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Annual early fire, selective tree cutting and exclusion of grazing are currently used as management tools in the Sudanian savanna of Burkina Faso although their long-term effects on seedling recruitment are poorly documented. A factorial experiment involving fire, grazing and cutting, each with two levels, was established in 1992 to study the effects of these management regimes and their interactions on the regeneration of woody species, and examine whether their effects varied temporally. Species richness, density and the morphology of seedlings were assessed in 1997 and 2002, and their relative changes were determined. The change in species richness of multi-stemmed individuals was significantly higher ( P  = 0.018) on plots that received fire × cutting treatment than the control plots. Significantly more species with single-stem were found on unburnt than on burnt plots ( P  < 0.001). Grazing tended to reduce the change in total density while fire ( P  < 0.001) and grazing ( P  = 0.029) significantly reduced the change in density of single-stemmed individuals. Selective cutting did not affect the total seedling density, but tended to reduce the change in single-stemmed seedling density. Principal component analysis revealed species-specific responses to treatments, particularly the relatively high abundance of lianas compared with other species.  相似文献   

Grazing, fire and selective tree cutting are major disturbances that shape species diversity in savanna ecosystems, yet their effects are highly variable. We carried out a factorial experiment with two levels to examine the effects of grazing, fire and selective tree cutting on herbaceous species richness, abundance and diversity on two sites in the Sudanian savanna-woodlands of Burkina Faso for 10 years (1994–2003). The results showed significant inter-annual variation in species richness, abundance and diversity at both sites (p<0.001), while main or combined effects of fire, grazing and selective cutting were very limited and varied between life forms and sites. Grazing tended to favour the diversity of perennial grasses; fire tended to influence the richness of annual grasses and abundance and diversity of perennial grasses while selective tree cutting had no effect on any of the vegetation attributes assessed. The combined effect of grazing, fire and selective cutting tended to increase the diversity of forbs. In many cases, the responses of herbaceous species to treatments were clearer on the site with deeper soils than the one with shallow soils. Depending on the site and treatments, the inter-annual variation in vegetation attributes was partly related to amount and/or frequency of rainfall and partly to inter-annual variation in grazing or fire intensity. It can be concluded that both disturbances and climatic condition influence the structure and diversity of herbaceous flora in the Sudanian savanna-woodland ecosystem. The responses were site-specific, which accentuates the importance of landscape-scale approaches to understand the impacts of disturbances on composition, structure and diversity of savanna ecosystems.  相似文献   

Questions: How does woody vegetation abundance and diversity differ after natural disturbances causing different levels of mortality? Location: Abies balsamea–Betula papyrifera boreal mixed‐wood stands of southeast Quebec, Canada. Methods: Woody vegetation abundance and diversity were quantified and compared among three disturbance‐caused mortality classes, canopy gap, moderate‐severity disturbances, and catastrophic fire, using redundancy analysis, a constrained linear ordination technique, and diversity indices. Results: Substantial changes in canopy tree species abundance and diversity only occurred after catastrophic fire. Shade‐tolerant, late‐successional conifer species remained dominant after canopy gap and moderate‐severity disturbances, whereas shade‐intolerant, early‐successional colonizers dominated canopy tree regeneration after catastrophic fire. Density and diversity of mid‐tolerant and shade‐intolerant understory tree and shrub species increased as the impact of disturbance increased. Highest species richness estimates were observed after catastrophic fire, with several species establishing exclusively under these conditions. Relative abundance of canopy tree regeneration was most similar after canopy gap and moderate‐severity disturbances. For the sub‐canopy tree and shrub community, relative species abundances were most similar after moderate‐severity disturbances and catastrophic fire. Vegetation responses to moderate‐severity disturbances thus had commonalities with both extremes of the disturbance‐caused mortality gradient, but for different regeneration layers. Conclusions: Current spatio‐temporal parameters of natural disturbances causing varying degrees of mortality promote the development of a complex, multi‐cohort forest condition throughout the landscape. The projected increase in time intervals between catastrophic fires may lead to reduced diversity within the system.  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied the interactions between woody perennial species and native and non-native annual species in a number of vegetation types within a nature reserve in the Western Australian wheatbelt. In particular, we examined the responses of annuals to perennial canopy removal, fire, soil disturbance and nutrient additions, and the effects of removal of annuals on perennial seedling regeneration. Experimental shrub removal significantly increased the abundance of annuals in a dense shrubland dominated by Allocasuarina campestris, but had no effect in a more open species-rich sandplain heath. Soil disturbance and nutrient addition in the heath area had no significant influence on annual abundance until three years after treatment. Fire had no clear effect on annual abundance in the heath within the reserve, but promoted a large increase in non-native species within an adjacent roadverge. A pattern of increased soil nutrient levels was accompanied by greatly increased non-native annual abundance beneath individual trees of Santalum spicatum. Exploratory laboratory bioassay experiments indicated that several woody perennials produced leachates that were capable of reducing the germination or growth of the introduced grass Avena fatua, indicating that allelopathy may be an important component of the interaction between the annual and perennial components. Within a woodland community, fire temporarily reduced the abundance of annual species and increased the establishment of perennial seedlings. Field experiments showed that annuals significantly reduced the survival of seedlings of the shrub Allocasuarina campestris. Our results indicate that intact native vegetation canopies effectively prevent invasion by non-native annuals, and that regeneration by native perennials is likely to be inhibited by the presence of an abundant annual cover.  相似文献   

Fire is a frequent disturbance in the tropical dry forests of Central America, yet very little is known about how native species respond to such events. We conducted an experimental burn in a tropical dry forest of western Nicaragua to evaluate plant responses to fire with respect to survivorship and recruitment. Measurements of woody vegetation of all size classes were carried out prior to the prescribed burn and three successive years post fire. We selected the 15 most abundant species <10 cm DBH to assess percent survivorship and sprouting responses post fire. Changes in seedling densities for these 15 most abundant species and the 15 least abundant species were analyzed using a repeated measure ANOVA. We also assessed changes in seedling densities for three species of international conservation concern. We found three major fire‐coping strategies among common dry forests plants: resisters (low fire‐induced mortality), resprouters (vigorous sprouting), and recruiters (increased seeding post‐fire). While survivorship was generally high relative to tropical moist forest species, those species with lower survivorship used either seeding or sprouting as an alternative strategy for persisting in the forest community. Seed dispersal mechanisms, particularly wind dispersal, appear to be an important factor in recruitment success post‐fire. Burn treatment led to a significant increase in the density of seedlings for two species of conservation concern: Guaiacum sanctum and Swietenia humilis. Results of this study suggest that common dry forest species in western Nicaragua are fire tolerant. Further study of individual species and their fire responses is merited.  相似文献   

Aim Climate warming and increased wildfire activity are hypothesized to catalyse biogeographical shifts, reducing the resilience of fire‐prone forests world‐wide. Two key mechanisms underpinning hypotheses are: (1) reduced seed availability in large stand‐replacing burn patches, and (2) reduced seedling establishment/survival after post‐fire drought. We tested for regional evidence consistent with these mechanisms in an extensive fire‐prone forest biome by assessing post‐fire tree seedling establishment, a key indicator of forest resilience. Location Subalpine forests, US Rocky Mountains. Methods We analysed post‐fire tree seedling establishment from 184 field plots where stand‐replacing forest fires were followed by varying post‐fire climate conditions. Generalized linear mixed models tested how establishment rates varied with post‐fire drought severity and distance to seed source (among other relevant factors) for tree species with contrasting post‐fire regeneration adaptations. Results Total post‐fire tree seedling establishment (all species combined) declined sharply with greater post‐fire drought severity and with greater distance to seed sources (i.e. the interior of burn patches). Effects varied among key species groups. For conifers that dominate present‐day subalpine forests (Picea engelmannii, Abies lasiocarpa), post‐fire seedling establishment declined sharply with both factors. One exception was serotinous Pinus contorta, which did not vary with either factor. For montane species expected to move upslope under future climate change (Larix occidentalis, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Populus tremuloides) and upper treeline species (Pinus albicaulis), establishment was unrelated to either factor. Greater post‐fire tree seedling establishment on cooler/wetter aspects suggested local topographic refugia during post‐fire droughts. Main conclusions If future drought and wildfire patterns manifest as expected, post‐fire tree seedling establishment of species that currently characterize subalpine forests could be substantially reduced. Compensatory increases from lower montane and upper treeline species may partially offset these reductions, but our data suggest important near‐ to mid‐term shifts in the composition and structure of high‐elevation forests under continued climate warming and increased wildfire activity.  相似文献   

Seed predation and seedling mortality can act as strong demographic “bottlenecks” to sapling recruitment in African savanna woodlands. Fire also limits tree recruitment from saplings by suppressing their growth. I conducted field experiments with 13 woody plant species to assess the effects of seed burial on seedling emergence rates and effects of fire on seedling and sapling survival and growth rates over a period of 8 years at a savanna plot in central Zambia, southern Africa. Seed removal rates by small rodents varied among years and buried seeds had significantly higher emergence rates than seeds exposed to predators in most but not all the species. Annual burning reduced sapling growth in some species but in other species saplings experienced successive shoot die back even in the absence of fire. The findings show that for some woody species, seed predation is an important constraint to seedling recruitment but not for others and annual fires are important hindrances to demography and growth for some species but not others. Thus, demographic “bottlenecks” occur at different life history stages in different savanna woody species and these have the potential to alter woody tree competitive relationships and ultimately savanna structure.  相似文献   

Although grazing livestock may have direct negative effects on woody species through herbivory and trampling, (heavy-)grazing is often associated with woody plant encroachment. Two main mechanisms can explain the positive effects of grazers on woody cover: (1) Grazers reduce the interspecific competition with trees and may reduce fuel load, and (2) gut passage through livestock increases seedling establishment by scarification (increased germination) and fertilization by dung (higher survival and growth of seedlings). We tested the effects of fire, grass, cattle ingestion (transit) and dung on germination, seedling height and survival as well as on recruitment of Acacia sieberiana in a sub-humid grassland of South Africa. About 8,000 seeds were planted in the field in a randomized block design. The removal of grass by grazing and/or fire had the most important effect on Acacia recruitment in savanna. Our findings highlight the hierarchy of the main factors affecting Acacia recruitment, which provides new insights to the understanding of woody plant encroachment.  相似文献   

Cattle and Weedy Shrubs as Restoration Tools of Tropical Montane Rainforest   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Over the last 150 years, a large proportion of forests in Latin America have been converted to pastures. When these pastures are abandoned, grasses may slow re‐establishment of woody species and limit forest regeneration. In this study, we explored the use of cattle in facilitating the establishment of woody vegetation in Colombian montane pastures, dominated by the African grasses Pennisetum clandestinum (Kikuyo) and Melinis minutiflora (Yaraguá). First, we described woody and herbaceous vegetation in grazed and non‐grazed pastures. Second, we tested the effect of grazing and seed addition on the establishment and growth of woody species. We also determined if the effect of grazing was different in P. clandestinum and M. minutiflora pastures. We found that low stocking density of cattle greatly increased density, number of branches per individual (a measure of “shrubiness”), and basal area of woody species, but also reduced woody plant species richness and diversity. In the grazed area, the shrubs Baccharis latifolia (Chilca) and Salvia sp. (Salvia) were the most abundant. The combined effect of grazing and shading from the shrubs reduced herbaceous vegetation by 52 to 92%. In the grazing/seed addition experiment, grazing increased establishment of woody seedlings, particularly of the shrub Verbesina arborea (camargo), but the largest effect was seed addition. Where grasses are an important barrier to regeneration, grazing can facilitate the establishment of shrubs that create a microhabitat more suitable for the establishment of montane forest tree species.  相似文献   

Brown oak (Quercus semecarpifolia) forest is essential for ecological and socioeconomic functions, mainly grazing in the Himalayas. The tree has failed to regenerate naturally and is a threatened species. Restoration of brown oaks is crucial to ensure sustainability while maintaining livestock grazing in these habitats. Achieving this requires cost‐effective restoration techniques that are practicable and sympathetic to the multiple uses of the forest. We assessed the combined effect of grazing (control) and three tree shelters (Protex tubes, mesh wires, and wooden frames) on the field performance of oak seedlings in a forest with heavy grazing pressure. Seedling survival and morphological indicators, including seedling height, collar diameter, sturdiness quotient (SQ), and leaf mass per area (LMA) indices, were measured. More than 90% of control seedlings without protective shelters suffered severe browsing and demonstrated significantly lower survival rates compared to tree shelter seedlings, indicating that grazing was the primary factor governing regeneration success. Seedling survival in tree shelters was three times higher, while the height increase was two times higher than the control. Additionally, locally made mesh wire and wooden tree shelters were more effective than Protex and control in producing quality seedlings reflected by the SQ and LMA values. We suggest that tree shelter is a promising option to restore brown oaks due to its efficacy to defend grazing and support the local community's rights to forest grazing. Our finding is expected to support Bhutan's forest policy of incorporating grazing and tree regeneration into forest management.  相似文献   

Woody encroachment in savannas represents an ecological process of current global interest given its negative impact on ecosystem functioning, particularly on forage production. Traditional savanna models propose competition and niche differentiation as the main mechanisms allowing tree-grass coexistence. Demographic models, instead, propose abiotic and biotic factors as bottlenecks controlling vital rates and transitions from seeds to adult trees. The role played by domestic grazing on woody encroachment is yet controversial. Here, using a multistage tree life approach, we combine both models and evaluate the role of grazing and herbaceous vegetation on woody recruitment in a Neotropical savanna dominated by Vachellia caven, a successful and widely spread encroacher tree species. We performed three experiments to evaluate seed predation, seedling emergence and survival of V. caven by manipulating cattle grazing (grazed and ungrazed areas) and herbaceous vegetation presence (vegetated and unvegetated). Finally, we combined the results of the three experiments to estimate the probability of plant recruitment across these experimental factors. Grazing decreased seed predation by half, did not modify seedling emergence and decreased seedling survival. Herbaceous vegetation did not affect seed predation nor seedling emergence rate, but increased seedling survival. Overall, the net effect of grazing on V. caven recruitment was neutral since the increase in seed availability due to the reduction in seed predation rate was compensated by the negative effect of grazing on seedling survival. Our analysis revealed that cattle grazing and herbaceous vegetation had contrasting effects on the seed and seedling life stages. We propose that in order to restrain the early stages of encroachment, cattle grazing pressure could be managed following the seasonality of demographic tree transitions. Through rotational grazing amongst paddocks, stocking rates could be relaxed during the primary dispersal stage to maximize granivory, and then increased to enhance the chance of seedling consumption and trampling.  相似文献   

How do tree species regenerate and which ecological conditions are required after forest fire in the Insubric region of the Alps? Are indigenous stand-forming tree species resistant over the invasion of alien plant species after such a disturbance? We addressed these questions in a case study in the Swiss canton of Ticino. In April 2006, a surface fire with severe intensity burnt a forest area of 55 ha on a south-facing slope (400-800 m.a.s.l.). The dominant trees in the investigated area were chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.), beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and deciduous oaks (Quercus spp.) mixed with tree species of intermediate height. Vegetation data were collected in May and August 2009 by systematic sampling. Resprouting of the survived trees and generative regeneration were analysed by counting vegetative shoots from sprouting stools, of seedling age, height and damage rate, respectively. Different vegetation structures related to low or high fire intensity were clearly visible three years after the forest fire, creating various habitats for both new invaders and seedlings of the stand-forming trees. The dominant chestnut was the only tree species that regenerated effectively by sprouting from stools. Seedlings of the stand-forming trees grew in high abundance under shadow conditions close to their mother trees which provided the seed source. In contrast, pioneer trees invaded patches where full light was available. Under such conditions the two main woody alien plant species, Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudoacacia, grew in high abundance. Due to the different ecological requirements of indigenous and alien tree seedlings, not any interaction between the two groups was detected.  相似文献   

Question: Can the biodiversity of fens in Europe and North America be maintained through the use of grazing (especially cattle grazing), fire, and/or cutting? Location: European and North American fens. Methods: This paper is a review of the literature on the effects of grazing, fire and cutting on fens, to explore the relationship between management and biodiversity in fens. Results: A reduction of cattle grazing, mowing and burning in fens has led to a reduction in biodiversity in fens. The vegetation of abandoned fens shifts to trees and shrubs after 10–15 years, which shade the smaller and rarer species of these wetlands. While careful use of fire is used to manage fens in North America, it is not widely used in European fens, perhaps because the peat of drained fens may catch fire. Cattle grazing cannot be considered a natural disturbance in North America, since cattle did not evolve on that continent. In Europe, cattle do not generally graze in unaltered fens, but they do use slightly drained fen meadows. Conclusions: Three approaches have been used to control the dominance of tall woody and herbaceous species in abandoned fens, including the re‐introduction of cattle, mowing, and burning. Overgrazing results in a permanent reduction in biodiversity, therefore cattle re‐introduction must be approached cautiously. In Europe, but not in North America, mowing has been an important management tool, and mowing has been successful in maintaining species richness, particularly in fens that have been mowed annually for centuries. Fire has been the most common and successful management tool in North America although it is not effective in removing shrubs that have become large. Because the problems and solutions are similar, the literature of both European and North American fen management can be analyzed to better assess the management of fens on both continents. Many management questions require further study and these are listed in the paper.  相似文献   

Climate is widely assumed to be the primary process that limits the distribution ranges of plants. Yet, savannas have vegetation not at equilibrium with climate, instead its structure and function are shaped by interactions between fire, herbivory, climate, and vegetation. I use the rich literature of a dominant African savanna woody plant, Colophospermum mopane, to demonstrate that climate and disturbance interact with each demographic stage to shape this species range limits. This synthesis highlights that climate‐based predictions for the range of C. mopane inadequately represents the processes that shape its distribution. Instead, seed bank depletion and rainfall limitation create a demographic bottleneck at the early seedling stage. The legacy of top‐kill from disturbance changes tree stand architecture causing a critical limitation in seed supply. Exposure to top‐kill at all demographic stages causes a vigorous resprouting response and shifts tree architecture from that of 1–2 stemmed tall trees to that of a short multi‐stemmed shrub. The shorter, multi‐stemmed shrubs are below the height threshold (4 m) at which they can produce seeds, resulting in shrub‐dominated landscapes that are effectively sterile. This effect is likely most pronounced at the range edge where top‐kill‐inducing disturbances increase in frequency. The proposed mechanistic, demographic‐based understanding of C. mopane''s range limits highlights the complexity of processes that interact to shape its range edges. This insight serves as a conceptual model for understanding the determinants of range limits of other dominant woody savannas species living in disturbance limited ecosystems.  相似文献   

Both large herbivores and termites are key functional groups in savanna ecosystems, and in many savanna areas, large termite mounds (termitaria) are associated with distinct woody clusters. Studies on the effect of large mammals on tree regeneration are few, and the results are conflicting. Large herbivores have been found to be important seedling predators in some areas, but facilitate tree regeneration by outcompeting small mammals and reducing grass cover in other areas. Through the use of the experimental fencing of termite mounds and adjacent savanna areas in this study, we investigated how termites and large herbivores influence tree regeneration. Termite mounds had a higher number of seedlings, more species richness, more alpha diversity (OD) and lower evenness (E) than savanna plots. Large herbivores did not significantly affect overall seedling density, species richness, OD or E. Beta diversity was higher in savanna areas than on termitaria, and beta diversity decreased in savanna areas when herbivores were excluded. Herbivore exclusion increased the density of the 12 (40 %) most common seedling species, representing 79 % of all seedlings, and fenced plots had relatively taller seedlings than open plots. Thus, termites were the main determinants of tree regeneration in our study area, but large mammals regulated the most common species. Although our study confirms previous work suggesting that large herbivores affect tree regeneration, we found that termites were an even more important determinant. Termite impacts on tree regeneration deserve increased attention by savanna ecologists.  相似文献   

A model was developed to assess how the seed rain and fire regime affect seed bank dynamics and seedling establishment of three native shrub species (Acanthostyles buniifolius, Baccharis pingraea and Baccharis dracunculifolia) with different regeneration strategies, in temperate South American savanna. Seed bank and seed rain were quantified for each species under different fire regimes, and their relative roles in regeneration were evaluated. All species had short-term persistent seed banks and high annual variability in seed production. A high proportion of seeds deposited in the seed rain produced seedlings after fire; few entered the soil seed bank. Fire killed a high proportion of the seeds in the soil seed bank. Seedlings derived from the seed rain had a higher probability of surviving for 2 years than seedlings emerging from the soil seed bank. In the absence of fire, establishment depended on germination both from the seed rain and the soil seed bank, whereas with annual fire, establishment was primarily dependent on germination of seeds arriving in the annual seed rain, regardless of species’ regeneration strategies. These results help to explain changes in the vegetation of South American temperate savannas as a result of changes in fire regime and grazing management during the last 50 years. By revealing the crucial roles of the soil seed bank and seed rain in regeneration, this study provides vital information for the development of appropriate management practices to control populations of shrub species with different regeneration strategies in South American temperate savannas.  相似文献   

Abstract. Fuel-breaks to impede the spread of fires in Mediterranean woody vegetation are created by clearing of shrubs, followed by very intensive cattle grazing before the fire season. The present research analysed the effects of these two disturbance types on herbaceous community composition at the functional group and the species level, by using canonical discriminant ordination analysis and by categorical modeling methods. Grazing caused an increase in the abundance of small species, geophytes, and species with an early flowering period that ends before the grazing period. The abundance of many different species increased as a result of clearing. However, no association was found between positive or negative response to clearing and any species attribute tested. Several a priori functional groups defined by life form and family showed responses to either grazing or clearing. Links between these responses and individual species attributes are discussed. The results emphasize the different nature of the two disturbances: grazing as a selective agent, and shrub clearing as a generalized one. It also stresses the importance of the plant architecture and the morphological and phenological niche in determining community composition under extremely intensive grazing conditions.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of insect grazing on the establishment of plant populations from seed after bushfires in coastal plain woodland near Perth, Western Australia. Seedling germination was measured and individual seedlings were observed frequently to estimate survivorship and causes of mortality. Invasion rates of acridid grasshoppers into both small and large burnt areas were measured and palatabilities of seedlings to the most abundant grasshopper species were estimated. Escape of seedlings from insect grazing was influenced by both seedling palatability and area of burning. Grasshoppers were absent from large burnt areas for one to two years. In small burnt patches of vegetation, the patterns of grazing on seedlings were related to seedling palatabilities. These results are discussed in the light of current models of plant succession and the main conclusion is that fire is not a succession-initiating disturbance in this ecosystem because the long association with fire has allowed the evolution of specific survival and recruitment strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract Areas of warm temperate eucalypt forests of northern NSW escarpment, previously managed for cattle production, have recently been transferred into the conservation reserve system. The forests were seasonally grazed by cattle and were burnt frequently to promote green pick for stock feed. The hypothesis that disturbances associated with previous management had led to a simplification of the forest understorey, particularly a depletion in the density and species richness of shrubs was investigated. A disturbance history of the study area was constructed by compiling fire history records and using surrogate measures for recent and historical grazing. Shrub species composition was sampled in randomly located quadrats in dells within the forest, with a set of environmental and spatial covariables. Variation in shrub composition was partitioned among three sources (disturbance, environment and space) using a stepwise canonical correspondence analysis. Grazing and burning disturbance explained substantially more variation in vegetation than the environmental and spatial variables combined. Between 15 and 45% of total variation in adult shrub composition was attributable to the disturbance indicators. Similar results were obtained for composition of juvenile shrubs. Species richness and population densities of woody species were lower where disturbance was more intensive. It is concluded that historical grazing and burning practices had a substantial impact on the woody understoreys of the north‐east escarpment forests. The species that were adversely affected spanned a range of life‐history functional types. Estimates of the magnitude of grazing and burning impacts were limited by the lack of spatially explicit disturbance history data over the full period of pastoral exploitation and the unavailability of suitable ungrazed‘controls’for sampling.  相似文献   

This paper examines invasion of grasslands on Cape York Peninsula, Australia, by Melaleuca viridiflora and other woody species, and the role of storm‐burning (lighting fires after the first wet season rains) in their maintenance. Trends in disturbance features, fuel characteristics, ground layer composition, and woody plants dynamics under combinations of withholding fire and storm‐burning over a 3‐year period were measured on 19 plots in three landscape settings. Population dynamics of M. viridiflora are described in detail and 20‐year population projections based on transition matrices under different fire regimes generated. Numerous M. viridiflora suckers occurred within the grass layer, increasing each year regardless of fire regime, and were rapidly recruited to the canopy in the absence of fire. Storm‐burning had little impact on fuel, ground layer or woody plant composition, but maintained open vegetation structure by substantially reducing recruitment of M. viridiflora suckers to the sapling layer, and by reducing the above‐grass‐layer abundance of several other invasive woody species. Population projections indicated that withholding fire for 20 years could cause a sevenfold increase of M. viridiflora density on Ti‐tree flats, and that annual to triennial storm‐burning should be effective at maintaining a stable open vegetation structure. These findings argue against vegetation thickening being an inevitable consequence of climate change. We conclude that a fire regime that includes regular storm‐burning can be effective for maintaining grasslands and grassy woodlands being invaded by M. viridiflora.  相似文献   

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