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周茜 《生物学通报》2007,42(3):48-49
由于多种原因,人们在理解和实施探究性教学中出现2个方面的偏差,一是随意地给一些人们早已熟知的教与学的形式贴上探究的标签:另一是只把从问题的提出、证据收集、方案的制订和实施到解释的形成、验证和结论的得出等等都是由学生自主发现、由学生独立完成的活动才归为探究。这2种理解都背离了探究性学习的本质意义。笔者结合学习与实践的体会,谈谈对生物学课程中渗透探究的理念的理解与认识。  相似文献   

探究:是一种模拟性的科学研究活动,涉及问题、假设、数据、解释、评价、结论等多个环节。探究有多种类型:定向探究与自由探究、归纳探究与演绎探究。探究又有多种实施途径:探究性提问、探究性讨论、探究性演示以及探究性实验。  相似文献   

探究性教学作为新课程积极倡导的一种重要的教学方式,正越来越多地被教师认同,且越来越多地走进课堂,成为生物课课堂教学的一大亮点,但同时在实施探究性教学中也出现许多问题,存在一些误区与不足,导致许多无效探究的出现,严重影响课堂教学效果与学生能力发展。因此,检视与反思在实施探究性教学中出现的问题,  相似文献   

中学生物探究性实验教学模式初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
当前,随着生物新课程的实施,广大中学生物教师对新课程标准“倡导探究性学习”理念的认识不断提高。高中生物教材中提供的探究性实验作为探究学习的基本材料之一,越来越引起教师们的关注。然而,如何有效开展探究性实验教学,本人认为探究性实验教学具有相对稳定的范式型的教学模式。这一教学模式的流程简单概括为:提出问题-作出假设-验证假设-得出结论-交流评价。通过结合自己的教学实践就生物探究性实验教学模式的理论依据、教学目标、教学程序、教学评价、实施条件以及实施的体会作初步探讨。  相似文献   

高中生物课堂中实施探究性学习适应了新课程的需要,有利于挖掘学生思维潜力,发展思维,开发智力,促进学生养成对待事物的科学态度。在高中生物课堂中实施探究性学习,教师要更新思想观念,转变角色。在平时的教学中根据学生的思维特点选择恰当的探究性学习内容,逐步培养学生的探究性学习策略,注重探究性学习过程,拓宽学习时空,形成探究性学习习惯。  相似文献   

本文认为,在高中生物教学中,实验环节是很关键的部分。对于探究性实验,教育系统应加大支持力度,在实验条件上保证探究性实验教学顺利的实施。本文就高中实验探究性教学水平的问题,提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

初中生物课堂要实施探究性学习,应先从转变教师教学观念入手。以新课程理念为指导,把握住教材,围绕教材目标,规范自己的教学行为,通过探究性学习来改变学生的学习方式,使学生亲身体验科学过程和科学方法,理解科学本质,形成一定的科学探究能力及科学态度、情感与价值观,培养学生的创新能力。本文就是自己在教学实践中尝试探究性学习的一些做法。  相似文献   

探究性高中生物在教学中占主要的位置,通过生物教学的探讨与实施,培养了学生的实践经验与创新,并且也提高了学生的素质能力。  相似文献   

今年来随着新课改的实施,如何帮助学生进行探究性学习成了高中生物教师所共同关注的话题,高中的生物教学具有其特有的学科特点,本文将从探究性学习的特点和定义出发,探讨对高中生物教学采取探究性学习的意义,并将为如何在高中生物教学中采取探究性教学给出几点建议。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义建设不断完善与发展,我国的教育体制改革也在不断地推进,并取得了前所未有的成就。为了能够将新课程的改革进行到底,提高教学质量和教学效率,我国提出了开展探究性学习的新理念,特别是在高中生物教学中,已经成为其课程改革所要研究的新热点,但在实施的过程中仍旧存在不少问题。基于此,本文根据大量实践,结合实际,对高中生物教学中开展探究性学习所面临的困难进行深入的分析,并提出一系列的解决对策。  相似文献   

Teaching science as inquiry is advocated in all national science education documents and by leading science and science teaching organizations. In addition to teaching science as inquiry, we recognize that learning experiences need to connect to students’ lives. This article details how we use a sequence of faded scaffolded inquiry supported by technologies to engage students meaningfully in science connected to their lives and schoolyards. In this approach, more teacher guidance is provided earlier in the inquiry experiences before this is faded later in the sequence, as students are better prepared to complete successful inquiries. The sequence of inquiry experiences shared in this article offers one possible mechanism for science teaching supported by technologies as an exemplar for translating teaching “science as inquiry” into practice.  相似文献   

Annual Review     
In recent years, the science teaching community and curriculum developers have emphasised the importance of teaching inquiry and teaching science as inquiry. One way of developing learners' skills for planning and carrying out scientific research is by allowing them to perform independent research, guided by a teacher. It was recently discovered that there are considerable differences between experiments conducted by scientists and those conducted by students, with regard to the cognitive processes that the experimenters go through. Developing inquiry study activities that emphasise authentic inquiry was suggested in order to introduce students to cognitive activity that more closely resembles that of scientific professionals. This article describes the Biomind programme, intended for students of Grades 11 and 12 (ages 16 to 18 years) majoring in biology. The curriculum, developed by biology teachers, enables students to conduct independent research under teacher guidance. The curriculum emphasises the learning process, not just the outcome, and so students must reflect upon the work in progress. Moreover, the Biomind curriculum follows the principles of authentic inquiry. Biomind may improve students' scientific thinking abilities, expand the guidance aspect of teachers' work, and inspire curriculum developers to further emphasise inquiry.  相似文献   

“微生物学”课程是酿酒工程、生物工程、生物技术等专业的必修课程,也是一门重要的专业核心课程。基于培养具有科学探究能力的创新型人才的教学目标,我们教学团队深入改革“微生物学”课程,建设一流本科课程。通过贯彻“以学生为中心”和“科研反哺教学”的教学理念,深入挖掘课程育人价值,开展课程思政建设工作,建设慕课(massive open online course, MOOC)平台“微生物学”课程线上教学全套资源,构建“夯实基础-解构问题分析训练-研讨课”的教学模式,改进学生学习模式,改革学习过程评价体系,以及指导学生参加科创竞赛等教学改革实践,全面提高学生的科学探究能力,为社会储备具有科学探究能力的创新型人才,为工科院校建设一流课程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Teachers conceptualise inquiry learning in science learning differently. This is particularly evident when teachers are introduced to inquiry pedagogy within a new context. This exploratory study draws on semi-structured interviews conducted with eight pre-service secondary biology teachers following a day visit with university tutors to the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew. Emerging findings were: first, pre-service biology teachers’ views of inquiry learning range in sophistication from simple notions of ‘learning from doing’ to complex multi-notions such as student generated questions, developing curiosity and encouraging authentic scientific practices. Second, similarly their views of inquiry learning opportunities in botanical gardens ranged from simply places that offered ‘memorable experiences’ to enabling autonomous learning due to the organism diversity and multiple climates. Pre-service teachers categorised as having unsophisticated views of inquiry learning had limited expectations of botanical gardens as productive learning environments. Third, the majority of pre-service teachers were concerned about managing inquiry learning. A tension was identified between how open-ended an inquiry activity could be whilst ensuring student focus. Further, participants were concerned about the practical management of inquiry learning. We discuss implications for teacher educators and botanical garden educators and the requirement for curriculum development and promotion.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe a fourth-grade inquiry unit on soil. The unit was designed and taught by preservice elementary teachers as part of a university science methods course. Using a student-driven inquiry approach to designing curriculum, the unit engaged fourth graders in learning about the physical properties soil, erosion, worms, and plants. Hands-on activities, literacy strategies, and informational texts and websites were used to build student learning.  相似文献   

高师植物学实验教学改革的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
史刚荣  徐燕英  张铮 《生物学杂志》2006,23(1):52-53,59
通过优化实验内容、强化技能训练、倡导实验探究、完善评价体系,对高师植物学实验教学进行了改革,以加强对学生创新精神和实践能力的培养。  相似文献   

Acquisition of scientific reasoning is one of the big challenges in education. A popular educational strategy advocated for acquiring deep knowledge is inquiry-based learning, which is driven by emerging ‘good questions’. This study will address the question: ‘Which design features allow learners to refine questions while preserving student ownership of the inquiry process?’ This design-based research has been conducted over several years with advanced high-school biology classes. The results confirm the central role of question elaboration as an interactive process that leads from vague to complex and adequate. To make this happen, the inquiry process must extend over a long time, learners and teachers should share a knowledge improvement goal, and text produced by students should be structured by question–answer pairs addressing a single concept using authentic resources. Further features are discussion with peers, teacher feedback with respect to answer elaboration and conceptual differentiation, and finally, teacher guidance that should fade out in successive inquiry cycles to ensure student responsibility.  相似文献   

This article highlights a core lesson that has been used in a number of Lincoln Park Zoo educational programs. The lesson teaches students to conduct an ethological, or animal behavior, study on a bird. This study can be implemented in a variety of outdoor settings, including a park, schoolyard, or zoo. Using an ethogram, students will practice inquiry skills such as making observations, collecting and analyzing data, and sharing results. This type of inquiry-based research is commonly conducted at Lincoln Park Zoo and allows students to make a connection between their work and that of our practicing researchers. Furthermore, this lesson supports the recommendations of the National Research Council by providing students with an opportunity to engage in scientific inquiry and to utilize research skills in an outdoor setting.  相似文献   

One dilemma science teachers face every day is balancing the content demands of state and federal testing requirements while providing opportunities for inquiry. Using the 5E learning cycle is a realistic, constructivist way to address this dilemma. The 5E learning cycle leads students through a sequence of learning in which they become engaged in a topic, explore that topic, are given an explanation for their experiences, elaborate on their learning, and are evaluated. This article outlines a 5E learning cycle introducing middle/high school students to the cell.  相似文献   

在动物学教学中实施研究性学习的探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在动物学教学中实施研究性学习,包括增加课堂科研专题讨论,建设开放式实验室,鼓励学生参与科研课题研究,带着研究小课题进行教学实习等。结果表明:这种融知识传授、能力培养和素质提高为一体的研究性教学模式,实现了教学科研相长,在教学实践中培养了学生的创新能力和实践能力。  相似文献   

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