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Transition metal nitrides are promising energy storage materials in regard to good metallic conductivity and high theoretical specific capacity, but their cycling stability is impeded by the huge volume change caused by the conversion reaction mechanism. Here, a simple strategy to produce an intercalation pseudocapacitive‐type vanadium nitride (VN) by one‐step ammonification of V2C MXene for sodium‐ion batteries is reported. Profiting from a distinctive layered structure pillared by Al atoms in the layer spacing, it delivers a high capacity of 372 mA h g?1 at 50 mA g?1 and a desirable rate performance. More importantly, it shows remarkably long cycling stability over 7500 cycles without capacity attenuation at 500 mA g?1. As expected, it is found that the intercalation pseudocapacitance plays an important role in the excellent performance, by using in situ X‐ray diffraction and ex situ X‐ray absorption structure characterization. Even more remarkable, are the high energy and power density of the sodium‐ion capacitor after coupling with a carbon‐based cathode. The hybrid device possesses an energy density of 78.43 Wh kg?1 at power density of 260 W kg?1. The results clearly show that such a unique‐layered VN with outstanding Na storage capability is an excellent new material for energy storage systems.  相似文献   

Rechargeable aqueous zinc‐ion batteries (ZIBs) with high safety and low‐cost are highly desirable for grid‐scale energy storage, yet the energy storage mechanisms in the current cathode materials are still complicated and unclear. Hence, several sodium vanadates with NaV3O8‐type layered structure (e.g., Na5V12O32 and HNaV6O16·4H2O) and β‐Na0.33V2O5‐type tunneled structure (e.g., Na0.76V6O15) are constructed and the storage/release behaviors of Zn2+ ions are deeply investigated in these two typical structures. It should be mentioned that the 2D layered Na5V12O32 and HNaV6O16·4H2O with more effective path for Zn2+ diffusion exhibit higher ion diffusion coefficients than that of tunneled Na0.76V6O15. As a result, Na5V12O32 delivers higher capacity than that of Na0.76V6O15, and a long‐term cyclic performance up to 2000 cycles at 4.0 A g?1 in spite of its capacity fading. This work provides a new perspective of Zn2+ storage mechanism in aqueous ZIB systems.  相似文献   

Operando X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and X‐ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) studies of Ge anodes are carried out to understand the effect of cycling rate on Ge phase transformation during charge/discharge process and to relate that effect to capacity. It is discovered that the formation of crystalline Li15Ge4 (c‐Li15Ge4) during lithiation is suppressed beyond a certain cycling rate. A very stable and reversible high capacity of ≈1800 mAh g?1 can be attained up to 100 cycles at a slow C‐rate of C/21 when there is complete conversion of Ge anode into c‐Li15Ge4. When the C‐rate is increased to ≈C/10, the lithiation reaction is more heterogeneous and a relatively high capacity of ≈1000 mAh g?1 is achieved with poorer electrochemical reversibility. An increase in C‐rate to C/5 and higher reduces the capacity (≈500 mAh g?1) due to an impeded transformation from amorphous LixGe to c‐Li15Ge4, and yet improves the electrochemical reversibility. A proposed mechanism is presented to explain the C‐rate dependent phase transformations and the relationship of these to capacity fading. The operando XRD and XAS results provide new insights into the relationship between structural changes in Ge and battery capacity, which are important for guiding better design of high‐capacity anodes.  相似文献   

In this work, the effect of Li+ substitution in Li3V2(PO4)3 with a large divalent ion (Ca2+) toward lithium insertion is studied. A series of materials, with formula Li3?2xCaxV2(PO4)3/C (x = 0, 0.5, 1, and 1.5) is synthesized and studied in the potential region 3–0.01 V versus Li+/Li. Synchrotron diffraction demonstrates that Li3V2(PO4)3/C has a monoclinic structure (space group P21/n), while Ca1.5V2(PO4)3/C possesses a rhombohedral structure (space group R‐3c). The intermediate compounds, Li2Ca0.5V2(PO4)3/C and LiCaV2(PO4)3/C, are composed of two main phases, including monoclinic Li3V2(PO4)3/C and rhombohedral Ca1.5V2(PO4)3/C. Cyclic voltammetry reveals five reduction and oxidation peaks on Li3V2(PO4)3/C and Li2Ca0.5V2(PO4)3/C electrodes. In contrast, LiCaV2(PO4)3/C and Ca1.5V2(PO4)3/C have no obvious oxidation and reduction peaks but a box‐type voltammogram. This feature is the signature for capacitive‐like mechanism, which involves fast electron transfer on the surface of the electrode. Li3V2(PO4)3/C undergoes two solid‐solution and a short two‐phase reaction during lithiation and delithiation processes, whereas Ca1.5V2(PO4)3/C only goes through capacitive‐like mechanism. In operando X‐ray absorption spectroscopy confirms that, in both Li3V2(PO4)3/C and Ca1.5V2(PO4)3/C, V ions are reduced during the insertion of the first three Li ions. This study demonstrates that the electrochemical characteristic of polyanionic phosphates can be easily tuned by replacing Li+ with larger divalent cations.  相似文献   

Hard carbon is a standard anode material for Na‐ion batteries. However, its low crystallinity and diverse microstructures make obtaining a full understanding of the sodium storage mechanism challenging. Here, the results of a systematic ex situ small and wide angle X‐ray scattering study of a series of nanostructured hard carbons, which reveal clear evidence of sodium storage in the graphene–graphene interlayers and nanopores, are presented. Particularly, an emergence of a broad peak around q ≈ 2.0–2.1 Å?1 in the low voltage region is suggested to be an indicator that sodium is densely confined in the nanopores. Thus, classical X‐ray scattering techniques are demonstrated to be effective in elucidating the overall reaction scheme of Na insertion into hard carbon.  相似文献   

The reversible electrochemical insertion of multivalent ions into materials has promising applications in many fields, including batteries, seawater desalination, element purification, and wastewater treatment. However, finding materials that allow for the insertion of multivalent ions with fast kinetics and stable cycling has proven difficult because of strong electrostatic interactions between the highly charged insertion ions and atoms in the host framework. Here, an open framework nanomaterial, copper hexacyanoferrate, in the Prussian Blue family is presented that allows for the reversible insertion of a wide variety of monovalent, divalent, and trivalent ions (such as Rb+, Pb2+, Al3+, and Y3+) in aqueous solution beyond that achieved in previous studies. Electrochemical measurements demonstrate the unprecedented kinetics of multivalent ion insertion associated with this material. Synchrotron X‐ray diffraction experiments point toward a novel vacancy‐mediated ion insertion mechanism that reduces electrostatic repulsion and helps to facilitate the observed rapid ion insertion. The results suggest a new approach to multi­valent ion insertion that may help to advance the understanding of this complex phenomenon.  相似文献   

The capacity of Li‐ion cathode materials has recently been greatly improved by the feasibility to trigger both cationic and anionic redox reactions within the same material. This concept has rapidly been implemented to Na‐ion batteries to boost their energy density. The electrochemical properties of Na3RuO4 with Li3RuO4 are reported and compared herein. Strikingly, it is found that 3 Na can be extracted from Na3RuO4 with the charge compensation mechanism enlisting first the oxidation of Ru5+ to Ru6+, leading to Na2RuO4, and then the oxidation of oxygen during the rest of the charge. This drastically contrasts with the behavior of the Li counterpart since Ru never reaches that high oxidation state during lithium removal. By comparing the phase diagrams of AxRuO4 (A being Li, Na, or K) together with density functional theory calculations, this finding is rationalized and it is demonstrated that this difference is mainly rooted in the size of the alkali cation. The bigger the alkali, the lower the coordination of Ru will be, stabilized by the same higher oxidation states. This work highlights the difference between Li and Na materials toward anionic redox and suggests the unusual coexistence of Ru6+ and (O2)n?, hence setting new challenges to theoreticians and opening opportunities for materials design.  相似文献   

2D vanadium carbide MXene containing surface functional groups (denoted as V2CTx , where Tx are surface functional groups) is synthesized and studied as anode material for Na‐ion batteries. V2CTx anode exhibits reversible charge storage with good cycling stability and high rate capability through electrochemical test. The charge storage mechanism of V2CTx material during Na+ intercalation/deintercalation and the redox reaction of vanadium are studied using a combination of synchrotron based X‐ray diffraction, hard X‐ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES), and soft X‐ray absorption spectroscopy (sXAS). Experimental evidence of a major contribution of redox reaction of vanadium to the charge storage and the reversible capacity of V2CTx during sodiation/desodiation process are provided through V K ‐edge XANES and V L 2,3‐edge sXAS results. A correlation between the CO32? content and the Na+ intercalation/deintercalation states in the V2CTx electrode observed from C and O K ‐edge in sXAS results implies that some additional charge storage reactions may take place between the Na+‐intercalated V2CTx and the carbonate‐based nonaqueous electrolyte. The results of this study provide valuable information for the further studies on V2CTx as anode material for Na‐ion batteries and capacitors.  相似文献   

Recent advances in high‐resolution 3D X‐ray computed tomography (CT) allow detailed, non‐destructive 3D structural mapping of a complete lithium‐ion battery. By repeated 3D image acquisition (time lapse CT imaging) these investigations of material microstructure are extended into the fourth dimension (time) to study structural changes of the device in operando. By digital volume correlation (DVC) of successive 3D images the dimensional changes taking place during charge cycling are quantified at the electrode level and at the Mn2O4 particle scale. After battery discharging, the extent of lithiation of the manganese (III/IV) oxide grains in the electrode is found to be a function of the distance from the battery terminal with grains closest to the electrode/current collector interface having the greatest expansion (≈30%) and grains furthest from the current collector and closest to the counter electrode showing negligible dilation. This implies that the discharge is limited by electrical conductivity. This new CT+DVC technique is widely applicable to the 3D exploration of the microstructural degradation processes for a range of energy materials including fuel cells, capacitors, catalysts, and ceramics.  相似文献   

It is frequently assumed that sodium‐ion battery chemistry exhibits a behavior that is similar to the more frequently investigated lithium‐ion chemistry. However, in this work it is shown that there are great, and rather surprising, differences, at least in the case of anatase TiO2. While the generally more reducing lithium ion is reversibly inserted in the anatase TiO2 lattice, sodium ions appear to partially reduce the rather stable oxide and form metallic titanium, sodium oxide, and amorphous sodium titanate, as revealed by means of in situ X‐ray diffraction, ex situ X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. Nevertheless, once the electrochemical transformation of anatase TiO2 is completed, the newly formed material presents a very stable long‐term cycling performance, excellent high rate capability, and superior coulombic efficiency, highlighting it as a very promising anode material for sodium‐ion battery applications.  相似文献   

Hard carbon has long been considered the leading candidate for anode materials of Na‐ion batteries. Intensive research efforts have been carried out in the search of suitable carbon structure for an improved storage capability. Herein, an anode based on multishelled hollow carbon nanospheres, which are able to deliver an outstanding electrochemical performance with an extraordinary reversible capacity of 360 mAh g?1 at 30 mA g?1, is designed. An interesting dependence of the electrochemical properties on the multishelled structural features is identified: with an increase in the shell number of the model carbon materials, the sloping capacity in the charge/discharge curve remains almost unchanged while the plateau capacity continuously increases, suggesting an adsorption‐filling Na‐storage mechanism for the multishelled hollow hard carbon materials. The findings not only provide new perspective in the structural design of high‐performance anode materials, but also shed light on the complicated mechanism behind Na‐storage by hard carbon.  相似文献   

Exploring new structure prototypes and phases by material design, especially anode materials, is essential to develop high‐performance Na‐ion batteries. This study proposes a new anode, Na2Cu2.09O0.50S2, with a 1D crystal structure and outstanding Na storage performance. In view of the crystal structure of Na2Cu2.09O0.50S2, [Cu4S4] chains act as electrically conducting units enabling conductivity as high as 0.5 S cm?1. The residual Na4[CuO] chains act as ionically conducting units forming rich channels for the fast conduction of Na ions as well as maintaining the structural stability even after Na ion extraction. Additional ball milling on the as‐prepared Na2Cu2.09O0.50S2 significantly decreases its grain size, achieving a capacity of 588 mA h g?1 with a high initial Coulombic efficiency of 93% at 0.2 A g?1. Moreover, the Na2Cu2.09O0.50S2 anode demonstrates outstanding rate capability (408 mA h g?1 at 2 A g?1) and extending cyclic performance (82% of capacity retention after 400 cycles). The general structural design idea based on functional units may offer a new avenue to new electrode materials.  相似文献   

Elastic strains are measured in operando in a nanostructured silicon‐coated nickel inverse opal scaffold anode, using X‐ray diffraction to study the Si (de)lithiation‐induced Ni strains. The volume expansion upon lithiation of the Si in the anode is constrained by the surrounding Ni scaffold, causing mismatch stresses and strains in the Si and Ni phases during cycling. The Ni strains are measured in operando during (dis)charge cycles, using diffraction peak position and peak broadness to describe the distribution of strain in the Ni. During lithiation, compressive strains in the Ni first increase linearly with charge, after which a gradually decreasing strain rate is observed as the maximum lithiation state is approached; upon delithiation a similar process occurs. In‐plane average compressive strains on the order of 990 ± 40 με are measured in the Ni scaffold during lithiation, corresponding to compressive stresses of 215 ± 9 MPa. The decreasing strain rates and decreasing maximum and recovered strains suggest that plasticity in Ni and/or Si, as well as delamination between Ni and Si, may occur during cycling. Rate sensitivity in capacity is correlated with strain and a maximum Ni compressive stress of 230 ± 40 MPa is measured at the maximum state of lithiation.  相似文献   

Narrow electrochemical stability window (1.23 V) of aqueous electrolytes is always considered the key obstacle preventing aqueous sodium‐ion chemistry of practical energy density and cycle life. The sodium‐ion water‐in‐salt electrolyte (NaWiSE) eliminates this barrier by offering a 2.5 V window through suppressing hydrogen evolution on anode with the formation of a Na+‐conducting solid‐electrolyte interphase (SEI) and reducing the overall electrochemical activity of water on cathode. A full aqueous Na‐ion battery constructed on Na0.66[Mn0.66Ti0.34]O2 as cathode and NaTi2(PO4)3 as anode exhibits superior performance at both low and high rates, as exemplified by extraordinarily high Coulombic efficiency (>99.2%) at a low rate (0.2 C) for >350 cycles, and excellent cycling stability with negligible capacity losses (0.006% per cycle) at a high rate (1 C) for >1200 cycles. Molecular modeling reveals some key differences between Li‐ion and Na‐ion WiSE, and identifies a more pronounced ion aggregation with frequent contacts between the sodium cation and fluorine of anion in the latter as one main factor responsible for the formation of a dense SEI at lower salt concentration than its Li cousin.  相似文献   

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