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Meristems continuously produce new cells to sustain plant growth. Stem cells are maintained in the centre of the meristem and provide the precursor cells for the initiation of new organs and tissues in the periphery. The structure of the meristem is maintained while cells are constantly displaced by new divisions. Recent advances have been made in understanding the intercellular signals that maintain meristem structure by adjusting gene expression according to cell position. In addition to refinements in our understanding of how the position and size of the stem-cell population is regulated, there have been advances in understanding how the location of new organ primordia is controlled and how the meristem influences organ polarity.  相似文献   

Non-destructive scanning electron microscopy allows one to visualize changing patterns of individual cells during epidermal development in single meristems. Cell growth and division can be followed in parallel with morphogenesis. The method is applied here to the shoot apex of Anagallis arvensis L. before, during, and after floral transition. Phyllotaxis is decussate; photoperiodic induction of the plant leads to the production of a flower in the axil of each leaf. As seen from above, the recently formed oval vegetative dome is bounded on its slightly longer sides by creases of adjacent leaf bases. The rounded ends of the dome are bounded by connecting tissue, horizontal bands of node cells between the opposed leaf bases. The major growth axis runs parallel to the leaf bases. While slow-growing at the dome center, this axis extends at its periphery to form a new leaf above each band of connecting tissue. Connecting tissue then forms between the new leaves and a new dome is defined at 90° to the former. The growth axis then changes by 90°. This is the vegetative cycle. The first observed departure from vegetative growth is that the connecting tissue becomes longer relative to the leaf creases. Presumably because of this, the major growth axis does not change in the usual way. Extension on the dome continues between the older leaves until the axis typically buckles a second time, on each side, to form a second crease parallel to the new leaf-base crease. The tissue between these two creases becomes the flower primordium. The second crease also delimits the side of a new apical dome with the major axis and growth direction altered by 90°. During this inflorescence cycle the connecting tissue is relatively longer than before. Much activity is common to both cycles. It is concluded that the complex geometrical features of the inflorescence cycle may result from a change in a biophysical boundary condition involving dome geometry, rather than a comprehensive revision of apical morphogenesis.Abbreviation SEM scanning electron microscopy, micrograph Use of the SEM facility of Professor G. Goffinet, Institute of Zoology, University of Liège, is greatly appreciated. We thank Dr. R. Jacques, C.N.R.S., Le Phytotron, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, for providing the experimental material, and Mr. Philippe Ongena for expert photography. Support was from grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and National Science Foundation as well as from the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, Fonds de la Recherche Fondamentale et Collective, and the Action de Recherche Concertée of Belgium.  相似文献   

Single-phase transition during flowering has been suggested by Hempel and Feldman (1994) [Planta 192: 276]. When early flowering ecotypes of Arabidopsis were microscopically observed, a long day signal simultaneously induced the acropetal (bottom to top) production of flower primordia and the basipetal (top to bottom) differentiation of paraclades (axillary flowering shoots) from the axils of pre-existing leaf primordia. However, this model could not account for the production of an extra number of secondary shoots in the TERMINAL FLOWER 1 overexpressor line or AGL20 overexpressor line in Columbia background with a functional allele of FRIGIDA. We report here that Columbia with a functional allele of FRIGIDA under long days and Columbia under short days show an inflorescence-producing phase between the vegetative and the flower-producing phases, supporting two-step phase transition during flowering. In addition, a late-flowering mutant, fwa shows an inflorescence phase but fca, fy and fve follow a single-phase transition, suggesting flowering time mutations have different effects on phase transition during flowering.  相似文献   


The electrophoretic analysis of nuclear proteins extracted from root meristems at different times of germination puts in evidence the variations of content of specific proteins. Several nuclear proteins are phosphorylated by endogenous protein kinase and often the maximum rate of phosphorylation it has been observed in proteins present in the nucleus at low concentrations. Moreover also the phosphorylation rate of specific proteins changes at different times of germination. It is interesting the fact that both variations of concentration and phosphorylation in nuclear proteins occurr at the time when root meristems leave the quiescence to enter a proliferating state. We suggest that these variations play a role in this physiological event.  相似文献   

The transition to flowering   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
YY Levy  C Dean 《The Plant cell》1998,10(12):1973-1990

Gibberellins A1, A3, iso-A3, A4, A19, A20, and A36 were identified by gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring in apices of sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids). Flowering apices (i.e., 2–4 cm panicle) contained 8–9 times more (estimated by bioassay) endogenous gibberellins A and iso-GA3 (ratio of 1:6:8, respectively; in total 51 ng g–1 fresh weight) than vegetative apices (6.4 ng g–1 fresh weight). Vegetative apices contained small but significant levels of GA19, which could not be detected in flowering apices; vegetative apices also contained approximately four times more of a GA36-like substance than flowering apices. Since the two apex types developed under the same photoperiod, the increased levels of GA and iso-GA3 and the reduced levels of GA19 and GA36-like substances are correlated with the flowering state rather than with photoperiod or photoperiod changes per se. Since there were relatively high levels of C19 GAs along with low levels of C20 GAs in flowering apices, and since the converse is true in vegetative apices, metabolism of C20 to C19 GAs may be enhanced in flowering apices.Mention of a trademark, proprietary product, or vendor does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products or vendors that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to report morphological changes whichoccur in the shoot apex during the morphogenetic switch to floweringin the model long day (LD) plant, Sinapis alba. During the floraltransition induced by 1 LD the growth rate of all componentsof the shoot apex is modified profoundly. The earliest changes,detected at 24 h after start of LD, include a decrease in plastochronduration and an increase of growth of leaf primordia. One daylater, the meristem dome starts to increase in volume, apicalinternodes have an increased height and there is a precociousoutgrowth of axillary meristems. All these changes precede initiationof flower primordia, which starts at about 60 h after the startof LD. Later changes include meristem doming, a decrease inthe plastochron ratio and a shift to a more complex phyllotaxis.All the changes, except the decreased plastochron ratio, arecharacteristics of an apex with an increased tempo of growth.The stimulation of longitudinal growth (height of apical intemodes)is more marked and occurs earlier than the reduction of radialgrowth (plastochron ratio). Key words: Axillary meristem, internode growth, leaf growth, plastochron ratio, plastochron duration  相似文献   

Growth correlations in the shoot apical meristem during transition to flowering were studied in a quantitative long day plant,Brassica campestris L. cv. Ceres, requiring only one long day for floral initiation. During photo-inductive exposure of the plants, an overall increase in cell number could be observed at the shoot apex concomitant with promotion of leaf initiation. Release from apical dominance and decline in relative growth rate of leaf primordia are reported as early effects of photo-induction. With the onset of floral differentiation, production of new leaf primordia had stopped altogether. Maximum increase in RNA concentration could be noticed in axillary meristems following photoperiodic treatment, whereas in vegetative plants the highest RNA concentration was found in leaf primordia. The significance of these changes occurring during transition to flowering is discussed.  相似文献   

Ethylene formation by loaves of the central stem zone of the short-day tobacco cv. Maryland Mammoth and long-davNicntiana sylvestris was followed for 40 days during in duction and transition to flowering. In SD tobacco Mammoth, ethylene formation rose between days 0-10, remained unchanged for the next 10 davs, rose slightly between days 20 - 30 and sharply within the last 10 days. The time-course of ethylene formation by the leaves of LD tobacco N.silvestris resembled that of Mammoth, but tho changes were less pronounced, especially at the beginning of the period. Generally, ethylene formation is much higher in SD tobacco Mammoth than in LDN. silvestris. Ethephon (0.02 %) application during flower induction significantly reduced flowering in SD tobacco Mammoth (by 47.5 %) and also reduced apical meristem length. In N.silvestris ethephon application did not reduce flowering, but most of the treated plants (62.5 %) did not attain the stage of inflorescence. Apical meristem (or inflorescence) and stem length were also reduced. The possible role of ethylene in regulation of transition to flowering is discussed.  相似文献   

Vegetative plants of Sinapis alba L. grown under short days were induced to flower by exposure to one long day or continuous long days. Irrespective of the number of long days, the first flower primordia were initiated by the shoot apical meristem 60 h after the start of the inductive treatment. An indirect histoimmunofluorescence technique was used to search in the apical meristem for three antigenic proteins which had been previously detected by immunodiffusion tests in the whole apical bud (Pierard et al. (1977) Physiol. Plant. 41, 254–258). One protein called protein A, present in the vegetative meristem, increased in concentration during the first 48 h following the start of the inductive treatment. It stayed constant up to 96 h and disappeared completely at a later time. Two other proteins called B and C, absent in the vegetative meristem, appeared in the meristem of induced plants between 30 and 36 h after the start of the inductive treatment and progressively accumulated at later times up to 240 h. These proteins appeared 8 h before the irreversible commitment of the meristem to produce flower primordia (point of no return) was reached and 24 h before start of flower production. These observations support an interpretation of floral evocation as consisting, at least partially, of an early and qualitative change in gene expression.Abbreviations AVB anti-vegetative-bud antiserum - ARB antireproductive-bud antiserum - IgG immunoglobulins G - TRITC tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate - GAR IgG goat antirabbit IgG - S0 IgG non-immune rabbit IgG  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the density of nuclear chromatin in the shoot apical meristem ofSinapis alba L. during floral transition (floral evocation) are described using Feulgen-stained 2 m thick semi-thin sections and scanning cytophotometric techniques. In both G1 and G2 nuclei the chromatin becomes less heterogeneous and less dense in evoked meristems compared to vegetative meristems. When chromatin is resolved into two fractions the dispersed fraction increases relative to the condensed fraction at evocation. This decondensation process occurs earlier in G1 than in G 2 nuclei. These chromatin changes are presumably closely related to the dramatic stimulation of biosynthetic activity and cell division during floral transition.  相似文献   

M. B. Miller  R. F. Lyndon 《Planta》1977,136(2):167-172
Changes in RNA concentration in the shoot apical meristem during induction and the transition to flowering were measured histochemically in Silene coeli-rosa (L.) Godron, a long-day plant. In the apices of plants induced by 7 long days the RNA concentration increased to about 25 per cent higher than in non-induced plants. Three long days did not induce flowering but resulted in a transient rise in RNA concentration. When plants were given long days interrupted by varying numbers of short days successful induction was accompanied by a sustained increase in RNA concentration but those treatments which were not inductive gave only transient increases in RNA. Gibberellic acid had no effect on induction or apical growth rates but increased the RNA concentration by 50 per cent or more in both induced and non-induced plants. Plants induced to flower at 13° C had the same RNA concentration and growth rate at the apex as in non-induced plants at 20° C. Since changes in RNA concentration in the apex could occur without changes in growth rate and without flowering, and induction could occur without a change in RNA concentration or growth rate, it is suggested that the increase in RNA and growth rate which normally occur at the transition to flowering might not be essential for the formation of a flower but may be more closely related to the rapid growth associated with the formation of the inflorescence.Abbreviations LD long day - SD short-day  相似文献   

Although monocotyledons lack a vascular cambium of the type found in dicotyledons and conifers, lateral meristems still play an important role in the establishment of their growth habits. The presence near the shoot apex of a primary thickening meristem (PTM), which is probably plesiomorphic in monocotyledons, predisposes evolution into the many pachycaul forms. A PTM occurs in virtually all monocotyledons, whereas the secondary thickening meristem (STM), which is morphologically similar, is limited to a few genera of Liliiflorae. these records are reviewed in a systematic context. To a greater or lesser extent in different taxa, the PTM is responsible for primary stem thickening, adventitious root production, and formation of linkages between stem, root and leaf vasculature. The STM largely contributes to the body of the stem. The sometimes obscure distinction between the two meristems, and their relationship with other stem meristems are discussed. For systematic purposes stem thickening in monocotyledons is separated into two characters: diffuse growth (as in palms), and growth by means of lateral meristems. The three states of the second character are represented by the first three of Mangin’s (1882) four categories (two herbaceous, the third arborescent): (1) The lateral meristem is limited in extent, and ceases activity after root formation. (2) It remains active for a limited period after cessation of root formation, contributing to the plant body. (3) It remains active throughout the life of the plant, contributing the bulk of the plant body.  相似文献   

Reorganization of growth in the shoot apex ofChenopodium rubrum during transition to flowering is described. Growth and morphogenic changes — a rise in cell division rate, changes in leaf and bud formation and changes in directions of cellular growth — are viewed from the aspect of a possible role of growth hormones in controlling these changes. Growth and morphogenic effects of exogenous growth regulators in the shoot apex ofChenopodium are summarized and their floral effects explained in terms of changing apical growth correlations. New evidence concerning the timing of increased cell division rate and showing the limited requirement of axillary cell division and a shift to more vertical direction of growth in the apex in the floral developmental pathway was obtained in experiments with kinetin application and by surgical treatments.  相似文献   

Cell division contributing to longitudinal growth of the shoot apex was investigated inChenopodium rubrum in segments marked by the axils of leaf primordia. Plants treated with two short days (16h of darkness and 8h of light) were compared with two non-induced controls (cultivated in continuous light or treated by alternations of 8 h of darkness and 4 h of light for two days). During the short-day treatments the rate of cell division contributing to the longitudinal growth decreases in all segments of the shoot apex irrespective of whether the darkness was given in inductive or non-inductive photoperiods. The rate of cell division contributing to longitudinal growth increases in the upper internodes of the shoot apex after the termination of the photoperiodic treatment and transfer of the plants to continuous light. However, cell division remains inhibited in the lowest segment of the shoot apex. This inhibition in the differentiating parts of the shoot apical meristem is a direct consequence of photoperiodic induction. It is supposed that this inhibition is related to evocation similarly as the well-known phenomenon of stimulation of cell division in the apical dome.  相似文献   

Kashin AS 《Ontogenez》2012,43(2):121-135
Based on our own and literature data on peculiarities of caryotypical variability, we concluded that gametophytic apomixis is naturally accompanied with phenomena of poly-, aneu-, and mixoploidy and that apomicts have genome instability manifesting at the level of meristematic somatic cells. In this connection, a hypothesis is substantiated that realization of this mode of seed reproduction in flowering plants is caused by modification of systems of cell cycle control, following after acts of hybridogenesis and/or polyploidization. It is concluded that instability of the seed reproduction system by gametophytic apomixis manifests not only at the stage of choice of a seed reproduction pathway (apomeiosis-euspory; apozygosis-zygosis) but also in all the cycles of reproduction of the cells of a germ line in plant ontogenesis.  相似文献   

Based on our own and literature data on peculiarities of caryotypical variability, we concluded that gametophytic apomixis is naturally accompanied with phenomena of poly-, aneu-, and mixoploidy and that apomicts have genome instability manifesting at the level of meristematic somatic cells. In this connection, a hypothesis is substantiated that realization of this mode of seed reproduction in flowering plants is caused by modification of systems of cell cycle control, following after acts of hybridogenesis and/or polyploidization. It is concluded that instability of the seed reproduction system by gametophytic apomixis manifests not only at the stage of choice of a seed reproduction pathway (apomeiosis—euspory; apozygosis—zygosis) but also in all the cycles of reproduction of the cells of a germ line in plant ontogenesis.  相似文献   

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