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目的:本实验通过对平滑肌细胞行GCs快速预处理,拟证实糖皮质激素对平滑肌细胞内[Ca2+]i浓度升高有快速抑制作用,并初步探讨该现象的可能分子机制。方法:原代培养的大鼠平滑肌细胞,应用Fura-2/AM显微荧光检测技术,检测肌细胞内[Ca2+]i在受到激动剂刺激后的浓度变化;比较不同浓度地塞米松预处理后10min与对照组之间游离钙上升情况的区别。用Western blot方法,分析气道平滑肌细胞内抑制型磷脂酶C(phospho-PLCβ-ser1105)含量的变化。设立RU486及CHX对照组,排除基因组作用在该反应中的影响。结果:GCs温浴10min,能够明显降低乙酰胆碱引起的ASMCs细胞内[Ca2+]i峰值。并能够明显上调ASMCs内抑制型PLC含量。这些反应不受RU486和CHX影响。结论:GCs能够通过非基因组作用快速抑制刺激物引起的气道平滑肌的收缩反应,这一效应的实现可能是通过抑制PLC分子活性,使其下游的[Ca2+]i浓度降低实现的。  相似文献   

This work presents the application of a fading memory model to describe the behavior of contracted airway smooth muscle (ASM) for two biophysical cases: finite duration length steps and longitudinal sinusoidal oscillations. The model parameters were initially determined from literature data on transient step length change response and subsequently the model was applied to the two cases. Results were compared with previously published experimental data on ASM oscillations. The model confirms a trend observed in the experimental data which shows that: (i) the value of tissue length change is the most important factor to determine the degree of cross-bridge detachment and (ii) a strong correlation exists between increasing frequency and declining stiffness until a certain frequency (∼25 Hz) beyond which frequency dependence is negligible. Although the model was not intended to simulate biophysical events individually, the data could be explained by cross-bridge cycling rates. As the frequency increases, cross-bridge reattachment becomes less likely, until no further cross-bridge attachment is possible.  相似文献   

Evidence for contributions of airway smooth muscle (ASM) to the hyperresponsiveness of newborn and juvenile airways continues to accumulate. In our laboratory, 3 novel paradigms of hyperresponsiveness of newborn and young ASM have recently emerged using a guinea pig model of maturation in 3 age groups: 1 week (newborn), 3 weeks (juvenile), and 2-3 months (adult). The first paradigm includes evidence for a natural decline after newborn and juvenile life of the velocity of ASM shortening associated with a decrease in regulatory myosin light chain phosphorylation and a parallel decline in the content of myosin light chain kinase. Associated with the decrease in ASM shortening with age is an increase in the internal resistance to shortening. Dynamic stiffness is shown to relate inversely to the expression of myosin light chain kinase. This suggests that developmental changes in shortening relate inversely to the stiffness of the ASM early in shortening, suggesting a dynamic role for the cytoskeleton in facilitating and opposing ASM shortening. This relationship can be approximated as (dP/dt)max approximately (dP/dL)passive x (dL/dt)max (the maximal rate of increase of active stress generation approximately to the passive stiffness x the maximal shortening velocity). The second paradigm demonstrates that newborn ASM, unlike that in adults, does not relax during prolonged electric field stimulation. The impaired relaxation is related to changes in prostanoid synthesis and acetylcholinesterase function. The third paradigm demonstrates that, whereas oscillatory strain serves to transiently relax adult ASM, in newborns it induces (after the initial relaxation) a sustained potentiation of active stress. This is related to developmental changes in the prostanoid release. Together, these paradigms demonstrate that ASM contributes by multiple mechanisms to the natural hyperresponsiveness of newborn and juvenile airways. Future studies will elaborate the mechanisms and extend these paradigms to ASM hyperresponsiveness following sensitization in early life.  相似文献   

Neonatal smooth muscle cells were seeded in standard plastic Falcon flasks, on top of another 2-month-old culture of the same cell population or on top of an acellular matrix prepared by removal of these cells. The effect of both complete and acellular layers on the production of elastin, collagen and total extracellular matrix (EM) proteins as well as on cell division was measured. Compared with the standard population grown on plastic, the complete cell layer almost completely prevented the newly seeded cells from dividing. The acellular matrix did not affect cell doubling but caused a distinct decrease in the production of EM components.  相似文献   

A new constitutive model for the biomechanical behaviour of smooth muscle tissue is proposed. The active muscle contraction is accomplished by the relative sliding between actin and myosin filaments, comprising contractile units in the smooth muscle cells. The orientation of the myosin filaments, and thereby the contractile units, are taken to exhibit a statistical dispersion around a preferred direction. The number of activated cross-bridges between the actin and myosin filaments governs the contractile force generated by the muscle and also the contraction speed. A strain-energy function is used to describe the mechanical behaviour of the smooth muscle tissue. Besides the active contractile apparatus, the mechanical model also incorporates a passive elastic part. The constitutive model was compared to histological and isometric tensile test results for smooth muscle tissue from swine carotid artery. In order to be able to predict the active stress at different muscle lengths, a filament dispersion significantly larger than the one observed experimentally was required. Furthermore, a comparison of the predicted active stress for a case of uniaxially oriented myosin filaments and a case of filaments with a dispersion based on the experimental histological data shows that the difference in generated stress is noticeable but limited. Thus, the results suggest that myosin filament dispersion alone cannot explain the increase in active muscle stress with increasing muscle stretch.  相似文献   

Although short-acting and long-acting inhaled β(2)-adrenergic receptor agonists (SABA and LABA, respectively) relieve asthma symptoms, use of either agent alone without concomitant anti-inflammatory drugs (corticosteroids) may increase the risk of disease exacerbation in some patients. We found previously that pretreatment of human precision-cut lung slices (PCLS) with SABA impaired subsequent β(2)-agonist-induced bronchodilation, which occurred independently of changes in receptor quantities. Here we provide evidence that prolonged exposure of cultured human airway smooth muscle (HuASM) cells to β(2)-agonists directly augments procontractile signaling pathways elicited by several compounds including thrombin, bradykinin, and histamine. Such treatment did not increase surface receptor amounts or expression of G proteins and downstream effectors (phospholipase Cβ and myosin light chain). In contrast, β-agonists decreased expression of regulator of G protein signaling 5 (RGS5), which is an inhibitor of G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) activity. RGS5 knockdown in HuASM increased agonist-evoked intracellular calcium flux and myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation, which are prerequisites for contraction. PCLS from Rgs5(-/-) mice contracted more to carbachol than those from WT mice, indicating that RGS5 negatively regulates bronchial smooth muscle contraction. Repetitive β(2)-agonist use may not only lead to reduced bronchoprotection but also to sensitization of excitation-contraction signaling pathways as a result of reduced RGS5 expression.  相似文献   

Studies in guinea pigs showed that some forms of drug-induced bronchospasm are reflexogenic involving afferents in the glossopharyngeal nerve. At least two pathways appear to be involved. One pathway contains H1 receptors and is blocked by mepyramine and sodium cromoglycate (SCG), and its pharmacological characteristics are similar to those of active reflex vasodilation. The other appears to involve peripheral muscarinic receptors. The findings also indicate that SCG may act on efferent as well as afferent pathways.  相似文献   

Summary A simple 30-min enzyme digestion procedure has been used to release guinea-pig tracheal smooth muscle cells that retain differentiated function in long-term subculture. Primary cell cultures initially consist of numerous epithelial colonies and 70–1000 morphologically differentiated smooth muscle cells per 600 mg (wet weight) tracheal tissue depending on the age of the animal. Both cell types proliferate to form a confluent monolayer within 5–17 days. Pure subcultures of tracheal smooth muscle cells are obtained by limited trypsin digestion of the primary culture. Eighty percent of these subcultured smooth muscle cells retain the ability to contract in response to histamine (10-6 M) and to form reaggregates even after 20 or more passages. Examination of these cells by electron microscopy reveals both biosynthetic and contractile components of smooth muscle. Analysis of this dual phenotype may provide valuable information about the regulation of tracheal smooth muscle cell growth and differentiation.This research was supported in part by a grant from the Foundation for Research in Bronchial Asthma and Related Diseases, Worcester, Massachusetts 01604, USA  相似文献   

Airway smooth muscle(ASM) has developed a mechanical adaption mechanism by which it transduces force and responds to environmental forces, which is essential for periodic breathing. Cytoskeletal reorganization has been implicated in this process, but the regulatory mechanism remains to be determined.We here observe that ASM abundantly expresses cytoskeleton regulators Limk1 and Limk2, and their expression levels are further upregulated in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) animals. By establishing mouse lines with deletions of Limk1 or Limk2, we analyse the length-sensitive contraction, F/Gactin dynamics, and F-actin pool of mutant ASM cells. As LIMK1 phosphorylation does not respond to the contractile stimulation, LIMK1-deficient ASM develops normal maximal force, while LIMK2 or LIMK1/LIMK2 deficient ASMs show approximately 30% inhibition. LIMK2 deletion causes a significant decrease in cofilin phosphorylation along with a reduced F/G-actin ratio. As LIMK2 functions independently of cross-bridge movement, this observation indicates that LIMK2 is necessary for F-actin dynamics and hence force transduction. Moreover, LIMK2-deficient ASMs display abolishes stretching-induced suppression of 5-hydroxytryptamine(5-HT) but not acetylcholine-evoks force, which is due to the differential contraction mechanisms adopted by the agonists. We propose that LIMK2-mediated cofilin phosphorylation is required for membrane cytoskeleton reorganization that is necessary for ASM mechanical adaption including the 5-HT-evoked length-sensitive effect.  相似文献   

In smooth muscle cells, agonists such as neurotransmitters or hormones can induce an increase in [Ca(2+)](i) via a release of intracellular stored calcium or/and an influx of extracellular calcium. The calcium entry pathway operates through a variety of plasmalemmal calcium channels which involve voltage-dependent and voltage-independent calcium channels. Voltage-independent calcium channels include (1) receptor-operated channels (ROCs) activated by agonist-receptor interaction and, in the majority of cases, the downstream signal transduction proteins, (2) store-operated channels (SOCs) activated by the emptying of intracellular Ca(2+) store (mainly the sarcoplasmic reticulum), (3) mechanosensitive or stretch-activated channels (SACs) activated by membrane stretch. Generally, voltage-independent calcium channels are calcium permeable non-selective cation channels with electrophysiological differences, complex regulatory mechanisms and pharmacology. Although the molecular identity of voltage-independent calcium channels is not yet fully elucidated, there are growing evidences that these channels correspond to a new family of membrane proteins encoded by mammalian homologues of specific transient receptor potential (TRP) genes. Several types of TRP proteins are ubiquitously expressed in smooth muscle cells and variations in the expression depend on tissue and species. More recently, other proteins such as Orai1 and STIM1 proteins have been also proposed as participating in the molecular identity of voltage-independent calcium channels. These channels control phenomena such as smooth muscle cells proliferation and/or contraction.  相似文献   

The electromechanical and -physiological effects of beauvericin were studied in isolated smooth and heart muscle preparations of the guinea pig. Beauvericin concentration-dependently decreased the force of contraction in precontracted (60 mM KCl) terminal ilea with an IC50 of 0.86 M, and in electrically stimulated (1 Hz) papillary muscles with an IC50 of 18 M. This negative inotropic effect in papillary muscles was antagonised in a non-competitive way by increased extracellular calcium concentrations. Spontaneous activity in right atria was affected at concentrations >10 M beauvericin. The negative chronotropic effect was less pronounced than the negative inotropic effect. In action potentials of electrically driven (1 Hz) papillary muscles, 10 M beauvericin significantly decreased membrane resting potential until unexcitability of the preparation occurred. Despite depolarisation of the membrane the maximum rate of rise of the action potential was not changed. The action potential duration was shortened, but the decrease was only significant at times to 20% and 50% repolarisation. These data, derived from the electrophysiological experiments, not only imply an effect on the calcium current as suggested by the effects on contractility, but also an interaction with the sodium inward and potassium outward currents.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary FITC-labelled antibodies against native actin from chicken gizzard smooth muscle (Gröschel-Stewart et al., 1976) have been used to stain cultures of guinea-pig vas deferens and taenia coli, rabbit thoracic aorta, rat ventricle and chick skeletal muscle. The I-band of myofibrils of cardiac muscle cells and skeletal muscle myotubes stains intensely. In isolated smooth muscle cells, the staining is located exclusively on long, straight, non-interrupted fibrils which almost fill the cell. Smooth muscle cells which have undergone morphological dedifferentiation to resemble fibroblasts with both phase-contrast microscopy and electronmicroscopy still stain intensely with the actin antibody. In those muscle cultures which contain some fibroblasts or endothelial cells, the non-muscle cells are not stained with the actin antibody even when the reactions are carried out at 37° C for 1 h or after glycerination. Prefusion skeletal muscle myoblasts also do not stain with this antibody.It is concluded that the actin antibody described in this report is directed against a particular sequence of amino acids in muscle actin which is not homologous with non-muscle actin. The usefulness of this antibody in determining the origin of cells in certain pathological conditions such as atherosclerosis is discussed.This work was supported by the Life Insurance Medical Research Fund of Australia and New Zealand, the National Heart Foundation of Australia, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Wellcome Trust (London). We thank Janet D. McConnell for excellent technical assistance  相似文献   

This study investigates the gastroprokinetic effects of motilin and erythromycin A (EM-A) and its potential mechanism in guinea pigs Cavia porcellus in vitro. Guinea pig stomach strips were mounted under organ baths containing Krebs solution. Motilin,EM-A,Nω-Nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA),L-arginine (L-AA) were added to the bathing solution in a non-cumulative way. Then the effects of motilin and EM-A was studied during electrical field stimulation (EFS) in the absence and presence of L-NNA and L-AA in the gastri...  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) is a key remodelling factor in asthma. It is produced as a latent complex and the main limiting step in TGFβ bioavailability is its activation. Mast cell tryptase has been shown to stimulate the release of functionally active TGFβ from human airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells [P. Berger, P.O. Girodet, H. Begueret, O. Ousova, D.W. Perng, R. Marthan, A.F. Walls, J.M. Tunon de Lara, Tryptase-stimulated human airway smooth muscle cells induce cytokine synthesis and mast cell chemotaxis, FASEB J. 17 (2003) 2139-2141]. The aim of this study was to determine if tryptase could cause TGFβ activation as well as expression in ASM cells via its receptor, proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2). Tryptase caused TGFβ activation without affecting levels of total TGFβ. This effect was inhibited by the selective tryptase inhibitor FUT175 and leupeptin but not mimicked by the PAR2 activating peptide SLIGKV-NH2. Furthermore, the ASM cells used in the study did not express PAR2. The results indicate that tryptase activates TGFβ via a PAR2-independent proteolytic mechanism in human ASM cells and may help understanding the role of tryptase in asthma.  相似文献   



Regulation of human airway smooth muscle cells (HASMC) by cytokines contributes to chemotactic factor levels and thus to inflammatory cell accumulation in lung diseases. Cytokines such as the gp130 family member Oncostatin M (OSM) can act synergistically with Th2 cytokines (IL-4 and IL-13) to modulate lung cells, however whether IL-17A responses by HASMC can be altered is not known.


To determine the effects of recombinant OSM, or other gp130 cytokines (LIF, IL-31, and IL-6) in regulating HASMC responses to IL-17A, assessing MCP-1/CCL2 and IL-6 expression and cell signaling pathways.


Cell responses of primary HASMC cultures were measured by the assessment of protein levels in supernatants (ELISA) and mRNA levels (qRT-PCR) in cell extracts. Activation of STAT, MAPK (p38) and Akt pathways were measured by immunoblot. Pharmacological agents were used to assess the effects of inhibition of these pathways.


OSM but not LIF, IL-31 or IL-6 could induce detectable responses in HASMC, elevating MCP-1/CCL2, IL-6 levels and activation of STAT-1, 3, 5, p38 and Akt cell signaling pathways. OSM induced synergistic action with IL-17A enhancing MCP-1/CCL-2 and IL-6 mRNA and protein expression, but not eotaxin-1 expression, while OSM in combination with IL-4 or IL-13 synergistically induced eotaxin-1 and MCP-1/CCL2. OSM elevated steady state mRNA levels of IL-4Rα, OSMRβ and gp130, but not IL-17RA or IL-17RC. Pharmacologic inhibition of STAT3 activation using Stattic down-regulated OSM, OSM/IL-4 or OSM/IL-13, and OSM/IL-17A synergistic responses of MCP-1/CCL-2 induction, whereas, inhibitors of Akt and p38 MAPK resulted in less reduction in MCP-1/CCL2 levels. IL-6 expression was more sensitive to inhibition of p38 (using SB203580) and was affected by Stattic in response to IL-17A/OSM stimulation.


Oncostatin M can regulate HASMC responses alone or in synergy with IL-17A. OSM/IL-17A combinations enhance MCP-1/CCL2 and IL-6 but not eotaxin-1. Thus, OSM through STAT3 activation of HASMC may participate in inflammatory cell recruitment in inflammatory airway disease.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12931-014-0164-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Light and electron microscopic techniques have been employed to study the arrangement and distribution of two types of muscle in the upper urinary tract of the rat. An outer layer of cells has been identified in the wall of the renal calix and pelvis. These cells are separated by connective tissue but possess numerous processes which make close contacts with adjacent cells. A layer of similar cells has not been observed in the wall of the upper ureter. The inner layer of muscle in the calix and pelvis is composed of larger cells similar to and apparently continuous with ureteric muscle. These cells are closely related to one another without intervening connective tissue and possess numerous bundles of myofilaments which extend along the length of the cell. The two types of muscle are closely related and, in the junctional region, cells of the outer layer are arranged along the length and make close contacts with one or more of the inner smooth muscle cells. A quantitative estimation has been made of nerve bundles associated with smooth muscle forming the outer layer of the calix and pelvis and with the muscle of the ureter. The results have shown a five fold increase in nerves associated with the caliceal muscle when compared with the ureter. The results are discussed in relation to the concept of a ureteric pacemaker.The authors wish to thank Professor G. A. G. Mitchell for his useful advice and encouragement.  相似文献   

Shmygol A  Wray S 《Cell calcium》2004,35(6):501-508
Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is abundant in uterine smooth muscle cells. The functional role of this organelle in the regulation of uterine myocytes is not fully understood. The data available in the literature suggest that SR plays a dual role: as a source of calcium and as a calcium sink shaping calcium transients produced by membrane depolarisation and uterotonic agonists. Advances in digital imaging techniques including confocal microscopy of isolated living cells, and the development of methods for direct measurement of intraluminal calcium, has triggered a substantial increase in the number of publications elucidating the role of intracellular stores in calcium signalling. In this paper we review the literature and our own work on the SR calcium store in uterine smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Activation of airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells plays a central role in the pathophysiology of asthma. Because ASM is an important therapeutic target in asthma, it is beneficial to develop bioengineered ASM models available for assessing physiological and biophysical properties of ASM cells. In the physiological condition in vivo, ASM cells are surrounded by extracellular matrix (ECM) and exposed to mechanical stresses such as cyclic stretch. We utilized a 3-D culture model of human ASM cells embedded in type-I collagen gel. We further examined the effects of cyclic mechanical stretch, which mimics tidal breathing, on cell orientation and expression of contractile proteins of ASM cells within the 3-D gel. ASM cells in type-I collagen exhibited a tissue-like structure with actin stress fiber formation and intracellular Ca2+ mobilization in response to methacholine. Uniaxial cyclic stretching enhanced alignment of nuclei and actin stress fibers of ASM cells. Moreover, expression of mRNAs for contractile proteins such as α-smooth muscle actin, calponin, myosin heavy chain 11, and transgelin of stretched ASM cells was significantly higher than that under the static condition. Our findings suggest that mechanical force and interaction with ECM affects development of the ASM tissue-like construct and differentiation to the contractile phenotype in a 3-D culture model.  相似文献   

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