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C1q receptor on murine cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Different cells and cell lines of murine origin were tested for their capacity to bind the C subcomponent C1q by using biotinylated human C1q and streptavidin-FITC. Cytofluorometric analysis of splenocytes and thymocytes shows that the majority of C1q-reactive cells reside in the population of B cells and macrophages. There is a significant difference in the C1q-binding capacity of in vitro activated cells; although more than half of the B cell blasts bind the C subcomponent, T cell blasts are virtually negative. It is shown that pre-B lymphomas and cell lines of myeloid origin bind C1q strongly (90 to 98%), whereas in the case of mature B cell lymphomas, plasmocytomas, and the tested T cell lines, the percentage of C1q binding cells varies from 0 to 56. C1q affinity chromatography of the detergent extracts from P388D1 and WEHI-3 cells followed by SDS-PAGE of the eluted proteins under reducing conditions reveals a band at approximately 80 kDa. Analysis of splenocytes shows two additional minor C1q-binding molecules with apparent molecular masses of 50 and 45 kDa, whereas in the case of B cell blasts three bands of similar density are seen at approximately 95, 50 and 45 kDa. C1q-receptors of murine cells are shown to be antigenically related to their human counterpart, because a polyclonal antibody (266A) raised against the human C1q receptor reacts with them.  相似文献   

Membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP), a prototypic member of the membrane-tethered MMP family, is an essential component of a cellular proteolysis apparatus. Recognition of protein cleavage targets followed by proteolysis is a main function of MT1-MMP. For the first time, however, we present evidence that MT1-MMP and other structurally related membrane MMPs bind C1q, the recognition unit of the first component of complement C1 that initiates activation of the classical pathway of complement. These interactions involve the catalytic domain of MT1-MMP and the C1q globular domain. In silico modeling followed by mutagenesis and the in vitro and cell-based binding studies showed that the His(171)-Glu-Lys-Gln-Ala-Asp(176) and Val(223)-Arg-Asn(224) peptide sequences of MT1-MMP are directly involved in the binding with C1q. These sequence regions are spatially distant from the active site of the protease. As a result, the catalytically active and the catalytically latent forms of cellular MT1-MMP are both efficient in binding with C1q. In agreement, despite the MT1-MMP/C1q interactions, C1q is totally resistant to MT1-MMP proteolysis. The discovery of the unconventional, receptor/ligand-like interactions of MT1-MMP with C1q, an essential component of immunity, is a significant step toward a more complete understanding of the role of this membrane-tethered protease in cancer.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein-A (SP-A) plays multiple roles in pulmonary host defense, including stimulating bacterial phagocytosis by innate immune cells. Previously, SP-A was shown to interact with complement protein C1q. Our goal was to further characterize this interaction and elucidate its functional consequences. Radiolabeled SP-A bound solid-phase C1q but not other complement proteins tested. The lectin activity of SP-A was not required for binding to C1q. Because C1q is involved in bacterial clearance but alone does not efficiently enhance the phagocytosis of most bacteria, we hypothesize that SP-A enhances phagocytosis of C1q-coated antigens. SP-A enhanced by sixfold the percentage of rat alveolar macrophages in suspension that phagocytosed C1q-coated fluorescent beads. Furthermore, uptake of C1q-coated beads was enhanced when either beads or alveolar macrophages were preincubated with SP-A. In contrast, SP-A had no significant effect on the uptake of C1q-coated beads by alveolar macrophages adhered to plastic slides. We conclude that SP-A may serve a protective role in the lung by interacting with C1q to enhance the clearance of foreign particles.  相似文献   

It has been shown previously that cultured human venous and arterial endothelial cells (EC) bind C1q in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Cultured human endothelial cells express an average number of 5.2 x 10(5) binding sites/cell. In the present study the putative receptor for C1q (C1qR) was isolated from the membranes of 1-5 x 10(9) human umbilical cord EC by affinity chromatography on C1q-Sepharose. During isolation, C1qR was detected by its capacity to inhibit the lysis of EAC1q in C1q-deficient serum. The eluate from C1q-Sepharose was concentrated, dialysed and subjected to QAE-A50 chromatography and subsequently to gel filtration on HPLC-TSK 3000. C1qR filtered at an apparent molecular weight of 60 kDa. Purified C1qR exhibited an apparent molecular weight of 55-62 kDa in the unreduced state and a molecular weight of 64-68 kDa in reduced form. Two IgM monoclonal antibodies (mAb) D3 and D5 were raised following immunization of mice with purified receptor preparations. Both monoclonal antibodies increased the binding of (125)I-C1q to endothelial cells but F(ab')(2) anti-C1qR mAb inhibited the binding of a(125)I-C1q to EC in a dosedependent manner. The D3 mAb recognized a band of 54-60 kDa in Western blots of membranes of human EC and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Previously, the authors showed that C1q induces the binding of IgM-containing immune complexes to EC. Therefore, it was hypothesized that during a primary immune response generation of IgM-IC may occur, resulting in binding and activation of C1, dissociation of activated C1 by C1 inhibitor and subsequent interaction of IgM-IC bearing C1q with EC-C1qR.  相似文献   

Hemolytically active human C1q incubated with EA before the addition of complement inhibited the immune hemolysis. On the contrary, heat-inactivated preparation (30 min 56 degrees C) was ineffective. Preincubation of EA with bovine collagen also resulted in a decreased hemolysis. When aggregation was measured by a turbidimetric method in citrated human platelet-rich plasma, it was found that hemolytically active human C1q (C1) alone does not induce platelet aggregation. However, in its presence the platelets failed to aggregate or exhibited a significantly reduced aggregation response to bovine collagen. The inhibition by C1q depended on the preincubation time with platelets. Heat treatment (30 min 56 degrees C) destroyed the inhibitory action of C1q (C1). The effect of C1q proved to be highly specific because different C1q preparations at their inhibitory doses in collagen-induced platelet aggregation did not influence the response to other aggregating agents (bovine thrombin, ADP, horse anti-human thymocyte globulin, goat anti-baboon platelet antiserum). The results prove that collagen and C1q are capable of binding to the same site(s); namely, to those of EA and human platelets; furthermore, they suggest the presence of a receptor for C1q (C1) on human platelets.  相似文献   

It has been shown recently that C1q, a subcomponent of the first component of the classical complement pathway, is synthesized by macrophages and that endogenous C1q is detectable on the macrophage membrane. In this report, we demonstrate that membrane-associated C1q, which contains the A, B, and C chains of C1q, is structurally distinct from fluid-phase C1q in that the B chain of the membrane species is approximately 1000 m.w. less than its fluid-phase counterpart. By using biosynthetically ([3H]proline) labeled C1q from guinea pig peritoneal macrophages, we found that the membrane form of C1q is derived from already secreted C1q. The demonstration of a distinct membrane form of C1q supports earlier functional studies which implicated C1q as a membrane-associated molecule with receptor functions for those molecules which also interact with fluid-phase C1q, such as polyanions, immune complexes, and bacteria. Furthermore, we show that, in the vicinity of macrophages, C1q is very susceptible to oxidation manifested by the formation of disulfide bonds. By SDS-PAGE (nonreduced and reduced), we demonstrate the existence of disulfide-linked multimers (180,000 m.w., 360,000 m.w.) which are composed of the A, B, and C chains of C1q.  相似文献   

C1q binds through its collagen-like domain to specific surface receptors of fibroblasts and to adhesive elements of extracellular matrix including fibronectin, collagens, proteoglycans, and laminin. To determine whether C1q participates in fibroblast adhesion, cells in serum-free medium were plated on surfaces coated with purified C1q at physiologic ionic strength and pH. Surfaces coated with fibronectin or collagen type I served as positive controls, and those coated with BSA were negative controls. Substratum-adsorbed C1q promoted fibroblast adhesion to a maximum of 73% of available cells within 90 min at 37 degrees C. Adhesion was C1q concentration dependent, saturable, specific, and dependent on the collagen-like domain of the molecule. De novo protein synthesis plays a role in adhesion: pretreatment of fibroblasts with cycloheximide reduced adherence about 50% of controls. Addition of exogenous fibronectin, collagen type I, or C1q as soluble mediators did not affect adhesion of the cycloheximide-treated cells to C1q substrate. Adhesion could be accounted for primarily, although not completely, by the C1q receptors. Antibodies raised against the Raji cell C1q receptors (alpha C1qR Ab) specifically inhibited fibroblast adhesion to C1q substrates about 60% of controls. The binding of fibroblasts to C1q substrates could be inhibited about 24% of controls with the GRGDTP cell recognition peptide. GRGDTP and alpha C1q Ab had an additive effect on adhesion that was inhibited 77 to 80% of controls. We conclude from these data that aggregated rather than monomeric C1q may be the natural ligand of the fibroblast C1q receptor, and the biologic function of the receptor in cells of the connective tissue may be cell adhesion.  相似文献   

A hybridoma cell line that produces a monoclonal antibody (MAb) to cell surface C1q receptor (C1qR) has been produced by fusion of the P3 X 63-Ag8.653 mouse myeloma cell line with the spleen cells of a CD-1 mouse that had been hyperimmunized with viable Raji cell suspensions (5 X 10(7) cells/inoculum). This MAb, designated II1/D1, is an IgM antibody with lambda-light chain specificity. Radiolabeled or unlabeled, highly purified II1/D1 was used to determine that: this antibody competes for C1q binding sites on C1qR-bearing cells; the molecule recognized by this MAb is the C1qR; and cells that are known to bind C1q also bind II1/D1 in a specific manner. Western blot analysis of solubilized Raji, or U937 cell membranes, showed that the 125I-MAb detected a major protein band of approximately 85,000 m.w. in its unreduced state, indicating that the C1qR is similar, if not identical, in both types of cells. Analyses of 125I-II1/D1 binding experiments revealed that the antibody bound to Raji cells or U937 cells in a specific manner. Uptake of the antibody was saturable, with equilibrium virtually attained within 35 min. Scatchard analysis of the binding data using the intact MAb suggests that the affinity constant KD is 2.9 X 10(-10) M, and at apparent saturation, 24.6 ng of the antibody were bound per 2 X 10(6) cells, giving an estimated 7.8 X 10(3) antibody molecules bound per cell. That the II1/D1 antibody is specifically directed to the C1q was further evidenced by an ELISA in which the ability of C1qR-bearing cells to bind the MAb was abrogated by c-C1q in a specific and dose-dependent manner. These results indicate that the II1/D1 is a specific antibody directed against the C1q and can be a useful tool in studying the biologic interaction of human C1q with its receptors on a variety of cells.  相似文献   

RAGE, the multiligand receptor of the immunoglobulin superfamily of cell surface molecules, is implicated in innate and adaptive immunity. Complement component C1q serves roles in complement activation and antibody-independent opsonization. Using soluble forms of RAGE (sRAGE) and RAGE-expressing cells, we determined that RAGE is a native C1q globular domain receptor. Direct C1q-sRAGE interaction was demonstrated with surface plasmon resonance (SPR), with minimum K(d) 5.6 μM, and stronger binding affinity seen in ELISA-like experiments involving multivalent binding. Pull-down experiments suggested formation of a receptor complex of RAGE and Mac-1 to further enhance affinity for C1q. C1q induced U937 cell adhesion and phagocytosis was inhibited by antibodies to RAGE or Mac-1. These data link C1q and RAGE to the recruitment of leukocytes and phagocytosis of C1q-coated material.  相似文献   

The affinity of human C1q subcomponent for IgM of normal human serum and Waldenstr?m macroglobulins of patients Sew and Zuk were investigated by the polyethylene glycol 6,000 immune complexes precipitation test. This test was calibrated with heat-aggregated gamma-globulin (HAGG); maximum fixation of C1q ranged from 60 to 80% (measured as percentage of radioactivity of the immune complexes precipitate) and was observed when the C1q:HAGG concentration ratio was about 1:250. At the ratio of 1:20 the radioactivity of the precipitate was about 43% of the total. The capacity of polyclonal IgM and Waldenstr?m macroglobulins for C1q fixation is low and variable. The percentage of C1q fixed at the C1q:IgM ratio of 1:20 for polyclonal IgM and Zuk macroglobulin was about 9%, whereas for Sew it was only about 1%.  相似文献   

The alternative or classical pathways for complement system component C3 may be triggered by microorganisms and antigen-antibody complexes. In particular, an activated fragment of C3, C3b, covalently attaches to microorganisms or antigen-antibody complexes, which in turn bind to the C3b receptor, also known as complement receptor 1. The genes encoding the proteins that constitute the C3-activating enzymes have been cloned and mapped to a "complement activation" locus in the major histocompatibility complex, and we demonstrate in this study such a locus on the long arm of chromosome 1 at band 1q32.  相似文献   

Cultured normal and transformed fibroblasts were treated “in situ” by the concanavalin A-peroxidase labelling technique. It is known that peroxidase recognizes only a fraction of the bound lect in depending on the cell type. Kinetics studies revealed that 80 to 95% of the peroxidase and only 10% of the lectin are released from the cell surface when the labelled cells were reincubated at 37 °C. It is shown that it is mostly the concanavalin traced by peroxidase that is released and also that the lectin and the enzyme are shed as a complex or concomitantly. Consequently, the shedding pattern of the enzyme is used to demonstrate heterogeneity in the lectin binding sites: there are two main components labelled by concanavalin and peroxidase, one which has a short period (from 6 to 16 min) and another one with a much longer one (1.3 to 3 h).It is shown that when cells are incubated at 37 °C after a lectin treatment, secondary binding forces occur between the lectin and cell surface components which render the lectin unavailable for inhibiting sugars. Under the same conditions, some peroxidase can still be bound and a slight agglutination can still occur.  相似文献   

The structure of liquid water and its interaction with biological molecules is a very active area of experimental and theoretical research. The chemically complex surfaces of protein molecules alter the structure of the surrounding layer of hydrating water molecules. The dynamics of hydration water can be detected by a series of experimental techniques, which show that hydration waters typically have slower correlation times than water in bulk. Specific water-mediated interactions in protein complexes have been studied in detail, and these interactions have been incorporated into potential energy functions for protein folding and design. The subtle changes in the structure of hydration water have been investigated by theoretical studies.  相似文献   

Cardiac vegetations result from bacterium-platelet adherence, activation and aggregation, and are associated with increased morbidity and mortality in infective endocarditis. The GPIIb/IIIa and FcγRIIa platelet receptors play a central role in platelet adhesion, activation and aggregation induced by endocarditis pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, but the influence of known polymorphisms of these receptors on the pathogenesis of infective endocarditis is unknown. We determined the GPIIIa platelet antigen Pl(A1/A2) and FcγRIIa H131R genotype of healthy volunteers (n?=?160) and patients with infective endocarditis (n?=?40), and investigated the influence of these polymorphisms on clinical outcome in infective endocarditis and S. aureus-platelet interactions in vitro. Platelet receptor genotype did not correlate with development of infective endocarditis, vegetation characteristics on echocardiogram or the composite clinical end-point of embolism, heart failure, need for surgery or mortality (P?>?0.05 for all), even though patients with the GPIIIa Pl(A1/A1) genotype had increased in vivo platelet activation (P?=?0.001). Furthermore, neither GPIIIa Pl(A1/A2) nor FcγRIIa H131R genotype influenced S. aureus-induced platelet adhesion, activation or aggregation in vitro (P?>?0.05). Taken together, our data suggest that the GPIIIa and FcγRIIa platelet receptor polymorphisms do not influence S. aureus-platelet interactions in vitro or the clinical course of infective endocarditis.  相似文献   

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