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Authors have evaluated pseudocholinesterase activity in patients with type IIa and type IV hyperlipoproteinemia. Significative correlation has been found between PCE and C in type IV hyperlipoproteinemia. Authors suggest PCE activity can be proposed as useful biochemical marker of hyperlipoproteinemia.  相似文献   

Subfractions of VLDL (VLDL1, Sf 100–400; VLDL2V Sf 60–100; VLDL3, Sf 20–60) and LDL (LDL1, Sf 12–20; LDL2, Sf 6–12; LDL3, Sf 3–6) were isolated from the plasma of three normal, three type in and four type IV hyperlipoproteinemic subjects. In the type IV group, all VLDL subspecies Were of normal composition but were increased in concentration in the order VLDL1 >VLDL2 >VLDL3. In the same subjects, although LDL1 was lowered and LDL3 increased, the total plasma LDL concentration Was normal. All VLDL subfractions were elevated in the type III group, but in this ease VLDL3 predominated. These subfractions were enriched in cholesteryl esters and depleted in triglyceride. In the LDL density range there was a shift of mass towards the least dense fraction, LDL1, which was of normal composition. EPR studies of the VLDL and LDL subfractions in a type IV subject demonstrated a decrease in fluidity with increasing density. The major change occurred between VLDL3 and LDL, and was attributed to a substantial alteration in the cholesteryl ester: triglyceride ratio in the particle. A similar argument was used to explain the reduced fluidity of type III VLDL3 with respect to that of the same subfraction in normal or type IV subjects. Particle diameters, determined by laser light-scattering speetroscopy were-in good agreement with the values obtained by electron microscopy. This study provides a baseline for the examination of the relationship' between the physical and metabolic properties of VLDL and LDL subtractions in type in and IV hyperlipoproteinemia.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is the main cause of death in diabetes mellitus. This may at least in part be due to lipoprotein abnormalities which have been described in these patients. Apolipoprotein-E is a component of most lipoprotein fractions and plays an important role in the catabolism of VLDL. The different apolipoprotein-E phenotypes determined genetically are associated with certain hyperlipoproteinemias in a various degree in nondiabetic patients. In most cases apolipoprotein-E phenotype E2/2 is characteristic for familial dysbetalipoproteinemia. Phenotype E3/2 was found to be more frequent in hypertriglyceridemia while phenotype E4/3 was associated with hypercholesterolemia as well as with type V hyperlipoproteinemia. We studied apolipoprotein-E phenotypes and serum lipids in 141 type II diabetic patients (36 normolipidemic 41 type IIa hyperlipidemic, 32 type IIb hyperlipidemic, 24 type II hyperlipidemic, 8 type V hyperlipidemic). the phenotype E3/3 was more common in normolipidemic diabetic (77.8%) than in hyperlipoproteinemic diabetic patients (42.9%) or in the control group (57.5%). On the other hand phenotype E3/2 was more frequent in hypertriglyceridemic (50%) than in normolipidemic (5.6%) or hypercholesterolemic (hyperlipoproteinemia IIa: 4.9%, IIb: 9.4%) diabetic patients. The phenotype E4/3 was more frequent in all hyperlipoproteinemic diabetic patients, especially in those having hypercholesterolemia (34.2%) or mixed hyperlipidemia (50%). In conclusion we found a strong association between apo-E2 and hypertriglyceridemia in diabetic patients. This association was stronger than the one found in the general population. The association between apo-E4 and hypercholesterolemia in diabetic patients was similar to the one described in non-diabetic patients. We therefore conclude that type II diabetes mellitus is a possible cofactor in the apolipoprotein-E2 associated hyperlipoproteinemia.  相似文献   

Subfractions of CLDL (VLDL), Sf 100-400; CLDL2, Sf 60--100; VLDL3, Sf 20--60) and LDL (LDL), Sf 12--20; LDL2, Sf 6--12; LDL3, Sf 3--6) were isolated from the plasma of three normal, three type III and four type IV hyperlipoproteinemic subjects. In the type IV group, all VLDL subspecies were of normal composition but were increased in concentration in the order VLDL1 greater than VLDL2 greater than VLDL3. In the same subjects, although LDL2 was lowered and LDL3 increased, the total plasma LDL concentration was normal. All VLDL subfractions were elevated in the type III group, but in this case VLDL3 predominated. These subfractions were enriched in cholesteryl esters and depleted in triglyceride. In the LDL density range there was a shift of mass towards the least dense fraction, LDL1, which was of normal composition. EPR studies of the VLDL and LDL subfractions in a type IV subject demonstrated a decrease in fluidity with increasing density. The major change occurred between VLDL3 and LDL1 and was attributed to a substantial alteration in the cholesteryl ester : triglyceride ratio in the particle. A similar argument was used to explain thction in normal or type IV subjects. Particle diameters, determined by laser light-scattering spectroscopy were in good agreement with the values obtained by electron microscopy. This study provides a baseline for the examination of the relationship between the physical and metabolic properties of VLDL and LDL subfractions in type III and IV hyperlipoproteinemia.  相似文献   

Ethinylestradiol (1 microgram/kg/day during 15 days) resulted in a gradual decrease of serum cholesterol, serum triglycerides (TG), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol and VLDL-TG in 2 postmenopausal women and 2 men with type III hyperlipoproteinemia (HLP). The turnover rate of VLDL-TG did not change. These findings contrast with previous observations in normal subjects and patients with type IV HLP. Thus, the catabolism of VLDL and VLDL-remnants increased during treatment with estrogen in type III HLP, probably by direct degradation of VLDL-remnants because in the initial days of treatment no increase of LDL-cholesterol was observed.  相似文献   

Type III hyperlipoproteinemia (HLP) is a genetic disorder characterized by accumulation of remnant lipoproteins in the plasma and development of premature atherosclerosis. Although receptor binding-defective forms of apolipoprotein (apo) E are the common denominator in this disorder, a number of apparent paradoxes concerning its pathogenesis still exist. However, studies in transgenic animals are resolving the mechanisms underlying this disorder. PARADOX I: Defective apoE (commonly apoE2) is essential but not sufficient to cause overt type III HLP. In fact, most apoE2 homozygotes are hypolipidemic. Studies in apoE2 transgenic models have demonstrated the impact of other genes or hormones in converting the hypolipidemia to hyperlipidemia. PARADOX II: Among apoE2 homozygotes, men are more susceptible than women to type III HLP. Transgenic studies have shown that estrogen affects both LDL receptor expression and lipolytic processing, explaining the resistance of women to this disorder until after menopause. PARADOX III: ApoE deficiency is associated with hypercholesterolemia, whereas the type III HLP phenotype is characterized by both hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. The hypercholesterolemia is caused by impaired receptor-mediated clearance, whereas the hypertriglyceridemia is caused primarily by impaired lipolytic processing of remnants and increased VLDL production associated with increased levels of apoE. PARADOX IV: ApoE2 is associated with recessive inheritance of this disorder, whereas other defective apoE variants are associated with dominant inheritance. Determinants of the mode of inheritance are the differential binding of apoE variants to the LDL receptor versus the HSPG/LRP complex and the preference of certain apoE variants for specific lipoproteins. Thus, the pathogenesis of this sometimes mysterious disorder has been clarified.  相似文献   

The adenylyl cyclases (AC) act as second messengers in regulatory processes in the central nervous system. They might be involved in the pathophysiology of diseases, but their biological function is unknown, except for AC type I, which has been implicated in learning and memory. We previously mapped the gene encoding AC I to human Chromosome (Chr) 7p12. In this study we report the mapping of the adenylyl cyclase genes type I–VI to mouse chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH): Adcy1 to Chr 11A2, Adcy2 to 13C1, Adcy3 to 12A-B, Adcy4 to 14D3, Adcy5 to 16B5, and Adcy6 to 15F. We also confirmed previously reported mapping results of the corresponding human loci ADCY2, ADCY3, ADCY5, and ADCY6 to human chromosomes and, in addition, determined the chromosomal location of ADCY4 to human Chr 14q11.2. The mapping data confirm known areas of conservation between mouse and human chromosomes.  相似文献   

The familial lipoprotein disorder type III hyperlipoproteinemia (HPL) carries a marked increase in the risk of accelerated and premature atherosclerosis, but there is considerable variation among affected individuals in susceptibility to cardiovascular disease (CVD). We studied the influence of independent risk factors for atherosclerosis in 67 patients with clinically overt type III HPL and homozygosity for apolipoprotein (apo) E2. Among the different risk factors (lipid and lipoprotein levels, age, sex, body mass index, smoking status, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus) there was only a statistically significant difference in age between 25 patients with atherosclerosis and 42 patients without atherosclerosis. Serum lipoprotein (a), [Lp, (a)], levels were 30.6% higher in the atherosclerosis group, but this was not statistically significant. We conclude that (in contrast to familial hypercholesterolemia) elevated Lp (a) concentrations may not be regarded as a component of the clinical syndrome of type III HPL.  相似文献   



Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a major protein of the lipoprotein transport system that plays important roles in lipid homeostasis and protection from atherosclerosis. ApoE is characterized by structural plasticity and thermodynamic instability and can undergo significant structural rearrangements as part of its biological function. Mutations in the 136–150 region of the N-terminal domain of apoE, reduce its low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor binding capacity and have been linked with lipoprotein disorders, such as type III hyperlipoproteinemia (HLP) in humans. However, the LDL-receptor binding defects for these apoE variants do not correlate well with the severity of dyslipidemia, indicating that these variants may carry additional properties that contribute to their pathogenic potential.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study we examined whether three type III HLP predisposing apoE3 variants, namely R136S, R145C and K146E affect the biophysical properties of the protein. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy revealed that these mutations do not significantly alter the secondary structure of the protein. Thermal and chemical unfolding analysis revealed small thermodynamic alterations in each variant compared to wild-type apoE3, as well as effects in the reversibility of the unfolding transition. All variants were able to remodel multillamelar 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) vesicles, but R136S and R145C had reduced kinetics. Dynamic light scattering analysis indicated that the variant R136S exists in a higher-order oligomerization state in solution. Finally, 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid (ANS) binding suggested that the variant R145C exposes a larger amount of hydrophobic surface to the solvent.


Overall, our findings suggest that single amino acid changes in the functionally important region 136–150 of apoE3 can affect the molecule''s stability and conformation in solution and may underlie functional consequences. However, the magnitude and the non-concerted nature of these changes, make it unlikely that they constitute a distinct unifying mechanism leading to type III HLP pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) revealed exaggerated water consumption to the intracerebroventricular (ICV) infusion of angiotensin II (AII), and angiotensin III (AIII), as compared with Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and Sprague-Dawley (SD) normotensive rat strains, in agreement with an earlier report (30) that employed ICV bolus injections of AII and AIII. However, the ICV infusion of AII(3-8) (AIV) did not yield reliable drinking. A second hypothesis that the infusion of AII and AIII would yield equivalent drinking within members of each strain, as previously observed with bolus ICV injections in SD rats, was not confirmed. In contrast, ICV infusion of AII yielded greater water intake than AIII in members of each strain tested. These results suggest that the slow infusion of these ligands allowed endogenous aminopeptidases to adequately keep pace with the degradation of these peptides in contrast with bolus injections that could temporarily saturate the available aminopeptidases thus extending the half-life of the ligand.  相似文献   

Anthropometric data, plasma lipoprotein lipid levels, and post-heparin lipoprotein lipase (PHLPL) activity were measured in nine patients with type III hyperlipoproteinemia (HLP) and two hypocholesterolemic subjects with the apo-E2/2 phenotype. Five type III HLP patients were treated with clofibrate. Log PHLPL activity was inversely correlated (r = -0.667, p less than 0.05) and age was positively correlated (r = 0.706, p less than 0.05) with cholesterol levels in the VLDL fraction of plasma from type III HLP patients. The correlation between log PHLPL and VLDL cholesterol levels remained significant when age was held constant in partial correlation analysis. Together age and log PHLPL activity accounted for 77% of individual variation in VLDL cholesterol levels in the type III patients. Clofibrate treatment raised PHLPL activity (+48%, p less than 0.05) and reduced the levels of VLDL cholesterol (-67%, P less than 0.05), VLDL triglycerides (-40%, P less than 0.02), and the ratio cholesterol/triglyceride in VLDL (-50%, P less than 0.05) in five type III HLP patients. Mean PHLPL activity was higher in the hypocholesterolemic subjects with the apo-E2/2 phenotype compared to the type III HLP patients. These results suggest that lipoprotein lipase activity and factors associated with age modulate the levels of abnormal and atherogenic remnant particles (beta-VLDL) in the VLDL plasma fraction of type III HLP patients.  相似文献   

In skin fibroblasts grown from four children with a homozygous form of type II hyperlipoproteinemia, the feedback control of sterol synthesis and the inhibitory effect on hydroxymethylglutaryl (HMG) CoA reductase activity by serum or low density lipoprotein were present, though diminished compared with the effects in normal fibroblasts. Stimulation of HMG CoA reductase by insulin and inhibition of acetyl CoA carboxylase by serum lipids were not impaired in these type II cells, indicating a degree of specificity in the abnormal response of the reductase. A rapid and convenient method for isolation of mevalonolactone in the course of the assay of HMG CoA reductase is described.  相似文献   

The basement membrane antigenic specificities of antibodies to Type IV collagen were compared to naturally occurring antibodies in sera from patients with bullous pemphigoid and epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA) by indirect immunofluorescence, mixed immunofluorescence and immunoabsorption. Results suggested that the three sera reacted with three different basement membrane antigens. In addition, absorption with Types I, II, III, or IV collagen failed to reduce the basement membrane reactivities of bullous pemphigoid or EBA sera. The antibodies to the basement membrane components should be useful in studying skin and mucous membrane diseases including periodontal diseases.  相似文献   

Molecular defects of type III procollagen in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary Fibroblasts from most patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) type IV, a disorder characterized by fragility of skin, blood vessels, and internal organs, secrete reduced amounts of type III procollagen. In 7 of 8 cell strains analyzed, we found evidence of structural defects in half of the type III procollagen chains synthesized, such as deletions or bona fide amino acid substitutions, which cause delayed formation and destabilization of the collagen triple helix and, as a consequence, reduced secretion of the molecule. The data suggest that EDS type IV is often caused by heterozygosity for mutations at the COL3A1 locus, which affect the structure of type III procollagen. The triple-helical region of the molecule, like the homologous region of type I procollagen, appears to be particularly vulnerable.Parts of this work have been presented at the 2nd International Conference on Molecular Biology and Pathology of Matrix, Philadelphia, June 15–18, 1988  相似文献   

Previous studies have investigated the potential atherogenicity and thrombogenicity of triglyceride-rich lipoprotein (TRL) remnants by isolating them from plasma within a remnant-like particle (RLP) fraction, using an immunoaffinity gel containing specific anti-apoB-100 and anti-apoA-I antibodies. In order to characterize lipoproteins in this RLP fraction and to determine to what extent their composition varies from one individual to another, we have used automated gel filtration chromatography to determine the size heterogeneity of RLP isolated from normolipidemic control subjects (n = 8), and from type III (n = 6) and type IV (n = 9) hyperlipoproteinemic patients, who by selection had similarly elevated levels of plasma triglyceride (406 +/- 43 and 397 +/- 35 mg/dl, respectively). Plasma RLP triglyceride, cholesterol, apoB, apoC-III, and apoE concentrations were elevated 2- to 6-fold (P < 0. 05) in hyperlipoproteinemic patients compared to controls. RLP fractions of type III patients were enriched in cholesterol and apoE compared to those of type IV patients, and RLP of type IV patients were enriched in triglyceride and apoC-III relative to those of normolipidemic subjects. In normolipidemic subjects, the majority of RLP had a size similar to LDL or HDL. The RLP of hyperlipoproteinemic patients were, however, larger and were similar in size to TRL, or were intermediate in size (i.e., ISL) between that of TRL and LDL. Compared to controls, ISL in the RLP fraction of type III patients were enriched in apoE relative to apoC-III, whereas in type IV patients they were enriched in apoC-III relative to apoE. These results demonstrate that: 1) RLP are heterogeneous in size and composition in both normolipidemic and hypertriglyceridemic subjects, and 2) the apoE and apoC-III composition of RLP is different in type III compared to type IV hyperlipoproteinemic patients.  相似文献   

抗体几何平均滴度计算中如何处理抗体阴性者?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同作者在计算抗体几何平均滴度(GMT)时,对抗体阴性者的处理方法不完全一致,共有三种:①将抗体阴性者的抗体滴度作为零纳入抗体GMT计算;②将抗体阴性者不纳入计算;③用阳性界值的1/2作为阴性者的抗体滴度纳入计算。统计分析国内11种医学杂志92篇文献发现,科研机构和医学院校多用第三种方法(57.14%),省级和地市县级单位多用第一种方法(44.87%)。作者比较分析了三种方法的计算结果及优劣,认为第一种方法较适宜。  相似文献   

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