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盘状结构域受体2胞外区的可溶性表达、纯化和功能鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盘状结构域受体2(discoidin domain receptor 2,DDR2)是一种与肿瘤细胞转移相关的蛋白酷氨酸激酶,其配体为纤维性胶原,胶原对DDR2的活化上调细胞中基质金属蛋白酶1(MMP-1)的表达。为研究DDR2在类风温性关节炎(rteumatoid arthritis,RA)软骨破坏和肿瘤转移中的作用,尝试了在大肠杆菌中表达一段DDR2胞外区(命名DB),并进行了可溶性部分的纯化和功能鉴定,以备将来用作DDR2的特异性阻断剂。获得了一株表达GST-DB融合蛋白的大肠杆菌克隆;其表达的蛋白质中可溶性部分约占全部融合蛋白的13%;经GST融合蛋白特异性亲和珠纯化后,获得了纯度约86.1%的可溶性GST-DB融合蛋白;竞争结合抑制实验显示,GST-DB具有阻断Ⅱ型胶原和细胞表面天然DDR2受体结合的功能;细胞实验表明,GST-DB有抑制Ⅱ型胶原刺激下的类风湿性关节炎滑膜细胞和NIH3T3细胞分泌MMP-1的作用。以上结果提示,表达的融保蛋白GST-DB具有抑制天然DDR2功能的作用;DDR2在滑膜细胞和NIH3T3细胞中介导Ⅱ型胶原刺激下的MMP-1的分泌。  相似文献   

为研究重组人促甲状腺素受体 (hTSHR)膜外区表达产物及其生物活性与免疫活性 ,将hT SHR膜外区编码基因 (编码第 3~ 4 2 0位氨基酸 )重组到表达型质粒pGEX 4T 3上 ,测序结果表明序列正确 ,未改变读码框架 .然后转入E .coliAd4 94进行诱导表达 .纯化后的表达产物经SDS PAGE、Western印迹及放射受体法分别检测其分子量、免疫活性和生物活性 .重组TSHR3~ 4 2 0 膜外区蛋白 (简称TSHR3~ 4 2 0 )产率为 15 9~ 2 0 2 μg L培养基 ,分子量为 4 8.9kD ;融合蛋白 (简称GST TSHR3~ 4 2 0 )分子量为 75 .4kD .两种表达产物都可与TSHRAb反应 ;TSHR3~ 4 2 0 可与12 5I TSH结合 .  相似文献   

目的:利用枯草杆菌芽孢呈递技术制备表达SARS冠状病毒S蛋白受体结合区(RBD)的重组芽孢。方法:将枯草杆菌 CotB 基因构建到基因组整合质粒pDG1664中,再将 RBD 基因连接到 CotB 基因的下游,构建成重组质粒pDG1664-CotB-RBD,通过同源重组整合到PY-79枯草杆菌基因组中;利用红霉素抗性筛选重组菌并进行PCR和DNA测序鉴定,Western印迹鉴定重组菌芽孢表面RBD蛋白的表达情况;用表达RBD的重组芽孢以口服方式免疫小鼠,通过ELISA和流式细胞术检测重组芽孢的免疫原性。结果:制备出枯草杆菌基因组整合了RBD抗原基因的重组菌株RS1931,形成的重组芽孢表达相对分子质量约62×103的CotB-RBD融合蛋白;重组芽孢免疫的小鼠血清RBD抗原特异性IgG抗体滴度在末次免疫后2周可达1∶10880,重组芽孢初免后18周的小鼠脾细胞中IFN-γ+CD4^+、IL-4+CD4^+和IFN-γ+CD8^+T细胞比例上调,表明重组芽孢经口服免疫产生良好的体液免疫和细胞免疫应答。结论:针对SARS冠状病毒S蛋白RBD建立了枯草杆菌芽孢呈递技术方法,制备出在枯草杆菌芽孢表面稳定表达外源RBD蛋白的重组株,获得的重组芽孢具有良好的免疫原性,为开发芽孢呈递型SARS疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Discoidin domain receptor 2 (DDR2) is a kind of protein tyrosine kinases associated with cell proliferation and tumor metastasis, and collagen, identified as a ligand for DDR2, up-regulates matrix metallloproteinase 1 (MMP-1) and MMP-2 expression in cellular matrix. To investigate the roles of DDR2 in destruction of cartilage in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and tumor metastasis, we tried to express extracellular domain of DDR2 fused with a His tag to increase protein solubility and facilitate purification (without signal peptide and transmembrane domain, designated DR) in Pichia pastoris, purify the expressed protein, and characterize its function, for purpose of future application as a specific DDR2 antagonist. Two clones of relative high expression of His-DR were obtained, After purification by a Ni-NTA (nitric-tri-acetic acid) chromatographic column, soluble fused His-DR over 90% purity were obtained. Competitive binding inhibition assay demonstrated that expressed His-DR could block the binding of DDR2 and natural DDR2 receptors on NIT3T3 and synovial cell surfaces. Results of RT-PCR, Western blotting, and gelatinase zymography showed that His-DR was capable of inhibiting MMP-1 and MMP-2 secretion from NIT3T3 cells and RA synoviocytes stimulated by collagen II. For MMP-1, the inhibitory effect was displayed at the levels of mRNA and protein, whereas for MMP-2 it was demonstrated at the level of protein physiological activity. All these findings suggested that the fused expressed His-DR inhibited the activity of natural DDR2, and relevant MMP-1 and MMP-2 expression in synoviocytes and NIH3T3 cells provoked by collagen II. Wei Zhang and Tianbing Ding equally contributed to this work.  相似文献   

Among the five known SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern, Delta is the most virulent leading to severe symptoms and increased mortality among infected people. Our study seeks to examine how the biophysical parameters of the Delta variant correlate to the clinical observations. Receptor binding domain (RBD) is the first point of contact with the human host cells and is the immunodominant form of the spike protein. Delta variant RBD contains two novel mutations L452R and T478K. We examined the effect of single as well as the double mutations on RBD expression in human Expi293 cells, RBD stability using urea and thermal denaturation, and RBD binding to angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor and to neutralizing antibodies using isothermal titration calorimetry. Delta variant RBD showed significantly higher expression compared to the wild-type RBD, and the increased expression is due to L452R mutation. Despite their non-conservative nature, none of the mutations significantly affected RBD structure and stability. All mutants showed similar binding affinity to ACE2 and to Class 1 antibodies (CC12.1 and LY-CoV016) as that of the wild-type. Delta double mutant L452R/T478K showed no binding to Class 2 antibodies (P2B-2F6 and LY-CoV555) and a hundred-fold weaker binding to a Class 3 antibody (REGN10987), and the decreased antibody binding is determined by the L452R mutation. These results indicate that the immune escape from neutralizing antibodies, rather than increased receptor binding, is the main biophysical parameter that determined the fitness landscape of the Delta variant RBD.  相似文献   

脑型一氧化氮合成酶的钙调蛋白结合区的表达及活性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用PCR法克隆出nNOS的CaM结合区基因(nNOS 2455~2988bp),并在大肠杆菌中进行了高效表达。经金属离子螯合亲和层析得到纯度为90%以上的重组蛋白.分子量为22kDa,CaM Oveday assay证实该蛋白具有CaM的结合活性。由于所表达的重组蛋白既具有序列特异性又具有CaM的结合活性.因此。可将它作为筛选nNOS特异性抑制肽的靶蛋白,亦可用于特异性抗体的制备。  相似文献   

目的:在大肠杆菌中表达、纯化B型肉毒毒素受体结合区C片段(BHc-C),研究其免疫原性。方法:将BHc-C基因克隆到原核表达载体pGEX-4T-1中,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),经IPTG诱导表达GST-BHc-C融合蛋白并通过亲和纯化;以纯化的融合蛋白免疫BALB/c小鼠制备免疫血清,采用ELISA检测免疫血清的效价并测定其抗B型肉毒毒素中和活性。结果:在大肠杆菌中表达了GST-BHc-C融合蛋白;以该融合蛋白免疫小鼠获得高效价免疫血清,且该免疫血清具有中和活性。结论:获得了GST-BHc-C融合蛋白,并证实其具有免疫原性。  相似文献   

目的克隆及原核表达西藏小型猪瘦素(Leptin)成熟肽及瘦素受体胞外区片段。方法根据西藏小型猪瘦素序列(GenBank号:GQ240885.1)和猪瘦素受体基因胞外域序列(GenBank号:AF167719.1)分别设计并合成两对引物扩增瘦素、瘦素受体基因胞外域编码区1654-2319位片段,以西藏小型猪组织总RNA为模板,经反转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)方法获得了特异性片段。再以该两个特异性片段为模板,另外设计两对带有BanHⅠ和HidⅢ酶切位点的套式引物分别扩增瘦素64-504位(成熟肽编码区)和瘦素受体基因胞外域编码区1655-2314位的cDNA片段,将该两片段克隆入pMD18-T载体并转化感受态细菌E.coli DH5α测序并永久保存。此两片段经酶切后克隆到表达载体pRSET A的BamHⅠ和HindⅢ两酶切位点之间,构建重组质粒pR-OB和pR-OBR-a并在大肠杆菌E.coli BL21(DE3)中表达,SDS-PAGE电泳鉴定表达产物。结果在IPTG诱导下促使重组菌pR-OB表达了相对分子质量约18×103左右的融合蛋白;重组菌pR-OBR-a表达了相对分子质量约27×103左右的融合蛋白。结论说明重组质粒pR-OB、pR-OBR-a在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中分别可表达西藏小型猪瘦素成熟肽、瘦素受体片段蛋白,为进一步研究瘦素、瘦素受体功能和应用提供了基础。  相似文献   

Context: The Bowman-Birk inhibitors (BBIs) are currently investigated with renewed interest due to their therapeutic properties in cancer and other inflammatory disease treatment. The molecular mass of the BBI is a limitation, as sufficient amounts of the inhibitor do not reach the organs outside the gastrointestinal tract when administered orally.

Method: The anti-tryptic domain of HGI-III of horsegram (Dolichos biflorus) was cloned using the vector pET-20b (+) and expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS.

Results: Kinetic analysis of this anti-tryptic peptide (recombinant trypsin inhibitory domain (rTID)) reveals that it is a potent inhibitor of trypsin and human tryptase. The Ki (3.2?±?0.17?×?10?8 M) establishes a very high affinity to bovine trypsin. rTID inhibited human lung tryptase (IC50 3.78?±?0.23?×?10?7 M). The rTID is resistant to the digestive enzymes found in humans and animals.

Conclusion: These properties propagate further research on the use of rTID as a therapeutic for cancer and other related inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

TGF-β is a ubiquitous protein that exhibits a broad spectrum of biological activity. The prokaryotic expression and purification of the extracellular domain of the type II TGF-β receptor (TβR-II-ED), without the need for fusion protein cleavage and refolding, is described. The recombinant TβR-II-ED fusion protein bound commercially available TGF-β1 and displayed an affinity of 11.1 nM. In a modified ELISA, receptor binding to TGF-β1 was inhibited by TGF-β3. The technique lends itself to high-throughput screening of combinatorial libraries for the identification of TGF-β agonists and antagonists and this, in turn, may have important therapeutic implications.  相似文献   

Plant nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR) proteins enable plants to recognize and respond to pathogen attack. Previously, we demonstrated that the Rx1 NLR of potato is able to bind and bend DNA in vitro. DNA binding in situ requires its genuine activation following pathogen perception. However, it is unknown whether other NLR proteins are also able to bind DNA. Nor is it known how DNA binding relates to the ATPase activity intrinsic to NLR switch function required to immune activation. Here we investigate these issues using a recombinant protein corresponding to the N-terminal coiled-coil and nucleotide-binding domain regions of the I-2 NLR of tomato. Wild type I-2 protein bound nucleic acids with a preference of ssDNA ≈ dsDNA > ssRNA, which is distinct from Rx1. I-2 induced bending and melting of DNA. Notably, ATP enhanced DNA binding relative to ADP in the wild type protein, the null P-loop mutant K207R, and the autoactive mutant S233F. DNA binding was found to activate the intrinsic ATPase activity of I-2. Because DNA binding by I-2 was decreased in the presence of ADP when compared with ATP, a cyclic mechanism emerges; activated ATP-associated I-2 binds to DNA, which enhances ATP hydrolysis, releasing ADP-bound I-2 from the DNA. Thus DNA binding is a general property of at least a subset of NLR proteins, and NLR activation is directly linked to its activity at DNA.  相似文献   

Steroid receptor activator RNA protein (SRA1p) is the translation product of the bi-functional long non-coding RNA steroid receptor activator RNA 1 (SRA1) that is part of the steroid receptor coactivator-1 acetyltransferase complex and is indicated to be an epigenetic regulatory component. Previously, the SRA1p protein was suggested to contain an RNA recognition motif (RRM) domain. We have determined the solution structure of the C-terminal domain of human SRA1p by NMR spectroscopy. Our structure along with sequence comparisons among SRA1p orthologs and against authentic RRM proteins indicates that it is not an RRM domain but rather an all-helical protein with a fold more similar to the PRP18 splicing factor. NMR spectroscopy on the full SRA1p protein suggests that this structure is relevant to the native full-length context. Furthermore, molecular modeling indicates that this fold is well conserved among vertebrates. Amino acid variations in this protein seen across sequenced human genomes, including those in tumor cells, indicate that mutations that disrupt the fold occur vary rarely and highlight that its function is well conserved. SRA1p had previously been suggested to bind to the SRA1 RNA, but NMR spectra of SRA1p in the presence of its 80-nt RNA target suggest otherwise and indicate that this protein must be part of a multi-protein complex in order to recognize its proposed RNA recognition element.  相似文献   

Cd36 is a small-molecular-weight integral membrane protein expressed in a diverse, but select, range of cell types. It has an equally diverse range of ligands and physiological functions, which has implicated Cd36 in a number of diseases including insulin resistance, diabetes, and, most notably, atherosclerosis. The protein is reported to reside in detergent-resistant microdomains within the plasma membrane and to form homo- and hetero-intermolecular interactions. These data suggest that this class B scavenger receptor may gain functionality for ligand binding, and/or ligand internalization, by formation of protein complexes at the cell surface. Here, we have overexpressed Cd36 in insect cells, purified the recombinant protein to homogeneity, and analyzed its stability and solubility in a variety of nonionic and zwitterionic detergents. Octylglucoside conferred the greatest degree of stability, and by analytical ultracentrifugation we show that the protein is monomeric. A solid-phase ligand-binding assay demonstrated that the purified monomeric protein retains high affinity for acetylated and oxidized low-density lipoproteins. Therefore, no accessory proteins are required for interaction with ligand, and binding is a property of the monomeric fold of the protein. Thus, the highly purified and functional Cd36 should be suitable for crystallization in octylglucoside, and the in vitro ligand-binding assay represents a promising screen for identification of bioactive molecules targeting atherogenesis at the level of ligand binding.  相似文献   

Receptor-like protein kinases (RLKs) play vital roles in sensing outside signals, yet little is known about RLKs functions and roles in stress signal perception and transduction in plants, especially in wild soybean. Through the microarray analysis, GsSRK was identified as an alkaline (NaHCO3)-responsive gene, and was subsequently isolated from Glycine soja by homologous cloning. GsSRK encodes a 93.22 kDa protein with a highly conserved serine/threonine protein kinase catalytic domain, a G-type lectin region, and an S-locus region. Real-time PCR results showed that the expression levels of GsSRK were largely induced by ABA, salt, and drought stresses. Over expression of GsSRK in Arabidopsis promoted seed germination, as well as primary root and rosette leaf growth during the early stages of salt stress. Compared to the wild type Arabidopsis, GsSRK overexpressors exhibited enhanced salt tolerance and higher yields under salt stress, with higher chlorophyll content, lower ion leakage, higher plant height, and more siliques at the adult developmental stage. Our studies suggest that GsSRK plays a crucial role in plant response to salt stress.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the extracellular domain (ECD) of the pentameric ligand-gated ion-channel from Gloeobacter violaceus (GLIC) was solved at neutral pH at 2.3 Å resolution in two crystal forms, showing a surprising hexameric quaternary structure with a 6-fold axis replacing the expected 5-fold axis. While each subunit retains the usual β-sandwich immunoglobulin-like fold, small deviations from the whole GLIC structure indicate zones of differential flexibility. The changes in interface between two adjacent subunits in the pentamer and the hexamer can be described in a downward translation by one inter-strand distance and a global rotation of the second subunit, using the first one for superposition. While global characteristics of the interface, such as the buried accessible surface area, do not change very much, most of the atom-atom interactions are rearranged. It thus appears that the transmembrane domain is necessary for the proper oligomeric assembly of GLIC and that there is an intrinsic plasticity or polymorphism in possible subunit-subunit interfaces at the ECD level, the latter behaving as a monomer in solution. Possible functional implications of these novel structural data are discussed in the context of the allosteric transition of this family of proteins. In addition, we propose a novel way to quantify elastic energy stored in the interface between subunits, which indicates a tenser interface for the open form than for the closed form (rest state). The hexameric or pentameric forms of the ECD have a similar negative curvature in their subunit-subunit interface, while acetylcholine binding proteins have a smaller and positive curvature that increases from the apo to the holo form.  相似文献   

Dermal fibroblasts are in apposition to type VII (anchoring fibril) collagen in both unwounded and wounded skin. The NC1 domain of type VII collagen contains multiple submodules with homology to known adhesive molecules, including fibronectin type III-like repeats and a potential RGD cell attachment site. We previously reported the structure and matrix binding properties of authentic and recombinant NC1. In this study, we examined the interaction between dermal fibroblasts and the NC1 domain of type VII collagen. We found that both recombinant and authentic NC1 vigorously promoted human fibroblast attachment. Adhesion of fibroblasts to NC1 was dose dependent, saturable, and abolished by both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to NC1. Cell adhesion to NC1 was divalent cation dependent and specifically inhibited by a monoclonal antibody directed against the α2 or β1 integrin subunits, but not by the presence of RGD peptides. Furthermore, the cell-binding activity of NC1 was not conformation dependent, since heat-denatured NC1 still promoted cell adhesion. Using a series of recombinant NC1 deletion mutant proteins, the cell binding site of NC1 was mapped to a 158-aa (residues 202–360) subdomain. We conclude that human dermal fibroblasts interact with the NC1 domain of type VII collagen and this cell–matrix interaction is mediated by the α2β1 integrin and is RGD independent.  相似文献   

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