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Prior studies identified phosphoenzyme intermediates in the turnover of sodium- and potassium-activated adenosinetriphosphatase [(Na,K)ATPase] from several sources and of the calcium-activated adenosinetriphosphatase [(Ca)-ATPase] of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum. In both cases, the transphosphorylation is to a beta-aspartyl carboxyl group at the active site. We now report observation of a K+-sensitive phosphorylated intermediate of purified (Na,-K)ATPase from the salt gland of the duck using high-field 31P nuclear magnetic resonance. Addition of ATP to a suspension of this enzyme in the presence of Mg2+ and Na+ produced a resonance at about +17 ppm relative to 85% phosphoric acid. Addition of inorganic phosphate and Mg2+ to (Na,K)ATPase also produced a resonance at about +17 ppm which was enhanced in the presence of a saturating concentration of the inhibitor, ouabain; again, addition of K+ made this resonance disappear. These findings are consistent with earlier kinetic characterization of an acid-stable (Na,K)ATPase phosphoenzyme intermediate by 32P-labeled phosphate incorporation into a denatured precipitate of the enzyme. We attribute the +17-ppm resonance to formation of an acyl phosphate at an aspartyl residue of the catalytic site of (Na,K)ATPase. This is supported by our finding of a similar resonance at +17 ppm after phosphorylation of another membrane-bound cation transport enzyme, sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ca)ATPase, as well as by a similar resonance at about +17 ppm after phosphorylation of the model dipeptide L-seryl-L-aspartate.  相似文献   

The complex formed between the enzyme triose phosphate isomerase (EC, from rabbit and chicken muscle, and its substrate dihydroxyacetone phosphate was studied by 31P n.m.r. Two other enzyme-ligant complexes examined were those formed by glycerol 3-phosphate (a substrate analogue) and by 2-phosphoglycollate (potential transition-state analogue). Separate resonances were observed in the 31P n.m.r. spectrum for free and bound 2-phosphoglycollate, and this sets an upper limit to the rate constant for dissociation of the enzyme-inhibitor complex; the linewidth of the resonance assigned to the bound inhibitor provided further kinetic information. The position of this resonance did not vary with pH but remained close to that of the fully ionized form of the free 2-phosphoglycollate. It is the fully ionized form of this ligand that binds to the enzyme. The proton uptake that accompanies binding shows protonation of a group on the enzyme. On the basis of chemical and crystallographic information [Hartman (1971) Biochemistry 10, 146--154; Miller & Waley (1971) Biochem. J. 123, 163--170; De la Mare, Coulson, Knowles, Priddle & Offord )1972) Biochem. J. 129, 321--331; Phillips, Rivers, Sternberg, Thornton & Wilson (1977) Biochem. Soc. Trans. 5, 642--647] this group is believed to be glutamate-165. On the other hand, the position of the resonance of D-glycerol 3 phosphate (sn-glycerol 1-phosphate) in the enzyme-ligand complex changes with pH, and both monoanion and dianon of the ligand bind, although dianion binds better. The substrate, dihydroxyacetone phosphate, behaves essentially like glycerol 3-phosphate. The experiments with dihydroxy-acetone phosphate and triose phosphate isomerase have to be carried out at 1 degree C because at 37 degrees C there is conversion into methyl glyoxal and orthophosphate. The mechanismof the enzymic reaction and the reasons for rate-enhancement are considered, and aspects of the pH-dependence are discussed in an Appendix.  相似文献   

The energy metabolism in rat brains during postnatal development was followed by in vivo 31P NMR. Using a small surface coil (from several to 10 mm in diameter) placed at the head of a conscious rat, high-energy phosphate compounds in the brain and the steady-state kinetics among them were measured. The cellular contents of some phosphate compounds changed widely during the period of postnatal cell growth from age 10 to 20 days. During the same period, the cellular activity of creatine kinase increased by a factor of more than 5 as measured by a saturation transfer technique. The in vivo value of the creatine/creatine phosphate ratio was estimated from the in vitro value (in perchloric acid extracts), assuming that the in vivo ratio of the creatine and creatine phosphate pool over the ATP and ADP pool was the same as the corresponding in vitro value. From the creatine/creatine phosphate ratio thus obtained, the value of the cytosolic ATP/ADP ratio was estimated for brains of adult rats and neonate rats. Unexpectedly the value in the latter was found to be smaller.  相似文献   

The effects of pentobarbital anesthesia on the energy metabolism of FSaII and MCaIV foot tumors in mice were studied by 31P MRS. Using an 8.5 T spectrometer, in vivo spectra were obtained in 15 animals before and after pentobarbital anesthesia (0.05 mg/g ip). The average phosphocreatine/inorganic phosphate ratios (PCr/Pi) with and without pentobarbital were similar for both tumor histologies. Effects on individual tumors, however, were greater than 20% in 9/15 animals and greater than 50% in 6/15 animals. Pentobarbital anesthesia increased the variability of tumor intracellular pH, and the phosphomonoester/nucleotide triphosphate (PME/NTP) and nucleotide triphosphate/inorganic phosphate ratios (NTP/Pi). When examining the average in a cohort, pentobarbital anesthesia had no significant effect on the PCr/Pi, PME/NTP, NTP/Pi ratios or the pH. However, approximately equal to 50% of individual tumors do have significant changes in these parameters. The anesthesia-induced variability of tumor energy metabolism may explain the decrease in TCD50 observed in previous studies using multifraction radiation.  相似文献   

Interactions between the phosphate group of 4-deoxypyridoxine 5′-phosphate and different protonated amines were quantitatively measured by means of {31P}-1H nuclear magnetic double resonance technique combined with pD titration. An interaction of the phosphate group with added amine resulted in a measurable difference in the 31P chemical shift of these phosphate-containing samples with and without amine [Δδ(31P)]. Basic amino acids and biogenic amines had significant measurable Δδ(31P) values. No interactions were observed for acidic or neutral α, β and γ-amino acids.  相似文献   

F M Marassi  P M Macdonald 《Biochemistry》1991,30(43):10558-10566
The response to membrane surface charge of the glycerol headgroup of dimyristoyl-phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) was investigated via deuterium and phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The membrane surface charge was manipulated by adding various amounts of neutral dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and/or positively charged didodecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB) to the negatively charged DMPG, selectively deuterated at the alpha and beta segments of its glycerol headgroup. The deuterium and phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra were all characteristic of random dispersions of liquid-crystalline lipids in a bilayer configuration. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that all mixtures investigated exhibited gel to liquid-crystalline phase transitions below 35 degrees C. Measurements of the deuterium quadrupole splitting and of the phosphorus-31 chemical shift anisotropy lead to the following observations. (1) Dilution of the negative surface charge density by the addition of DMPC had little effect on the quadrupole splitting from either alpha- or beta-deuterated DMPG. (2) Direct cancellation of the negative surface charge density by addition of DDAB led to a progressive decrease in the quadrupole splitting measured from alpha-deuterated DMPG, while the quadrupole splitting measured from beta-deuterated DMPG increased. For alpha-deuterated DMPG addition of 0.3 mole fraction of DDAB resulted in the appearance of two distinct quadrupole splittings. No such effect was observed for beta-deuterated DMPG.  相似文献   

The 270-MHz proton NMR spectra of erabutoxins a, b and c from Laticauda semifasciata in 2H2O solution were observed together with [15-N6-acetyllysine]erabutoxin b, [27-N6-acetyllysine]-erabutoxin b and [47-N6-acetyllysine]erabutoxin b. The lysine epsilon-methylene proton resonances of erabutoxin b are assigned to individual residues. The epsilon-methylene proton resonance of Lys-27 is significantly broad, indicating that the mobility of this residue is restricted. Upon acetylation of Lys-27 of erabutoxin b, the pKa values of three other lysine residues are lowered by about 0.2, indicating long-range interactions among lysine residues. All the methyl proton resonances are assigned to amino acid types, primarily by the spin-echo double-resonance method. The pH dependences of proton chemical shifts were analyzed by the nonlinear least-square method, for obtaining pKa values and protonation shifts. The interproton nuclear Overhauser effect enhancements were measured for elucidating the spatial proximity of methyl-bearing residues and aromatic residues. On the basis of these NMR data and with the crystal structures by Low et al. and by Petsko et al., the methyl proton resonances of all the valine, leucine, and isoleucine residues and Thr-45 have been identified. The microenvironments of Tyr-25, His-26, Trp-29, four lysines and eight methyl-bearing residues have been elucidated. The addition of the paramagnetic hexacyanochromate ion causes broadening of the proton resonances of Thr-45, Lys-47, Ile-50, Trp-29 and Ile-36 residues located on one end of the molecule of erabutoxin b. The positively charged invariant residues of Lys-47 and Arg-33 at this part of the molecule are probably involved in the binding to the receptor protein.  相似文献   

Human B cell lymphoma (Raji) growing in athymic, nude mice has been successfully treated with a single pulse dose of 131I-labeled monoclonal antibody (Lym-1) specific for this tumor. Sequential in vivo measurements of phosphate metabolites in the tumors by 31P surface coil nuclear magnetic resonance showed a significant initial decrease of phosphocreatine following radioimmunotherapy. Diminution of relative ATP to Pi peak area ratio suggesting tissue damage occurred within 3-4 days. The contribution from metabolites resonating at ca 3.8 ppm (putative sugar phosphate region) increased. There was no significant change in pH either as a function of tumor volume or treatment. The sequence of alterations of nuclear magnetic resonance spectra from tumors of treated mice were strikingly different from sequential nuclear magnetic resonance spectra obtained from tumors of control mice. These observations lead us to conclude that 31P surface coil nuclear magnetic resonance is a promising non-invasive method for assessing and predicting the efficacy of radioimmunotherapy. Further spatial discrimination of the region of tissue observed by the surface coil nuclear magnetic resonance experiment is under exploration in an effort to increase the utility of these methods.  相似文献   

Intact lipopolysaccharide antigens isolated from seven different immunotypes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa have been examined by 31P-NMR spectroscopy. These macromolecular complexes contain phosphorus covalently attached to the carbohydrate residues present in the lipid A moiety and the 'core' oligosaccharide region. The spectral signals for various ortho- and pyrophosphoric esters were observed. All phosphate groups appeared to be monoesterified. Certain shifts characteristic for phosphate diester groups, observed in lipopolysaccharide complexes from other Gram-negative bacteria, were absent. Furthermore, no evidence was found to indicate that phosphate groups are involved in the covalent linkage of individual lipopolysaccharide complexes to form dimers or trimers.  相似文献   

Glycophorin A was phosphorylated using protein kinases and the new protein was investigated using31P NMR spectroscopy. Most of these ~30 moles of phosphate were found to be attached to Ser and Thr. Some of these phosphate residues appear to be affected by the carbohydrate residues present. The phosphorylated protein appears to be in a severe state of aggregation, with the degree of aggregationpH-dependent.  相似文献   

The 31P high resolution NMR spectra of concentrated suspensions of Escherichia coli cells have been measured at 145.8 MHz. The position of the orthophosphate resonance is used as a measure of internal and external pH. In accord with Paddan, Zilberstein and Rottenberg ((1976) Eur. J. Biochem. 63, 533--541) it is shown that when properly energized the internal pH is 7.5 +/- 0.1. By synchronizing the NMR data acquisition with 3-s bursts of O2 it is possible to measure the internal pH with a time resolution of about 1 s. It is shown that at 20 degrees C the pH remains constant for times longer than 15 s after the oxygen is discontinued and it decays in several minutes.  相似文献   

The 31P NMR method was first applied to characterize in vivo phosphorylation of H1 and H5 in calf thymus and chicken erythrocytes as well as in vitro phosphorylation of H1 and H5 by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The amino acid residues phosphorylated in vivo in the histones were exclusively serine residues, and the mole fraction of phosphoserine was estimated to be 0.34 and 0.27 per molecule of calf thymus H1 and chicken erythrocyte H5, respectively. Interestingly, chicken erythrocyte H1 was not phosphorylated in vivo. Three H1 subtypes from calf thymus H1 varied in the 31P NMR spectra, and the bisected fragments of calf thymus H1 and chicken erythrocyte H5 exhibited characteristic spectral patterns, indicating that there are considerable diversities of the degree of phosphorylation and phosphorylation sites in very-lysine-rich histones. Furthermore, it was found that the microenvironment of phosphoserine residues phosphorylated in vivo in calf thymus H1 and chicken erythrocyte H5 is quite distinct from that of phosphoserine residues phosphorylated in vitro by bovine heart cAMP-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

We have examined the circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of a long neurotoxin, alpha-bungarotoxin, over a wide range of pH values and temperatures, and under high salt conditions. The observations are interpreted partly in terms of the known crystal structure of this polypeptide. We support earlier findings of a greater degree of beta-sheet structure in solution than has been reported by X-ray crystallography and, importantly, the invariant residue associated with neurotoxicity, Trp29, is shown to be in a similar environment to that found in alpha-cobratoxin and LS III from Laticauda semifasciata. The implications of this observation for structure/function relationships are outlined.  相似文献   

M Goodman  N Ueyama  F Naider  C Gilon 《Biopolymers》1975,14(5):915-925
By use of high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopy, we have found evidence for specific folded forms for the methoxyethoxyethoxyacetyl-blocked alanine tetramer ethyl ester. It appears that this tetrapeptide derivative exists in a folded form which is in rapid equilibrium with an extended structure (i.e., below 1% w/v). At high concentrations (i.e., above 1% w/v in chloroform) the folded form is stabilized by an association of the alanine tetrapeptide derivative into a side-by-side dimer which contains specific hydrogen bonds between the amine terminal regions of the two folded structures.  相似文献   

The 270-MHz proton NMR spectra of cobrotoxin from Naja naja atra were observed in 2H2O solution. The pKa value (5.93) of His-32 is slightly lower than the pKa value (6.65) of the reference model of N-acetylhistidine methylamide, because of the electrostatic interaction with Arg-33 and Asp-31. The pKa value (5.3--5.4) of His-4 is appreciably low, because of the interaction with the positively charged guanidino group possibly of Arg-59. The hydrogen-deuterium exchange rates in 2H2O solution were measured of cobrotoxin and imidazole-bearing models. The second-order rate constants of N-acetylhistidine methylamide, N-acetylhistidine and imidazole acetic acid satisfy the Br?nsted relation. With reference to this Br?nsted relation, the imidazole ring of His-32 is confirmed to be exposed. The imidazole ring of His-4 is also exposed and the exchange rate is excessively promoted by the presence possibly of Arg-59 in the proximity. All the methyl proton resonances are assigned to amino-acid types, by conventional double-resonance method and more effectively by the spin-echo double-resonance method. Eight methyl proton resonances are identified as due to the gamma and/or delta-methyl groups of Val-46, Leu-1, Ile-50 and Ile-52 residues. The proximity of aromatic ring protons and methyl protons is elucidated by the analyses of nulcear Overhauser effect enhancements. The aromatic proton resonances of Trp-29 are affected by the ionizable groups of Asp-31, His-32 and Tyr-35. The methyl groups of Ile-50 are in the proximity to the aromatic ring of Trp-29 and the methyl groups of Ile-52 are in the proximity to Tyr-25. The highest-field methyl proton resonance is due to a threonine residue in the proximity to His-4. The appreciable temperature-dependent chemical shift of this methyl proton resonance suggests a temperature-dependent local conformational equilibrium around the His-4 residue of the first loop of the cobrotoxin molecule.  相似文献   

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