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The morphological and isozyme variation in 17 populations of the freshwater amphipod genus Paramelita was investigated to see whether morphological differences were genetically based. On the whole, morphological and genetic differentiation coincided, and could be related to geographical distribution. Five distinct genetic groups, separated at Nei's (1978) genetic identity values below 0-35, and possessing diagnostic alleles, were identified. Discriminant functions and cluster analyses confirmed that these genetic clusters were phenotypically distinct. It was concluded that these groups were sufficiently different to warrant the recognition of five species, four of which were new, and as yet, undescribed.  相似文献   

Jacobaea vulgaris (Asteraceae) is a species of Eurasian origin that has become a serious non-indigenous weed in Australia, New Zealand, and North America. We used neutral molecular markers to (1) test for genetic bottlenecks in invasive populations and (2) to investigate the invasion pathways. It is for the first time that molecular markers were used to unravel the process of introduction in this species.The genetic variation of 15 native populations from Europe and 16 invasive populations from Australia, New Zealand and North America were compared using the amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP's). An analysis of molecular variance showed that a significant part (10%) of the total genetic variations between all individuals could be explained by native or invasive origin.Significant among-population differentiation was detected only in the native range, whereas populations from the invasive areas did not significantly differ from each other; nor did the Australian, New Zealand and North American regions differ within the invasive range. The result that native populations differed significantly from each other and that the amount of genetic variation, measured as the number of polymorphic bands, did not differ between the native and invasive area, strongly suggests that introductions from multiple source populations have occurred. The lack of differentiation between invasive regions suggests that either introductions may have occurred from the same native sources in all invasive regions or subsequent introductions took place from one into another invasive region and the same mix of genotypes was subsequently introduced into all invasive regions.An assignment test showed that European populations from Ireland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom most resembled the invasive populations.  相似文献   

Genetic bottlenecks can limit the success of populations colonizing new ranges. However, successful colonizations can occur despite bottlenecks, a phenomenon known as the genetic paradox of invasion. Eusocial Hymenoptera such as bumblebees (Bombus spp.) should be particularly vulnerable to genetic bottlenecks, since homozygosity at the sex-determining locus leads to costly diploid male production (DMP). The Tree Bumblebee (Bombus hypnorum) has rapidly colonized the UK since 2001 and has been highlighted as exemplifying the genetic paradox of invasion. Using microsatellite genotyping, combined with the first genetic estimates of DMP in UK B. hypnorum, we tested two alternative genetic hypotheses (‘bottleneck’ and ‘gene flow’ hypotheses) for B. hypnorum''s colonization of the UK. We found that the UK population has not undergone a recent severe genetic bottleneck and exhibits levels of genetic diversity falling between those of widespread and range-restricted Bombus species. Diploid males occurred in 15.4% of reared colonies, leading to an estimate of 21.5 alleles at the sex-determining locus. Overall, the findings show that this population is not bottlenecked, instead suggesting that it is experiencing continued gene flow from the continental European source population with only moderate loss of genetic diversity, and does not exemplify the genetic paradox of invasion.  相似文献   

Gammarus minus is an important component of surface spring and cave ecosystems throughout Appalachia, and is a useful indicator of the hydrology and gene flow in freshwater communities. Gammarus minus populations occupying large cave passages (> 2 km) are usually troglomorphic, having reduced eyes, fewer ommatidia, larger body size, longer antennae, and reduced pigmentation relative to surface populations. We surveyed five cave stream and 10 surface spring populations for DNA sequence variation in the cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS-1) genes with an aim towards characterizing phylogeographical structure and comparing the nature of genetic variation in cave vs. surface populations. Although standing variation at both loci was rather low within populations, a significant degree of divergence and spatial structuring of populations was observed. Levels of genetic variation within cave and spring populations differed substantially, with caves harbouring significantly less variation at the COI locus than surface springs. Codon usage bias was significantly lower in caves, indicating that cave streams harbour smaller and/or more recently colonized populations. Overall these data indicate limited gene flow among populations and suggest that the cave populations sampled in this study are prone to bottlenecks, possibly due to larger temperature fluctuations and more frequent incidence of drought conditions associated with these particular cave habitats.  相似文献   

Repeated population bottlenecks can lead to loss of genetic variation and normally should be avoided in threatened species to preserve evolutionary potential. We examined the effect of repeated bottlenecks, in the form of sequential translocations, on loss of genetic variation in a threatened passerine, the saddleback (Philesturnus carunculatus carunculatus), a species that has recovered from a remnant population with historically low levels of genetic variation. Although a slight but nonsignificant loss of alleles may have occurred between the first-order translocation and the extirpated source population, first-, second-, and third-order translocated populations had very similar levels of genetic variation to each other. The most obvious difference among the seven island populations appeared to lie in allele frequencies with little or no loss of alleles among extant populations. Although sequential translocations are known to cause loss of variation in genetically diverse species, our study indicates that genetically depauperate species may be less sensitive to loss of genetic variation through founder events presumably because the few remaining alleles are well represented in founding individuals. These results show that ancient bottlenecks may have a long-term effect on genetic variation, to the extent that contemporary population bottlenecks may leave no appreciable genetic signature. Our results suggest that subjecting genetically depauperate endangered species to sequential translocations could be used to rapidly establish new populations without further eroding genetic variation.  相似文献   

Evolutionary responses of herbivores to their host plants depend not only on selection from plants, but also on the genetic basis of traits relating to host use. The genetic basis of such traits has been investigated extensively among terrestrial insect herbivores, but has received almost no attention among marine herbivores. We tested whether performance traits in the herbivorous marine amphipod Peramphithoe parmerong display heritable variation and, for the first time for a marine herbivore, whether selection has resulted in local adaptation to host plants on two spatial scales. Peramphithoe parmerong displayed heritable genetic variation for survival on two host macroalgae, the high-quality Sargassum linearifolium and the poor-quality Padina crassa, and for growth on S. linearifolium. Differences in performance on different hosts thus have the potential to select for differential use of hosts by this amphipod. Despite this potential, there was no evidence among field populations of local adaptation to host algae on either scale tested: between hosts within a site or among sites differing in algal species composition. Within a site, amphipods were not more likely to prefer or perform better on the host on which they were collected. Similarly, amphipods collected from sites in which P. crassa was present were not more likely to perform well on this host than amphipods collected from sites where this alga was not found. Ecological factors that may explain the persistence of P. parmerong on P. crassa and the possibility of phylogenetic constraints on host use by P. parmerong are discussed.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Understanding reproductive traits of invasive species and their modulation by different invaded habitats is crucial for monitoring invasive processes. The invasive ecosystem...  相似文献   

1. First known for their shredding activity, freshwater amphipods also behave as active predators with consequences for prey population regulation and amphipod coexistence in the context of biological invasions. 2. A way to quantify predation is to determine the average consumption rate per predator, also known as its functional response (FR). 3. Although amphipods are gregarious and can display social interactions that can alter per capita consumption rates, previous studies using the FR approach to investigate amphipod predation ignored such potential mutual interference because they did not consider variations in predator density. 4. We investigated the FR of Echinogammarus berilloni feeding on dipteran larvae with joint variations in prey and predator densities. This bivariate experimental design allowed us to estimate interference and to compare the fits of the three main classes of theoretical FR models, in which the predation rate is a function of prey density alone (prey‐dependent models), of both prey and predator densities (predator‐dependent models) or of the prey‐to‐predator ratio (ratio‐dependent models). 5. The Arditi–Ginzburg ratio‐dependent FR model provided the best representation of the FR of E. berilloni, whose predation rate showed a decelerating rise to a horizontal asymptote as prey abundance increased. 6. Ratio dependence means that mutual interference between amphipods leads to prey sharing. Mutual interference is likely to vary between amphipod species, depending on their level of aggressiveness.  相似文献   

Molecular allozyme markers of three polymorphic isozymes were used to estimate the genetic diversity among the seed progeny in fragmented Estonian populations of sickle medic Medicago sativa ssp. falcata L. depending on the population size and the isolation degree. Genetic diversity He was high in all populations, ranging between 0.795 and 0.893. No correlation between the genetic diversity measures and population size or isolation distance was found. Even the smallest population had equally high genetic diversity as about a hundred times larger population. Genetic differentiation of populations into two major groups was associated with the geographic position of populations, except one remote population. Elimination of seed progeny of reduced fitness by embryo abortion and continuous yearlong contribution of the highly heterozygous progeny through the soil seed bank are considered as important supplementary factors that have contributed to maintaining high levels of genetic diversity in populations of sickle medic in addition to its autotetraploid nature and perennial life form.  相似文献   

Besides the direct impact on the general performance of individual organisms, the ecological consequences of climate change in terrestrial and marine ecosystems are expected to be determined by complex cascading effects arising from modified trophic interactions and competitive relationships. Recently, the synergistic effect of parasitism and climate change has been emphasised as potentially important to host population dynamics and community structure, but robust empirical evidence is generally lacking. The amphipod Corophium volutator is an ecologically important species in coastal soft-bottom habitats of the temperate North Atlantic, and commonly serves as host to microphallid trematodes that cause intensity-dependent and temperature-dependent mortality in the amphipod population. Using a simulation model parameterised with experimental and field data, we demonstrate that a 3.8°C increase in ambient temperature will likely result in a parasite-induced collapse of the amphipod population. This temperature increase is well within the range predicted to prevail by the year 2075 in the International Wadden Sea region from where the model data are obtained. Due to the amphipods’ ecological importance, their population decline may impact the coastal ecosystem as a whole.  相似文献   

Morphological and genetic differentiation between populations of freshwater amphipods initially identified as Paramelita spinicornis are examined. Morphological data are analysed by means of cluster and discriminant functions analyses and genetic differentiation determined using starch gel electrophoresis. The 11 populations form two distinct groups, one of which corresponded to the described species, P. spinicornis , while the other is clearly recognizable as a new species, which is described here.  相似文献   

Kusch  Jürgen  Welter  Harald  Stremmel  Martin  Schmidt  Helmut J. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,431(2-3):185-192
RAPD fingerprinting with nine different primers revealed that all of 18 E. aediculatus isolates from nine ponds and streams in western Germany, France and the U.S.A. were genetically different. The extent of genetic similarity between genotypes from different waters did not show a significant relationship with the geographical distance among habitats, although genotypes isolated from the same habitat showed a higher genetic similarity than genotypes isolated from different habitats. Phylogenetic analyses of RAPD patterns indicate a separation of E. aediculatus strains into subgroups within one species, but all strains were genetically more similar to one another than to strains from two other Euplotes species. Crossings of the different E. aediculatus strains revealed they belonged to seven mating types of one gene pool. The high genetic diversity observed is explained by a frequent occurrence of conjugation in the studied populations.  相似文献   

Trophically transmitted parasites are likely to strongly influence food web-structure. The extent to which they change the trophic ecology of their host remains nevertheless poorly investigated and field evidence is lacking. This is particularly true for acanthocephalan parasites whose invertebrate hosts can prey on other invertebrates and contribute to leaf-litter breakdown. We used a multiple approach combining feeding experiments, neutral lipids and stable isotopes to investigate the trophic ecology of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus roeseli parasitized by the bird acanthocephalan Polymorphus minutus. Infected compared to uninfected amphipods consumed as many dead isopods, but fewer live isopods and less leaf material. Infection had no influence on the total concentration of neutral lipids. Contrary to what we expected based on laboratory findings, the nitrogen isotope signature, which allows for the estimation of consumer's trophic position, was not influenced by infection status. Conversely, the carbon isotope signature, which is used to identify food sources, changed with infection and suggested that the diet of infected G. roeseli includes less perilithon (i.e. fixed algae on rocks, stones) but more terrestrial inputs (e.g. leaf material) than that of uninfected conspecifics. This study shows evidence of changes in the trophic ecology of P. minutus-infected G. roeseli and we stress the need to complement feeding experiments with field data when investigating top-down effects of infection in an opportunistic feeder which adapts its diet to the available food sources.  相似文献   

The stock of the European eel is considered to be outside safe biological limits, following a dramatic demographic decline in recent decades (90–99% drop) that involves a large number of factors including overfishing, contaminants and environmental fluctuations. The aim of the present study is to estimate the effective population size of the European eel and the possible existence of a genetic bottleneck, which is expected during or after a severe demographic crash. Using a panel of 22 EST-derived microsatellite loci, we found no evidence for a genetic bottleneck in the European eel as our data showed moderate to high levels of genetic diversity, no loss of allele size range or rare alleles, and a stationary population with growth values not statistically different from zero, which is confirmed by finding comparable value of short-term and long-term effective population size. Our results suggest that the observed demographic decline in the European eel did not entail a genetic decline of the same magnitude. Forward-time simulations confirmed that large exploited marine fish populations can undergo genetic bottleneck episodes and experience a loss of genetic variability. Simulations indicated that the failure to pick up the signal of a genetic bottleneck in the European eel is not due to lack of power. Although anthropogenic factors lowered the continental stock biomass, the observation of a stable genetic effective population size suggests that the eel crash was not due to a reduction in spawning stock abundance. Alternatively, we propose that overfishing, pollution and/or parasites might have affected individual fitness and fecundity, leading to an impoverished spawning stock that may fail to produce enough good quality eggs. A reduced reproduction success due to poor quality of the spawners may be exacerbated by oceanic processes inducing changes in primary production in the Sargasso Sea and/or pathway of transport across the Atlantic Ocean leading to a higher larval mortality.  相似文献   

Persistence of changes in the genetic covariance matrix after a bottleneck   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Abstract.— Genetic variance, phenotypic variance, and the genetic covariance matrix ( G ) can change as a result of genetic drift. These changes will persist over time to some extent and will continue if population size remains relatively small. Nine populations founded by a single pair of Drosophila melanogaster were measured for a series of six morphological characteristics for a large number of parent-offspring families at both the third generation after the bottlenecks and after 20 generations. From these data, the phenotypic variance, additive genetic variance, and G were estimated for each line at each generation. Phenotypic and genetic variances were highly correlated over time, so that the measurements made at the third generation were predictive of the state of the population 17 generations later. Genetic covariances were also somewhat stable over time; however, the G matrices of some lines changed significantly over the intervening generations. This change did not return the populations toward their original state before the population bottlenecks. We conclude that the genetic covariance matrix can change as a result of mild genetic drift over a short span of time.  相似文献   

In a study conducted over 30 years ago, a remarkable population of amphipod crustaceans (Gammarus minus) was discovered in which 100% of the females displayed intersex characteristics. Such high levels of intersexuality are atypical amongst gonochoristic crustaceans and current theories relating to sex allocation suggest intermediate (intersex) forms should be competitively selected against. This study set out to confirm the existence of this extraordinary population and to compare it with other G. minus populations in various spring and cave systems across Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia (USA), with varying environmental characteristics in an attempt to elucidate the prevalence and cause of intersexuality in this species. Results from this study verify the continued existence of these highly abundant, intersex female populations of G. minus, with proportions ranging between 73% and 100%. These populations were also associated with highly male-biased sex ratios, which is equally unusual amongst gonochoristic crustaceans. Intersex female specimens had a reduced fecundity compared to normal females, although this result was not statistically significant. Although no feminising microsporidian parasites were observed through histological examination, the presence of a novel feminising parasitic factor cannot be ruled out. The continued vigour of these populations over three decades suggests that anthropomorphic factors are not causing the high levels of intersexuality observed. Intersexuality was absent or very low in frequency (<1%) in most other springs that we investigated. Therefore, G. minus appears to represent an interesting and novel model system for studying sex determination.  相似文献   

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