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We have performed 20?ns of fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of Hen Egg-White Lysozyme in 0, 10, 20, 30, and 100% by weight of glycerol in water to better understand the microscopic physics behind the bioprotection offered by glycerol to naturally occuring biological systems. The solvent exposure of protein surface residues changes when glycerol is introduced. The dynamic behavior of the protein, as quantified by the incoherent intermediate scattering function, shows a nonmonotonic dependence on glycerol content. The fluctuations of the protein residues with respect to each other were found to be similar in all water-containing solvents, but different from the pure glycerol case. The increase in the number of protein–glycerol hydrogen bonds in glycerol–water binary mixtures explains the slowing down of protein dynamics as the glycerol content increases. We also explored the dynamic behavior of the hydration layer. We show that the short length scale dynamics of this layer are insensitive to glycerol concentration. However, the long length scale behavior shows a significant dependence on glycerol content. We also provide insights into the behavior of bound and mobile water molecules.  相似文献   

Several methods have been developed to protect feed protein from rumen microbial degradation. The current study aimed to evaluate the potential use of an industrial lignin, namely hydrolytic lignin, to protect protein from rumen microbial degradation. The hydrolytic lignins assessed in this study were extracted from wheat straw previously subjected to various steam treatment conditions (pressure: 15, 17 and 19 bar; reaction time: 0, 5 and 10 min; use of acidic catalyst: without and with 2% H2SO4 on DM basis). Results indicated that hydrolytic lignin can precipitate protein when measured by a standard bovine serum albumin assay. It was also observed that protein-precipitating capacity of lignin increased with increasing harshness of steam treatment until a point from which no further effect was observed. The effect of lignin upon protein degradation in vitro was clearly detected. Both ammonia nitrogen and iso-acid concentration in vitro were significantly decreased (P<0.01) when lignin was added to fermentation flask containing casein. Unlike tannins, hydrolytic lignins do not inhibit rumen microbial activity. Additionally, it was observed that lignin’s ability to bind and protect protein is a pH-dependent reaction. Protein binding to lignin is markedly reduced at pH<3.0.  相似文献   

Pyracantha (Pyracantha coccinea M. J. Roem. Lalandei) plants were treated with uniconazole at 0.5 mg ai container–1 as a medium drench, 150 mg ai L–1 as a foliar spray, or left untreated. Plants from all treatments were placed under three water regimes: drought acclimated, nonacclimated and later exposed to drought, or nonstressed. Acclimated plants were conditioned by seven 4-day stress cycles (water withheld), while nonacclimated were well watered prior to a single 4-day stress cycle at the same time as the seventh drought cycle of acclimated plants. Nonstressed plants were well watered throughout the study. Nonstressed plants had higher leaf water potentials and leaf conductances than acclimated and nonacclimated plants, and transpiration rates were higher in nonacclimated than acclimated plants. Uniconazole did not affect leaf water potential, leaf conductance, or transpiration rate. Acclimated plants had smaller leaf areas and leaf, stem, and root dry weights than nonacclimated or nonstressed plants. Plants drenched with uniconazole had the lowest stem and root dry weights. Acclimated plants also contained higher N concentrations than nonacclimated or nonstressed plants, and higher P concentrations than nonacclimated plants. Uniconazole medium drench treatments increased levels of Mn and P. Calcium concentration was increased in plants receiving either medium drench or foliar applications.  相似文献   

The interaction of two structurally close flavanones: taxifolin and naringenin with copper(I) ions and its effect on the distribution of flavonoids and the corresponding ions in a biphasic system octanol–water have been studied. It has been shown that these polyphenols form complexes with copper ions of different stoichiometric ratio depending on the pH of medium (5.4, 7.4, and 9.0). The interaction of the flavonoids with copper ions leads to an increase in the fraction of polyphenols in the water phase at all pH values examined. The fraction of metal ions in octanol in the presence of both taxifolin and naringenin is maximal in the range of neutral pH values. The parameters obtained in the study, such as the partition coefficient and the coefficient of distribution in a biphasic system octanol–water (logP and logD) form the physicochemical basis necessary for the estimation of the bioavailability of flavonoids and the corresponding metal ions upon their combined consumption.  相似文献   

1. Oxidation of sperm-whale metmyoglobin and its apoprotein with periodate has been investigated under various conditions of pH and temperature to find those under which the reagent acted with specificity. 2. At pH6.8 and 22 degrees consumption of periodate ceased in 3(1/2)hr. at 43 moles of periodate/mole of myoglobin. The two methionine residues, the two tryptophan residues, the three tyrosine residues and two histidine residues were oxidized; serine increased in the hydrolysates from 6 to 9 residues/mol. 3. At pH5.0 and 22 degrees , consumption levelled off in 4(1/2)hr. at 26 moles of periodate/mole of myoglobin and resulted in the modification of the two methionine residues, the two tryptophan residues, the three tyrosine residues and two histidine residues; serine increased from 6 to 7 residues/mol. and, also, ferrihaem suffered considerable oxidation. 4. Oxidation at pH5.0 and 0 degrees resulted at completion (4hr.) in the consumption of 22 moles of periodate/mole of myoglobin and in the modification of the methionine, tyrosine and tryptophan residues. Spectral studies indicated oxidation of the haem group. This derivative reacted very poorly with rabbit antisera to MbX (the major component no. 10 obtained by CM-cellulose chromatography; Atassi, 1964). 5. Oxidation of apomyoglobin at pH5.0 and 0 degrees was complete in 4hr. with the consumption of 7.23 moles of periodate/mole of apoprotein. The rate of oxidation in decreasing order was: methionine; tryptophan; tyrosine; and after 7hr. of reaction the following residues/mol. were oxidized: methionine, 2.0; tryptophan, 1.6; tyrosine, 0.99. No peptide bonds were cleaved. Metmyoglobin prepared from the 7hr.-oxidized apoprotein showed that the reactivity with antisera to MbX had diminished considerably. 6. Milder oxidation of apoprotein (2 molar excess of periodate, pH5.0, 0 degrees , 2hr.) resulted in the modification of 1.66 residues of methionine/mol. Metmyoglobin prepared from this apoprotein was identical with native MbX spectrally, electrophoretically and immunochemically. It was concluded that the methionine residues at positions 55 and 131 were not essential parts of the antigenic sites of metmyoglobin.  相似文献   

Bioassays experiments were conducted to determine the metabolic and community composition response of bacteria to transplants between relatively pristine coastal seawater and sewage-impacted seawater. There were four treatments: (1) pristine seawater bacteria?+?pristine seawater (Pb?+?Pw), (2) sewage-impacted bacteria?+?sewage-impacted water (Sb?+?Sw), (3) pristine seawater bacteria?+?sewage-impacted water (Pb?+?Sw), and (4) sewage-impacted bacteria?+?pristine seawater (Sb?+?Pw). Sewage-derived DOC was more labile and readily utilized by bacteria, which favored the growth of high nucleic acid (HNA) bacteria, resulting in high bacterial production (BP, 113?±?4.92 to 130?±?15.8 μg C l?1?day?1) and low respiration rate (BR, <67?±?11.3 μg C l?1?day?1), as well as high bacterial growth efficiency (BGE, 0.68?±?0.09 to 0.71?±?0.05). In contrast, at the relatively pristine site, bacteria utilized natural marine-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) at the expense of lowering their growth efficiency (BGE, <0.32?±?0.02) with low BP (<62?±?6.3 μg C l?1?day?1) and high BR 133?±?14.2 μg C l?1?day?1). Sewage DOM input appeared to alter the partitioning of carbon between respiration and production of bacteria, resulting in a shift toward higher BGE, which would not enhance oxygen consumption. Taxonomic classification based on 454 pyrosequencing reads of the 16S rRNA gene amplicons revealed that changes in bacterial community structure occurred when seawater bacteria were transferred to the eutrophic sewage-impacted water. Sewage DOM fueled the growth of Gammma-proteobacteria and Epsilson-proteobacteria and reduced the bacterial richness, but the changes in the community were not apparent when sewage-impacted bacteria were transferred to pristine seawater.  相似文献   

Hairston, Slobodkin, and Smith conjectured that top down forces act on food chains, which opposed the previously accepted theory that bottom up forces exclusively dictate the dynamics of populations. We model food chains using the Lotka–Volterra predation model and derive sustainability constants which determine which species will persist or go extinct. Further, we show that the productivity of a sustainable food chain with even trophic levels is predator regulated, or top down, while a sustainable food chain with odd trophic levels is resource limited, which is bottom up, which is consistent with current ecological theory.  相似文献   

Ruthenium-based compounds have intriguing anti-cancer properties, and some of these novel compounds are currently in clinical trials. To continue the development of new metal-based drug combinations, we coupled ruthenium (Ru) with the azole compounds ketoconazole (KTZ) and clotrimazole (CTZ), which are well-known antifungal agents that also display anticancer properties. We report the activity of a series of 12 Ru–KTZ and Ru–CTZ compounds against three prostate tumor cell lines with different androgen sensitivity, as well as cervical cancer and lymphoblastic lymphoma cell lines. In addition, human cell lines were used to evaluate the toxicity against non-transformed cells and to establish selectivity indexes. Our results indicate that the combination of ruthenium and KTZ/CTZ in a single molecule results in complexes that are more cytotoxic than the individual components alone, displaying in some cases low micromolar CC50 values and high selectivity indexes. Additionally, all compounds are more cytotoxic against prostate cell lines with lower cytotoxicity against non-transformed epidermal cell lines. Some of the compounds were found to primarily induce cell death via apoptosis yet weakly interact with DNA. Our studies also demonstrate that the cytotoxicity induced by our Ru-based compounds is not directly related to their ability to interact with DNA.  相似文献   

1 NSec molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of anti-hen egg white antibody, HyHEL63 (HH63), complexed with HEL reveals important molecular interactions, not revealed in its X-ray crystal structure. These molecular interactions were predicted to be critical for the complex formation, based on structure–function studies of this complex and 3-other anti-HEL antibodies, HH8, HH10 and HH26, HEL complexes. All four antibodies belong to the same structural family, referred to here as HH10 family. Ala scanning results show that they recognize ‘coincident epitopes’. 1 NSec explicit, with periodic boundary condition, MD simulation of HH63-HEL reveals the presence of functionally important salt-bridges. Around 200 ps in vacuo and an additional 20 ps explicit simulation agree with the observations from 1 Nsec simulation. Intra-molecular salt-bridges predicted to play significant roles in the complex formation, were revealed during MD simulation. A very stabilizing salt-bridge network, and another intra-molecular salt-bridge, at the binding site of HEL, revealed during the MD simulation, is proposed to predipose binding site geometry for specific binding. All the revealed salt-bridges are present in one or more of the other three complexes and/or involve “hot-spot” epitope and paratope residues. Most of these charged epitope residues make large contribution to the binding free energy. The “hot spot” epitope residue Lys97Y, which significantly contributes to the free energy of binding in all the complexes, forms an intermolecular salt-bridge in several MD conformers. Our earlier computations have shown that this inter-molecular salt-bridge plays a significant role in determining specificity and flexibility of binding in the HH8-HEL and HH26-HEL complexes. Using a robust criterion of salt-bridge detection, this inter-molecular salt-bridge was detected in the native structures of the HH8-HEL and HH26-HEL complexes, but was not revealed in the crystal structure of HH63-HEL complex. The electrostatic strength of this revealed salt-bridge was very strong. During 1 Nsec MD simulation this salt-bridge networks with another inter-molecular salt-bridge to form an inter-molecular salt-bridge triad. Participation of Lys97Y in the formation of inter-molecular triad further validates the functional importance of Lys97Y in HH63-HEL associations. These results demonstrate that many important structural details of biomolecular interactions can be better understood when studied in a dynamic environment, and that MD simulations can complement and expand information obtained from static X-ray structure. This study also highlights “hot-spot” molecular interactions in HyHEL63-HEL complex. The publisher or recipient acknowledges right of the U.S. Government to retain a non exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering the article.  相似文献   

Summary Female freshwater eels injected with estradiol-17 (E2) for 15–78 days appear paler and secrete more mucus than controls. The resulting strongly opalescent blood plasma indicates that vitellogenin synthesis occurs in the liver, which shows a significant hypertrophy, an increased vacuolization (lipid material) and glycogen depletion. Plasma sodium is lowered, but calcium levels are considerably increased. The gonosomatic index increases (0.92±0.1 to a maximum of 2.21). Oocytes are enlarged, but the incorporation of vitellogenin remains discrete. Gonadotrophs (GTH cells), small and scarcely visible in the pituitary of control eels, are hypertrophied and contain numerous glycoprotein granules after E2-administration. E2 may act on the pituitary and/or hypothalamus via a positive feedback to induce gonadotrophin (GTH) synthesis; GTH release seems to be very limited as indicated by the ovarian response. The differentiation of GTH cells in eels treated with fish pituitary extracts is most probably due to secretion of E2 by the ovary, which reacts on the pituitary. Various hypotheses are considered to explain the low GTH release.Thyrotrophs, somatotrophs and prolactin cells of the pituitary are stimulated. In the pars intermedia, MSH and PAS-positive cells appear less active. A possible antidopaminergic effect of E2 is discussed.E2 administration constitutes a simple and economic technique to induce the synthesis of GTH and will facilitate the biochemical and biological study of the latter hormone in eels.  相似文献   

Taurine is an abundant β-amino acid that regulates several events that dramatically influence the development of ischemia–reperfusion injury. One of these events is the extrusion of taurine and Na+ from the cell via the taurine/Na+ symport. The loss of Na+ during the ischemia–reperfusion insult limits the amount of available Na+ for Na+/Ca2+ exchange, an important process in the development of Ca2+ overload and the activation of the mitochondrial permeability transition, a key process in ischemia–reperfusion mediated cell death. Taurine also prevents excessive generation of reactive oxygen species by the respiratory chain, an event that also limits the activation of the MPT. Because taurine is an osmoregulator, changes in taurine concentration trigger “osmotic preconditioning,” a process that activates an Akt-dependent cytoprotective signaling pathway that inhibits MPT pore formation. These effects of taurine have clinical implications, as experimental evidence reveals potential promise of taurine therapy in preventing cardiac damage during bypass surgery, heart transplantation and myocardial infarction. Moreover, severe loss of taurine from the heart during an ischemia–reperfusion insult may increase the risk of ventricular remodeling and development of heart failure.  相似文献   

Hu W  Shen Y  Fu Q  Dai H  Tu H  Wei E  Luo J  Chen Z 《Cell and tissue research》2005,322(3):437-441
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of oxygen–glucose deprivation (OGD) on degranulation and histamine release of mast cells. Cultured mast cells were exposed to OGD for 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 h. At 2 h of OGD exposure, the degranulation percentage of mast cells had increased and subsequently showed a progressive further increase, associated with a similar change in lactate dehydrogenase release. Histamine release increased significantly from 1 h of OGD exposure. These results indicate that OGD induces mast cells to degranulate, possibly via a cytotoxic response. This in vitro ischemic model of mast cells might clarify their roles in the pathological processes induced by cerebral ischemia. This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 30371638, 30472013) and the National Basic Research of China (no. 2003CB515400), and partly by the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (R303779) and the Zhejiang Provincial Scientific Research Foundations (2004C34002).  相似文献   

Camu–camu, a native fruit from the Amazon region, is a rich source of bioactive compounds. However, its intense metabolic activity and high-water content limit the fruit’s postharvest storage and marketing. The aim of this study, conducted in two parts, was to evaluate the effects of 1-MCP and storage temperature on the physiology and postharvest preservation of camu–camu fruit. In part 1 of the study, fruit harvested at maturity stage 3 were divided into groups: control, 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP; 900 nL L?1; 12 h) and ethylene (1000 µL L?1; 24 h) and were stored at 22?±?1 °C and 85?±?5% RH for 9 days. In part 2, fruit harvested at maturity stage 3 were stored at 5, 10, 15, 20, or 25?±?1 °C and 85?±?5% RH for 9 days. During storage, fruit were evaluated daily for decay, mass loss, respiratory activity, and ethylene production, and every 3 days they were evaluated for peel color, pulp firmness, soluble solids content, total titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, total chlorophyll, and total anthocyanins. Fruit treated with 1-MCP exhibited delayed ripening due to lower metabolic activity, as evidenced by delay to softening, reduced mass loss and no decay. Storage at 5 °C prevented ethylene production, mass loss, color changes, and maintained pulp firmness, while did not affect soluble solids content. The results indicated that storage of camu–camu fruit at 5 °C or at 25 °C following application of 900 nL L?1 1-MCP were effective strategies to delay ripening and maintain fruit quality up to 9 days.  相似文献   

The air–water interface (AWI) tends to adsorb proteins and frequently causes preferred orientation problems in cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). Here, we examined cryo-EM data from protein samples frozen with different detergents and found that both anionic and cationic detergents promoted binding of proteins to the AWI. By contrast, some of the nonionic and zwitterionic detergents tended to prevent proteins from attaching to the AWI. The protein orientation distributions with different anionic detergents were similar and resembled that obtained without detergent. By contrast, cationic detergents gave distinct orientation distributions. Our results indicate that proteins adsorb to charged interface and the negative charge of the AWI plays an important role in adsorbing proteins in the conventional cryo-EM sample preparation. According to these findings, a new method was developed by adding anionic detergent at a concentration between 0.002% and 0.005%. Using this method, the protein particles exhibited a more evenly distributed orientations and still adsorbed to the AWI enabling them embedding in a thin layer of ice with high concentration, which will benefit the cryo-EM structural determination.  相似文献   

Arthromyces ramosus peroxidase (ARP) was successfully modified with a synthetic surfactant for one-electron oxidation reaction of a hydrophobic substrate in toluene. Although UV–visible absorption spectrum of surfactant–ARP complex in toluene showed slight red shift of Soret band compared to that in water, the complex can catalyze oxidation reaction of o-phenylenediamine (o-PDA) with hydrogen peroxide. It appeared that thermodynamic water activity in the reaction system has dominant effect on either the catalytic activity or the stability in the catalytic cycle. Steady-state kinetics under the optimal condition revealed that the specific constant (kcat/Km) of ARP complex for o-PDA was 2 orders of magnitude lower than that in aqueous media, while only 13-fold lower for hydrogen peroxide. The reduction of catalytic activity caused by altering the reaction media from water to toluene was found to be mainly due to the low specific constant of ARP complex for o-PDA rather than hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Eight H-bonded complexes between serotonin (5-hydroxy-tryptamine) and water/hydrogen peroxide were studied at the B3LYP and HF levels of theory, using the 6-31+G(d) basis set. A thermodynamic analysis was performed in order to find the most stable complex. The calculated bonding parameters showed that the most stable H-bonded complex is formed between serotonin and hydrogen peroxide by means of the intermolecular H-bond –H2N...H–OOH. Fig. a Theoretical study of the hydrogen-bonded supersystems serotonin-water/hydrogen peroxide  相似文献   

Two oxime-functionalized diazamesocyclic derivates, namely, N,N′-bis(acetophenoneoxime)-1,4-diazacycloheptane (H2L1) and N,N′-bis(acetophenonoxime)-1,5-diazacyclooctane (H2L2), have been prepared and characterized. Both ligands (obtained in the hydrochloride form) can form stable metal complexes with CuII and NiII salts, the crystal structures of which were determined by X-ray diffraction technique. The reactions of H2L1 with Cu(ClO4)2 and Ni(ClO4)2 afford a penta-coordinated mononuclear complex [Cu(H2L1)Cl] · ClO4 (1) and a four-coordinated monomeric [Ni(HL1)] · ClO4 (2), in which the ligand is monodeprotonated. The ligand H2L2 also forms a quite similar mononuclear [Ni(HL2)] · ClO4 complex with Ni(ClO4)2, according to our previous work. However, reactions of different CuII salts [Cu(ClO4)2, CuCl2 and Cu(NO3)2 for 3, and CuSO4 for 4] with H2L2 in the presence of NaClO4 yield two unusual mono-μ-Cl dinuclear CuII complexes [Cu2(HL2)2Cl] · (ClO4) (3), and [Cu2(H2L2)(HL2)Cl] · (ClO4)2 · (H2O)(4). These results indicate that the resultant CuII complexes (1, 3 and 4) are sensitive to the backbones of diazamesocycles and even auxiliary anions.  相似文献   

ωB97XD/6-311++G(d,p) calculations were carried out to investigate the hydrogen-bonding interactions between adrenaline (Ad) and water. Six Ad-H(2)O complexes possessing various types of hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) were characterized in terms of their geometries, energies, vibrational frequencies, and electron-density topology. Natural bond orbital (NBO) and quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) analyses were performed to elucidate the nature of the hydrogen-bonding interactions in these complexes. The intramolecular H-bond between the amino and carboxyl oxygen atom of Ad was retained in most of the complexes, and cooperativity between the intra- and intermolecular H-bonds was present in some of the complexes. H-bonds in which hydroxyls of Ad/water acted as proton donors were stronger than other H-bonds. Both hydrogen-bonding interactions and structural deformation play important roles in the relative stabilities of the complexes. The intramolecular H-bond was broken during the formation of the most stable complex, which indicates that Ad tends to break the intramolecular H-bond and form two new intermolecular H-bonds with the first water molecule.  相似文献   

We aimed in the first part of our work to study the effect of cryopreservation on the human sperm DNA integrity and the activation of caspase 3, the main apoptosis indicator. In the second part, we were interested in testing the effect of quercetin, as an antioxidant, in preventing sperm damage during the freeze–thawing process. Seventeen semen samples were obtained from 17 men recruited for infertility investigations. Liquefied sperm was cryopreserved using spermfreeze®. Nine of the used samples were divided into two aliquots; the first one was cryopreserved with spermfreeze only (control) and the second one was cryopreserved with spermfreeze supplemented with quercetin to a final concentration of 50 μM. Sperm motility and viability were assessed according to WHO criteria. We used TUNEL assay and the Oxy DNA assay to assess sperm DNA integrity. Activated caspase 3 levels were measured in spermatozoa using fluorescein-labeled inhibitor of caspase (FLICA). Cryopreservation led to a significant increase in sperm DNA fragmentation, DNA oxidation and caspase 3 activation (p < 0.01). Supplementation of the cryopreservation medium with quercetrin induced a significant improvement in post thaw sperm parameters, compared to those of control, regarding sperm motility (p = 0.007), viability (p = 0.008) and DNA integrity (p = 0.02); however, it had no effect on caspase 3 activation (p = 0.3). We conclude that oxidative stress plays a major role in inducing sperm cryodamage but implication of apoptosis in this impairment requires further investigations. Quercetin could have protective effect during cryopreservation but further research is needed to confirm this effect.  相似文献   

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