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Zhung Yun & Yuan Xun-lai 1992 01 15: New data on multiccllular thallophytes and fragments of cellular tissues from Late Proterozoic phosphate rocks. South China, Lethaia . Vol. 25. pp. 1–18. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
A fossil assemblage consisting of multicellular thallophytes. acritarchs. cyanophytes. bacteria and some forms of uncertain affinity were found in black phosphorites of the Late Protcrozoic Doushantuo Formation (upper Sinian) in Wengan Phosphate Mine. central Guizhou Province. South China. This paper reports new forms of multiecllular thallophytes and cellular tissue. Four new genera and seven new species are described. Cytomorphological-histomorphological study of these lossil tissues and comparison with modern rhodophyle Corallina sp. suggest that (I) most fossils described here are thalloid plants with a certain degree of tissue differentiation. Some of them may be hisiomorphologically comparable to modern rhodophytcs. but all are still of uncertain systematic position Some exhibit histomorphological features of mctazoan tissues. (2) The fossil cells appear to have undergone plasmolysis that might be due to osmosis caused by the high phosphate content in the sea water. (3) Most of the thallophytes were sessile benthos with recognizable basal and upper parts to the thallus. Forms with leafshaped or nodular thalli may have moved passively or ncuslonically. New fossil forms discovered from the local rock bed demonstrate the possible existence of a community with relatively high diversity in Wengan shallow sea. This confirms that an evolutionary radiation of mctaphylcs look place during Ediacaran time, shortly after the Nantuo glacial epoch. Multicellular tlhallophytes. mctaphytes. phosphate rocks, phosphorites. Late Proterozoic .  相似文献   

Two phosphate rocks (PR), moderately reactive Hila PR from Colombia and slightly reactive Capinota PR from Bolivia, were compacted with triple superphosphate (TSP) such that 50% of total P in the mixture was in water-soluble form. The effectiveness of these materials as phosphorus sources was compared with that of partially acidulated phosphate rocks (PAPR) at 50% acidulation with sulfuric acid and TSP in Hartsells silt loam (pH 4.5) with maize as the test crop. Huila PAPR and Huila PR compacted with TSP were as effective as TSP as phosphorus sources. Huila PR was only half as effective. The slightly reactive Capinota PR with 8.8% Al2O3 + Fe2O3 content was not suited for direct application, and Capinota PAPR was only half as effective as TSP. Capinota PR compacted with TSP, however, was as effective as TSP. PR compacted with TSP, urea, and KCl was no more effective as phosphorus source than PR compacted with TSP alone.  相似文献   

Carposporangium- and spermatangium-like reproductive structures associated with differentiated vegetative tissues have been observed in the multicellular rhodophyte fossils, which were well preserved in the 650-Ma-old phosphate rocks of Doushantuo Formation in Guizhou Province, South China. The fossils show details of cellular structures that are comparable to the female and male reproductive organs of some extant rhodophytes. The first fossil-histological evidence for sexuality of Precambrian non-vascular plants is provided.  相似文献   

The export of primary photosynthesis products from chloroplasts into the cytoplasm is mediated by the triose phosphate translocator. The transporter is an integral membrane protein localized at the inner envelope of chloroplasts. In order to study the expression of the major chloroplast envelope protein gene E29, which is assumed to function as the translocator, we have isolated corresponding cDNA clones from potato. A full-length clone was sequenced and shown to be highly homologous to the E29 gene from spinach. Expression on the RNA level is restricted to green tissues, is light dependent and cannot be induced by sucrose in darkness. The presence of a single-copy gene argues for the existence of different translocator systems responsible for import and export of carbohydrates in chloroplasts and amyloplasts.  相似文献   

The morphology, epidermal features and details of the conducting tissues are described for Lygodium sterile pinnules from the oil-bearing middle Paleocene strata of the Sanshui Basin, Guangdong Province, South China. A new species, Lygodium sanshuiense n. sp., is erected on the basis of being petiolulate, with palmately-lobed sterile pinnules that are often strongly dissected and have acute to acuminate apices. Lygodium is typically associated with mesic floras and its presence in the Buxin palaeoflora suggests the overall regional palaeoclimate was subtropical and humid during the middle Paleocene.  相似文献   

A new species of Nageia, Nageia maomingensis sp. nov., is described from the Late Eocene of Maoming Basin, Guangdong Province, South China. According to its cuticular characteristics, the present fossil species is assigned to N. sect. Dammaroideae, showing the most resemblance to the extant species N. motleyi (Parl.) de Laub. At present, this section is mainly distributed in the Pacific islands region from South Asia to New Guinea. The discovery of N. maomingensis demonstrates that plants of this section inhabited South China at least by the Eocene. The distribution and living habitat of extant N. sect. Dammaroideae imply that South China was warmer during the Late Eocene than today, and may represent one of the centers for early diversification of Nageia and its section Dammaroideae during the Eocene. In addition, we postulate that plants of sect. Dammaroideae migrated southward in response to climate cooling after the Eocene.  相似文献   

Three-dimensionally preserved pyritic internal moulds of the Late Ordovician graptolites Appendispinograptus leptothecalis and Styracograptus chiai from the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation of the Daheba section, Hunan Province, South China, were imaged by micro-CT. The distinctive pea-shaped pits/dimples aligned in a zigzag line arising from the second/third thecal pair on the tubarium in these species are interpreted as the surface expression of the junction between the lateral thecal walls and the thickened internal cross-bars that support the nema. The relations between different internal structures such as the nema, median septum, aboral lists, interthecal septa and cross-bars are summarized, and examples of these supporting systems in different taxa are illustrated. The presence of isolated cross-bars in different diplograptid tubarium may suggest that they have evolved as a result of constructional restrictions.  相似文献   

牙釉质发育不全是反映牙齿发育过程中遭遇生理性刺激的有效指标。本文对来自云南禄丰石灰坝的禄丰古猿(Lufengpithecus lufengensis)261枚单颗恒齿进行观察分析,发现223枚牙齿普遍罹患带状牙釉质发育不全(LEH),比例为85.4%,高于其它已报道过的中新世古猿、化石人科成员及现生大猿。另一方面,用扫描电镜和数码显微镜着重分析了12枚犬齿,均有多条LEH,且雄性犬齿的LEH条数多于雌性;相邻LEH间的釉面横纹数在14-25条之间。结合禄丰古猿釉面横纹的生长周期(9天),估算相邻LEH之间的时间间隔为4.8-6.6月,季节性营养不良可能是禄丰古猿釉质发育不全的主要原因。  相似文献   

Jansson  Mats 《Hydrobiologia》1977,56(2):175-180
Enzymatic phosphate release was studied in water from three small lakes in the subarctic region of northern Sweden. Free dissolved hydrolytic enzymes were shown to release considerable amounts of phosphate from autoclaved lake water. It was possible to show that phosphate was enzymatically released from particulate matter by exposure of autoclaved, 32P-labelled plankton to lake enzymes followed by characterization of degradation products with gel chromatography. Seston turned out to be vitally important as a phosphorus source for planktic organisms since plankton inoculated in lake water freed from seston were shown to produce high activities of phosphatase.  相似文献   

1. We aimed to demonstrate reproducible nutrition and growth of macrophytes in non‐axenic laboratory cultures preventing growth of phytoplankton and epiphytes. 2. Macrophyte shoot segments were planted in a mixture of commercial acid‐washed silica sand with crystalline tricalcium phosphate, and this artificial sediment was covered with a layer of pure silica sand. The liquid mineral media used did not contain phosphorus but were rich in all other nutrient elements. A CO2 reservoir provided sustainable CO2 supply to macrophyte cultures by gas diffusion through a polyethylene membrane. 3. Chara hispida, Chara tomentosa, Chara baltica, Elodea canadensis, Potamogeton pectinatus and Zanichellia palustris could be cultivated for long term without medium exchange and aeration. Microalgae growth was prevented by the absence of phosphate in the water column. Mobilisation of tricalcium phosphate and phosphate uptake by the rhizoids of C. hispida enabled sustainable rapid shoot growth and increased the concentration of inorganic phosphate in the shoot dry weight by five to six times in comparison with plants cultivated on pure silica sand. A significant growth support from tricalcium phosphate was also observed for E. canadensis, but the rate of phosphate uptake by the roots was not sufficient to maintain a storage pool of inorganic phosphate (Pi) in the growing shoots of this plant. 4. Membrane‐controlled CO2 supply from a reservoir and artificial sediments like the one described provide attractive options for the laboratory culture of macrophytes.  相似文献   

Until recently, it was considered axiomatic that the skull of lizards and snakes arose from that of a diapsid ancestor by loss of the lower temporal bar. The presence of the bar in the living New Zealand Tuatara, Sphenodon, was thus considered primitive, corroborating its status as a ‘living fossil’. A combination of new fossils and rigorous phylogeny has demonstrated unequivocally that the absence of the bar is the primitive lepidosaurian condition, prompting questions as to its function. Here we describe new material of Tianyusaurus, a remarkable lizard from the Late Cretaceous of China that is paradoxical in having a complete lower temporal bar and a fixed quadrate. New material from Jiangxi Province is more complete and less distorted than the original holotype. Tianyusaurus is shown to be a member of the Boreoteiioidea, a successful clade of large herbivorous lizards that were dispersed through eastern Asia, Europe and North America in the Late Cretaceous, but disappeared in the end-Cretaceous extinction. A unique combination of characters suggests that Tianyusaurus took food items requiring a large gape.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2014,118(5-6):453-461
Phosphate transporters (PTs), as entry points for phosphorus (P) in organisms, are involved in a number of P nutrition processes such as phosphate uptake, transport, and transfer. In the study, a PT gene 1632 bp long (named BePT) was cloned, identified, and functionally characterized from Boletus edulis. BePT was expected to encode a polypeptide with 543 amino acid residues. The BePT polypeptide belonged to the major facilitator superfamily and showed a high degree of sequence identity to the Pht1 family. A topology model revealed that BePT exhibited 12 transmembrane helices, divided into two halves, and connected by a large hydrophilic loop in the middle. A yeast mutant complementation analysis suggested that BePT was a functional PT which mediated orthophosphate uptake of yeast at micromolar concentrations. Green fluorescent protein–BePT fusion proteins expressed were extensively restricted to the plasma membrane in BePT transformed yeast, and its activity was dependent on electrochemical membrane potential. In vitro, quantitative PCR confirmed that the expression of BePT was significantly upregulated at lower phosphorus availability, which may enhance phosphate uptake and transport under phosphate starvation. Our results suggest that BePT plays a key role in phosphate acquisition in the ectomycorrhizal fungus B. edulis.  相似文献   

报道发现于海南省鹦哥岭的粗叶木属(Lasianthus Jack)海南省新记录种5种,并描述了它们的主要辨认特征。其中4种(华南粗叶木Lasianthus austrosinensis H.S.Lo、长梗粗叶木L.filipes Chun ex H.S.Lo、西南粗叶木L.henryi Hutch.、台湾粗叶木L.formosensis Matsum.)在与海南邻近的广东省与广西壮族自治区均有记录,而大叶粗叶木L.rigidus Miq.则在热带亚洲具有明显的间断性分布。  相似文献   

A new scheme of synthesis of 11-phenoxyundecyl phosphate from 11-bromoundecanoic acid was suggested; its ability to serve as an acceptor of 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-α-D-glucopyranosyl phosphate in a reaction catalyzed by UDP-N-acetylglucosamine: polyprenyl phosphate N-acetylglucosamine phosphotransferase from Salmonella arizona O:59 was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Phase diagrams of alcohol (ethanol or 2-propanol)/salt (phosphate or sulfate) aqueous two-phase systems were made. The system consisting of 60% (v/v) ethanol and 15% (w/v) phosphate was then used to separate glycyrrhizin from an extract of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch and gave a 92% recovery of glycyrrhizin with 2.6-fold purification.  相似文献   

Shen G  Tsung HC  Wu CF  Liu XY  Wang XY  Liu W  Cui L  Cao YL 《Cell research》2003,13(5):335-342
Endothelial cells (TEC3 cells) derived from mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells were used as seed cells to construct blood vessels. Tissue engineered blood vessels were made by seeding 8 X 106 smooth muscle cells (SMCs) ob-tained from rabbit arteries onto a sheet of nonwoven polyglycolic acid (PGA) fibers, which was used as a biode-gradable polymer scaffold. After being cultured in DMEM medium for 7 days in vitro, SMCs grew well on the PGA fibers, and the cell-PGA sheet was then wrapped around a silicon tube, and implanted subcutaneously into nude mice. After 6~8 weeks, the silicon tube was replaced with another silicon tube in smaller diameter, and then the TEC3 cells (endothelial cells differentiated from mouse ES cells) were injected inside the engineered vessel tube as the test group. In the control group only culture medium was injected. Five days later, the engineered vessels were harvested for gross observation, histological and immunohistochemical analysis. The preliminary results demonstrated that the SMC-PGA construct could form a tubular structure in 6-8 weeks and PGA fibers were completely degraded. Histological and immunohistochemical analysis of the newly formed tissue revealed a typical blood vessel structure, including a lining of endothelial cells (ECs) on the lumimal surface and the presence of SMC and collagen in the wall. No EC lining was found in the tubes of control group. Therefore, the ECs differentiated from mouse ES cells can serve as seed cells for endothelium lining in tissue engineered blood vessels.  相似文献   

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