and control of motility by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Tctex1 and Tctex2 were originally described in mice as putative distorters/sterility factors involved in the non-Mendelian transmission of t haplotypes. Subsequently, these proteins were found to be light chains of both cytoplasmic and axonemal dyneins. We have now identified a novel Tctex2-related protein (Tctex2b) within the Chlamydomonas flagellum. Tctex2b copurifies with inner arm I1 after both sucrose gradient centrifugation and anion exchange chromatography. Unlike the Tctex2 homologue within the outer dynein arm, analysis of a Tctex2b-null strain indicates that this protein is not essential for assembly of inner arm I1. However, a lack of Tctex2b results in an unstable dynein particle that disassembles after high salt extraction from the axoneme. Cells lacking Tctex2b swim more slowly than wild type and exhibit a reduced flagellar beat frequency. Furthermore, using a microtubule sliding assay we observed that dynein motor function is reduced in vitro. These data indicate that Tctex2b is required for the stability of inner dynein arm I1 and wild-type axonemal dynein function.  相似文献   

We previously found that a mutation at the ODA7 locus in Chlamydomonas prevents axonemal outer row dynein assembly by blocking association of heavy chains and intermediate chains in the cytoplasm. We have now cloned the ODA7 locus by walking in the Chlamydomonas genome from nearby molecular markers, confirmed the identity of the gene by rescuing the mutant phenotype with genomic clones, and identified the ODA7 gene product as a 58-kDa leucine-rich repeat protein unrelated to outer row dynein LC1. Oda7p is missing from oda7 mutant flagella but is present in flagella of other outer row or inner row dynein assembly mutants. However, Oda7 levels are greatly reduced in flagella that lack both outer row dynein and inner row I1 dynein. Biochemical fractionation and rebinding studies support a model in which Oda7 participates in a previously uncharacterized structural link between inner and outer row dyneins.  相似文献   

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