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The economic viabilities of two types of commercial hatchery milkfish ( Chanos chanos Forsskal) fry operations were assessed and compared. Based on the actual cost of input, the physical facilities, and the potential production yields, four commercial hatcheries previously used for shrimp ( Penaeus monodon Fabricius) fry production were classified as either large- or small-scale operations. Cost–return analysis revealed high profits for both types of operation. The return on investment (54–61%) and the payback period (≈ 1.5 years) were comparable between the two types, although a large-scale operation (476%) had double the working capital return of a small-scale hatchery (221%). Benefit–cost analysis over a 5-year period also revealed positive and above-baseline discounted economic indicators [net current value = 0.2–2.2 million Philippine Pesos (1 US Dollar = 25 Philippine Pesos); internal rate of return = 88–107%]. The net benefit–cost ratio of a large-scale operation (2.0) was higher than that of a small-scale hatchery (1.4), suggesting a slight edge in the investment viability of a large-scale hatchery. Compared with a large-scale operation, a small-scale hatchery was more sensitive to changes in the acquisition price of eggs or newly-hatched larvae and in the price of selling hatchery fry. Both types of operation are viable nonetheless when the acquisition cost is P6000 per million eggs or larvae and hatchery fry are sold at P0.50 each. Together, profit and investment in milkfish hatchery fry production appear viable, making milkfish an alternative commodity for production in many abandoned shrimp hatcheries. The limited availability of spawned eggs and larvae for rearing and the quality of hatchery fry are issues requiring urgent attention.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine whether bacteria could be a substantial source of carbon for zooplankton and whether the grazing pressure of these metazoan filter-feeders could influence the fate of bacterial production. Eight grazing experiments using natural bacteria labelled with3H thymidine were conducted in a tropical pond (Ivory Coast) during various phases of biological colonization (rotifer-dominated and copepod-dominated phases of the colonization). Higher grazing and clearance rates were observed with rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis andHexarthra intermedia), while very low values were obtained when the cyclopoid copepodApocyclops panamensis was dominant. Less than 1% of the bacterial production was harvested when copepods were dominant, whileB. plicatilis consumed up to 36% of this production. However, this consumption of bacteria appeared to contribute only to an insignificant proportion of the daily carbon intake (e.g. 0.9 to 7.1% of body carbon for rotifers). The low contribution of bacteria in the nutrition of zooplankton is discussed in terms of their cell size and their relative abundance in the total amount of seston available.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to evaluate Microcystis as food for zooplankton in Lake Kasumigaura, and the following results were obtained. (1) Moina micrura (Cladocera) showed little growth and no reproduction when the animal was reared with Microcystis cultured in the laboratory. The animal did not grow nor reproduce well when Chlorella was mixed with Microcystis as food. (2) Moina micrura assimilated Microcystis much less than Chlorella when the animal fed on single species of Microcystis or a mixture with Chlorella. (3) Microcystis collected from Lake Kasumigaura could not be utilized by Moina micrura even though the colonies were broken up into edible sizes. However, the alga turned into utilizable food when it was decomposed. (4) No inhibitors of Moina micrura population growth could be found in the non-filtered water of Lake Kasumigaura where Microcystis was blooming heavily. Decomposed Microcystis seemed to be utilized by zooplankton as an important food source in Lake Kasumigaura.  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop nutritionally balanced and cost-effective processed diets for milkfish larvae ( Chanos chanos Forsskal). Two larval diets (feed A and feed B) were formulated and prepared to contain 45&percnt| protein and 10&percnt| lipid. Several larval diet preparations were tried such as microbound/ unpelleted (freeze-dried), microbound/pelleted (oven-dried) and microbound/flaked (drum-dried) and assessed in terms of feed particle size and buoyancy, water stability and feed acceptability. The preparation that gave the best particle size and buoyancy as well as good water stability was prepared as the microbound diet (using K -carrageenan as a binder) and flaked using a drum drier. A series of feeding experiments were conducted to determine the growth and survival of milkfish larvae reared on various feeding schemes using these processed larval diets which were fed either solely or in combination with live feed. Larvae in control treatments were reared on live foods such as Brachionus plicatilis and Artemia nauplii. Larvae were observed to ingest the diets, indicating that the feeds had suitable physical characteristics and were attractive to the larvae. The overall results of the feeding trials showed that the artificial diets could be fed to milkfish larvae in combination with Brachionus rotifers starting on day 2 or day 8, and could be fed alone starting from day 15. These promising results would reduce the dependence of milkfish larvae on live feed and would have significant economic benefits in the form of simplified milkfish hatchery procedures.  相似文献   

  • 1 The direct and indirect effects of predation by larval fish (Rhamdia sapo) on zooplankton in rearing tanks are analysed. Rhamdia sapo larvae showed an unusual species-selectivity for Acanthocyclops robustus, the main invertebrate predator present.
  • 2 Acanthocyclops robustus populations were markedly reduced, presumably as a direct consequence of species-selective removal. Other zooplanktonic prey were not significantly affected by R. sapo predation.
  • 3 Rotifers increased in tanks with fish, but this was not related to herbivorous crustacean variables (biomass, mean weight, abundance and species composition). On the contrary, rotifer biomass was negatively correlated with some A. robustus variables (biomass and mean weight of adults + copepodites and nauplii biomass). Thus, the rotifer increase appears to be an indirect effect of predation on A. robustus by R. sapo larvae.

This paper presents the results of the assessment of the environmental condition of a receiving water and demonstrates how the environmental capacity of the system can be estimated based on effluent discharge from milkfish ponds and water criteria from scientific literature and other studies. An estuary (average volume, 295 333 m3; average depth, 1.9 m) in Punta Pulao, Dumangas, Iloilo, Philippines served as discharge and irrigation system for commercial milkfish ponds and experimental/verification ponds owned by the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center. Total ammonia nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and chlorophyll a (chl a) were determined monthly (during spring tide) for 4 months. Samples were taken at low and high tides that coincided with the draining and flooding of ponds, respectively. Monthly concentrations of these water quality variables generally increased from the first to fourth month of sampling (April–July 2001) during low tide. Very slight increases were observed during high tide. The magnitude of changes in the diurnal patterns of phosphate, chl a, and dissolved oxygen appeared to be higher at spring tide than at neap tide. This indicates that the inflowing river at low tide (during spring tide) brought effluents containing high amounts of nutrients from ponds located upstream. The water, salt, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), and phosphate (DIP) budgets of the entire estuary were determined following the one‐box model by LOICZ‐IGBP (2000, LOICZ biochemical budgeting procedure: a tutorial pamphlet. L. T. David, M. L. San Diego‐McGlone, C. J. Crossland and S. V. Smith (Eds). Publ. for LOICZ International Project Office, the Netherlands, 29 pp.). The budgets indicate that the system is net heterotrophic and nitrogen (N) fixing during the dry months, but that there could be no environmental impact during the rainy months because of short water exchange time. Results further suggest that the system is a source of N and phosphorus (P) during the dry and rainy months; the condition is largely influenced by the high amount of nutrient inputs in to the river. Linear regression analysis was performed to determine relationship between nutrient concentrations in the system and total DIN or DIP input to the system at low tide. Environmental capacity in terms of the maximum amount of DIN or DIP input to the system was predicted using regression analysis and following set criteria for nutrients, i.e. nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate. At present, the estuarine water quality has already reached its environmental capacity during the dry months. About 945 ha of commercial milkfish ponds are operating upstream, mostly as extensive systems. If these ponds are converted to semi‐intensive or intensive systems, it is recommended that the pond area be reduced to 122 ha if the DIP criterion is to be followed so as not to exceed the environmental capacity. Exceeding this environmental capacity may affect production through reduction of fish growth, occurrence of diseases, and fish mortalities.  相似文献   

Aggregates of biogenic origin >0.5 mm, known as marine snow,represent a concentrated potential source of food for zooplankton.Little is known, however, about whether aggregates are commonlygrazed by zooplankton in the field. While previous laboratorystudies have shown that the euphausiid Euphausia pacifica, andthe copepod, Calanus pacificus, common crustacean zooplankters,consume marine snow if it is the only food source available,it is not known if euphausiids will select marine snow in thepresence of edible dispersed cells, as readily occurs in nature.To examine this question, we offered E. pacifica the diatom,Nitzschia angularis in aggregated and dispersed form as preysimultaneously. Aggregates and dispersed food contained identicalcell types so that differing prey quality, taste or motilitywould not be a factor. A new method was developed to track foodsources by labeling the frustules of aggregated cells with differentnaturally occurring, but rare, stable isotopes of silicon, 30Siand 29Si. Food selection was then estimated by measuring theisotopic composition of silica within fecal pellets producedby animals feeding on mixtures of the two labeled foods. Resultsindicate that E. pacifica consumed both aggregates and dispersedcells, even when more cells were made available in dispersedform than in aggregated form. This suggests that aggregatesmay indeed be a food source in the field, even when dispersedcells are relatively abundant. The method of labeling diatomcells with stable isotopes of silica may prove useful for futuregrazing experiments to distinguish identical cell types.  相似文献   

Gonadal maturation, rematuration, and spawning of nine- (1982 stock) and ten-year-old (1981 stock) milkfish reared in 150 and 200 m3 concrete tanks were observed in 1990 and 1991. From 23 September to 9 November 1990, the 1981 stock spawned 15 times with an average daily collection of 61,000 ± 21,000 eggs. From 4 larval rearing trials, the mean overall survival rate (from eggs to 21 -day-old fry) was 9.68 ± 4.3%. From 25 Aril to 31 October 1991, the stock spawned a totaf of 108 times. Mean daily egg collection increasef to 305,000 ± 32,000. Successful rearing trials conducted during the latter part of the spawning season had a mean overall survival rate of 17 ± 3% (n = 17) indicating that mass fry production techniques can be improved. Spawning of milkfish broodstock in concrete tanks provides an alternative to other existing methods of seed production.  相似文献   

Zooplankton growth and nutrient recycling are key processes in the operation of pelagic food webs. Most studies investigating these processes rely on complex methods and often require extensive laboratory facilities. Here we introduce a technique for preserving algae by rapid drying for later use in laboratory- or field-based growth and nutrient recycling experiments. Chemostat-grown Scenedesmus acutus was rapidly dried for later experiments evaluating its nutritional composition, suitability for animal growth and potential for use in nutrient release experiments. Reconstituted dried algae had slightly lower nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and protein content (% dry weight) than fresh algae, but lipid content did not differ and elemental ratios were in the range considered to indicate favorable food quality. These elemental and biochemical differences did not appear functionally important, as Daphnia magna grew identically on fresh and dried food. Freeze-dried S.acutus did not work as an alternative to oven drying as it resulted in 100% mortality. NH4 and PO4 concentrations did not change over 24 h when dried algae were resuspended in normal media or boiled lake water. However, concentrations of PO4 decreased over 24 h, suggesting chemical adsorption of PO4 to the dried algae and reinforcing the need for animal-free controls in nutrient release experiments using this approach. N and P release rates for D.magna and natural zooplankton communities were estimated using dried algae, and values were comparable to published ones. Thus, dried algae may be a useful, simple technique for studying food quality and nutrient release in environments where maintaining active algal cultures may not be practical and a constant supply of consistent quality food is needed.   相似文献   

7 days old larvae of Coregonus lavaretus L. (local name: ‘Blaufelchen’) were fed on zooplankton that had been frozen at—18°C for 1 year. 4 times per day the pieces of frozen plankton were added into the preaeration tank thus providing that freshly thawed zooplankters were offered to the fish. Within 10 weeks the fish reached a total length of 30.5 ± 5.5 ram and an average dry weight of 22 mg. Within this period the survival was 45 % of the initial number. After a period of 7 weeks feeding on long-term frozen pankton 400 fish were switched to living zooplankton and after 9 weeks 400 fish were switched to short-term frozen plankton. The growth of those fish that were fed on living plankton was significantly faster than it was when frozen zooplankton was given. A switch of coregonids which were prefed on frozen zooplankton to dry diet proved to be successful as soon as the fish had reached a body length of 40 mm.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of two marine macroalgae, Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta) and Pterocladia capillacea (Rhodophyta), meals as a supplement to enhance the nutritional value of formulated feeds for European seabass Dicentrarchus labrax fry. Seven isoproteic (50 % crude protein), isocaloric (500 Kcal/100 g gross energy) diets containing four levels (0 or control, 5, 10, and 15 %) of either Ulva meal (UM) or Pterocladia meal (PM) were tested. Each diet was fed to triplicate groups of D. labrax fry (initial body weight, 0.23?±?0.02 g for Ulva- and 0.14?±?0.01 g for Pterocladia-fed fish), to apparent visual satiety for 8 weeks. The results indicated that feeding seabass at 5 % UM or PM level (U5 and P5 diets) produced the best growth, feed utilization, nutrient retention, and survival rates among all the dietary groups. Feeding fish with a 5 % PM-added diet has also improved stress response after a 5-min air exposure test, prior to the termination of the feeding trial. These findings suggest that both Pterocladia and Ulva meals could be potentially used as an additional feed component (at 5 %) for enhancement of seabass D. labrax fry performance, nutrients composition, and stress resistance especially when subjected to transportation from hatchery to weaning ponds/tanks.  相似文献   

Growth, daily ration, and gastric evacuation rates of milkfish ( Chanos chanos ) that fed on natural food and supplement diet were evaluated. Milkfish fingerlings (5.5g) were stocked at 1.5 fish/m2 in ten 12 m2 concrete tanks layered with 15-cm thick earthen bottoms. All tanks were regularly fertilized (16–20–0 and chicken manure) to maintain natural food production; 4 of the tanks additionally received a supplemental diet containing 34.3% protein and 4290 kcal/kg gross energy. Estimates or daily ration (based on dry weight of stomach contents) were calculated using the E lliot and P erson (1978) and E ggers 1977) models. Gastric evacuation rate was lower in fish that fed on natural food (1.57) compared to fish fed a supplemental diet (1.79). Consequently, the lower rate resulted in lower food intake and slower fish growth. When fish were provided a high quality supplemental diet, daily rations for fingerlings (35 g) to marketable size (116 g) ranged approximately from 0.60 to 19.68 kcal/fish/day. The deviation in daily ration (kcal/fish/day) from the above estimates may indicate the insufficient quantity of dietary energy taken by fish from natural food alone, which could be provided by supplemental diet.  相似文献   

The list of intermediate hosts of Bunodera luciopercae is given. In Lake Syamozero they are represented by crustaceans Heterocope, Ophryoxus. Data on their role in the ration of juvenile perch are given. Diurnal dynamics of the ratio between infected and noninfected plankton in feeding and the process of the formation of fish infection have been studied.  相似文献   

In order to investigate tumoricidal effector cells in therapy by biological response modifiers (BRM) such asPropionibacterium acnes, bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG),Streptococcus pyogenes and a protein-bound polysaccharide (PSK), we established T cell lines specific for each BRM from BALB/c mice immunized with the corresponding BRM. These T cell lines proliferated and produced interleukin-2-(IL-2) and/or IL-4, but only in the presence of the relevant BRM and BALB/c spleen cells as the antigen and antigen-presenting cells respectively. Cross-functional experiments indicated that each BRM acts as a nominal antigen, but not as a non-specific immunostimulator. In addition, the T cell lines killed Ia-positive syngeneic B lymphoma cells, but only in the presence of the relevant BRM. These experiments excluded the possibility of cytotoxic effects by each BRM. The T cell lines and clones also killed Ia-negative bystander target cells, but only in the presence of both a relevant antigen and antigen-presenting cells. The T cell clones specific forS. pyogenes orP. acnes tested were Thy1+, L3T4+ and Lyt2. These results indicate that some BRM exert tumoricidal activity by inducing T cells that recognize them as an antigen and kill tumor cells in an antigen-specific manner. The T cells killed tumor targets in either a tumor-necrosis-factor(TNF)-dependent or a TNF-independent manner. The mediator of the latter pathway remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Edible phytoplankters were found throughout the winter in a shallow ice-covered lake in Pennsylvania, U.S.A., in conjunction with a diverse population of zooplankton. Environmental conditions during the winter seemed to eliminate large and non-motile types of algae in favor of the smaller motile forms which may be the best foods for zooplankters. The phytoplankton were classified for study both by systematic position and by size group. The total volume of phytoplankton comprising the group Chrysophyta and algae 80 µ declined rapidly during the period of ice-cover, while algae 15 µ and Chlorophyta maintained more stable volumes. During the latter weeks of ice-cover phytoplankton densities were low (50–200/ml), and bacteria, detritus, or µ-algae (2 µ) not detected by the counting methods used, may have been important foods for the zooplankters. The lack of suitable phytoplanktonic foods may have contributed to the decline of calonoid copepods during the late winter.Based on a thesis submitted to the Department of Biology, East Stroudsburg State College, as a partial requirement for the degree of M.S. in Biology.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic change in the abundance or identity of dominant top predators may induce reorganizations in whole food webs. Predicting these reorganizations requires identifying the biological rules that govern trophic niches. However, we still lack a detailed understanding of the respective contributions of body size, behaviour (e.g. match between predator hunting mode and prey antipredator strategy), phylogeny and/or ontogeny in determining both the presence and strength of trophic interactions. Here, we address this question by measuring zooplankton numerical response to fish predators in lake enclosures. We compared the fit to zooplankton count data of models grouping zooplankters based either on 1) body sizes, 2) antipredator behaviour, 3) body size combined with antipredator behaviour or on 4) phylogeny combined with ontogeny (i.e. different life stages of copepods). Body size was a better predictor of zooplankton numerical response to fish than antipredator behaviour, but combining body size and behaviour provided even better predictions. Models based on phylogeny combined with ontogeny clearly outperformed those based on other zooplankton grouping rules, except when phylogeny was poorly resolved. Removing ontogenetic information plagued the predictive power of the highly-resolved (genus-level) phylogenetic grouping but not of medium-resolved or poorly-resolved phylogenetic grouping. Our results support the recent use of phylogeny as a superior surrogate for traits controlling trophic niches, and further highlight the added value of combining phylogeny with ontogenetic traits. Further improvements in our mechanistic understanding of how trophic networks are shaped are bound to uncovering the trophic traits captured by phylogeny and ontogeny, but that currently remain hidden to us.  相似文献   

Although a worldwide health problem, leishmaniasis is considered a highly neglected disease, lacking efficient and low toxic treatment. The efforts for new drug development are based on alternatives such as new uses for well-known drugs, in silico and synthetic studies and naturally derived compounds. Oleanolic acid (OA) is a pentacyclic triterpenoid widely distributed throughout the Plantae kingdom that displays several pharmacological activities. OA showed potent leishmancidal effects in different Leishmania species, both against promastigotes (IC50 L. braziliensis 30.47 ± 6.35 μM; IC50 L. amazonensis 40.46 ± 14.21 μM; IC50 L. infantum 65.93 ± 15.12 μM) and amastigotes (IC50 L. braziliensis 68.75 ± 16.55 μM; IC50 L. amazonensis 38.45 ± 12.05 μM; IC50 L. infantum 64.08 ± 23.52 μM), with low cytotoxicity against mouse peritoneal macrophages (CC50 235.80 ± 36.95 μM). Moreover, in silico studies performed to evaluate OA molecular properties and to elucidate the possible mechanism of action over the Leishmania enzyme sterol 14α-demethylase (CYP51) suggested that OA interacts efficiently with CYP51 and could inhibit the ergosterol synthesis pathway. Collectively, these data indicate that OA is a good candidate as leading compound for the development of a new leishmaniasis treatment.  相似文献   

Bacteria as a source of phosphorus for zooplankton   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The utilization of bacterial phosphorus in zooplankton metabolism was investigated using radio-phosphorus labelled natural bacteria as food source for zooplankton in feeding experiments. Incorporation of labelled bacteria was clearly related to the species' ability to graze on bacteria, with the cladoceran Daphnia reaching the highest biomass-specific activity and the copepod Acanthodiaptomus the lowest. Within Daphnia, juveniles had a higher biomass-specific uptake of phosphorus than adults. This was presumably caused by higher growth rates of the juveniles rather than age-specific differences in the ability to feed on bacteria, supported by the observation that the juveniles had the highest specific P-content. Retention of ingested 32P from labelled particles exceeded 80%, indicating higher assimilation efficiencies on phosphorus compared with carbon. In the investigated humic lake, approximately 75% of the phosphorus in grazable particles was bound in bacterial cells, making bacteria the most important source of P to the bacterivore zooplankton species.  相似文献   

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