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《Marine Mammal Science》1986,2(2):159-163
Book reviews in this article:
S tudies of S ea M ammals in S outh L atitudes . J. K. Ling and M. M. Bryden (eds.).
E xploitation of M arine C ommunities . R. M. May (ed.).
H andbook of M arine M ammals . Volume 3. The Sirenians and Baleen Whales. Sam H. Ridgway and Richard Harrison (eds.).
I nternational R egulation of W haling : F rom C onservation of W haling F rom C onservation of W hales and R egulation of W hale -W atching . Vols. 1 and 2. Patricia Birnie (ed.).
M arine M ammals and F isheries . J. R. Beddington, R. J. H. Beverton and D. M. Lavigne (eds.).
T he E lements of G raphing D ata . William S. Cleveland.  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1989,5(3):310-312
P olar B ears . Ian Stirling, with photographs by Dan Guravich.
W hales , D olphins and P orpoises . Consulting Editors Sir Richard Harrison and Dr. M. M. Bryden.
B iology and C onservation of the R iver D olphin s. W. F. Perrin, R. L. Brownell, Jr., Z. Kaiya and L. Jiankang (eds.).
A nimal S ona r. P rocesses and P erformanc e. P. E. Nachtigall and P. W. B. Moore (eds.).
N orth A tlantic K iller W hale s. J. Sigurjonsson and S. Leatherwood (eds.).  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1985,1(2):179-184
Book reviews in this article:
C ommunication and B ehavior of W hales . R. Payne (ed.).
S trandings : W ays T o S ave W hales . F. D. r obson .
O rders and F amilies of R ecent M ammals of T he W orld . S. Anderson and J. Knox Jones, Jr. (eds.).
S oviet -A merican C ooperative R esearch on M arine M ammals . V olume l—P innipeds . F. H. Fay and G. A. Fedoseev (eds.).
P athobiology of M arine M ammal D iseases . E. B. Howard (ed.).
S eals of T he W orld . (Second Edition.) J. E. Ring. British Museum and Cornell University Press.
T he G ray W hale : E schrichtius R obustus . M. L. Jones, S. L. Swartt and S. Leatherwood.
T he S ierra C lub H andbook of W hales and D olphins . S. Leatherwood and R. R. Reeves.  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1986,2(3):236-241
Book reviews in this article:
H andbook of M arine M ammals . V olume 3: T he S irenians and B aleen W hales . S. H. Ridgway and R. Harrison (eds.).
L es P hoques M oines -M onk S eal . Ronald and R. Duguy (eds.).
T he E lements of G raphing D ata . W. S. Cleveland.
G uia P ara el R econocimiento de C etaceos del M ar A rgentino . A. Lichter and A. Hooper.
M amiferos M arinos de C hile . W. Sielfeld K.
T he W hale W atcher's H andbook . E. Hoyt. Illustrations by P. Folkens.
W hales and D olphins of N ew Z ealand and A ustralia : A n I dentification G uide . A. N. Baker.  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1985,1(4):342-347
Book reviews in this article:
A ntarcitc E cology . R. M. Laws (ed.).
S eals O f T he W orld . J. E. King.
R eproduction I n W hales , D olphins and P orpoises . W. F. Perrin, R. L. Brownell, Jr., and D. P. DeMaster, eds.
E volution I n T he G alapagos I slands . R. J. Berry (ed.).
H istorical W haling R ecords . M. F. Tillman and G. P. Donovan (eds.).
D iving and A sphyxia , A C omparative S tudy O f A nimals and M an . R. Elsner and B. Gooden.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Evolution and Classification: The Reformation of Cladism .—Mark Ridley.
Phylogenetic Systematics of the Drynarioideae (Polypodiaceae) .—M. C. Roos.
Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology: Volume 1 .—Richard Dawkins and Mark Ridley (eds.).
Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology, Volume 2 .—R. Dawkins and M. Ridley (eds.) 1985.
An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa .—John J. Lee, Seymour H. Hutner, and Eugene Bovee (eds.).
Ontogeny and Systematics of Fishes .—H. G. Moser, W. J. Richards, D. M. Cohen, M. P. Fahay, A. W. Kendall, Jr., and S. L. Richardson (eds.).
Morphometrics in Evolutionary Biology .—F. Bookstein, B. Chernoff, R. Elder, J. Humphries, G. Smith, and R. Strauss.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
B aker . K. 1993. Identification Guide to European Non-passerines.
B arnard . C., G ilbert , F. & M c G regor
B askett , T.S., S ayre . M.W., T omlinson , R.E. & M irarchi .
B ezzel . E. 1993. Kompendium der Vögel Mitteleuropas.
B right , M. 1993. The Private Life of Birds.
C ook , M. 1992. The Birds of Moray and Nairn.
D avison . G.W.H. 1992. Birds of Mount Kinabalu. Borneo.
E rritzoe . J. 1993. The Buds of CITES and How to Identify Them.
F arner , D.S., K ing , J.R. & P arkes , K.C.
G ibbons , D.W., R eid , J.B. & C hapman . R.A. (eds). 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland.
H illman , J.C.
H uxley . E.
J ackson . C.E. 1993. Great Bird Paintings of the World.
J ohnsgard . P.A. 1993. Cormorants, Darters and Pelicans of the World.
M adge . S. & B urn , H. 1994. Crows and Jays. A Guide to the Crows, Jays and Magpies of the World.
N icolai . B. (ed.).
P ower , D.M. (ed.).
P riklonskiy . S.G. (ed.).
R alph . R. 1993. William MacGillivray.
R obinson , D. & C hapman , A.
S harp . P.J. 1993. Avian Endocrinology.
S mith , K.W., D fe , C.W., F earnside . J.D., F letcher , E.W. & S mith , R.N.
S olomon . D. & W illiams , J.
S ørensen , S., B loch . D. & L angvad . S.
Z immerman , J.L.  相似文献   

BOOKS:Stanley Champ 《Ibis》1984,126(1):103-114
BOOKS:Abs , M. (ed.) 1983. Physiology and behaviour of the pigeon. Pp. 360; numerous figures and tables. London BOOKS:Angus , S. (ed.). 1983. Sutherland birds. A guide to the status and ecology of birds in Sutherland District BOOKS:Cooper , J. (ed.). 1981. Proceedings of the symposium on birds of the sea and shore, 1979. Pp. vi + 474. Cape Town: African Seabird Group BOOKS:Cramp , S. & Simmons , K. E. L. (eds.). 1983. Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: the birds of the western Palearctic. Vol. 3, Waders to Gulls BOOKS:Glutz Von Blotzheim , U. N. & Bauer , K. M. (eds.). 1982. Handbuch der Vogel Mitteleuropas BOOKS:Farner , D. S., King , J. R. & Parkes , K. C. 1982. Avian biology BOOKS:Flint , P. R. & Stewart , P. F. 1983. The birds of Cyprus BOOKS:Foiger , H. 1982. Kolibris BOOKS:Mobbs , A. J. 1982. Hummingbirds. Pp. xi+192; 32 colour photographs, 56 black-and-white photographs. Hindhead, Surrey: Saiga Publishing Co. Ltd BOOKS:Freethy , R. 1982. How birds work — a guide to bird biology BOOKS:Glutz Von Blotzheim , U. N. & Bauer , K. M. (eds.) 1982. Haridbuch der Vogel Mitteleuropas BOOKS:Grant , G. S. 1982. Avian incubation: egg temperature, nest humidity, and behavioral thermoregulation in a hot environment. Ornithological Monographs No. 30 BOOKS:Jonsson , L. 1982. Birds of the Mediterranean and Alps. Pp. 160; numerous colour plates and distribution maps. BOOKS:Kalchreuter , H. 1983. The woodcock. See review of Spano , S. 1982. BOOKS:Köing , C. 1983. Auf Darwins Spuren, Oekologische Betrachtungen im Lande des Kondors. BOOKS:Meanley , B. 1982. Waterfowl of the Chesapeake Bay Country. Pp. 210; 104 black-and-white photographs and text figures, 8 tables. Centreville, Maryland BOOKS:Siobbs , A. J. 1982. Hummingbirds. See Review of Folger BOOKS:O'donald , P. 1983. The Arctic Skua: a study of the ecology and evolution of a seabird. Pp. 324; 27 figures, 91 tables. Cambridge BOOKS:Remmert , H. 1980. Arctic animal ecology. BOOKS:Spano , S. 1982. II punto sulla beccaccia BOOKS:Kalchreuter , H. 1983. The woodcock. Pp. 127; line drawings, tables and figures. Mainz: Verlag Dieter Hoffman BOOKS:Sultana , J. and Gauci , C. 1982. A new guide to the birds of Malta BOOKS:Thibault , J.-C. 1983. Les oiseaux de la Corse BOOKS:Thomas , K. 1983. Man and the natural world. Changing attitudes in England  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: Adar , M. (ed.). 1993. Bird Sounds (in Hebrew) Baumel , J.J., King , AS., Breazile , J.E., Evans , H.E. & Van den Berge Bergman , H.-H. 1993. Der Buchfink. Born , E.G. & Flores , D. 1993. The Mississippi Kite. Bhushan , B., Fry , G., Hibi , A., Mundkur , T., Prawiradilaga , D.M., Sonobe , K. & Usui , S. 1993. Clement , P., Harris , A. & Davis , J. 1993. Finches & Sparrows. An identification guide. Crawley , M.J. 1993. GLIM for Ecologists. Methods in ecology series. Dowsett , R.J. & Forbes -Watson , A. 1993. Checklist of Birds of the Afrotropical and Malagasy Regions. Dowsett , R.J. & Dowsett -Lemaire , F. 1993. A Contribution to the Distribution and Taxonomy of Afrotropical and Malagasy Birds. Dvorak , M., Ranner . A. & Berg . H.-M. 1993. Atlas der Brutvögel Österreichs Glutz von Blotzheim , U.N. & Bauer , K.M. 1991. Handbuch der Vogel Mitteleuropas. Band 12/I and II: Passeriformes (3. Teil). Sylviidae. Harrison , C. & Greensmth , A. 1993. Birds of the World. Eyewitness Handbooks Hume , R. & Pearson , B. Seabirds. Martin , B. P. & Proud , A. 1993. Wildfowl of the British Isles and North-west Europe. Maclean , G.L. (ed.). 1993. Robert's Birds of Southern Africa. Mc Ferran , J.B. & Mc Nulty , M.S. (eds). Mc Gregor , P.K. (ed.). Mc Nicholl , K.M. & Cranmer -Byng , J.L. (eds). 1994. Ornithology in Ontario. Muñiz , A.M. & Rosello , E. (eds). 1993. Archaeornithology: Birds and the archaeological record. Archaeofauna (Revista de la Asociacion Española de Arqueozoología): 2. Norman , D. 1994. The Fieldfare. Ogilvie , M. & Pearson , B. 1994. Wildfowl Osing , H. 1993. Der Flußregenpfeifer (Charadrius dubius). Redig , P.T., Cooper , J.E., Remple , J.D. & Hunter Ryabitsev , V.K. 1993. Territorial Relationships and Bird Community Dynamics in the Subarctic (In Russian, English contents.) Schepers , F.J. & Marteijn , C.L. (eds). 1993. Coastal Waterbirds in Gabon. Smley , C.G. & Monroe , B.L., Jr . 1993. A Supplement to Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World. Monroe , B.L., Jr . & Sibley , C.G. 1993. A World Checklist of Buds. Whylde , A. 1993. Threatened Mammals, Birds, Amphibians and Fish in Ireland. Irish Red Data Book 2: Vertebrates. Alderton , D. 1993. The Handbook of Cage and Aviary Birds. Boutin , J. 1993. Les Oiseaux de Camargue. Bransbury , J. 1992. Where to Find Birds in Australia. Camphuysen , C.J., Ensor , K., Furness , R.W., Garthe , S., Hüppop , O., Leaper , G., Offringer , H. & Tasker , M.L. 1993. Seabirds Feeding on Discards in Winter in the North Sea: Final report to the European Commission. Castroviejo , J. 1993. Mappa del Parque nacional de Doñana. Davis , S.M. & Ogden . J.C. (eds). 1994. Everglades: The ecosystem and its restoration. Department of the Environment . 1994. Biodiversity: The UK action plan. Epple , W. 1993. Eulen: Die geheimnisvollen Vagel der Nacht. Ken-nenlernen, erleben, schützen. Fernández -Cordeiro , A. & Dominguez , J. (eds). 1991. Actas do Pri-meiro Congreso Galego de Ornitoloxía. Cursos e Congressos da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela no. Finlayson , C.M., Chuikov , Y.S., Prentice , R.C. & Fischer , W. (eds). 1993. Biogeography of the Lower Volga. Russia: An overview. Fisher , C. & Jones , P. (eds). 1993. Papers from the History of Ornithology Conference Gales , R. 1993. Co-operative Mechanisms for the Conservation of Albatross. Garcia , E. & Paterson , A. 1994. Where to Watch Buds in Southern Spain, Andalucía. Extremadura and Gibraltar. Grishchenko , V.N. & Skil's‘kii , I.V. (eds). 1994. Materials of the 1st Conference of Young Ornithologists Ukraine, March 46.1994, Lutsk (in Russian). Library of journal “Berkut” 1. Holden , P. & Langman , M. 1994. Migrants and Migration. Kaufman , J. & Meng , H. 1992. Falcons Return. Keller , C.E. & Keller , T.C. 1993. Birds of Indianapolis: A guide to the region. Mc Eneaney , T. 1993. The Birder's Guide to Montana. Merritt , J.F. & Hannakan , C.J. (eds). 1992. Guide to Biological Field Stations: Directory of members Meschini , E. & Frugis , S. (eds). 1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Supplemento alle Ricerche di Biologia deb Selvaggina. Nethercoat , I. & Langman , M. 1994. Bird Identification and Field Craft. Hamlyn Young Ornithologists' Guides Oman Bird Records Commitee . 1994. Oman Bird List. The official list of the birds of the Sultanate of Oman. Renno , K.O. (compiler). 1993. Eesti Linnutatlas: Eesti haudelindude levikuatlas. Sen -Hsiong Wu & Hsiou Yin Yang . 1991. A guide to the birds of Taiwan (in Chinese). Simpson , K. & Day , N. 1994. Field Guide to the Birds of Australia. The most complete one-volume book of identification. Thalmann , G. (ed.). 1994. Thorburn's Atlas of European Birds. Tomer , J.S. & Brodhead , M.J. (eds). 1992. A Naturalist in Indian Territory. The journals of S.W. Woodhouse, 1849–50. Watkins , D. 1993. A National Plan for Shorebird Conservation in Australia. Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network . 1993. Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network site profiles. World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cambridge Wynne , G. 1994. Biodiversity Challenge: An agenda for conservation action in the UK.  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1987,3(4):361-366
B ehavioral B iology of K iller W hales . Barbara C. Kirkevold and Joan S. Lockard, eds.
A rctic W halers , I cy S eas . N arratives of the D avis S trait W hale F ishery . W. Gillies Ross.
B ibliographie Ü ber W al -B ibliographie . C etacea . B ibliography on W hale -B ibliographies . Franz W. Bekierz.
R ight W hales : P ast and P resent S tatus . P roceedings of the W orkshop on the S tatus of R ight W hales . Robert L. Brownell, Jr., Peter B. Best and John H. Prescott (eds.).
O rdering the O ceans . Clyde Sanger.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Gentlemanly Cladistics: Phylogenetic Reconstruction in Paleontology .—Robert M. Schoch.
Coevolution and Systematics .—A. R. Stone and D. L. Hawksworth (eds.).
Systematic and Taxonomic Approaches in Palaeobotany .—Robert A. Spicer and Barry A. Thomas (eds.).
Cladistic Biogeography —Christopher J. Humphries and Lynne R. Parenti.
Chondrichthyes II: Mesozoic and Cenozoic Elasmobranchii —H. Cappetta.
Handbook of Paleoichthyology, vol. 3B, Fischer  相似文献   

New Books     
Book reviewed in this article: Byrne R . 1995: The thinking ape. Evolutionary origins of intelligence. Tembrock G . 1996: Akustische Kommunikation bei Säugetieren. Die Stimmen der Säugetiere und ihre Bedeutung. Kleiman , D., Allen , M., Thompson , K., Lumpkin , S. & Harris , H. (eds) 1996: Wild mammals in captivity. Principles and techniques. Strahan, R . (ed.) 1996: Mammals of Australia. Tarsnane, S . 1996: Waterfowl — care, breeding and conservation. Vince, M . 1996: Softbills — care, breeding and conservation. Bjorndal, K. A . (ed) 1995: Biology and conservation of sea turtles (revised edition). Spindler, K.-D . 1997: Vergleichende Endokrinologie. Regulation und Mechanismen. Prinzinger, R . 1996: Das Geheimnis des Alterns. Die programmierte Lebenszeit bei Mensch, Tier und Pflanze. Spear , N. E., Spear , L. P. & Woodruff , M. L. (eds) 1995: Neurobehavioral Plasticity. Learning, Development, and Response to Brain Insults.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Journal of Phytopathology》2001,149(7-8):485-492
Wilkinson, R. E. (ed.) Plant-Environment Interactions, Second Edition.
Stacey, G.; Keen, N. T. (eds) : Plant-Microbe Interactions.
Shurtle, M. C.; C. W. Averre Ill : Diagnosing Plant Diseases Caused by Nematodes.
Tjamos, E. C., R. C. Rowe, J. B. Heale, D. R. Fravel (eds) : Advances in Verticillium: Research and Disease Management.
Frederiksen, R. A.; G. N. Odvody (eds) : Compedium of Sorghum Diseases.
Podila, G. K., D. D. Douds Jr. (eds) : Current Advances in Mycorrhizae Research.
Kronstad, J. W. (ed.) : Fungal Pathology.
Agrawal, A. A., S. Tuzun, E. Bent (eds) : Induced Plant Defenses against Pathogens and Herbivores. Biochemistry, Ecology, and Agriculture.
Bartels, G.; Backhaus, G. F. (Hrg.) : Die Pr̈ng von Panzen auf ihre Widerstandsfhigkeit gegen Schadorganismen in der Biologischen Bundesanstalt. Teil 2 Resistenzpr̈ng von Kulturpanzen im Acker- und Gartenbau gegen Pilze, Bakterien und Viren-Testing of crop cultivars for resistance to noxious organisms at the Federal Biological Research Centre. Part 2. Testing of resistance of field and horticultural crops to fungi, bacteria and viruses. Mitt. Biol. Bundesanstalt för Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Berlin-Dahlem, Heft 373.
Bacon, Ch. W., L. F. White Jr. (eds) : Microbial Endophytes.
Siddiqi, M. R. : Tylenchida. Parasites of Plants and Insects.
Khetan, S. K. : Microbial Pest Control.
Upadhyay, R. K., K. G. Mukerji, B. P. Chamola (eds) : Biocontrol Potential and its Exploitation in Sustainable Agriculture.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Boehm, G. and Leuschner, R. M. (eds.). 1987. Advances in Aerobiology. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Aerobiology, August 6–9, 1986, Basel, Switzerland. Experientia Supplementum, Vol. 51, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Boston, 437 pp. ISBN 1803–1. SFr. 98.00.

Nair, P. K. K., Joshi, A. P. and Gangal, S. V. (eds.) 1986. Airborne Pollen, Spores and Other Plant Materials of India. — A Survey. Published jointly by CSIR Centre for Biochemicals and National Botanic Research Institute Lucknow, 224 pp.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Aspects of Tropical Mycology , Eds S. Isaac, J. C. Frankland, R. Watling & A. J. S. Whalley
The Tapetum. Cytology, Function, Biochemistry and Evolution , M. Hesse, E. Pacini and M. Willemse (eds.). Plant Systematics and Evolution, Supplementum 7
Tropical Alpine Environments. Plant Form and Function . eds P. W. Rundel, A. P. Smith and F. C. Meinzer
A Ravision of Tabernaemontana (part two). The New World Species . A. J. M. Leeuwenberg  相似文献   

《Nordic Journal of Botany》2002,22(6):718-718
Book reviewed in this article:
Oyen, L. P. A. & Lemmens, R. H. M. J. (eds). 2002. Plant resources of tropical Africa—Precursor.
Oyen, L. P. A. & Lemmens, R. H. M J. (eds). 2002. Ressources végétales de rAfrique tropicale—Précurseur.
Bosch, C. H., Siemonsma, J. S., Lemmens, R. H. M. J. & Oyen L. P. A. (eds). 2002. Plant resources of tropical Africa/Ressources végétales de l'Afrique tropicale.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Berndt , R.K. & Busche , G. (eds). 1993. Vogelwelt Schleswig-Hoisteins. Band 4: Entenvagel I1 (Kolbenente-Ruderente). Bildstein . K.L. 1993. White Ibis, wetland wanderer. Birkan , M., Pm , G.R., Aebischher , N.J. & Dowell , S.D. (eds). 1992. Perdix VI. First International Symposium on Partridges, Quails and Francolins. Gibier Faune Sauvage. Birkhead , T. 1993. Great Auk Islands. A field biologist in the Arctic. Butler . D. & Merton , D. 1992. The Black Robin: Saving the world's most endangered bird. Clancey , P.A. 1992. Kingfishers of Sub-Saharan Africa. Standard edition. Committee on the Scientific Bases for the Preservation of the Hawaiian Crow . 1992. The Scientific Bases for the Preservation of the Hawaiian Crow. Cramp , S. & Perrins , C.M. (eds). 1993. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Sonograms reprinted from Volume VII. Flycatchers to Shrikes. De Blieu . J. 1991. Meant to be Wild. The Struggle to Save Endangered Species through Captive Breeding. Einarsson , P. 1991. Guide to the Birds Iceland. A Practical Handbook for Identification. Eldredge , N. 1992. Systematics, Ecology and the Biodiversity Crisis. Gosler , A. 1993. The Great Tit. Hammond , N. & Pearson . B. 1993. Birds of Prey. Knystautas , A. 1993. Birds of Russia. Lack , P. & Ferguson . D. (eds). 1993. The Birds of Buckinghamshire. Lindsey , T.R. 1992. Encylopaedia of Australian Animals. Birds. Mac Kinnon , J. & Phillipps , K. 1993. A Field Guide to the Birds of Borneo, Sumatra, Java. and Bali. Mc Farlane . R.W. 1992. A Stillness in the Pines. The Ratcliffe , D. 1993. The Peregrine Faicon. 2nd ed. Shrubb . M. 1993. The Kestrel. Sinclair . I., Hockey . P., Tarboton , W., Hayman . P. & Arlott , N. 1993. Illustrated Guide to the Birds of Southern Africa. Andrews , J. & Carter . S. (eds). 1993. Britain's Birds in 1990–91: The conservation and monitoring review. Bond , J.T & Hume . K. 1993. Birds: An artist's view. Carter , R.M. 1993. Finding Birds in South Carolina. Choremi . J., Choulis . D. & Spnhakis , V. 1993. The Birds of the Island of Chios Greece. Dennis , N. & Tarboton . W. 1993. Waterbirds. Birds of Southern Africa's Wetlands. Duckworth . D., Genoways , H.H. & Rose . C.L. 1991. Preserving Natural Science Collections: Chronicle of our environmental heritage. Epple , W., Holzinger , J. & Schmid , G. (cds). 1992. Artenschutzsym-posiuni Wendehals. Lambert , F.A. 1993. The Status of and Trade in North Moluccan Parrots with Particular Emphasis on Cacatua alba. Lorius garrulus and Eos squamatn. Moser . M. & van Vessem , J. (eds). 1993. Wetland and Waterfowl Conservation in South and West Asia. Olney . P.J.S. & Ellis , P. (eds). 1992. International Zoo Yearbook. Perrins , C.M., Le Breton , J-D. & Hirons , G.J.M. 1993. Bird Population Studies: Relevance to conservation and management. Ruge . K., Heidinger , C. & Havelka , P. (eds). 1993. Artenschutzsym-posium Spechte. ?tastny , K. & Bej?ek , V. (eds). 1990. Bird Census and Atlas Studies. Taylor . M. & Canberra Ornithologists Grow . 1992. Birds of the Australian Capital Territory, an Atlas. Walraven . E. 1992. Rescue and Rehabilitation of Oiled Birds: Field manual. Wilson , R.T. (ed.). 1993. Birds and the African Environment. Proceedings of the Eighth Pan–African Ornithological Congress. Won , P. 1993. [A Field Guide to the Birds of Korea]. World Conservation Centre . 1993. World Checklist of Threatened Birds. Jeffery Boswall  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
B eehler , B.M. 1991. A Naturalist in New Guinea
B erthold , P. 1990. Vogelzug: eine kurze. aktuelle Gesamtübersicht
B ezzel , E. & P rinzinger , R. 1990. Ornithologie
B ub , H. 1991. Bird Trapping and Bird Banding
B urger , J. (ed.). 1988
B urke , T., D olf , G., J effreys , A.J. & W olff , R. (eds) 1991. DNA Fingerprinting: approaches and applications
C roxall , J.P. (ed.). 1991. Seabird Status and Conservation: a supplement
E rard , C. 1990. Ecologie et Comportement de Gobe-mouches
G alati , R. 1991. Golden-crowned Kinglets, Treetop Nesters of the North Woods
J ohnsgard , P.A. 1988. North American Owls: biology and natural history
J ohnsgard , P.A. 1991. Bustards. Hemipodes, and Sandgrouse: birds of dry places
K uroda , N. 1990. The Jungle Crows of Tokyo
L ekagul , B. & R ound , P.D. 1991. Birds of Thailand
L loyd , C. T asker , M.L. & P artridge , K. 1991. The Status of Seabirds in Britain and Ireland
L örhl , H. 1991. Die Haubenmeise
L oye , J. E. & Z uk , M. (eds) 1991. Bird-Parasite Interactions: ecology, evolution and behaviour
M itchell , A. 1989. The Fragile South Pacific: an ecological odyssey
O lney , P.J.S. & E llis , P. (eds) 1990. International Zoo Yearbook 1989, Vol. 29
O wen , M. & B lack , J.M. 1990. Waterfowl Ecology
R oberts , T.J. 1991. The Birds of Pakistan. Vol. 1; Regional studies and non-passeriformes
S chonn S., S cherzinger W., E xo K-L. & I lle R. 1991. Der Steinkauz. Athene noctua. Pp. 235, 139 monochrome photographs, 28 tables & 2 colour plates
S ibley , C.C. & A hlquist , J.E. 1990. Phylogeny and Classification of Birds: a study in molecular evolution
S kutch , A.F. 1991. Life of the Pigeon
S troud , D. & G lue , D. 1991. Britain's Birds in 1989–90: The conservation and monitoring review
Y eatman -B ekthelot , D. 1991. Atlas des Oiseaux de France en Hiver.  相似文献   

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HOLMES, D.A. L PHILLIPPS, K. 1996. The Birds of Sulawesi.
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Book reviewed in this article: Brown , B. T., Carotheks , S. W., & Johnson , R. R. 1987. Grand Canyon Birds. Brown , D. E. 1985. Arizona Wetlands and Waterfowl. Cheng , T.-H. (Zheng , Z.). 1986. Birds of the World: Latin, Chinese, and English. Feige , K.-D. 1986. Der Pirol. Pp. 216, 92 figures (many black-and-white photographs), 24 tables. Die Neue Brehm-Biicherei 578. Wittenberg Lutherstadt: A. Ziemsen Verlag. Fraga , R. & Narosky , S. 1985. Nidificacion de las Aves Argentinas (Formicariidae a Cinclidae). GWINNER, E. 1986. Circannual Rhythms: Endogenous Annual Clocks in the Organization of Seasonal Processes. Harwood , M. (ed.) 1985. Proceedings of Hawk Migration Conference IV. Pp. 393, various tables and figures. Hawk Migration Association of North America. Hilty , S. L. & Brown , W. L. 1986. A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Ito , J., Brown , L. & Kikkawa , J. 1987. Animal Societies: Theories and Facts. Kavanau , J. L. 1987. Lovebirds, Cockatiels, Budgerigars: Behavior and Evolution. Knystautas , A. J. V. & Sibnev , J. B. 1987. Die Vogelwelt Ussuriens. Lane , B. A. 1987. Shorebirds in Australia. MEDMARAVIS and Monbailliu X. (eds). 1986. Mediterranean Marine Avifauna: Population Studies and Conservation. Narosky , S., Fraga , R. &de la Pe~a , M. 1983. Nidificacion de las Aves Argentinas (Dendrocolaptidae y Furnariidae) Fraga , R. & Narosky , S. 1985. Nidificacion de las Aves Argentinas (Formicariidae a Cinclidae) Noval , A. 1986. Guia de las Aves de Asturias. O'Connor , R. J. & Shrubb , M. 1986. Farming and Birds. Paz , U. 1986. The Plants and Animals of the Land of Israel. Perrins , C. M. 1987. Collins New Generation Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe. Perry , K. 1987. The Irish Dipper. Ridley , M. (ed.) 1986. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Pheasants in Asia, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 26–28 January 1986. Rubenstein , D. I. & Wrangham , R. W. (eds) 1986. Ecological Aspects of Social Evolution: Birds and Mammals. Skutch , A. F. 1987. Helpers at Birds' Nests: a Worldwide Survey of Cooperative Breeding and Related Behavior. Solomonov , N. G. (ed.) 1987. Red Data Book of the Yakut ASSR: Rare and Endangered Species of Animals. (Russian.) Ulrich , T. J. 1984. Birds of the Northern Rockies. Wink , M. 1987. Die Vogel des Rheinlandes, III. Atlas zur Brutvogelverbreitung.  相似文献   

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