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Copley RR  Doerks T  Letunic I  Bork P 《FEBS letters》2002,513(1):129-134
Domains present one of the most useful levels at which to understand protein function, and domain family-based analysis has had a profound impact on the study of individual proteins. Protein domain discovery has been progressing steadily over the past 30 years. What are the realistically achievable goals of sequence-based domain analysis, and how far off are they for the sequences encoded in eukaryotic genomes? Here we address some of the issues involved in better coverage of sequence-based domain annotation, and the integration of these results within the wider context of genomes, structures and function.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Multi-domain proteins have evolved by insertions or deletions of distinct protein domains. Tracing the history of a certain domain combination can be important for functional annotation of multi-domain proteins, and for understanding the function of individual domains. In order to analyze the evolutionary history of the domains in modular proteins it is desirable to inspect a phylogenetic tree based on sequence divergence with the modular architecture of the sequences superimposed on the tree. RESULT: A Java applet, NIFAS, that integrates graphical domain schematics for each sequence in an evolutionary tree was developed. NIFAS retrieves domain information from the Pfam database and uses CLUSTAL W to calculate a tree for a given Pfam domain. The tree can be displayed with symbolic bootstrap values, and to allow the user to focus on a part of the tree, the layout can be altered by swapping nodes, changing the outgroup, and showing/collapsing subtrees. NIFAS is integrated with the Pfam database and is accessible over the internet (http://www.cgr.ki.se/Pfam). As an example, we use NIFAS to analyze the evolution of domains in Protein Kinases C.  相似文献   



The availability of genome sequences of numerous organisms allows comparative study of pseudogenes in syntenic regions. Conservation of pseudogenes suggests that they might have a functional role in some instances.  相似文献   

The organization of ribosomal proteins in 16 prokaryotic genomes was studied as an example of comparative genome analyses of gene systems. Hypothetical ribosomal protein-containing operons were constructed. These operons also contained putative genes and other non-ribosomal genes. The correspondences among these genes across different organisms were clarified by sequence homology computations. In this way a cross tabulation of 70 ribosomal proteins genes was constructed. On average, these were organized into 9-14 operons in each genome. There were also 25 non-ribosomal or putative genes in these mainly ribosomal protein operons. Hence the table contains 95 genes in total. It was found that: (i) the conservation of the block of about 20 r-proteins in the L3 and L4 operons across almost the entire eubacteria and ar-chaebacteria is remarkable; (ii) some operons only belong to eubacteria or archaebacte-ria; (iii) although the ribosomal protein operons are highly conserved within domain, there are fine variat  相似文献   

The organization of ribosomal proteins in 16 prokaryotic genomes was studied as an example of comparative genome analyses of gene systems. Hypothetical ribosomal protein-containing operons were constructed. These operons also contained putative genes and other non-ribosomal genes. The correspondences among these genes across different organisms were clarified by sequence homology computations. In this way a cross tabulation of 70 ribosomal proteins genes was constructed. On average, these were organized into 9-14 operons in each genome. There were also 25 non-ribosomal or putative genes in these mainly ribosomal protein operons. Hence the table contains 95 genes in total. It was found that: (i) the conservation of the block of about 20 r-proteins in the L3 and L4 operons across almost the entire eubacteria and archaebacteria is remarkable; (ii) some operons only belong to eubacteria or archaebacteria; (iii) although the ribosomal protein operons are highly conserved within domain, there are fine variations in some operons across different organisms within each domain, and these variations are informative on the evolutionary relations among the organisms. This method provides a new potential for studying the origin and evolution of old species.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of gene function is a primary challenge of modern evolutionary biology. Despite an expanding database from genomic and developmental studies, we are lacking quantitative methods for analyzing the evolution of some important measures of gene function, such as gene-expression patterns. Here, we introduce phylogenetic comparative methods to compare different models of gene-expression evolution in a maximum-likelihood framework. We find that expression of duplicated genes has evolved according to a nonphylogenetic model, where closely related genes are no more likely than more distantly related genes to share common expression patterns. These results are consistent with previous studies that found rapid evolution of gene expression during the history of yeast. The comparative methods presented here are general enough to test a wide range of evolutionary hypotheses using genomic-scale data from any organism.  相似文献   

Recent progress in the analysis of protein components of the mitochondrial nucleoid and replisome of baker's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, opens a unique opportunity for understanding the molecular principles of mitochondrial inheritance. In this work we identified homologs of proteins involved in the mitochondrial DNA packaging and replication in the complete genome sequence of the petite-negative yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. Comparative analysis of their counterparts from phylogenetically diverse yeast species revealed conserved as well as diverged features of the organellar chromosome structure and its replication strategy. Moreover, it provides a basis for subsequent functional studies of the structure and dynamics of the mitochondrial nucleoids.  相似文献   

Plastid genomes of higher plants contain a conserved set of ribosomal protein genes. Although plastid translational activity is essential for cell survival in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), individual plastid ribosomal proteins can be nonessential. Candidates for nonessential plastid ribosomal proteins are ribosomal proteins identified as nonessential in bacteria and those whose genes were lost from the highly reduced plastid genomes of nonphotosynthetic plastid-bearing lineages (parasitic plants, apicomplexan protozoa). Here we report the reverse genetic analysis of seven plastid-encoded ribosomal proteins that meet these criteria. We have introduced knockout alleles for the corresponding genes into the tobacco plastid genome. Five of the targeted genes (ribosomal protein of the large subunit22 [rpl22], rpl23, rpl32, ribosomal protein of the small subunit3 [rps3], and rps16) were shown to be essential even under heterotrophic conditions, despite their loss in at least some parasitic plastid-bearing lineages. This suggests that nonphotosynthetic plastids show elevated rates of gene transfer to the nuclear genome. Knockout of two ribosomal protein genes, rps15 and rpl36, yielded homoplasmic transplastomic mutants, thus indicating nonessentiality. Whereas Δrps15 plants showed only a mild phenotype, Δrpl36 plants were severely impaired in photosynthesis and growth and, moreover, displayed greatly altered leaf morphology. This finding provides strong genetic evidence that chloroplast translational activity influences leaf development, presumably via a retrograde signaling pathway.  相似文献   

A method is proposed to represent and to analyze complete genome sequences (52 species from procaryotes and eukaryotes), based upon n-gram sequence's frequencies of amino acid pairs (bigrams), separated by a given number of other residues. For each of the species analyzed, it allows us to construct over-abundant and over-deficient occurrence profiles, summarizing amino acid bigram frequencies over the entire genome. The method deals efficiently with a sparseness of statistical representations of individual sequences, and describes every gene sequence in the same way, independently of its length and of the genome sizes. The frequency of over-abundant and over-deficient occurrences of bigrams presents a singular periodicity around 3.5 peptide bonds, suggesting a relation with the alpha helical secondary structure.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial ribosomes contain bacterial-type proteins reflecting their endosymbiotic heritage, and a subset of these genes is retained within the mitochondrion in land plants. Variation in gene location is observed, however, because migration to the nucleus is still an ongoing evolutionary process in plants. To gain insights into adaptation events related to successful gene transfer, we have compiled data for bacterial-origin mitochondrial-type ribosomal protein genes from the completely sequenced Arabidopsis and rice genomes. Approximately 75% of such nuclear-located genes encode amino-terminal extensions relative to their Escherichia coli counterparts, and of that set, only about 30% have introns at (or near) the junction in support of an exon shuffling-type recruitment of upstream expression/targeting signals. We find that genes that were transferred to the nucleus early in eukaryotic evolution have, on average, about twofold higher density of introns within the core ribosomal protein sequences than do those that moved to the nucleus more recently. About 20% of such introns are at positions identical to those in human orthologs, consistent with their ancestral presence. Plant mitochondrial-type ribosomal protein genes have dispersed chromosomal locations in the nucleus, and about 20% of them are present in multiple unlinked copies. This study provides new insights into the evolutionary history of endosymbiotic bacterial-type genes that have been transferred from the mitochondrion to the nucleus.  相似文献   

In this study, we present an approach to identify some residues that represent the pivot points to experience conformational changes between open (unligand) and closed (ligand) forms of a protein. First, an angle, , formed by 4 consecutive Ca atoms in polypeptide backbones was introduced. The difference of this angle, , from the equivalent residues between the open and the closed form was used to represent the local torsion changes in the protein structure, and the residue with the maximum among was identified to be a pivot residue. We demonstrate the ability of our method by identifying the pivot residues from five proteins, Lysozyme mutates, Lactoferrin, Lay/Arg/Orn-binding protein, Calmodulin and Catabolit gene activator protein. These pivot residues are located at the hinges in the proteins, they are hinge points for the domain motion. These examples also show that the pivot residues are useful to distinguish the mechanism between shear motion and hinge motion in a protein  相似文献   

Signals of translation initiation of operons of Haemophilus influenzae ribosomal proteins were predicted. This process is regulated by the formation of secondary RNA structures to which one of the proteins encoded in a particular operon binds. In some cases, these structures imitate the region of protein binding to rRNA. Predictions are made by comparing with homologous operons of Escherichia coli and analogous regions of rRNA and by estimating the energy of secondary structure formation. It is shown that this regulatory mechanism occurs: in operons L11, S10, S15, spc, and alpha of H.influenzae and, probably, in operon S15 of Helicobacter pylori, Bacillus subtilis, and Mycoplasma genitalium.  相似文献   



The nucleomorphs associated with secondary plastids of cryptomonads and chlorarachniophytes are the sole examples of organelles with eukaryotic nuclear genomes. Although not as widespread as their prokaryotic equivalents in mitochondria and plastids, nucleomorph genomes share similarities in terms of reduction and compaction. They also differ in several aspects, not least in that they encode proteins that target to the plastid, and so function in a different compartment from that in which they are encoded.  相似文献   

Breton S  Burger G  Stewart DT  Blier PU 《Genetics》2006,172(2):1107-1119
Marine mussels of the genus Mytilus have an unusual mode of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) transmission termed doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI). Female mussels are homoplasmic for the F mitotype, which is inherited maternally, while males are usually heteroplasmic, carrying a mixture of the maternal F mitotype and the paternally inherited M genome. Two classes of M genomes have been observed: "standard" M genomes and "recently masculinized" M genomes. The latter are more similar to F genomes at the sequence level but are transmitted paternally like standard M genomes. In this study we report the complete sequences of two standard male M. edulis and one recently masculinized male M. trossulus mitochondrial genome. A comparative analysis, including the previously sequenced M. edulis F and M. galloprovincialis F and M mtDNAs, reveals that these genomes are identical in gene order, but highly divergent in nucleotide and amino acid sequence. The large amount (>20%) of nucleotide substitutions that fall in coding regions implies that there are several amino acid replacements between the F and M genomes, which likely have an impact on the structural and functional properties of the mitochondrial proteome. Correlation of the divergence rate of different protein-coding genes indicates that mtDNA-encoded proteins of the M genome are still under selective constraints, although less highly than genes of the F genome. The mosaic F/M control region of the masculinized F genome provides evidence for lineage-specific sequences that may be responsible for the different mode of transmission genetics. This analysis shows the value of comparative genomics to better understand the mechanisms of maintenance and segregation of mtDNA sequence variants in mytilid mussels.  相似文献   

We have performed a comparative analysis of amino acid distributions in predicted integral membrane proteins from a total of 107 genomes. A procedure for identification of membrane spanning helices was optimized on a homology-reduced data set of 170 multi-spanning membrane proteins with experimentally determined topologies. The optimized method was then used for extraction of highly reliable partial topologies from all predicted membrane proteins in each genome, and the average biases in amino acid distributions between loops on opposite sides of the membrane were calculated. The results strongly support the notion that a biased distribution of Lys and Arg residues between cytoplasmic and extra-cytoplasmic segments (the positive-inside rule) is present in most if not all organisms.  相似文献   

Ribosomal p90rsk is a kinase of central importance in transducing mitogenic signals from an activated receptor to the cell nucleus and for protein synthesis. Here, we analyze the optimal steps to fully describe this kinase in both normal neutrophils and leukemic cell lines. These are: (i) immunological analyses (immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation); (ii) enzyme activity assays (in vitro and "in-gel"); and (iii) immunobiochemical combination methods (immunoprecipitation/kinase assay, immunoprecipitation/"in-gel" assay and ion exchange chromatography/immunoblotting). For the enzyme assays, we describe a novel method to measure ribosomal p90rsk kinase activity "in-gel", based on a renatured-protein method that allows for the direct quantitation of enzyme activity. Finally, we present an algorithm that can be readily implemented to the quantification of the extent of stimulation of a kinase in response to a particular extracellular stimuli. In our case, it was found that activation of p90rsk was higher in proliferating leukemic cells than in mature neutrophils, indicating that a suppression of key signal transduction links could contribute to the maturational arrest typical of acute leukemia. All the techniques and strategies described here for p90rsk could be easily extrapolated to the study of any signal transduction molecule, provided it has a phosphotransferase activity.  相似文献   

Optimal conditions for reductive alkylation of ribosomal proteins in their native and denatured states were examined. The relative accessibility of rat liver ribosomal proteins to reductive alkylation was then examined. Intact ribosomes were firs labeled with [14C]formaldehyde and NaBH4. The proteins were then separated from RNA, denatured in 6 M guanidine, and labeled again using formaldehyde and NaB3H4. The relative accessibility of individual proteins to labeling in the intact state could thus be determined from their 3H/14C ratios following separation by two-dimensional electrophoresis. The results suggest that proteins S6, S11, S26, L3, and L35 are less accessible to labeling while proteins S1, S15, L11, L12, L16, and L24 appear relatively more accessible. The accessibility of individual proteins in ribosomes in different conformational states were then compared. The results indicated that S3, L7, and L36 are likely to be involved in a structural difference when normal polysomes and normal monomers are compared. Also, that S26 and L35, and probably S3, S20, L7, L8, L24, L27, L28 and L34 appear to be involved in a ribosomal conformation change induced by ethionine intoxication.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of recombination rates and patterns in plants is far from being comprehensive. However, compelling evidence indicates a central role for recombination, through its influences on mutation and selection, in the evolution of plant genomes. Furthermore, recombination seems to be generally higher and more variable in plants than in animals, which could be one of the primary reasons for differences in genome lability between these two kingdoms. Much additional study of recombination in plants is needed to investigate these ideas further.  相似文献   



Sequencing the genomes of multiple, taxonomically diverse eukaryotes enables in-depth comparative-genomic analysis which is expected to help in reconstructing ancestral eukaryotic genomes and major events in eukaryotic evolution and in making functional predictions for currently uncharacterized conserved genes.


We examined functional and evolutionary patterns in the recently constructed set of 5,873 clusters of predicted orthologs (eukaryotic orthologous groups or KOGs) from seven eukaryotic genomes: Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, Homo sapiens, Arabidopsis thaliana, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Encephalitozoon cuniculi. Conservation of KOGs through the phyletic range of eukaryotes strongly correlates with their functions and with the effect of gene knockout on the organism's viability. The approximately 40% of KOGs that are represented in six or seven species are enriched in proteins responsible for housekeeping functions, particularly translation and RNA processing. These conserved KOGs are often essential for survival and might approximate the minimal set of essential eukaryotic genes. The 131 single-member, pan-eukaryotic KOGs we identified were examined in detail. For around 20 that remained uncharacterized, functions were predicted by in-depth sequence analysis and examination of genomic context. Nearly all these proteins are subunits of known or predicted multiprotein complexes, in agreement with the balance hypothesis of evolution of gene copy number. Other KOGs show a variety of phyletic patterns, which points to major contributions of lineage-specific gene loss and the 'invention' of genes new to eukaryotic evolution. Examination of the sets of KOGs lost in individual lineages reveals co-elimination of functionally connected genes. Parsimonious scenarios of eukaryotic genome evolution and gene sets for ancestral eukaryotic forms were reconstructed. The gene set of the last common ancestor of the crown group consists of 3,413 KOGs and largely includes proteins involved in genome replication and expression, and central metabolism. Only 44% of the KOGs, mostly from the reconstructed gene set of the last common ancestor of the crown group, have detectable homologs in prokaryotes; the remainder apparently evolved via duplication with divergence and invention of new genes.


The KOG analysis reveals a conserved core of largely essential eukaryotic genes as well as major diversification and innovation associated with evolution of eukaryotic genomes. The results provide quantitative support for major trends of eukaryotic evolution noticed previously at the qualitative level and a basis for detailed reconstruction of evolution of eukaryotic genomes and biology of ancestral forms.  相似文献   

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