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We measured temporal oscillations in thermodynamic variables such as temperature, heat flux, and cellular volume in suspensions of non-dividing yeast cells which exhibit temporal glycolytic oscillations. Oscillations in these variables have the same frequency as oscillations in the activity of intracellular metabolites, suggesting strong coupling between them. These results can be interpreted in light of a recently proposed theoretical formalism in which isentropic thermodynamic systems can display coupled oscillations in all extensive and intensive variables, reminiscent of adiabatic waves. This interpretation suggests that oscillations may be a consequence of the requirement of living cells for a constant low-entropy state while simultaneously performing biochemical transformations, i.e., remaining metabolically active. This hypothesis, which is in line with the view of the cellular interior as a highly structured and near equilibrium system where energy inputs can be low and sustain regular oscillatory regimes, calls into question the notion that metabolic processes are essentially dissipative.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the physiological function of root orders is scant. In this study, a system to monitor the water flux among root orders was developed using miniaturized chambers. Different root orders of 4‐year‐old Citrus volkameriana trees were analysed with respect to root morphology and water flux. The eight root orders showed a broad overlap in diameter, but differences in tissue densities and specific root area (SRA) were clearly distinguishable. Thirty per cent of the root branch biomass but 50% of the surface area (SA) was possessed by the first root order, while the fifth accounted for 5% of the SA (20% biomass). The root order was identified as a determinant of water flux. First‐order roots showed a significantly higher rate of water uptake than the second and third root orders, whereas the fourth and fifth root orders showed water excess. The water excess suggested the occurrence of hydraulic redistribution (HR) as a result of differences in osmotic potentials. We suggest that plants may utilize hydraulic redistribution to prevent coarse root desiccation and/or to increase nutrient acquisition. Our study showed that the novel ‘miniature depletion chamber’ method enabled direct measurement of water fluxes per root order and can be a major tool for future studies on root order traits.  相似文献   

The whole-part relationship is generally considered transitive, but there are some apparent exceptions. Componential sortals create some apparent problems. Homo sapiens, the Pope, and his heart are all individuals. A human being, such as the Pope, is an organism-level component of Homo sapiens. The Pope’s heart is an organ-level component of both Homo sapiens and the Pope. Although the Pope is a part, and not an instance, of the Roman Catholic Church, it seems odd to say that his heart is a part of that church. This is largely because the Pope’s heart does not have a place in the ecclesiastical government. However, it does contribute to the functioning of the organization. One popular alternative to the view that Homo sapiens is an individual is the notion that it is a natural kind. This has been done by redefining ‘natural kind’ in such a manner that not just the Roman Catholic Church, but the Pope and every other human being is a natural kind as well.  相似文献   

The incidence of testicular cancer, primarily seminoma, has been increasing in many countries, including the United States. The testis is often the site of residual cancer after adequate treatment with systemic chemotherapy. The blood-testis barrier is commonly cited as the explanation for residual tumor within the gonad after chemotherapy and as the indication for delayed orchiectomy. Conversely, complete eradication of viable tumor from the primary site is common and argues against the testis as a "tumor sanctuary." Residual tumor is also demonstrated within metastatic foci, and the disparity between the histopathologic response of the primary tumor and metastatic sites may be best explained by tumor heterogeneity and multiple tumor clones. Regardless of the scientific and academic arguments, delayed radical orchiectomy remains an important part of treatment for patients undergoing primary chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Effective task switching is supported by the inhibition of the just executed task, so that potential interference from previously executed tasks is adaptively counteracted. This inhibitory mechanism, named Backward Inhibition (BI), has been inferred from the finding that switching back to a recently executed task (A-B-A task sequence) is harder than switching back to a less recently executed task (C-B-A task sequence). Despite the fact that BI effects do impact performance on everyday life activities, up to now it is still not clear whether the BI represents an amodal and material-independent process or whether it interacts with the task material. To address this issue, a group of individuals with Williams syndrome (WS) characterized by specific difficulties in maintaining and processing visuo-spatial, but not verbal, information, and a mental age- and gender-matched group of typically developing (TD) children were subjected to three task-switching experiments requiring verbal or visuo-spatial material to be processed. Results showed that individuals with WS exhibited a normal BI effect during verbal task-switching, but a clear deficit during visuo-spatial task-switching. Overall, our findings demonstrating that the BI is a material-specific process have important implications for theoretical models of cognitive control and its architecture.  相似文献   

The root microbiota—a fingerprint in the soil?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


The root system of a plant is known to host a wide diversity of microbes that can be essential or detrimental to the plant. Microbial ecologists have long struggled to understand what factors structure the composition of these communities. An overlooked part of the microbial community succession in root systems has been the potential for individual variation among plants shaped by early colonisation events such as microbial exposure of the seed inside the parent plant and during dispersal.


In this review we outline life events of the plant that can affect the composition of its root microbiota and relate ecological theory of community assembly to the formation of the root microbiota.


All plants are exposed to environmental conditions and events throughout their lifetime that shape their phenotype. The microbial community associated with the plant is ultimately an extension of this phenotype. Therefore, only by following a plant from its origin inside the flower to senescence, can we fully understand how the associated microbial community was assembled and what determined its composition.  相似文献   

The oviduct is a key component of the reproductive system where essential states such as spermatozoa capacitation, fertilization and early embryo development take place. Recently, an additional role for the entire female reproductive tract has emerged with important implications for our understanding and management of reproductive health, namely, its role in mounting local immune responses against microbial pathogens. Most of the evidence about mucosal immune responses in the female reproductive tract is related to the vagina, with less information available for the uterus. The less known segment in this regard is the oviduct, which prompted us to review and summarize the current state of knowledge on the immune system at the level of the mammalian oviduct. A comprehensive search was conducted in Medline and--for the last two years--also in Current Contents. Result demonstrate that the mammalian oviduct is endowed with many of the elements that characterize a mucosal immune system. However, there are gaps in our knowledge that, in addition to important interspecies differences, make it essential to explore further some fundamental questions regarding this system.  相似文献   

Is soil carbon mostly root carbon? Mechanisms for a specific stabilisation   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Understanding the origin of the carbon (C) stabilised in soils is crucial in order to device management practices that will foster Caccumulation in soils. The relative contributions to soilC pools of roots vs. shoots is one aspect that has been mostly overlooked, although it appears a key factor that drives the fate of plant tissueC either as mineralized CO2 or as stabilized soil organic matter (SOM). Available studies on the subject consistently indicate that rootC has a longer residence time in soil than shootC. From the few studies with complete datasets, we estimated that the mean residence time in soils of root-derived C is 2.4times that of shoot-derived C. Our analyses indicate that this value is biased neither by an underestimation of root contributions, as exudation was considered in the analysis, nor by a priming effect of shoot litter on SOM. Here, we discuss the main SOM stabilisation mechanisms with respect to their ability to specifically protect root-derived SOM. Comparing in situ and incubation experiments suggests that the higher chemical recalcitrance of root tissues as compared to that of shoots is responsible for only a small portion, i.e. about one fourth, of the difference in mean residence time in soils of root-derived vs. shoot-derivedC. This suggests that SOM protection mechanisms other than chemical recalcitrance are also enhanced by root activities: (1)physico-chemical protection, especially in deeper horizons, (2)micrometer-scale physical protection through myccorhiza and root-hair activities, and (3)chemical interactions with metal ions. The impact of environmental conditions within deeper soil layers on rootC stabilisation appear difficult to assess, but is likely, if anything, to further increase the ratio between the mean residence time of root vs. shootC in soils. Future advances are expected from isotopic studies conducted at the molecular level, which will help unravel the fate of individual shoot and root compounds, such as cutins and suberins, throughout soil profiles.  相似文献   

Is the multidrug transporter a flippase?   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
The phenomenon of multidrug resistance is correlated with the presence of a membrane protein, P-glycoprotein, which pumps a wide variety of drugs out of cells thus reducing their toxicity. However, the mechanism of this pumping action remains unclear. In this article, we suggest that several properties of the multidrug transporter may be explained if it acts as a 'flippase' to transport drugs from the inner leaflet of the lipid bilayer to the outer or to the external medium.  相似文献   

Dyneins are the largest and most complex of the three classes of linear motor proteins in eukaryotic cells. The mass of the dynein motor domain is about ten times that of the other microtubule motor, kinesin. Dynein's homology with the AAA+ superfamily of mechanoenzymes distinguishes it from both kinesin and myosin, which share a common fold and ancestry as members of the G-protein superfamily. In contrast to the other motor proteins, little is known about the mechanism of dynein; its three-dimensional structure is unknown even at low resolution. Recent two-dimensional images from electron microscopy have revealed new details of its structure and how this changes to produce movement. These and the recently solved crystal structure of another AAA+ protein, ClpB, offer tantalising hints about dynein's mechanism, suggesting it may act like a molecular winch.  相似文献   

For the past decade patients with learning disabilities living in long stay mental handicap hospitals have been resettled in the community. Local authorities have also taken on the care of new patients who would once have been long stay residents. The imperfect data that are available suggest that in England about half the residents in mental handicap hospitals in 1981 are now the responsibility of local authorities; the figures for Wales and Northern Ireland are 38% and 33%. Data on revenue suggest that the savings to the health service are much less--perhaps 9% in Northern Ireland and 3.6% in England, although there have also been capital gains through the sale of hospitals. Existing methods of transferring money from health to local authorities--joint finance and "dowries" for individual patients--do not seem adequately to have compensated local authorities. Moreover, as patients still to be transferred are more severely disabled local authorities will require larger sums--about 26 000 pounds per patient per year plus 39 200 pounds in capital. If the government chooses not to transfer these resources from health authorities it will be switching funds away from learning disabled people to other care groups.  相似文献   

Is Sindbis a simple picornavirus with an envelope?   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
S D Fuller  P Argos 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(4):1099-1105
A three-dimensional image reconstruction was performed from cryo-electron micrographs of isolated Sindbis (SNV) nucleocapsids. The isolated capsid is a smooth but fenestrated T = 3 structure. Comparison with the nucleocapsid seen within the whole virion indicated that the structure resembles the swollen forms which some non-enveloped viruses adopt after removal of divalent cations. A sensitive comparison method was used to align SNV capsid protein sequences with those of picornavirus vp3 capsid proteins whose high resolution structures display an eight-stranded beta-barrel fold found in many icosahedral viruses. The alignment predicted a similar folding for the Sindbis protein which juxtaposes several sets of residues known to be essential for its serine proteolytic activity. These results suggest that the capsid proteins of the enveloped alphaviruses and the non-enveloped picornaviruses may have arisen through divergent evolution from a simple, vp3-like ancestor.  相似文献   

Food intake in Chile has changed markedly in the last decades, showing an increase in fat consumption and presently a small fruit and vegetables intake. A parallel is made between the Chilean and Mediterranean diet (mainly the one from Spain, Italy, and Greece), both currently and from 50 years ago. The main differences and similarities are based on food availability. Although Chilean diet seems to be approaching the traditional Mediterranean diet of the 60's, there is concern about changes that are moving away from Chilean traditional diet and towards a western one. A new food pyramid for Chile is proposed based on the traditional Mediterranean-type diet.  相似文献   

Is the originality of a species measurable?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, we introduce the concept of 'originality of a species within a set' in order to indicate the average rarity of all the features belonging to this species. Using a phylogenetic tree of 70 species of New World terrestrial Carnivora, we suggest measuring the originality by a probability distribution. This maximizes the expected number of features shared by two species randomly drawn from the set. By using this new index, we take account of branch lengths whereas current indices of originality focus on tree topology. As a supplement to Nee and May's optimizing algorithm, we find that originality must be one of the criteria used in conservation planning.  相似文献   

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