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Fourteen monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) were isolated that react with surface antigens of Pediococcus beer spoilage organisms, including P. damnosus, P. pentosaceous, P. acidilactici, and unspeciated isolates. Immunoblotting, enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) of protease- and neuraminidase-treated surface antigen extracts, carbohydrate competition EIAs, and cardiolipin EIAs were used to characterize the bacterial antigens involved in Mab binding. Antigen stability in situ was tested by protease treatment or surface antigen extraction of washed bacteria. In most cases, the Mabs bind to Pediococcus surface antigens that appear to be covalently bound cell wall polymers resistant to alteration or removal from the bacterial surface. These bacterial surface antigen reactive Mabs show good potential for rapid, sensitive, and specific immunoassay detection of Pediococcus beer spoilage organisms.  相似文献   

We have identified three germ cell surface carbohydrate antigens that exhibit a common, stage-specific pattern of expression during spermatogenesis in the mouse. IgM-class monoclonal antibodies designated "J1," "C6," and "A5" were absorbed by adult testis, but not by any adult somatic tissue tested. In indirect immunofluorescence assays using collagenase-dissociated prepuberal and adult testicular cells, these antibodies labeled the surfaces of early and late pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids. Gonocytes from fetal and neonatal testes were not labeled. In paraffin sections of prepuberal and adult testes, sialidase treatment exposed antigens recognized by antibodies C6 and A5 on preleptotene, leptotene, and zygotene spermatocytes located near the perimeter of seminiferous tubules. The determinants recognized by antibodies J1, C6, and A5 were characterized partially using a sugar hapten inhibition assay. The binding of J1 to adult testicular cells was inhibited specifically by N-acetylglucosamine and the binding of both C6 and A5 was inhibited by N-acetyllactosamine. The glycoconjugates recognized by J1, C6, and A5 eluted from gel filtration columns with an apparent molecular weight greater than 1 X 10(6) and were sensitive to endo-beta-galactosidase (keratanase) treatment. The apparent high molecular weight of these glycoconjugates was confirmed by immunolabeling Western blots of testis extracts separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results suggest that polylactosamine (keratan) glycoconjugates of high molecular weight are associated with the plasma membranes of meiotic and haploid male germ cells. The effects of sialidase on antibody labeling patterns suggest that changes in cell surface sialylation accompany the transition of early meiotic germ cells to pachytene spermatocytes during spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Three types of hybridomas were obtained by fusion of murine myeloma cells (NSI-1-Ag4-1) with splenocytes from mice immunized with human lymphoblastoid cells (RPMI-6410t line, acute myeloblastic leukemia). Hybridomas of the first type synthesize monoclonal antibodies Ma-1, which interact with 6410t-cells, but are not bound to the cells of human Burkitt lymphoma-Raji. Raji cells contain HLA-DRw5 and -DRw6 antigens on cell surface but there are no HLA-A2, -B7 and -B12 antigens (specific for 6410t). Thus, Ma-1 are probably derected against some of HLA antigens of loci A or B. Hybridomas of the second type synthesize Ma-2 antibodies which react with 6410t and Raji cells, but are not bound to peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). We suppose that Ma-2 antibodies to tumor specific antigens which have common antigen determinants both for Raji and RPMI-6410t cells. The third type of hybridomas synthesizes monoclonal antibodies Ma-3 reacting with all the three types of target cells: 6410t, Raji, and PBL. Ma-3 seems to be directed against human species-specific lymphocyte antigens which remained in 6410t and Raji cells.  相似文献   

Abstract A panel of eight murine monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) was raised against the surface antigens of Aeromonas sobria isolated from a patient with diarrhoea. Antibodies to the LPS core and O-antigen and to protein antigens were generated. Three Mabs of the IgM isotype against either protein or LPS agglutinated 34/75 Aeromonas isolates from clinical and environmental sources. Similar numbers of A. hydrophila, A. sobria and A. caviae isolates were agglutinated. The Mabs were screened for their ability to inhibit A. sobria adhesion to HEp-2 cells, and haemagglutination (HA). Two Mabs directed against conformationally dependent epitopes on a 43-kDa protein blocked both functions. Of the anti-LPS Mabs one blocked adhesion only, and another blocked HA but not adhesion. Immunoprecipitation studies suggested that LPS-protein complexes may be involved in these potential virulence functions of A. sobria .  相似文献   

A panel of eight murine monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) was raised against the surface antigens of Aeromonas sobria isolated from a patient with diarrhoea. Antibodies to the LPS core and O-antigen and to protein antigens were generated. Three Mabs of the IgM isotype against either protein or LPS agglutinated 34/75 Aeromonas isolates from clinical and environmental sources. Similar numbers of A. hydrophila, A. sobria and A. caviae isolates were agglutinated. The Mabs were screened for their ability to inhibit A. sobria adhesion to HEp-2 cells, and haemagglutination (HA). Two Mabs directed against conformationally dependent epitopes on a 43-kDa protein blocked both functions. Of the anti-LPS Mabs one blocked adhesion only, and another blocked HA but not adhesion. Immunoprecipitation studies suggested that LPS-protein complexes may be involved in these potential virulence functions of A. sobria.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive method of ultrastructural-immunoperoxidase staining was developed for use with monoclonal antibodies which have been raised in this laboratory to a variety of antigens of the human kidney. Because of the susceptibility of the antigens to fixation and processing, a four layer, pre-embedding method of staining was used. Results confirmed and clarified previously reported light microscopy results, indicating that an antigen recognized by the PHM5 antibody was found on the podocyte cell membrane within the glomerulus and was not present within the glomerular basement membrane. The antigen was also present on the extraglomerular endothelial cell membrane. The study also demonstrated the presence of an antigen specific to endothelial cells throughout the renal cortex, and gave further insight into the precise localization of glomerular basement membrane components including fibronectin. The method of staining is now being used together with detailed ultrastructural studies to identify the cells produced from isolated glomeruli in tissue culture.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (McAb), designated AMH1 (IgM, lambda) and AMH2 (IgG1, Kappa), against specific surface antigens of human lung macrophages were produced by the fusion of the NS-1 plasmacytoma cell line with spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with bronchoalveolar lavaged (BAL) cells obtained from selected smoking subjects. The screening and characterization of these McAb were carried out employing cellular radioimmunoassay, flow cytofluorography, and immunohistochemical methods. These two antibodies specifically reacted with macrophages in the alveolar spaces and BAL fluids. AMH1 did not react with peripheral blood cells including freshly separated monocytes, cultured monocytes, lymphocytes, granulocytes, and platelets. In addition, AMH1 did not react with peritoneal exudate cells or pleural exudate cells. On the other hand AMH2 showed the dull-positive reaction with some monocytes and pleural exudate cells among above-mentioned cells. These two McAb seemed to detect cell surface antigens that are expressed by highly differentiated or mature macrophages compared to OKM1. These antibodies will allow not only better characterization of immune cells but also assessment of maturity of lung macrophages.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (McAb) against human ejaculated sperm were developed from mice immunized with sperm membrane preparations. A solid-phase radioimmunoassay, with dried sperm as antigen, was employed in McAb screening. The tissue and species specificity of monoclonal antibodies HS 2, 4 and 6 were evaluated after absorption of antibody preparations with heterologous sperm, human serum or seminal plasma or cells from other human organs. The sensitivity of HS 2, 4 and 6 antigens to trypsin exposure was determined: HS 4 antigen was highly sensitive while HS 2 and 6 were not. The regional distribution of McAb 4 on intact sperm cells was determined by immunofluorescence staining. HS 4 may be a sperm-coating antigen based on its presence on sperm and in seminal plasma. This possibility led to an investigation of its role in sperm capacitation. HS 4 antibody binding was reduced when capacitated sperm were compared with noncapacitated cells. HS 4 antibody, when present during capacitation and insemination, was without effect on sperm motility or fusion with zona-free hamster eggs. Trypsin removal of as much as 60% of HS 4 antigen from the cell population also did not impact on sperm function. To identify the molecular correlate of HS 4 antigen, membrane components were extracted from washed sperm with Nonidet P-40, concentrated by acetone precipitation and analyzed electrophoretically in SDS-urea on 10% polyacrylamide slab gels. Immunoassays on protein blots with peroxidase-coupled second antibody identified a single reactive species in the molecular weight range of 130,000. Multiple reactive components were detected in blot transfers of seminal plasma.  相似文献   

We examined 10 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against Mycoplasma pneumoniae proteins of 200, 170, 67, 46 and 42 kDa, and one mAb directed against a glycolipid component. The membrane association of the antigens reacting with our mAbs was investigated, in particular by phase-fractionation involving use of the detergent Triton X-114. The 170 kDa protein was shown to be membrane-associated, and surface exposure of this antigen was demonstrated by its disappearance from SDS-PAGE patterns after treatment of intact mycoplasmas with proteolytic enzymes. Cross-reactions with protein antigens of Mycoplasma genitalium were also shown. A mAb directed against a component of a lipid extract, prepared by the method used for preparation of the antigen used in the complement fixation (CF) test for serological diagnosis of M. pneumoniae infection, reacted with one major and a few minor bands in thin-layer chromatography (TLC) of the crude extract. The glycolipid character of this major antigen was demonstrated by treatment of the extract with sodium periodate, and by development of the TLC with orcinol/ferric chloride. These reactive bands were the same as those detected by the use of polyclonal mouse antiserum and a human convalescent serum, a result showing that the CF antigen contains a glycolipid moiety reacting with our mAb. The surface exposure of this antigen was demonstrated by binding of mAbs to intact cells.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies specific for three major plasma membrane (PM) proteins, previously referenced as PM protein 2.0, 4.85 and 5.0, and one specific for an unreferenced PM protein (Mr 80,000) were used with indirect fluorescence microscopy to detect the effects of capacitation on the localization of these PM proteins. In ejaculated or cauda spermatozoa, incubation in the capacitating medium caused the appearance of fluorescence in the flagellum and either a loss of fluorescence on the PM overlying the sperm head (PM proteins of 5.0 and Mr 80,000) or a delocalization of fluorescence on the head PM (PM proteins 2.0 and 4.85). Labelling spermatozoa with divalent antibody and then capacitating them indicated the PM protein 5.0 and that of Mr 80,000 migrated out of the head plasma membrane into the flagellar PM during capacitation. These antigens re-entered the head PM when fresh seminal plasma was added after the capacitation period or when energy metabolism was inhibited by azide. Cytochalasin D, an inhibitor of the polymerization of actin, prevented movement of PM protein 5.0 and that of Mr 80,000 of the head PM into the flagellum during incubation in the capacitation medium and prevented re-entry of these antigens from the flagellum into the head PM after incubation in this medium. Localization changes occurring with capacitation were time-dependent but independent of the method of preparing samples for microscopy. For the major PM proteins 4.85 and 5.0, a much smaller percentage of caput spermatozoa (approximately 20%) showed specific localization changes compared to those of the cauda (approximately 80%). Chelation of Ca2+ inhibited these changes in ejaculated spermatozoa and fresh seminal plasma, added to capacitated spermatozoa, restored the localization pattern characteristic of uncapacitated spermatozoa. These observations suggest that the organization of major proteins in the plasma membrane overlying the sperm head is altered during capacitation. These changes are reversible, are dependent on sperm maturation and also appear to involve actin filament interactions with the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we have described unusual cross-reactions among monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) to bacteria and in particular to the Inaba and Ogawa serotypes of Vibrio cholerae. In this study, the extent to which the binding sites of both antibodies and antigens overlap has been investigated by competitive binding and idiotypic analysis. The competitive binding data indicate that the cross-reactive binding of the Inaba Mabs to the Ogawa vibrios can be abolished by incubation with higher affinity Ogawa Mabs. However, rabbit antiserum raised against the Inaba series does not react with the Ogawa series, indicating that anti-Inaba Mabs do not share idiotypic determinants with anti-Ogawa Mabs. The results therefore suggest that the two sets of antibodies recognise different determinants which are closely related in spatial terms, and which consequently do not permit simultaneous binding of the two types of monoclonal antibody.  相似文献   

The immunization of mice with the protein fraction of B. pertussis strain 305 has made it possible to obtain hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies to B. pertussis antigens. Ascitic fluids containing monoclonal antibodies react in the ELISA in high titers and actively agglutinate B. pertussis strains 305 and 475.  相似文献   

Hybridoma cells which secrete colorectal carcinoma-specific antibodies have been produced and used to study the antigenic structure of these tumor cells. Nineteen antibodies have been studied in detail, and 15 of these are colorectal carcinoma specific. Only two antibodies reactive with carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) have been discovered and five other antibodies that react with distinct epitopes on the cell surface have been defined. Several antigens with distinct molecular characteristics have been shown to exist by use of hybridoma antibodies. Six hybridoma antibodies have been shown to mediate antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC).  相似文献   

Sperm antigens that appear during spermatogenesis in the baboon were identified by using three monoclonal antibodies generated in culture from mice immunized with baboon caudal epididymal spermatozoa. Antibodies BSA1 and BSA2 recognize trypsin-sensitive 84,000 and 45,000 dalton determinants that are restricted to the tail and anterior acrosomal regions of the sperm, respectively, as determined by Western blot and immunofluorescence techniques. The tail antigen absent in 2- and 3-yr-old baboon testes first appears in spermatid cells at about 4 yr of age. In contrast, the acrosomal antigen recognized by BSA2 is present in 3-yr-old primitive testicular germ cells. In the mature testis, the 45,000 molecular weight determinant is predominantly localized in the nucleus of late pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatid cells as observed via the avidinbiotin immunoperoxidase method. Antibody BSA3 reacted only with sailidase-treated sections of adult testis. This trypsin-resistant determinant, not expressed on testicular sperm, is recognized by antibody BSA3 only on epididymal sperm, thus indicating a post-testicular sperm modification.  相似文献   

R. prowazekii antigens have been tested with the use of monoclonal antibodies (McAb) to different epitopes of the microorganism. As revealed in these tests, McAb B4/4 and A-3/D, active against species-specific thermolabile antigen, interact with protein having a molecular weight of 90-120 KD. McAb C5/2, active against thermostable group antigen common with that of Rickettsia typhi, interact with LPS-like antigen having a molecular weight of 30 KD. Ultrastructural immunochemical studies have revealed that both R. prowazekii antigens are located on surface structures of rickettsiae, such as the microcapsule and cell wall.  相似文献   

Eight mouse hybridomas with haemagglutination capacity to swine blood group antigens were obtained, three of them producing antibodies capable of being used as blood group reagents. Two detected the Ba factor and another the Fa factor. The others gave non-specific and weak reactions or cross-reaction with antigens present in more than one system. We conclude that mouse monoclonal antibodies are also suitable for use in swine as a complement of polyclonal reagents.  相似文献   

Summary In the present paper, we will summarize studies we have performed on two distinct human lymphocyte cell surface antigens defined by monoclonal antibodies: Leu-1 and HLA-DR. Presented in the symposium on The Biology of Hybridomas at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, Washington, D.C., June 7–11, 1981. This work was supported by USPHS-NIH Grants CA-21223, AI-11313, and CA-09302. This symposium was supported in part by the following organizations: Bethesda Research Laboratories, Cetus Corporation, Hybritech Incorporated, MAB-Monoclonal Antibodies, Inc., National Capital Area Branch of the Tissue Culture Association, New England Nuclear Corporation, and Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation.  相似文献   

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