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The neutrophil has long been considered a phagocytic cell with a short life-span whose major role is to destroy intruders to the body. Toll receptors and anti-infectious factors such as defensin, perforin and granzymes are newly discovered mechanisms used by neutrophils for the first line of defense against invaders. Moreover, subpopulations of neutrophils share specific functions like the synthesis of certain cytokines and chemokines, as well as the expression of immunoreceptors like the T cell receptor. A primary consequence of inflammation on neutrophils is a delay in their spontaneous programmed cell death. Hence, this multifunctional cell is also a necessary actor of the acquired immune response. Neutrophils have the capacity to degrade and process antigens as well as efficiently present antigenic peptides to lymphocytes. Neutrophil interactions with immune cells, in particular dendritic cells, lead to the formation of IL-12 and TNF-alpha deviating the immune response towards a Th1 phenotype. Thus, the neutrophil exhibits a cellular plasticity that explains its capacity to transdifferentiate depending on the local requirements of the immune response. The neutrophil is probably the most underappreciated immune cell among hematopoietic leukocytes, and many neutrophil functions remain to be unraveled.  相似文献   

The antigen receptors on cells of innate immune systems recognizebroadly expressed markers on non-host cells while the receptorson lymphocytes of the adaptive immune system display a higherlevel of specificity. Adaptive immunity, with its exquisitespecificity and immunological memory, has only been found inthe jawed vertebrates, which also display innate immunity. Jawlessfishes and invertebrates only have innate immunity. In the adaptiveimmune response, T and B-lymphocytes detect foreign agents orantigens using T cell receptors (TCR) or immunoglobulins (Ig),respectively. While Ig can bind free intact antigens, TCR onlybinds processed antigenic fragments that are presented on moleculesencoded in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). MHC moleculesdisplay variation through allelic polymorphism. A diverse repertoireof Ig and TCR molecules is generated by gene rearrangement andjunctional diversity, processes carried out by the recombinaseactivating gene (RAG) products and terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase (TdT). Thus, the molecules that define adaptiveimmunity are TCR, Ig, MHC molecules, RAG products and TdT. Nodirect predecessors of these molecules have been found in thejawless fishes or invertebrates. In contrast, the complementcascade can be activated by either adaptive or innate immunesystems and contains examples of molecules that gradually evolvedfrom non-immune functions to being part of the innate and thenadaptive immune system. In this paper we examine the moleculesof the adaptive immune system and speculate on the existenceof direct predecessors that were part of innate immunity.  相似文献   

The immune system is one of the most important adaptations that has evolved to protect animals from a wide range of pathogens they encounter from early life onwards. During the early developmental period this is particularly true for the innate immunity, as other components of the immune system are, as yet, poorly developed. But innate immunity may not only be crucial for early life survival, but may also have long‐lasting effects, for example if early life immunity reflects the functioning of the immune system as a whole. For this reason, we investigated the importance of four constitutive innate immune parameters (natural antibodies, complement activity, concentrations of haptoglobin, and concentrations of nitric oxide) for recruitment in free‐living great tits. We compared nestling immunity of recruits with nestling immunity of their nonrecruited siblings. We also investigated within individual consistency of these innate immune parameters for those individuals that recruited, which may be taken as a measure of immune capacity. In accordance with previous studies, we found a clear effect of tarsus length and a trend for body mass on the likelihood to recruit. Nevertheless, we found no evidence that higher levels of constitutive innate immunity as a nestling facilitated local recruitment. Furthermore, individual innate immunity was not consistent across life stages, that is to say, nestling immune parameters did not determine, or respectively, reflect adult innate immune parameters. This plasticity in innate immune components may explain why we did not find long‐lasting survival benefits.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom states that associations between fetal growth and diseases in pregnancy, such as pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) and gestational diabetes (GDM), result from effects of the mother's genotype or environment acting on her physiology which subsequently affect the fetus. However, recent evidence from human mothers carrying macrosomic offspring with Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome and pregnant mice carrying p57(kip2)-null offspring suggest that variation in the fetal genome can modify maternal physiology to increase fetal nutrient delivery and optimise growth. These are some of the first documented examples of such effects, whereby the genome of one individual directly affects the physiology of another related individual from the same species. We propose that this mechanism is involved in the aetiology of PIH and GDM.  相似文献   

Children under the age of 5 years living in areas of moderate to high malaria transmission are highly susceptible to clinical malaria with fever that prompts treatment of blood stage infection with anti-malarial drugs. In contrast, older school age children frequently experience subclinical malaria, i.e. chronic Plasmodium falciparum parasitemia without fever or other clinical symptoms. The role of innate immune cells in regulating inflammation at a level that is sufficient to control the parasite biomass, while at the same time maintaining a disease-tolerant clinical phenotype, i.e., subclinical malaria, is not well understood. Recent studies suggest that host epigenetic mechanisms underlie the innate immune homeostasis associated with subclinical malaria. This Current Opinion article presents evidence supporting the notion that modifications of the host monocyte/macrophage epigenome regulate innate immune functions pertinent to subclinical malaria.  相似文献   

The personal lift-assist device (PLAD) is an on-body ergonomic aid that reduces low back physical demands through the restorative moment of an external spring element, which possesses a mechanical advantage over the erector spinae. Although the PLAD has proven effective at reducing low back muscular demand, spinal moments, and localized muscular fatigue during laboratory and industrial tasks, the effects of the device on the neuromuscular control of spinal stability during lifting have yet to be assessed. Thirty healthy subjects (15M, 15F) performed repetitive lifting for three minutes, at a rate of 10 lifts per minute, with and without the PLAD. Maximum finite-time Lyapunov exponents, representing short-term (λ(max-s)) and long-term (λ(max-l)) divergence were calculated from the measured trunk kinematics to estimate the local dynamic stability of the lumbar spine. Using a mixed-design repeated-measures ANOVA, it was determined that wearing the PLAD did not significantly change λ(max-s) (μ(NP)=0.335, μ(P)=0.321, p=0.225), but did significantly reduce λ(max-l) (μ(NP)=0.0024, μ(P)=-0.0011, p=0.014, η(2)=0.197). There were no between-subject effects of sex, or significant interactions (p>0.720). The present results indicated that λ(max-s) was not statistically different between the device conditions, but that the PLAD significantly reduced λ(max-l) to a negative (stable) value. This shows that subjects' neuromuscular systems were able to respond to local perturbations more effectively when wearing the device, reflecting a more stable control of spinal movements. These findings are important when recommending the PLAD for long-term industrial or clinical use.  相似文献   

Previously, a dominant role of the adaptive immune system in the pathogenesis of Sj?gren's syndrome was suspected. Recent advances, however, have revealed a major role of the type I IFN pathway, documented by an increased circulating type I IFN activity and an IFN 'signature' in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and minor salivary gland biopsies from the patients. Polymorphisms in the genes IRF5 and STAT4 leading to increased IFN activation are associated with disease susceptibility. In the pathogenesis of Sj?gren's syndrome, the activation of salivary gland epithelial cells appears to be the initial event. Once intrinsically activated, they express costimulatory and Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and MHC class I and II molecules, can present autoantigens and produce proinflammatory cytokines. The subsequent activation of plasmacytoid dendritic cells induces the production of high levels of proinflammatory cytokines in individuals with the risk alleles of the susceptibility genes IRF5 and STAT4. Under the influence of the high IFN concentration in the glands and through TLR ligation, B-cell activating factor is produced by epithelial cells and, together with autoantigen presentation on salivary gland epithelial cells, stimulates the adaptive immune system. In view of the central role of IFNalpha in at least the initiation of the pathogenesis of Sj?gren's syndrome, blockade of this cytokine may be a rational therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

Light plays a key role in the development of biological rhythms in fish. Previous research on Senegal sole has revealed that both spawning rhythms and larval development are strongly influenced by lighting conditions. However, hatching rhythms and the effect of light during incubation are as yet unexplored. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the light spectrum and photoperiod on Solea senegalensis eggs and larvae until day 7 post hatching (dph). To this end, eggs were collected immediately after spawning during the night and exposed to continuous light (LL), continuous darkness (DD), or light-dark (LD) 12L:12D cycles of white light (LD(W)), blue light (LD(B); λ(peak)?=?463?nm), or red light (LD(R); λ(peak)?=?685?nm). Eggs exposed to LD(B) had the highest hatching rate (94.5%?±?1.9%), whereas LD(R) and DD showed the lowest hatching rate (54.4%?±?3.9% and 48.4%?±?4.2%, respectively). Under LD conditions, the hatching rhythm peaked by the end of the dark phase, but was advanced in LD(B) (zeitgeber time 8 [ZT8]; ZT0 representing the onset of darkness) in relation to LD(W) and LD(R) (ZT11). Under DD conditions, the same rhythm persisted, although with lower amplitude, whereas under LL the hatching rhythm split into two peaks (ZT8 and ZT13). From dph 4 onwards, larvae under LD(B) showed the best growth and quickest development (advanced eye pigmentation, mouth opening, and pectoral fins), whereas larvae under LD(R) and DD had the poorest performance. These results reveal that developmental rhythms at the egg stage are tightly controlled by light characteristics, underlining the importance of reproducing their natural underwater photoenvironment (LD cycles of blue wavelengths) during incubation and early larvae development of fish.  相似文献   

Concurrent training is a strategy employed in both general fitness and sports conditioning. The purpose of this study was to compare the responses of VO2 in different combinations of strength exercise with aerobic interval exercise. Eight men (23.6 ± 4.2 years, 178 ± 6.3 cm, 77 ± 7.9 kg, 7.67 ± 1.95% body fat) completed 3 combinations of strength training (ST) and aerobic training (AT) in a randomized order with a 7-day recovery period: AT before ST exercises, AT between 2 blocks of ST exercises, and AT after ST exercises. The ST comprised 4 exercises performed in 3 sets of 10 reps and 2 exercises, abdominal crunch and lumbar extension, performed in 3 sets of 30 and 20 reps, respectively. The AT consisted of a 20-minute interval cycling. There were no significant differences in the values of absolute or relative VO2, in the heart rate (HR) and in the respiratory exchange ratio (RER) when the 3 sessions (during + postexercise measurements) were compared (values are mean ± SD). Analyzing only ST in each session, differences were detected in the RER values (F = 4.714; p < 0.05; η2 = 0.308) between AT before ST and AT in the middle of ST (1.01 ± 0.97 vs. 1.11 ± 0.07, respectively). In all sequences, there was a significant increase (p < 0.05) in the values of relative and absolute VO2 and HR, and a significant decrease in RER values (p < 0.05) from the first to the second part of the ST session. The values of absolute or relative VO2, HR, and RER did not vary significantly among the 3 sessions as compared with the AT after ST. These data support the hypothesis that ST and AT, when performed in sequence in the same session, do not seem to affect the overall oxygen consumption during the exercise session. Therefore, training sessions may incorporate both modalities without apparent impact on aerobic exercise.  相似文献   

A small number of inherited diseases show a combination of immunological and pigmentation defects. Chediak-Higashi, Griscellis and Hermansky-Pudlak syndromes are all autosomal recessive diseases with these characteristics. Recent advances in both the identification of the genes giving rise to these diseases and the cell biology of immune cells and melanocytes have begun to reveal the molecular links between immunodeficiencies and albinism. These studies identify key proteins, such as Rab27a, which are critical for secretion of specialised granules found in melanocytes and immune cells. The granules of these cells are modified lysosomes termed 'secretory lysosomes'. These studies reveal that secretory lysosomes use specialised mechanisms of secretion, not found in other cell types, which explains the selective defects in these diseases.  相似文献   

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