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The acid waters (pH = 2.73-3.4) that originate from the Carnoulès mine tailings (France) are known for their very high concentrations of As (up to 10,000 mg l(-1)) and Fe (up to 20,000 mg l(-1)). To analyze the composition of the archaeal community, (their temporal variation inside the tailing and spatial variations all along the Reigous Creek, which drains the site), seven 16S rRNA gene libraries were constructed. Clone analysis revealed that all the sequences were affiliated to the phylum Euryarchaeota, while Crenarchaeota were not represented. The study showed that the structure of the archaeal community of the aquifer of the tailing stock is different to that of the Reigous Creek. Irrespective of the time of sampling, the most abundant sequences found inside the tailing stock were related to Ferroplasma acidiphilum, an acidophilic and ferrous-iron oxidizing Archaea well known for its role in bioleaching. Inversely, in Reigous Creek, a sequence affiliated to the uncultured Thermoplasmatales archaeon, clone YAC1, was largely dominant. This study provides a better understanding of the microbial community associated with an acid mine drainage rich in arsenic.  相似文献   


The microbial communities have been investigated in the subsurface waters of the Carnoulès pyrite-rich tailings impoundment (France) for two hydrological situations characterized by the presence of oxygenated waters during winter and suboxic conditions in early autumn. In these acidic waters (2–5) characterized by elevated concentrations of Fe (1608–3354 mg · l?1), As (130–434 mg · l?1) and sulfates (5796–14318 mg · l?1) and variable dissolved oxygen content, the cultivable bacteria found in these system are Thiomonas and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Molecular methods, Terminal-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP), and 16S rRNA encoding gene library analysis indicate low diversity. The environment is dominated by only a few types of microorganisms, with 70–80% of the whole bacterial population assigned to two or three Terminal-Restriction Fragments (T-RFs). Most of these organisms are uncultured, newly described, or recently associated with acid mine drainage. Modifications of the community structure are observed as a function of the sampling period and seem to be related to the aqueous chemistry of the tailings water. At low Dissolved Oxygen (DO = 1 mg · l?1) concentrations and moderately acidic conditions (pH = 5.7), the dominant organisms are related to the uncultured clone BA31 affiliated with Desulfosarcina variabilis, a sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and the uncultured clone BVB20, closely related to Thiobacillus. At high (12 mg · l?1) DO concentrations and low (< 2) pH values, the microbial diversity is less important and 65% of the population is assigned to the uncultured bacterium clone AS6 related to Desulfosarcina variabilis.  相似文献   

AIMS: To isolate, identify, and characterize heterotrophic bacteria in acid-mine drainage that mediate oxidation of As(III). METHODS AND RESULTS: Samples of acid-mine drainage were collected over a period of 14 months. Heterotrophic and non-obligatory acidophilic bacteria in the samples were cultured on a solid medium (pH 7.0-7.2), and three strains were isolated. The three different strains belong to the genus Thiomonas, and have more than 99% homology with the group Ynys1. Culturing in mineral media demonstrated that the isolated strains used thiosulphate as an energy source, and oxidized iron in the presence of thiosulphate. However, none of the strains were able to oxidize arsenic in the presence of thiosulphate, nor could they use iron or arsenic alone as an energy source. In vitro experiments demonstrated that two of the Thiomonas strains were able to oxidize more than 90% of the As(III) present in the acid-mine drainage, whereas no abiotic oxidation of arsenic occurred. CONCLUSIONS: Two strains of newly identified Thiomonas sp. found in acid-mine drainage are capable of oxidizing arsenic. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF STUDY: These results represent the first reported oxidation of arsenic by Thiomonas sp. Biologically mediated oxidation and subsequent immobilization of arsenic is of great interest for the remediation of contaminated mine sites.  相似文献   

The Carnoulès mine is an extreme environment located in the South of France. It is an unusual ecosystem due to its acidic pH (2-3), high concentration of heavy metals, iron, and sulfate, but mainly due to its very high concentration of arsenic (up to 10 g L?1 in the tailing stock pore water, and 100-350 mg L?1 in Reigous Creek, which collects the acid mine drainage). Here, we present a survey of the archaeal community in the sediment and its temporal variation using a culture-independent approach by cloning of 16S rRNA encoding genes. The taxonomic affiliation of Archaea showed a low degree of biodiversity with two different phyla: Euryarchaeota and Thaumarchaeota. The archaeal community varied in composition and richness throughout the sampling campaigns. Many sequences were phylogenetically related to the order Thermoplasmatales represented by aerobic or facultatively anaerobic, thermoacidophilic autotrophic or heterotrophic organisms like the organotrophic genus Thermogymnomonas. Some members of Thermoplasmatales can also derive energy from sulfur/iron oxidation or reduction. We also found microorganisms affiliated with methanogenic Archaea (Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis), which are involved in the carbon cycle. Some sequences affiliated with ammonia oxidizers, involved in the first and rate-limiting step in nitrification, a key process in the nitrogen cycle were also observed, including Candidatus Nitrososphaera viennensis and Candidatus nitrosopumilus sp. These results suggest that Archaea may be important players in the Reigous sediments through their participation in the biochemical cycles of elements, including those of carbon and nitrogen.  相似文献   



The recycling of the organic matter is a crucial function in any environment, especially in oligotrophic environments such as Acid Mine Drainages (AMDs). Polymer-degrading bacteria might play an important role in such ecosystem, at least by releasing by-products useful for the rest of the community. In this study, physiological, molecular and biochemical experiments were performed to decipher the role of a Paenibacillus strain isolated from the sediment of Carnoulès AMD.  相似文献   

Microscopic investigations were undertaken to decipher the diversity in the lotic algal communities from acidic waters (pH 2.4–3.2) flowing overland in sheets and channels at an acid mine drainage (AMD) barrens near Kylertown, PA, USA. Microscopic observations, supplemented with taxonomic keys, aided in identification of the dominant algae, and measurement of carbon from adjacent soils was undertaken. The unicellular protist Euglena sp. was most abundant in slower flowing waters (i.e., pool near point of emergence and surficial flow sheets), while Ulothrix sp. was most abundant in faster flowing water from the central stream channel. A diverse range of unicellular microalgae such as Chlorella, Cylindrocystis, Botryococcus, and Navicula and several filamentous forms identified as Microspora, Cladophora, and Binuclearia were also recorded. The observed high algal diversity may be related to the long duration of AMD flow at this site which has led to the development of adapted algal communities. The comparatively higher carbon content in soil materials adjacent to slower flowing water sampling locations provides evidence for the important role of algae as primary producers in this extreme environment.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - Microalgae and bacteria offer a huge potential in delving interest to study and explore various mechanisms under extreme environments. Acid mine drainage...  相似文献   

Extremophiles - The prokaryotic communities of water bodies contaminated by acid mine drainage from the São Domingos mining area in southern Portugal were analyzed using a meta-taxonomics...  相似文献   

The Karaerik Cu mine is a worked-out deposit with large volumes of tailings and slags which were left around the mine site without any protection. Natural feeding of these material and run-off water from the mineralised zones into the Ac?su effluent causes a serious environmental degradation and creation of acid mine drainage (AMD) along its entire length. This research aims at modelling the formation of AMD with a specific attempt on the characterisation of the bacterial population in association with AMD and their role on its occurrence. Based on 16SrRNA analyses of the clones obtained from a composite water sample, the bacterial community was determined to consist of Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans, Ferrovum myxofaciens, Leptospirillum ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans as iron-oxidising bacteria, Acidocella facilis, Acidocella aluminiidurans, Acidiphilium cryptum and Acidiphilium multivorum as iron-reducing bacteria, and Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans and Acidiphilium cryptum as sulphur-oxidising bacteria. This association of bacteria with varying roles was interpreted as evidence of a concomitant occurrence of sulphur and iron cycles during the generation of AMD along the Ac?su effluent draining the Karaerik mine.  相似文献   

An Attempt is made to define the nature of the barégine, a whitish mucilaginous complex found in the thermal waters of the village of Barèges, Hautes-Pyrénées, France, and the organisms responsible for its formation. In sulfurated waters, a Thiobacterium-like micro-organism produces this substance. It uses reduced sulfur as a source of energy. Filamentous species of Thiothrix, often indicated as the main element of barégine, are only part of an accompanying flora in this medium.  相似文献   

To understand the composition and structure of microbial communities in acid mineral bioleaching systems, the molecular diversity of 16S rDNA genes was examined using a PCR-based cloning approach. A total of 31 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) were obtained from the four samples taken from four different bioleaching sites in Yinshan lead–zinc mine and Dongxiang copper mine in Jiangxi Province, China. The percentages of overlapping OTUs between sites ranged from 22.2 to 50.0%. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the bacteria present at the four bioleaching sites fell into six divisions, α-Proteobacteria (1.1%), β-Proteobacteria (2.3%), γ-Proteobacteria (30.8%), Firmicutes (15.4%), Actinobacteria (0.3%) and Nitrospira (50.1%). Organisms of genera Leptospirillum, Acidithiobacillus, and Sulfobacillus, which were in Nitrospira, γ-Proteobacteria, and Firmicutes divisions, respectively, were the most dominant. The results of principal component analysis based on the six phylogenetic divisions and biogeochemical data indicated that the microbial community structure of a site was directly related to the biogeochemical characteristic of that site. It follows therefore that sites with similar biogeochemical characteristics were comprised of similar microbial community structures. The results in our study also suggest that the elements copper and arsenic appear to be the key factors affecting the compositions and structures of microbial community in the four bioleaching sites. Zhiguo He, Shengmu Xiao, Xuehui Xie are equally contributed to this work.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage (AMD) represents a serious environmental problem related to sulfide minerals and coal mining. High content of toxic metals and high acidity in AMD adversely affects surface water, groundwater and soil. The abandoned mine of the Smolník deposit in Slovakia is a typical example in this respect. The quality of AMD needs to be monitored and suitable treatment methods need to be developed.The aim of this paper was to demonstrate the technical feasibility of heavy metals removal from AMD using physical–chemical and biological–chemical methods. The base of the physical–chemical method was electrowinning. The principle of the biological–chemical method was the selective sequential precipitation (SSP) of metals with the application of hydrogen sulfide produced by sulfate-reducing bacteria and sodium hydroxide solution. Both the electrowinning and SSP processes decrease the content of heavy metals in AMD. The pre-treatment of AMD by chemical iron–aluminum precipitation (in the case of electrowinning tests) and chemical iron precipitation (in the case of SSP tests) improved the selectivity of the processes. A further aim of the work was the improvement of the SSP.During the electrochemical experiments, 99% Zn removal – under metallic form – and 94% Mn removal – under MnO2 form – both with a high degree of purity, were achieved. The SSP process reached the selective precipitation of chosen metals with 99% efficiency – Fe, Al and Mn in the form of metal hydroxides, Cu and Zn as metal sulfides. The results achieved may be used for designing a process appropriate for the selective recovery of metals from the AMD discharged from the Smolník deposit.  相似文献   

Overproduction and secretion of α-ketoglutaric acid by microorganisms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This mini-review presents a summary of research results of biotechnological production of alpha-ketoglutaric acid (KGA) by bacteria and yeasts. KGA is of particular industrial interest due to its broad application scope, e.g., as building block chemical for the chemical synthesis of heterocycles, dietary supplement, component of infusion solutions and wound healing compounds, or as main component of new elastomers with a wide range of interesting mechanical and chemical properties. Currently KGA is produced via different chemical pathways, which have a lot of disadvantages. As an alternative several bacteria and yeasts have already been studied for their ability to produce KGA as well as for conditions of overproduction and secretion of this intermediate of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The aim of this mini-review was to summarize the known data and to discuss the potentials of biotechnological processes of KGA production.  相似文献   

We determined whether Francisella spp. are present in water, sediment, and soil from an active tularemia natural focus on Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, during a multiyear outbreak of pneumonic tularemia. Environmental samples were tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting Francisella species 16S rRNA gene and succinate dehydrogenase A (sdhA) sequences; evidence of the agent of tularemia was sought by amplification of Francisella tularensis-specific sequences for the insertion element ISFTu2, 17-kDa protein gene tul4, and the 43-kDa outer membrane protein gene fopA. Evidence of F. tularensis subsp. tularensis, the causative agent of the human infections in this outbreak, was not detected from environmental samples despite its active transmission among ticks and animals in the sampling site. Francisella philomiragia was frequently detected from a brackish-water pond using Francisella species PCR targets, and subsequently F. philomiragia was isolated from an individual brackish-water sample. Distinct Francisella sp. sequences that are closely related to F. tularensis and Francisella novicida were detected from samples collected from the brackish-water pond. We conclude that diverse Francisella spp. are present in the environment where human cases of pneumonic tularemia occur.  相似文献   

The acid mine waters (pH 2.0–2.4) discharged from the Matsuo sul‐fur‐pyrite mine contained high concentrations of dissolved inorganic arsenic (2–13 ppm). Arsenic in the superficial acid mine waters was predominantly in the (V) state (arsenate); however, the element in the water from a deep mine drift was almost in the (III) state (arsenite). Microbial arsenite oxidation occurred in the acid mine waters and along the stream of the river, which was contaminated with a large volume of the mine drift water. Arsenite (500 ppm As)‐resistant bacteria (0–27 colonies/ml) were detected in the water samples and 208 slant cultures were obtained. Arsenite‐oxidizing activities of all the cultures were determined and six strains with strong arsenite‐oxidizing activity were isolated. These bacteria were acidophilic (optimum growth pH, 3—4), gram‐negative, aerobic, and rod‐shaped. They could not oxidize ferrous iron and elemental sulfur as a sole energy source and not derive the energy for chemoautotrophic growth from arsenite oxidation.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe present work relates to identification and a deep molecular characterization of circulating Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) strains in the Rhône-Alpes region, France from 2000 to 2010. It aimed to provide with a first snapshot of MTBC genetic diversity in conjunction with bacterial drug resistance, type of disease and available demographic and epidemiologic characteristics over an eleven-year period, in the south-east of France.MethodsMycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) strains isolated in the Rhône-Alpes region, France (n = 2257, 1 isolate per patient) between 2000 and 2010 were analyzed by spoligotyping. MIRU-VNTR typing was applied on n = 1698 strains (with full results available for 974 strains). The data obtained were compared with the SITVIT2 database, followed by detailed genotyping, phylogenetic, and epidemiologic analyses in correlation with anonymized data on available demographic, and epidemiologic characteristics, and location of disease (pulmonary or extrapulmonary TB).ResultsThe most predominant spoligotyping clusters were SIT53/T1 (n = 346, 15.3%) > SIT50/H3 (n = 166, 7.35%) > SIT42/LAM9 (n = 125, 5.5%) > SIT1/Beijing (n = 72, 3.2%) > SIT47/H1 (n = 71, 3.1%). Evolutionary-recent strains belonging to the Principal Genetic Group (PGG) 2/3, or Euro-American lineages (T, LAM, Haarlem, X, S) were predominant and represented 1768 or 78.33% of all isolates. For strains having drug resistance information (n = 1119), any drug resistance accounted for 14.83% cases vs. 1.52% for multidrug resistance (MDR); and was significantly more associated with age group 21–40 years (p-value<0.001). Extra-pulmonary TB was more common among female patients while pulmonary TB predominated among men (p-value<0.001; OR = 2.16 95%CI [1.69; 2.77]). Also, BOV and CAS lineages were significantly well represented in patients affected by extra-pulmonary TB (p-value<0.001). The origin was known for 927/2257 patients: 376 (40.6%) being French-born vs. 551 (59.4%) Foreign-born. French patients were significantly older (mean age: 58.42 yrs 95%CI [56.04; 60.80]) than Foreign-born patients (mean age: 42.38 yrs. 95%CI [40.75; 44.0]).ConclusionThe study underlined the importance of imported TB cases on the genetic diversity and epidemiologic characteristics of circulating MTBC strains in Rhône-Alpes region, France over a large time-period. It helps better understand intricate relationships between certain lineages and geographic origin of the patients, and pinpoints genotypic and phylogenetic specificities of prevailing MTBC strains. Lastly, it also demonstrated a slow decline in isolation of M. africanum lineage in this region between 2000 and 2010.  相似文献   

Synopsis We examined Minnesota’s muskellunge, Esox masquinongy, populations using various data sets including spring trap net assessments and angler diary surveys. We confronted a potentially problematic data set that had a large number of zero catches by fitting logistic models to the presence/absence data set and linear models to the subset of data that included catches with one fish or more. Currently, 105 lakes have been identified as muskellunge waters, of which 61 lakes have been created and maintained by stocking. Although the proportion of successful anglers has increased over time, catch rates have remained the same. It appears from analysis of trap net catches that the abundance of 102 cm (40 in) and larger muskellunge has been increasing over time. Both trap net and angler data provide some indications that size of muskellunge caught has also increased over time. Angler-harvested muskellunge averaged 11 years of age and 115 cm (45 in) total length. For Minnesota waters, muskellunge ultimate length averaged 134 cm (53 in) for females and 119 cm (47 in) for males. All evidence indicates a successful management program.  相似文献   

Diversity of Nitrogenase Systems in Diazotrophs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitrogenase is a metalloprotein complex that catalyses the reaction of biological nitrogen fixation. At least three genetically distinct nitrogenase systems have been confirmed in diazotrophs, namely Nil, Vnf, and Anf, in which the active-site central metals are Mo, V, and Fe, respectively. The present review summarizes progress on the genetic, structural, and functional investigations into the three nitrogenases and discusses the possibility of the existence of other novel nitrogenases.  相似文献   

Forty-one fire-scarred samples from two new Cedrus atlantica sites in the Ouled-Yaâgoub Forest were collected and combined with the two previous sites from the Chelia Forest reported in Slimani et al. (2014) to develop a regional analysis of fire history in the Aurès Mountains, northern Algeria. Prior to 1850, cedar forests were characterized by high frequency, low-intensity surface fire regimes. Fire frequency declined after 1850 after the elimination of the Barbary lion and the enforcement of the first laws governing land and forest use in Algeria. Most of the fire events in both forests occurred in the summer season, the latter part of the growing season, or in the dormant season. We compared past fires occurrences and an October-June precipitation reconstruction. On a regional scale, precipitation was significantly reduced in the months prior to the fire occurrence. In addition, precipitation during the first year preceding the fire years was significantly above average. This study provides a baseline for planning and justifying improved ecosystem management programs.  相似文献   

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