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LS Kimsey 《ZooKeys》2012,(213):1-40
The chrysidid genus Loboscelidia is reviewed and 11 new species are described, including Loboscelidia cinnamonea (Borneo), Loboscelidia fulgens (Viet Nam), Loboscelidia fulva (Thailand), Loboscelidia incompleta (India), Loboscelidia kafae (Borneo), Loboscelidia laminata (Viet Nam), Loboscelidia meifungae (Borneo), Loboscelidia nasiformis (Thailand), Loboscelidia nitidula (Thailand), Loboscelidia pecki (Viet Nam), and Loboscelidia sisik (Borneo). A key to males of the species of Loboscelidia is given.  相似文献   

记述采自广西九万大山的青蜂科1新种:广西叶腿青蜂Loboscelidia guangxiensis sp.nov..模式标本保存于浙江大学寄生蜂标本室.广西叶腿青蜂,新种Loboscelidia guangxiensis sp.nov.(图1~6)新种与采自越南的亚细亚叶腿青蜂L.asiana Kimsey,1988近似,但其体色暗褐色、额突前观呈梯形、颈突侧观近直角弯曲、前翅缺M脉与cu-a脉.正模♂,广西九万大山,2003-07-31,王义平采,No.20037702.副模1♂,广西九万大山,2003-07-31,王义平采,No.20037720.  相似文献   

Computer-aided cell colony counting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Counting cell colonies is a tedious task when performed with the light microscope. Moreover, unless strict double-blind protocols are adhered to, biased counts are difficult to avoid. Presented here is a computer software application that performs accurate, reproducible cell colony counts with a minimum of user generated bias. The application is based upon the Apple IICX computer system with Image software and AppleScan. Colonies are grown on 24-well plates and prepared in such a way as to permit good quality scanning. The scans are then transferred to Image and the individual colonies in each well are counted. Good correlation with counts done by light microscopy is achieved.  相似文献   

Wiuf C 《Genetics》2004,166(1):537-545
In this study compatibility with a tree for unphased genotype data is discussed. If the data are compatible with a tree, the data are consistent with an assumption of no recombination in its evolutionary history. Further, it is said that there is a solution to the perfect phylogeny problem; i.e., for each individual a pair of haplotypes can be defined and the set of all haplotypes can be explained without invoking recombination. A new algorithm to decide whether or not a sample is compatible with a tree is derived. The new algorithm relies on an equivalence relation between sites that mutually determine the phase of each other. (The previous algorithm was based on advanced graph theoretical tools.) The equivalence relation is used to derive the number of solutions to the perfect phylogeny problem. Further, a series of statistics, R ( j ) ( M ), j >or= 2, are defined. These can be used to detect recombination events in the sample's history and to divide the sample into regions that are compatible with a tree. The new statistics are applied to real data from human genes. The results from this application are discussed with reference to recent suggestions that recombination in the human genome is highly heterogeneous.  相似文献   

Campynemanthe Baill. consists of three species endemic to New Caledonia. Two species are studied and compared. The tapetum is secretory with 2-nucleate tapetal cells. Microsprogenesis is successive, microspore tetrads are isobilateral and the pollen grains are free and inaperturate or have a weakly defined aperture. Placentation is axile with 3–4 ovules in each of the three locules. Ovules are anatropous and crassinucellate with the micropyle formed by the inner integument alone. The archesporial cell cuts off a parietal cell, which divides to form a parietal tissue. The nucellar epidermis divides periclinally at the nucellar apex to become 2-layered. The megaspore tetrad is T-shaped, in which the micropylar megaspore cells are separated by an oblique wall. The chalazal megaspore enlarges and apparently developes into a Polygonum-type embryo sac, but a mature embryo sac has not been seen. The ripe seeds are pale and non-phytomelaniferous. They have copious endosperm rich in fatty oils. The embryo is minute. These characters and gross morphological similarities support relationship with Campynema Labill., but there are also conspicuous differences. The two genera are considered related. They also closely approach genera of the variable family Melanthiaceae and there are reasons to include them in this family.  相似文献   

Injuries to the tendon (e.g., wrist tendonitis, epicondyltis) due to overuse are common in sports activities and the workplace. Most are associated with repetitive, high force hand activities. The mechanisms of cellular and structural damage due to cyclical loading are not well known. The purpose of this video is to present a new system that can simultaneously load four tendons in tissue culture. The video describes the methods of sterile tissue harvest and how the tendons are loaded onto a clamping system that is subsequently immersed into media and maintained at 37 degrees C. One clamp is fixed while the other one is moved with a linear actuator. Tendon tensile force is monitored with a load cell in series with the mobile clamp. The actuators are controlled with a LabView program. The four tendons can be repetitively loaded with different patterns of loading, repetition rate, rate of loading, and duration. Loading can continue for a few minutes to 48 hours. At the end of loading, the tendons are removed and the mid-substance extracted for biochemical analyses. This system allows for the investigation of the effects of loading patterns on gene expression and structural changes in tendon. Ultimately, mechanisms of injury due to overuse can be studies with the findings applied to treatment and prevention.  相似文献   

Abstract This study is concerned with statistical methods used for the analysis of comparative data (in which observations are not expected to be independent because they are sampled across phylogenetically related species). The phylogenetically independent contrasts (PIC), phylogenetic generalized least‐squares (PGLS), and phylogenetic autocorrelation (PA) methods are compared. Although the independent contrasts are not orthogonal, they are independent if the data conform to the Brownian motion model of evolution on which they are based. It is shown that uncentered correlations and regressions through the origin using the PIC method are identical to those obtained using PGLS with an intercept included in the model. The PIC method is a special case of PGLS. Corrected standard errors are given for estimates of the ancestral states based on the PGLS approach. The treatment of trees with hard polytomies is discussed and is shown to be an algorithmic rather than a statistical problem. Some of the relationships among the methods are shown graphically using the multivariate space in which variables are represented as vectors with respect to OTUs used as coordinate axes. The maximum‐likelihood estimate of the autoregressive parameter, ρ, has not been computed correctly in previous studies (an appendix with MATLAB code provides a corrected algorithm). The importance of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the connection matrix, W, for the distribution of ρ is discussed. The PA method is shown to have several problems that limit its usefulness in comparative studies. Although the PA method is a generalized least‐squares procedure, it cannot be made equivalent to the PGLS method using a phylogenetic model.  相似文献   

This report represents a continuation of our laboratory's effort to understand the major phenomena associated with P-M dysgenesis-mediated transformation in Drosophila. A group of stable transformants are characterized with respect to rosy gene expression. Stable, true-breeding, line-specific variants in gene expression are described. These are shown to be associated with single transposons present in each line, and the lines are free of functional P elements. The effects on expression are cis-acting, and there are no identifiable rosy DNA sequence lesions associated with these transposons. Evidence is presented that demonstrates that two features of the transformation experimental system are responsible for such variation. The first relates to the fact that the transposons insert at numerous genomic sites. Both heterochromatic and euchromatic position effects are characterized. The second relates to the fact that transformation involves dysgenic mobilization of a P-element transposon. This process is mutagenic, and such a mutation is characterized.  相似文献   

The three-stage desk calculation of the von Bertalanffy equation to describe growth in height and weight with age in the elephant is compared with a new approach to calculating the three coefficients in the function by a computer. The two methods give different results with respect to the weight/age calculations. Theoretical von Bertalanffy equations calculated by both methods to describe growth in height and weight with age in the African elephant in Zambia are compared with previously published equations for the elephant in East Africa. Details are given of growth in height in two known-age African elephants, a female ‘Diksie’ and a male ‘Kartoum’. Theoretical growth in height curves for the female African and Asiatic elephant are compared. The coefficients K and / for growth in height are not transferable to the growth in weight equations. Inherent inaccuracies in the calculation of the coefficients in the von Bertalanffy equation are discussed, and it is concluded that in animals which have a long life-span such as the elephant, the equation serves as a purely empirical representation of weight-at-age data and that there is little biological significance in the parameters it contains. The computer-calculated curves give the best fit to the data. The regression of log age on log shoulder height from 2–20 years of age provides a more realistic approach to comparative growth studies. The increase in adrenal weight with age is linear. Tusk growth in relation to age and sex in Zambia is compared with East Africa. It is concluded that the tusks in Zambia are smaller and are more difficult to sex correctly than their East African counterparts, possibly a consequence of the Zambian elephant having a greater degree of tusk wear. Allometric growth is described with emphasis on the estimation of body weight from shoulder height. The most reliable estimates are obtained from a purely empirical representation of the data, a semilog plot of log body weight on shoulder height.  相似文献   

Nostoc commune which belongs to blue-green algae has been observed with microscope, scanning and transmission electron microscopes. The following special structures are found: 1. The structure in thallus is spongiform with an uneven surface. 2. The filaments made up of torulose cells are tortuous with different length, some are piled up, some are branchy, and the others arrange in a circle. 3. The cell wall of torulose cell is five-layered. The outermost layer is ripply and inlays with neighbour cells. 4. Torulose cells are typical prokaryote. The thylakoids disperse in the peripheral plasma. The nucleoplasm exists in the center of the cell. There are structured granules, polyhedral and polyphosphate bodies interspersing in cytoplasm. Ribosomes and phycobilins are found on the surface of thylakoid. 5. The heterocyst is surrounded by a thicking sheath. This is an additional envelope outside the cell wall and can be called “cell envelope”. In the cell envelope exist a transparent layer and a dense electron layer with hemispherical nodule in which there is an channel interlinking up with neighbour cell. 6. The reproductive manner of N. commune is of horizontal split, and the direction of split is different.  相似文献   

A continuous titration of absorption differences is described. Equal volumes of the titration fluid are dispensed from two micrometer-driven Hamilton gas-tight syringes into two 1 × 1 × 4.5-cm cuvettes. These are placed in the reference and sample beam. Each cuvette stopper is equipped with a capillary inlet connected to a syringe and with a minimotor for continuous stirring. Details of the stirring device are given. The delivered volumes of titration fluid are sufficiently reproducible to allow titration of absorption differences as a function of chromophore concentration. The usefulness of this approach is tested with the binding of 4-methylumbelliferyl α-d-mannopyranoside and concanavalin A as a well-characterized system. It is applied to the binding of similarly labeled anti-t disaccharide with the lectin from peanuts. With both lectins, the change in molecular extinction coefficient of the ligand and the association constant, valid for the entire protein saturation range, were obtained. The results are identical to those from other methods, including equilibrium dialysis.  相似文献   

The gynoecium is syncarpous in all Ochnaceae. In the Ochnoideae carpels are peltate with a conventional cross-zone bearing one ovule, or, in Lophira , a very broad cross-zone with an horizontal ovular row. In Ochna and Brackenridgea , the style is gynobasic, each carpel develops transmitting tissue on its morphologically dorsal surface, and this tissue lines a canal or originates a solid inner strand in each carpel at style level. The style is tubular, with an inner cuticle, and compound, each component with its own transmitting tissue. In Ouratea the style is solid with a single compound transmitting strand. In Lophira and Elvasia the transmitting tissue seems to be developed by the morphologically ventral carpellary surfaces. Ovules are unitegmic with a bivalent integument.
In the Sauvagesioideae carpels are peltate, but with ovules above the cross-zones, on margins of the symplicate zone. In Euthemis , there is one ovule on each side of, and close to, each cross-zone. The single stylar canal is bounded by the morphologically dorsal carpellary surfaces. In Sauvagesia ovules occur on both sides of the cross-zones but most of them are above on carpel margins, as are all ovules of Cespedesia. The stylar canal of Sauvagesia is bounded by the ventral carpel surfaces, three strips of the outer surface passing inside at the sutures and developing into transmitting tissue. The stylar canal of Cespedesia is bounded by the dorsal carpel surfaces. The gynoecium of Wallacea has two epeltate carpels with a laminar placentation, the carpel margins being displaced on to the topographically ventral carpel surfaces with a row of ovules along each margin. Ovules are bitegmic.
The Ochnoideae, which shows relationships with the Rutaceae, Meliaceae, Simaroubaceae and Hippocastanaceae, is more advanced than the Sauvagesioideae, which clearly belongs in the Violales. The Ochnaceae is to be placed in the Violales.  相似文献   

银缕梅属花形态及其分类学意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以1995年在江苏宜兴发现的一较大银缕梅居群的花为材料,观察确认金缕梅亚科单种属银缕梅属(ShaniodendronM.B.Deng,H.T.WeietX.QWang)的花序为近头状短稳状花序,由4~7朵花组成,花序内轮4~5朵花,两性;外轮1~2朵花,常为雄花,构成雄全同株。花无柄,无花瓣,花喜常合成浅林状,杯缘及杯背早期簇生长硬毛(hirsute),花生于初生苞片腋处,初生苞片卵形或阔卵形。雄蕊不定数,5~15枚,花丝长,直立。与其他无花瓣属植物比较表明,银缕梅属与特产里海南岸的Parrotia形态极为相似,主要区别在于本属花萼合生成浅怀状。银缕梅属花形态特征的阐明,对探讨金缕梅亚科无花瓣类群的系统发育具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the lateral-line neuromasts in the ratfish, Chimaera monstrosa is described. The neuromasts rest at the bottom of open grooves and consist of sensory, supporting, basal and mantle cells. Each sensory cell is equipped with sensory hairs consisting of a single kinocilium and several stereocilia. There are several types of sensory hair arrangement, and cells with a particular arrangement form patches within the neuromast. There are two types of afferent synapse. The most common afferent synapse has a presynaptic body and is typically associated with an extensive system of anastomosing tubules on the presynaptic side. When the tubules are absent, vesicles surround the presynaptic body. These synapses are often associated into synaptic fields, containing up to 35 synaptic sites. The second type of afferent synapse does not have a presynaptic body and is not associated with the tubular system. The afferent synapses of the second type do not form synaptic fields and are uncommon. The efferent synapses are either associated with a postsynaptic sac or more commonly with a strongly osmiophilic postsynaptic membrane. The accessory cells are similar to those in the acoustico-lateralis organs of other aquatic vertebrates. A possibility of movement of the presynaptic bodies and of involvement of the tubular system in the turnover of the transmitter is discussed. A comparison of the hair tuft types in the neuromasts of Ch. monstrosa with those in the labyrinth of the goldfish and of the frog is attempted.  相似文献   

A method for reducing bias in observational studies proposed by ROSENBAUM and RUBIN (1983, 1984) is discussed with a view to applications in studies designed to compare two treatments. The data are stratified on a function of covariates, called the propensity score. The propensity score is the conditional probability of receiving a specific treatment given a set of observed covariates. Some insight into how this kind of stratification works in theory is given. Within strata, the treatment groups are comparable with respect to the distribution of covariates incorporated into the score, hence a corresponding stratified analysis can be considered. The method is different from other strategies in that the sub-classes are not intended to comprise patients with similar prognosis. In practice, estimated grouped scores are used. Problems concerning the interpretation of the proposed stratified approach are illustrated by an application in oncology, and the results are compared to those from an analysis in a standard regression model.  相似文献   

Given a population with m heterogeneous subgroups, a method is developed for determining minimal vaccine allocations to prevent an epidemic by setting the reproduction number to 1. The framework is sufficiently general to apply to several epidemic situations, such as SIR, SEIR and SIS models with vital dynamics. The reproduction number is the largest eigenvalue of the linearized system round the local point of equilibrium of the model. Using the Perron-Frobenius theorem, an exact method for generating solutions is given and the threshold surface of critical vaccine allocations is shown to be a compact, connected subset of a regular (m-1)-dimensional manifold. Populations with two subgroups are examined in full. The threshold curves are either hyperbolas or straight lines. Explicit conditions are given as to when threshold elimination is achievable by vaccinating just one or two groups in a multi-group population and expressions for the critical coverage are derived. Specific reference is made to an influenza A model. Separable or proportionate mixing is also treated. Conditions are conjectured for convexity of the threshold surface and the problem of minimizing the amount of vaccine used while remaining on the threshold surface is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The thoracic salivary gland of the worker honeybee was investigated by dissection, light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The glands are paired and each lateral half consists of two parts, a smaller external and a larger internal lobe. The lobes are composed of densely packed secretory tubes and ducts, the tubes of which often show ramifications. A reservoir is packed within the anterior medial part of the gland. The secretory tubes are composed of two types of cells, secretory cells, which are most frequent, and parietal cells. Secretory cells are characterized by a basal labyrinth, abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum, dark secretory vesicles, light vesicles of different sizes, and apical microvilli. Parietal cells are smaller and have a characteristically lobed nucleus and no secretory vesicles. Between the cells there are intercellular canaliculi. In the center of each tube there is an extracellular space with a central cuticular channel. The abundance of rough endoplasmic reticulum and the rare occurrence of smooth endoplasmic reticulum implies a saliva with proteins but rarely with pheromones. Between the secretory tubes there are frequently neuronal profiles which are partly in contact with the secretory cells. Thus a nervous control of this gland is, in contrast to previous investigations, clearly demonstrated. The axonal endings contain dark neurosecretory vesicles as well as light synaptic vesicles. Large parts of the glands are surrounded by a thin tissue sheath which has a smooth surface towards the secretory tubes and shows irregular protrusions towards the outer side. This sheath is considered to be a tracheal air sac, and due to its large extension is probably of importance for the hemolymph flow in the thorax.  相似文献   

A phenomenological theory for contracting muscle based on irreversible thermodynamics and the sliding filament theory is developed. The individual cross bridges, considered as subunits, are viewed as linear energy converters with constant transport coefficients. With this view of the subunits, phenomenological equations applicable to the whole muscle are obtained. The transport coefficients are shown to be a function of a single parameter which is the number of activated cross bridges at any instant. By requiring Hill's force-velocity relation (1) to be satisfied, the response of the muscle is related to the number of activated cross bridges. The resulting theory differs significantly from the theory developed by Caplan (2) and a comparison of the theories is presented. The theory is shown to correlate well with the heat data of Woledge (3) for a tortoise muscle and gives a value of Y (ratio of chemical affinity to enthalpy of reaction) equal to 0.945. The comparison of the theory with Hill's frog muscle data (1) and (4) is also encouraging. In part II of this series, length variations are considered and the resulting theoretical predictions are shown to be consistent with experimental data.  相似文献   

Sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH) is a distant relative to the alcohol dehydrogenases (ADHs) with sequence identities around 20%. SDH is a tetramer with one zinc ion per subunit. We have crystallized rat SDH and determined the structure by molecular replacement using a tetrameric bacterial ADH as search object. The conformation of the bound coenzyme is extended and similar to NADH bound to mammalian ADH but the interactions with the NMN-part have several differences with those of ADH. The active site zinc coordination in SDH is significantly different than in mammalian ADH but similar to the one found in the bacterial tetrameric NADP(H)-dependent ADH of Clostridiim beijerinckii. The substrate cleft is significantly more polar than for mammalian ADH and a number of residues are ideally located to position the sorbitol molecule in the active site. The SDH molecule can be considered to be a dimer of dimers, with subunits A–B and C–D, where the dimer interactions are similar to those in mammalian ADH. The tetramers are composed of two of these dimers, which interact with their surfaces opposite the active site clefts, which are accessible on the opposite side. In contrast to the dimer interactions, the tetramer-forming interactions are small with only few hydrogen bonds between side-chains.  相似文献   

P Tivant  A Perera  P Turq  L Belloni 《Biopolymers》1989,28(6):1179-1186
The physiological importance of heparin is due to its strong interaction with bivalent counterions, especially Ca2+. A diffusional approach of this property is presented in this article: the observable is the self-diffusion coefficient of the counterions, as a function of the ratio of the polyelectrolyte over the added salt concentrations. All the results are in agreement with a simple "quasi-chemical model" in which two different states are assumed for the counterions: "free" or "bound." The proportions of these two types of ions are calculated according to the distribution function of the counterions around the polyion. We assume that those of counterions located at a distance closer than a, the characteristic distance, are bound; the others are free. The ionic distribution function is evaluated by a numerical integration of a cell model Poisson-Boltzmann equation. Finally, this model leads to a very good agreement with the experimental results, if the radius of heparin polyion is assumed to be 6 and 10 A.  相似文献   

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