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Nepenthes pitcher plants are typically carnivorous, producing pitchers with varying combinations of epicuticular wax crystals, viscoelastic fluids and slippery peristomes to trap arthropod prey, especially ants. However, ant densities are low in tropical montane habitats, thereby limiting the potential benefits of the carnivorous syndrome. Nepenthes lowii, a montane species from Borneo, produces two types of pitchers that differ greatly in form and function. Pitchers produced by immature plants conform to the ‘typical’ Nepenthes pattern, catching arthropod prey. However, pitchers produced by mature N. lowii plants lack the features associated with carnivory and are instead visited by tree shrews, which defaecate into them after feeding on exudates that accumulate on the pitcher lid. We tested the hypothesis that tree shrew faeces represent a significant nitrogen (N) source for N. lowii, finding that it accounts for between 57 and 100 per cent of foliar N in mature N. lowii plants. Thus, N. lowii employs a diversified N sequestration strategy, gaining access to a N source that is not available to sympatric congeners. The interaction between N. lowii and tree shrews appears to be a mutualism based on the exchange of food sources that are scarce in their montane habitat.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of lutein cells during pregnancy and the post partum period was examined by transmission electron microscopy in the house musk shrew, Suncus murinus. Lutein cells on day 13 of pregnancy contained an extensive system of anastomosing tubules or cisternae of smooth ER and many enlarged mitochondria with numerous tubulovesicular cristae. From day 13 on, the number of small granules, possibly lysosomes, increased gradually. Between day 20 and 25, the loss of smooth ER began and elongated, or flattened mitochondria increased. Regressing lutein cells observed after parturition were characterized by abundant large dense bodies, bizarre mitochondria and a decrease in the amount of smooth ER. Unusual forms of mitochondria were always observed after day 5 of pregnancy. Two types could be distinguished; one, found frequently in the second third of pregnancy, was ring-, disc-, cup-or dumb-bell-shaped with tubulovesicular cristae, and the other, found exclusively in the last third of pregnancy and after parturition, was elongated, flattened and sometimes twisted. The paucity of lipid droplets was a characteristic feature of the lutein cells of this species. The significance of these ultrastructural changes of cellular organelles is discussed in relation to the ovarian and plasma levels of progesterone.  相似文献   

The cleavage patterns of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) by 17 restriction endonucleases were compared between eight lines of musk shrews derived from different wild-caught stocks. Enzymatic digestion byBamHI,PvuII,XbaI, andXhoI showed a cleavage pattern common to all lines that were from five Japanese islands (Nag, Ize, OKI, TKU, and Tr), Bangladesh (BAN), Sri Lanka (SRI), and Java (Bog), and every line lacked cleavage sites forSalI andSmaI. Different cleavage patterns were detected by the remaining 11 enzymes. Within the BAN line, the presence of at least two types of mtDNAs was proved by six enzymes and was not contradictory to the maternal pedigrees going up to the wild ancestors of the stock. More than 30 cleavage sites of the shrew mtDNA were mapped by double-digestion methods. Nucleotide diversities of mtDNA were calculated from these maps and were estimated to be less than 0.5% among Japanese and Bog lines but to be 3.8% between BAN and the other seven lines and 2.3% within the BAN line. These results indicate that BAN shrews differentiate from the other lines to the intersubspecific extent reported in mice previously.  相似文献   

动物感觉输入的适应性影响了它们对外界环境改变的意识和反应.感觉通路各层次,诸如感受器、传入神经和中枢系统等,反应活性的降低可能与感觉适应性相关联.在感觉适应过程中,皮层局部网络中神经元和星形胶质细胞对信号的编程机制仍有待进一步研究.利用活体双光子成像、电生理记录即药理学方法,我们分析了小鼠barrel皮层神经元和星形胶质应答重复的胡须感觉输入动力学.相同特征的胡须感觉刺激诱发了神经元和星形胶质细胞反应活性的降低,并且它们的活动在空间上和时间上去同步化,神经元和星形胶质细胞之间的缺少协调性.这种神经元和星形胶质细胞功能在空间和时间性质上的下调被局部施加AMPA受体脱敏感抑制剂所逆转.因此,在胡须感觉适应过程中,barrel皮层神经元和星形胶质细胞反应活性的下降和去同步化是由AMPA受体脱敏感参与介导完成的.  相似文献   



Carbohydrate metabolism is a key feature of vascular plant architecture, and is of particular importance in large woody species, where lignocellulosic biomass is responsible for bearing the bulk of the stem and crown. Since Carbohydrate Active enZymes (CAZymes) in plants are responsible for the synthesis, modification and degradation of carbohydrate biopolymers, the differences in gene copy number and regulation between woody and herbaceous species have been highlighted previously. There are still many unanswered questions about the role of CAZymes in land plant evolution and the formation of wood, a strong carbohydrate sink.


Here, twenty-two publically available plant genomes were used to characterize the frequency, diversity and complexity of CAZymes in plants. We find that a conserved suite of CAZymes is a feature of land plant evolution, with similar diversity and complexity regardless of growth habit and form. In addition, we compared the diversity and levels of CAZyme gene expression during wood formation in trees using mRNA-seq data from two distantly related angiosperm tree species Eucalyptus grandis and Populus trichocarpa, highlighting the major CAZyme classes involved in xylogenesis and lignocellulosic biomass production.


CAZyme domain ratio across embryophytes is maintained, and the diversity of CAZyme domains is similar in all land plants, regardless of woody habit. The stoichiometric conservation of gene expression in woody and non-woody tissues of Eucalyptus and Populus are indicative of gene balance preservation.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1571-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

There is great uncertainty about how Ireland attained its current fauna and flora. Long-distance human-mediated colonization from southwestern Europe has been seen as a possible way that Ireland obtained many of its species; however, Britain has (surprisingly) been neglected as a source area for Ireland. The pygmy shrew has long been considered an illustrative model species, such that the uncertainty of the Irish colonization process has been dubbed 'the pygmy shrew syndrome'. Here, we used new genetic data consisting of 218 cytochrome (cyt) b sequences, 153 control region sequences, 17 Y-intron sequences and 335 microsatellite multilocus genotypes to distinguish between four possible hypotheses for the colonization of the British Isles, formulated in the context of previously published data. Cyt b sequences from western Europe were basal to those found in Ireland, but also to those found in the periphery of Britain and several offshore islands. Although the central cyt b haplotype in Ireland was found in northern Spain, we argue that it most likely occurred in Britain also, from where the pygmy shrew colonized Ireland as a human introduction during the Holocene. Y-intron and microsatellite data are consistent with this hypothesis, and the biological traits and distributional data of pygmy shrews argue against long-distance colonization from Spain. The compact starburst of the Irish cyt b expansion and the low genetic diversity across all markers strongly suggests a recent colonization. This detailed molecular study of the pygmy shrew provides a new perspective on an old colonization question.  相似文献   

Bartonella florenciae sp. nov. strain R4T is the type strain of B. florenciae sp. nov., a new species within the genus Bartonella. This strain, whose genome is described here, was isolated in France from the spleen of the shrew Crocidura russula. B. florenciae is an aerobic, rod-shaped, Gram-negative bacterium. Here we describe the features of this organism, together with the complete genome sequence and its annotation. The 2,010,844 bp-long genome contains 1,909 protein-coding and 46 RNA genes, including two rRNA operons.  相似文献   

Most marine mammal­ strandings coincident with naval sonar exercises have involved Cuvier''s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris). We recorded animal movement and acoustic data on two tagged Ziphius and obtained the first direct measurements of behavioural responses of this species to mid-frequency active (MFA) sonar signals. Each recording included a 30-min playback (one 1.6-s simulated MFA sonar signal repeated every 25 s); one whale was also incidentally exposed to MFA sonar from distant naval exercises. Whales responded strongly to playbacks at low received levels (RLs; 89–127 dB re 1 µPa): after ceasing normal fluking and echolocation, they swam rapidly, silently away, extending both dive duration and subsequent non-foraging interval. Distant sonar exercises (78–106 dB re 1 µPa) did not elicit such responses, suggesting that context may moderate reactions. The observed responses to playback occurred at RLs well below current regulatory thresholds; equivalent responses to operational sonars could elevate stranding risk and reduce foraging efficiency.  相似文献   

Whether rhombomere-specific patterns of apoptosis exist in the developing hindbrain of vertebrates is under debate. We have investigated the sequence of apoptotic events in three-dimensionally reconstructed hindbrains of Tupaia belangeri (8- to 19-somite embryos). Apoptotic cells were identified by structural criteria and by applying an in situ tailing technique to visualize DNA fragmentation. Seven rhombomeres originated from three pro-rhombomeres. Among pre-migratory neural crest cells in the dorsal thirds of the neural folds, the earliest apoptotic concentrations appeared in the developing third rhombomere (r3). Dorsal apoptotic maxima then persisted in r3, extended from r3 to r2, and also arose in r5. Transverse apoptotic bands increased the total amount of apoptotic cells in odd-numbered rhombomeres first in r3 and, with a delay, also in r5. This sequence of apoptotic events was paralleled by an approximate rostrocaudal sequence of neural crest cell delamination from the even-numbered rhombomeres. Thus, large-scale apoptosis in r3 and r5 helped to establish crest-free zones that segregated streams of migrating neural crest cells adjacent to r2, r4, and r6. The sequence of apoptotic events observed in the dorsal thirds of rhombomeres matches that reported for the chick embryo. Other shared features are apoptotic peaks in the position of a circumscribed ventricular protrusion of fusing parts of the neural folds in r1 and r2, and Y-shaped apoptotic patterns composed of apoptotic maxima in the dorsal and lateral thirds of r1, r2, and r3. These rhombomere-specific patterns of apoptosis may therefore represent a conserved character, at least in amniotes.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (KN 525/1–1, KN 525/1–2, BR 1185/4–1, and former Sonderforschungsbereich 89: Cardiology)  相似文献   

Expression and localization of members of the aquaporin (AQP) family (AQP1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) in the kidney of the musk shrew (Suncus murinus) was examined by immunohistochemistry. AQP1 was expressed in the proximal tubules and in the thin limb of the loops of Henle. AQP1 was the only water channel expressed in the proximal nephron examined, indicating that AQP1 may be an independent water transporter in the proximal nephron. AQP2 and AQP5 were localized to the apical cytoplasm of the cortical to medullary collecting duct (CD) cells and AQP3 and AQP4 were localized to the basal aspect of the cortical to medullary CD cells. AQP3 expression was weaker in the cortical cells compared with the medullary cells, whereas AQP4 was strongly positive throughout the CD. These indicate that the CD is the main water reabsorption segment of the nephron and is regulated by AQPs. Indeed, apical water transport of CD cells of the musk shrew may be controlled by both AQP2 and AQP5. The characteristic expression pattern of the AQPs in this animal provides a novel animal model for elucidating the regulation of water reabsorption by AQPs in the mammalian kidney.  相似文献   

Verticillium longisporum is a soil-borne vascular pathogen found primarily on oilseed rape in Northern Europe. Infection of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana can be achieved under laboratory conditions. In the article related to this addendum, we have shown that Arabidopsis dde2–2 mutants that are compromised in their ability to synthesize the defense hormone jasmonoyl-isoleucine (JA-Ile) are slightly more susceptible than wild-type. Contrary to the expectation that hormone biosynthesis mutants and their respective receptor mutants should have the same phenotype, we found that plants that lack the JA-Ile receptor CORONATINE INSENSITIVE1 (COI1) are more tolerant to the disease. This addendum addressed the question whether the increased JA-Ile levels found in coi1 are responsible for its tolerance phenotype. Based on the evidence that the JA-Ile-deficient dde2–2 coi1-t double mutant is as tolerant as coi1-t, we conclude that increased JA-Ile levels do not protect Arabidopsis against the fungus in the absence of COI1.  相似文献   

The hero shrew''s (Scutisorex somereni) massive interlocking lumbar vertebrae represent the most extreme modification of the vertebral column known in mammals. No intermediate form of this remarkable morphology is known, nor is there any convincing theory to explain its functional significance. We document a new species in the heretofore monotypic genus Scutisorex; the new species possesses cranial and vertebral features representing intermediate character states between S. somereni and other shrews. Phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences support a sister relationship between the new species and S. somereni. While the function of the unusual spine in Scutisorex is unknown, it gives these small animals incredible vertebral strength. Based on field observations, we hypothesize that the unique vertebral column is an adaptation allowing these shrews to lever heavy or compressive objects to access concentrated food resources inaccessible to other animals.  相似文献   

Psalmopeotoxin I (PcFK1) is a 33-amino-acid residue peptide isolated from the venom of the tarantula Psalmopoeus cambridgei. It has been recently shown to possess strong antiplasmodial activity against the intra-erythrocyte stage of Plasmodium falciparum in vitro. Although the molecular target for PcFK1 is not yet determined, this peptide does not lyse erythrocytes, is not cytotoxic to nucleated mammalian cells, and does not inhibit neuromuscular function. We investigated the structural properties of PcFK1 to help understand the unique mechanism of action of this peptide and to enhance its utility as a lead compound for rational development of new antimalarial drugs. In this paper, we have determined the three-dimensional solution structure by (1)H two-dimensional NMR means of recombinant PcFK1, which is shown to belong to the ICK structural superfamily with structural determinants common to several neurotoxins acting as ion channels effectors.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes play a pivotal role in the adaptive immune response among vertebrates. Accordingly, in numerous mammals the genomic structure and molecular characterization of MHC class I genes have been thoroughly investigated. To date, however, little is known about these genes in tree shrews, despite the increasingly popularity of its usage as an animal model. To address this deficiency, we analyzed the structure and characteristic of the tree shrew MHC class I genes (Tube-MHC I) and performed a comparative gene analysis of the tree shrew and other mammal species. We found that the full-length cDNA sequence of the tree shrew MHC class I is 1074 bp in length. The deduced peptide is composed of 357 amino acids containing a leader peptide, an α1 and α2 domain, an α3 domain, a transmembrane domain and a cytoplasmic domain. Among these peptides, the cysteines, CD8+ interaction and N-glycosylation sites are all well conserved. Furthermore, the genomic sequence of the tree shrew MHC class I gene was identified to be 3180 bp in length, containing 8 exons and 7 introns. In 21 MHC class I sequences, we conducted an extensive study of nucleotide substitutions. The results indicated that in the peptide binding region (PBR) the rate of non-synonymous substitutions (dN) to synonymous substitutions (dS) was greater than 1, suggesting balancing selection at the PBR. These findings provide valuable contributions in furthering our understanding of the structure, molecular polymorphism, and function of the MHC class I genes in tree shrews, further improving their utility as an animal model in biomedical research.  相似文献   

Biological RNAs, like their DNA counterparts, contain helical stretches, which have standard Watson-Crick base pairs in the anti conformation. Most functional RNAs also adopt geometries with far greater complexity such as bulges, loops, and multihelical junctions. Occasionally, nucleobases in these regions populate the syn conformation wherein the base resides close to or over the ribose sugar, which leads to a more compact state. The importance of the syn conformation to RNA function is largely unknown. In this study, we analyze 51 RNAs with tertiary structure, including aptamers, riboswitches, ribozymes, and ribosomal RNAs, for number, location, and properties of syn nucleobases. These RNAs represent the set of nonoverlapping, moderate- to high-resolution structures available at present. We find that syn nucleobases are much more common among purines than pyrimidines, and that they favor C2'-endo-like conformations especially among those nucleobases in the intermediate syn conformation. Strikingly, most syn nucleobases participate in tertiary stacking and base-pairing interactions: Inspection of RNA structures revealed that the majority of the syn nucleobases are in regions assigned to function, with many syn nucleobases interacting directly with a ligand or ribozyme active site. These observations suggest that judicious placement of conformationally restricted nucleotides biased into the syn conformation could enhance RNA folding and catalysis. Such changes could also be useful for locking RNAs into functionally competent folds for use in X-ray crystallography and NMR.  相似文献   

The flavoenzyme nitroalkane oxidase catalyzes the oxidation of primary and secondary nitroalkanes to the corresponding aldehydes and ketones plus nitrite. The structure of the enzyme shows that Ser171 forms a hydrogen bond to the flavin N5, suggesting that it plays a role in catalysis. Cys397 and Tyr398 were previously identified by chemical modification as potential active site residues. To more directly probe the roles of these residues, the S171A, S171V, S171T, C397S, and Y398F enzymes have been characterized with nitroethane as substrate. The C397S and Y398 enzymes were less stable than the wild-type enzyme, and the C397S enzyme routinely contained a substoichiometric amount of FAD. Analysis of the steady-state kinetic parameters for the mutant enzymes, including deuterium isotope effects, establishes that all of the mutations result in decreases in the rate constants for removal of the substrate proton by ∼5-fold and decreases in the rate constant for product release of ∼2-fold. Only the S171V and S171T mutations alter the rate constant for flavin oxidation. These results establish that these residues are not involved in catalysis, but rather are required for maintaining the protein structure.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Shining a laser onto biological material produces light speckles termed biospeckles. Patterns of biospeckle activity reflect changes in cell biochemistry, developmental processes and responses to the environment. The aim of this work was to develop methods to investigate the biospeckle activity in roots and to characterize the distribution of its intensity and response to thigmostimuli.


Biospeckle activity in roots of Zea mays, and also Jatropha curcas and Citrus limonia, was imaged live and in situ using a portable laser and a digital microscope with a spatial resolution of 10 μm per pixel and the ability to capture images every 0·080 s. A procedure incorporating a Fujii algorithm, image restoration using median and Gaussian filters, image segmentation using maximum-entropy threshold methods and the extraction of features using a tracing algorithm followed by spline fitting were developed to obtain quantitative information from images of biospeckle activity. A wavelet transform algorithm was used for spectral decomposition of biospeckle activity and generalized additive models were used to attribute statistical significance to changes in patterns of biospeckle activity.

Key Results

The intensity of biospeckle activity was greatest close to the root apex. Higher frequencies (3–6 Hz) contributed most to the total intensity of biospeckle activity. When a root encountered an obstacle, the intensity of biospeckle activity decreased abruptly throughout the root system. The response became attenuated with repeated thigmostimuli.


The data suggest that at least one component of root biospeckle activity resulted from a biological process, which is located in the zone of cell division and responds to thigmostimuli. However, neither individual cell division events nor root elongation is likely to be responsible for the patterns of biospeckle activity.  相似文献   

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