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Two principal objectives of the 1983 Mental Health Act were to decrease the use of emergency orders and to give patients on observation orders the right of appeal. Statistics were collected from the 13 hospitals that admit acute psychiatric patients in the Greater Manchester area, and the figures for 1980-1 were compared with those for 1984-5. Changes in use of the different sections were examined in university units, large psychiatric hospitals, and district general hospital units. The use of emergency orders decreased and the use of treatment orders increased; the use of observation orders remained unchanged. Many more patients exercised their right of appeal in 1984-5, but the number discharged by tribunals remained small. The nurses'' holding power was used infrequently. The different types of hospital are now more concordant in their use of these orders than before the 1983 act.  相似文献   



The involuntary admission regulated under the Mental Health Act has become an increasingly important issue in the developed countries in recent years. Most studies about the distribution and associated factors of involuntary admission were carried out in the western countries; however, the results may vary in different areas with different legal and socio-cultural backgrounds.


The aim of this study was to investigate the proportion and associated factors of involuntary admission in a psychiatric emergency service in Taiwan.


The study cohort included patients admitted from a psychiatric emergency service over a two-year period. Demographic, psychiatric emergency service utilization, and clinical variables were compared between those who were voluntarily and involuntarily admitted to explore the associated factors of involuntary admission.


Among 2,777 admitted patients, 110 (4.0%) were involuntarily admitted. Police referrals and presenting problems as violence assessed by psychiatric nurses were found to be associated with involuntary admission. These patients were more likely to be involuntarily admitted during the night shift and stayed longer in the psychiatric emergency service.


The proportion of involuntary admissions in Taiwan was in the lower range when compared to Western countries. Dangerous conditions evaluated by the psychiatric nurses and police rather than diagnosis made by the psychiatrists were related factors of involuntary admission. As it spent more time to admit involuntary patients, it was suggested that multidisciplinary professionals should be included in and educated for during the process of involuntary admission.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine the assessment of adolescent self harm patients attending an accident and emergency department. DESIGN--Retrospective assessment of case notes. SETTING--Accident and emergency department, Leicester Royal Infirmary. PATIENTS--210 adolescent patients (aged 9-19 years) attending the department during 1 January 1989-31 December 1989 after deliberate self poisoning; records were available for 200. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Numbers of admissions, discharges from department without either a psychiatric consultation or some form of follow up, and discharges with either of these; scoring of adequacy of psychiatric and social assessment by accident and emergency doctor. RESULTS--89 patients were admitted (mean score 5.1, excluding 22 patients too drowsy or unforthcoming for proper assessment), 80 were discharged without specific psychiatric consultation or other follow up (mean score 5.4), and 31 were discharged with psychiatric consultation or other follow up (mean score 9.1). The percentage of patients in each group whose assessment by the accident and emergency doctor was considered to be adequate or better than adequate over 10 headings ranged from 0%-40% for admitted patients, 0%-50% for those discharged without psychiatric assessment, and 0%-61% in the remaining group. Overall, in almost half (49%, 54/111) of all of those discharged documentation of the suicidal state was inadequate. CONCLUSION--The assessment of many adolescent self harm patients in this clinic was unsatisfactory. IMPLICATIONS--Doctors working in accident and emergency departments should be encouraged to liaise with child psychiatrists before discharging such patients.  相似文献   

A self-administered questionary (the General Health Questionnaire) aimed at detecting current psychiatric disturbance was given to 553 consecutive attenders to a general practitioner''s surgery. A sample of 200 of these patients was given an independent assessment of their mental state by a psychiatrist using a standardized psychiatric interview. Over 90% of the patients were correctly classified as “well” or “ill” by the questionary, and the correlation between questionary score and the clinical assessment of severity of disturbance was found to be +0·80.The “conspicuous psychiatric morbidity” of a suburban general practice assessed by a general practitioner who was himself a psychiatrist and validated against independent psychiatric assessment was found to be 20%. “Hidden psychiatric morbidity” was found to account for one-third of all disturbed patients. These patients were similar to patients with “conspicuous illnesses” in terms both of degree of disturbance and the course of their illnesses at six-month follow-up, but were distinguished by their attitude to their illness and by usually presenting a physical symptom to the general practitioner.When 87 patients who had been assessed as psychiatric cases at the index consultation were called back for follow-up six months later, two-thirds of them were functioning in the normal range. Frequency of attendance at the surgery in the six months following index consultation was found to have only a modest relationship to severity of psychiatric disturbance.It is argued that minor affective illnesses and physical complaints often accompany each other and usually have a good prognosis.  相似文献   

The prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in inpatients with neurological disorders and the extent to which it is detected by neurologists were measured by using a two stage model of psychiatric assessment and from information recorded in the patients'' medical notes. The prevalence of psychiatric morbidity was estimated as 39%, of which 72% was unrecognised by the neurologists. Only a minority of patients with an uncertain physical diagnosis had a psychiatric illness, showing the error in assuming that a patient''s physical symptoms arise from a psychological disturbance if an organic aetiology cannot be determined. When the patients were interviewed on their discharge from hospital they were divided on whether they had wished to discuss their mood with neurologists while they were in hospital. The reasons that they gave suggested that interactions between patients and doctors and the lack of ward facilities for private consultations with doctors are important determinants of hidden psychiatric morbidity in medical inpatients.  相似文献   

The same extensive range of general hospital facilities should be allocated to emergency psychiatric illness as are available for other medical conditions. During the study herein reported, for every three medical consultations in the emergency ward of a large general hospital, two psychiatric consultations were requested. Over a two-year period when 24-hour coverage by psychiatric consultants was instituted, such assessments increased from 148 to 340 (during the first four months of each year); the increase in police referrals was outstanding, rising from 16 to 105. The general wards of the hospital assumed greater responsibility for further medical treatment, while committal to the mental hospital declined. Many more psychiatric patients could have been treated in the general hospital if facilities had been available. The development of an emergency psychiatric service is not an easy process and co-ordination with other psychiatric resources is required. Residents in training face situations in the emergency ward which are not encountered in any other aspect of their clinical experience.  相似文献   

Until 1955, the Saskatchewan Hospital, North Battleford, was the only facility designated for in-patient psychiatric treatment of the northern half of Saskatchewan''s population. In that year the University Hospital''s 39-bed psychiatric unit was opened in Saskatoon, but the number of Saskatoon patients referred to North Battleford have continued to increase.A statistical study of changes in the annual admission rates (patients/1000 population) to the Saskatchewan Hospital shows that the opening of the University Hospital unit has reduced the rate of intake of Saskatoon residents to the Saskatchewan Hospital. This decrease is related to specific diagnostic groups. There have also been changes in methods of referral.  相似文献   

An interim secure unit of 14 beds (Rainford Ward) at Rainhill Hospital has been functioning for four years. During that period 78 patients were referred and 39 were admitted from various sources. Of those admitted, 40% were women, all had committed dangerous acts, and the most common diagnosis was schizophrenia. Only seven patients have stayed for one year or more, and only one seems set to stay indefinitely. Patients discharged are followed up in roughly equal numbers by their catchment area psychiatric teams and by the regional forensic psychiatric service. The number of patients in the ward has settled to about 12 for a population of one million. The unit now functions unobtrusively in a large psychiatric hospital, has a high morale, has had few recruiting problems, and has suffered extremely few disturbing incidents.  相似文献   

Information about patients in ambulance service records has been linked to that in the patients'' hospital records in an attempt to make the most efficient use of a special ambulance service for patients suspected of having heart attacks. During one week 248 emergency (999) calls for an ambulance were made by the public in the city of Nottingham. The quality of information given to the ambulance centre was poor, and all four patients eventually found to have had a myocardial infarction were described as having collapsed. A further study of patients who were also described as having collapsed has led to a system which allows an ambulance controller to send a "coronary ambulance" only in answer to those emergency calls where there is a reasonable possibility that the patient has had a heart attack.  相似文献   

Fifty patients were interviewed before their first ever appointment at a psychiatric outpatient clinic about their attitude to the forthcoming visit. Many did not know that it was a psychiatrist they were to see at the hospital. Widespread misconceptions about the nature of a psychiatric consultation were uncovered. Many felt the referral carried an implicit threat of social stigma. Patient''s misconceptions were relieved, and only 13% subsequently failed to attend the clinic compared with 30% of a control group.  相似文献   

A prospective study of 120 patients newly diagnosed as having Hodgkin''s disease and non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma was conducted to determine the nature, extent, and timing of the psychiatric and social morbidity associated with the diagnosis and treatment. Patients were interviewed at diagnosis and two, six, and 12 months later by trained interviewers using standardised questionnaires. Psychiatric morbidity was greatest in the three months before treatment, but new episodes of anxiety and depression developed throughout the year of follow up. Altogether 39 patients suffered a depressive illness or anxiety state, or both, and a further 37 experienced borderline anxiety or depression, or both, during the 15 months of assessment. The most common adverse effects of treatment were hair loss, nausea, vomiting, sore mouth, and changes in perception of taste. Toxicity of treatment was associated with psychiatric morbidity. Conditioned responses to chemotherapy were experienced by 32 patients. Social morbidity was low, although difficulties in returning to work and to previous levels of leisure activity were noted. Although most patients were no longer receiving treatment and were free of disease at the one year follow up, 51 patients continued to complain of loss of energy, 24 of loss of libido, 38 of tiredness, 23 of irritability, 18 of poor concentration, and 23 of memory impairment. These results confirm our retrospective study and suggest that a high price is paid for long term survival by a substantial proportion of patients receiving treatment for Hodgkin''s disease and non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma.  相似文献   

A controlled trial was conducted to determine whether counselling by a specialist nurse prevented the psychiatric morbidity associated with mastectomy and breast cancer. Seventy-five patients were counselled by the nurse and monitored during follow-up, while 77 patients received only the care normally given by the surgical unit. Counselling failed to prevent morbidity, but the nurse''s regular monitoring of the women''s progress led her to recognise and refer 76% of those who needed psychiatric help. Only 15% of the control group whose condition warranted help were recognised and referred. Consequently, 12 to 18 months after mastectomy there was much less psychiatric morbidity in the counselled group (12%) than in the control group (39%). These findings highlight the high degree of psychiatric morbidity in patients who have undergone mastectomy and indicate the need to find ways of reducing this morbidity.  相似文献   



Cancers diagnosed following visits to emergency departments (ED) or emergency admissions (emergency presentations) are associated with poor survival and may result from preventable diagnostic delay. To improve outcomes for these patients, a better understanding is needed about how emergency presentations arise. This study sought to capture patients'' experiences of this diagnostic pathway in the English NHS.


Eligible patients were identified in a service evaluation of emergency presentations and invited to participate. Interviews, using an open-ended biographical structure, captured participants'' experiences of healthcare services before diagnosis and were analysed thematically, informed by the Walter model of Pathways to Treatment and NICE guidance in an iterative process.


Twenty-seven interviews were conducted. Three typologies were identified: A: Rapid investigation and diagnosis, and B: Repeated cycles of healthcare seeking and appraisal without resolution, with two variants where B1 appears consistent with guidance and B2 has evidence that management was not consistent with guidance. Most patients’ (23/27) experiences fitted types B1 and B2. Potentially avoidable breakdowns in diagnostic pathways caused delays when patients were conflicted by escalating symptoms and a benign diagnosis given earlier by doctors. ED was sometimes used as a conduit to rapid testing by primary care clinicians, although this pathway was not always successful.


This study draws on patients'' experiences of their diagnosis to provide novel insights into how emergency presentations arise. Through these typologies, we show that the typical experience of patients diagnosed through an emergency presentation diverges significantly from normative pathways even when there is no evidence of serious service failures. Consultations were not a conduit to diagnosis when they inhibited patients’ capacity to appraise their own symptoms appropriately and when they resulted in a reluctance to seek further healthcare.


The findings also point to potentially avoidable breakdowns in the diagnostic process. In particular, to encourage patients to return to the GP if symptoms escalate, a stronger emphasis is needed on diagnostic uncertainty in discussions between patients and doctors in both primary and secondary care. To improve appropriate access to rapid investigations, systems are needed for primary care to communicate directly with secondary care at the time of referral.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To identify patients who could not be resettled in the community as part of the closure plans of two psychiatric hospitals and to determine their numbers and risk factors for failure. DESIGN AND SETTING--Prospective study of the closure of Friern and Claybury psychiatric hospitals. PATIENTS--The first third (369) of long stay psychiatric patients to be resettled. OUTCOME MEASURES--Reasons for patients being readmitted to hospital and not leaving the patients'' service needs. RESULTS--22--6% of both hospitals'' long stay patients--were not successfully resettled in the community. Eighteen continuing care places per 100,000 of catchment area population seem to be required for this group. Patients whose placements were unsuccessful were usually readmitted because of a deterioration of their mental state and aggressive behaviour, both of which persisted and necessitated their continuing stay in hospital, often in a locked ward. Risk factors associated with failure were a high level of psychosis; a diagnosis of paranoid psychosis; incontinence; and being male. But having a social network, especially a large one, seemed to aid successful placement in the community. CONCLUSION--Rehabilitation efforts should be focused on the characteristics of these patients that put them at risk of failing to succeed in community placements.  相似文献   



It has been suggested that patients with mental illness wait longer for care than other patients in the emergency department. We determined wait times for patients with and without mental health diagnoses during crowded and noncrowded periods in the emergency department.


We conducted a population-based retrospective cohort analysis of adults seen in 155 emergency departments in Ontario between April 2007 and March 2009. We compared wait times and triage scores for patients with mental illness to those for all other patients who presented to the emergency department during the study period.


The patients with mental illness (n = 51 381) received higher priority triage scores than other patients, regardless of crowding. The time to assessment by a physician was longer overall for patients with mental illness than for other patients (median 82, interquartile range [IQR] 41–147 min v. median 75 [IQR 36–140] min; p < 0.001). The median time from the decision to admit the patient to hospital to ward transfer was markedly shorter for patients with mental illness than for other patients (median 74 [IQR 15–215] min v. median 152 [IQR 45–605] min; p < 0.001). After adjustment for other variables, patients with mental illness waited 10 minutes longer to see a physician compared with other patients during noncrowded periods (95% confidence interval [CI] 8 to 11), but they waited significantly less time than other patients as crowding increased (mild crowding: −14 [95% CI −12 to −15] min; moderate crowding: −38 [95% CI −35 to −42] min; severe crowding: −48 [95% CI −39 to −56] min; p < 0.001).


Patients with mental illness were triaged appropriately in Ontario’s emergency departments. These patients waited less time than other patients to see a physician under crowded conditions and only slightly longer under noncrowded conditions.In a 2008 report, the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario recommended adding a psychiatric wait times component to the Ontario government’s Emergency Room Wait Times Strategy.1 They suggested that patients who present to the emergency department in psychiatric distress wait longer for care than other patients and that they are given a low priority triage score2 (all patients are assigned a triage score when they first arrive at the emergency department, which may determine when and where they are seen by a physician).3 The Kirby Report, a senate report on mental illness and addiction in Canada, also decried differential emergency care for patients with mental illness.4A recent study found that patients with acute myocardial infarction are given lower priority care in the emergency department if they have a charted history of depression.5 However, whether patients who present to the emergency department for mental illness receive slower care than other patients is not known. In this study, we compared the emergency department wait times and triage scores for patients with affective and psychotic disorders to those for other patients, both in noncrowded conditions and during periods of crowding. Because we believe that triage nurses apply triage principles consistently to all emergency patients while physicians may be less likely to adhere to the guidelines, we hypothesized that there would be no “down-triage” (assigning a lower priority triage score) of these patients, but that patients with mental illness would have longer delays to see a physician, relative to other patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To measure effects on terminally ill cancer patients and their families of coordinating the services available within the NHS and from local authorities and the voluntary sector. DESIGN--Randomised controlled trial. SETTING--Inner London health district. PATIENTS--Cancer patients were routinely notified from 1987 to 1990. 554 patients expected to survive less than one year entered the trial and were randomly allocated to a coordination or a control group. INTERVENTION--All patients received routinely available services. Coordination group patients received the assistance of two nurse coordinators, whose role was to ensure that patients received appropriate and well coordinated services, tailored to their individual needs and circumstances. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Patients and carers were interviewed at home on entry to the trial and at intervals until death. Interviews after bereavement were also conducted. Outcome measures included the presence and severity of physical symptoms, psychiatric morbidity, use of and satisfaction with services, and carers'' problems. Results from the baseline interview, the interview closest to death, and the interview after bereavement were analysed. RESULTS--Few differences between groups were significant. Coordination group patients were less likely to suffer from vomiting, were more likely to report effective treatment for it, and less likely to be concerned about having an itchy skin. Their carers were more likely to report that in the last week of life the patient had had a cough and had had effective treatment for constipation, and they were less likely to rate the patient''s difficulty swallowing as severe or to report effective treatment for anxiety. Coordination group patients were more likely to have seen a chiropodist and their carers were more likely to contact a specialist nurse in a night time emergency. These carers were less likely to feel angry about the death of the patient. CONCLUSIONS--This coordinating service made little difference to patient or family outcomes, perhaps because the service did not have a budget with which it could obtain services or because the professional skills of the nurse-coordinators may have conflicted with the requirements of the coordinating role.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To describe the epidemiology of presenile Alzheimer''s disease in Scotland from 1974 to 1988. DESIGN--Retrospective review of hospital records of patients aged less than 73 years admitted to psychiatric hospital with various diagnoses of dementia. Diagnoses were classified by National Institute for Communicative Disorders and Stroke and Alzheimer''s Disease and Related Disorders Association Criteria and the Hachinski score. Completeness of the study sample was evaluated by scrutiny of neurology outpatient and general hospital records. SETTING--All general psychiatric hospitals in Scotland. SUBJECTS--All patients with onset of dementia aged 40-64. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Probable and broad Alzheimer''s disease, sex of patient, age at onset. RESULTS--5874 psychiatric hospital records, 129 neurology outpatient records, and 89 records from non-psychiatric hospitals were examined. 317 patients met criteria for probable Alzheimer''s disease, 569 met criteria for broad Alzheimer''s disease, and 267 met those for multi-infarct dementia. Minimal incidences per 100,000 population aged 40-64 years were 22.6 (95% confidence interval, 20.2 to 25.2) and 40.5 (38.9 to 42.3) per 100,000 for probable and broad Alzheimer''s disease. In the 1981 census year the annual incidence of probable Alzheimer''s disease was 1.6 (1.0 to 2.6). Women were at greater risk with incidence rates for probable Alzheimer''s disease of 28.2 (24.5 to 32.4) per 100,000 compared with 16.5 (13.8 to 19.8) per 100,000 for men. The incidence per 100,000 for multi-infarct dementia was greater in men (25.1, 23.3 to 27.1) than women (13.4, 12.1 to 14.8). CONCLUSION--Female sex seems to be positively associated with development of Alzheimer''s disease before age 65 years.  相似文献   

In a prospective clinical trial 312 cases of self-poisoning (276 patients) consecutively admitted to hospital were randomly allocated to medical teams or to psychiatrists for an initial psychiatric assessment and a decision as to "disposal." Junior doctors and nurses received some instruction in this work. Both groups of assessors asked for help from social workers when necessary. Once the medical teams had completed their assessments, psychiatrists provided most of the hospital treatment. Follow-up at one year showed no significant difference between the two groups of patients in the numbers who repeated their self-poisoning or self-injury (or both), or committed suicide. Provided junior doctors and nurses are taught to assess self-poisoned patients, we think medical teams can evaluate the suicidal risk and identify patients requiring psychiatric treatment or help from social workers, or both. Contrary to the Department of Health''s recommendation that all cases of deliberate self-poisoning should be seen by psychiatrists, we have reached the conclusion that physicians should decide for each of their patients if specialist psychiatric advice is necessary.  相似文献   



During internships most medical students engage in history taking and physical examination during evaluation of hospitalized patients. However, the students'' ability for pattern recognition is not as developed as in medical experts and complete history taking is often not repeated by an expert, so important clues may be missed. On the other hand, students'' history taking is usually more extensive than experts'' history taking and medical students discuss their findings with a Supervisor. Thus the effect of student involvement on diagnostic accuracy is unclear. We therefore compared the diagnostic accuracy for patients in the medical emergency department with and without student involvement in the evaluation process.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Patients in the medical emergency department were assigned to evaluation by either a supervised medical student or an emergency department physician. We only included patients who were admitted to our hospital and subsequently cared for by another medical team on the ward. We compared the working diagnosis from the emergency department with the discharge diagnosis. A total of 310 patients included in the study were cared for by 41 medical students and 21 emergency department physicians. The working diagnosis was changed in 22% of the patients evaluated by physicians evaluation and in 10% of the patients evaluated by supervised medical students (p = .006). There was no difference in the expenditures for diagnostic procedures, length of stay in the emergency department or patient comorbidity complexity level.


Involvement of closely supervised medical students in the evaluation process of hospitalized medical patients leads to an improved diagnostic accuracy compared to evaluation by an emergency department physician alone.  相似文献   

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